The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 30, 1950, Page 16, Image 16

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    4 Tko Nowg-KeWow, Roseburg, Oro. Thur., Mar. 30, 1950
Protestants, Catholics Vie In
Efforts To Convert Japan's
82 Million To Christian Faith
By 0. H. P. KINO
TOKYO. IV) Several hundred mliiioturiei ire trying to convert
the 12,000,000 Japanese to Christianity. Fewer then 400,000 have openly
accepted Christianity so fir, church figrei indicate, but missionaries
regard Japan as a promising field.
There is rivalry to win converts, since. an outstanding Japanese
brought into one fold or another brightens the prospect for getting
others. '
Both Catholics and Protestants I ;
have regained weir prewar 0e ehurch w mm ta 1M0
able figures The various Protestant churches
Membership in the Roman Cath-1 claimed an aggregate membership
New esterfal set ene lV-.
hew! m4 4 mvtchinf 12ea dishes
ta red or )! tl.ti.
6-Cup Percolator and
Double Boiler
arceleters fri fl.5 $.4S.
I . eewkle holler, f 1.4S.
One M aaManeiai M
CaUrU, MM 0aa ana1
friaaralar Sal tl.tS-elM el
i cauxaa1 Ml.taf lawk .5.
I fl. late Cavarai Canaralt
t tf. Cvn4 Cauarala t.I.
Alws evaSaWa la aitai fra I la
I at. IMMy Will
1 at. IMUty Diih I.M. Saa
aarklaif 'ie natal, Caka
m4 laaf faai, taa.
Hmseweras Daaartmawt .... Oewmtairt
A home-owned 'ond operated store -
202 N. Jackson Phone 73
' . Lll.ll '!L!!,lll" .... .. T -V ,
iRniU i : 7 thi; a. VAMkt aw' theVll 1 I
i I J k so tm is a jpee
i if j i ill i i i i i "iomm flu, i
i r ' J L J ' ! bwfrrr .
U'MtVx'i UfcH f J U U sssj
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s i ii J www i sz m. --r- i tj i. i 1 i
if i i v i viwra ws jwv j i " - xv
V CLEAM'KKj SAVER, 3-3Q ce .VS j.yae. J
Tttrt-Agt Euejtnt Youth.
Arraigned For Mishap
EUGENE. March 29. LP) -
The two teen-age boys accused by
a coroner's jury of negligent homi
cide list week in an accident on
river road were arraigned Monday
and Tuesday in district court. They
are involved in the deaths of two
young sisters, Marlcne Joyce and
Bonnie niycrs in an auto accident
i March 19.
Robert Lee Richardson. 16. was
arraigned Monday on the streneth
of the coroner's jury verdict, and
Anarew tiouana, age is, driver of
the second car said by the jury
to be involved, was in court Tues
day. Both boys were remaned to
circuit court.
Their case will be considered hv
the special grand jury which has
been called to meet April J. If the
grand jury indicts them on any
charge, their case will go through
the courts like any other.
FVmrnTT n v u. ...... m
U&l Frank Sk'obern is village build
ing inspector, ties also president
of the Endicott Boys' club, and the
aiuitiiiun can De contusing.
. Aa h.i(l nl tWm Riva lh h
endorsed plans to build an addition
to me ciuDnouse.
Aa hlltlHinff ininantn, Iia
ed the plans on the ground they
I viuiaieu coning regulations.
Now, as Boys' club president,
I he's asking the village zoning board
to reverse the ruling he made as
building inspector.
f i I
I " ' ulstLl I
I f . v 's la hiiwrt I
F f ,-5 X il 'A0 ' I
i I 1 1 cotoa a I
Z Calorie Conscious?
il 44 Calories per thin slice
aaja4eaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW a-an Tail m afcii MM - Ti'laaf m&
Owl UUK VlAf
My J. R. Williams
Membership and open adherence
to Christianity dropped seriously
during the war because, accord,
ing to Japanese, "Christianity was
ss unpopular as pacifism" under
the wsr lords.
But by virtue of stepped up mis
sionary activity after the war.
Christianity gained back its losses
and in some cases exceeded its old
membership. In 1949 the Catholics'
claimed membership of more
than 138,388 and the Protestants
claimed 201,321,
'Although the main religion in
Japan is a combination of the na
tive primitive Shinto religion with
Buddhism, Christianity is not
new to iu people. St. Francis Xav
icr introduced Christianity to the
Japanese in 1549 and during the
regime of one early emperor it
was forced on the people as a
slate religion as a means of de
feating the Buddhists.
Buddhism Still Dominant
The Buddhists, nevertheless,
have held the greatest sway over
the people of this island empire
Most of the population belongs to
one of the 12 organized Buddhist
sects, all of which contain some of
the old Shinto beliefs, the most
outstanding Shinto belief to sur
vive the centuries is that the em
peror is descended from the sun
Goddess. Each of Japan's 124 em
perors is believed to have des
cended directly from the first sov
erign, who was the sun woddess'
The modern Christian movement
followed Commodore Perry's visit
to Japan in 1853.
Greatest importance Is attached
by the missionaries to converting
important personages to Christia
nity. In Japan this gives sdcled
prestige to the church and helps
to influence others to join.
Catholic churches in Japan today-
total 405. There 3.104 priests,
brothers and nuns, 1,974 of whom
are Japanese.
Protestant churches total 2,231
with a total clergy of 2,976.
Resistance To Russia
Wins Tito Huge Vott
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, March
30. P) The independent Com
munist regime of Premier Marshul
Tito was supported in its fight
against the Russian-led Cominform
by 93.2 per cent of the Yugoslav
voters in Sunday's general elec
tion, it was officially announced
The official Yugoslav news
agency Tanjub reported that 9,
059.113 of the 9,746.000 who voted
supported the unopposed people'
front ticket.
The biggest show of opposition
apparently was in Catholic Croatia,
where some districts recorded
more than 20 per cent against the
Nevertheless, the election showed
stronger popular support of Tito's
regime than did the last general
election in 1945. In that first post
war election Tito's government re
ceived only 88.7 per cent of the
total vote.
I Chicago's Gorilla To
Havt Birthday Party ,
CHICAGO, March 30. (JP) A
birtndiy party will l e held at the
Lincoln park zoo today for Bush
man, the Riant gorilla and Chica
go's biggest single draying card.
I he a loot, 2-inch, 5j0 pound
Bushman was born 22 years a;;o
and has been at the zoo fur 20
years. He cost the zoo $3,500 and
now is regarded by zoo officials
as "priceless." he has been de
scribed as the most outstanding
single -animal of any zoo in the
world and the most valuable. Some
3,000,000 persons visited the zoo
last year primarily to see Bush
man. Zoo Director R. Marl.n Perkins
has sent out invitations to a select
group for Bushman's birthday
DIXON, III., March 30. (JP)
Burglars reaped a grim harvest
when they looted Harvey L. Bass
hardt's parked automobile.
They abandoned the stolen arti
cles, appropriately, near a Prairie
ville cemetery. Police identified the
loot as 19 burial gowns, suits and
blankets, owned by Basshardt. a
salesman for a Ft. Wayne, Ind.,
funeral supplies firm.
For the 12th consecutive year.
Delaware Park has increased the
added money offered in stake
races at the track.
fV fiMititfi-- ntil i
100 to 900 H. P. "
Used Cass
Used Hall-Scott
New Chrysler
Used Continental
New and Used Herc'es
Fire Pumps
200 to 3,000 gallons per minute
New and Used Pipe
Oil Clutches
Reduction Gears
Goodyear Diesel Batteries
Parts and Service for
Your G. M. Diesel
W. F. CCIt
Highway 99 North
With Blode and Logging P urns,
Priced to Sell.
Heavy duty, two-wheel oll-stel,
luitoble for hauling livestock, etc.
All rendy to moke money. Set up and
ready to go. All you need is push.
Phono 60S-R
Here'slTthat Air Step magic.
Swing into spring with sure-footed grace . . . See
Air Step's smart, new BRETON for town and
country wear in black calf. You'll like the add
ed comfort of Air Step's Magic Sole ...
it's designed foe" complete foot freedom
and 'ease. Come in soon and see our
wide selection of comfortable, fash
ionable Air Steps.
Three home-owned stores
229 N. Jackson, Roseburg
Sutherlin Apparel in Suther-
Lent's in Myrtle Creek
Do you remember the days of the old general store where
they sold everything from toothpicks to dynamite? Remember
life's leisurely pace the days of the bustle ond
derby hat? We do too but we also remember there was more
mortality from typhoid, more threatening fatal
diseases. Thot's why we're so proud of our modern pasteurization
and sterilization processes that guarantee everyone
who likes milk (and who doesn't?) that it's C-l-e-o-n ond
absolutely safe as well os being nature's
finest food. Yes, sir, we've all come a long woy and we're thonkful
for being oble to odd a helping hond to general heolth
and well being.
MiCHLiLi . ,,(1.4,
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