14 Tha Newt-Rarlew, RMburf, OreWea, Mar. 29, 19S0 Chances Of Living Through Atomic Oomb Attack Good If Shelter Is Quickly Obtained By DOUGLAS 1. CORNELL , j WASHINGTON, March 2. UP) Your chancel ot living through ' an atomic bomb attack could be lot better than you think. ! You might come through it alive and unharmed if there are aheltera ! I and if you get a warning in time to dive Into one. The Atomic Energy commission I (AEC) tayi this: "Safety will, in large meaiure, depend upon adequate warning of an attack, warning which it muit be assumed will come from the radar system of the national mili tary establishment. Such warning when combined with aheltera for those who must atay in threatened areas, will minimize, or even elim inate casualties." But before you start bubbling with optimism, there is this to' consider: The Defense department la work ing on that radar network, plua a system of volunteer spotters to fill in the gaps. But only a start haa been made. Furthermore, nobody haa done much about aheltera. And there is no use trying to hide the fact that if you are caught in an unprotected spot anywhere near an atomic explosion your chancea of surviving are just about zero. You would be killed by the blast, terrific beat, collapsing buildings, or maybe radiation. Yet any sort of protection, even clothing, is better than none. The best spot is an airtight shelter cov ered by plenty of earth, ateel or concrete. You ought to stay out of build ings, unless they have built-in shel ters. The A EC saya a building isn't safe within three miles of a likely target. Heme Basement Good Soet But the basement of your home would give you reasonable protec tion against a distant explosion, Sroviaea you nad a way to get out the house caught fire. Maybe you have an idea that the rays from an atomic blast are what WITH THI ko-K"HIAl fl ' B.li.! cTms to. I AC A SlT'PN NID SHOW IN waf V aaraaMlaoil laruiato aaric Beltane) fa A SmaHaal Cetmt la, ahoaa or vniaforNIwrRFI Book iaM off tha . , . . . . prai.Taiama.ai ait. No obiiaauoo. Gal Mara TODAY! NEWEST IfirOW Model "M" l,a.a OfK-UH HwHnt AM CLINIC I ' I VepiM Hefel do most of the killing and Injury. That seems to be wrong. In Japan, only IS out of 100 deaths apparently were due to ra diation. Blasts and burns were the big killers. i That is because the effects of blast and heat reach out much farther than- those of radiation. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs spread destruction and se rious damage to buildings and death and serious injury to people . iwo mnes irom ine points above which they went off. The extreme limit of damage waa around four I miles. If you came through an atomic : explosion and survived the rsdia-! two, government doctors say you would have a good chance of re-1 turning to a normal life. There probably wouldn't be any peculiar, lasting, after-effects aa a result of exposure to radiation. ! Perhaps you've aeen pictures of . Japanese who lived through atomic explosions but were horribly acar-1 red or crippled. The doctors say i this waa a result of Infection and slow healing burns suffered in non-atomic bomb raida caused j about the same sort of scars. The AEC saya even loose clothing provided some protection against flash burns from the radiant heat of atom bombs. White clothing was more protective than dark because it tended to reflect rather than absorb the heat. Thus., April AH aler end evening. S. C. MilcK.ll, 75 Wetf Ireadwoy, In fane. Is with imm N. Ter end Aa secieMa e errid win have bam serving the herd ef hearing since 1M4. Freak Batteries fee All Aids MAKI SOMIONI HAPPY THH ASTIR ir GIVING A ILTONI MARINO AID Textbook Ban In Texas Approved ! HOUSTON. Tex.. Msrch 29-UPt- The Houston School board backed up previous action of banning a civica textbook by aelecting anoth er for students to atudy. The board yesterday selected I "Living in the People's World," ; by Roth Hobbs Greenleaf aa the text high school students will atudv for the next six yeara. Last October the board banned the late Dr. Frank Magruder'a American Government" from the 1 1 city a ten high schools. Magruder'a text waa banned aft '. some members of lha hnarrf I said a footnote paragraph might ! I cause students to think Socialism ana communism are good. Selection of the new text was made on recommendation of teach-1 ers' textbook committee. I This group rejected a recom mendation from a civica teachera group which unanimously asked Magruder'a text be retained. Thia group said "Living in a People's World" is a social problems text. Magruder'a text is still in use here. It waa decided students could study it the remainder of the school year in that at the time of the banning they had already passed the section containing the objec tionable paragraph. The paragraph appeara in the book's 1945 edition. It mentions public school systems as an ex- i ample ot Communism. 8S33 I 1 guy ene avert e . j3XLn ' chance re ful new cJw inte year heme Ml rtal My. Inal Simerr earn. r. ear arnre, key ene evert . hUHwu ,., T,. Lite namel et the regular price ef ealv $1.S1 . . . (ct the ascend avert tor only le odeHienel. Tan el.ri.us Mtt.1 thaa'as .N. jf?.CT 'HZ - ' ' ' - ivyttowkinmspecmsuintcesmsm -il .a - Vwi5 ""zzr"Z 4.60 1 ,.,Q tl 'n54 ZL'iZiL "ST- t-i2?' SALE ENDS SATURDAY e if 12'" ''h SAFEWAY'S MgMm m - M ' 1 jpb youn coswertiettce : 1.x r ill S I rxp5tatc r A - aisr r " Mi NOW YOU CAN CHOOSE THE SIZES YOU WANT! MEDIUM SIZI OQ (4tal-n.) Sx OVC ALL PURPOSE to-h. xn. Sock, H7t IU4. ti Lcry (4 H 14-enJ hxi.ua 98c BAKING SIZI eg BAKING SIZE lathe knit. lb. 6,ac NOW . . . when you buy potatoes at Safeway you get just the, aire you want without having to pick them out for yourself; for NOW, Safeway does thia sorting for you, at no additional soet. Listed here ant the different packs now available at low money saving prices. Only clean U.S. No, 1 graded potatoes go into these aseortmenta. Buy your potatoes at Safeway thia week and aee how this extra Safeway service can benefit your family. otm msnnoMce moesr Green Onions & Radishes, bunch, 5c ASPARAGUS, jT lb. 19c Newtown APPLES, ai taps lb.9!2C New POTATOES; ST 4 lbs. 29c ORANGES, "vLb10c 5-lb. bag 59c PILLSBURY'S Cake Mixes For delicious white cake r chocolate fudge cake. LLb. Pkg.35c JAN-U-WINE , CHINESE FOODS I CHOW MEIN ?c SOY SAUCE vr-.. 9e CHOP SUEY-VES. " 25c BEAN SPROUTS I3e ORIENTAL DINNER . 49c Derby brand Firtsid 24b. pkg. Sun 2-lb. rise pkg. Chili Con Came Cheese Food Spaghetti or Macaroni Pork & Beans Fruit Cocktail Candies 0SE a 19 1 e-oz. can Denmton brand No. 2Va COR Hosfott Delhf No. 2i eon Tomatoes No. 2Vi 4 Ac CM 10 PEANUT Mb. CLUSTERS pkej. 25' 79c 31' 15' 29' 49' 6r derntde Tomato Juiced 25 Sunnybank Margarine Nu-Made Mayonnaise Soda Crackers a 49" .All 0 tipQtfl m NO DEPOSIT Kv MO ItTUtN (331? 4 Our method of trimmins eives you a roast loade with good-eating meat. ARM OR BLADE CUT Government graded. w59 FRYERS 1T lb. 69 SAAOKED PICNICS lb. 37c GROUND BEEF SLICED BACON Uniform, High Qualify Grand Flavor lb. 45c lb. 43c PORK SAUSAGE fb.49 SWIFT & yi-ih.y Beef Short Ribs lb. 29 FOWL lb. 53 TURKEYS lb. 591 MCM SEA J FOODS For Lenfen Meals! Salmon Steaks lb. 67c Fillet of Sole ib. 45c Fillet, Rock Cod lb. 35c Fresh Oysters pint 65c Fresh SMELT Ib. 00c HtfrMt SLICING KNIFE Unfa rL miThx "KHchm Croft" from bog KITCHEN CRAFT CI AMD ow ai. i Lvun 50 Lbs. (f at j roei TRY THE NEW AJAX CLEANSER New miracle cleanser with the FOAMING ACTION! 14-ox. em 2f, 23c I SAVE ON FRESHER COFFEE AT SAFEWAY Edwards Coffee Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee i4b. 77c 2.ib. $453 CON I COM Mb. 70c 24b. H43 b IL bo, a 69c a J1J7 PLAYFAIR DOS FOOD A treat for Tide) - 3..25e Meeflaai kan Larf ar IVORY SOAP 2w25c spic & SPAN ' Make woodwork cleanmc easy WESSON OIL Pare and mild Paas EGG DYES Oct them now I rlee. k this W ere effscll.e HirMrfll Saa4et AarH 2. We re. sarre the rilrt le llmfr eatitlas Ne sake le 4eeUrs. ' , 55e