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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1950)
Observes 89th Birthday v" Sat., Mar. 4, If SO Tha Nawt-Ravlaw, lUMhura, Or. ' J Sunday March S Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Whar ton to celeb, ate golden wedding an niversary at reception from 2 to 5 i .. . Rotaburf, Orafen Phona 9S SATURDAY NIGHT and from 7 to 10 p. m. at their nome ai zus inaowicK aureci. Toastmistess District Council meeting from 12 noon to 4:15 p. m. Marry At Catholic Church On Feb. 18th Social Calendar .... .... r i ' ' " . ... ' v' ; ' - , at Carl's Haven. Garden Valley Sunday school pot- luck luncheon at noon at Garden Valley Women's clubhouse, fol lowed by movie at 2 p. m. Every one in community invited. JJ' , , I V..:.','. Hill Elizabeth Barbara Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mri. Leonard Miller of Roseburg, became the bride of Charlea B. Drew, ton of Mri. Ida Pindcr, of this city, at eleven o'clock the morning of Feb. ISth at the Catholic church. Mr. and Mra. Charlet t. Drew The bride' was attractive in a light green auit with white acces aoriei. Her bat of white wai trim med with green lace and white flower i. Mri. Isabelle Bradford, aunt of the bride, wai matron of honor, and Donnie Morris, cousin Parkt-Chltwood Pbota of the bride, was best man. Only the immediate families and a few close friends attended the cere mony. Following a honeymoon to coast points, they are now making their home in Roseburg. The bridegroom is employed at Joelson's mill. HELEN BAMFOKD AND ROBERT W. LOCKYEAR MARRY ON FEB. 18th Helen Bamford. daughter of Mr. & Mrs.- Frank Hickethier of Yre ka, Calif., became, the bride of Robert W. Lockyear, son of Mr at Mrs. Will Lockyear, formerly of Eugene, and recently of this city, at a beautiful candle light cere mony Saturday, February 18, at the Garden Valley home of Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Hughes, foster par ents of the bride. The double ring ceremony was performed by Dr. Morris H. Roach in the presence of relatives and close friends. The bride was given in marriage by Mr. Hughes, and attended by Mrs. Gordon Harness as matron of honor. William L. Lockyear, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. Soft wedding music was played by Mrs. Homer Grow, and Mrs. C. W. Hughes sang "Because" and "I II Forget You.'T After the reception the couple left for a wedding trip to San Francisco. They will make their home in - Roseburg, where M r. Lockyear is stationed with the Bureau of Public Roads, and the bride it employed with Corkrum Motors, Inc. Among the out of town guests were Mr. at Mrs. V. V. Eakin, great uncle & aunt of the bride groom from Eastern Oregon, Mr & Mrs Reid Jacobsnn, Richard Hickenbottom, Miss Vangie Koff ler, all of Eugene, and Miss. Er lene Sader of Springfield. MRS. CHARLES B. DREW COMPLIMENTED AT BRIDAL SHOWER PARTY A delightful bridal shower was given Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ida Pinder in honor of Mrs. Charles B. Drew, formerly Elizabeth Miller. Those present included the guest of honor, her mother, four sisters and brothers: Mrs. Leonard Mil ler, Lucille, Dorothy Catherine, Alice and Leo Miller; her aunt, Mrs. Isabella Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. F. A. Hayes. Mrs. K. J. Bauer, Mrs. Louis Bergold and Mrs. Steve Will helmy, neighbors of the guest of honor. PATRICIA PATTON CELEBRATES SIXTH BIRTHDAY AT PARTY Patricia (Patty) Patton celebra ted her sixth birthday at a de lightful party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Patton. 1018 Hamilton street. Fri day afternoon, Feb. 24. Gifts were presented to Patty from her sister, Judith, and Jo Jean Urbanick, Donnea S i m a, Joyce Clute, Marcia Rae and Mona Lee Burt. Joan Rand, Douglas Green, Lynn Bevans and James Steek. Mrs. Patton served individual birthday cakes and ice-cream fol lowing the social hour of games. MRS. J. f. DILLARD ENTERTAINS FOURSOME AT BRIDGE-LUNCHEON Mrs. J. F. Dillard entertained Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer. Mrs.K. D. Adams and Mrs. Frederick J. Porter as guests at a one o'clock luncheon Monday at the Shalimar room, followed by contract bridge at the attractive home of the hos tess on South Jackson street. High score for the bridge-play was won by Mrs. Porter. SURPRISE HANDERCHIEP SHOWER GIVEN WEDNESDAY FOR MRS O.W. HARRAH Mrs. W. C. Holmes entertained her bridge club at a delightful one-thirty o'clock dessert-luncheon Wednesday at her attractive home oh East Douglas street, at which time a surprise handkerchief show er was given in honor of Mrs. O. W. Harrah, who with Mr. Harrah will leave the last of March for Salt Lake City to reside. Covers were placed for Mra. Harrah, guest of honor, and Mrs. Alva Laws, Mrs. Armour Murdock, Mrs. Earl Plummer, Mrs. L. L. Powers, Mrs. William T. Evans Jr., Mrs. J. P. Motschenbacher and the hostess, Mrs. Holmes. High score ofr the contract bridge play was won by Mrs. Pow ers with Mrs. Motschenbacher win ning second high score and Mrs. Evans receiving the traveling prize. ART AND EMBROIDERY CLUB MEETS AT BOWMAN HOME WEDNESDAY Mrs. J. W. Bowman entertained the Roseburg Art and Embroidery club at her home Wednesday after noon, at which time a handker chief shower was given in honor of Mrs. Charles Poirot, who is mov ing with her family to Salem. Following a game and social hour of visiting, Mrs. Bowman served lovely refreshments to Mrs. Poirot, guest of honor, Mrs. Ethel Davis and Mrs. Earl Rhoads, guests, and Mrs. G. L. Sinclair, Mrs. C. H. Bailey, Mrs. J. G. Stephenson, Mrs. A. D. H a w n, Mrs. A. Rhoads, Mrs. George Cluck, Mrs. C. J. Bradley, Mrs. A. Neal, Mrs. Glenn Cut, Mrs. H. F. Synder, Mrs. L. J. Houser, Mrs. F. I. Belts, Mrs C. M. Page. Mrs. Frank Bergh, Mrs. Lucia Ingles, Mrs. William Bailey and Mrs. Henry Worthington. The next meeting will be March IS at the home of Mrs William Bailey on South Deer creek. A CAPPELA CHOIR IS ENTERTAINED AT LUNCHEON ON TUESDAY The A capella choir of Multno mah Bible Academy, which pre sented a concert here a short time ago and later presented concerts for the Youth For '.'hrist groups in Oakland and Loa Angeles, wss entertained at a noon luncheon in the basement of the armory Tues day. Miss Mable Luther, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Luther of Roseburg, is a member of the choir. Following the luncheon, the choir went to Eugene to present a concert. Members of the orgsn ization resumed their studies at the Academy Wednesday. XI EPSILON CHAPTER MEETS AT TOZIER HOME ON TUESDAY Xi Epsilon chspter. Beta Sigma Phi met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. R. W. Tozier. Fol lowing a country auction, Mrs. Tozier served lovely refreshments to Mrs. M. C. Bowker. Mrs. Dick Crenshaw, Dr. Eleanore Carlson, Mrs. Ray C. Brown, Mrs. Worth Davis. Mrs. Charle Hart. Mrs Sidney Moon Jr.. 'r. Bernard Saar, Mrs. Joseph Wikoff, Mrs Clair K. Alien ard Mrs. J. R. Wharton. The next meeting will be at eight o'clock the evening of March 14 at the home of Mrs. Ray C. Brown, 1028 Wharton avenue. VISITOR HONORED SUNDAY ON HIS 81th BIRTHDAY AT HOME OF DAUGHTER D. J. Frances, who is visiting here from Goldendale, Wash., was honored last Sunday on nis DHtn birthday. A group of friends called at the home of his son-in-law and daughter. Mr. an Mrs. E. J. Rod- gers at Hiucrest motel to surpnee the visitor. . Mr. Frances received many flow ers and cards from his friends. Later refreshments were served and visiting enioyed. He is well- known in Roseburg having spent several years here with Mr, and Mra. Rodgers. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY HELO TUESDAY Mrs. Ernest Edwards was sur prised on her birthday Tuesday evening by a group ot trienos wno called at her home. Visiting and refreshments were enjoyed by Mr. end Mrs. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Bowen and son, Vance, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Latham and Mr. and Mrs. Don Johnson. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB HAS DELIGHTFUL MEETING WEDNESDAY Melrose Friendly Hour club met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Vera Thompson with Mrs. Hazel Bly, co-hostess. The vice president, Mrs, Minnie Jacobson. conducted the meeting. Mrs. Clara Herrman, president, is reported getting along nicely at Mercy hos pital, where she recently under went a major operation. In response to roll-call poems and helpful ideas on flowers were read. The quilt committee reported the quilt having been sent to the Children's Farm Home at Corvallis. Plans were msde for beginning an other quilt. - Mrs. Norma Fenn presented a program consisting of a contest on names of flowers and an arti cle on children's gardens. The March ISth meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Cecelia Kenyon with a potluck luncheon at noon. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Bly to Mrs. Emma Bertrand, a guest, and Mrs. Minnie Jacobson, Mrs. Ellen Hoffman, Mrs. Norma Fenn. Mrs. Katie Conn. Mrs. Bel- va Buckwalter, Mrs. Hazel Wil liams. Mrs. Alma Greer, Mrs. Lou Nye, Mrs. Cecelia Kenyon and Mrs. Grace Fenn. RIVERSDALE P.-T.A. ROOM MOTHERS CLUB HAS FINE MEETING Riversdsle P.-T A. Room Moth ers club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bruce Lattin with Mrs. Kenneth Ladd, co-hostess, Mrs. M. M. Cowin reported on the executive committee meet int ... ur. r . B. rrice ana w. w. Bart er of the Veterans hospital spoke on mental hygiene and told of the importance of a mental clinic. At the tea hour Mrs. Lattin and Mrs. Ladd served delicious re freshments to Mrs. Lloyd Cren shaw, Mrs. Robert Schulze. Mrs. Ray Anderson, Mrs. E. H. Mc Ghehey, Mrs. E. C. Jones. Mrs. F. E. Brown. Mrs. A. S. Morris. Mrs. T. E Lindhloom. Mrs. J. V. Romine, Mrs. E. Bridgess. Mrs. W. M. Sandall and Mrs. M. M. Cowin. The next meeting will be at one thirty o'clock March 31 at the home of Mrs. T. E. Lindbloom on the Calkin) road. Monday March 4 Past Matrons clib of Roseburg chapter No. (, O. E. S., to meet at 7:30 dessert-supper at home of Mri. V. J. Micelli. Home Economics club of Suther- lin to meet at home of Mrs. Stella French with Mrs. Vivian Nicosin as co-hostess. Junior Woman s club to meet at 7 o'clock potluck supper at Eaglea hall. Silver offering to be taken for library fund. Muriel Mitchell, guest speaker, lards to oe in play dur ing social hour. Registration for charter mem bers of women of the Moose will be held. All eligible women desiring to be charter members are asked to register. For further informa tion call 1478-R. Roseburg Camp Fire Council luncheon and special meeting with Miss Ann Armstrong, regional field advisor for Camp Fire Girls, Inc. Navy Mothers at home of Mrs. Cora Rogan, 1010 South Hamilton street. Benson P.-T. A. to meet at 8 p. m. at schoolhouse. AU members and friends invited. Fullerton P.-T. A. to meet at 7:30 p. m. at schoolhouse to dis cuss school building program at panel session. Riverside P.-T. A. nomination of officers at 8 p. m. at schoolhouse. Program and refreshments in charge of Camp Fire Girls, Blue bird and Cub Scout groups spon sored by the P.-T. A. Camp Fire Girls to have charge of nursery accommodating parents bringing children to the meeting. Neighbors of Woodcraft. Lilac circle No. 49 to meet at 7:30 p. m. ai i. u. u. r . nail, sack lunch. Rose P.-T. A. to meet at 7:30 p. m. in the school auditorium with Rev. E. Clark Robb as auest sneak er following regular business meet ing. Tuesday March 7 Geneva guild of First Presbyte rian church at home of Mrs. Sid ney Fredrickson, Todd and Ala meda streets. Co-hostesses are Mrs. Marlin Yoder, Mrs. Lee Sharman and Mrs. David Evans. Program in charge of Mrs. John Dinglev. T. N. T. club at home of Mrs. Bruce Lattin with Mrs. Robert Keefe as co-hostess. Rice Valley Community club meeting. Rifle Range Sewing club at home of Mildred Hites with Dorothy Mc Pherron as hostess. Rose P.-T. A. Study group will hold an organization meeting at 2 p. m. in the school music room. All interested mothers are invited. Roseburg Woman's club to meet at 1:30 at Methodist church par lors. Miss Helen Casey will pre sent one-act comedy, "Personal Maid," assisted by Miss Alice Ue land, Mrs. Wslter Fisher and Mrs. Earl Plummer. Special music. Eagles auxiliary drill team to practice at 7 p. m. at Eagles hall. Band Parents association busi ness meeting in bsnd room at senior high school at 7:45 p. m. Women are asked to bring pies. Theta Rbo Girls club to meet at 7:30 p. m. at I. O. O. F. hall. All members asked to be present. PIANO PUPILS OF MRS. GROVER TISON PRESENTED IN RECITAL Mrs. G rover Tison presented her piano pupils in a very enjoyable re cital at her new home at Dixonville Saturday. Those taking part were: Sylvia Leverick, Marta Patterson, Linda and Garry McCormack, Kar en and Bill Karcher, Nancy Owens, Marsha Reich, Marlyse Fummer ton, Emma Melton, Carolyn Hat field, Cora Lynn Collison and Lor ene Kester. Following a social hour, refresh ments were served to fifty parents and friends of the pupils. Mrs. Ti son was assisted by Mrs. Howard Hatfield, Mrs. Melton and Mrs. McCormack. INTERESTING PIANO RECITAL GIVEN ON MONDAY EVENING A very interesting pisno recital wss given last Monday evening by pupils of Miss Gladys Strong. This wss the third in a series of recitals being given during Feb ruary. Beginners, and intermediate pupils were presented; some of them playing for the first time. The families and friends of the pupils were invited. A social hour was enjoyed at the close of the program. The pupils assisted Miss Strong in serving refreshments. The following were present: Wendy Cring, Darlene Lewellyn, Peggy Sconce, Donna Metzger, Marilyn Todd, Mary Lynne Pearson Patricia Bell, Dixie Lee Bell, Gwen ell Foster, Juanita Jurgens, Su zanne Lee, Charlene Boyles, Con nie Ayotte, Patricia Greer and Car men Ford. Mrs. Llssie Crew Mrs. Lizzie Crow, known in the Riddle community as Mother Crow, observed tier 89th birthday, Feb. 22. She was honored on several occasions during the -past week, one by members of American Le gion auxiliary. Fallin Post. No. 123 of Canyonville and at a family birthday party last Sunday. She is a charter member of Re lief Rebekah lodge, Riddle Grange, Valentine chapter, O.E S. and a member of the Methodist church in Canyonville. Still active and in excellent health last year she rode on trie covered wagon float which Fallin post entered in the Rodeo parade at Kiaoie. Mrs. Crow has an interesting background being the great niece of Colonel Cornelius Gilliam, for whom Gilliam county was named. He and her grandparents, Captain William and Sarah Shaw, ana her mother, who was seven years old, crossed the plains in 1848. Her mother married David Sackett and Mrs. Crow was born, Feb. 22, 1861 on Howell Prairie in Marion coun ty. In 1883 ahe was married to H. A. Crow and with her late hus band, who was a barber, resided in Roseburg and Riddle. The Crows had seven children, of whom only Clarence of Roseburg is living. She hss one granddaughter, Mra. Kenneth Bushey and two great granddaughters, all of Roseburg. ZULEIMA CLUB AT I MYRTLE CREEK IS ORGANIZED MONDAY Mrs. O. W. Harrah, Mrs. H. R. reynolds, Mrs. H. Halvorsen, Mra. Frank Bodin, Mrs. William T. Evans Jr., Mrs. Frank Worland and Mrs. William Harms of the Roseburg Zuleima club', Daughtera of the Nile drove to Myrtle Creek Monday to attend the potluck luncheon and the meeting organiz ing the club there. Mrs. Mae Moss, Ashland, Queen of Nydia temple, and a number of her of ficers were present to assist with the organizing of the club. There were 45 in attendance. Mrs. Harrah is president of the Roseburg Zulei ma club. KEYSTONE CLUB MEETING IS WELL ATTENDED Dessert-s upper featured the meeting of the Keystone club Mon day, Feb. 20, at the home of Mrs. W. A. MacArthur. The hostesses for this Methodist church club were Mrs. MacArthur, Mrs. Adrian Fish er, Mrs. John Cornilson, Mrs. Myr tle Burr and Mrs. A. B. Taylor. Mrs. Lyle Eddy, president, was in charge of the business meeting snd devotions wre given by Mrs. H. O. Rand. The next meeting, to be March 20, will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Boyles. She will be assisted by Mrs. Mary Louise Brown, Mrs. Lucien Cobb, Mrs. Lloyd Hayes and Mrs. C. A. Gilmer. Attending were the Mesdames M. M. Nelson, L. C. Peterson, Geo. W. Neuner, L. M. Gable, J. T. Young, E. S. Kotok, J. B. Roark, W. O. Benecke. R. O Alder, H. D. McKay, Ned Dixon, W. E. Buell, W. C. Woods, Lawrence Rand, Lu cien Cobb, H. M. Burt, Hugh Har rison, C. H. Friday, R. E. Cram. C. A. Gilmer, R. B. Hampton, A. C. Williamson, George L, Single ton, Eugene McF.lroy, A. J. Elli son, H. O. Rand, Bruce Elliott, Earl Wiley, Elmer Anderson, Char lotte Grivett, Vernon Keel, William Wishart, Paul Geddes and Miss Flossie West. j BRITHDAY DINNER HONORS MR. LINDBLOOM SUNDAY A birthday dinner honored Gus Lindbloom at his home at Dixon ville Sunday. Enjoying the occa sion were Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Collison Sr., and daughter, Bev erly and friend Shirley Isacson of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Col lison, Jr., and children Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lindbloom and children, Carol and Allen and Mr. and Mrs Gus Lindbloom. P N G. CLUB MEETS AT DESSERT-SUPPER ON THURSDAY EVENING Frances Knudtson, Dora Dixon, Tillie I. Johnson, Hulda Howe and Viola Spencer entertained the P.N.G. club Thursday evening at a dessert-supper at the 1.0. O F. hall. A red, white and blue color scheme carried out the George Washington motif. Besides the hostesses, those pres ent were Mary Alice Mortensen, who was taken in as a new mem ber, Ethel Bailey, Daynise Beach, Ethel Busenbark, Carmen Clark, Mary Curtis, Maggie Dent, Mattie Gosnell, Gertrude Hatfield, Inga High, Susie Jackson, V. Vivian Logsdon. Ruth Reeae, Lydia Road man, Margaret Saunders, Louise Young, Ona Williams and Ethel Swayze. The evening's entertainment was in charge of Ona Williams. The March 16th meeting will be in charge of Naomi Murdock, Elsie Russell, Mary Curtis, Bernice Smith and Blanche Marr, host esses, with Alvia Wetherell and Margaret Miller in charge of the entertainment. The meeting place will be announced later. TWO HONORED SATURDAY AT BIRTHDAY PARTY Orville Sconce and Harold Slater, both of Sutherlin, were honored on their birthdays Saturday, Feb. 25, by the former's wife, Mrs. Violet Sconce. Games and visiting were enjoy ed snd later refreshments served by the hostess to Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Moore and daughter, Char lene, Mr. and Mra. Dave Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slator and daughter, Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Sconce, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Hainea and Orville Sconce. IF YOUR PAPER HAS NOT ARRIVED BY 8:1S P. M. PHONE 100 Everybody loves flowers and everybody loves to receive them. Choose flowers as the perfect ?;ift . . . choose them rom us . . . always fresh ly cut, fragrantly lovely. The phone number to remember it 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP 81 Winchester Street Hen' made Articles Canilgnnwir. Or" Mewe'av m4 "rie'ey 00 a. m. ta 4:30 a. m. WeJiietaar 1:00 ta 8:10 p. m. ar Ph. 444-J-4 tar eaaainfmeat. 4 giro. W. at Feirkeoe Malreta Heed Do your spring planting now Haw h the time ta da yaur lerinf elenrinf af rtiee'aeeite'refit, ca Miliar., raui, oealfert, itiruWa, kadta pleats, fnta), aat ear) flaw erlno treat end Warrlas. Let at rule yae vita year lead aceee eraalemi. Visit ear anrtery eaytirae. Wl At! ALWAYS OPIM PLAT I NURSERY 1 Miles fast, 1 Mile Saath al SatharHa aa Plat I Reed. C. I. MALITZ, Owaer Open till 9 Tonight 1.98 WHITE SHEET BLANKETS Size 70" x 95" 2 for 3.00 Saturday Night Only 1.79 BOYS' TENNIS SHOES Sizes 9 to 3 125 Pr. Saturday Night Only 1.29 BOYS' SUSPENDER JEANS Sizes 1 to 6 2 for 1.50 Saturday Night Only 6.98 WOMEN'S NEW SPRING DRESSES Sizes 11 to 40 4.00 Saturday Night Only 7.49 CHERRY GARLAND DISHES Service for A, 20 Pieces 5.00 Saturday Night Only