14 The News-Review, Rosebura,, Of Wed1., Mar. I, 1950 Borrowing Social Security Funds For Deficit Financing Branded As Double Taxation , By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK, Feb. 2J.C) Uncle Sm is making the financing of bil Treasury deficit easier by dipping into the aocial aecurity funda you pay. The federal reserve board obaervea this without comment. But otbera an more vocal. This borrowing from federal agency re aerve funds Instead from the banks to pay current expenses, leads aome to charge that the reserves are becoming "a fiction." The cri tic! are stoutly op. c:--, however, by others who see the practice as good business tor Dom me lunui and the T-sasury, as justifiable, and even to your advantage. Here are the arguments on both sides: ..hose who oppose the habit call It "robbing Peter to pay Paul." With all the self-delusion such a policy involves. They also call it double taxation fntyottitom mW-fXs8eer tYfrtfXe iuohTO luger M WTiuun iirwitreo. WW First, the Treasury taps your pay check to provide for old age and unemployment insurance. It givea government securities to the trust funds for this cash. But when the time comes to pay you your pen i.l . so the argument goes, you may be taxed again. That would be to provide the cash the Treas ury will need to redeem its se curities from the agenciea and provide them with the money to pay you. The federal reserve board makes n such accusation, but it notes that of the $5.1 billion deficit ex pected this year, almost half will be made up with publi' borrowing by dipping into the federal trust funds. In addition to social ae curity, these include postal sav ings, veterans injurs ce, and bank deposit insurance funds. , Others, not the board, say that this aupply of ready cash at hand cncouragea the government to spend more than It would if it had to make up all of federal deficit from public borrowing. Arguments Advanced Those who chsmpion the pre r t policy of handling the reserve funds make the following argu ments: 1. These reserve funds are not to blame for the national debt. nor for the deficit, nor for any future taxation to redeem these or any other government security. Debts, deficits and higher taxes can stem only from Congressional sanction of government spending Winston By MRS. GEORGE BACHER Pic. Paul Holteen left for San Antonio, Texas, this week after speeding a furlough with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clell Holteen, in Winston. Holteen is stationed at an air base in that city, but ex pects to be transferred upon his re turn. A. D. Fox has now been claimed by mumps. Mrs. Fox and the two Fox children have just recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson have returned, to their home in Winston after a visit in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Jimmy En2le. in Corvallis. Their son-uv law. who haa been seriously ill in a Portland hospital, is reported to be much improved, fcngie is study ing to become a pharmacist. Visiting at the A. D. Fox home thia eek are Mrs. Fox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson, late ly from the state of Missouri and now with an 'at home' address in Sweet Home. The Thompsons came to visit in Oregon ana liked the state so well that they didn't want to leave, they said. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stonebreaker of '."inston spent Saturday and Sunday in Newport. Stonbreakr is Drincinal of the Green school and Mra. Stonebreaker is the sec ond grade teacher. They reside on the old home place oi the late M. B. Green, now owned by H. A, Winston. Mrs. George Butler and Mrs Reba Butler attended the P.-T. A. council meeting in Oakland Satur day. Distributee1 r Western Distributing Co. (heft ft lurk Streets Phoee 1294-L Roeebyrf, Ores on America's newest EATING HABIT Is coming to Rosebura, soon at The Drive-Inn Hifhwey South excess of revenue. 2. Investment A these govern ment agency funds in treasury se curities is defensible on the same grounds as the investment by life insurance companies of their re. serve funds in government securities. 3. The funds get from two to four jercent inter each year. And, although this interest is rais ed, or course, by general taxation, til' the reserve fund- are swelled by it whereas they would earn nothing if left in cash. For example, if 15 billion of so cial security funds are put into 2 percent government bonds, they will ea. .1 $100 million a year. And this would come in handy in some future yesr when possibly the call upon the funda for pension and unemployment payi ents might ex cerd the collections for the funds in that year. (Opponents ask: why not t ke care of that, when and if it arises, by taxation since it c nes out of taxes either way?) r From tfw Women' Shop m our Co to log ... 3-pioco win, tlitt up to 46, plus tfoxant of tovtly ihaor prints ond cawalk From Hvo Children! Shop In our Catalog hot V bog Mti for tophisticoUd tort, ond doxont of prky bonnots and drottst From th jowolry Shop In our Catalog double) duty poarl necklace with riunettone datp to wear separately or on the necklace at you prefer, mm rn: w Rtm mil from the loyi' Shop ki our Catalog two piece thortie ond long' suits, iIim to 10 buy separately or match Hitm tor big 'n' little brother outntil A da ih of smartneit for 1 mon'i Eaiter Scimitar or pencil ftVclatpi, or tapphire eutf Ikikt tmort ond nice for aifhl WP From the Gird Shop h our Catalog ..a chang ea bout dreu to be worn four ways in tit for big V Imie tiiterl ytf c 'Cog ckd ceep Qj to w o aaasn oaus-xt czzs-is7 Here's a peek at our new Spring and Summer Catalog fashions a scoop on the faihion picture for Spring, many of mem headline news) See gay accessories to top your Easter costume, distinctive jewelry for men and women ...'smart suit and dress fashions for larger size ' women, the news in matched outfits for big 'n little brother and sisterl They're all from our Catalog "Specialty Shops". . . and all the more proof that Wards is the most complete shopping center in town I Visit or phone our Store Catalog Department anytime during store hours Roseburg, Oregon Phone 59 Education Group Sets Dillard Meet A regular meeting of the Asso ciation of Childhood Education will be held Saturday, March 11, from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. at the Dillard school. Several talks, an original oper etta, a musical interlude and pot luck diner will be featured. Among the speakers will be Harry Krug, Dillard, speaking on "The Teacher and Public Rela tions"; M. C. Deller, superintend ent of schools at Mvrtie Creelc. talking on "The Children's Bill or HB 193"; Kenneth Barnebunt, county school superintendent, "Certification, Testing and the Rural School Board'; Margaret Carr, art coordinator, Roseburg, "Art Designs and Modern Art'': Mrs. Margaret McGee. Riddle. "How We Can Aid Our NEA Rep resentative"; Mrs. Jean Hedberg, Oakland, "Sweden"; and Mrs Claude Wilson, Myrtle Creek, on "Ceramics." The operetta will be under the direction of Mrs. Harrison, and the Camp Fire girls of Dillard will Erovide the musical interlude nu tri ers. The potluck lunch will be served from 11:30 a. m. to 1 p. m. The association includea all ele mentary teachers who wish to take part. Richmond W. Lsndon, who won the 1920 Olympic high jump event at Antwerp, has been reappointed handicapper for 1950 for the New York Athletic club. Garden Valley By MRS. CARL SCHMIDT There will be i meeting ef the Tuesday Bible study class at the home of Mrs. Sig Madson at eight o'clock Tuesday evening, all resi dents of the valley interested are invited to attend. Ladies of Garden Valley interest ed in forming a missionary society are asked to meet at the home of Mrs. J. C. Guthrie at 2 p.m., Thurs day, March 9. The Graden Valley Sunday School had a record attendance and pot- iuck dinner, jtev. Hall. Presbyter ian missionary, waa the speaker. Rev. Morris Roach had charge of motion picture projector and the picture "God of Creation" waa en joyed by eighty people. Mr. and Mra. Chas. Foree the Green Sun day school superintendent and wife were visitors. The Riversdale Extension unit will meet at the Grange hall March 16. Project leadera Mrs. Emmett Walters and Mrs. Sig Madson will teach the malting of lampshadea. Material to be broueht bv the ladies, who wish to make a ahade are: Scissors, thimble, needle, twenty-four clean clipon clothes pins, one ten-cent card of straight rayon seam binding, Vi yard or more of material to cover shade of the desired color and matching braid, nail file or dull tool to push cloth around wire. Frame wire can be bought at the grange hall from Mrs. Walters. Meeting will be from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Polio In Animals Immunized By New Violet Light CHICAGO UP) Scientists have disclosed they have develop ed a vaccine that has immunized 90 percent of experimental animals against one form of infantile par alysis. In a report to the national found ation for infantile paralysis, re searchers at Michael Reese hos pital here said they obtained the vaccine by bombarding polio virus with a new type of ultra violet light They also said they are aiming at a form of the vaccine that will be safe and effective against each of the presently known three types of polio. The report said, however, that much more work must be done to refine the procedure be fore human trials ot the vaccine can be attempted. Dr. Sidney O. Iatvinson. director of the institute's research found ation who headed the acience team that developed the vaccine, said the 90 per cent immunity rate waa scored on a colony of mice. Tabernacle Organ Combination Headache In Digit SALT LAKE CITY, March I. (,) What do yoa call a number with 68 digits? Local mathemi ticians didn't know off hand but after much figuring and confer He said the serum will not be tried on humans unless or until it can give immunity to all forms of polio. Dr. Levinson said the next atep in the research is to use the same ultra violet light treatment on the other forma of the virus and test the vaccine on animals. He explained the ultra violet light kills the virus but does not destroy its ability to stimulate immunity in a patient. Dr. Levinson aaid heat or chem ical destruction of the virus, the usual method for preparing vac cines, does not work on the polio virus because these agents also kilt the immunity factor. ring It waa termed "vigintillion " So that's what Utah'na will tell the next tourist who asks how many differeni combinations are possible in using the stops of the Salt Lake tabernacle organ 36 thousand vigintillion. There are about 183 usable stops on the console, providing the various sounds and tones pot. sible on tht 10,000 pipes in the organ. The choir, positif and swell or gans, all computed on an electron ic machine by Prof. Pierce Ketcn um of the University of Illinois, add up to the amazing 68-digit number Frank W. Asper, taber nacle organist, asked Ketchum, a former Salt Laker, to figure the total. Asper doesi 't intend to take the time to try them all out, however. News-Review want ada bring results. Phone 100. DO YOU KNOW . . . (hat the eauaaa of about S9 of 111 atlmcnu may ba corrected by iplnal and tntaallnal troatmanta with propar dial Dr. M. C. Casael $3 PER MONTH Pays for appliance repairs Rebuild Repair T .t Add yeara of -vice to your appliances. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed TajkkWetsI p:;one Brnrur appliance 1200 ofte DCKUH 9 SERVICE South OU J Pickup and Delivery Stephens the news you've been waiting for! THE SWING is to mi V-' '.-''a in '50 RCA VICTOR'S SENSATIONAL NEW RECORDING SYSTEM Ken &tloHV HOUSE lvt oft cusow ST Do" Hose ibu'9 ROSEBURGS RADIOS RECORD PLAYERS COMBINATION RADIO PHONOGRAPHS that play ALL new records v. ;i v . 4 NEW HOME OF DCTR THE WORLD'S FINEST RECORDINGS POPULAR ir Children's WESTERN Only RCA VICTOR makes the VICTROLA Tmiuirmvoicr Phone 1655 230 N. Jackson Si (Next deer H Mermen's)