The News-Heview, Roseburg, Or. Wtl., Mar. IS, 1950 Society and GluLi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Items tubmitted b. tele phone for the society page must be turned in - before u o ciocx Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m Friday at which time the social calendar and Saturday's society page are closed weekly. WOMEN OP SCRIPTURE IS TOPIC OF VISCS OF METHODIST CHURCH The regular meeting of the W.E.- C.S. of the Yoncalla Metnoaisi church was held Thursday after noon in the Jipworth Hall of the church. Mrs. Avery La is well and Mra. Ernest Warner were host' esses. The hall was decorated with large bouquets, of daffodils and ear ly bridal wreath. An interesting lesson on "Women of Scripture" was given by Mrs. Elmer Currier and Mrs. Dare Kin gery. Miss Ann Lssswell played two violin solos, accompanied by her mother on the piano. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Sidney Lasswell, Mrs. Cabi ness, Mrs. TObin. Mrs. J. N. Sparks, Mrs. Jim Toner, Mrs. Os csr Thiele, Mrs. Herman Thiele, Mrs. Delloo Thiele, Mrs. Luther Daugherty, Mrs. Dare Kingery, ' Rev. and Mrs. Bysrs, Mrs. Elton Grass, Mrs. Chas. Kirklie, Mrs. W. J. Ladd, Mrs. Gertrude Sloute, Mrs. Eric Stenseth, Mrs. Cain, Mrs. Fred Lee, Mrs. Raymond Knopp, Mrs. Ed. Estess, Mrs. Ar thur Anderson, Jennie Leswell Mrs. Ysrwood, Mrs. Chas. llummell, Mrs. James Boucock. Mrs. Jack Boucock and the hostesses. Misses Ann Lasswell and Jane Warner assisted in serving. TURKEY SUPPER OPEN TO PUBLIC FRIDAY Green school PTA will sponsor turkey supper Friday night from six to eight o'clock at the school house. Tickets are available at the J. V. Sporting Goods store or phone 44-F-5 for reservations. A carni val and bazaar will follow the sup per. TWELVE AND WON CLUB TO MEET ON FRIDAY Twelve and Won club will meet at a noon polluck St. Patrick's day luncheon Friday, March 17, at the home of Mrs. N. E. Richardson, SIS South Main street. DO YOU KNOW . . . that the cauM of about 99 at til allmMiu may bo corroded by iptnal and talotibial troaunonu wltfe aroDOf dlot Dr. M. C. Caaaal cniBoraACTio raisin ssi a c.u i.l usi W Borden's A Is-of CREAMED ffjfl If COTTAGE CHEESE j r3-MV PASTEURIZED J Offijp viT rt eonoiN'siT's cor to ee oooof -1 V A ST. PATRICK'S DAY MOTIF HIGHLIGHTS MEETING OF EVERGREEN GROUP St. Patrick's day decorations and games formed the theme for the Evergreen Home Economics club Thursdsy, March 9 with Leola Wil- hue, Cora Johnson and Dorotny Talbott as hostesses. Game prizes were won by Ruble Bloom, Mable Garrick and Cora Jackson. Mrs, C. Kerr and Mrs. L. Hayes of Look- ingglass grange were visitors Discussion was i.eld on present ing a public card party March 31 at 1:13 p.m. at tne grange nan. Five different games will be play ed, podro. bridge, pinochle, canas ta and 500. Refreshments will be served. In charge are Margaret Burt, Minnie W a g 1 e r, Garnet Folmsbee and Minnie Kobernik. Chairman Ruble Bloom presided during the business session with Gladys Stafford acting as secre tary Dro tern. Tne next H fc.c. meeting wui oe held March 23 with noon potluck luncheon. Hostesses will be Isa Delia McDowell, Frances Weaver and Ruble Bloom. Members are requested to bring plsnts or shrubs for exchange and crayons. Rollcall will be answered with a favorite reciDe or household hint. The display table chairman, Nell Lander, urgea all ladies to bring sslt and pepper ahakers or vases for the hobby display table March 24 at the grange meeting. Present were Margaret Burt. Minnie Wagler. Rubie Bloom, Min nie Kobernik, Pauline Little, Renie Jenkins, Cora Jackson, Gertrude Hess, Mable Garrick, Nell Lander, Isabella McDowell and son, Ed die, Marion Harryman, Blanche Tipton, Jessie Thomas, Mable Burr, Garnet Folmsbee, Carolyn Dame, Gladys Skelton, Myrtle Glen, Hazel Pendergrass, Ssrsh Cyrus, RUby Belle Kobernik, Gladys Staf ford and the hostesses. WILBUR LADIES AID WORKS ON OUILT The Wilbur Ladies Aid 'pent Wednesday at the church working on quilta. Those attending were: Mrs. Alice Chancellor, Mrs. Harvey Carey, Mrs. Viota Lee, Mrs. Violet Sands, Mrs. Eva Kinsel, Mrs. Edith McKay, Mrs. Alene Thomas, Mrs. Eva Lockman, Mrs. Ora Antonne, Mrs. Hazel Morley, Mrs. Lillian Short and Mrs. Rosella Bridge. ELGAROSE COMFORT CLUB TO HOLD PARTY THURSDAY Elgarose Comfort club will hold I St. Patrick's day party Friday at the Elgarose schooihouse. Cards will be in play and prizes will be awarded, after which refreshments I will be served. I BORDEN'S COTTAGE CHEESE JUDGED FINEST IN OREGON! At the 1950 Oregon Dairy Manufacturers' Association meeting in Corvallis, Borden's Cottage Cheese won the annual contest for the best Cottage Cheese! No other Cottage Cheese rolled berof points Borden's did! Oregon sponsored the contest Oregon Stat College faculty members judged it! . It was an Oregon triumph all around for Borden's Cottage Cheese is mad in Oregon, -'-Meaasjssjsfssaaj ZJ T i - J Mf- . nr w r V. w i LsiY ftf'i GIRL SCOUTS TOUR The above members of Sutherlin inter mediate Cirl Scouts troop I Saturday toured the Roseburg police station, fir department, courthouse end city library, and visited other places of Interest in Jh city. The tour was in connection with their merit badge requirements. The girls included Jan Abbot, Sue Briscoe, Barbara Pond, Nadin Horton, Carol Jo WINCHESTER COMMUNITY CLUB TO HOLD CARD PARTY Winchester Community club will sponsor a card party Friday night, March 17, at eight o'clock at the clubhouse. A small admission charge will be made. Prizes will be awarded winners in canasta and pinochle play. A door prize will be given and refreshments will be served. Ladies attending are asked to bring sandwichea or cookies. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson are in charge of the party. RIVERSDALE GRANGE TO HOLD BIRTHDAY DINNER Riversdale Grange will hold its quarterly birthday party at a six- thirty o clock potluck dinner fri- ay night at the hall. Garden val ley ladles will be in charge with Nellie Madson acting as chairman. All Granges invited to bring can didates for the first and second de grees. Those attending the dinner re asked to bring their table serv- to bring cookies or sandwiches. PILLOW COVERS MADE BY GOLD STAR MOTHERS A group of Gold Star Mothers met Monday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Olive Clarke nd worked on pillow covers for the Roseburg Veterans hospital lounge. Several members of th chapter were present to assist with the sewing. up the num. by Oregoniont, for dairy men What better proof that Borden's is the sweetest, creamiest, Anas' Cottage Chees you can buy! Be sure you reach for this prize package every time you shop! P.N.G. CLUB MEETING CHANGED TO FRIDAY NIGHT The Past Noble Grands club will meet at a seven-thirty o'clock des sert - supper Friday night at the I.O.O.F. hall instead of Thursday night as previously planned. Host esses include: Naomi Murdock, ,! sie Russell, Mary Curtis, Bernice Smith and Blanche Marr. The en t'rtainment will be in charge of Alvia Wetherell and Margaret Mil ler. All members are urged to be present. PUBLIC INVITED TO ST. PATRICK'S DANCE AT ARMORY FRIDAY Members of Circle No. 1 of St. Joseph's Altar society have invited the public to attend a St. Patrick's dance to be held at nine o'clock Friday night, March 17, at the armory. Feature of the event will be the showing of a piece of the original Blarney atone from Ire land. FAIR OAKS H.E.C. TO SPONSOR HAM DINNER Fair Oaks Home Economics club will sponsor a ham dinner from seven-thirty to nine o'clock Friday night at the Grange hall in Suther lin. Mrs. Maggie Francis is chair man of the dinner committee. A shrub and fancywork sale will be held during the evening. The pub lic is invited. Oregonians! Kebler, Sandra Clark, Judy Crabow, Phyllis Porter, Keren Slate, Alice Montgomery, Jenis Epps, Janice Kenwisher, Lorain Buck nel, Mary Ellen Erickson and Jo Ann Sanders. Accompanying them were Mrs. Mildred Herington, leader; Mrs. Helen Brisco, asiistant leader, and Mrs. Meredith Pond and Mrs. Esther Mont gomery, troop chairmen. (Picture by Paul Jenkins I. FRIENDS HONOR YONCALLA RESIDENTS FRIDAY WITH SURPRISE HOUSEWARMINO Mr. and Mrs. Vsn Krevelin were surprised at their home in Yon calla Friday evening, when a group of the business people in town sur prised them with a bousewarming. i ne van Krevelins have lust finish ed a new home just a block south of Main street. Visiting waa enjoy ed during the evening. They were presented with a lace table cloth by their friends. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ric Stenseth, Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Kelson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hum mell, Mrs. Marjorie Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Tom Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wamsley, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boucock, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bice, Dr. and Mr. Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Tobin, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Scott of Yon calla. Dr. and Mrs. Imbodin, Mrs. L. S. Jones of Drain, and Mr. and Mrs. Van Krevelin and two chil dren. GOLD STAR MOTHERS TO MEET THURSDAY Roseburg chapter, American Gold Star Mothers Inc., will meet at a six-thirty o'clock potluck din ner Thursday night at the First Baptist church instead of meeting Friday evening at the armory as previously planned. Mrs. Olive Clarke, president, has urged all members and those eligible to membership to attend. Those at tending are asked to bring then table service. STANLEY PARTY HELD AT YRAGUEN RESIDENCE Mrs. Julie Yraguen entertained at a Stanley party at her home in Wilbur. Lawrence Roberts conduct ed the demonstrations. Guests in cluded Mrs. Dorothy Saballa, Mrs. Vicky 'Short, Mrs. Lillian Short, Mrs. Alberta Jenkins, Mrs. Violet Sands, Mrs. Doris Howard, Mrs. Oakes and Mrs. Woodward and daughter, Gloria. Refreshments were served by tne hostess. ALPHA CHI CHAPTER TO MEET THURSDAY EVENING Alpha Chi chapter, Epsilon Sig ma Alpha will meet at seven-thirty o'clock Thursday night, March 16, at the home of Mrs. Robert Elliott, Alameda street. Plans will be completed for a rummage aale to be held at the Episcopal parish hall April 1 beginning at nine o' clock in the morning. B.P.W.C. INVITES PUBLIC TO CARD PARTY LUNCHEON AND STYLE SHOW The Roseburg Business and Pro fessional Women's club has invited the public to enjoy a charming twelve-thirty o'clock luncheon Fri day, March 17, followed by Miller'a spring fashion show and the after noon social hours of cards. Those attending are asked to get their tickets in advance of the affair. CHAPTER Bl TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON Chapter BI, P.E.O. Sisterhood will meet at a one-fifteen o'clock dessert-luncheon Friday at the home of Mrs. Will H. Gerretsen, 123 Blakeley street with Mrs. Al fred Tyson as co-hostess. . Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But If yrx really want to c n our home, consult m now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loom and) Insurance Lean Ropreeenatlv Equitable Savings 4 Lean Assn. Former Patient Demands Money TRENTON, N. J., March 15.-P) A man whom the courts ruled was a prisoner rather than a patient in state mental institutions for 20 years asked New Jersey Monday to pay him S50.000 to $60,000. Raymond Reid, 63, of Trenton, through his attorney Harry Green, appealed to the legislature's claims committee to compensate him for his "illegal confinement." Reid was freed Sept., 1M7. by then Vice Chancellor Wilfred H. Jayne who ruled that he was not a paramoc suffering from delusions of persecution and grandeur. Jayne said Reid was sane and added, "the persecution of which he complains is not the delusion but the actuality that he is deprived of his liberty." The judge also denied that religiously-inclined Reid tried to prove in his writings that Christ was a fe male. Reid held rather that while a male in flesh, Christ was the em bodiment of virtues of men and women alike, Jayne said. Green estimated Reid lost "con servatively from $50,000 to 160.000 during his confinement. "This sum," he added, "does not cover the indignities and torture he ex perienced for 20 years." ' UMPOUA MINERAL CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT The Umpqua Mineral club will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in the K. P. hall. The public is Invited. The organism causing fowl chol era does not live in the soil, ac cording to the U.S. Fish and Wild life Service. A WORD TO GET A We're proud to represent the Moytog Company at authorized dealers for these superior appliances. New available for demonstration are the Maytag appliances you see illustrated in this advertisement. Come in this week by all meant tee Maytag before you buyt MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHER Dillard By ROSA HEINBACK Mrs. O. D. McAllister of Dillard reports she and the Hult family had a phone call from her daugh ter, Mrs. Paul Hult, who travel ed with tha good will tour to Ha vana, Cuba, telling she had re turned to Citrus City, Texas, as a special request from that city. The entire tour was invited there to attend a three -day celebration in its honor; but only 13 planes were able to attend. The others pursued their own route. The Hulta report having a marvelous time at this celebration as they also have on all of their stop-overs. Mrs. Mattie J. Collins of Kla mouth Falls is visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Dean Col lins. She arrived last Tuesday and will remain for a nice visit. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brittian and daughter spent the evening at the Collins home to welcome their bouse guest, Mrs. Mattie J. Collins of Klamath Falls. During the evening they played canasta. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McAllister had as their Sunday guests, Mrs. Katherine Montgomery of Salem who is visiting in Roseburg; also Mrs. Walter Singleton and Mr. Ford Singleton of Roseburg. Mrs. C. C. Fosback has been ill at their home this last week with a cold almost to the pneu monia stage. She is recovering sat isfacotrily. She hopes to be able to go to Portland by the last of this week to be with her husband'a sister andnew baby, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Baker, and baby daughter, Sally Patricia, born Sunday in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fosback re ceived a phone call from their eldest son, Oliver who is at the naval training station at San Diego. They report he has been moved j into more advanced training. OH- NEXT TO YOUR DOCTOR to . . you need an experienced pharmacist when illness strikes! Count on us for care fully filled prescriptions promptly delivered, when the need arises. Call 8. "Service For Health" fe McKAY'S - 221 N. Jackson THE WISE . ki'e prompt, lew-coot service t'" cell. Our serviceman, tot on rite oo quickly, moke assert estimates and ee the ek Mertof -wollt LAZY DAISY CLUB TO MEET THURSDAY The Lay Daisy club will hold an all-day meeting Thursday, March 16, beginning at eleven o'clock in the morning at the home of Mrs. Marvin DeVore on Snort street. A potluck luncheon will be held at noon. All members ar cordially invited to be present. DRILL TEAM TO SPONSOR DINNER FRIDAY EVENING Eagles auxiliary drill team wilt give a St. Patrick's dinner and dance at the Eagles hall Friday night from six to eight o'clock for all Eagles and their invited guests. Dancing and entertainment will fol low the dinner. ver had been visiting the sights in the Balboa park in San Diego, where he aaid "It was beautiful, hotter than I have ever seen it in Roseburg.' FULLER BRUSH DEALER Phone 1704-J-2 "Individualized Floors ot Beautility." INLAID LINOLXUM Carpeting Rubber rilo i Aiphalt Til rormic Tot Vonrtloa Blinds FREE ESTIMATES FLOO COVERING m W. Oak Phone 34? Phone 8 Famous Maytei Service! . . . that maens we use enly fltiiuine Mertof repair parts, and our skilled servicemen ere Maytef trained. Far v 9 r J n -J 1t W. Cas hn 1J