I Th Ntws-IUvUw, Roteburg, Or.-Tut., Mor. 21, 1950 Society dad GIuIpL By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Items lubmitted b. tele phone for the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m Knday at which time the aocial calendar ana baturaay a aoclety page are closed weekly. MBLO TRIP ENJOYED BY SUTHERLIN GIRL SCOUTS LAST WEEK The Girl Scouta of Sutherlin held a regular meeting lait Thura day at the Scout hall. lone Dies gave a very good report on police; Nadine, an inter-sting report on paper and Jo Ann Sanders, points on forestry. Last Saturday the following girls went on a field trip to Roseburg; Janice Kenwisher, Jane Abbott, Phylis Porter, Barbara Pond, Sue Briscoe, Sandra Clark, Carol Jo Kabler, Judy Grabow, Karen Salte, Jo Ann Sandera, Alice Montgom ery, Nadine Horton and Mary Ellen trickson. The girls visited the police de- fiartment, fire department and city ibrary. Their pictures were taken. It was felt as though a lot had been learned from the talks given by the police officers, fire depart ment and also by the librarian. While in Roseburg they visited the pet shop and talked to the "Man on the atreet." This was the first time any of the girls had talk ed over the radio. Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. Pond and Mrs. briscoe, furnished trans portation for the girls to make their trip to - Roseburg. The Girl Scouts recently enjoyed trips through the Rock Island Lum ber company and the Sutherlin Timber Products company mills. EVERGREEN H.E.C. TO MEET AT LUNCHEON Evergreen Home Economics club will meet at the hall at a noon potluck luncheon Thursday with Mrs. Isabella McDowell, Frances Weaver and Rubie Bloom as host esses. Members are requested to bring plants or shrubs for ex change. Roll-call will be answered with a favorite recipe or house hold hint. Those attending are ask ed to bring crayons. NEVA Creator of Exclusive Garments Designed Just for You. Alterations axel Restyling 2041 Ann Ave. Ph. 1157-R IPONIN9 BOARDS 4 FOR HO ADDITIONAL RAIL FARE Sometimes a bargain ia so big; people find it hard to believe. Like this: On a roundtrip ticket to Chicago, New York and most other eastern cities, you fan include tunny California and the great southtctst for no more rail fare than you pay to go straight East and back. See San Francisco, Los An geles, Hollywood, Phoenix, Tucson, El Paso. If your destination is New York, you can even add New Orleans to your trip ! Any ticket agent will gladly prove that what we say is true. On your next trip East plan to go this thrill ing way. Enjoy sunshine. See more, have more fun for no more rail fare. PAIR OAKS INDUSTRIAL CLUB HOLDS MEETING The Fair Oaka Industrial club met Thursdsy at their club rooms, with Mrs. Dorothy Rose, Mrs. Lola Rose and Mrs. Marjorie uenley hostesses at the potluck dinner held at noon. Members brought shrubs which were sold, the benefits being turned over to the club treasury. A letter from the Children's Farm home in Corvallis, which the club helps 'to maintain, was read by Mrs. Ida Weber. The let ter appealed for all sues of chil dren's clothing. A donation from the Nonpariel Community club waa accepted to go in the Christmas box for the Children's home. Members enjoying the dinner and afternoon meeting were: Mrs. Gladys Adams, Mrs. Ada Abeene, Mrs. Pearl Adama, Mra. Billie Barnes, Mrs. Lillian Baumgardner, Mrs. Mabel Crouse, Mrs. Francis Davia, Mra. Effie Dickens, Mrs. Martha Davis, Mrs. Fern Flory, Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Agnes Fraser, Mrs. Myrtle Geider, Mrs. Evelyn Frotscher, Mrs. Dora Ham ilton, Mrs. Viola Ilazlett, Mra. El oise Hibbard, Mrs. Dorothy Nor t. , Mrs. Mildred Moyer, Mrs. Ve neta Riggs, Mra. Dorothy Long brake, Mrs. Flossie Sheffel, Mrs. Bessie Webber and Mrs. Ida Web Visitors were: Mrs. Delia Coin, Mra. Leah Grafton, Mrs. Alice Cooper. Mr. Verna Geddes and Mrs. Dee Harvey. WILBUR METHODIST VJUTH ATTEND LOCAL FELLOWSHIP MEETING A group ok) young people from Wilbur attended the Methodist Youth Fellowship meeting in Rose- burg at the Methodist church last week. Those attending were Mar jory Blondell, Arlyn Brown, Addie vn Cleve. Tommy vascne. Bar ney Van Cleve, Ramona and Car melite Mcndenzona, luarns arey, Charles Cox and Sue Woodward. Accomoaning them were Harvey Carey and Reverend C. E. Brit- tian. Reverend William Stroh cou- ducted the singing and sermon. The Methodist Youth Fellowship organization waa recently organis ed. FAIR OAKS RESIDENTS ENJOY THURSDAY DINNER Mrs. Mabel Crous was a hostess Thursday evening when she enter tained at a '.'Miracle Maid" din ner at her home in Fair Oaks east of Sutherlin. Covers were, placed for Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Mildred Moyers, Mrs. Billie Barnes, Mra. Marian Lucas, Mra. Betty May nard, Mrs. Eloise Hibbard, Mr. and Mrs. foster Harrison, M r. and Mra. Harry Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williama, Mr, and Mrs. Carver Hamilton, Mrs. nnd Mrs. Orville Smith and the hostess, Mrs. 1 Crouse. . Don't Delay! If you here been waiting for these built-lni, don't wait another day. We can de any building you want done and our work is guaranteed. Con venient credit terms. i.i..ii mi ii,. in. .mi M f mmmmmmmmmmjm iw imiMBJHIJ 1H0) BIWlliM-, JStSVSL " l';i.'l... I .". ',' " ' "T ' ' '. - ' ' ' ' ! i. yjrto5f7M'- T - I-;'". mmm leamM.liiaaaair I aiavr: ,, I SUNDAY. MARCH S. WAS NATIONAL CHRIST AMBASSA DOR'S DAY, when the youth of the nation waa honored by all the Assembly of Cod churches. The theme for the day was "Christ for All," which was successfully put on in the form of skit by the C.A.'s Sunday evening. Back row left to right: nar rator, Harold Pearson, Bill Hardage, Melvin Brosdbent, Wilmer INTERESTING GRANGE PROGRAM ENJOYED BY FAIR OAKS MEMBERS Fair Oaks Grange held their reg ular meeting Tuesday night at the Grange Hall east of Sutherlin, with Worthy Master, Harry Norton in the chair. Reports were given by the home economics chairman, Mrs. Viola Hazellett; agriculture chairman, Peter Adams, and legis lative chairman, Orville Smith. Lecturer Mrs. Gladys Adams, presented a fine program, with C. A. Lucas, singing "Without A song". Community singing and var ious games followed. Refreshments were served at the rlqse of the evening, by Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hibbard to: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Williams, Mr. and Mrs. How ard Cracroft, Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Harrison, Mr. ana mrs. reier Adams, and daughter, Helen; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fortscher, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Potter, Mrs. Mabel Crouse, Mrs. Dorothy Parazoo. Mrs. Mag gie Francis, Mrs. Viola Hazlett, Miss Luella Pleuard, Mrs. Vel ma Brauningcr and Harry Reed. WEST MELROSE CLUB TO MEET MARCH 24TH i West Melrose club will meet the evening of March 24th at the home of Mrs. Eli Sanders to hon. or birthdaya of Mra. Isaac James, Mrs. Howard Sheldon. Miss Phyllis Byron and Mrs. Jennings Grav ning. I The club met for a dessert-luncheon last week at the home of Mrs. Ed Moon. Others present were Mrs. Howard Sheldon, Mra. Bill Byron, Mrs. Ell Sandera, Mrs. Isaac James, Mrs. Howard Kaiser, Mrs. Earl Seeley and Mra. Jennings Gravning. PYTHIAN SISTERS TO HOLD FORMAL INITIATION Pythian Sisters will hold formal initiation Thursday night at eight o clock at the K. of r. hall. Every I member la urged to be present as plans are to be made for the offi cial visit of the Grand Chief, Mar garet Meyers, of St. Helens, who will be here April 20. A special meeting is being called on that i date to receive the Grand Chief. DORIS WAGNER ELECTED SECRETARY OF NONPARIEL The regular meeting of the Non pariel Community club was held Monday evening east of Sutherlin with Lucille Swindler, president, conducting the meeting. The resig nation of the secretary, Mrs. Eve lyn Golden, was accepted and Mra. Doris Wagner elected to her office. Plans were made for a special meeting to be held on Friday, March 31st at 8 p.m. Tis meeting will be short, with a membership drive to be launched as the main objective. Everyone is invited to come and bring their neighbors. After the meeting a social hour of carda will be enjoyed, with proceeds going into a fund to pur chase a piano for the Nonpariel achool. Refreshment were served to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Danchok, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. .and Mrs. Jack Cherry. Mra. Lucille Swind ler, Mra. Dons Wagner,- Mrs. Christine Pritchett, Mrs. Georgia Larson, Mrs. Jo Thomas, Mrs. Doris Harwell and Mrs. Eloise Hibbard. MARCH BIRTHDAYS OF GROUP HONORED AT BRINNIGER HOME Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brinniger of Wilbur entertained at a birthday dinner at their home recently. The occasion waa the birthdays in March of Mrs. Frank Underwood, Willis Mills and his daughter Con nie. The evening was spent in vu. iting. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Frank Underwood and daughter, Betty, of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mills and children, Co;nie and Buddy, of Dixonville, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Mae of Wilbur. METHODIST CIRCLES TO MEET ON THURSDAY Methodist circles will meet at two o'clock Thursday afternoon at the following places: No. 1, at homo of Mrs. L. M. Hodges on Calkins road, with Mrs. W. F. Pat- tison, co-hostess: No. 2, Mrs. R. L. Whipple, 329 East Douglas street: No. 3, Mrs. J. E. Dent, 845 S. Pine, and No. 4, Mrs. George Leep er on South Kane street with Mrs. Meyers, co-hostess. Patterson, Les Coughran, Neva Jean Sumner and Ida Talley. Front row: Eyrs, Georgina Ward, Cyril Sumner, Maxine Broad bent, Nellie Sweitzer, George Dodson and son, David; Joyce Plumer, Lois Wright, Joyce Pendergrass, Mrs. Vernon Klemin and Rev. Vernon Klemin. (Picture by Fredrickton's Photo Labi. WALTHER LEAGUE TO MEET WEDNESDAY NIGHT Douglas County Walther League will meet Wednesday night at eight o'clock at the St. Paul's Lutheran parish house, corner of Corey and Military streets. All members and friends are invited. David Sylwes ter will act as host. COUNCIL OF CHURCH WOMEN TO MEET The Roseburg Council of Church Women executive board and com mittee chairmen are asked to at tend a meeting Thursday night at seven-thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Raymond Clark, 825 Win chester street. LADY ELKS TO HOLD MEETING THURSDAY The Lady Elks will meet at eight o'clock Thursday night at the tem ple. Hostesses will be Mrs. R. M. Browning, Mrs. Harry Hildeburn, Mrs. Lloyd Hill and Mrs. James Moran. Contract bridge, pinochle and canasta will be in play. W.BA. TO HOLD SOCIAL MEETING The Woman's Benefit association will hold a social meeting at two o'clock Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Valdeen Bridgess. Each member is asked to bring a iuest Krift Cremmed f nttac CW hat big. fluffv rurda. dftirtto, creamy flavor Kraft Country SrWa forfait CliftM h 6nr teuiur and an IH-fahionti dowa-n-lht-firm flavor CHIVE, TOOI It's Kraft Caunlrr wilh freah rhivra blrodtxi is irri, n. : y COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN TO MEET ON THURSDAY Women of the Roseburg Country club will meet at a twelve-thirty o'clock luncheon at the clubhouse Thursday. Contract bridge will be in play at one o'clock .Those de siring transportation are asked to telephone Mra. Roy Sedell at 999-L. STEDFAST CLASS TO MEET AT POTLUCK Stedfast class will meet at a twelve o'clock potluck luncheon Thursday at the First Presbyterian church parlors to honor members having birthdays in January, Feb ruary and March. All members are urged to be present. HELPING HANDS CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Edenbower Helping Hands club will meet Thursday at one thirty o'clock at the home of Mrs. Earl Price. 184g Ellen street. All members are urged to be present. Births At Mercy Hospital PHILLIPS To Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Phillips, Roseburg, March 18, a son, David Arthur; weight six pounds six ounces. Plague died down in Europe in the 18th century after 1.21X1 years. Tlie --7,1 ..ft1 tV . A SPRING FLOWER SHOW TO BE EVENT OF MARCH IMOrh Among the most interesting events of the early spring will be the annual two-day flower show of the Roseburg Women's club to be held from one to rune o clock Wednesday, March 29, and from ten to five o'clock Thursday, March 30, at the Methodist church parlora. ' The public is cordially invited to participate in the ahow by ex hibiting spring blossoms. Mrs. R. L. Whipple and Mrs. Earl M.. Bleile are co-chairmen. A plant and shrub sale will be spon sored with Mrs. W. H. Carter and Mra. Sig Fett as co-chairmen, and a candy sale will be held with Mra. E. J. Sullivan and Misa Alice L'eland as co-chairmen. Mrs. Kenneth Ford, president of the Garden department of the club, has planned a special feature ex hibit Mrs. Horace C. Berg and Mrs. Paul Jenkins will have spec ial feature tables; Mrs. Vance Ea ger and Mra. Earl Plummer will have charge of the primrose ex hibit with Mrs. Velle Broadway and Mra. H. O. Pargeter in charge of the camellias. Daffo dils will be exhibited under the direction of Mrs. P. E. Beaver and Mrs. L. F. Nielsen. Mrs. Roy Byrd will have charge of special arrangements and Mrs. Fred A. Knight and Mrs. B. H. Laird U1 be in charge of feature arrange ments. Mra. C. W. Dishman will register the guests and Mra. Clif ford Smith is in charge of the hostesses. The public is invited to attend and also to exhibit blossoms in this annual twoday show. No ad mission charge is made as a silver offering is taken to defray ex penses for sponsoring this annual event. WILBUR COMMUNITY CLUB TO SPONSOR YOUTHS TO 4 H SUMMER SCHOOL The Wilbur Community club will hold their regular business and ao cial meeting at the Wilbur school house March 31. A program con sisting of pictures will be present ed by the Boy Scouts. A pie social will be held to raise funds to send several children to the 4H summer school in Corvallis this summer. Everyone is invited to attend. Cof fee and cocoa will be furnished by the club. BETA GAMMA CHAPTER TO MEET THURSDAY Beta Gamma chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha will meet Thursday evening at the home of Pat Hall craft. All members are requested to be present. 00 Keys to OO Happiness o a piano in your home meant fun and entertainment for the entire family. See our Boldwin and Wurlitzer Pianos today. 3 OTT and RICKETTS Corner Jackson and Casi Sts. "FRENCHMAN" says BUT, MADAME, THERE EES PAIRFECT CHEESE! Phtito if French moifV liar Ftrnaruel from current best-selUr.Tb Frenchman, Cnprright mil, 1940 by Philippe Hahman. Simon and Schuster, publisher. NATURAL DOWN-ON-THE-FARM FLAVOR! NEVER TOO MILD-NEVER TOO SALTY!' MADE BY THE FOLKS WHO KNOW CHEESE BEST! LUTHERAN LAYMEN'S LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICER, E. JOHN AS PRESIDENT The first regular meeting of the Lutheran Laymen's League of St. Paul's Lutheran church of this city was held at 7:45 p.m., Sunday. March 19, under the direction of E. John, chairman, and Mrs. A. Long, secretary. The session opened with I hymn sung by the group, followed by a prayer and Scripture reading by the Rev. Mr. Sylwester, pastor of St. Paul's. Principle Items of business for this meeting were the considera tion and adoption of a Constitu tion, and election of officers. From the slate of candidate furnished bjr a special organization al committee the following officer and executive board member were elected: E. John, president; E. Stratford, vice-president; Mrs. A. Long, secretary; Mrs. H. Hasar gen, treasurer and A. Sours, execu tive board member. Installation of officers will be held at the next regular meeting on Sunday, April 16. Following adjournment light re freshments were served in the par ish house. DINNER FOLLOWED BY PINOCHLE AT A. R. HILL RESIDENCE Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Hill enter tained at a six o'clock dinner at their home overlooking the Ump qua river in Garden Valley. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fox and sons Davie and Laddie of Suth erlin, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Roger! of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Boszio and children Ry land, Maria and Connie of Wilbur. The evening was spent in visiting and playing pinochle. Prizes were awarded. IP 0V)7 k o' ,0 FINE JEWELRY lie N. Jackie Phone 44( ONLY ONE COTTAGE STQ) The) frlen aU Southern Pi dly Pacific ottae C. t. Moody Phone 11 r