Local News Pilch and Chat te MmI Patch and Chat club will meet Wednesday- night at I o'clock at the honie of Mri. Thomaa Findlay. Needle Club te Meet The Hub bard Creek Needle club will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home o( Mrs. Lucinda Gurney.- Te Meet Wednesday Jay-C-Ettes will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Charles Hart. Those planning to attend are asked to call 1217-Y, or 1113-L. Friendly Circle Club The Friendly Circle club will meet Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Leslie Pfaff on Ward street with Mrs. Ivan Edwards as host Altar Socity te Meet St. Jo eph's Altar society. Circle No. 1. will meet at St. Joseph's school Wednesday evening. All members are asked to be present. Te Practice Roseburg Rebekah degree staff practice will be held Wednesday night at 7:50 o'clock at the hall. All officers and staff mem bers are asked to be present. Te Meet Elgarose P.-T.A. will meet at 8 o'clock Saturday night, March 11, at the schoolhouse. Re freshments will be served. Mem bers and friends are invited. Hardtlme Dance South Deer Creek Grange will sponsor a hard time dance Saturday night, March 11, at the hall. Member and friends are invited. Nappy Hour Club Rlversdale Happy Hour club will meet Wednes day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Glenn Cox with Mrs. Wallace Cox, assisting hostess. Petluck Luncheon The Tenmile Ladies club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon Wednesday at the newly completed Tenmile Commu nity building. Te Meet Wednesday Looking glass P.-T.A. Study club wilt meet at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Mae Green. A sack lunch will be held at noon. Mrs. M. Man ning will be in charge of the pro gram topic, "Review of good looks." Unit Meeting East Douglas Ex lonKtnn unit will meet at the Glide Grange hall at 1 o'clock Wednes day with Mrs. Corinne McTaggart in charge of the program topic. "Kamiiy ousmess ana me liw. All ivnmM nf cHHi nivnnville and South Deer Creek communities are invited to attend. FARMERS Local claims service is your assur ance of fast repairs when .your car is damaged. : LOW RATES . . on collision and liability cov erage gives you standard protec tion at substantial ' .'csrSi Vf'S dtiJ Paul H. Krueger (36 . Stephana Phone 21 SAVINGS $10-10 Liability Coverage $5000-10,000 bodily lnury. $5000 property damage. Each six months Current Rates Plus SS.OO Nonrecurring Fee at Beginning of Policy No Extra) Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Use Over 800,000 Western Motorists Insure and Save Through Farmers Standard Form Nonassessable Policies, Tht West's Leading Auto Insuranct Carrier Farmers Insurance Exchange Leather Craft Classes Get Underway Tonight f -,Vi ,.f, wnrlr will hl ra,- pied on in the. YMCA craft classes, held everv Tuesday thia month at 7.30 p. m., in the junior high school industrial aria room. Chuck Allen will conduct the classes. Any adult interested in work with leather and willing to teach this skill to youngsters, af ter ne nas learnea n nimseu, '. invited to attend these classes which start tonight. WRONG 'SURGERY' TYPl GLENDALE, Calif. -UPV- "I've broken my leg." explained Wen dell Holmes Teat, 53, when police found him lying in the street. He was rushed to physicians and surceons hosDital but when the doc tors examined him, they withdrew from the case and called a car penter. Police said Teat forgot to mention that the leg was wooden linl HI I I w 3, 5 Suit Yourself at Joe Richards s X) r V M . ! v.' V i Tues Mer. 7, 19S0 Tht Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 7 Indians In Fold TUCSON, Aril., Msrch 1.-4.VI All the Cleveland Indians, including pitcher Bob Lemon, were in the fold today, signed contracts and all but Orestes Minoso, the crack ling Cuban, was still missing from camp. The live-loot, eleven ouiiueaer was due to arrive definitely on Sunday. Traveling secretary Spud Goldstein now believes an airplane strike hss delayed his departure Irom Luna. ATTENDS DADS DAY Georce Maulers Sr. and H. E. DeBernardi Sr.', who attended the first annual Dads day program at Southern Oregon college, Ashland, Feb. 25 were elected members of the board of directors for the current year. Pictured hero, left to right, are George Marsters Jr., Marsters Sr., Hollis end Harry Hill (formerly of Roseburg; DeBernardi Sr. end Don DeBer nardi. I Picture by Jack Hausottor, Riddle, a student at S. O. C.I IRO MIITS SIT WASHINGTON. March $.-Ut- The U. S. Fish and Wildlife aervi-e for the fourth consecutive year is taking its migatory waterfowl prob lems to the public. Albert M. Day. service director, said a aeries of meetings will be held in kev cities to explain the winter waterfowl inventory and the soring and summer breeding ground aerveys and to show how they affect hunting regulations. The meetings include Portland, Ore., May 22. MSLROSI SIIS SNOW Another new skiff of snow a,v peered on the Coast Range moun tains above Melrose Monday. Large patches of last winter's heavy snowfsll are still to be seen. The first snow appeared Mew Year'a day, and there has been snow in the mounts ina aince. MRS. COOOAN 3RD TO SUI HOLLYWOOD, March 7 iJPu Jackie Coogan'a third wife says ahe will file for a divo.ee soon. "Things reached a climax after Jackie's recent trip to Germany," said Mrs. Coogan, the former Ann McCormick. "The baby and I are staying temporarily with Donald and Gwen O'Connor." The baby, Joanne, ia 2. Congan's first rife was Betty Grable. Hia aecond was Flower Parry. Winston By MRS. GEORGE BACHER Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moore and son, Dean, spent Wednesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bowman of Winston. The Moorea are ranchers in the Roberts Creek area. Mrs. J. F. Wiles, secretary of the Umpqua Valley Rabbit Breed ers association, made various busi ness calls in the community Wed nesday. Mrs. Wiles regularly as sists local growera in getting their rabbits on the market at the prop er time. Over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Ben Benson were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Dotson and son, Larry. On Saturday eve ning the Dotsons entertained with a canasta party in honor of their guests, who returned to their home in Tiller Sunday afternoon. The Bensons are ranchers in that area. Among those attending the ban quet given in Granta Pass by the Watkins Products, Inc., Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cummins and Mr. and Mrs. J, F. ' Wiles. Carl Bowman spent Friday vis iting Elmer Buyer, a patient in Mercy hospital. Boyer, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is reported to be recovering satis factorily. It ia expected that he will be able to return to his home in Tenmile within a short time. The county road grader, man ned by members of the county road crew began repairing damage done by the January storms on Poplar drive Friday. Damage was com paratively slight this year, mucn less than in 1949. This road, as well as most other outlying roads in this vicinity, has recently been paved and Is mostly "storm proof." Only in one or two places were buckles noted because of the "un usual" weather. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jackson and baby aon, Dennis Lee, visited Fri day in the home of Mr. and Mra. george, W. Bacher. Mrs. Jackson is the former Blanche Alcock of Roseburg and lived here until she accepted employment as a teller at the Mvrtle Creek bank. After I her marriage she and her husbsnd became licensed brokers and open ed a real estate office in Tri-City. let's get the facts STRAIGHT! Mercury and only Moreury wot tho Sweepstakes winner in the Mekilfjos Orand Canyon Icetiomy Run at 26.52 miles per gallon. Some of the cars which hive been miking "me toe" claims didn't even come dose. II you've been reading the "victory" statements made by various automobile manufacturer! claiming to have won the Grand Canyon Economy Run, you're probably pretty well confuted. And we can't blame you a bit Everybody's trying to get Into the act. Mercury's act. It's true some other can did take certain "class" prim. But tht grand price ... and the Sweepstakes Trophy . . . went to Mercury and to Mereury alone. On a pound-for-pound basis the basis upon which the American Automobile Association judged this famous economy test Mercury outperformed every other car entered. That's right, every other stock model car entered regardless of price, size or horse power. Mercury's actual mileage figure was a big, juicy 26.52 miles per gallon! And that over tht world's toughest 751 mile course at an average speed of more than 41 miles per hour. And how did a car tht size of tht big new Mercury do it? Mercury's gas-saving Touch-O-Matie overdrive helped and SO did careful driving. But let's not overlook the main fact The 1950 Mercury won because it was built to be thrifty. Wt'vt been bragging to folks around here about tht amaiing efficiency of Mercury's "Hl-power compression" and new "Econ-o-miser" carbwetioa end it sure looks like wt weren't kidding. But don't juet ulte our word for it Come le 1 drive the new Mercury yourself. Set what it's like to set your hands on a real Grand Prizt winner. And don't put off that pleasure until "tomorrow." Doittodsv! Drive America's No. 1 economy lyW Maeuuyl The U.S. Department of Agricul ture reports a trend among low-income families toward eating more meat, poultry, fish and eggs. LOOK "is SIGN PAINTINO ' OECOBATINO ' AMERICA IT IS VOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantc.t Reliable Quality Werk . At Ne Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 COIUMIIA SIIWIIIIS. INC. TACOMA. WAfHINfTeM Distributed in Rosebure by Botes Candy Co. The gasoline that's Super-refined to remove power-robbing gum! You don't have to let tummy fas make yeur car a traffic hazard When Chevron Supreme Gasoline is both clean and Super-refined I :- ' M W :V Hi ... Get i tankful, and hang onto your hat ... tor it's really full of pep, wiles and power ! It may surprise you, but when your car pokes along, getting in the way of traffic, it's often because gum is sticking up its engine. Most raw gasoline contains impurities that form gum, and the only way to get them out is to rifint them out Chevron Supreme is the gasoline 5er-Refined to remove engine-sticking gum. Try it for power...and for full mileage in the kind of driving jnm do. You'll get that "New-Car Feeling," too. CIElflOfJ SUPREME GASOLINE koasaa swasepMas weeea Aaafert Ha. 1 1 inn Cm LOCKWOOD MOTORS Rose end Oak We take better care of your car