Timber & Sawmills 21 Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO fjET AN EXPERIENCED' TIMBER MAN handle your Umbir. Need listings nld or second growth. large or imill tcacts. CUude Kerr Real Estate, 3430 Foothill Drive. Phone 78-J-X fOR BALE l" ' million feet second growth timber close lo Roseburg. One of few good shows left for portable sawmill. $4,300. cash. Box 229 News Review TOR BALE IS M capacity MwrnifOull length conveyor, steel end, 3 taw edger. trim taw, 3 block carriage, without power. 13000. Writa Box 431, Sutherlln. Oregon. JTTENTION SAW riLERfl and logging operators. You should see the Bryaon chain w filing device at Norlhslda Raw Shop. ALMOST NEW 20 M capacity eawrntlT. 200 H. P dlesel. Stumpage available or wilt furnish logs. Lock wood Bras., Tenmtle. Oregon. WANTED Small portable sawmill "to cut. after large operation. Approxi mately H million ft. H. G. Brown, Elk ton. Oregon. FOR SALE Sawmill, or any pari CMC dieeel edger and other units Roy Denny. S35li Winchester. WANf-POLES and ptltng delivered to our yard at Green. Contact us before cutting; Putet Timber Co. of Oregoa. Logging Equipment 22 GOOD BITYS TN T'SED EQUIPMENT FROM INTERSTATE PRICED FROM KS.OaO to 14 .300 FOB, ROSEBURG. 145 DT Caterpillar Tractor with straight dozer and towing winch overhauled and guaranteed, 1P43 DS Caterpillar Trartnr with straight dozer and towing winch overhauled and guaranteed. 194.1 TO Caterpillar Tractor with straight blade and towing wtnrh only 1250 hours since complete overhaul, ex- cl lent appearance and in good op era ting condition, 184a TD-ll Internal tonal Tractor with straight blade and towing winch. Rollers and roller frame recondi tioned and valves ground. S4S TD-14 International Tractor, with Isaacson winch and doxcr. Completely overhauled. lftsS Model D--11S-Y Power I'nlt with only 1400 hours on hourmeter. This machine la as good as new and la priced way below new price. 1P44 HD-14 A I lis Chalmers Tractor with angle dozer and winch. Priced for quick sale. Good looking clean ma chine. New batter lea and tune-up. Also RD-7 Caterpillar Tractor with dozer and winch Very good condition. New top and tune-up 33500. For these and other good buys In both new and used machines, contact Sales Department of Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co. Rose burg, Ore, Phone 84 it SOS Used Logging Equipment FOR SALE OR LEASE TD-14 Isaacson blade, Carco drum H.D. 14 A Ills Chalmers, blade and drum. D-T Caterpillar. LeToumeau, Rear P. C. U. and Doter. TD-1 International, Isaacson dozer and ' drum. Model R Northwest shovel. Murphy dle sel, long tracks, 30 ft. heel boom. Model 25. Northwest shovel Caterpillar D 4C00 motor, 40 ft. drag line boom. l'i yard Link-Belt shovel, 60 ft boom. Skagit, Bl'-M yarder. complete with line, blocks, etc. T H Model 255-A shovel, drag line , boom, gaa motor. F lr H Model 2SS-A Buda dies! shovel front. Buryrus-Erle Model 10-B, gas motor, shovel front. 2O0 SOUTH PINE Ph. 1486-Y EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Located Milan. California. 1. D-7. M. Series. Dn logging winch. La-plant angle dnzer, less than ISon hours full armored S9500.00 BU No. 19 Skagit double drum loader on half-track, powered by half-track White motor $3300.00 19.17 INTER : ten wheel lumber truck with 1S4S motor, good condition 3700.00 1S4 Chev.; pick tip, speed transmis sion - SMO.00 Located at Grants Pass. Oregon 3. TD. 13. Inter.: tractors less than l.V hours, logging winch, it angle dozers full armored (eachj 38500 00 L Dual-axel logging trailer, good condi tion 500.00 1. Knbart electric welder, lion, portable condl 3730.00 Alsa cut-out steam saw mill. ContacU Buckley Lumber Co., I miles south on highway 99. Rout 4, Box 277, Grants Pass, Oregon. Logger's Notice For Tree Insurance - Comprehensive Liability on all equipment Inland Marina Insurance on all equipment Log truck Insurance See or Call Tipton & Permin Insurance Ph. 1467 ZM Cass St IT PAYS TO INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE Attention Sawmill Operators and Logging Contractors We can supolv you with complete industrial coverage 24 hours a . day. To acquaint yourself wnn our pien call pn3, Keith Carter or Merle Basart, acuta im Northern Lifs Inturanct Co. P. O. Box 190 BoMburg. Or Hit BffrRNAfTBSAL kn i Eu truck and tr.U.r: low mllaal.: Mtta n.w. Chaa. Tacsardm. R. 1. VamluU. llNKIjTlTSLTTcir'nTlrrilcrTTltrW b.r W.ldlM i Hacluna Worta. ph. The Smallest, Cheapest Workers Logging Equipment 22 lte Model TD-14 International Tractor, Equipped with Isaacson Hydraulic Slratgnt Bulldozer Bad Towing Winch. This machine has only 600 hours on it and can't be told from a new machine. Full price W.000. Phone 303 or4 days or 77-R evenings. 133 TD-14 INTERNATIONAL tractor, equipped with Isaacson drum and Isaacson hydraulic dozer, completely overhauled. 33000. Phone eveulnga, TD14 CTtTannored foTlogging. ' l-Ste model. Phone 333-J, Roaeburg. Machinery For Sale 23 FOR SALE No. 3 John Deer power take-off T ft. eut haymower, nearly new; also Bean orchard sprayer. 300 gsL tank, Juat right for small acreage. Ph. KttO-R-4. or see Archie Wilson, Winston Section. FT. MASSKY HARRIS its In drill, used I seasons. Gordon Hughes, BL 3. Box 2fl2 Farm Equipment 24 Used Tractors and Implements 19 Modal Caurpillar ri I C DIM Harrow IMS Nnr Holland Automatic Har B.l.p. Vwd rnnf Tractor Tillara, Harrow. CumvaUM- Umpqua . Tractor Co. 123 S. PINE ST. Irrigation Outfits et us figure your Irrigation systs Low prices. Prompt service, Umpqua Tractor Co. 123 S, PINE ST. Tractors 25 Garden Tractors Bolens Garden Tractors. M. E. Rotary Tillers. Low prices; complete stocks. Umpqua Tractor Co. 12S S. PINE ST. FOR SALE lfl4 Ford tractor plow and disc; also small garden tractor. Ph. 407-R-l. or see at Rt. 3, Box 224, Clyde Goodman. Trucks 26 Internationals 1943 KB9 1 Ton Long Wheel I bate Flat Bed 2 speed I axle New 790x20 Duals ' Radio, heater Spotlight Fg lights. This la the Beat Buy In town. , 31,300.00 1347 KB2 , Ton Pickup New paint Heater, overloads 4 Speed Air Ride Tire. Neat and clean, 31.000.00 1343 K3 t Ton Pickup 4 speed Overloada Heater foot Box New K3 motor la-t year New Paint Nice and clean. - - -S S93.00 1937 CM Flat Bed -New Paint Better than moat '43 mod els. 400.00 1343 KB Dump Truck Chassis New Never used. 8 Yerd Heavy Duty Dump bed Twin Arm Hoist 450.00 Sig Fett International Truck Dealer 32T North Jackson Phone 1130 FOR IaEE BY OWNER 104 fc-ton Dodge pickup truck, waterproof pfy wood covered body Three month guarantee. This truck practically like new 31093. City Drive In Market. Sutherlln. 47 DIAMOND T-314 logger with 47 Fruehauff trailer in good condition, and ready to go. 33000. Inquire Don s Food Siore. Myrtle Creek Ph. 323. '31 FORD 1 ton stake (steel bedT, 4-specd trans . duals, ete. A-l shape, reasonable. Nielsen Saw it Supply. 3 mi Im South Dii lard . High way 89. CMC ft-wheeler log truck 'and trailer; cheap for caah. 207 East First Ave., no , ncenurg, tjre. AXI-I-SHAFTS for all makes of trucks, Hair's Truck Shop, 2053 N Stephena. Phnne 4R0-J-4 Autos 27 SPECIAL 1947 Studebaker. 1 ton, 4 tpeed, 7M tires, friced to sell at 34.1. -ord pickup, good rubber at motor, only 3143. OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM IMt International panel lorr? Ford Crummle 104.1 Diamond T. S wheeler 1943 International with short log bunks, 9 wheeler. TRUCK REPAIR at REBUILDING GUIBERS0N DIESEL PARTS AND STARTER SHELLS . SEE THEM AT SMITH MOTORS Hlway 99 N Phone 199-R-t For Si 1 1,4, FORD Club roup. I . IMS FORD 4-dnnr wdan I IMS CHEVROLET 4-door aadan 119- PONTIAC S-paM Hub coup, 11,34 FORD 4-door M4aa North Sid Motors Pheiui lOSO-J liot N SUpMna I WANTED 'J jrri'T club 1 milaaf.; . Eocl. Inou.ra M Pltaar Autos 27 Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere a a a Special For Today 141 CHEVROLET TUDOR SEDAN GOOD RUNNING) CONDI TION THROUGH AND THROUGH. GOOD BODY AND GOOD TIRES. REALLY A GOOD BUY 490.00 Special For Today 14 FORD CUSTOM CLUB COUPE Eomppad with radio, haatcr and whlta .Ida wall Uraa. Vary low mllaafa 1448 00 14S MERCITRY CLUB COUPE Lota of extra.. Slick aa a whutl. ChonM thi. ona and ba complauly aatialcd 1349.00 IMT PONTIAC PORDOR SEDAN Beautiful two-tona paint. Run just 25.ono milaa. Load with axuaa 1309.00 147 KAISER PORDOR SEDAN New paint complata. N.w Beat coven and ttrea. Ex tra low prlca for quick aala SB9.00 14 DESOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN A plea.ur to drive: R 4. H. complauly overhauled 1149.00 104 PORD PORDOR SEDAN. Low mlleege, excellent run , nlng condition: ona of our 'many food buy, . OS.O0 1944 PORD COUPE Very low Mileage on fac tory rebuilt motor. Naw paint SM.OO 141 STUDERAKER PORDOR SDN Thii ona gone through eom- Eletcly by former owner, conomy plua .. 805 00 141 PORD COUPE New paint, very low mileaga on rebuilt motor ... 96 00 141 PORD TUDOR SEDAN New paint, new tlraa. Clean aa hound'a tooth .. 99.00 140 MERCURY PORDOR SEDAN 349 00 19 STUDEBAKER PORDOR SDN 909.00 13 BUICK PORDOR SEDAN 19.00 137 PORD TUDOR SEDAN 149.00 134 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN 09 00 Trucks & Pickups 14 FORD STAKE RACK 179.00 14 PORD ti TON PICKUP .1149.00 14 STUDEBAKER ONE TON 79.00 147 FORD FLAT BED .. 119.00 14 FORD V, TON PANEL 79 00 13 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY 199.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS 730 S. Stephana Ph. UIIJ tasy Terms REASONABLY PRICED GMAC TERMS CHEVROLET. BUICK, PONTIAC. CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Rom Oak W Want Goo Clean Used Cars Top piicas paid DOYLE I SALES EH VICE Highway 99 Garden Valler Bd. Phona 911 41 SUPER DELUXE Ford Tudor with leaded-ln trim. Has radio, touthwind heater, test covers, exrellent paint Needs some work done. 939S. Ph. 120-L-X after p. m. MORE MONET for rour ear. Caah m lha spot Cork rum Motor. . Inc.. De soto riymouia. raoee soa, ii n hom at rORD"TldaraTrUtirPn: 1sTKVR-l 1944 Wr-XaTrWftTAfOeep-Very iood . v r.r-ii f I AimaOwOTS SSAfgH in Town ..Wont Ads Autos 27 I POINTS en uaed care yoa are uaund of when you puy from -.. K LEAN CARS. .XTRA 4UAmf. .CONOMY. ONO TERM CREDIT. "Where Price & Quality Meet" 19a PORD CTSTOM I DOOR A oaauTirui maroon, nas a r radio and heater. This car has always had extra food eara. A real quality uaed car. 194T 8TVDEBAKER CHAMPION REGAL S-Ooor. inia car is a nonay. vnm pletely equipped; overdrive, rllma ttier. hill holder. Radio, and suuiy other accaaaorias. 194T CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE 4- door. A Clean, low snueacv. wu quipped car. 194T PORD SUPER DELUXE 9-pass cpe. Radio ana neaw. v-ar nai aiwaja had good car. THI ABOVE CARS CARRY GUARANTEES 1941 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL deluxa 4-door 1941 PLYMOUTH coup 1940 CHEVROLET coup WANT A CAR TO GET TO WORK WITH? MAKE US AN OFFER ON THE FOLLOWING: 1934 CHEVROLET COUPE 193T FORD I DOOR 1939 CHEVROLET 9-DOOR 1941 PLYMOUTH S-DOOR Commercials 194S WILLYS PICKUP. with 4-wneei anva. mis is me job for iou fellows in tha woods. A good, slick pickup. 1947 STUDEBAKER V, TON PICKtTP. Tnts u extra gooa ana m rmmi buy. OUR LOT WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Keel's Used Car Lot I S. Stephen. Juat aouth of Rom Hotel Phonaa 13 or 1449-J For a Better USED CAR See DILLARD'S 14 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPS n.in . hib ana uieaea with extraa. , 4139.00 147 PONTIAC SEDAN Thta car la really inarp. Ra dio, healer and lota of other 14 PLYMOUTH CLUB COtlPE it. Him. lire. ne.umui nam- Radio and heater. 1039.00 14 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. Ml 14 PLYMOUTH COUPE. 141 DODGE 4-DOOR. . 141 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR. ALL THERE CARS HAVE RADIOS AND HEATERS. Commercials 147 CMC t TON STAKE Dual rear Urea, .harp. 147 WHAX DODGE JVi TON C a C. Excellent. IMS DODGE 1 ' TON Vary clean, good rubber. M IMS 00 CURRENT SERIES DODGE 1 Ton. Special TMs weea. kw. uu THESE CARS AND TRUCKS ARE GUARANTEED USED CARS. Terms Will Ba Arranged to Fit You "Si" Dillard Motor Co. Uted Car Lot North Stephana St. Autos '27 Better Buys at Barcus Today's Best Buy 149 PACKARD DeLUXE SEDAN Beautiful light blu finteh. New red pla.tie teat coven. Overdrive, eleclromalic -vtutrh, radio, heater, and manr oth.r eatra..LM than 19.000 milaa. . A real bargain. ...99190 149 PRAZER MANHATTAN. Every extra, beautiful lndo and out. Only 199 14 KAISER SEDAN, R H. 109 1C47 PLYMOUTH DeLuxe Sedan Perfect black finith ahlnea like new. II a H Mechanically 14 PACKARD 110 CLIPPER Sedan Lifhl frey. Nic, In terior. R it H. A buy. 14 KAISER SEDAN Low mileage; excellent condi tion. 13 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN. Reconditioned motor. Over drive, I a H J9 137 CHEVROLET SEDAN. 13 CHRYSLER SEDAN. 139 PORD V-S SEDAN. Open Sunday EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N at Garden Valley Est GOOD CARS PRICED TO SELL. Soma terms available: 1940 OLDSMORILE 4-door sedan. fully eouiDDCd 9.T7S 00 19.19 r OR D 2 door sedan 9245 00 1937 BUICK 4-door sedan 9130 00 Inquire 307 Paclfla Bldg.. or phona 466 FOR SALE Motorcycle;" 1940 Bonneville Indian, cu. In. Good condition; Bud die seat, saddle baaa, windshield. 91. rash. Evenings after Bp. m. T miles up S. Myrtle. Myrtle Creek, Oregon. u. n. .ocxrum. FOR SALE OR TRADE- Equity In 1M9 nuason ii-aoor seaan, 7iuu miles, over drive, healer (or clean, lata model car. us E. lat Ave. No. TOR SALE 1949 Red Jeepster. less than 7000 milts, perfect condition, 9141)8 M Davis, Brockway, Oregon. 1943 DODOC-donr'cusVom sedsn, very ood condition. Reasonable, 1010 Belli A-l SHAPE ""1940 four door Plymotrth lor quick sale. 715 E. 2nd Ave. No, Personal 30 Notices 31 Warning Co "D' IMth Inf. Loral National Guard unit will w firing Marnine Guns en Bnyer Ranch east of Rosa burg, Sunday, March 9, 1950. LEGAL IN THE riSrUIT COURT OP THE 9TATE OP OREGON IN AND FOB DOUGLAS COUNTY SUMMONS BONNIE CLARK. Plaintiff, va. WAL TER n. llakk, Defendant. TO Walter H. Clark, tha above nsmed defendant: , IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You are hereby required to appar and answer the complaint filed against you In tha above entitled court and cause within four wevks of the dste of tha first publication of this lummTii. and for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the couit for the relief prayed for In her complaint, a succinct statement of whlrh Is as fol lows: For a decree divorcing plelntlff from defendant absolutely, restoring to plaintiff her former name of Bonnie Can, and for general relief. Dated of first publication: February 25, 1950. RAY B. COMPTON Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Address; Roseburg, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE HEREBY Is given that March 29, 1050. at the hour or 10 00 o'clock A. M . In the County Court Room at the Court House In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, ftava been fixed aa the lima and place for hearing ob jections. If any there be. to the Final Account filed bv the undersigned Exe cutrix In the above entitled Court. DATED and first published this 25th dsy of Fab. 1950 FRANCES CASFBAR Executrix of tha Eatate of Effie A. Sr. rum, deceased. Notice Is hereby given Ihst the under stand admlnlstrstor of the estata of George Vivian Knapp, decesmed. will on ana sixer ine win asy or niarcn, imu, at the Law offices of Orrutt. Lone: it Neuner. t.'moqua Saving I .nan Build ing, Roseburg. Douglas County, Oregon, proceed to sell at private sale for rain in nana an ine rtgnt, title ana interest of the estate of George Vivien Knapp, deceased, in and to tha following de scribed real property: LoU Two i2 snd Three 3i, Block Fnur 4i. Umpqtia Add 1 1 inn. City of Reedsporl. Douglas County, Oregon. Robert T. Rlakely, Admln'itrator of tha Estata of George Vivian Knapp, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That tha undersigned bv Order of the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for Doug laa t"Mintv has lan snnnlntH Admini strator with the will-Annexed of tha Eatate of James F. Boyd. Deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Jsmes f. Bovd, Deceased, re herebv notified to oreent the same, verified as required by lew. at the law office- of Thomas C. Hartfiel. 1.10 North Stephens Street, Roseburg, Oregon, with in six moo the from tha date of this notice Dated. Febt-aury 1" 1 ROY O YOUNO Administrator with the Will Annexed of tha Estata of James F. Boyd, Deceased. LEGAL NOTICE OF SALE tE ERAL PBOPEBTT Na. M-4 IN THE CTECl'IT COURT OP THE STATE Or OREGON FOH THI COl'NTY OF MULTNOMAH Deoartment of Probate IN THE MATTER OP THE GUARDIAN SHIP of AY D. CROWE, incompetent. Nottea Is hereby alven that the un dersigned Guardian of tha Estate of Ray D. Crowe, Incompetent, by virtue of an Order of Sale Issued out of tha Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for tha County of Multnomah, duly made and entered on the 14th day of February. 19M, in the above entitled estate licensing tha Guardian to sell the hereinafter described real property belonflnf to tha said Incompetent will offer for sala and sell from and after the 90th day of March. 1950, at private sale, for caah, or upon such terms as may ba approved by tne court at The rtnt National Bank of Portland. Main Branch. Trust Department, 9th It Stark Street, in the City of Port land, Multnomah County, Oregon, all the following described real property situated In Douglas County, Oregon, to-wit Undivided Ona Hall V Interest In Weat one half (! of North east One Quarter of Sec tion Thirty One 'SI i Township Twenty Seven 2Tt South Range T Wast, W M., Douglas County, Oregon: Undivided Ona Half l' Interest In West One Half tUj) of South west ona qusrter ('' of Section Stx Township Twenty Eight 'Mi South. R. Seven ti Wast W.M., Douglas County, Oregon; Undivided Ona Half V Interest In Northwest one qusrter tl of North W'est one-quarter t4i of Section Sevan iT Townahtp Twenty Eight '29 South R. Seven Hi Wast W.M., Douglas County, Oregon, Undivided Ona Half ) Interest In Northeast one-quarter ' of North eaat one-quarter of Sec tion Twelve il2 Townahtp Twenty Eight South R Eight 9 Weat W M., Douglas County. Oregon; The sale will ba made sub tec t to tha confirmation by the above entitled court. Data of first puoiica uoa yea lain, 19M Data of last publication March 11th. 1950. C X BOLLENBACK Attorney for Guardian railing BUtming. LAWRENCE L. CLARK Trust Officer NOTICE TO CREDJTOBB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been by an order of the County Court of tha State of Oregon for Douglas County, duly ap pointed Executrix of the Laat Will and Testament of Bern hard Sabelin. De ceased All persona having Claims against the estate of Bernhard Sabelin, De ceased, are hereby notified to present tha same, verified aa required by law. trix at ine Dlmlck. 405 Pacific Building. In Roaeburg. Douglas County, Oregon, within six months from me aata or tnis notice. Dated and first published this 11th day of Peb. lt)50. LAinininB ni-Uinnui nun Executrix of the Estate of Bern hard Sabelin, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons hsvlng claims against the eslate of Charles w, Harris, Deceased, now pending In the County Court of uougiaa loumy, uregon, are nt-rvny notified to oresent the same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at tne oiiices of ueoaee at renter. Attorneys. Roseburg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this SSth day of February. Iii5a C. CECIL HARRIS Administrator of the Estate of Charles W. Harris, Deceased. NOTICE OP SALE Cats Ne. liana IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE Or OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Of DOUGLAS. SIG I'ETT, Plaintiff, va BYRON CREEK LUMBER COMPANY, an Oregon Corporation, Defendants. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of a writ or execution ouiy Issued out of the above court com mending me to sell the hereinafter dracrlbed real property to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff on the said lands In the sum of Seven Hundred and lfliouth Dollars 97un 19. together with Interest thereon at tha rata of six () per cent per annum from the 11th risv of Auauat. 1041. I will offer for ssle to the highest bidder for cash at the main front entrance or tna court house In Roseburg. Oregon, on Mon day, the 30th day of March, 1950, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m , all the right title and Interest which the said defendant had on April 20, 1040, has had at any time since tha ssid date, or now hss In or lo tha fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt; Tha SW',,, tha SE'a of tha NWS. and tha NW of the BE1 of Sec tion 23, and the NE'P'of Section 29, all In Townahtp 28 South. Range 7 West W. M.. Douglas County, Oregon. Notice Is given that 1 will plsca the purchaser of the said property st the said aala tn the Immediate possession thereof subject to confirmation by tha above court. DATED and first published this 19th day oi reDruary, ivw. i O. T. Carter Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE is hereby alven that Tuesday. March 14th. 105O. at the hour of 10:00 o clock A. M. In tha County Courtroom In lha Courthouse In Roeebura. Douclas County. Oregon, hss been fixed as tha time and plai-e for hearing; objections. If anv. to the Final Account filed by the undersigned in tha abova entitled Court. Getta-Vollet F Smith, Eveculria of the Laat Will and Tastsment and Estate of RODNEY ERROL SMITH, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice te hereby given that tha un dersigned has been appointed Sflmlnt atratnr with the will annexed of tha eitate of Thomas R. Green, deceased. All persons hsvlng claims against tha said estate are notified to present tha ssme verified as required by law to the undersigned at tna nrtire 01 nay b. Com p ion. Room . United Slates Na tlonal Rank Building In Roaeburg, Ore gon, within six months from the data nf this notice. Dated this 4th dsy of February, 19SQ. AI'STIN C GHEtN Administrator with tha will annexed of the Etate of Thomas R. Green, Deceased NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that the under signed administrator of the estata of Jllya Bngrianovlrh, alo known aa lllja Bngdanovlrh. also known as IHJe Bog danovir, alias John Smith, deceased, has filed his final account In the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, and ssld court has fixed Tuesday, April 4, 1.V), at 10 00 o'clock a. m. In tha miirirnnm in the Court house In Rose burg. Oregon, si the time and place for hearing objections. If any there be, tn ssid final account and for settlement H C. STEARNS. Admlnl irstor nf the Estsie of Jllya Rngrlanovlch, alias John Smith, Deceaser. "NOTICE-OF riNAL SETTLEMENT Tha undersigned exerutrlv of the estate of George Sommernainer. de ceased, has filed In the County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, the final account of her administration, and said f mirt has fid Monday. March SOth. Ifl.V), at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day. as the time, and the County Court room In the court house In Rose h.ir.T nrrsnn the nlare. for hear ing ohiections. if anv. lo said final ing onjecuons, ir anv in - arcouni or to ine ..tu.m.us ""'" lata Dated February II. 10VI ANNA SOMMERHALDER, Executrix of the Estate nf George Sommerhalder, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN; That tha undersigned by Order of the Coun ty Court of the Stele of Oregon for Douglas County has been appointed , administrator of tha estate ol Anna Sllnner. Deceased. All persons having ctslms against the estate of Anna Stinner. deceased. are herehy notified to present tha ! same, verified as required hv law. tn the undenlened at the offld Thomas C. Hartfiel. 2J0 NoMh Steph ens Street. Roaeburg, Oregon, withtn six months from tha data of this no tice Dated Msrrh 4th. 10 VI rniM W ITIMNFR Artmlnti'rsor of the Estata f Anna Stinner. De-eased. Sot.. Mop. 4, 1930 Thgj News-KeWtw, trburfj, pro. 11 Local News n Hplll Mrs. Arthur Hrrr-1 man of Melross i receiving medi cal treatment it Mercy hospital. Lecal Vliller Mrs. Everett Par- tin of Medford is visiting in Rose burg at the Earl Blakeley home on Mill atreet. irothar. III Rinny, Kent and Phillip, son of Mr. and Mr. Sher man Morris, or bouth street are ill with mumps. Study Club t Meet Green P.- T. A. Study cluh will meet Tues day at the home of Mrs. Ethel Ascott. Appendectomy Miss Carleen Felker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Felker, ia recovering from an appendectomy at Mercy nospitai. Club to Meet Parents club of St. Joseph's school will meet Mon day evening March , at I o'clock at the school. All parents are in vited. Parents Club to Meet Parents club of St. Joseph's school will meet Monday night at ( o'clock at the school. All parents are in vited. Te Meet Tuesday Melrose Grange will meet Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the hall. The offi cers have requested all members to be present. Office Te Be Closed-Dr. K. T. Bradley will attend the Oregon State Dental convention in Port land March ( through 11. His of fice in the Pacific building will be closed during that time. Arrives Far Visit Miss Colleen Turk of White Salmon, Wash., has arrived in Koseburg to visit over the weekend at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James lurk. At Adams Heme Miss Elsie Msrie White of Portland is spend ing the weekend in Roseburg as the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Adams, 533 South Stephens street. Meeting Announced East Doug las Extension unit will meet at Glide Grange hall at 1 o'clock Wednesday, March R, with Corinne McTaggart, Douglas county home demonstration agent, in charge of the topic, "Family business and the law." All women of Glide, Dixonville and South Deer creek are invited. Te Convention Mrs. Oscar Rolf- neis. Mrs. Kelsey Kite and Mrs. Lucille Wallen are leaving this weekend for Portland, where they will represent the Umpqua district Dental Nurses association at the Oregon State Dental convention during the coming week. Mrs. Holi ness and Mrs. Kite will present a clinic tn show standard techniques for casting inlays. LEGAL IN THE COI'NTT COURT OF TUB STATE OF UREOON FOR DOttfiLA ( OLNTT no. stu ORDER FIXING TIME AND PLACE FOR FINAL HEARING. ' In tha Matter of the Estate of VIR GINIA CAROLINE McKAY. Deceased. This cause coming on for hearing upon the filing of the final account herein, and It appearing that a time and place should be fixed for hearing said final account and for tha final Mttlrmant of maid eaLste. NOW. THEREFORE. IT IS ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that Monday. March nth. IBM. at tha hour of 10 no a. m. of said dsy In the County Court Room of tha County Court Housa In Rose burs. Douaiaa County. Oreann. be fixed as ine lime ana piece inr nranni obejectiona, ir any, to saia nnai count and for tha settlement of said estate DATED this 10th day of February 1090. a D N B use n berk County Judge NOTICE OF FINAL HCARINO NOTICE HEREBY la given that March S. IBM. at tha hour of 1000 o'clock A. M., In the County Court Room at tha Court Housa In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed aa the time and place for bearing objec tions, if any there be, to tha Final Arrnunt filed bv tha underslaned Ad- mlnlitrstor In the abova entitled Court DATED and first published this 4th day of February. lB.v) inni.PH not it NT ft Administrator of the Estata at Mary McCullura, deceased. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE la hereby given that Tues day, March 7, 1990. at the hour of 10 0 A. M. in tna county courtroom in ine Courthouse in Roaeburg. Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed as tha time nd niece for hearin objections. If any. to the flnsl account filed by tha undersigned In tha abova entitled court J G Stephenson, Admlnl sratnr of the Estate of EL-LA B. HARRIS, Dccasaed. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT The final account of tha undersigned Executrix has been filed In the County Court nf tha State of Oregon tor Doug las County, and by order of said Court Monday, March 13, 10V), at 10: 00 A. M. in tha County Court Room In the Court Housa In Roaeburg. Douglas County. Oregon, has been fixed as the time and plare for hearing objections, If any there be, to sstd final account and for the settlement thereof. PEARL WAGONER Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Cyrus C. King, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Not lea ta hereby given that tha un dersigned has been appointed executor of the Last Will and Testament of C. Fred Wnlsk, deceased. All persons ha v. Ing claims against his estate are not! fld tn oresent the same verified reaulred by taw to tha undersigned 9X.utnr at his office In United Steles NeHonal Bank, Roseburg Branch, Rose- burg, Douglas County, Oregon, within six months from tha dat of this notice. DATED March 4, 10V) IVAN O. PICKENS, Executor of tha Lat WHI and Testament of C. Fred Wolsk, deceased. NOTICE OF PINAL HEARINO Notice Is given that the undersigned executrix of of he estate of Mary Elizabeth Pryor, deceased, has filed her final account in the County Court of the Stata of Oregon for Douglas oumy and ,ald enurt haa appolntad Tu'adar. ?:n(c s::m,?r.h:cS,r.,nHni'Sj m RnMhurg. Dougia, county. Oregon. I a !! lima and plar. for k.arlng -1 j action, tn uld .rcmini ANNA ELIZABETH ALLEN. Exrutrtx News-Review want ids brini results. Thone 100. Dillard By ROSA HEINBACH Mr. and Mrs. Dsve Brooks of Roaeburg, accompanied by Mrs. Myrtle Ready, were entertained for Sunday dinner at the home of Rev. ; and Mrs. W. W. Appleyard. Mrs. ! Ready and her late husband, Ray, resided in Dillard until two years ago, wnen iney moved to Newport, where they owned a motel. Alter her husband nassed awav in July a year later, she returned to her old home in North Platte, Nebr., where she ia now manager of O'Commer's Dry Goods store. Mrs. Ready is visiting msnv old friends, among them her cousin and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ben. der, who are erecting the new the ater in Winston. The mumps epidemic is still striking local families. Mrs. Ethel Porter is very ill at her homo with her two boys just recovering. Mrs. Bert Laurance and son, Nirkie, are both confieed to their bed with i serious attack. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Autnr de parted for southern California on Nov. 26, where they visited amonn relatives for the winter months. namely ms mother snd father, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Autry in El Monte. With El Monte ss their msin stop, they visited their son, R. C. Aut ry Jr., formerly of Dillard, who has been in tha Navy for two and a half years, stationed for the last year in San Diego in a disbursing office. The Autrys spent Christ mas at tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McAlpine and son. Rav. far mer residents of Dillard who went to California two years sgo fajr their Christmas vscstion and de cided to stay. The Autrys report ine weatner is pieaaant In the day time but very cold at nights, which necessitates smudging for the cit rus fruit. Mi's. Autry said: "The camellias burst into profusion of blossoms about the first of Feb ruary. We are very glad to get back to our home in Dillard." Mrs. Oliver T. Henry was aur. prised on her birthday, Tuesday Feb. 21, when Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. George Piper called at her homo on Rice creek with a potluck din ner. The afternoon was spent play ing pinocnie. Mrs. Nina Coon and her sister. Mrs. Dorothy Philhouser, drove up from San Francisco. Calif., ac companied by Mrs. Ruble Marshal. a niece, meaioro, ana were visitors in Dillard Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Mercy BueU. Mrs. Ruble Marshal expects to go on to Coos nay to see her mother who is very ill. Mrs. Coon has lived in Dillard area for many years and is stop ping for a week in the home of her daughter snd son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. tnos Handy, of Melrose snd expects to see many of her old friends. The junior groups of the M.Y.F., Dillard, met st the church Sun day, Feb. 26, at 5:30. After devo tional! led by Rev. and Mrs. Ap pleyard, the group worked on fin ishing figurines. The group is to go to Camas Valley March 4 to meet with the young people of the Camas Valley church. Members p-ent were: Gail Grey, Kenneth Mahoney, Bobbie Tedrick, WendaU Wagler, Bobbie snd Velma Post. Richard, Betty Ann snd Mitchell Anderson, Marval Covey, Dorothy Davit, Lois Fosback, Eddie Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Appleyard, Elvs Forrest and Lulu Post snd visitors. Sharon Brown and Linda Forrest Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Clark and daughter, Betty, from Coquillo were weekend guests of Mrs. Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cooper of Dillard who operate the grocery store in that community. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harding of Medford are visiting at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kobernick, for the week. Mr. snd Mrs. Edd CI a men and four children have recently moved to the Cloverdale addition in Rose burg. For 13 years they wre resi dents of Dillsrd where he was em ployed as the janitor of the school for msny years ar.d recently em ployed at the Hult'a Dillard "mill. Bernita, eldest daughter was very popular in the youth work at the Methodist church and is attending the Roseburg high school; Corlyn snd Lavona will attend the River side school. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Roberts of Portland were overnight guests of Mr. Roberts' sister snd brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Post, in Dillard. Roberts is employed by the army engineers of Portland and has been transferred to the Meridian dam out at Lowell, where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young and daughter, Donna Gayle, from Con cord, Calif.,- surprised Mr. Young's sister snd brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lo Willis of Dillsrd on Sun day. They have not had a reunion in 11 years. Mrs. Young is employ ed st the A.F. of L. office in Mar tinez, snd he is a building con tractor. They were enroute home from Portlsnd where Mrs. Young visited her sister she hid not seen in 32 years. .';! Fifth Money Issue To Fact Portland Vortrs PORTLAND. Msrch 4. (.V) Pnrtlanders learned today that a fifth financial measure will b on the May primary election ballot. It will be a proposed specisl school levy of $2,660,000. The school board voted the measure onto the ballot in s meeting last night. Already placed on the ballot are four City measures SSKingt an in come tax of one-half of 1 percent on salaries ana 1 percent on net business profits: S $2,500,000 Sp- I , - , nnn .J i. sue: and a $200,000 special parks levy. In addition the county Is expect- It- t - special levy. 1 vu. -St