The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, March 07, 1950, Page 8, Image 8

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    I The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Or. Tuti., Mar. 7, 1950
Society and Glubl
Social items submitted b. tele-
Ehone for the society page must
s turned in before 12 o'clock
Monday through Thursday and
by 10 a. m. Friday at which time
the social calendar and Saturday's
society page are closed weekly.
Pussy willows, daffodils, violets
and tapc-s were used for the cen
terpiece by Mrs. Emma Carr Tues.
day, when she entertained the Til
licum Bridee club of Sutherlin,
One-hirty o'clock dessert-luncheon
was served at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Lloyal Stearns, in
Oakland. '
Covers were placed for Miss
Mary Alice Randall, Mrs. Olga
Bielman, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs
Gladys Kesner, Mrs. Florence Cro
ft hong, Mrs. Lenora Payne, Mrs.
Mabel Randall, Mrs. Meryl Wahl,
, Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Nureen
Perrault, Mrs. Juanita Holgate and
the hostess, Mrs. Carr, assisted by
her daughter, Mrs. Stearns.
nuction bridge was at play with
Mrs. Barker winning high score;
Mrs. Holgate, second; Mrs. Slack,
low; and Mrs. Randall the traveling
Mrs. Lenora Payne was intro
duced as a new member.
The .next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Holgate on
March 7th.
We don't just
TALK Service
We get it done!
Maybe you've hesitated to
put your washer in for serv
ice for fear we might be slow
in finishing the work. Please
don't worry about that We
ARE busy of course, but we
snake a rule to finish each
service Job WHEN PROM
ISED end as early as pot
si We. Phone a today.
Appliance Service
1200 B. Btsphena Phone SOS
Second Floor
1 1
ft V-
Tickets for the St. Patrick's day
fashion show and bridge luncheon,
sponsored by the Roseburg Busin
ess and Professional Women's club
are on sale. The affair will be held
Friday, March 17 at the Roseburg
Country club at 12:30 p.m.
Reservations for tables may be
J made by calling Flossie Virden,
476-J. Tickets may be secured
from B. P. W. club members some
of whom work at Ashcraft Jewel
ers, Phillips Office Supply, Cleo's
Bakery, lies Drug store. Imperial
Cleaners, Huddleston's Shoe Store,
Modern Furniture, Clark's Studio,
Heinline Piano Studio, Landis Iron
Works, Profit me Gas Co., and the
Shamrock Motel.
Arrangements for the afternoon
are in charge of the finance com
mittee with Laura lies, chairman
assisted by Maude Kidder and
Hazel Reid; cards, Flossie Virden
chairman, Mildred Herman and
Hazel Smith assisting; decorations,
Estella Spencer, Edyth Landis and
Priscil a Llarenbacn assisting.
Bridge, canasta and pinochle will
be at play following the luncneon.
Members of Delta Delta Delta so
rority and mothers of members
and pledges are invited to attend
a one o clock no-nostess organize
tion meeting Wednesday at the Ho
tel umpqua. AU persons in Douglas
county engiDie to join mis organi
zation are invited. Those not con'
tacted and desiring further infor
mation are asked to telephone 195-
Rotary Anns will meet at no
hostess luncheon Thursday noon at
the Kaimbow brill. All members
are urged to be present.
Myrtle Creek
Hove" you entered your
child's picture in Ada's
Photo Studio annual Baby
Contest? If not, bring your
child in and have him
photographed. Select your
favorite pose or him and
then enter that pose in
this gigantic contest. Your
child's picture may be a
weekly winner and if it is.
then your child is eligible tor
the grand prize award of a
620 German Made Camera
Enter this Baby Photo Con.
test and your child's picture
moy win this $50 camera.
For further information see
Ada's Photo
Myrtle Creek, Oregon
for half-sizes
You Kill find a truly
wonderful collection of
suits for half-sizes at our
store for your selection.
They're so smartly
styled and expertly propor
tioned to fit you perfectly.
The PrintzrM, label, a
always, is your assurance
of fine quality fabrics,
expert, skilled tailoring
outstanding value.
Our (lone.
of Fashions'
Spring Fashions In
' ' - --Li-"t
Miss Jan Elliott, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Elliott modeled a
gray spring tailleur with red ac
cessories in spring fashion showing
Friday evening at ' Junior high
Wednesday March I
Rebekah staff practice at 7:30
p. m. at 1. O. O. F. hall. All offi
cers and staff members asked to
be present.
St. Joseph's Altar Society, Circle
No. I, at St. Joseph's school.
Jay-C-Ettes at 8 p. m. at home of
Mrs. Charles Hart. Those planning
to attend call 1217-Y or 1113 L.
East Douglas Extension unit
meeting at Glide grange hall at 1
p. m. with Mrs. Corinne McTag
gert presenting a program on
Family Business and the Law."
All women of Glide. Dixonville
and South Deer Creek communi
ties are urged to attend.
Hubbard creek Needle cluo to
meet in afternoon at home of Mrs.
Lucinda Gurney.
Friendly Circle at home of Mrs.
Leslie Pfaff on Ward street with
Mrs. Ivan Edwards as hostess.
Tenmile Ladies club to meet at
noon potluck luncheon at newly
completed Tenmile Community
Patch and Chat club to meet at
p. m. at home of Mrs. Thomas
Lookingglass P.-T. A. Study club
to meet at 10 a. m. at home of Mrs.
Mae Green. Sack lunch at noon.
Mrs. M. Manning in charge of pro
gram topic, ' Review of Good
Thursday March
Forsythe guild at First Presby
terian church at 8 p. m. Members
of Geneva guild invited as guests.
Rotary Ann's no-hostess lunch
eon noon at Rainbow Grill.
Woman s Benefit association
to meet at 2 p. m. at home of Mrs.
Magdalene Herbage, 2134 Taylor
street, Cloverdale. Final plans
made to send delegates to state con
vention at La Grande. March 13-14.
Evergreen Home Economics club
with Dorothy Talbott, Cora John
son and Leola Wilhoit as hostesses.
Woman's Society of Christian
Service to meet at 1 o'clock dessert
Your favorite foveiie.
New, imortf Mhon-ever detailing
new potterml
lowly liahMo-datt
thodm. and
Ship 'fi SHore ttand-byt
convertible colbn, octiotvbocki.
long Kjibl
San fori id . , . colorfosl
Sim 30 to 4a
Second Floor
0 1
-J i i A
lllllll III ' I l Til ISM r ' T - - - , i'mi
school. The men's wear flannel sul
features a pencil slim silhouette.
On the right. Miss Charlene Deets
ready for the Junior Prom in a
youthful styled yellow organdie
The neckline is outlined with white
luncheon at Methodist church par
lors with members of Circle No. 2
as hostesses. Topic, "Christian Ad
vance in Japan." Mrs. O. N. Kent
program chairman and Mrs. C. K.
Rand in charge of devotions.
Pythian Sisters to meet at 8 p.
m. at K. of P. hall.
Country club women to meet at
12 o'clock luncheon at clubhouse.
Contract bridge play at 1 o'clock.
Those desiring transportation call
Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer, 654-J.
Alpha Chi chapter to meet at
home of Mrs. Robert Nazelrod on
West Oak street at 7:30 p. m.
Lady Elks to meet at 8 p. m. at
temple. Mrs. R. M. Browning, Mrs.
Harry Hildeburn, Mrs. Lloyd Hill
and Mrs. James Moran, hostesses.
Woman's Society to meet at 1:30
dessert-luncheon parlors of Presby
terian church with Mrs. C. E. Rob
erts, hostess chairman. Program to
be .colored slides of "Easter
Home," to be shown by Gloria
Wunsch. Vocal solos by Mrs. Earl
Plummer and Mrs. Lester F. Niel
sen. Friday March 10
Riversdale Home Economics
club to meet at 12:30 potluck lunch
eon at home of Mrs. H. B. Kruse.
Members and prospective members
invited. Those attending are asked
to bring their own table service.
Riversdale grange at which time
third and fourth degrees will be
Presented by Jessie Thomas and
er degree team. AU granges in
county are invited to bring their
candidates for initiation.
Douglas County Music Teachers
association to meet at 12 o'clock
no-hostess luncheon at Hotel Ump
qua. Florence Nightingale tent No. IS,
Daughters of Union Veterans of the
Civil War, to meet at 7:30 p. m. at
K. of P. hall.
Daughters of Union Veterans of
Civil War at K. of P. hall at 7:30
p. m.
Saturday March II
Yoncalla Methodist W. S. C. S.
cooked food sale and shrub sale in
old bank building with Mrs. Ernest
Warner in charge.
Rebekah food sale at E. G.
High's office.
Melrose grange '-male supper.
Serving to begin at 8:30 p. m. and
public invited. Cards will follow.
Catholic ladies rummage sale
from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. in base
ment of rectory on East Oak street.
Sutherlin P.-T. A. annual Father-
of Fashions
daisies. She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Deets. Both are Tri-Hi-Y
members at high school. Pic
tures were taken by Paul Jenkins,
News-Review photographer, prior
to the fashion showing.
Son banquet at high school from T
to 8:30. All men in Sutherlin asked
to bring a son, or borrow one, to
attend this affair. Tickets on sale
at Holgate's gift shop or may be
purchased from P.-T. A. sales
All-city sing for Camp Fire Girls
taking part in city-wide pageant at
junior high school at 10 a. m.
Riversdale Grange invites public
to smorgasbord at 6 p. m. at hall.
Cards in play during social hour.
D. A. V. auxiliary, Dean-Pernne
unit No. 9, to meet at 7:45 p. m. at
Del Rey cafe at Winchester. Re
freshments. March 17
Public invited to Catholic bene
fit St. Patrick's dance at 9 p. m. at
armory. Proceeds to go to St. Jo
seph's building fund.
The Woman's Society will meet
at a one-thirty o'clock dessert
luncheon Thursday at the Presby
terian church parlors with. Mrs.
C. . Roberts, hostess chairman.
Gloria Wunsch will show colored
slides entitcled, "Easter Home."
Vocal solos will be presented by
Mrs. Earl Plummer and Mrs. Les
ter F. Nielsen. All women of the
church are invited.
A pink and blue shower and e
bridal shower complimented Mrs.
Burton Brooks and Miss Violet
Brooks at the home of Mrs. Clifford
Hein with Mrs. Duane Lewis and
Mrs. Vera Hassel as co-hostesses.
Games were played pertaining to
pink and blue tradition and also
to the bride.
The hostesses decorated in pink
and blue colors and a basket ar
rangement was used for the pink
and blue, gifts, while at one side
of the room a table centeredwith
a bouquet of carnations held the
bride-elect's gifts.
After the games and the opening
of the gifts refreshments were
served by the hostesaes, Mrs. Hein,
Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Hassel to:
Miss Violet Brooks, Mrs. Burton
Brooks, guests of honor; Mrs.
Lome Pine, Mrs. Earl Hutchin
son, Mrs. David McAlexander,
Mrs. Burton Brooks, Sr. of Oak
land; Mrs. Arthur Park, Mrs.
James Park, Mrs. Robert Poulton,
Mrs. Mary Home, Mrs. O. B. Grav
er, Mrs. Sam Robertson, Mrs. Wil
liam Sol berg, Mrs. R. H. Miles,
Mrs. A. E. Leinbaum, Mrs. John
Bratton, Mrs. Howard Squier, Mrs.
John Kim, Mrs. Cecil Humphrey,
Mrs. E. R. Holm, Mrs. Robert Han
sen, Mrs. Ethel Wood, Mrs. Beulah
Kimball, Mrs. John Beck, Mrs
Ella Fenton, Mrs. Charles En
yart all of Sutherlin.
Frances Cames was elected to
the office of lecturer at Kellogg
orange, io. n, at the meeting
held Saturday. Fe. 25 with Master
Grant Madison presiding. A check
for $159.00 was turned over to the
grange secretary by the home eco
nomics club secretary, Laura Ad
amo as proceeds from bazaar
Charles Madison, Cecil Denny
and Lillie Garrison were appoint
ed on the juvenile committee. The
juvenile grange meeting was in
charge of Darlene Madison with
16 members present. Patron Eldon
Fisher and assistant Leon Madi
son assisted.
Kenneth Madison and Cecil Den
ny were appointed to secure in
formation on a drinking fountain
to be installed in the hall. Eugene
Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Don Fer
guson were on the refreshment
Mrs. C. G. Ferrier was honored
at a surprise birthday party at her
home Wednesday evening, March
1 by a group of her friends. Hos
tess for the evening was her daugh-
tcr-in-law, Mrs. 1 nomas Haruiel.
Canasta and visiting were en
joyed and the guests presented
Mrs. Ferrier with birthday gifts.
Later refreshments were served by
Mrs. Hartfiel to Mrs. U. J. Lay
man, Mrs. Ella Lennox, Mrs. E.
A. Pettey, Mrs. Lillian Leas, Mrs.
Roy Barnhart, Mrs. Maude Kid
der, Mrs. Otto Lang, Miss Ethel
Webb, Miss Agnes Pitchford and
the honored guest.
A family dinner was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ad
ams at Fair Oaks, last Sunday.
The occasion celebrated the
birthdays of Mrs. Myron Adamons
and her year-old daughter, Bar
bara; the birthday of Peter Adams
and the wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams.
for spring ...
It's the wing-sleeved coat
Couple Marry In
eT isO P"a)i , .- v..
Mr. end Mrs.
Miss Laura Delzcl, of Pocatello,
Idaho, recently became the bride
of Robert Dunbar of Canyonviie
in a candlelight ceremony perform
ed by the Rev. L. E. Steller in the
Central Christian church in Poca
tello. An archway and trellis decorat
ed the church front. Diana Donald
son lighted the pink and white ta
pers. The bride wore for her wedding
a blue gabardine suit with gray
shoes and pink hat with matching
veil. She wore an orchid corsage.
Miss Ruth Delzer, sister of the
bride, served as maid of honor. She
wore a wine colored gabardine suit
with black accessories and a cor
sage of carnations.
The bride'smother was attired in
a wine dress with black acces
sories and a corsage of white car
nations. Richard Leisy of Aberdeen, a
brother-in-law of the bride, was
best man.
Immediately following the cere
mony a reception was held in
the church parlors with the tiered
wedding cake being cut by the
bride and groom.
The couple honeymooned in Salt
Lake City and are now making
their home in Pocatello where both
are employed.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Delzer of Pocatello.
She graduated from the Canyon
ville Bible Academy in 1949. She
was very active in school activities
snd was elected "campus queen
for the annual track meet last
Miss Ruth Delzer who was maid
of honor also attended CBA last
f , . V . ' 'A
Very short, neat 'n' sleek . . . that's the look for Spring
1950 ... that's this Jaunty Junior beauty in
fabulous pure worsted. Targets for attention
are the loose, winged sleeves falling gracefully
from the unseomed shoulder that widens into
triangular buttoned-bock cuffs. Pointed,
vanishing collar, scalloped pockets. In Navy. 49.95.
Second Floor of Fashions
.v.e - w -.itEmJF.
Robert Dunber
The groom is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Franklin Dunbar of Can
yonville. He graduated from the
Canyonville Bible Academy in 1945, .
having spent 10 years previously
attending school in South America
where his parents were mission
aries. . '
He is the grandson of A. M. ShaE.
for of the Canyonville Bible Acad
Mrs. E. O. Nickerson entertain
ed Jolly Stitchers club members
at her home on Willis Creek Tues
day at luncheon. The ladies spent
the afternoon sewing. Guests were
Mrs. H. E. Harding, mother of
Mrs. Arthur Kobernik and grand
mother of Mrs. Joe Dame, Jr.,
Mrs. Steve Ruttschman and son,
Mrs. Lloyd Wagler, Mrs. Eldridge
Kobernik and the hostess.
4swifn Mew Crease . .
Re-Colors Hair
In 22 Minutes
If wist I e ki in art
tree kerf, army, arrayinc or "V
drab heir to newlutrotu ? J "4 J
vouthfui-lookintr color. (. 1 at ba
trr Tints Crm iibejB' : -r
poo -Tint today. It'e ft r "ajMbV
new hair rolorlnaj that Sm 9
re-eoion hair at bom aa "( m
minute. No waiting for r- 1
olU. It eskiy to use -
ise no 'v
on: U.e
"t wean
or rob oat. Won't hirmMrmf f
anite. Get oar choice of e-oior today-;
ftadlliaaai Mfan Emm. Maaliaasaa stats
row, Ufjwt Browsa, AittHer (HctMaft),
Mi Her ton's Kcxftll Drug Star