The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 29, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 The Nsws-Heylew, Rosoburg, OreWeo, Mar. 29, 1950
Survey Slated On
Quality Of Pork
Deing Sold Here
Housewives will havt in oppor
tunity thii week to register their
eomplsints on uit quality oi porn
offered them through local butcher
hopt that la, it they have any
Two reoretentativea of the sgrl-
eulture-economics department of
Oregon State college will be in
Roseburg the remainder of thia
week conducting i random aurvey
of the type of pork local houte
wivu prefer. The local aurvey ia a
part of a program being conducted
throughout the atate in an effort
to determine whether complainta
of fat pork are well founded. The
aurvey ia tinder the direction of
Dr. C. W. Vroomin of OSC and ia
being conducted by Ed Colea and
Ed Gorman, experimental aidea in
the department of agriculture-eco-nomica.
Approximately SO local houae
wivea will be interviewed and
ahown aamplea of fat, lean and
medium cuta of pork. Houaewivea
will be asked to indicate which
type of cut they prefer and will
furnish Information for question
naire!. Findings of the aurvey will be
turned over to the animal hus
bandry department of the college,
with Dr. Vrooman'a recommenda
tions. If necessary, the animal hus
bandry experts will attempt to
come up with a new type of hog
to meet requests of housewives
throughout the state.
A total of 800 random surveys
will be taken in Oregon. Colea and
Gorman have already interviewed
houaewivea in Corvallia, Medford
nd Astoria.
The two men emphasized that
the survey Is an effort by the col
lege to help homemakere in the
preparation of pork in meala. They
sua "we're not trying to sell
Marvin Stanly Ward, Myrtle
Point, charged with drunk driving,
is being held In the county jail
under 1250 bail, following hia ar
raignment In Justice court. Justice
of Peace A. J. Geddea reported.
Ward was arrested by Deputy A.
A. Eckhirdt.
W Mil tho btMt
nd rurpem the) rwt.
SwMn Tarm Bureau and Jr. Hlfh
mo w. tuniniua Phom laaa-a
The most
Of Jl O
Activation makes
the difference
Shed scientists suing the f nest (nil
able crude, activate the molecules by
splittiog and reerraagisg them accord
ing to Shell's formule foe a perfectly
balanced gasoline. The result Shell
Premium, the moat powerful gasolis
yew car caa ml
Senate Proton Act To
Get Loyalty Records
(Continued from page One)
Chairman Tydinga (D-Md) that
"the single most important ele
ment" in a fair and just loyalty
program ia "the preservation of
all filea in connection therewith
in strictest confidence." I
Nowhere in his letter did Mr.
Truman say flatly the committee
could not look at the filea, a step
McCarthy has contended must be
taken if hia chargea are to be
proved or disproved.
Mr. Truman's Reasons
Mr. Truman gave eight reasons
why he doesn't want to open the
filea. He said public diaclosure:
1. Would tip "criminals, foreign
agenta, aubveraivea and others"
on how the FBI works and put
"additional ahacklea" on the FBI.
2. Would break confidence with
persons who have furnished confi
dential information, and dry up
the FBI'a sources.
. Would place the lives of some
FBI informante In jeopardy.
4. Might result in an Injustice
to innocent individuals.
S. Would warn persons whose
na'mes appear in FBI reports and
some might flee the country.
6. Might be an invitation to black
mail the persons involved.
7. Might disclose "highly re
stricted information vital to the
national security and of consider
able value to a foreign power."
t. Detaila of FBI reports would
be subject to misinterpretation or
Infant Dies After Rtscuo
From Burning Homo
EUGENE, March 2a tTl An
autopsy waa planned today in the
death of a S-week-old boy snatched
from a crib in the family'a flaming
rural Veneta dwelling. .
Coroner Phil Bartholomew said
the child's body did not ahow signs
of burns. The infant waa alive
when examined by a Veneta physi
cisn but waa dead on arrival at a
Eugene hospital, he aaid.
Mr. and Mra. Arleon Tucker, Rt.
1, Veneta, were repairing their car
in their yard when the fire waa
discovered on the house roof.
Flamea kept the father from enter
ing the rear of the house and he
had to smash in the locked front
door with an ax. He found burning
wallpaper had fallen on the baby'a
A fiullv chimney waa blamed
for the fire.
President Truman has sent to the
Senate the postmaster position
nomination of Paula J. Burt, Wins
ton. Present postmistress at Wins
ton ia Marian Jackson.
powerful gasoline
Yes, many of today's engines have
been stepped-up . , , they call for more
powerful gasoline! Now Shell gives yon
the most powerful gasoline your car caa
me Shell Premium it's "activated. 1
Actually, Shell splits molecules to get
more power for today's more powerful
engines. So you get gasoline that's
Annual Kiwanis
Meet Expected (
To Draw 10,000
More than 10,000 persons are ex-
pected to attend the 35th annual
convention of Kiwania International
May T to 11 at Miami. Fla.. off!
cers of the Roseburg Kiwania club
were informed today.
Maurice Newland, prealdent of
the club, aaid that reports from
the Miami Kiwania convention
headquarters indicate that prepa
rations for the five-day meeting
are last nesring completion.
Many nationally known figurea
will be on hand to address dele
gstes, representing 1,100 clubs and
200,000 members throughout the
United States, Canada, Alaska, Ha
waii and the Yukon Territory, New
land aaid.
Delegatea also will participate In
panel conferences on numeroua Kl
wanis-sponsored activities, ranging
from public affaire, boys and girla
work and agriculture to support of
churches In their spiritual aims
An outstanding program also u
being planned for the wivea of Ki
waniana, Newland aaid
AnticiDatini a huge delegate reg
istration, Kiwania International es
tablished its convention headquar
ters at Miami in January. J. Hugh
Jackson, dean of the graduate
school of business at Stanford uni
versify, Palo Alto, Calif., and pres
ident of Kiwania international, will
preside over the varioua conven
tion aeasions.
Pardon May lo Given Boy
Who Slow Drunken Parent
BOSTON, March 29 Gov.
Paul A. Dever today studied the
case of a 16-year-old "model boy"
aentenced to life for killing hia
drunkard father.
The governor has the power, with
consent of the executive council,
to cut the prison term of Francis
Whorf, Scituate boy scout, or grant
a full pardon.
The boy pleaded guilty yesterday
in Plymouth superior court to sec
ond degree murder. He admitted
he fired a bullet into the head of
hia sleeping father, Kenneth Whorf,
49, last September. He aaid he did
it "for the good of the family."
The elder Whorf, irregularly em
ployed as a laborer, had a long
record as a wife beater and drunk
District Attorney Edmund R
Dewing told the court the trsgedr
was due chiefly to "a sordid home
condition which was almost unbear
Deere Scheduled Roseburg
chapter, Order of DeMolay, will
hold a special meeting Thursday,
March 30, at the Masonic temple
at T:S0 p. m. The initiatory de
gree la scheduled.
your car can
Ctochostovakki Expert
AP'f Last U. S. Reporter
PRAGUE, March Jt -tJn- The
Communist dominated Czechoslo
vak government has ordered the
expulsion of the laat American cor
respondent of the Associated Preaa
left in Prague. Information Minu
ter Kopecky has hinted there may
be further expulsions of the few
remaining Western correspondents.
A government official gave "un
objective reporting" aa the reason
for ordering AP'a Nathan Polowet
aky to leave the country by April I.
He had been the lone United States
national representing the AP since
chief of bureau Richard Kaaiachke
waa expelled last January with
three other Western correspon
dents. All the expelled newsmen
hsd been charged with unobjective
reporting. They denied it.
U a J w
negro Accused ut
Bearing rr omen
LANETT, Ala., March 2-4Jpy-
A negro wanted for auestionine in
the savage beating of two white
women witn an electric iron, sur
rendered to heavily armed poaae-
men cany loaay,
"I ain't done nothing!" 26 year.
old Jack: Tucker called out to a
band of about M0 manhuntera who
tracked him to the outskirts of thia
Alabama mill town of 6,000 near
the Georgia line.
Sheriff's Deputy C. H. Milford of
Chambers county said the fugitive
held hia hands high and protested
his innocence when bloodhounds
sniffed him out.
Tucker became the object of
widespread search after the asaault
on the two women became known.
The victims Mrs. Ella Barrow,
66, and her daughter Sara both
were reported in a critical condi
tion today at a hospital at nearby
West Point, Ga. The Barrowa are
members of a wealthy and promi
nent family. The daughter ia 15.
The attack occurred yesterday at
the Barrowa' large country home
on a SOO-acre farm a mile Irom
Lanett. Officera said robbery waa
the apparent motive. There waa
no indication of rape.
Ike Asks College Probe
Of Mental Defectives
RYE. N. Y.. March 29 -UP)-
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower wanta
the colleges to undertake a atudy
of why ao many American men
were rejected for military service
in World War II because of mental
There were 2.000.000 of them, the
Columbia university president told
an alumni meeting laat night.
He urged that colleges seek in
formation on the causes, and help
eliminate them.
No other nation involved in the
war, he aaid, had a percentage one-
lourtn as large as this nation's,
No wonder Shell is winning more
new customers every day. Get a tankful
of "activated Shell Premium today.
Your Shell Dealer is the man to see.
Douglas County
Flood Control
Problem Studied
Preliminary bearinga on possible
Douglas county flood control oroi-
ecta were held yesterday at Suther
lin and are continuing today at
noaeourg ana urain.
R. Jaren and H. N. Magneaa of
me rortland ofllce of the Arm
Engineera are conducting the nra.
liminary hearings preparatory for
a public hearing to be conducted in
the circuit court room of the court
house at 10 a.m. April 26.
The first hearine waa hlH IWs.
day at Sutherlin for a preliminary
uray m ine nooa conditions or
Sutherlin Creek from two miles
above the city to lta mouth. The
hearing thia morning in Roseburg
pertained to the Dillard section of
yw riv, and the third
to Elk and Paaa creeks.
The April hearing, however, will
cover the entire county. Including
the Reedsport area, where prelim
inary hearinga have already been
maae, ana tne osrden valley
Riveradale areaa.
The flood control program would
be a cooperative affair, with the
Army Engineers doing the nro-
jected work, but with the local die'
tricta providing rights-of-way and
Theae hearinga do not concern
a recent House appropriation com
mittee authorization of JA0 0O0 for
Douglas county flood control during
jaren ana Magness were not cer
tain about thia appropriation, but
Lbelieved it waa for levy work pre
viously autnorizea lor the lower
umpqua and Smith river,
Eugene To Sell School
Bonds For Merger Vote
EUGENE. March 28. UPl
Eugene's school board haa author
ized aale of one million dollars
worth of bonds, the remaining por
tion of an authorized $2,500,000
bond issue voted by the people in
November 1048.
This action promised to clear the
way for a school district consoli
dation vote on the proposal to join
wmaxenzie district 6 with
Eugene's district 4. Under Oregon
law, pending bond aalea are an
nulled when a consolidation occurs,
so the bonds have been authorized
prior to any action on the consoli
dation. Gambling Alleged In
Glendale School Squad
Information" contained in an As
sociated Press report from Grants
Pass announced aroused Glendale
school patrona have called a mass
meeting for tonight to discuss al
leged gambling by their hiah
school athletic squad and other
matters pertaining to school ad
ministration. Chairman of the citizens com
mittee is Everett Skillinga, Glen
dale justice of the peace.
County school officials said they
had no exact knowledge of the
complaints of Glendale citizens and
that the affair was a problem to
be handled by the district school
board there.
News-Review classified ads bring
results. Phone 100.
Sole Lasts
Through April 1
Save On
Hot feeiewe Flexstetee In title
tie e 72-eeM- wire-tied eei
. . sett herder eed strep bea
dle. JUST... 11. SI
eeterae ISO eei
22" 1
Disappearing Chickens
Worry TenrnDo Owner
William Erbe, who uvea near
Tenmile school oa the old por
tion of the highway, had 23 chick
But that waa month ago. Now
he haa only five.
One morning Erbe went to hia
chicken house to find hia flock
diminished by seven. Then laat
Sunday, 11 more were missing.
Erbe haa five members in hia
family. If all the chickens lay an
egg apiece, he asserts he can get
by, so far aa breakfast food ia
concerned, but he is definitely per
turbed about the missing flock.
Deputy Sheriff A. A. Eckhardt
ia too. He'a making a thorough
Ulster Head Hits
Back At O'Dwyer
LONDON, March 28 m
Sir Basil Brooke, prime minister
of Northern Ireland, hurled a ver
nal brickbat right back at New
York's Mayor William O'Dwyer to
day. "During the war we entertained
100,000 American troops in North
ern Ireland," Sir Basil said, "and
they were made to feel at home.
We never inquired whether they
were Democrats or Republicans. '
The Ulster prime minister msde
hia comment at a preaa conference
in reply to a queation on a state
ment by O'Dwyer that if Sir Basil
were to be welcomed at New
York's city hall "it will be be
cause I am dead." O'Dwyer
strongly opposed the partotio of
Ireland. ,
Sir Basil, who leaves Friday for
a two-month visit to the United
States, had previoualy declined to
reply to tne mayor s remarks.
"I felt that aa I would be a
guest in the United States it would
be improper to make any com
ment on Mr. O'Dwyer'a state
ment," ne aaid today.
"IF I were stumping the United
States to try to induce avmoathv
for Northern Ireland I should de
serve everything I would get. But
I am going aa a guest of friends
who invited me."
Sir Basil aaid he would try to
ateer clear of political issues in
the talks he will make to Ameri
can Ulster groups and business
ana professional organizations ia
New York. Washington. Philadel.
phia and Chicago.
Communist Educator
Denied Debate Privilege
DETROIT. March 29 OPl
Dr. Herbert J. Phillips, a former
university of Washington faculty
member who waa dismissed be
cause of his admitted member
ship in the Communist party, will
not debate Communism at Wayne
university as planned.
The debate, which was to feature
Dr. Phillips and Dr. Alfred Kelly,
Wayne professor, was called off
last night by Dr. David D. Henry,
Wayne president.
The school leader, ia reference
to .Dr. Phillips, said:
"I can not believe that the uni
versity is under any obligation
in the name of education to give
him an audience. I do not intend
to approve the participation of any
Communist member in any univer
sity program." 1
. . . Beautiful Limed Oak
14, Chest m4 Veahy . strife he asn) eeii ... ef lovely limed
oek. Veetoy one Chest eech hove fewr drawers, aen-tiltieo type with side
eeidea. (SiatHar to Hlaattette.)
'Wee cjsjj 'i!iall
Stephens and Cass Sts. Phone 97
Trust Fund For
Pensions Sought
AFL sawmill workera are going
to ask employere to finance a
trust fund pension plan that would
pay $60 a month exclusive of social
security benefits.
Kenneth Davis, secretary of the
union's northwest council, said yes
terday the proposal reviaed from
an earlier $100 a month plan in
cluding social security waa for
complete financing by the industry.
He said the fund would be ad
ministered by a joint union-management
board of trustees, under
ine union a proposal.
Davia aaid the council had an-1
proved the pension formula. It
will come up at April contract
reopening talks with operators hir
ing M,000 AFL workera.
The union secretary said the
Jilan would permit workera to shift :
rom one employer to another j
without loss of righta. It would I
also provide disability benefits,
withdrawal rights and rulea eov-
erning retirement before or after
the normal retirement at eg SS
years. - '
now nor
finer j
trvict i
V No mailer how high
imlatron ojoee, .
7 wj pledgsj to lrtp
.:' our prictsVeasonable
and wtthin
' tha means of evarvorvt..
huwi uvnvt oMiy
ol filled.
The Weather
U. S. Weather Bureau Offtee
Resefcurg, Ore
Pair today with Inereeslnf tleueH
neas tedey and Thursday.
Highest temp, any March -...1 .11
Lowest temp, far any March . ' II
Highest temp, yesterday SS
Lowest temp, lest 14 hra. .. M
Precipitation last 24 hra.
Precipitation from Mereh 1 ... 4.77
Precipitation from Sept. I . J4.ll
xcesa from March 1 ... Lei
For prompt courteous motor
eel oeliveriee or high quality
stove end burner oil
CALL 152
Distributors of Hancock
Petroleum Products For
Douglas County
The best of quality In your
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Homebuilders Lumber Co.
Highway 99 N. at Garden Valley
Phono 1322-J
L Y C O.
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o ena hot tHe. 22.S