The Smallest, For Sole, Misc. 18 GLIDER TRAILER 44 model 3 rooffli, 36 ft- loni. new rubber. WOO some terms. Inquire Roy's Tavern, Winiion. FORf SALE aTixt pocKet bHlnTd lble Good condition Rosebure. Bowling Al ley ' PIANO rOR SALE Luebeck end Son. mahogany, food condition. 1175 Hb 665- or Il-F-12 ELECTHOLUX" VACUUM CLEANER. A-l condition, all attachment. Ph. IU72-V. 533 Barager. SL I MP DO LLY-for house trai le rTne w! Vln. Arnutronf at Post office. Myrtle Creek. TRAILER HOUSE and I9M Ford l' ton truck. Umpqua Trailer Camp. 194521 ft.-trailerhouerSee"t"Diirard Wood Specialist grounds. Walter Hui bert, st any Ume. OviNGROOMlurniture set, "including table, 2 chain, daveno; 2 beds, com plete. Ph. 3aa-L. i SK1LSAW for tale, vr trade tar some thing 1 can use. Earl Fender, 2240 Ho. Stephens, Ph. 605-J, FOR SALB i-wheel trailer. Exceliwit for camping, a-new cedar clothes line poles. Ph.42.i-II -3. FOR SALE Electric, portable xewtng machine, or trade for treadle sewing machine. Ph. 1269-Y, FLOWERING" GERANlUMSntoeJrXo Tankersley. Brock way. BUFFET for sale, 10. 440 Pitrer. Fuel 20 SPECIAL Special prices on our wood for the month of June, double loads 2" planer ends. $10: mill ends. 513; peeler core and fi replace wood, $13; Clfeudu WiHey Fuel Co. Call 15,1-3. Prompt deliv ery 4l" PLANER ENDS. 6,25 unit, reguiar Timber & Sawmills 21 Cruising Service Reasonable Rates Call 435 -R 441 So. Jackson SL Roseburg. Oregon. FOR SALE or will trade for car or equity in car. Model 7 Mall power saw. 1st house on left when entering Myrtle Creek from the north. Gor don besrorougn. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT W1 L BU R LUMBER CO FOR SALE 1948 Gerlineer Lumber Carrier, very good condition, price ,suutj, risyoen nnage t,umoer to. -n. 7-2051 at Springfield, Oregon. WANTED cat to yard logs to port able saw milt. Old Growth. About 20,000 per day. D-8 or TD-14 cnt, In- quireCharlieSmlth ph. 264-J -2. WA NT1EELED DOUG LASF1 R "OLKS AND PILING Contact us for l2e. PUGET TIMBER CO. P. O. Box 46, Ph. 133ft, Roseburg. FOR SALE Approximately 2 million ft old and second growth timber. Jack Russell, P. O. Box 14, Canyon vine, Oregon. Fbns7kLltDira. Cat, with drum and dozer. Good condi tion. Ph. 6S1S Elkton, Leonard Ross, Drain, Ore. FOR SALS SrXE UercuJee dtese) power plant, 6 cylinder, $2200 J C Comp ton Co.. P O Box 74g.oh4 Ij-L FOR SALE Operating 15 to 20 thou sand sawmill, complete. No Mm her. Call 1060-.evenings: FOR SALE Ball bearing gang rtp saw with 20-H motor. Ph. 1138-R. 1107 E. Douglas, Roseburg. Logging Equipment 22 FOR SALS OR RENT 1940 Page dual axie logging trailer, $450,, $75 month. Sweet home, Oregon. I mile V.', on Holly road, turn right at Bartell Poultry Sittn, 5th house on left, after lcavinsi hiahwav. Forest WodtlL S a.m. to 2 p.m., and Saturday. FOR ALE-4t Federal truek5T00i Timken rear end. 3-speed Brownie, 5 speed transmission, 5th wheel for logging bunk. Dennis Matthews, ph. 167 -J. FOR SALE 450 International engine. complete, 1948 major overhati). New clutch, also F-54 transmission, Sih direct: Leonard Clifton. Canyonviiie. FOR SALE Nearly new BtT-30 Skagit, complete with lines, etc. Heavy sled. Ready to 80. $4,800, Ph. 35-F-31, 18 miles on N Umpqua Rd. FOR SAlaE lrHrp.boaK"lnTnn" key. Excellent sled. Fairlcads and rigging. Can be seen at Elkton or call 262 Elkton. FOR SALE-bisston 11 horse falling saw. $350. Chet Dennis, Idleyld Star Route. Box floo on Buckhorn Rd. FOR SALE 3 logging trucks with year round work. Call 420-J-3 between i and S p.m. fD 14 CAT, armored for logging. Late RiodeL Phone 633-J . Roseburg. . Farm Equipment 24 ALLIS CHALMERS power unit, 20 h p. perfect condftion., Harold Crouch, Oakland. Ph. 2757, FOR SALE McCormick Deering Com bine, a ft. Myrtle creek, in. aa-x. Geo. Burnett. ONE rototiller for sale, 1958 Mul hoi land Drive. Tractors 25 D7 CATERPILLAR tractor in first class condition. Engine has Just been overhauled. Has winch and dozer, guard ed for loRHing. Price $12,000.00 FOB. Roseburg. TD9 In1ernat(ona! tractor com pletely guarded for logging. Has winch and dozer. Has been checked, cleaned and fiainted 1 in good operat ng condition- Price $6,000.00, r.O.B. Roseburg. Ford Tractors ) Loweft tn rrre. Bwt ta Service Prlct , ; tijsaoo oeuvi no. Umpqua Tractor Co. I2S PINK STFKr.1 Trucks 26 TOB SALE '.m International flatbed truck. 8.2S rubber, 2-npefd axle. Good shape. 2?3 Wayne Witts. R' miles west SutherHn on Elkton Hnad .pventnt J940 DODGE PICK VP," vT Good hape, new paint. LeBleu Motors, 439 No. Jaekufm. AXLE SHAlTSlToTayiaVer"if trucks Rst'b Truck Shop, 3045 S. Stephens. 1 WCAWtmuil'tmn J Cheapest Workers in Town ..Want Ads Trucks 26 SPECIAL lft4S Chevrolet dump truck 41195 OTHERS TO CriOObS fnOM 1944 Ford with 2-tpeed axle and 3 speed B.'nps ana log Duns n 1949 Dodge 1 taa with crew box, very Clean im TRUCK REPAIR V REBUILDING GUIBERSON DIESEL PARTS & STARTER SI TELLS NEW CMC TRUCKS SMITH MOTORS FOR SALE i K-7 Jogging truck with new motor. 2 W-A 22 Whites. One 81 Diamond T. 3 C model Interna tionals. 2 Trombley trailers. One 703 lumber truck, complete with Krue hauf tag axle and lumber rolls. Truck in excellent condition. Nearly at! new tires Ph. 35-F-31. 18 miles or N. Umpqua Road. FOR SALE-3 yard Rro dump truck", 1B42 rpodel 21, which has Hrcule 42S cu. in. motor. Call or write H. D. Hauck. Cow Creek, Alb lea. Ore. Autos & Mtr. Cycles 27 Better Buys at Barcus 1948 BUICK ROADMASTER, DynaInw, only 15.000 miles like new both inside and out Radio and heater .1995 1848 KAISER SEDAN, like new. 1493 1S4I STUDEBAKER CHAMPION sedan, overdrive, R Ac H ... 1937 CHEVROLET, Clean 1937 PLYMOUTH sedan . 1937 CHEVROLET, runs good.. is' 1B37 LINCOLN Zypher, '42, v-a motor, s Sc H Trucks INTERItfATIONAL with 21 ft. semi trailer, vacuum brakes, good tires, excellent motor. Ideal to haul cants, ties, or equip. Full price 750 1942 DODGE CONVERTED Com- motor. .nVi,S pickup i.Sy 450 19.15 Chevrolet pickup lso.oo EASY TERMS LtBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Highway 89 N at Garden Vaiiey Rd. Phone 1354 REASONABLY PRICED GMAC TERMS CHEVROLET. BUICK. POKT1AC, CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Rose & Oak We Want Good Clean Used Cars Top PrtcM Paid DOYLE S SALES Si SERVICE Highway B9 & Garden Valley Phona 611 FOR SALE 1049 Sperlal Deluxe Ply. mouin a-anor seaaci. K & ti. ana wind shield washers. Less than 10.IK10 mlies. Like new, S1710 cash, or S1880 on pay- nancing a-un si down, see ( Caoin .1. Standard Auto Court. MORE MONEY toi your rar Cash on the spot Centrum Motors, inc.. D. Soto. Plymouth Phone 40S. U4 N Rose St. Motorcycle iS34 Harlev-Oavltison. good condition. Urea O K., chrome forks, wneeli, good paint. S175. Phone 1778-K-X. MOTORCYCLES Factory dealer for genuine Harley-Davldson motorcycles, oil, parts and accessories. S45 E. 2nd Ave So. Ph. 1MS-R from 8 to 7. FOR SALE Very clean 1942 Dodge De luxe sedan, new motor ana complete ly reconditioned. See at New Moon Trailer Court, ttwy. North Roseburg. FOR SM.EYPRiVAtEPARfl5 Buick in good condition. Make cash ofler. 8.'10W.Mmher!Ph.1303-J. FOR SALE '33 DODGE roadster, very clean. S27S. Shell Station, Stephens and Oak. CROS!.EYniON71?bupcTrebutit mo tor, S16S. 2H0-L, or LeBleu Motors, 49 N'. Jackson. BY -OWNER I94B-Bhie convefithia Packard with cream nylon top, over drive, R & H, apotltght, backup lichL Ph. I70S-YX. FOR SALE la.Tfl FORD, food condition, S"s Phone 42-R-3 Personal 30 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS P O, Bos 11)6 Notices 31 I WILL NOT be responstble fnr any bills ronlractd hy anyone other than myself. C. A. Ttiier. LEGAL NOTICE OF IJSTENTin TO IMPROVE PART OF KAVr STREET N TO COMTai'CT SEWER L1M THERE- ON IV THg CUT Or EOgEBLgQ, OK EG ON: NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN that at meetmc of the Common Council of the City of Roseburg. Oregon held on June S, 1350, the following resolution was aaoptea: RESOLVED, that the Common Council of the City of Roseburg, Oregon deems It expedient and necessary to improve ail that portion of South , Kane Street in said City lying wtthm Hawthorne Terrace and to construct a sewer line thereon in the following manner; First: By grading said street to street level, making all necessary cuts and fills. Mecend: By paving the same to a wiih oi 36 feet with asphalUc con crete pavement and by construction of necessary curbing. Third; By constructing 23A3 square feet of concrete sidewalk. r'eerth: By excavating trenches to proper auDgrades in which to tnstaU sewer pipe, laying and installing p- firoxtmately 250 lineal feet of six nch sewer pipe and 1050 lineal feet of eight inch sewer pipe; installing necessary manholes; and making nec essary back-fills. Said improvements are to be made In accordance with the charter and ordinances of the City of Roseburg, Oregon, and the grade, plans, vpeci ficattons, and estimates of the City Engineer -filed In the office of the City Recorder on the 5th day of June, 1958, which said grade, clans, specifications, and estimates, hereby are approved and adopted. The entire cost of said improve ment!, including engineering, interest, and all other expenses which the City of Roseburg would not have incurred except for the making of said im provements shall be levied upon the property especially benefited thereby, as provided by the Charter of said city and no part thereof shall be paid by said city. The estimate of the City Engineer of the probable detail cost of tatd im provements it the sum of Si 8.230. W. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tlial the City Recorder be, and he hereby is directed to give notice f the in tension to make said improvement a provided by the Charter of said City Remonstrances against the making of said improvement may be filed in writ ing with the underatened within twen ty 20 days from the date of the first publication of this notice, which said publication is the 10th day of June, 1850, and the same will be heard by the Common Council of said City at its regular meeting in the City Hall of said City at 3:30 p.m. on July 3, ISM. W, A. GILCHRIST. Recorder of the City of Roseburg, Ore. Upward Trends In Employment And Building Noted With the weather apparently having sethed down for the sun mer, employment totals increased rapidly during the month of May. The lumber industry has expanded to the point that there are as many employed in that field as in 1948, with the possibilities of sur passing those totals by mid-summer. Logging activities, while suf- le"rf occasionally from low hu- !" lul1' Bre progressing saustactor- ny ana me supply ot logs to the mills is adequate to orevent shut- downs, according to the summary issuca oy ueorge t. roster, man ager of the Oregon State Employ ment service oil ice here. The record-breaking issuance nf building permits for the month has created a boom in the construc tion field that has produced a slight shortage of carpenters and construction workers. Additional permits anticipated during June may result in a serious shortage of workers in this field. The em. ployment picture looks exception ally eooa lor neoD e with abilities in this type of work clear up until the winter season begins. The estimated total ot unemploy ed persons il below that for the same period last year. The month of May also showed a decrease of approximately fifty per cent over the previous month. The overall total is expected to be lower dur ing the summer months than dur ing 1949, but it is not believed that it will reach the low levels of 1948. The outlook for the balance o( the year can be considered to be very good. The lumber industry is catering to a better market than last year, the building program is going ahead, with results in 1 n creased business in retail and wholesale trade and their allied fields. The labor supply is grad ually tightening up, with it becom ing increasingly difficult to secure qualified applicants for s i ! 1 e d jobs. No particular shortage i n common labor categories can be foreseen at this time. Man Mokes 28 Straight Passes At Dice Table LAS VEGAS, Ncv., (rP) A gamhling casino reports it lost $150,000 at a crap table when an unknown man made 33 straight passes with the bones. The club (the Desert Inn) said the odds against a gambler mak ing his point times are about 10,000,000 to one. The man kept the dice for an i hour and 21 minutes but won only $750 as he pocketed most of his winnings after each roii, the ca sino said. If he had bet all of his winnings each time he would have broke the house. Had the gambler, who declined to disclose his name, bet a dollar to start and then let ail his win nings ride J2 $4 $8 etc it even tually could have totaled $268,435, 456. The house, no doubt, would have yelled "uncle" long before that. It was h e a v v beta bv olher ofloamhters. four rteen st the tahte. which cost the house its huge loss. Progress In Fighting Mine Fires Reported WASHINGTON. l.m The feder al government is making progress in its two-year-old war against un derground tires, some ot which have been smouldering for years, the Bureau of Mines says. Some of the fires! ticking away at valuable coal beds m Pennsyl vania, Colorado and Wyoming, are being choked off by a block on their sources of oxygen: others are being isolated by trenches; some i Out tf many nnjtoii'c are being literally dug out of the' itrd letUr from ALh earth. One "very serious" subterran ean fire, threatening to undermine Carbondale, Pa., is soon to be drowned with mud flushed over it through holes bored in the earth. The pepper vine may reach 20 feet in the wild state, hut is gen erally cut to helf that height un der cultivation. , - ' 1 . v'' J .. i-rtilii m .atiilMr .11 PVT. LEWIS RAY OPAL 18. ton of Lewis Opal, Roseburg, his reported to Lackland AFB, Tex., to begin the AF basic airmen in doctrination course. ' His 13 weeks basic training -will pre pare him to enter Air Force technical training lor assign- men in specialties! work. Lack land, near San Antonio, is the world's largest air force base. Ptluck Uunchaarv-Women's So- 1 r.infxl n ftiricf ill Caraira ftf ftfH . ard will meet Thursday, June 35, at 1 p.m. at the home ot Mrs. Walter Middlcstadt. A potluck luncheon is planned. Miniral Club to Meet Umpqua Mineral club will hold a potluck picnic at Umpqua park Thursday nignt ac t o ciock. memiiers, guets and others interested are invited In ease of rain, the dinner and meeting wilt be held at the K. of P. hail. Move Into New Homa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulieand children, Charlene and Larry, have moved to their recently purchased home near Shinn's hatchery on the Mel rose road. Ga To San Diego Mrs. H. H Hobi and three sons, Herbie. Bobby and Hermie, of Roseburg left Sat urday for San Diego to spend two weeks visiting Mrs. Hobi's father. They plan to visit otner relatives and friends at various points in California, enroute south and again on their return north. Dinner Tonight York Rite Ma sons. Ascalon commandery and Laurel chapter, will entertain their wives at dinner tonight at the Ma sonic temple at 8:45 o clock. A program will follow. Martina Tonioht Ducky Daugh ters will be entertained tonight at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Pat Greer, 424 Floed street. Special Maeting Roseburg Arts and Crafts club will meet at 8 o' clock tonight at the home of Mrs. Ralph E. Turner, 222 Alameda street. The meeting is for the pur pose ot discussion ot extension art classes planned lor the fall. A full attendance is desired. Grange To Meet Lookingglass grange will meet at 8 o clock to night. AH members are asked to be present. Refreshments are in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Neal My ers and Mr. and Bfrs. Albert Sting- Icy. Club o Mttt - The Friendly Circle club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Grace Bowen. Pollyanna gifts will be exchanged. Services To Be Held Flag day services will be open to the pub lic at the Elks temple Wednes day night at 7 oelock. Dinner Maetina The Lady Lions will meet at a ? o'clock dinner Wednesday night at the Umpqua hotel. Reservations are not nec essary. Mrs. E. R. Walton. Mrs. Cliff Saar and Mrs. Joseph Wikoff will act as hostesses. Club to Meat The Jolly Circle club will meet Wednesday after noon at the home of fcvelyn Bow. en, st which time birthday gifts will be presented to Evelyn Simp son. A bake sale will be a feature of the afternoon. Happy Hour Club ra Meat Riv-: ersdale Happy Hour club will meet at 2 o'clock Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Dale Guilev with Mrs, Don Guiley as co-hostess Roll-call is to be answered by mem bers giving their favorite flower NOW-WONDERFUL RELIEF FROM CONSTIPATION "Just can't keep from writing you. Eating ALL-BRAN every day brought me complete relief from constipation. Medicines baa lanes WWH to straighten me outi". m' air, a, s. Beany, ar. Coroeraville. Tenn BRAS kmti. You, too, may expect to overcome constipa tion due to lack of dietary bulk if you follow this advice; Eat an ounce of crispy Keilogg't ALL-BRAN daily, drink plenty of water! If not compkMy aatisfled after 10 days, return empty carton to Kellogg'a, Battle Creek, Mich, Get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK. I : 1 Local ! 1 News I Street Donee To Boost Jaycees' Queen Candidate The Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce voted t its Mondsv night meeting to hold a s'.reet dance Friday evening, June !S, to promote the sale of buttons for their queen candidate for the Sutherlia Timber Days celebrities, Bonnie Bellows. Ernie Barker proposed the dance to the Jaycee members, whs en thusiastically endorsed the idea. The dance will be held between Jackson and Main streets on Oak street. Final arrangements have been turned over to the queen can didate committee. Rod Dotson chairman of the committee. Mated he would announce the complete plana for the dance later in the week. Smokey Melcsff'j western band haa been signed to play Saturday, Juna 2-t, at the armory for the Jay. cee-sponsored rodeo dance, accord ing to Bob Murray, dance chair man. The Jaycees nave signed two other performers. Rocky Starr and Chuck and his Bhythm Kings, to play for the rodeo dances. The dances, to be heid in conjunction with the Douglas County Sheriff a Posse rodeo, will get underway Friday, June Z3, with Rocky Starr's outfit playing to dancers at Ken nedy's Old Dutch Mill while Chuck and his Rhythm Kings play to dancers at the armorv. The Bhythm Kings will move "to Ken nedy's Saturday night, June 24, while Metcaif will play to dancers at the armory. Rod Dotsoti introduced Miss Bel lows to the Jaycee membership and gave a short pep talk on sell ing buttons in her behalf. Boeing Damage Action Against Union Dismissed SEATTLE. June IS -JMH A $9,045,000 suit brought by the Boe ing Airplane company for aileseri union damages in the lengthy 1948 strike was dismissed Monday by United States District Judge James M, carter. The suit was brought against the Aero Mechanics union and its parent union, the International As sociation of Machinists (Ind). - ihe company announced immej. lately it will apnea! to the United States court of appeals for the nmin district. Damages were asked by the company for a 140-day strike con- mtctea By the unions m wmcti some 13.000 workers were invol ved. The strike ran from April 22 to September 10, 1948. . Judge Carter ruled the company had forfeited its right to sue be cause the company had rescinded its contract with the unions the day the strike began. A, . Logan, director of jnauji trial relations for Boeing, sent tetter to tne unions the iirst day of the strike, which read: fly reason of this strike, you are hereby notified that the agree ment rcierrea to anove ttne con tract between the cratpany and the unions) is terminated and at an end." Judge Carter further ruled that the international was not liable for the strike because it did not call the walkout and did not sanc tion it until six days after it be gan. However, Judge Carter agreed with an earlier ruling by the U, S. court of appeals in Washington that the union's strike was illegal. "It is clear to me that congress intended the 80-day notice was the proper viay to terminate a con tract," Carter said. "Therefore, it was unlawful on the part ol the union (which did not file the no tice) to call the strike." Sparkplug Removed From Boy'i Forehead NEWARK, N. J., June 13-tflP-Nine-year-old Umont Humly had a three-inch sparkplug sticking out of his forehead when they brought him to city hospital yesterday. Doctors lilted the sparkplug out in an operation that took 1 hours. It had been embedded half an inch in La mom's skull, over the right eye. The boy said a school companion with whom he had refused to share a box of crackers threw the rustv sparkplug at him, and there it stuck. Doctors reported his condition as fair and said his brain had not been injured. Both boys are Negroes, and the reasons they have chosen it. Potluck LiMKheen The Tenmile Ladies club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon Wednesday at the clubhouse. School to Start The Daily Vaca tion Bible school, with the Chris tian and Methodist Sunday schools uniting, will start Monday morn ing. June 19, at the Yonvalla Meth odist church, A bus will run out in Elkhead and back each day. All children interested are invited. COMBINES J. I, CASE, MODEL A 4 euf, rubber-fired, if row spreader MiNNEAPOLIS-MOUNE, HARVESTER W 3' 9" cut, rubbr-iil TRACTORS MINNEAPOUS-MOUNE, MODEL "R" J. I. CASE, Models SO, YAH, VA, AND VAC CO-OP, MODEL E3 BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Form Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington Sr. and S. P, R. R, Tracks MARKETS PORTLAND, June 13 (.P--Butter t Tentative, subject to im mediate change: Premium quality. I maximum to 35 to 1 percent acid ity aeuverea tn rui aerm, 01-04 cents lb.; first Quality, 5 -62 cents; second quality, 57-60 centa, latge, 36 3? cents dot. Butter Wholesale f ob. hulk cubes to wholesalers: Grade AA, 93 score, SO rents lb.; A, 92 score, 80 cents; B, SO score, S8 cents; C. 89 score, 56 cents. Above prices are strictly nominal, Cheot Selling price to Portland wholesalers: Oregon singles, 36-3i'S cents lb,; Oregon S-ib. loaf, 41 41 cents. East Ts wholesalers: A srade. large, 42M-43 cents dot,; A srade. medium, 4& rents; B grade. Urge, 38-37 cents cor. Liv Cttickane (jSo. 1 Quality. f o b. plants): Broilers under 2 lbs., to 2S cents lb.; fryers, -3 lbs., 27-M cents: 3-4 lbs., 28-30 cents; roasters, t lbs, and over, 29 cents; light hens under 4 lbs., 15-18 cents; over 4 lbs.. IT-IS cents: heavy hens, all weights, 19-20 cents; old roosters, all weights, li- 13 cents. Rabbits (Average to growers): Live white, 4-5 lbs.. 22-24 cents lb.; 5-6 lbs., 18-28 cents ; colored, 2 cents lower; OKI or neavy does and bucks, 10-14 cents lb fresh dressed fryers to retailers 50-54 cents; Ida ho fryers and roasters, 45 cents. cwt): Beef: Steers, good. 5SO-800 lbs.. $48-50; commercial $47-48.50; util ity, $41-45; tows, commercial $40 42; utility, J3T-39; canners-cutters, $34-35.50. Beef Cult (Good steers): Hind quarters, $59-61; rounds, $58-60; lull loins, trimmed, i?s-so; trian gles, $34-42 SO: square chucks, $45 48; ribs, $59.86; forequartera, $42 43.50. Veal: Good, $48-50; commercial. $40-47 ;utility, $39-40. Calves: bood -choice 45-7: com mercial JST-43. Lambs: Good -choice $53-54; com' mercial, 145-48. Mutton: Good. 70 lbs., sown, 523 25. Pork Cuts: Loins. No. 1. 8-12 lbs., $52.50-56; shoulders, 16 ibs. down, $35-37; carcasses, $30-31 Wool: valley, coarse, medium grades, 5046 cents lb, average at country buyers points. Monair; su-st cents is, on iz- month growth, f o b. country ship ping points. COUNTRY-KILLED MEATS: Val: Too quality. 38-40 cents. lb.; other grades according to weight-quality with lighter or heav ier 35-38 cents. Hoss: Light blockers, 28-30 cents lb.; sows, 20-23 cents. Lambs: Too quality yearlings. 38-40 cents lb.; mutton, best, 13 16 cents; rough heavy bucks, 12-13 cents. Beef: Good cows. ,32-35 cents lb.; canner-eutters, 30-32 cents. onions; 50-lb. sack Ore. western vellnwe Na 1 medium . tt S5.50 : large, $1.65-75; Texas 50 lbs. wax, $2.50-75; Calif, yellows, $1.75-2.00; reds 52.25-35. Potatoas; Ore. local long whites, N'o. 1, $3,50-75; Deschutes russets, cold storage, No. 1A, $4.25-50; Ida ho russets, No. 1A, $4.505; new crop Caiif. long whites, $3.00-20; sire B, $2.25-35. Hay: U.S. No. 2 green alfalfa, truck or rs riots f.o.b, Portland or Puget Sound markets, $32-38 ton; U.S. No. 1 mixed timothy $44 ton. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., June 12 M (USDA) Cattla: Market fairly ac tive; fed steers and heifers steady; j cows generally steady t trifle eas- j ier: cuiis fuiiy steady; few steers ( early; two loads good JO91-110O lb, j led steers 30.50; two iosos trttte heavier 29.09-30.00; medium grass ; steers 2?.00;28.O8; common kinds ; 23.00-26.M; load good medium : steers and heifers around 850 lbs, 29.00; medium grass heifers 24.00 26.00; common 18.00-23.00; bulk me dium cows 19,50 - 22,00; common 17.00-19,00: canners and cutters 14.50-18.50; shells downward to 12.00; good heavy outts za.50-23 .wi; odd head 23.50; medium 20,00-21.50; canner and cutter 17.00-18.00; cou ple smaii tots good cows with calves at sides around 200.00-250.00 a pair: about a load goad cows 19.00. Celvet: Market steady; choice light calves MjOO; bulk good-choice 28.00-29.00; medium 33.00-25.00; common 14.00-21.00; good 400-500 lb. slaughter calves 25,50-26,00, Hog! Butchers 25 higher; ex treme top 50 cents up- sows fully steady; feeder pigs itrong to 05 higher, extreme top 22.50; bulk good-choice 180-270 lb, butchers 22.00-25.00; lots 140-174 lbs. 20.50- 21.25; few 270-285 lbs. 18.00-29.M; sood-choice under 400 lbs, 17.00-50; few 525 Ihs. at 16.50; couple small lots good -choice 65-70 ib, feeder pigs 23.00, Shaep: Spring lambs strong, steady with last week early shorn yearlings and slaughter ewei about sleadv: 1 iot choice 3-ib. spring lambs 25.50; bulk good-choice 80- 97 lbs. 25.00; medium-good grades 22.00-24-50; common kinds 20.00- 21 .00; low good shorn yearlings 20.00; bulk medium-good 18.00 19.00; good-choice shorn ewes 7.50- Tuet,, Jyit 13, If 58 Thm Newi-Jten'tw, Roteburj, Ot. II STICK TO LAST Shoemaker Gets Advice, Fine As Sex Forecaster CHICAGO, June 13 A shoe maker who claimed an "unbeliev. able" method of predetermining the set of children was told by a city judge yesterday ts stick to hi last. Ansjiat Calendar, 84, was before municipal judge Eugene 3. Holland on a charge of distributing com-' mercial advertising in Lincoln: park. The cards he passed out read:"Do you want a girl? My unbelievable method will guaran tee your wun. o money accepted until proof. CorsuU me personal ly," The Bussian-born shoemaker said the "method" was a secret Greek potion given him by a Russian midwife who had artdrtrrmmi the sex at son ot Ctar Nicholas li si Hussia. Judge Holland cut short Calen dar's explanation of his method and fined him $5 and costs and or dered his 200 cards destroyed. lateodar, out of eort, told news men that If th wife drinks the brew before coneenlmtt h tm have a daughter; it the husband drinks it, the baby will be a boy, jjc nppvarva nurt wnen a re porter asked what happened if both wife and husband drank the potion. "Yoiir're making fun of me," he said and didn't answer. Shirley May France Will Try Channel Swim Again SOMERSET, Mass. jPs-Shir- ley Mae France, 17-year-old tone distance swimmer, will leave fori England Thursday to make a -see-) uiij 10 swim tne tngnsa channel. She is presently recovering from a throat operation performed at New York hospital, Her father said the operation may help her breathing while she ta swimming. Harry Boudaktas, Shirley's train er, did not sav definttetv whsa Shirley would attempt the cross ing out indicates it would be some Ume in late July, She had to be pulled from the water after several hours hecaiuu. of severe cramps in her first at- tempt last year. 8-00; common - medium 5.00-6.50; bulls down to 3.00, FARMERS STOCKMEN LIME Wm are equipped to deliver end spread aarlttilturol Itme to ony port of the csyrrty. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. ROSEBURG UME PRODUCES Phone 969-R or Coll AAA Office, Pscltic Bids. iMF M paint, Tr3 ih m pit m&( te&furt pe,nt, . ppt And oSnHf sin. hip work stA your 09nitm prebftm. We makt a special ffl 5. Staphtm TRUCKERS Local clnims service is your ossur. once of -fosf repairs when your truck is do ;ed. LOW RATES , , , on collision ond liability cov jrage gives you standard pr.,ec tion at subsfmtla! SAVINGS 40-30 Liability Coverage $5000-1 0,000 bodily injury, $5000 property domoge. No Eitri Choig for Age, Mileage or lysines U Over 100.000 Weitere Mtsft Insure ca Sere Thrasf fc Farmers Standard fwm N&noieei-fe P&f(t's. JrAeTeeTe, Formers Insurance Efxchonge fi Token Ts Prises s Ts Start Sentences Deputy Sheriff A. A. Ec-kiircH took five prisoner to the tM penitentiary at Salem Monday. Four of the prisoners were sen tenced to serve 11 months recently in circuit court and one was ser, iHited to serve t three-year term. The five prisoners were Jamea O'Donnell, Vernon Theodore Ca jaeob, Roy Van Oenien, Wayne FeriU and Roscoe Brawn. Pepper accounts lor about 5J per cent of the world spice crops. SchwfrtFt Bicycles W mm tte beet &a rppeir the rati. ALS FJXJT SHOP weea Frm Btirwa a rut c. H'.fh 33& W "Kuhitir-M.a PbaB 121- i suns sweat) coeMsaoMDMGir text I (SW1MM tXTtA Uckwood Motors, iit sk Phone 0 1 assassassassassasssSssaaasassassassassassassa"'" - t -1fI T ..e-llKfcrvV- PROTECTION! Good Looks, Too! m itft m wit tame swRr whm ktc$f kec npid &farisrrta twre rm. f fa nnuglas- effort to serve you better Mnia MJ Fl H. Krwejf r i3i i 3eh Eoc h sis mentis Currear Rrs PllM $? MMrttrws; Fee el Bea;em5 fetity Hie Ws Uasfiuf Auto Insurance Carritr