I The News-Review. Roseburg, Ore. Wtd., Mar. 8, 1950 Society and Glubi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER end BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social itemi submitted b. tele phone for the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Friday at which time tne social calendar and Saturday s society page are closed weekly. SURPRISE SHOWER IS DELIGHTFUL EVENT A surprise miscellaneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Buckle was held at the home of the newly weds Thursday evening. Mrs. Mil ton Vance and Mrs. Mse Green were co-hostesses for the affair and provided an interesting pro gram of games for entertainment. Following the program and open ing of the gifts in which Mrs. Buckle was assisted by Mrs. Joe Green, lovely refreshments were served. Present for th occasion were: Mrs. A. C. Ellenwood, Mrs. G. E. Schneider, Mrs. R. K. Wylie, Mrs. E. E. Ollivant, Mrs. C. L. Hol ing, Mrs. H B. Elliott, Mrs. Arthur Marsh, Mrs. J. E. Green, Mrs. Ivan Matthews, Mrs. Mae Green, Mrs. Roy Buell, Mrs. Mollie Buckle, Mrs. Corvin Heard, Mrs. Cliff Har ner, Mrs. Clarence Nay, Mrs. George Marsh, Mrs. Ida Ellis, Mrs. Gladys Buckle, Mrs. Milton Vsnce, Mrs. Flora Lowden, Mrs. Betty Fortune, Miss Mary Buell, Mrs. Ben Jacoby, Mrs. Duane Boling and Mrs. Le ruuon. LADIES AID PLANS SALMON SUPPER The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Carey Wednesday. The business meeting was conduct ed by the president Mrs. Carey. F inal plans were made for a sal mon supper to be held at the Wil bur achoolhouse next March 24. Those attending were Mrs. Harvey Carey, Mrs. W. R. Kinsel, Mrs. Charles Ssnds, Mrs. Harold Mc Kay, Mrs. Jim Torgerson. Mrs. Ralph Antonne, Mrs. Leo Lockman, Mrs. Ody Moorhous, Mrs. George Short, Mrs. Menzie Lee, Mrs. Dolph Morley, Mrs. Everett Thomas, Mrs. W. H. Carey, Mrs. Rosella Bridee and the minister Rev. Mr. C, E. Brittain. Refreshment were serv ed by the hostess. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Ml 4 SUTHERLIN P N C. CLUB IS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Cora Allen assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Juanita Alterbury were hostesses Tuesday evening when they entertained the Suther lin Past Noble Grsnds Club at a delicious 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper. The lace covered table was centered with a beautiful bouquet of tinted pussy willows. Covers were placed for: Mrs. Belle Cook, Mrs. Bertha Barge, Mrs. Velma Brauninger, Mrs. Leon a Slack, Mrs. Alma Anderson, Miss Luella Pleuard, Mrs. Anna Hall, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Hazel Green, Mrs. Maude Culver, Mrs. Mary Barker. Mrs. Lucille Chose, Mrs. Eunice Beck, Mrs Ella Wegner, Mrs. Mabel Ross Mrs. Phreda Wahl, Mrs. Helmie Burns, Mrs. Juanita Holgate, Mrs. Ruth Manning and 'he hostesses, Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Atterbury. The meeting was opened by the president Mrs. Nellie Petersen and the first order of business was the admitting of a new member, Miss Pieuard. Election of new officers for the ensuring year: Included: Mrs. Lu cille Chase, president; Mra. Helmie Burns, vice-president; Mrs Velma Brauninger, secretary and treasure; appointive officers Mrs Phreda Wahl. marshall: Mrs. Leon Slack, guardian; Mrs. Anna Hall, chaplain. The above officers were then duly installed in their respective offices by the presiding officers. The club contributed $5.00 to the March of Dimes. Follyannas were revealed and new namea were echanged. The penny prize furnished by Mra. Allen was won by Miss Pie usrd. The door prizes were won, first by Mrs. Peterson and the se cond by Mrs. Wahl. At the close of the meeting each member was reminded to bring some hint for the next meeting to raise money for the good of the order. The next meeting will be held the home of Mrs. Ella Wegner, on Wednesday, April 5th at 7:30 o clock. EAGLES AUXILIARY DRILL TEAM TO SPONSOR DINNER The Eagles auxiliary drill team will sponsor a St. Patrick's Day dinner and dance March 17th, at the Eagles hall for all Eagles and their guests. Dinner will be served between six and eight o'clock and followed by dancing and entertainment. Battle iacket in white birdseve pique. . Flat front, bloused back, belted at the waist. Over a narrow sleeveless dress in rayon sheer. Bone buttons at the shoulders and down the bodice. Carlye, St. Louis. 525 As advertised in April MADEMOISELLE Other fashions by CARLYE in sizes 7 to 1 3. ROSEBURG SUTHERLIN REBEKAH LODGE HAS MEETING Sutherlin Rebekah lodes held a meeting Thursday evening at the American Legion hall with Mrs. Eunice Beck, noble grand, pre siding. Mrs. Petrona Wilcox was admit ted by transfer and one applica tion was voted upon, and was elect ed to become a member by initia tion. Mrs. Leona Slack was recom mended for the Degree of Chivalry which will be given at Rebekan Assembly of Oregon at Astoria in May. This being obligation night a very pretty and impressive cere mony was put on by the entire membership present. A susces tion waa made a large screen be purchased to be used in initiatory worx ana as a aoor tor ine anti- room. Mrs. Barker. Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Bielman, were appointed as a committee to make arrange ments. Mrs. Ruth Manning gave the un written work in a very credit able manner and Mrs. Anna Hall contributed to the birthday fund. After lodge closed the degree supervision of the new captain. Mrs. tflga Bielman. With several changes and new members in the staff it will take a few practices and they expect to be ready to initial the latter part of April. Membera present were: Mra. Meryl warn. Mrs. juanita Alter bury, Mrs. Marjorie Sheets, Mrs. Hallie Martin, Mrs. Betty Ray. Mrs. Emma Vandenberg, Mra Grace Wood, Mrs. Olga Bielman. Mrs. Lucille Chase, Mrs. Leona Slack. Mrs. Ruth Manning, Mrs, Doris Steinbach, Mrs. Ethylene Freeman. Mrs. Anna Hall. Mrs. Juanita Holgate, Mrs. Velma Brau ninger, Miss Ethel Manning, Mrs. Helmie Burns. Mrs. Mary Parker, Mrs. Bertha Barge, Mrs. Belle Cook. Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Cora Allen, Mrs. Maude Culver, Mrs. Kay Simmons, Mrs. Lenor Hazel Green, Miss Luella Pleuard, Mrs. Mabel Ross, Mrs. Ella Weg ner, LOOKINGGLASS P.-T.A. TO MEET ON FRIDAY Mrs. S. A. Warg will be speaker at the Lookingglass P.-T.A. meet ing to be held Friday night, March 10, at eight o'clock at the school house. Mrs. Warg will talk on "Why You Should Come to P.-T.A." Three 4-H club girls will tell of their experiences while attending summer school at.Corvallis. Sev enth and eighth grade mothers will furnish pie and serve the refresh ments with Mrs. M. M. Manning and Mrs. Fred Schulze acting as co-hostesses. D. OP U.V. TO MEET ON FRIDAY EVENING Florence Nightingale tent No. IS, Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at seven-thirty o'clock Friday night at the K. of P. hall. All members are urged to be present. Reception Honors f ' I'M Mrs. Mamie Wilson, Myrtle Creek, grand marshal of the State of Oregon, International Order of Job'f Daughters, waa honored at a reception given by the members and council of bethel 18, Myrtle Creek, Sunday afternoon. Receiving in picture, left to right were: Mrs. Caye Aiken, guar dian of bethel 18; Mra. Wilson; Mrs. H.E.C. HAS INTERESTING MEETING The Home Economics club met Saturday to elect officers for the year, which were aa follows: Mrs H. L. Smith, Home Economic chairman; Elma Dunham, vice president; Bernice Spencer, sec reatry; Mary Smith, treasurer; and Lima Dunham, reporter. Mrs. uu Cunningham was apportied chair man of the finance and project committee. She named the follow ing membera to assist her: Mary Jane Kinnan, Carrie Pope and Ei leen McClellen. The first Monday in every month the club will meet at seven o' clock in the school house kitchen. Next meeting will be March 6th and all grange ladies are asked to attend. Attending the first meeting were: Mary Smith. Brunette Wilson, Dor othy Meeks and Linda, Lucille and Judy Counts, Lou Cunningham, Ei leen McClellen, Delia Kockwood, Carrie Pope and Mary Helen; Mrs. Jeppesen, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Bat tles and Billy, Mrs. Booth and Lima Dunham. LONNY W ATKINS IS HONORED ON BIRTHDAY Mrs. Lonny Watkins with her daughters, Betty and Ladina, en tertained at a delightful birthday party in honor of her husband Lon ny's birthday. The evening was spent In visit ing. Those attending were Miss Carola Spackman, Jim and Chuck Spackman, Mr. Bruce Spackman, Jim Barnett of Roseburg, Phil Hal stead of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Oakes and son Collins, Agnes and Jack Veach of Roseburg. Claude and Wilma Rhoades of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cooper of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas, Mr, and Mrs. Davis and daughter Jeanie, Dan McLullen, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Higgens of Sutherlin, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Watkins, Waunda Mattes and the hostesses' daughters, Barbara and Sherlane. Lovely refreshments were served by the hostesses. in qoodness! Heap up breakfast bowlful of sweet Kellogg'a Corn Flakes. Freaherl Criapar! So Ktartyl the "power" of com and ita whole kernel values in iron. Vitamin B niacin! A bargain Un foorfiCTt Kellogg'a Corn Flake. MOTHIR KNOWS. BEST I EBDBI imi OPEN SUNDAYS Roses, ornamentals, hedge and berry plants. Seeds and fertilizers. MOORE'S NURSERY 't Mile East of Courthouse on East Douglas St. PHONE 905-J Mrs. Mamie Wilson At Myrtle Creek 0 Martha Elhart, Ashland, grand guardian; Mrs. Ada Moore, Co quille, vice grand guardian; Mrs Avon Vert, Portland, grand guide; Mrs. Velma Green, Portland, grand librarian; Mra May Surplice, Port land, grand senior custodian; Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Riddle, grand fourth messenger; Mrs. Felicia Eh lert, PorUand, junior past grand MR. AND MRS. BROWN ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown entertained at a very lovely dinner rriday in honor of Mrs.' Browns mother, Mrs. Cynthia Rusell who celebrated her 83 birthday anniver sary. Those attending were Mrs. Tenny Baird and Mrs. Margaret McKay daughters of Mrs. Russell, Mrs. J. D. Adair of Roseburg, Mrs. Everett Vincent and Mrs. E. L. Russell of Roseburg, Mrs. Adair and Mrs. Vincent are grand daughters of Mrs. Russell and Mrs. E. L. Russell is a grandson's wife, Mrs. Versa Russell and Mrs Abbey Russell, daughetcrs in law and Mrs. C. J. Bradley of Rose burg and Mrs. Mamie Bruce. HAPPY CIRCLE SEWING CLUB MEETING HELD Members of the Happy Circle Sewing club enjoyed a delicious potluck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ellen Markham on Tuesday. The group exchanged Pollyanna names for the year. The day was spent in sewing and visiting. Those present were Edna Rich ardson, Mable Sallee, Marion Mowty. Peggie Chapman, Evelvn Sundquist, Ella Barlley, Julie Thorn and children, Christie and Jimmie, Lou Cunningham, Stella Moodio, Betty Louise Moodie, Cora Ellen Brown and twins, Eileen Mc Clellen and the hostess, Mrs. Ellen Markham. NONPARIEL CLUB HAS POTLUCK AFFAIR The Nonpariel Community club east of Sutherlin, enjoyed a pot luck dinner at the Fair Oaks school house Friday evening. Entertainment was furnished by Blevins and "Tex" Napier. Those enjoying the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas, an! daughter, Anita; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Swindler, Mr. and Mrs. Car penter and sons: Mr. Floyd Norris and son, Don; Mr. and Mrs. Her bert Hibbard, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas and daughters, Adele and Marts Lu. EVERGREEN GRANGE TO PUT ON DEGREE WORK The third and fourth degrees will be put on at the Evergreen Grange meeting at eight o'clock Friday night. March 10, at the hall. All Granges in the county having can didates in these two degrees are asked, to bring them to this meet ing. Ladies attending are asked to bring cookies or sandwiches. INITIATION IS HELD BY D.MOLAY THURSDAY The Roseburg Order of DeMolay had their first initiation Thursday. The initiation was very successful and was enjoyed by all. Those initiated were Howard and Llovd Stumbo, John Robertson, John Hill and Thomas Keel. The initiation was preceded by a dinner sponsored by the Scottish Rite. EDENBOWER COMMUNITY CLUB TO MEET FRIDAY Edenbower Community club will meet Friday, March 10, at a pot luck dinner at six o'clock at the schoolhouse. Rod and Gun club pictures will he shown during the social hour. Those attending are asked to bring a covered dish and their own table service. ZULEIMA CLUB TO 1 MEET FRIDAY NIGHT Zuleima club. Daughters of the Nile will meet at a seven-thirty o'clock dessert - supper Friday, March 10. at the new home of Mrs. John Joelson. 620 S. Main street, with Mrs. Maynard Stevens assist ing hostess. All members are urg ed to be present. r Trees -Shrubs Plants A complete selection of fruit, nut and shade trees. lVW T 1 guardian; Mr. Glenn Riddle, Kid die, past associate grand guard ian; Mrs. Ruby Shirtcliff, Winches ter Bay, first guardian of-bethel 18; and Mr. Roy Colburn, associate guardian of bethel 18. Mrs. A. J. Young, Roseburg, past grand guardian; Mrs. Frances Trask. worthy matron of Valentine chapter, O. E. S.; Mrs. Esther Hogg; and Mrs. Emma Ledger- Yoncalla By Mrs. George Edes Mr. and Mrs. Ben Emery and infant daughter of Grants Pass spent a few days here last week visiting at the parental Gertrude Stoute home. Guests at the Harold T u r p 1 n home recently included Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brown and two children from Junction City, Mr. and Mrs. Travelle Turpin of Medford rnd Pres Turpin of Phoenix, Ore. Little Mary Thompson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvil Thomp son returned to her home here Wednesday after spending two months with her grandmother in Albany. Mrs. Bertha Smith and Mrs. A. Ames of Albany brought the little girl home. Mrs. Dan Wright spent the week end visiting relatives in Portland. Miss Reta Kruse who has been visiting in Los Angeles for the past mont'.i returned to her home here last week. Johnnie Schlachter underwent a major operation on his hand in Portland last week. Schlachter, who injured his right hand early last fall, has had several oper ations on the injurW member, and it is hoped that this one will be the last. Mrs. Schlachter accom panied him to Portland. Mac Main received medical treatment in Eugene last week for malaria. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Pennington are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a daughter, Janice Arlene. born Feb. 28. at t h e Ran. her Maternity home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Greeley have a new son, born Feb. 27, at the Booher Maternity home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hall and Miss Winnie Hall and Mr. and Mrs. George Edes scent Sundav visiting at the Joel Holton home in cugene. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Danzhprtv and Miss Pauline Rychard spent the weekend with Miss Rychard's liairnis in riusn ure. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese of Eugene spent the weekend visiting at the Edna Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Curtis and son spent the weekend with Mrs. Curtis's sister and family' in Reeds- port., nr. ana Mrs. Raphael Wise and son spent the weekend with Wise's uncle and aunt. Mr. ap-l Mrs. Alvie Wise near Jefferson Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Sr., returned home Wednesday after spending the past two months with their daughter at Long Beach. Calif. Mr and Mrs. Everett Curtis motored to Eugene to meet them. Mr. Lavone Boettcher and two children and Eldon Morin of Ore gon City spent the weekend here at the Morin home. V Misses Mary Ellen Gile ' belle Gile. teachers in the New berg school, spent the wei....,! here visiting at (he Avery Lass well home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ohlsen and son of Eugene visited at the parental Ray Turpin home, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Williams and Mrs. Black Ledbetter of Port land visited at the Brawn and Williams homes here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a daughter, born at the Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene. Authorized Sales and Service Agency Remington Rand Adding Machines Kordex Systems Filing Equipment Portable Typewriters Printing Calculators Commercial Typewriters Safe-Cabinets ' Line-A-Times Duplicating Supplies Bookkeeping Machines Carbon Paper & Ribbons 325 South Stephens (A wood poured. Miss Maxine Kus ler, junior past queen and Patty Hogg, present honored queen, pre sided at the punch bowl. A program of musical numbers was given by Miss Priscilla Prun er, Mrs. Louise Fountain, Miss Pat McGuire; Mrs. Marilyn Wil son, Mrs. Margaret McGee, Miss Barbara Wilcox, Miss Barbara Sny der and Miss Darrellene Carter. March S. " Mr. and Mrs. George Williams of Astoria are spending a few days visiting at the Mary Williams home. Mrs. Elton Grass, Mrs. Dan Wright, Mrs. Dora Benner, Mrs. Sheets and Mrs. John Weber at tended the Douglas county dist rict meeting of the P-T. A. mem bers at Oakland, Saturday. Mrs. Esther Gamble and daugh ter of Portland are visiting her parents Mr. and Ms. Fred Polin in Scotts Valley. Mrs. Gertrude Stoute spent tin weekend visiting her daughter and family in Grants Pass. Mrs. Allen is spending a month with her son in Dallas, Ore. Mrs. Elmer Ellison, Mrs. Harry Abbott and Mrs. Bob Smith spent Friday in Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McGra'h have built a small house south of where their home burned recently At a meeting of telephone line No. 5, held Thursday evening in the city hall, it was decided to put in a double metallic line from tie city limits to the forks of the Rice' Valley road, a mile south of town. Work will start is soon as weather conditions permit. MUSIC TEACHERS TO ! MEET ON FRIDAY I Douglas County Music Teachers j association will meet at a twelve o'clock no-hostess luncheon at the Hotel Umpqua Friday. All those eligible to membership are invited LOOK FOR PAINTINO AND WHEN YOU PAINTING DECCCATINO ' ICONTPACTOCSj AMEPICA You art protected when you deal with members of the Painting and Decorating Contractors of America 1. Personol injury or property damage fully covered by insurance. 2. Written contracts and specifications. 3. All estimates and bids free. 4. Monthly payments if desired. Following is a complete list of Painting Contractors who are members of the Roseburg Chapter Harry Hill Carl Cornell Leo Kimball P. A H. Paint Co, John B. Preston Spencer it McFadden Tyler & Shultz Douglas Paint and Hardware Don E. Morgan Harold B. Hall To Keep Your Office Well, Call D&LSTATIONERS Del Dvrfcam Vie lri SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY IS ENJOYED Mrs. Grant McCormack and Mra. Herbert Hibbard entertained at a surprise birthday party for their sons, Ray McCormack and Vonnie, Hibbard, Monday evening it the home of Mra. McCormack. After a bountiful buffet aupper, various games were enjoyed. The beautifully wrapped gifti were opened and the pretty deco rated birthday cake was cut and served by the honor guests, Ray and Vonnie. Those enjoying the evening were: Katv and Jackie Kennedy, Betty, Doris, and Carol Ann Devereaux, Maria Lu Smith, Marlene Downing, Carmel Norton, Calla Norris, Col een McCormack, Jimmie and Kava Barnes, Stephen Danchok, Bill Smith, Errol Loving, Larry McCor mack, Martin Norris, Nickie Nor ris, Myron Babb, Ray Downing and the guests of honor, Ray McCor mack and Vonnie Hibbard. Prolong Your Life Good health means a happpier, longer life. Follow the advice of your doctor and stay well. When medicine is necessary, you can bank on us . for the best. McKAY'S Drugs f service For Health" 221 N. Jackson Phone 8 THIS SIGN THINK OF DECORATING Phono 173-Y te,