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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1950)
4V Tli Nwt.lUvlw, Hofburt, Of. . Sat, Mar. 4, 1950 Marry At Hoquiam, Wash., On Feb. ' , fa u Mr. Mis Katherin Nancy Gile. only daughter of Mr. and Mr. Harold Leigh Gilee of Hoquiam, and Mr. Nathan William Stiewig, aon of Mr. and Mra. Charlea Wil liam Stiewig of Roseburg, Oregon, pledged their marriage vowa at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Feb ruary 12, at the parish house of Our Lady of Good Help church In Hoquiam. The data also marked tha thirty second wedding anniversary of tha bride'a parents. Rev. Alfred Mathenskl officiat ed at tha nuptial aervica with only relatives and close friends of th families attending. The young couple recited their vows before an altar banked with bankets of white gladioli, stock and gardeniae and flanked b y white tapera in two candelabrum. Misa Bonnie Bcrgerson of Seattle lighted tha candlea preceding the ceremony. The bride was given In marriage by her father and wore a wedding gown of white bridal satin fash ioned with a fitted bodice and low cut oval neckline. The full akirt was anme-iengtn ana sprays or lily-of-the-valley in pearl bead ing accented tha waistline. The aame motif accented her white aatin bridal ahoes. A small hat fashioned of folds of white satin, long white kid gloves and pearl necklace completed her bridal cos tume. She carried an heirloom ivory fan centered with a white orchid from which fell white aatin atreamera caught with whit atephanotis. She also carried a handkerchief of antique point lace, a gift sent fo the occasion by Mr. Carl O. Retsloff of La Mesa, California, a long-time friend of the family. Misa Particia Jeanne DeLatur waa maid of honor and wore an ankle-length gown of dusty rose lace styled with a fitted bodice, a portrait neckline, long sleeves and a bouffant akiit. Talisman roses were arranged in a fan shape at the back of her coiffure. Mrs. William Black of Rosebu; was best man for the groom. For her daughter'a wedding, Mra. Gilei wore a mauve pink silk faille costume suit with a rink flowered hat and pink gloves, ler corsage waa a dubonnet or chid. Mrs. Stiewig, mother of the groom, wore an aqua faille dress with black accessories and a cor aage of green and rose orchids. Mr. Alun Lewie sang "Because" preceding th ceremony. The wedding guests were greet ed at tha parish hous by Mr. Ralph E. liohnson, who acted as escort for th mothers of the h I wt. r IP CAMP FIRI COUNCIL OFFICERS pes far News acnd annual council meeting Monday evening at one thousand mark th council Is eging routine council business. Pictured above are Camp Fir Girls, Inc., Mrs. Leonard Gibson, sec ship pin at th meeting; Mrs. Merrls Bewker, first Herald Heyt, president, serving her second term; Barbara Lou Kltt, xcutlv sot rotary. ' , - .. '. il' ,! ' '-" I- - -- - I Picture bT lta opioele etudio. AbcrdMO, Waab. and Mn. Nathan William Stl.wli bride and groom. Th reception waa held at th Gilea home on Second atreet im mediately after th ceremony. The bride'a tabl was covered with a cutwork and point de Ven ice cloth over white atain, draped and caught with pink rosebuds and whit aatin ribbons. Pink rosea in a crystal and sil ver bowl and pale pink tapers in tall branched ailver candlabrum formed the centerpiece. Doveshap ed vasea filled with pink roses graced tha fireplace mantel. Pouring were Mra. Ralph E. Johnson, Mrs. George H. Cleaver, Mrs. Arvid E. Anderson and Mrs. Ray L. Baker of Seattle. Mrs. Albert E. Anderson cut ttie bride's cake and Misa Jeannette Thurber passed the groom's cake. Miss Harriet Williama and Mrs. James R. Ladley assisted in the dining room. Mrs. Ruth Lamb greeted the guesta at the door and Mrs. Fred Hulbert, Jr., assisted in th rooms. Th newlyweds left later for a wedding trip to California. For going away tha bride wore a beige tailored auit with a natural Milan straw cloche. A brown fur jacket and accessories in a burnt almond shad completed her ensemble. Th bride is th granddauifh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam A. Dawson (Mary Ann Hod gins), pioneer Hoquiam residents, who were married in Hoquiam in 189 and resided on Hill avenue for many years. Her great grand father, the lata Henry de Berge Hodgins came to Graya Harbor City in th '89'a and aettled in Hoquiam in 1180. Mrs. Stiewig was graduated from Hoquiam nigh school and at tended the University of Oregon where aha was enrolled in the school of architecture and allied arts. She is a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Mr. Stiewig is a graduate of the University of Oregon and is a member of Beta Alpha Psi, ac counting honorary. He ia a veter an of the army medical corps and waa stationed in India for three years. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Baker, (Mrs. Baker was a bridal attend ant at th wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Giles on February 12, 1918), and Miss Barbara Ross. Seattle: Miss Ruth Lamb, Olympia; Miss Marilyn Lamb and Mr. Frank Lamb If, of Corvallis. Seventy-five friends of tha cou ple attended the recrption. After March 1.1, Mr. and Mrs. Stiewig will he at home to their friends at Burns, Ore., where Mr. Stiewig will be with the weather bureau. Review Photographer Paid Jenkins prior to th the Methodist church. With membership Hearing the kept busy supply 'n$ guardians, planning th annual camp and man. Mrs. James C. end vie president vie president; Mr. George Irlcksen, recording secretary and Miss 12th .-.ti r - ; - - - TWO HOSTISSIS HONOR MRS. VIRN MORIN AT PINK AND BLUI SHOWIR Mra. Vera Morin waa guest of honor at a pink and blue shower Friday, Feb. 24 at th home of Mra. Frank Piper. Hostesses wer Mrs. Millard Robertson and Mra. Frank Piper. Gamea were played with prize going to Mra. lary Chapman, Mrs. Clair Brock, Mra. R. K. Shelton, Mra. Harry dem ons, Jr., Mrs. Marvin Wilson, Mrs. Maude Stewart, Mrs. George Wil liamson and Mrs. Oliver Dodson. During the evening a surprise handkerchief shower waa given Mr Oliver Dodson who haa moved to Albany to make her home. After the guest of honor opened her many gifts brought in a bassinette, re freshments were served. Attending were Mrs. Morin, Mrs. Leonard Tyler, Mrs. C. Hannan, Mrs. W. Stewart, Mra. Maude Stew art, Mra. Roy Stein, Mrs. L. L. Burr, Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Harold Jokela, Mra. John Beck, Mrs. Verna Emery, Mrs. R. K. Shelton, Mrs. Troy Watts, Mrs. Oliver Dodson, Mrs. Clair Brock, Mrs. Marvin Wilson, Mrs. George Anderson, Mrs. W. W. Spires, Mrs. Harry Clemons, Jr., Mrs. Lucy Woodruff, Mrs. Lena Morin, Mrs. George Barclay, Mrs. Fred Lng necker, Mra. E. R. Longneckor, Mrs. Mary Chapman, Mra. F. M. Potter of Astoria, who has been a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Millard Robertson, and the two hostesses. NINTH BIRTHDAY OBSERVID WITH DINNIR THURSDAY AT HOMI OF PARENTS A six o'clock dinner held Thurs day, Feb. 23 honored Dickie Goer gen, son- of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goergen, 1713 Grandview avenue, on his ninth birthday. Pink and blue favors, candlea and napkins. The three-tiered birthday cake was decorated with nine pink birds holding the candlea. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Svoboda and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. Miner Mead and aon, Myron, Scott Cren shaw. Billy and Patsy Goergen and Dickie' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goergen. MRS. O. W. HARRAH ENTERTAINS AT BREAKFAST PARTY ON WEDNESDAY Mra. O. W. Harrah entertained at a moat delightful breakfast par ty at her home on South Pine street Wednesday morning having as guests: Mrs. Ma Moss, Ashland, Queen of Nydia temple, Daughtera of the Nile; Mrs. Margaret Sabric, Mrs. Joan Reter. Mrs. Lillian Ar nold and Mrs. Ottie Moffitt, all of Medford. Witt Conn, regional representative to who received the adult member- Mra. Ed Tauscher, treasurer Mra. w March B.P.W.C. Meeting Includes Pictures, Music, Style Show Plans A musical program and slides of landscapes and flower featured th meeting of th Business and Professional Woman's club Monday vening at th Episcopal pariah hall. Also on th agenda was dis cussion of th forthcoming fashion show and bridge luncheon to be held Friday, March 17 at 12.30 p. m. at th Roseburg Country club. PINK AND BLUI SHOWER PARTY IS CHARMING AFFAIR Th Mid-Week Bible class of St. Paul's Lutheran church met Thurs day afternoon at th pariah housa with Mra. E. W. Carter and Mra. W. A. Sylwester co-hostesses at a charming pink and blue shower party complimenting Mrs. Simmie Krews and Mra. Jack Gortby. A large stork decorated both baskets holding beautiful gifta for the two guests of honor. Spring flowers were used in the decorationa. At th tea hour Mra. Carter and Mra. Sylwester served delicious re freshments to Mra. Krews and Mrs. Gorthy and son, Steven; Rev. W. A. Sylwester, Mrs. H. Hasbargen, Miss Grace Hasbargen, Mrs. V. Andraieff, Mrs. B. Fromdahl, Mrs. W. Saltier, Mra. C. Pemberton, Mra. A. Rietmann, Mra. M. Riet mann, Mra. L. Wilson, Mra. L. Hill, Mra. P. Wulff and children, Susan, Linda and John; Mrs. C. Gorthy, Mra. E. McGhehey and Paula; Mra. W. Vogt, Mra. L. Voigt, Mrs. A. Loug, Mra. R. Kaine and aon. Rusty; Mra. A. Sours, Mrs. R. Graef and Mrs. E. Graef of Suth erlin and Mra. W. Nehring. Children of members attending enjoyed a party during th after noon at the parsonage. Th next meeting will b April 6 at two o'clock at the parish house with Mrs. Vogt and Mrs. Voigt, co-hostesses. Mrs. E. W. Carter will talk on her experiences in Labrador. , MRS. GEORGE WHARTON ENTERTAINS CLUB AND GUESTS AT LUNCHEON Jonquila and jasmine formed pretty motif for the on o'clock salad -luncheon given Wednesday by Mra. George Wharton, when the entertained her bridge club and aeveral guests at her lovely home on Claire atreet. Covers were placed for M i a a Bess Wharton, Miss Alice Ueland, Mra. L. L. Wimherly, Mrs. G. V. Wimberly and Mrs. L. W. Josse, guests, and Mrs. Phil S trader, Mrs. George Churchill, Mrs. Har ry Gruffy, Mrs. J. H. Beviu, Mrs. M. C. Bowkrr, Mrs. Fred Schwartz, Mrs. John H. Robinson, Mrs. Ro bert Franks and the hostess, Mrs. Wharton. High sror for th members in the contract bridge play waa won by Mra. Bevins with Mrs. Strader winning aerond high. High score for the guesta waa won by Misa Ueland. PRE LENTEN PARTY IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR OF MONDAY The pre-lenten party given by Circle No. 2 of St. Joseph'a Altar society wss enjoyed Monday eve ning at the Veterans hospital rec reation hall. Members of the circle have expressed their appreciation to Dr. John Haskins, Robert P. Allen and to Len Post and Russell Bissonette. The latter two are em ployees in the dietetic department and they assisted in the serving of refreshments and clearing up after the party. Her and There Seventy seven pennies were drop ped in the birthday box last Sunday at Pine Grov Sunday school by one of Douglaa county's long-time resident?. Celebrating hia birthday waa G. A. Lindbloom, better-known to res idents of the vicinity aa Gus. The Lindblooms have resided in the Dixonville area for the past 40 years, coming to the Umpqua valley through an acquaintance with Rosa B. Parrott when ahe was traveling through Yellowstone park a number of years ago. Then residents of Denver, Colo., the Lindblooms made a trip to points of interest on the Pacific Coast and remembering Misa Par rott, stopped in Roseburg. They were impressed with the beauty and hospitality of the valley and have resided here since that time. Inter Se club at the home of Mrs. Howard "Pattie" Pattison provided interesting food for thought. Caro lyn Pattison'a birthday cake was within eyesight of club members all day but nary a crumb did they get. A lot of wishful thinking went into all those glances the cake received during the afternoon. Bea Churchill's late arrival was forgotten with the ohs which greet ed her new chic spring suit. Daffodils, jasmine and Dutch iria cooperated to make a colorful spring setting for the discussion topic, "Porches and Patios." Quite an appropriate theme, a member said, as they caught up on their winter knitting and mending long ing to be out-of-doors. Pattie carried out a different idea for the luncheon hour aa each club member packed her own in a aack lunch. A few were absent-minded and left their aacks at home. How ever they fared better than the rest by garnering a bit from each aack and ended up with a banquet. If you are wondering what is wrong with everyone these days think nothing of it they've prob ably been bitten by the yo-yo bug. From th smallest to the eldest, once you see the yo-yo in action there'a a yen to try it yourself. Even the Kiwania club sponsored a yo-yo contest for their members Tuesday. Del McKay, Roseburg's man about town, strolled forth with an especially cagey yo - yo. the youngsters flock to school with yo yos doing th grapevine, circle one, etc. Warren Mark, N-R ataff writ er, admitted modestly he won sec ond place while in grade school ia a yo-yo contest. His competitor topped him with (7 tricks and Mack lost with a measley 03. Even a mere R3 are quit a few trirka to hav itored in a yo-yo and string. The president, Miss V. Vivian Logsdon introduced Miss Barbara Marsh and her father, Lee R. Marsh who presented a musical interlude. Misa Marsh provided several numbers on her trumpet, accompanied by her father. Mr. Marsh played two piano solos, adapting one melody to march and rhumba rhythm. He concluded wa one of his own compositions. Mrs. Elizabeth Heinline introduc ed Clyde Carstens who showed col or slides of flowers, a few land scapes and explained briefly of his hobby, photography. Ella Thorpe Gray will be in charge of atyl show arrangement assisted by members of the club. Fashiona are through the courtesy of Miller Mercantile. Hostesses for the social hour were Marietta Powera, lngrid An derson and Bertha Shrum. Refresh ments were served from a table arranged with a large bouquet of daffodils and colored candlea. FRIENDS HONOR MEN AT BIRTHDAY PARTY AT A.G. MOORE HOME Friends and neighbora gathered at the A. G. Moore horn Friday evening, Feb. 10 for a surprise party honoring Frankie Moore and Jake Francia on their birthdays. Cards and visiting wer enjoyed. At the close of the evening re freshments were served by th ladies. Mrs Lawrence Haines pre sented a birthday cake to Mr. Francia and Mrs. Francis gav a cake to Mr. Moore. Many gift were received by the men. Taking part in the evening's ac tivities were Mr. and Mra. Harold Slater and daughter: Mr. and Mra. Pearl Brandner, Mr and Mra. Dale Woodruff of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Henry and aon. Mr. and Mrs. Cal Hunter, Mr. and Mra. Jake Francis, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Haines, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Sconce and children and Mr. and Mra. Clifford Flory and daugh ter and the Moores. BETA GAMMA CHAPTER HAS INTERESTING MEETING THURSDAY Beta Gamma chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Dale Roles. A busi ness meeting was held and the schedule arranged for the atudy projects the group will work on in the future. Mrs. Craig Dishman won the door prize. Mrs. Dishman also had charge of the atudy topic fo- the meeting on "Personality." Refreshments were aerved to the following members: Misa Colleen Ireland, Miss Betty Hunnicutt. Mrs. Craig Dishman, Mrs. Howard Thomas, Mrs. I. J. Bean. Mrs. Marvin Doty, Mrs. David Moore. MRS. JAMES SMITH HONORED AT PINK AND BLUE SHOWER PARTY Mrs. Lyle Quist entertained members of Alpha Chi chapter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, at a charm ing pink and blue shower party honoring Mrs. James Smith Thurs day evening. Canasta and pinochle were in play during the evening. Lovely gifta were presented to Mra. Smith from Mra. Bill Benson, Mrs. Jack Rodgers, Mrs. Tyler Evans, Mrs. Richard Gadway, Mra. Robert Elliott, Mrs. Ted lnsley. Mrs. Don Caskey, Mrs. Ward Cummings Jr., Mrs. Robert Reid, Mrs. Robert Nazelrod, Mrs. Don Starmer, Miss Wilma Melton, Miss Nancy Lehman, Miss Ardyth An drus and the hostess, Mrs. Quist. Later in the evening Mrs. Quist served refreshments. WOMEN OF COUNTRY CLUB MEET THURSDAY FOR BRIDGE-LUNCHEON The weekly bridge luncheon o' the Roseburg Country club women was enjoyed Thursday at the club-' house. Covers were placed for Mrs. Walter Brydges, Mrs. H. C. Stearns, Mrs. Joe V. Perrault. Mra. R. D. Bridges, Mrs. B. L. Martin, Mrs. E. A. Pearson. Mrs. L. E. McClintock, Mrs. Clyde Knight. Mrs. E. R. Harvey, Mrs. Roy Se dell, Mrs. W. F. Amiot, Mrs. H. F. LeBeau, Mrs. Maurice L. Hall mark, Mrs. Deming Bronson, Mrs. Alfred Anderson, Mrs. Kenneth Bailey, Mrs. J. F. Dillard and Mrs. Waller Fisher. High scores for the contract bridge play were won by Mrs. Amiot, Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Har vey. MRS. KENNETH BAILEY ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB ON WEDNESDAY Daffodils and tall yellow tapera graced the prettily appointed table used by Mrs. Kenneth Bailey Wed nesday, when she entertained her bridge club at a one o'clock dessert-luncheon at her lovely home in West Roseburg. Covers were placed for Mrs. J. F. Dillard. Mrs. Bert Corkrum, Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer, Mrs. Ed wsrd Titromb, Mrs. R. D. Coen, Mrs. C. M. McDermott. Mrs. Fred erick Chapman Jr.. Mrs. Frede rick J. Porter and the hostess, Mrs. Bailey. High scores for the contract bridge club were won by Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Porter. LOCAL HONORARY MEMBERS ATTEND EUGENE SESSION Gamma chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, teacher'a national honor society, met in the Bamboo room of the Eugene hotel for a luncheon meeting Saturday, Feb. 18. Plans for the state convention to be held in Portland, April 1 were discuss ed. A brief but impressive memorial for the late Hazel Fishwood and Gertrude Sears, members of Gam ma chapter was held. Mrs. Victor Morris gave a re view of the book, "The Peabody Sister of Salem" by Tharp. Attending from Roseburg were Mrs. Violet Wilshire. Mrs. Msr garet Adair. Mrs. Kathryn Lock wood. Miss Vera Fredrickwn. Misa Ina Famswnrth, Miss Luella White head and Mrs. Alvia Wetherell. MR. AND MRS. KIDDER HONORED AT OINNER ON MONDAY EVENING Mr. and Mra. 8. L. Kidder en tertained at a most delightful fam ily dinner party Monday evening at their horn in honor of their son and daughter-in-law, Vice-Consul and Mrs. Stanley R. Kidder, and baby daughter, Sarah Ann, who had just arrived from Tokyo, Japan. They wer met in Eugen by Mr. Kidder's brother, Robert Kidder, of Roseburg, who brought them to Roseburg. Mr. Kidder went back to Eugen late in th evening to take the plan for Washington, D.C., to spend th next aeveral months attending a apecial school of instruction. His wife and baby will apend 10-daya here, before ;.o ing to Jacksonville, Florida, to visit Mra. Kidder'a relatives. They plan to return here the latter part of May for a visit. Th Kidder family made th trip from Japan to th State by plane. They atopped in Honolulu, where they visited Mrs. Florence Wharton Wickland, and Mra. Mona Raymond. Covers wer placed for th fuest of honor and Mra. Jamea 1. Sawyers, Miss Gertrude Rast. Dell Rast, Robert P. Kidder and th host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kidder. ALPHA THETA CHAPTER HEARS MRS. RHOOEN GIVEN TALK ON BALLET Members of Alpha Theta chap ter. Beta Sigma Phi enjoyed a very interesting talk on ballet by Mra. Lowell Rhoden at the borne of Mra. Ray Puckett Tuesday evening. Assisting Mrs. Rhoden waa Kathi Corkrum, who entertained th group with a ballet number. Assisting Mrs. Puckett wer Mrs. Jack Cummins and Mr. Mar cus Brown. Mrs. Meredith Wilson presented an interesting and in structive demonstration on "Mu sic into drama and dance." She played aeveral recordings aa part of her program. Lovely refreshmenta were aerv ed to Mrs. Walter Brittell, a guest, Mrs. H. C. Church, sponsor, Mrs. Meredith Wilson, Mrs. John Todd, Mra. Don Wilson, Mrs. M. J. Spring, Mrs. Ray Sims, Mra. Rob ert Rennie, Mra. Eugene Powell, Mra. Eugene Krewson, Mra. Harry Harris, Mrs. Clarence De Camp, Mrs. John Gardner, Mra. Sid Fred rickson. Mrs. Jack Fariss Jr., and Mrs. Helen Cordon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Meredith Wilson, Tuesday night, March 14, at t o' clock. INTER SE CLUB MEETS AT PATTISON RESIDENCE 'Porchea and Patios" wer dis cussed at the meeting of Inter Se club Tuesday at the home of Mra. Howard Pattison. The program was in charge of Mra. R. B. Hampton and followed a aack luncheon. Enjoying the day were Mrs. George Churchill, Mrs. C. M. Stark Mrs. V. V. Harpham, Mrs. Paul Geddes. Mrs. Hampton, Mrs. Alva Laws, Mrs. E. S. Hall, Mrs. E. E. Lindell, Mrs. Theo Bond, Mrs. John Ulrich, Mrs. Charles Ricketts, Mrs. G. I. Dunagan of Portland and the hostess. Juni MRS. VERDUN BOUCOCK ENTERTAINS PINOCHLE CLUB THURSDAY EVENING Mrs. Verdun Bourock was a most gracious hostess Thursday even ing, when she entertained her pi niochle club at an eight o'clock dessert-supper at the home of Mra. Walter Welker. A beautifully de corated birthday cake was cut in honor of Mrs. Jamea Knudtson and Mrs. Clifford E. Smith. The club presented a gift to both Mrs. Knudtson and Mrs. Smith. Covers were placed for the two guesta of honor and Mra. Perry Thiele. a guest. Mrs. Ray Puckett Mrs. Norman Hess, Mrs. Thomas McCarry. Mrs. Walter Welker, Mrs. Robert Davis and the hostess, Mrs. Boucock. High score for th pinochle play was won by Mrs. Puckett with Mrs. Thiele receiving low score. SHOWER HONORS MRS. MOBLEY AT HOME OF MRS. EVANS Mrs. Keith Mobley waa honored at a pink and blue shower recently at the home of Mrs. Tyler Eva with Mrs. Gary Piper. Miss Irene Trapolis and Miss Ardyth Andrus assisting Mrs. Evans as hostesses. Traditional pink and blue formed the decorative theme with pink bootees used as decorations. Re freshmenta wer aerved buffet style. Honoring Mrs. Evant with the hostesses were Mrs. Fred Stora. Mrs. Ralph Herathorn. Misa Nan cy Lehman, Mrs. Bill Moffit. Mrs Bob Wdhite. Mrs. Mac MrKean. Misa Mary Martin. Mra. Bob Potter Mrs. Dale Reekhara. Mr. Johsj Jones, and Misa Carri Miller. or Woman's Barn Dance Dated For March 25th Befhel Honors FT I VCN 'fe t . . I-' t.'j 1 v.vf , V'.vA; ) lit WD , f - 11 u Miss Dorothy Mrs. Martha Elhart, grand guardian of Job's Daughters of Or egon, inspected Riddle bethel. No. 39 last Thursday. Sh was honored at a dinner prior to the meeting. Candidates wer initiate--", and in cluded Thelma Sitts, Doris and Delia Wright and Dianna Curry Guests escorted to the east were Mrs. Elhart, grand guardian; Mra. Cora Young, past grand guardian; Mra. Mamie Wilson, grand mar shal: Mrs. Margaret Walsh, grand fourth messenger and guardian of bethel No. 39; Mrs. Lackyeard, Eugene bethel guardian; "irs. Cove Aiken; Myrtle Creek guardian; Roy Coburn, associate guardian of Myr tle Creek bethel; Guy McGee. as sociate guardian of Riddle bethel; Mrs. Josie Pruner, worthy matron. Mistletoe chapter, 114 Riddle; Misa Jenny Howard; Miss Priscil la Pruner, Anna Mae Hervey and Barbara Snyder, past queens. A program waa presented includ ing: drill honoring the visiting COMMITTEE MEMBERS For th Junior Woman's club annual sprint Barn danc, which h to b an event of March Utn at th Resobura Country club, pete tor Paul Jenkine, News-Review pbstsg rapher, and Include from left to right! Mra. George Crocker, Mr. William Bellman, Mra. Hazel Scott, Mra. Victor Flury and the dub president, Mra. Harold Jokela. This annual event la open to membere! of the club-and their guest and ticket for the affair may be pur chased at Lawsan's Jewelry store. NOTICE Social item not appearing in to day's newspaper will be used the first of the week. The remainder of th social calendar will be printed Monday. your Velma's Beauty Shop Fcifi Bldf. hn 44t Open Night by Appointment Sfafe Officer nctur br Ada's Photo ftudlo Ann J ones grand guardian; piano solo by Pria cilla Pruner; duet by Wilma Strom, ka and Joanne Hausotter; vocal solo, Barbara MacDonald. Thirteen girU wer awarded bronza merit awarda at th Jan uary 30 meeting. They wer Doro thy Jones, Barbara Snyder, Anna Mae Hervey, Priscilla Pruner, , Joyce Loper, Barbara Wilcox, Isa 1 MacDonald, Theo Mann, Carnlya Hiil, Norma Townsend. Bertha'Ma Aspey, Sharon Gabrieleon and Dar rellene Carter. Dorothy and Pat McNeea wer chosen to represent bethel No. 3ft for offices in th honorary bethel at grand session. Honored queen of the bethel is Miss Dorothy Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Henry A. Jones of Myrtle Creek. She wa , installed at a meeting held prior to the Christmaa holidays. Presid ing at the implressive candlelight installation ceremony was Barbara Snyder, retiring honored queen. DRESSMAKfNO ALTERATIONS Zee Newman 2S Cebb St Phen M7-R (Beauty Skop Does It Better Complete Beauty Service