Are you a Erato? You'll findl loads of buys In ttlie classifieds 12 The Newt-Rvi.w, RoieburgOr. -Fri., May 12, 1950 CLASSIFIED RATES day, per word dsyt " " - " days " days " " ma Phone 100 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE I P.M. Day Btfort Publication CLASSIFICATIONS REAL EST ATI BFNTAL nvtwmn oportuniti - BUILD I NO MATERIAL -foe TSADE i LOANS ., ., HH P WANTED WORK WANTKD , , LOST A FOUND ...... SUITS VIOITABLEt HAT, DRAIN MED LIVESTOCK i POULTRY .. RAHHITS ...I, PK10 FOB SALE MISC. MISCELLANEOUS , fVf.h . TIMBER SAWMILLS LOOOINO EQUIPMENT MACHINERY FOR SALE FARM EQUIPMENT TRACTORS .. TRUCKS AUTOS MOTORCYCLES , IMPOUNDED , i INBTRUCTIOM i PERSONAL h Ot ICES Real Estate 1 Top Values rURTfllHKD S1000 or lea down. One large bedroom. Kitchen U quipped with chrome set elec. rente end re frigerator, washing machine. Table top water heater. Small rental huu on back of property. Bath aet there, but not Installed. 100 X 130 ft lot 94640 total price. fTMPTTNO BUY Loads of closet spsre jn OTIS n w noma in wri. ' free aoll loL There la a large utility 3 bedrooms, carport 9830. ito0 down payment. FIREPLACE, electric heating, Venetian blind, carport, large detached ga rage, are aoma of the better features . in thla new auburban home. The ex terior la rustic, roof la blue, lot li entirely fenced. WU5 full price, 91 000 down to responeioie auue veteran. HANCH TYPE Threa bedroom home on weat aide near the river. The heating la electric, fireplace, insulated, weelh- r atrlpped w inflows, ana oiner line features. There la a large entrance porch, big garage. You may select your own Interior colon at this time. 910,500, FHA terms. Stanley E. Short 114 Wast Lane Street Phono l'J92R ACRES FINE LOOSE SOIL FENCED Total Price $1900 $900 Down $40 Par Month 19 minutes from town on paved high way Ilea this nice, little place lor old or young. House Is comfortable, sealed. Electricity, fine garden spot; well-built ehlckea house; with yard, la equipped with electric pump end Sreesure system; running water In the nuae. Has other useful outbuildings. Also newly planted fruit trees. This has a utility room, also. Lehman Real Estate 414 N. Jackson Ph. TM-J 90 A CLEAR and levcTlTTenced, about 7't miles out. 92230, iw down or leas In responsible buyers, 923 mo. on balance. CAMAS VALLEY, 3.1 A. with 1-1MI ft. frontage on Highway 42. All culti vated, free leval bottom land, i4 x 34 bldg., with cement floor. 93230 coat MYRTLE CREEK. 19 A. level. block from Highway 0B. Good lancet, Mj"0, only 91500 down. Everybody's business la nobody's busi ness, that's why we Hit exclusively, GET ACTION - GET RESULTS James L. Payne Realtor 113 Brock way Laurelwood Home SPACIOUS rooms lend to the llvahtilty of thia fine home on Riverside Drue. The streamlined kitchen with Large nook and Coen but It-ins leevea hille lo oe desired There ta a big din ins. room suitable for any special tct ston. Fireplace, wall-to-wall carpeting;, automatic heating, sprinkling sys tem and other noteworthv features. Price 914,700. Early possession. Stanley E. Short Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES FROM 9700 Low, Convenient Down Payment S and 9 bedrooms Ketell Realty Co. Office) Cloverdale Park Pb, l&U 3133 Mollis SL Priced For Quick Sale On easy terms will accept trade In Must leave In M dae Don t nuts thla 7B irm or laud with modern home, completely furnished Don hie basement, garage, barn, livestock, young orchard, garden. Within 2 miles nf city center. 910300, By owner Ph. 4!MI J X 1 ADEf.!OIITFUfrS-brdnHim home over looking ritv. Haa paneled living room with fireplace, apace for dining al cove, kitchen with plenty I limit Ins, electric hot water heater w n h Bendlx automatic washing machine, attached garage. Can be had fumnfed or unfurnished. Priced to sell. U13 East Third l"BEDROOMllOME"Tllocl( off rngh way 00, 13 mile S. nf Roaehiiig. Nearly acre good bottom mini Good water: house nearly finished. If sold immediately will decorate to suit. Good terma to veteran or ntn veteran. F. O Coon. Dillard FOR SALE- Unfinished 4-rom bmie and lot, 9-VK down. 9:47 30 month , Pull price, 02000 May conuter a-iall truck not over 9AtH ts pert of 1 ance. 6th house behind Airport Inn on left. Phone 330 R 3. Surveys Maps Plans I Percy C Armstrong I Civil Engineer 0118o MatnSt PhJ17 R I FOR SALE 39 acres, 3-room hou-e. ' electric pump, wired for rang, a id ; water heater. 4'. miles from town Phone o:a-H-3, or writ Rt 1, Box 130 Terma. 1 tNnffISHKD"rlOlfRB. 3 rooms"" aero. , fine soil Beat nignway irnnieae a milea aoutn uiiiam. Hwy aw. zno nous north Green bridge 10 Take 41 car ai part .. FOR 8 A I E Several choice lota In Overlook eectloei All improvements in COEN SUPPLY CO. Real Estate 1 $650 Down To Qualified State Veteran This well cona true ted new home at the edge of city may be purchased for the exact officially appraised J rice of 97WJ7 The house con Mils cf generous alied bedroome; 14 x 24 living room, convenient kitchen that haa plenty of built-lna. comb. bath St ahower with colored fixtures, util ity and attached sealed garage. There ts an oil floor furnace, vene'ian blinds, shiny oak floora and all out side waJla and celling are fully In sulated. Now vacant and open for your inspection. Hayden H. De Camp REALTOR Stephens Bus. Ph. 1T3-L Res. Ph. 1213-Y PAINT AND IMAGINATION Is all some clever couple will need lo make this a pleasant four bedroom country home. Located in the auburban wjsl aide. Good concrete foundation and fully S acre of good free soli. Has modern bath:oom and kitchen fixtures, wired fur range, and city water. 1 block to bus Priced extremely low at 94730 because thia home needs paint Inside and out. If you can handle a paint brush you can make money buying this with 92100 down. Can be refinanced. NEAR WORK SCHOOLS Attractive two bedroom homo. Large lot With retaining walls, on city sewer. Bus ', block. AH conveniences. Only few choice HUCREST lota left HURRY! HURRYI HURRYI Warehouse space for lease, Rail road apur. A ppmxlmetely 13, 000 sqi.are feet 940 per mo, but will consider less to repu te hie firm. ROSEBURG REALTY INSURANCE CO. umpqua iiotei Lobby Realtors tHErXbVANTAGESdFr-ifOft AC LIVING Plus the convenience of being in town, fruit trees of many varieties; oerrtea, etc.. too. Plenty of space for garden with the finest of river loam, tuom to ralae chickens and rabbits; and all I in ids the city limits of Roseburg.: All this and a 3-bed room modern home, for only 90ooo. You nam the terms, within reason. CHARMING SUBURBAN HOME Set In natural woodland paradiaa, with a profusion of wild flowers end ah rubs. This la a real home .1 bid rooms and a sswing room together with an extremely cheerful living and dining combination. 0 acres of. land. Only 13 minutes from town. 912,000, terms. A GOOD RANCH I Spells INDEPENDENCE! A home you can develop and grow to love, and a bountiful living the Kroduct of your labor. A babnitng rook, aervlng ai a source of water for irrigation and a place to go fishing and relax. Plenty nf room for some sheep and a few milk cws. Really living at last. Only 914.UO0 with 90,000 down. Valley Real Estate Agency IIS W. Cass St Phone Hog 900 DOWN MODERN homa on large corner lot. lawn, shrubs, paved street, double garage, close in. a good huv at 90300. Will consider trailer house as part payment, 199 ACRES -73 tillable. New modern. 3 bedroom home, good big bflin. Iota of fruit, close m. Stock and euuipment 9U.ooogood terms SEVERAL NICE HOMES with low down iiicni. una for now n. "-"KJs !ru,y wtrgalR. A modern 4 i-rarnom noma, nice bath, con crete basement, ' acre of ground. Full price only 90200 good terms. FOR Industrial sites, income property r oairy rancnes. Ask here be fore you buy. Lloyd A. Wilson, Broker 91 B. Stephens Phone w-L Hume ItUO-J-l WE HAVE a small trailer camp close in: earna about 9130 per mo will take good car for dn. pay. Beat of let ma can be arranged. 3" ACHES river bottom with new 3 B R. din rm , kit., bath, llv. tm , utility end alt. garage. Lawn Iront and hack; few nut and fruit tieea. This Is res llv nice In Harden Vllav paved rd. Only 911.000 00. WE HAVE some of the beat In ranrhea now, large or small. Williamson Real Estate Phone lAM-J Eastwood LOTS FOR SALE, close In Good drain. ase. water and lights available, Teime to home owners a.tid builders Lee Mortensen, Inc. A Real Sacrifice Owner leaving town. 910 d irnmediateh with I400 n or 9300 months, takes over FHA morage 1 on new 3 bedroom home. Montniy ( pavmeutb. So 30. Ptt ,HM GM0 FARM S3 acres. H arrescreek I bottom permanent pasture, 3 creeks. I 7 -room house. electrlcitv. running I aier Price, M73tt 7 milea out (o Myrtle Road, Myrtle Creek. Oliver 1, (ireene SPKCUl.ATRS.HrRESA"DrALTilTl sell my i(hio equity In S-room, p!ss-terr-d home In city for tl.vto. d jia 373 month rent. Total price. ftV3. tall 170l-Y mornings or evenings flt HCHBAN HOME -"" room, mod -in house, nice vtew. flrepasco. city lights and water, utility room, onlv 3 miles from post office. Ph. 1061-J alter p m NEW. modern 2 bed room" horn e ln WesF- moreland Ph 1071 R. et'lt.mhG for' sals Inquire at Barber Shop. Winston. Oregon COT FOR SAI.t,'"9n!(10rsm'airTiou. partly modern, 9-WOO, Phone 9S7-J-1- Real Estate 1 Home. ONE of the newer type homes, S bed rooms down 3 rooms up. living dlnlng room. Kitchen-break faat nook. Full basement with utilities and oil floor furnace Beautiful lawn. Flow era and shrubs. Garden. Fenced On city aewer City bus at door Walk ing dlitance to city center. Full pi ice only 9030.00. Can go F H A. NEW I 111 modern home. Large kitch en. Llv. room. Hardwood floors. Wired for elec. range. Hot water tank. Large wlndowa. cone. fdn. Will take Gl loan. Full price 1000. Bettor see this. A Home with an income: 4 B R. home In excellent condition, plus kitchen Din. room, llv. room and 2-ronm apt. Cloae in. On city sewer. Sidewalks, rentals from dbove appro. 9163 00 mo. plus owners living quarters, tan nave possession ahout Mav 13. Be sure and see thla at gvxjo.uo run price. Farm$ 3S3 ACRE DAIRY RANCH. 300 acres in bottom Und and all cult. SO a?, in alfalfa. 23 ac. in vetch. 1'4 milea of river through place. Pump system for Irrigation. 4 ar. orchard. 4-room modern house. Utility bldg. and room ror neip. Equipped for tirade A dairy, New dairy parlor a dairy noose. Included la M head of slock. New Oliver tractor with plow, disc, rake. muwir, 91c. aiso new 1'i ion van truck for mill hand. Everything com plete. 1 mile from town City fire protection, ins price is sju.uuu, witn uov terma. APPROX 370 acre ranch ar a good one. w I'Tfi in perm, pasture. 19 ac, In oats ar vetch. LoU of water. Well, springs ar mile on creek. Gas pump system. A f I na 40x 40 barn. 24x30 poultry house. Tool room. Brood er house. Garage. 1 cow St 9 halves go The house hjs 4 rooms at ftnly lurnunta inciuaing gas range, eic. water heater, elec. refr. This la a fine ranch with olentv of aood ranee. Just the Dlare for aheao 111 hesiih forces sale. Full price only 914.W1Q ana win nanaie. Balance yearly menu ai tv u re na Die uany. 123 ACRES with 100 acrea cult. SO acres 00110m isna. sou rt. on a large ear 'round stream. Can Irrigate all Cootf "ini fence, no mags, except lxi4 mach. shed. Elec. avtilable 2 miles from town. Can carry 100 head ewea An excellent value for only 10,300. only 90300.00 down, baL on uuu urmi, William A. Oerding REALTOR INSItRER LOAN 114 WmI Liu t. PhoiM ait $7200.00 $2000 or less down Ne neat modern homa In lha uuiih and of Roseburg. This Is the most complete home you could find for the money. The foundation Is a com plete concrete foundation with crn.a Concrete members to Insure sturdl nese. The front door ts of hardw md panel. The front room has hardwood floors and a coved in breakfast space. The kitchen Is long light and airy with mock tile lined shelves-douhle sinks for convenience Two full bedrooms with nice roomy closets. Full bath with sunken hunt ing and radiant electric heat-tub baih, Haa a long connecting garage with concrete driveway and sidewalks, ftpic it span.. Lehman Real Estate Phone 722-J 414 North Jackson Children's paradise. Plastered 9 bed room nome on west side dlst Has gas furnace, wired for range. Good view. Vacant now. 97.300, only 91. .00 down. INCOME PROPERTY 4 Bedroom home, rlose In with an apartment that rent for 940 per mo. Furnace, sewer, large lot Will take trailer house or Isle model car in on down pa menu 96300, 902O0 dn. NEAT A CLEAN A homa that you would be proud to own Close In. plastered, wired for range, Klec. water healer. Paved st . sidewalks, sewer. Partly furnished, a bedrooms, garage. 9300, terma. BARGAIN 3 Bedroom home, not qulle finished Smallest bedroom II a 13 ft Uirge living room. Flreplere, corner lot. 9 100 ft. lawn In. All h..iMin. material on lot goes. Owner living In home now, but must leave H-w-burg In next 3 weeks. 94300, terms. NEW LISTING First lime ever offered for sate 4 B R hrnne wtth 3 acrea of land All mod ern In every way. Wired for isnge. elec. water heater. Home onlv 3 yrs. old s3nn, 91T1NV owner will carry balance on contract L. B. Hicks, Realtor Lobby Hotel Grand Ph. 13TT-Y OWNER TRANSFERRED Beautiful new modern home 3 bed- rooms, living room, corner picture Windows overlooking ritv. clre f,re- place, dining room, modernistic hitch-1 latest tVDe oil furnace nlnaxi all rooms, corner lot, cltv bus at the door every . min Selling price 911. 300, F. H. A. terms. Fullerton Realty 330 N. Stephens St Roseburg, Ore, usftNoiwAims With email down payments We nave buyers waning ror email ftomee. Ph. 160 J Williamson Real Estate 1T0IN Step hens Builder's Attention Lota for sale, close in City water and l'ghta available Average eelling price. M0 Low down pa v meat Terma to eult you Call T30-J-4V , ., fc : HOMFS1TTJ. Carden aoll. Deer -. , F.lectrtclly avallahl. achool bua. Llnd- bloom. Duonvllle. C They'll Do It Every "W'fEV' Bliys A NEW WAT WEARS IT. HOBBYS IM FOR PLEASANT SHOCKS iit. TAe this owe. its PUT MV OLD RAT IN THE IU. WEAZ THE NEW ONE. RISHT UP TO My WUSE4NDS I CANT WAIT TO HEAR HE HAS TO SAy S-3 isu due rr' art mtrir Real Estate 1 Myrtle Creek And South Douglas County Real Estate 441 acre ranch about 19 milea' from town on year arounrj roaa. tnis property has 3 bedroom ranch type moaern nome. Its own electrical plant, gravity water sdpply, earthen swimming pool, fair barn and out buildings, 40 acres tillablebalance pasture. 930,000.00 total. 93,000.00 dn. 73 acraa, highly developed cloaeln ranch, targe colonial type nome, 12 acres seeded lo alfalfa. Irrigation from all year stream, poultry capacity 00 laying hens, good stanchion nam, all kinds of fruit and berries, flow ers and shrubs. Take the time to look this over arul the 913,000 00 total price will surprise you. Winston & Wynter Realty Co. Myrtle Crock, Ore, Phont CLOSE TO NEW SCHOOL Lovely 2 bedroom home with attached garage utility room with built-in. Kitchen, dinette, living room. 3-bed rooms and bath are spick and span. In the front yard la the largest Mvrtle wood tree In Hnseburg, plus a larye mapla tree In the hack yard. Lot 79 m 141 feet. Price 90.300. THREE BLOCKS FROM TOWN Older three bedroom home. Corner lot " im n. can be used for businuss site. This bom. win h; tl- LZ If you are looking for location. Priced ae,ouu. uooa terms. 9 M1NITTES FROM TOWN 3 bedrooms, bath, utility room, oil fur nr, lareie in x au ri. Plastered thruout. Fenred-ln lot lun i shrub, tt m - ao i i 98,230. Good terms. MELROSE DISTRICT 3 bedrooms, bath and shower. Extra large living room. Fireplace. Hard wod floora. Forced draft oil heat. Utility room, garage with fruit clos ets Lot R4 x loo ft. Nice lawn and garden spot. Price 914,000, SMALL BUT A GOOD BUY 3 bedroom home. Haa a 94. MOO FHA loan on it now at Ltfl on nor mnmh Priced at M.3O0 Pay the difference auu fwu nave cneap rent. Earl and Gladys Wiley, Realtors Rose Hotel Phona 13ftS i. 3 oearoom. living room, dlaing - " ""i", iioor lurnice. Paved street, sidewalk, city sewer. Only .3 blocks from butlnesi section o ex 140 ft. lot Only 38300. 1 New. 9 large bedrooms, targe liv ing room, eirc fireplace, hardwood floors, beautiful kitchen, bar, nook, lota of hullt-ins. garage with plumb ing. House tnn3 sq ft. Lot WO x 4 Free soil. Terms. 3. Only 1 year, old 9 bedroom, liv ing room, bath, kitchen, nook, utility .r.M,I.i 'i n,c . fenced. Only 97300. Terma. "N,rS .'' ,cr 1o" nw,r river on paved street. Restricted area. 91000. Also S acres level, on good road. Good Ration. Onlv M230, 9730 down. Small monthly pa) menu. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor .' TAYLOR, taleamar. P'f" . "''red In 8." ,H, Pe Jcehine Cuunty-.,..... men! work don. year endln, J.,ly, " ' XI. furnlrd; Porrl, on Ironl and bark: In.ulaied frull and v.ietabl. room, hoi and u rtvii hi Dlanl. " , l1!0"" and ,arden piped ,prlnkler ,y.lem Two chicken """ "d pen,, wo.l.had for ,ol,t wood ahed over lo, rack, one vaar'a upply wood in ahed. Two ear aa rae Icaled on Crave, Creek. In. quire at Sunny Valley Store tor tit. hi. H B,r" lorn, ,.a --' a.' lor ajtaai. Got A Family? 7,k ! lhf- to vour housing problem Ver presentable three bed r1",. m w"h Hvini room and flreplac. sleeping porch, dining ntH. garage. and a fenced acre for our heirs Some fruit ire and grapes Included We will he pleased to tell ou more. Phone 14 between and 3 olea 1000 AC ft 9 n u... ::i - r- ewes or loo head cam. k-. good barn, other buildings gj co' terms Crawford Real Ettate Mtgh ay M, g miles north of Oakland. Oregon. FOR SALE -300 acreiTpaiture. plentv grass and water, woven wire fence m airouna. inquire owner, t. Marry, Myrtle Creek. Ph u X I Georre Oregon. FOR SALE Ne.rlv new 3-bedroorn nome Hardwood floors, oil fuma.e electric hot water tank, patto. nice lawn, shrubs Excellent buy. low down payment Call I.H3-R. WEST SIDE I hetlroom home wtttTdm" Ing room, utilitv room, large garste. loads of stnraee mir, Paiiin Ave" pr7VPi" tM" ' FOR SALE -My equity In (-'room hou-e. I 1 acre Will take late model car aa K,'.' ii","" "" Chfeland Hill, i . . . HllIHWAYT,ROrtAnrni mneTTiorth ibl.i:Nlr.".'."f.U'it?. Ti"r '" - FOR RAtJ-3 lota. Man eech Trail.1 e.t of Winaton aa Hlinway 4. Pb , 1M0-R-L t Time " XOES HUBBZ SPOT NEW BOKNET? HE JUST SEES THE MFry BOXl Aporablb! BOX, AW I'M 60INS OPPICE WHAT Real Estate 1 FARM SPECIAL 300 A. 230 cultivated and levaL Older 3 bedroom home. Electricity, running water and toilet. Large barn. Garage and poultry house. All fenced Close to school and store. Good well With new pressure pump. See this for 913.000 00 with hair down. Thla Is only 9000 pr acre for good farm land with III acraa pasture and buildings thrown In. For very small down payment wa have a vary liveable, semi-modern 3 bedroom home In excellent ka- tlon on East Lane, why pay rant? 93730.00 full price. 3 good properties with rental Income plus 3 room living quarters. Both un der 90000.00. We have a 389 acre ranch near Kme burg with all year stream and water rights, and with so many features that wa prefer to discuss them with you. Only 97000 00 dawn. 917,300 full price. This Includes full Una of power machinery and 03 sheep. L. P. McAneney Realtor 303 West Cass St. Phone 1923 Res. 1SP2-R-S UNFINISHED" house, large Ib vcTy reasons Die une-mira aown, small Jay menu. Turn right at Log Cabin tore on SB N., 3th house on right D Ratllff. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 acrewoorted. ana cabin, water and electricity. Nevada City, Calif. H. M, Compton, 3010 John St. City. LOTS OVERLOOKING Winston. Have choice of size, and several kinds of fruit. Easy terms. A. F. Suksdorf, Winston. Ore. FOR SALE, trade or rent by owner s-oearoom nome on paved street. Basement, garage, and large Int. In quire evenings only. 433 Ella St. Always Hava It Surveyed Jim Dauftierty. the engineer. Ph. 397-R. APPROXIMATELY 9 acres. Urge, mod era. 2-bedroom ranch-style home, price 430 On highway 00, 3 miles south -" nu.e norin green onnge. ? R, .modern house and 3 Jots, new See to appreciate Good terma and location. Ph. 38-lt. 3'a A. 4 -room house. 3 milea up North Umpqua Road. Clarence Pace, Rt 1. wux jsh, Hoseburg, r - t i. . - --i V. . . 9vn ."' rms water ana lltht, available. 1 milea uiutb Hlahway 8u Ph. 146-J-2. FOR SALl ll,xl24 lot Vlth ,rfiaTI hnuac, narllv fumlahed. Weat Koae- hir, Ph a:i.1-R.3 Rentals TRAILER SPACE Now Available On River Good swimming- excellent facilities. 39 TEMPLIN Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES ...90S 00 per rib. . 9 7 00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park Phona 1933 3193 Hollia 91 Follow sign at Highway and Alameda Street. NEWLY CONSTRUCTED one and l wo oed room apartments, furnished with gaa range, refrigerator, Panel-Ray inb heaters, hot water tank: water and garbage disposal. Close to town. 970 and 97R month. Phona 17 JO, Todd Bldg. Co. 2 Bedroom Apt. In city, kitchen range, tile sink. view. nsrowood floors, private bath and utility, large living room Unfurnish ed. Permanent, responsible parties onlv. tW3 per month Including uttl- Hiea. Ph. I377-H-3. or 1 307 -J. " FOR RENf" POLISHER. WAXFR and arrubbar All In one tooL Light enough any child can handle, finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 337 S. Stephens Phona 147S-R FOR RENT- Large," furnlsncd. front bedroom. All conveniences. Close in. Home privileges. Reasonable. 'Joupie or business woman. Call Ii:t3-R be tween S a.m. and 7 pm. 733-J even ings, and week end. 411 S (Uie. TRAILER FOR RENT, furnished- Ona block west. 3 north from F.den bow er grocery, over hill Inquire large imitation brick house. 1003 Eden Lane. Mrs Oldfteld Trailer Space Bw day. week, or month. City bus, laundry; children welcome. At-ue.l-A TrailerPark. North 99 ROOMS FOR RsTNT AT reason a (i E rices Nice, clean, comfortable rooms, v night, week, or month. The Creason Hotel 790 N Jackson St, Roseburg, Oregon SLEEPING ROOM For rnt 123 S Jack son, above rumps Office Supply, across from Indian Theater. Ph. I.UJ-R. YHE OARS "TRAILER PARK. 74h.rt oi near everv.ntng Electrlcitv, shade, eewer connections. Also light FVRN'SHED CABIN, pef-mon-h. 1.1 lane left f old M. S. sea at 4th house fcooMS T0R:NT- foe ,oun, n.,n Private entrance and bath, lo&s Mil- ltar. Ph Ml 6lTllTANDLNO - - TltTi."'4 - reorn tot- late on tn. rio impaut Complete v furnUhe,; with imart. modern fumi- lure ALL ELECTRIC kitchen A. M Selby. J', ntiMa aa,t of Glide. By Jimmy Hatlo ' oh.oh! you car a new HI HAT, HUH? 0..-' OPEH THS B0X"-LET'S SEE WHAT DU SPEND My HARD' FARMED D0U6H FOR- Rentals APARTMENT. FURNISHED one bed room, near down town district De sirable for employed couple. Refer ences required. Telephone 10BO-J. FOR RENT Sleeping room for gentle man, outside entrance, private oath. 324 E. 2nd Ave. No. CarGE, clean, 1-room f urn fined noue- Keeping apt.. In town. 913 a week, 930 month 823 So. Plna. PARTLY FURNISHED apartment, near cuy limits, one-nair diock from High way 00, North. 107 Chestnut St ""BEDROOM, modern apt., furnished. Private shower. Mrs. Emll Hall, 1 mile south Sutherlln. Ph. 268 TWO or thrte room apt. for rnt In near future. Inquire C. V. Rt, Box 74. Roseburg. FURNISHED CABINS. 910 and 9lTper week Pacific Cabins. 3'.a milea N on 00 Phone 6P5-J-2. TRUCKS "FOR RENT You drive7"Ibni or snort trip uea Hive truck rental, TM South Stephens. Phone 1430-J. TltUCKS and trailers for rent Move yourself Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington Ph. 783. UNFURNISHED APT Adulti.Ai C. Sherlock. Oak Lawn, Winston Sec tion. SLEEPING ROOM-Newly finished, hot and cold water. 1303 No. Jackson. 2 ROOM APT. and kitchenette. R23 Miller. Phone SoO-R. HOUSE for a couple furnished. Low rent. 1227 Umpqua Ave. 1 ROOM, furnished apartment Phone 12ttM-Y. ROOMS FOR MEN, close In. 32S W. moaner. Small, partly furnished apt, close In. inquire evenings, mo w. tin, ROOMS for gentlemen. 464 S. Jsck- son. rn. 1142-u. MODERN. unfu'rnUhecTapariments for rent. Ph. 100. 8LEEPIN G H O O M Sf 00"1 pVuceSCat the foot of Washington. C"OM rORT ABLE SINGLE sleeping room, reasonable. Ph1246-L. 114 Military. 2ROOM CAB1N. furnished. Ph. 320-J-4 ROOM 430 No Pine SLEEPING ROOM for re n tP h"f 493-J ROOM AND GARAGE. 430 Fowler. Business Opportunity 3 ' For Lease 40x00 concrete construction building. Modern front, loo percent location. Ready for occupancy about Aug. 1. Also suite nf offices. Private lavatory, free parking. Centrally located. Very reasonable rent available about June IsL 4 L. B. Hicks, Realtor Lobby Hotel Grand Ph. 1277-Y Cafe SEATS 33 People: closed at present but can be built up. due to location: 3 mUra south of Roseburg on, Ligh way M. near the Industrial -enicr. Easy terms: come In and let us show you this money maker. Valley Real Estate Agency 11.1 W Ckss St. Phone obi MOTEL, 3 units, modern and furnuned. Also 3-room house, modern and completely rumished. Will lake nouse as part payment. Ph.701-R-1. Bl SI NESS PROPERTY ana modeTn home, requires verv little attention. 18.000, less far cash; net 1330 per month. Ph. B33-J-4L Ft'LLY EQUIPPED beauty salon tor lease In Winston. Available June 1st. Frsnnle s Beauty Salon. Ph. B37-J-3. 1 UNIT MOTOR court, highway-00 Phone 1422 Building Material 4 1400 PUMICC BLOCKS. 14e each mlla Weat of Winaton. on Highway 42 Ph 1MO-R-1 CEDAR lxii 1 I. and 28. routh: ,nme a x II, etc Phone 5-F-14. For Trade WflX TRADE 30-30 Marllri Carbine, good condition, for 33 mm camera. Ph H3. Oakland Loans CASH LOANS $20 to $500 CP to 9.100 on your Signature), Furni ture or Livestock. UP to $909 on your Auto tpaid (or or not.) Nearly everyone qualifies for on ot the many liberal loan plans available to choos from at Calkins Finance Co SERVING ROSEBl'RO AND SURROUNDING TOWNS. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 307 Pad fie Bid. 3rd Floor M-337 State Ltc S 364 FtNANCEYdUR ARM OBLlUAlloS Federal Land Benk BY GETTING Loan Lowest rate of Interest in tne history, long term, libera! prvoav ment privilege. You have a vote in management and thare In ea minis. ( Funds are availsble for atl agrlcul-1 tural purpoaee. Including new lxiill- , Tnj nnweurf national w arm leoai 5 lf!tii VOU SPEND My HARD- .. Ur A hi I 7 C'MON-OPEM IT UP- Loons MONEY 19 9 3a 960 m 100 93O0 9900 UP TO 93O0 Borrow on your salary All steadily env riloyed men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to 9.100 whether you'ra in new Job or an Old one. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local 4oaa paid for or not t'p to 9-100 on Vour furniture, up lo 9300 oai your car. Special "Pay Day- loans, 910. 929. 930 toaneei 1111 ray uay or longer rmj on ly for the actual number of da s you keep ina money 29 coats 19c for one week. No other c bargee. Phone for your loan. LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy. Manager 339 No Jackson Phone 117? !. E-273. M-333 Roseourg Financial F.H.A. LOANS ire: UMPQUA REALTY 113 N Stephana Phone 1333-J Across from Post Office on Highway 90 Wanted 8 Wanted BEEF, VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer FhoM ,21 U S or 1905-, or writ, Rout, I. Rowbur, Will Pay Casfi WE BUY used furniture, ill tvpaa. Call at 444 Na Jackson. Ph 138 3-J The Bargain House MOHAIR WANTEDaTiflcWooi' Grow ers have an order that will net grow ers 40 cents. Ship direct to Portland warehouse or see R. L. Irving, Rose burg. WAN TED T"0 RENT A 1-bed room apartment or house, preferably un furnished. Young couple with no children or pets. Both steadily em plnyed Write Box 528. News-Review. WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furni ture Let us bid on your house of rurnuursL can suj-k at sou rt jacicson itreet: , JUNK Batteries aluminum eonoer brass, scrap Iron and, tnlck Bob's Sal vage xara, ism n stepnens. fti l.-ws-R WOULD LIKE someone to give me driving lessons. 423 S. Stephens. Ph. 272 WANTETi Sheep pasture Da frill W Ray, 4400 Hooker Road. Roseburg Ph 883-R-t WeBuy UREfJTiRES. cOrrhubbar weiaers:404w. iane. WANThD TO BUT Hides. Roaeb'irg Meat Co.. phone 280 WANtFTD-Job haullnc lor dViaT-drfva and alnfla drive K-ll-S. Call ft871.X-a Help Wanted 9 Mecnanict Wanted IMMEDIATELY Sea Mr. Wallace at Rose Motor Co. Roaa ar Lane Streets FINE OPPORTUNITY ' Personable young lady. 18-:)0, it least high school graduate to work In Rose burg doctor's office. Must know i'.mi Stenography, accounting, be willing to learn medical duties. Box 33. News-Review. TRUCK DRIVER for 3 cantsT Top wages to right party, who ran landle Jab. Steady year round job at Oak land, Oregon. Either call 012 Drain, or come to Mill, miles . of Oak land CHASER AT POLE who la capable of unhooking logs and landing tree length logs in mill landing Top w as, year round job at Oak land. Oregon. Call 412, Drain, or come to mill. 3 mllesE of Oakland. RECEPTIONIST WANTED eTiTaht personality, competent typing and shorthand required. Write Bos 3J1, News-Review. BUILDING MATTrIaiTsaXESMEN. tn terior and exterior aide wall con struction. Contact Mr. Bollou. Hotel Umpqua, P-IO a. m. Saturday. FULL TIME and part time Jobs iteri ographera and bookkeepers. Call I.V13-R. WANTED TO HIRaafoTyirding and loading, all summer, laqiure Monogram aftep S p.m. WOMAN tocarefor school child and 4 year old days. In mv home. Ph. I203-L. 703 Neoo St.. after g p. m. FALLERS and buckers. LaVon- Bell, Riddle. Orejon. EXPERIENCED MACHINISTS and weld ers. Dawe and Son, ph. 1302-J. WANTED Waitress, experienced "only. Blde-A-Wee Cafe. Sutherlln. Work Wanted 10 Heavy Hauling W. Haul Anything Anywhere Anytime BEAVER TRANSPORT Ph. 17t-J I1"" phone110-j Septic Tanks Cleaned No Job Too Large or Too Small No Mileage ROSFRt'RQ SANITATION SERVICE Ph 13o-J 3.130 N Stephens LET DELORt A'$ HELP you with all types of sewing problems. Delorla a Sewing Shop, 30J7 N. Stephens St Ph. 2J0-R-4 BURGEROSSERVtCE General Welding, and portable Motor Repairs 3 miles South 99 RELIABLE MlDDLE-aged-couple would take full charge of apt house or motel, or might lease. News-Review Box 333 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN wholesale meat packers wishes po1tton wtb torsi or valley packers Best of ref erences New -Rev lew Bis 113. FOR 'Vol's-G ARDENand" lawn "tulage. ? 'anting and maintenance, call 573-J-i ROTARY TILLING your gardens lawns, etc. Call 109.E-9 GIRL. 10, wants work, any kind Rt 1. Box 14. Cimn Vallev. Orscnn CrrTAIvT"LAljl4TE an4 sUeUbed. Work Wanted 10 ODD JOBS wanted, of any kind. Phono 144-H. Hoy t-arr. CUSTOM TILLING fcr the hour. 1627-R-4. 1830 MulhollandDreve. fRAlLER tOWING Phone "TO-J-jTS iSuursi ! Garden Valley Rpd: WANTK 01 ron"ing In my home 931 Fowler Street Phone 339-J WANTErS-Plowing and discing and' hsy to mow4 00 per hour.Ph. 15H-tt-l. IRONING In my noma. S19 Fowler. Ph. 874-L. Lost & Found 11 LOST 1 carton Life Guard tubes, sisa 7:00 x 13. between Roseburg and Myrtle Creek. Finder p lease notify Carter Tire Co, Ph. 1683. Fruits & Vegetables 12 FLOWER AND TOMATO plant. Pn, lflnft-J-2. Livestock 14 ROSEBURG AUCTION ALU SVERY FRIDAY Livestock eold by weight or head; household furn.: (arm marh For your protection wa ara UcanMd and bond- Uvaatock 1PM Furniture 1PM. Tut. B. at Garden Valley Road 1 Pa. mi Schricker's Auction PHONE OEADY 3 SALE EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 " M. WHERE BUYER a. SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER'S WITH YOUR TEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATED HIGHWAY 99. I MILES NORTH OF ROSEBURG 8CHRICKER SONS, Auctioneers 5NE TENNESSE E wa 1 k i"ngmare. Bajr 3 years old Sire. Wilson Chocoiaia Soldier, Dam, Pierce S Lady rtm-e. Gentle tor ladies Also one 3 year old half Tennessee walker and thorough bred mare. Frank Ellison, near Fair ground W A NTF. DSVv fal 5 or 4 diy ShJ calves. Will buy any kind bull Ho), steins preferred Will pick' up. AI Rowe, Days Creek, Oregon. FOR 8 AXE Registered Hereford year- ling nulls ana neuers. uomino strain. F. W. Sincomb. Circle S. Ranch. Day Creek, Oregon. WANTED Sheep and lambs, all kinds. Darrill w Kay. 4400 Hooker Koaa. Roseburg Ph 0S3-R-1. or James E. Lewis. Myrtle Creek. Ph 84 FOR SALE Gentle' but' spirited at d1 marc: saddle and bridle, complete. 980. Wally Carter, Umpqua Park alter p. m. JERSEY, Guernsey and Hols'tein'helferi and cows. Fresh or to freshen s&ona See Hessle Smith. M el rose floute. Box s-rai. i FOR SALE 1 gentle famllv cow. Guern sey, 3 to A' gal. Leland Engle, Ht 4 Box 1433. 9 YEAR OLD MARE, will-work, ilda or pack; very gentle. Ph. 1.144-R. WANTED All kinds of livestock. H.' at. Cox Call BOO-J -4 or 1603-R FOR SALE Extra good, fresh cow, ?' to (1 jrallnni. R. H Wilson. Umpcpja. Poultry 15 Quality Baby Chicks City Office 401 W Oak IL Hatrhery -Tfpton Road. 1 milt aoutll ttwjr v. Umpqua Hatchery 'COMPARE AND YOt TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS." Attention Poultrymen Salea week at Ponton Hatchery 3000 oay-oia ana ninea emeus now mtw Hampshire, White Leghorns, Austria White Hatching twice each week I So each for all breeds Open 24 hra. day 7 days a week. Ponton Hatchery 1440 Harvard Ave. W Roseburg Ph. 199 Parker's Chicks ARE AVAILABLE AGAIN For the first time this season we can aupply more White Leghorn chicks to new customers. Offering 1000 April WW. 1.3O0 April 24. 800 Mav 1st "SPECIALIZING IN LEGHORNS ONLY" Parker's Leghorn Farm Ph 4 F-13 Blachiy. Oregon Carr's Gold Star Chicks PULLORUM CLEAN Carr's Hatchery Of Looking! I ass Ph. 1S-F-S Rt 4, Box 1370 FRYING CHICKENS for sale" Will sell live weight, dressed, ready for locker or ready to cook. "Vertical Acres," Brock way. Ore. FOR SALE Finishing batter1efrfor fries new. large site- Half price. Roy Denny. 8,13', Wtnchenter St. DRESSED FRYERS 3 or more deTTv"- ered. J M. Morgan, Rt 3. Box 103a Ph. 1608-J-2. Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE 0 V R 8 A. RABBITS, bucks, does with litters, brea doe 1st road right past Melrose St "re, Rnx rov Pets 17 WIRE-HAIRED, Terrier puppies, eligible for A.KC. registration. Also stud service J. A Winter. Rt 1. Box 201. 3 milesE of Kelley s Korner HAVEN'T ROOM Inr 2 year old oure bred Springer Spaniel, proven bird dog. Ph.1 24o-L Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS Ph. 910 or 42-Y Reg and ped. puoplea. aU colors Stud service PART "lOSTON "bull puppv to g i away Ph 1244-L 04 Mill For Sale, Misc. 18 For Sale Several Pieces Ot Modern Store Equipment for sale Including ore ten foot Fredrick triple glas double duty plater equipped meat case practicaltr new one froien food display refrigerator with plex-a-glasa top. Counter acalaai cash register coffee grinder ' rio bart'. One 10x14 ft walain box ard dorens of other Items ail to go at very reasonable prices with terma to suit Lehman Real Estate 414 North Jackson Ph. T&l VBaat