The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, June 12, 1950, Page 14, Image 14

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    14 Tht Newi-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mo n., June 12, 1950
Reds' Subversive Activities
In U. S. Higher Than In Second
World War, FBI Chief Says
WASHINGTON, i) J. Edgar Hoover hai told Congress that U. S.
Communists are going underground, and that there are more sub
versive activities in this country than "at any period during the last
world war."
"Communism today is at a
greater height in the United States
than either Nazism or Fascism
was" during world war II, the FBI
director said. What's more, he
added, it is centered in strategic
areas and in strategic industries.
In testimony before a congressional
committee, Hoover said:
"Forty-eight percent of the mem
bership of the Communist party is
in the basic industry of this coun
try. In this manner they would be
able to sabotage essential industry
in vital defense areas in the event
of a national emergency.
"Our investigations disclose that
Communist activities are most pro
nounced in such strategic industrial
areas as New York, New Jersey,
Ohio, Pennsylvania, California and
"Communist efforts toward infil
tration have been intensified in
basic industries vital to our se
curity such as steel, heavy machin
ery, mining, communications, the
electrical industry, transportation
and the maritime industry."
He said that the recent trial of 11
Communist party leaders in New
York prompted party members to
institute a security program of
their own even including an in
vestigation of the party's own
executive committee.
"The trend has been toward the
perfection of a highly-developed
underground apparatus and decen
tralization of Communist party
operations," Hoover said.
Records Destroyed Or Hidden
"As a security measure, no Com
munist party membership cards
were issued in 1949. The main
tenance of membership records has
been discontinued. Members speak
in a jargon of double talk and use
codes in correspondence.
"A courier system has been sub
stituted to prptect confidential
party communications. Public
meetings are maintained at an ab
solute minimum. Party records
have been destroyed c r removed to
clandestine hiding places. I
"Secret printing facilities and
supplies have been secreted for
future underground operations.
transfers of party members from
one district to another are now
controlled through the use of an
elaborate identification system.
"The party today is in the pro.
cess of selecting individuals for
secret leadership of its under
ground apparatus."
All this, Hoover said, has made
it more difficult for the FBI to slip
its own operatives into high Com
munist party positions.
in his testimony, which was
taken by the committee several
weeks ago, Hoover linked Ameri
can Communism with foreign ea
FBI investigations, he said, show
that foreign spy activity has some
very aeunite oDjecuves, including:
information on atomic re
search: identities of atomic scion
tists in the United States: radar:
jet propulsion; topographical maps
ot tne united Mates coastal areas.
including airports and military
landing fields; data on biological
warfare; our industrial and mili
tary resources; and biographical
data concerning leading personal!'
ties in the United States."
Hoover put the number of actual
Indictee Resigns
His Position In
Commerce Dept.
William W, Remington Friday
resigned his J10,000-a-year com
merce department job to devote
"full time to proving in the court
that I am innocent of the charge
that I have ever been a Communist."
The 32-year-old economist was
indicted by a New York grand jury
Thursday on a charge of lying
when he denied ever having been
a Communist.
Ten days earlier Secretary of
Commerce Sawyer had asked for
his resignation, but said the re
quest was without any reflection on
Remington's loyalty.
At that time, Remington had said
he would refuse to resign.
Friday, in a 1,100-word letter to
Sawyer, he said he was leaving to
devote his time to proving his in
nocence of the grand jury's charge.
"I have no funds at my disposal
for one proceeding, much less for
several," his letter said. "What
ever I will be able to raise, will be
needed for my (courtroom) de
fense." This was a reference to proceed
ings instituted by Sawyer Monday
to force Remington's dismissal
from his job on grounds of "malad
ministration." Sawyer also had brought ouster
proceedings against another $10,-000-a-year
official, Michael E. Lee.
Lee has refused to resign. He
protested today that the depart
ment "is unwilling to give me the
slightest chance to dispel the cloud
of unfounded suspicion surround
ing me." '
L I i If
Communist party members in this
country at 54,174. However, he
"The fact remains that the par
ty leaders themselves boast that
for every party member there are
1C others who follow the party line
and who are ready, willing and
able to do the party's work.
"In other words, there is a po
tential fifth column of 540,000 peo
ple dedicated to this philosophy."
Men's Cool Ribbed
Rayon Sport Shirts
f Sleeve
) Tones
Look to Penney's for your se
lection of sportswear for
DAD. Items that are made
for his comfort and pleasure
. , . and always at Penney's
low prices.
Rugged Soles
6-11,8, C,D
Men the country over have made this sport shirt Penney's
No. 1 seller. Here's why! Ribbed rayon broadcloth Is light
on your back and cool to wear. It's completely hand wash
able . . . colors stay bright! Every shirt has Penney's fa
mous Towncraft label, and that's your assurance of top
notch design (things like stitchless sport collars and square
cut flap pockets). Wide range of DUSTY TONES!
Here's a good looking sport styled
shoe for DAD. Made for plenty of
rugged wear. Comes in that new
sporty Cordovan color , , . Just
right for a high shine. You can
get these shoes in sizes and
width to fit his feet or yours com
Men's Appleskin
Rayon Slacks
Cool and Lightweight!
Crease Resistant!
S, M, L
These coble design polo shirts ore
Ideal for "DAD." Firmly knit cot
ton with a corded neck that main
tains its shape. Easy to wash.
Never hove to Iron. Ribbed waist
band for that snug comfortable fit.
At low prices that make your
money go farther.
6.90 jffP
Buy Now
Appleskin is the finest rayon money can buy! It's cool and lightweight,
and CREASE-RESISTANT! Thrifty Penney's brings it to you In these
smooth, lustrous slacks for only 6.90! Don't wait, enjoy them now ond
oil summer. Blue, tan, or gray plaid patterns. Slide fastener fly, reversed
pleats. Sizes 29 - 38,
HEAD LOCAL COMPANY Those local National Guard offi
cers are in command of Company D, 186 Inf. Regt., from Rose
burq which left Friday night for Ft. Lewis to join other mem
bers of the 41st division in the annual summer encampment
training session. From left, they are Lt. Horace Pendergrass,
Lt. Isaac James, Cabt. Fred Boyer, Lt. John Newbern and Li
Don Krogel. (Paul Jenkins photo) '
Russian Demands
Antarctic Rights
has notified the United States that
it wants a voice in any interna
tional discussions which might de
velop over the future of Antarc
A note to that effect was deliv
ered to the U. S. State department
by Vladimir I. Bazykin, who is in
charge of the Russian embassy
here during the absence of Am
bassador Alexander S. Panyushkin
in Moscow.
Officials assumed that other
western nations which had shown
interest in the frozen south polar
continent were told the same thing
Why the subject was brought
up at this time puzzled state de
partment officials.
There has been little internation
al concern over Antarctica since
the U. !. tried vainly two years
ago to settle clashing territorial
claims through some sort of in
ternational control. Russia was left
out of those talks.
Ha! Boyle Suggests You Use His
'Vacation Room1 Plan This Year
SALEM, Ore., June 12 UP) Lee
Vokes, line coach for the Univer
sity of Washington freshman foot
ball team, was named Saturday
as assistant coach at Willamette
university. He will assume his du
ties this fall.
NEW YORK CP)-Why vacate
your home to take a vacation?
Why fight traffic for hundreds of
miles to catch poison ivy in the
mountains or gather a third-degree
sunburn on the beach?
You can have all the discomforts
and inconveniences of an ordinary
vacation and more right in your
own houdoukl and you can end
up just as worn out as if you had
crawled on your hands and knees
to Quebec and back.
All you need is the new patent-not-applied-for
Boyle "vacation
room." It is based on the theory
that people go on holiday jaunts
because they are bored with hav
ing things run right in their own
homes. They don't really want rest
or comfort. They want hardship
and suffering. They want things
to go wrong.
Our vacation room will take
care of that. Simply call our rep
resentative, and turn over one of
the rooms in your house to him
And he'll fix it up so that every
member of the family can have
the kind of vacation he enjoys.
This Is It
This is how our man will fix up
the room:
Two walls will be lined with
bunks containing mattresses
stuffed with dry cement. Anoiher
wall will hold a picture of Waikiki
beach and beneath it will be sand.
orange peelings and empty beer
cans. A powerful sunlamp will
blaze down on this picturesque sea
shore scene.
The wall across the room is plas
tered with a splendid view of the
Alps. The floor below is littered
with pine cones and potted poison
oak and poison ivy plants. And
there is a giant wind machine
in the corner to provide fresh
mountain breeze.
The center of the room is gay
with boulders and scattered nett
les. This, of course, is the picnic
site. And just under the ceiling
runs a network of pierced water
pipes to provide the usual picnic
Now all is ready for your vaca
tion. You, your wife, and your I
children take off your shoes and
walk barefooted into the room. As
you stand there gawking, our man
quickly opens a series of boxes.
Out tly a barn owl and a Dai. uui
zoom a million angry mosquitoes
and 45 bumblebees. Out slither
four garter snakes. Out crawl a
vast colony of ants, a dozen or so
spiders and twice that number of
Locks Door
Our man quickly backs out,
closes and locks the door, and be
gins to turn dials controlling ihe
gadgets in the vacation room. ,The
sunlamp begins to burn, the ceil
ing pipes rain steadily, and the
wind machine sets up a tornadic
blast. The mattresses harden to
At the end of three days when
he can no longer hear the yelps
for help inside our man opens the
aoor. me sleepless, oacKsore,
snake frightened, nettle - stung,
mosquito-chawed, bee-bitten, sun
fried, ivy-poisoned, ant-itchy, pneu
monia racked, cobweb - covered
members of the family are then
carried out and put into their own
Who is there to attend their
aches, pains and ills? Why their
own good old cheerful family doc
tor, in four days he has them all
back on their feet, and they can
go around bragging to friends:
"You think you had a rough va
cation? Let me tell you what hap
pened to us."
And they'll still have a week
before going back to work to won
der why they never appreciated
before how nice it, is just to be
at home, and comfortable.
Couldn't you use a modern vaca
tion room in your house?
4 Men Drown On
Fishing Excursion
The raging waters of an Allegheny
river spillway took four lives yes
terdiy but rivermen who refused
to quit rescue efforts in the face
of terrifying odds pulled four oth
ers to safety.
One riverman. 50-year-old Hull
Wright, died a hero.
He tried desperately lo save six
persons who rode over an 11-font
dam in their 25-foot cabin cruiser
15 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
The four who survived a night
of horror were battered and beat
en, inside and out.
They clung to the cruiser as it
bobbed furiously in the foaming.
swirling spillway. For seven hours
they watched scores of rescue at
tempts tan.
A blimp, a seaplane and even
men in a rowboat tried to reach
Just as it seemed their cruiser
would capsize, they were pulled to
safety by the volunteer crew of
a small river towboat piloted oy a
veteran skipper who willingly took
his chance with fate. He won his
gamble and lost his boat ai it
overturned in the maelstrom.
Kansas City Tennis
Tourney Underway
Top-seeded players in men's sin
gles competition make their starts
in the Heart of America tennis
tournament opening on the Rock
hill club courts today. '
While James Brink, of Seattle,
No. 11 nationally and seeded first
in the singles, got a first round bye
practically all of the other highly
regarded players in the men's di
vision were busy.
Play in other divisions will get
underway full blast tomorrow.
News-Review classified ads bring
results. Phone 100.
B3w IMff i cm. a sM h ?
That's a question well worth an
swering before yr' r:'. ci ;
next automobile.
For what fun is there what thrill -in
a car that is prisoner to the city streets,
slowed down by roar.K Bvick is built
to take in stride?
So we'd like to show you just how much
smoothness your money can buy. How
levelly you float over cobbles and car
tracks over rutty gravel and wavy
black-top -in this stunning traveler.
The car will be any Buick you prefer -Special,
Super or Roadmaster. You
can name the place pick a spot or a
stretch you know so that you can meas
ure Buick's smoothness against your
own experience and we'll promise
you a new sensation in riding comfort.
The time can be any time you want to
arrange with your Buick
dealer who is ready to
Hill rvggod front tnd
(I) Mh Mm itvla nota,
f2) mvo en repair coif
vorticof ban ere
IndbriduaHy ropJocaoblo,
(3) avoids "locking
horn," (4) mokoi park
ing and garaging HMr.
show with actual figures that "if you
can afford a new car you can afford a
See him, will you, and treat yourself
to some real comfort?
1. A foot lo-l--"' ""'I ' .hoi. cor.
j.G.n,,. JI'ltr
"' .,.i
-ounloJ on mvM
4. lowprouu "7" ,in rrecfion,
,oll cuin'OBing,
"' ,i.nrk obiorbon mob
5. Quick-el-" " .
(,.,.bounc. promptly w
bod bump. )h. ,ngino It
.ibrolion bu.ld-uP- trewing
lok 4 !"TTBXrMn, d
b, Wiring Ik ""
. cvtnion w
Only Buick has and with it goes;
HIGHFft-COMPRfSSfON Fireball rofo-fn-hod pow.r in lkr. .nginM. fN.w f-263 .ngin. in SUPER modnh.)
NEW -PATTERN STTUNS, wrfk MULTI-OUAUD IWronf, lop.r.lhrougk hndtn, "doubl. bubbV toilligkhj
WIDE-ANOIE VISIBILITY, cfox up rood iw both forward and back TKAffK-HANDY SIZE, km orar-olf
fcnglk ior .oii.r parking ond garaging, iherl turning rodiui EXTRA-WIDE SEATS trodld borwosn fh. axial
SOFT IUICK RIDE, from olf-coii ipringing, rimi, rir.f. ridv-irMdying lorqu.-fub. .
WIDE ARRAY OF MODUS with lodr br Fiih.r.
Tm In HErVrr J. TAriOf . ABC Nffwtvt, tver Moftdar vtnrrtf.
Wm M0T0K Co.
Rose and Washington
Dhone 1551
whin nnt AUTOMomis ai sum lutat wiu suu mm tersm