T Society THIMBU CLU1 IS CNTiRTAINID AT WILTON MOMi AT POTLUCK APPAI Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble club met at i one o'clock polluck luncheon Monday at the borne of Mrs. Edith Welton and was enjoy ed by Mrs. A. D. Hawn Mn. James T. Miller, Mrs. John Worth inglon, Mrs. Peter Crummett, Mrs. George Croucher, Mrs. A. Neal, Mrs. Ro bert Burton, Miis Virginia Ries ling and Mrs. E.E. Gore. The next meeting will be March 11 at a one o'clock polluck lunch eon at the home of Mrs. Neal. Those attending are asked to bring their table service. JOB'S DAUOHTIRS TO HOLD BOX SUPPIR TONIGHT Roseburg bethel No. g. Job's Daughters will hold a box social at six-thirty 'o'clock tonight, March 7. at the Masonic temple. Members are asked to bring a box supper and their Dads. Comt ' SPRING or HIGH WATER We'd Om March 10th The Drive Inn 1 Mile Ssxrria eo Hifhwey Elementary, My Dear WatsonI It's at 1490 on your dial: Book of Bargains A fret service to the listen er! Tune in at the new time: 9:45-10 A.M. ' Mon., Wed., Fri. Keyboard Korner The piano and organ styl ings of Esther Geddes and Myrtle Burr from a down town location . , . 1:15 -1:30 P.M. Wednesday Bill Henry Top newscaster in a five minute roundup of world news! 6:55-7 P. M. Mon. thru Fri. Jovin Jamboree The music of David Rose . . . plus a citizen-of-the-week interview ... 8:30 -9 t. M. Tonight Harris Ellsworth A report from Oregon's Con gressman In Washington, D. C. 9:30 9:45 Tonight 2 QUE) DCm D For years men have complained that the "sweet little woman" lovely though she may be buys hideous ties for the usual Christmas and birthdsy presents. The gals simply don't believe it. But to prove the point for the males. KHJ-Don Lee's "Ladies First" show (1:30 2:00 p. m.. Moo., Wed., Fri.), his installed tie rack, and allows each contestant to pick a tie for hubby. Just s bout, every day now, a couple of sheepish femmes approach emcee Bob Moon after the broadcast to ask it they might exchange a tie they chose several days earlier . . . . The Mutual-Den Lee breodcestina system will air the "Game ef me Day" In the American league beginning with the open big ef the 150 baseball season en April II. Live play-by-play broadcasts will be heard Monday through Saturday and will . be released by seme 150 Mutual stations located In 11 states. The "Game ef the Day" will be selected from eight American league clubs m New York: Boston, Philadelphia Washington, St. Louis, Cleveland, Chicago end Detroit. A minimum ef ten broedcests will originate from each ef the eight American leeguo baseball parks during the reguler playing kiwi. In addition to the dally play-by-play reports, the broedcests will Include interviews ef leading baseball pleyers and managers, ceeches and sports writers. TONIGHT: The music of David Rose and his orchestra backgrounds the regular citizen-of-the-week interview on "Jovin Jamboree" (8:30 -9:00 p. m ). Direct from Washington, D. C, comes another in the series of transcribed reports from Oregon's Congressman Harris Ells worth (9:30 9:45 p. m.) . . . Carlton E. Morse's thriller-diller: "I Love a Mystery" (10:00 10:15 p. m.) . , . and masterpieces in music re corded on RCA-Victor Red-Seal discs on the regular "Music You Want" program (10:15 10:45 p. m.). LINGER LONGER CLUB IS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Art Wilkens entertained the members of Linger Longer club at her home near Dillard Friday, Feb. 24. An evening of visiting and games was enjoyed. The hostess served refreshments to Mrs. Henry Weber, Mrs. Cecil Callahan, Mrs. Lee Mahoney, Mrs. Kenneth Ronk, Mrs. Gordon Bur nett and Mrs. Keath Ronk. The hostess chose a patriotic motif for her decorations. At a recent meeting the club was entertained at the Kenneth Ronk home. Enjoying the evening of vis iting and games were Mrs. Grover Mrs. Roy . Gordon, Mrs. Art Wil- Dr. George L. Nicholas . Veterinarian Graduate of University of Pennsylvania Is tow located at 804 Garden Valley Road Phone 116 PlAY with mil WILSON Equipment Whether yee're e "pre" or a ".ink er," yee'll pley e better gene with ' WILSON equipment. Ceme In eew, be fore the seesea sterts, end yee'H be ell reedy. Wilson "Trapper" Basemen's Gloves 4.60 to 17.50 Wilson Catchers' Mitts 6.00 up Baseball Shoes Spcil School Prico 7.45 pair WILSON Tennis Rackets Fomovt Mayor MotJolo 5.25 to 16.50 - WiiWft CHowoiowthif) Tennis Balls 65c 31.80 5 SJ fmm kens, Mrs. Henry Trobaugh, Mrs. Cecil Callahan and Mrs. Keath Ronk. WOMAN'S SOCIETY TO MEET THURSDAY Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet Thursday at a one o'clock dessert-luncheon at the Methodist church parlors with members of Circle No. 2, as host esses. The topic, "Christian Ad vance In Japan," will be in charge of Mrs. O. N. Kent with Mrs. C. K. Rand in charge of the devotions. All women of the church are in vited. SHERIFFS POSSE AND FAMILIES TO HOLD SUPPER Douglas County Sheriffs Posse members and their families are in vited to attend a aeven o'clock pot luck penny supper Thursday eve ning, March 9, at the new club rooms at the fair grounds. Ladies attending are asked to bring table service, a covered dish and a sal ad or dessert. Men are asked to bring pennies. Proceeds will go to the clubhouse. Wilson "Ball Hawk" Gloves 2.50 to 16.75 Wilson Fielders' Gloves MW.lt br Dick Wekefield, Ted Williams end ethers. 2.50 to 19.00 Wilson Official ' Baseballs 95c to 2.75 Wilson Bats 1.15 to 3.50 Wilson Track Shoes Specie! School Price 8.95 I 1 1 Special school and 1 team prices on all IVILSON quipmenfj KRNR 1490 en Vour Dial Mutual Broadcasting System BSMAININO BOiaS TODAY' 4:00 rultoo Lawls. Jr MBS. 4: IS Hamtnaway. MBS. 4:30 Bahlnd The Story MBS. 4:43 Concert Miniature. SOO Straight Arrow MBS. S M B-Bar-B Rid.ra. MBS. , 8 00 Music At Six. S IS Mutual N.wirMl MBS. JO World Of Sports. 8:43 T. Banska. S JS Bill H.nry. MBS. trqp SlaapyUme Talaa. 7 IS Music You Itemambar. I 30 Down Harmony Lan. t:4S Bahtne! tha Mayor's Desk. 4 00 Aomanca In Muaic. 8:30 Jovin Jamboraa. 00 M.wa MBS. S:1S Songa of Our Tlmaa. 9:10 Confrtiunin Ellaworth. 8:4S Anawar Man. MBS. 55 riv. Mlnut. final. MBS. 10 00 I Lov. A MMt.ry MBS. 10:15 Music You Want. 10:4S MrPhanon In Parson. 11:25 News Nightcap. II JO-Sign OH. wroNesDAY. Marck a, less SW Musical Clock. eao N.wa. 83J Fsrre Fair 8:44 His. St Shin. -MBS. 1:00 Hemingway. MBS T15 Braakfaat Gang atBB. 1 SO OK tha Bacons. T.4S Local N.wa. 1:50 Marchtlma. S.OO Novatlma. S:13 ravorlta Hymns. :3ft Btbla Instttuta Hour. MBS. t:00 Modern Home. S:15 Gillespie Garden Gulda. MBS. 4:30 Man About Town. :45 Book of Bargains. 10:00 r.'.ws. MBS. 10:15 Cecil Brown. MBS. 10:30 Say It with Music. 10:45-Jark Holt. 11:00 Ladlea Pair. MBS. 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS. 11:00 World News. 13:15 Sons of Pioneers. 1330 Johnny Mercar. 13:30 Local News. 13 55 Market Beports. 1 OO Man on the Siraet I:t5 Keyboard Komer 1:30 Ladies First. MBS. 3 oo Phone Pun. 1 JO It Requeatetf. 3:15 School Show. 3:30 Red Cross Show. 3:45 One Great Hour of Sharing. 4:00 Pulton Lewis. Jr. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. 4:30 Guest Star. 4:45 News. MBS. 5 00 Top tunes. ' 5:30 Tom Mix. MBS. 6:00 Music at Six. 9:15 Mutual Newareet MBS. 4:30 World of Sports. :45 Tex Beneke. 8:55 Bill Henry. MBS. 7:00 Sleepyllme Tales. 7:15 Chuckwacon Jamboree. 7:30 Cisco Kid. MBS. 8:00 Nam of that Song MBS. 8:30 Music. 8 45 Cedrlc Poster. MBS. 8:00 News. MBS. 8:15 HI Neighbor. 8:30 Scandinavian Melody. 8 45 Anawer Man. MBS. 8:55 S Minute Pinal MBS 10:001 Lov. A Mystery. MBS. 10:15 Music You Want. 10:45 MrPhersnn In Person. 11:35 News Nightcap. . 11:30 Sign Off. BUFFET LUNCH, CANASTA ENJOYED BY CROUP Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford enter tained a group of friends at Ford's Cafe Thursday night. The evening was spent playing canasta. A buffet lunch was served to the guests who included Mr. and Mrs George McClane Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hays, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Don Coon, Mr. snd Mrs. Gordon Harry, Mr. and Mrs. William Grenskc, Mr. and Mrs. William Cox, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anderson and the host and hostess. YV.B.A. TO MEET THURSDAY AFTERNOON The Woman's Benefit association will meet Thursday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Magdalene Herbage, 2134 Taylor street, Clo verdale. All members are urged to be present ss final plans will be made to send delegates to the state convention at LaGrande, March 13 14. COUNTRY CLUB WOMEN TO MEET ON THURSDAY Women of the Roseburg Country club will meet Thursday at a twelve o'clock luncheon at the club house, followed by the contract bridge play at one-thirty o'clock. Those desiring transportation are asked to call Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer at 6S4-J. 2D Loam how to ok yovr oordto oro boowtiM, tho ooay woyl for inttrott.no; foctt, for liwo-ono Monoy Mvinf tipt, tttno In ORTHO GARDEN GUIDE MONDAY, WEDNESDAYS FRIDAY' KRNR 9:15 A.M. You'll a n a y tha creamy richness of ROSEBURG DAIRY homo ftnixad milk right down to tha last drop. Buy it at your store or phona S3 for home de livery In tha handy Pure-Pok car tons. ROSEBURG Estate And Trust Forum To Be Held Here March 10 L 1, Typical trust problems which face the majority o f American families will be discussed for Roseburg residents at a special estate and trust forum to be held Friday evening, March 10, at the Umpqua hotel in Roseburg, under t'.ie sponsorship of the United Sta tes National bank, according t o Harold E. Schmeer, manager A the bank's Roseburg brsnch. Four experienced trust officers from the Portland offices of the bsnk will conduct the progrsm, which is to be a graphic and non technical presentation of appro priate methods for dealing with the problems of the average family. The program will include both estste planning and tax econom ies. The four-men tesm of trust experts will be led by R. M. Alton, vice president and head of the trust department of the United States National bank. His assoc iates on the program include trust officers D. W. MscKay, L. B. Sla ver and E. J. Overman. Plan Will Be Shown ' According to letters of announce ment written by E. C. Sammons, president, ,an estate plan will be set up at the meeting, with the visual aid of charts and graphs, explaining the exact procedure fol lowed after a will becomes effect ive. The discussion will cover methods of minimizing estate taxes and establishing economical management of estate holdings. R. M. AJton will introduce the discussion, followed by D. W. Mac Kay who will discuss a tvpical estate plan. L. B. Staver will ex plain how Jhe typical plan works, snd E. J. Overman will conclude the forum with a discussion o f trust- investments under present day, conditions. Opportunities will be "provided for questions from the audience. Schmeer will act as presiding officer. The Roseburg program Is the ninth presentation of this estate and trust forum by the United State National bank. According to Schmeer, previous forums have re ceived much interest and acclaim. Similar forums will later be held in other Oregon cities . Persons who have not received direct invitation may, if interested secure reservations at the Rose berg branch of the U. S. National bank. LEGION AUXILIARY TO HOLD IMITATION American Lesion auxilinrr will hold initiation at a meeting Wednes day nignt at eignt o'clock at the Legion home, 118 S. Kane street. rteiresnments will be served. Mem bers and those eligible to member ship are invited. EPISCOPAL GUILD TO MEET AT LUNCHEON St. George's Episcopal Guild will meet at a polluck luncheon Wednes day at twelve o'clock at the parish nan. ine luncneon-meeting will fol low the eleven o'clock communion service. All women of the church are invited. PORSYTHB GUILD TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT Forsythe Guild will meet at eight o'clock at the First Presbyterian church Thursdsy evening with members of Geneva Guild invited as guests. All business and pro fessionsl women of the church are I invited. Taste the I creamy richness of pure ROSEBURG DAIRY MILK " PtjrPott cp ftnm tr fsjor trld ty CoJ EVERGREEN H.B.C. TO MEET THURSDAY Evergreen Home Economics club will meet at a noon potluck lunch eon at the hall Thursday with Dor othy Talbot. Cora Johnson and Leo la Wilhoit .1 hostesses. AU mem bers are urgted to be present. PYTHIAN SISTERS TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT Pythian Sisters will meet at eight o'clock Thursday evening at the K. of P. hall. All members are urged to be present. Initiation will be held. . ALPHA CHI CHAPTER TO HOLD MEETING Alpha Chi chapter will meet Wed nesday evening at aeven-thirty o' clock at the home of Mrs. Robert Nazelrod on West Oak street. All members are requested to be pres ent. . LADY ELKS TO MEET THURSDAY NIGHT Lady Elks will meet at eight o' clock Thursday night at the temple with Mra. Robert M. Browning, Mrs. Harry Hildeburn. Mrs. Lloyd Hill and Mrs. James Morsn, host esses. AU members are requested to be present. JUDGMENTS AWARDED General Credit Service Inc. was awarded judgment by default for $141 00 from James and Lois Her rington, husband and wife, and $144.01. plus interest and costs, from Rudolph and Clara Edman, and wife, alleged due on. assigned accounts, in orders - signed by Judge Carl E. Wimberly in circuit court Monday. REPUBLICANS FILE Three more Republicans filed their petitions for nomination to die office of precinct committeeman, Monday in the county clerk's of fice. All of Roseburg, they are Roy 0. Young, Lena C. Young and Ernest M. Barker. REAL Also Steaks and Short Orders Open to a. m. to 2 a. m. ' All night on Saturdaya Cloaed Tuesdays CAFE S33 S. Stephens TRUCKERS CAR OWNERS Hava your front and lined up and wheels baloncad on our John Bean equipment for safer driving, longer tire waar. WALT EDMONDS MOTORS UOt N. Stephens Phone 704-J-J T ABT$;. TODAY ft THE ft tvA P-iNeV . Maa t Vat i rim.'flr' i titers y Farley GRANGER Richard BASEHART a". 1 . aa ' n. A i aaa 1 T ar m ru -a -w ia I; Tils).., Mar. 7, 195& Tstt Air Raid Warning Test Scheduled In Late Spring PORTLAND, Msrch C -7P)-Oregon's air raid warming network will be ready for a full-scale late spring test and then go into moth balls. . Organization of t h e volunteer scanning group is "coming very nicely," Louis E. Starr, O r g o n director of civilian defense, said. There are many volunteers for the observation posts and filter board work, he said, and the pro gress in setting, up the program indicatea it will be ready long be fore the May 1 deadline set by Secretary of Defense Johnson. Starr ssid the secretary's pro gram calls for the network to be established, to have a full-scale test p r e s u m a b 1 y correlated throughout the west and then to be put on a stand-by status (or call when needed. It is designed, Starr ssid, to fill gaps in tha coast's radar screen. Other phases of the state's civ ilian defense program are being worked out even more swiftly, Starr said. The emergency trans portation program is completely set up and ready .for call; com munications facilities have been well tirganized; the medical pro gram is developing very well and TOMORROW! A FLAMING PAGE FROM AMERICAN HISTORY DAUGHTER Or THE WEST" MARTHA VICKERS-PHILIP REED IN GLORIOUS FULL COLOR CO-FEATURE 'TABZAN'S. rauwiHi" Starring JOHNNY WEISMULLER All tha Jungle Thrills LAST TIMES TONIGHT: "TRAPPED" "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" GRIPPING STORY of the GREAT AMERICAN FEUD Whan the Hatficldi mert Hm McCy fhsftaTtaBi'a Mlenitf .mi : xv-aU wrn Charles BICKFORD-Raymond MASSEY Gigi PERREAU and Joan EVANS Nows - Revlew, RoMburf , Ore). S It already orgtnizing for such things as bacteriological and ra lological defense, he said. Starr ssid the entire program waa designed as a permanent safe guard and should not be viewed as occasioned by any specific foreign news developments. Kilimanjaro, an African moun tain, springs almost directly from the plains, haa no foothills, is 200 miles in circumference at its base, and is ssid to be Africa's highest. Keys to Happiness plane in your horn means' fun and entertainment far tha antira family. See our Baldwin and Wurlitiar Pianos today. OH and RICKETTS Corner Jackson and Cast Stt. - - at V CIJ KRNR 1490 on your Dial UMPQUA VALLEY DAIRY PHONE S3 A Heme Owed eed erefod 202 N. JACKSON PHONI 71