Local News Silo Saturday The Rebekah lodge will sponsor i food sale Sat urday it the E. G. High insurance office. - O. ef U. V. la Meet Florence Nightingale tent No. IS, Daughters of Union Veterans, will meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the K. of P. hall. Te Meet Friday Edenbower Community club will meet at a potluck dinner Friday night at 6 o'clock at the school. Pictures of the Rod and Gun club will be shown. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish and their own table service. Te Meet Friday Douglas County Music Teachers association will meet Friday at I 12 o'clock no hostess luncheon at the Hotel Ump qua. Feed Sale SaturdayThe Wom an's Society of Christian Service of Dillard will hold a cookM food sale Saturday, March 11, at Gor don's store in Dillard. Club te Meet Zuleima club, Daughters of the Nile, will meet at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper Fri day night at the home of Mrs. John Joelson, 620 S. Main street, with Mrs. H. M. Stevens, co-host-ess. BOXING Friday, March 10 Roseburg Indian! Medford Black Tornadoes 30 ROUNDS Roseburg Junior High Auditorium Adults 80c Grade School Students 35c . Te Meet Saturday Elgarose ri A will meet Saturday night at S o'clock at the school. Members and friends are invited. Refresh ments will be served. Te Meet at Petluck RiversdaJe Home Economics club will meet Friday at a 12:30 o'clock potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. H. B. Kruse. Those attending are ask ed to bring their table service. Tamale Supper Melrose Home Economics club will sponsor a ta male supper Saturday, March 11, from 0:30 to t-p.m. at Grange hall. Cards will be in play during social hour. Public invited. Lady tlks te Meet Lady Elks will meej at 1 o'clock tonight, March . at the temple. Contract bridge, pinochle and canasta will be in play. Mrs. Arne Copple Is in charge of the card play. Te Meet Friday Lutheran Lay men's league organization commit tee will meet at 7:30 o'clock Friday night at the parish hall of St. Paul's Lutheran church. Commit tee members, and others interested are invited. Lady Lions Te Meet Lady Lions will meet Monday. March 13. at Carl's Haven at 7 p.m. for a dinner and b' lines hour. Mrs. I. W. Lowe, Mrs. Cecil Lowe and Mrs. W. H. Klatt are hostesses. Those attending are asked to bring a white elephant. Te Meet Friday County PTA council by-laws committee will meet at 2 p.m. Friday at the Cham ber cf Commerce. Members include Mrs. Jack Chapman, chairman; Mrs. Sam Warg, Roseburg: Mrs. Margaret McCord. Dillard: Mrs. P. H. Early. Oakland: Mrs. M. Alvin Helgeson and M. A. Deller of Meeting Tonight A meeting of uie Jamp fire pageant committee, with Mrs. Charles Russel as gen eral chairman, will be held tonight at the home of Mrs. Leonard Gib son. 1223 Winchester street. Further planning of the all-county Camp Fire pageant to be held March 23 is scheduled. Banquet Saturday Sutherlin PTA will sponsor the annual Father-Son banquet at the high school Saturday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. All men in Sutherlin are invited to bring a son, or borrow one, to at tend. Tickets are on sale at Hoi gate's Gift shop or may be pur chased from PTA sales chairman. PTA to Meet Lookingglass PTA will meet Friday night at 8 o'clock at the schoolhouse with Mrs. S. A. Warg, guest speaker. Three 4-H club girls wilt report on summer school at Corvallis. Seventh and eighth grade mothers will serve pie and coffee. Mrs. M. M. Manning and Mrs. Fred Schulze will act 1 as co-hostesses. Pstluck Penny Supper Douglas County Sheriff's Posse members and their families are invited to a 7 o'clock potluck penny supper to night, March , at the clubrooms at the fairgrounds. Ladies are ask ed to bring a covered dish and sal ad or dessert. Men are asked to bring pennies. Those attending are asked to bring their own table serv ice. Back From Portland Mr. and Mrs. George K. Quine have return ed to their home in Roseburg, from Portland, where the former attend ed the dental technicians' meeting. While in Portland, Mrs. Quine was honored at a dinner party at the Cosmopolitan club, given by friends. Their small son remained here with his paternal grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quine. Major League Training VERO BEACH, Fla., March (.? Burt Shotton, Brooklyn Don ers' manager, haa praise for his bonus first baseman Wayne Belardi, up from St. Paul. After Belardi smacked a ball nearly 400 feet yesterday, Shotton remarked: "Belardi's a good player and he's a good hitter, too. Why, this morn ing he belted one clear over those orange trees in right field not into 'en, but over 'em." SARASOTA. Fla., March. t-4V After watching lefty Maury Mc Dermott and Chuck Stobbs limit his Boston Red Sox regulars to three hits in a six-inning intra squad game, Manager McCarthy junked today's plans for another such practice tilt. "We'll concentrate on hitting practice," McCarthy said. TAJtPA, Fla., March t -OPi-The Cincinnati Reds were casting covetous eyes at Philadelphia s Andy Seminick today. Semincik is the Phils' holdout catcher and it's na secret the Reds would like to have some backstop help. "We tried to swing a deal fori Tnun., Mar, 9, W0 -Tin Ntw.-Rviw, KoMbury,, Or. T Andv at th winti- mhn Warren Giles, the Cincinnati presi dent, "We didn't get to first base with our talks at that time but things may be different now." PASArtFNl r.UI V...I, Lin The Chicago White Sox looked slonnv VftrHnv mu the, ralat. defeated the Rookies, 8 5, in the second mtra-squad game of the season, doo ivucava ana Dili von nelly, the two starting pitchers, each yielded four walks in two innings. White the pitching lacked sparkle, the hitting was good. CLEARWATER, Fla., March M Manager Eddie Sawyer is hoping that the rains will relent today and lei hie PhiUUinhi. dw.i lies get a hard workout. Three days of sporadic pelting rams have helped parched cropa but not the Phillies. From the way things look now Sawyer must rarrv iiv Km.,.. Dlavers. That Ih i onlv It others. And km ..... k. will carry 10 or 11 pitchers, includ ing nusa sieyer. Ken Heintzelman. Robin Roberts and Jim Konstanty. Give your family a taste treat . . . serve them Save time . . . save work ... add variety to your meal with PATTERSON'S "Brown 'n Serve" ho; rolls. Buy them at your grocer's, put them in your oven for 7 to 10 minutes and they're done. Freshly Baked Every Day in the New Bakery That Good Bread Built Listen to "Sleepy Time Tales".., KRNR... 7:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday Of of LEE MORTENSEN INC 200 South Pine Saturday, March 11, 195 from 10 A. M. to 6 P.'M. Showing Four Major Lines of Equipment in one Roseburg Location FERGUSON TRACTORS and EQUIPMENT r " "FREE FREE- - n diamond t trucks Gifts for tht first hundred lady visitors. Bring in your children for thtir fret Balloon. DOOR PRIZES I O Kelly Springfield Tire O Willard Battery Kelly Springfield Tire Tube LOOK AT WHAT YOU GET IN A NEW FERGUSON TRACTOR MORE POWER . . . Continental valvo-in-haad tngint fives yo eddi fionol power whan you eeed it most in Hit field. MORE SPEEDS . . . guiet, constont-mesh transmission with four far. ward tends. A speed tor every field conditio. GREATER ECONOMY . . . improved engine design to five nore work from e tolloe of fuel. Cuts your fuel coifs m e new low. AUTOMATIC HYDRAULIC OVERLOAD . . . Protect implement, tree tor end operator if implement strikes e hidden obstruction. No longer will you hove additional repair bills caused by hidden ob stacles in the field. FRONT WHEEL TREAD ADJUSTABLE . . . without tht bather ef ed lustine steering linkage. This one feature elane will five you addi tional tima in tha field during tht day. GREATER ACCESSIBILITY . . . with aiclusive ntw tip-up hood mak. inf every part in tha anfina data te hand end easier te odjust or repeir. No other tractor combines ALL the features offered you in tha f root new Ftrfuson Tractor! High capacity helps you fat work dona quickly end efficiently. Ferguson's 3-pcint, one minute implement attachment makas this chora so much easier. Ferguson elso f ivat you singla pedal brakas on both r r wheels; plus individual turning brokes. Thesa ara Just e few ef the f'at new improvements that you will fine on your Ferguson T rector, See this freer ntw rorming mucmnu m npi r.w w your nim duction costs still more. You'll egree thot ntvtr btfara has a tinglt tor Included to many fttturts tor sorer, low cost terming, our fudge, visit our show room during our Grend Opening end set tnct for yourself. Also Complete Line of Ferguson Implements Plows Side delivery rakei Disk harrows O Seeders Groin drills Manura spreaders 0 Loaders Ferguson tractor with Ftrgusen Im plements en your form end yee wiH oern mere per teller Investment. Nothing to buy. To bt eligible for these Door Prizes you have Need not be present to win. If you win you will be notified. All you have to do is visit our new modern Farm and Truck Store, 200 South Pine, Saturday, March 11. : J PIERCE TRAILERS I KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRES tr: apmorubber a & SvE NATURAL RUBBER LS STURDY, WM-CWPPING J BEADS! yr ' . . ' T is If your ob rteulrtt a heavy duty trailer, then lee et for custom built Pierce frailer. Pierce trailers ere built te toko the ekuse ef heavy loads ever routh reeds end still five yee thot additional economy ef operation. If yee need e trailer, be sure te hove the trailer mode for thot eb . . . a Pierce, ef course. Thty'rt here? Diemond T presents "The Truck ef Lowest Cost" he a brend new series not matched by eny truck ever built before. Only Die mond T gives you afflciency, eccettibility, comfort end safety beyond ell previous stenderds. MORE COMPACT, YET MORI ACCESSIBLE! Dittance from front asle to beck ef cob reduced i", with greater eccettibility to ell ports ef tha anfina compartment. Now ellif atar-type heed fives instent eccott te ell units et top of the enf ine end cowl. MANY OTHER CHASSIS IMPROVEMENTS! Steering gear belted te top of frama with e clomp bracket for easy odjustmont or removal, and stear ins wheal position is edjustobla sevaral Inches. Larfer redietor hes ed luttabla shroud. Exhaust manifold incraasad in site. Quitt ftn roducts -tngint neisa whilt fan halt Is not tmploytd for generator drive. Distribu tor of dust-proof type, with full otitometlc edvonce. Lead distribution Im proved, turning radius reduced, end both driver end toad fat for smoother ride. FINEST CAI EVER BUILT! Entire cob ntw built ef htevy gauge stool dit-drtwn end wtldtd. Stet cushion odusteble rtlttlvt te beck cushion end entire teat adjustable 4 Inches. Ont-pitcc curved safety glass wlnd shitld gives unequalled vision. Tht thtrtantd front tnd tnablas tht drivar te see f round much closer then before. , GUARANTEED FOR 100,000 MILES OR A FULL YEAR! This illustrates how confident we ere In the service these ntw Diamond T's will five yee. Thay ere built te eut-perform end out last anything yet have ever owned, end PRICES ARE LOWER NOW. The new 1S0 Diemond T b the track thot will eneble yee to do mare for Itts. Sea these new improved tracks this Seturdey, et 200 S. Pine and you toe will egree thot the Diemond T h the track for yen in If JO. LEE MORTENSEN, INC. 200 South Pine Street Phone 1486-Y