Judges 10 The News-Review, Xoteburg, Or. Sot., Mor. 4, 1950 CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day pir word. I day, " " 1 day, " 4 days dan " 1 ma " " .... CLASSIFIED A0VIRTISIN9 DIAOLINI I P.M. Day Btfors Publlcstlan CLASSIFICATIONS SEAL ESTATE RENTAL RrslNESS OPPORTUNITY -BI'ILDINO MATERIAL roS TRADE LOANS FINANCIAL WANTED - HFLP WANTED , WORK WANTED LOUT fOL'ND . PSlltS A VEGETABLE" AT, GRAIN FEED LIVESTOCK rOCLTRT --. RABBITS lETS POR SALE MISC. MISCELLANEOUS PI'EL TIMBER SAWMILLS LOGGINO EqL'IPMEN'T MACHINERT POR SALE PARM EQUIPMENT TRACTORS TU CKS AUTOS .. IMPOUNDED INSTRUCTION PERSONAL -. NOTICES Real Estate 1 Going ovar our filet wt find these listings and we thought you would care to know about them. ODDS AND ENDS i Ml. NVUT HnMI with throe bod room on paved street, hardwood noon wru out, uu down. FOUR ROOMS, hardwood floora, full utility, Insulated, large lot on pave- meni, luournin lociuun, is it..( ye. 91800 full price with fHOO.OQ dn. riVI ACRE level aa floor eloae la $250 wiUt 91000 dn. SAVE S ACRE close to City Markat on highway M North; 79 ft. frontage. 9AO0.O0 dn. AM. used ear dealers, mo tal operators. JTCARLY AM ACRE clot to tha Snack Shack with amall four room houM with bath. Full price 82000 with 9800 nown. inia m a mmmu BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE HAVE JUST LISTED on of Rose burg' top rnUuranU; going strong concern; with tha busy iiuon ahead thia la golden opportunity. Appoint ment only. No phono ealla on thla Lehmans Real Estate Pa. T33-J 414 Nth. Jackaoa HAPPY VALLEY ROAD 8 acre, new 1 bedroom home, well constructed, many chi u landing feature, awwo. 91.000 own. TO BE SOLD AT BUILDING COST New 3 bedroom home, ti acre free anil near DllLer-L Modern, well con- atructed. 9300 to 91000 down to Ore gon aiaia vet, tww. LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS? New Cafe, 4 year lease. Highway location, new blag, and equipment. Fine 34 hour any eei up. ungr eo,uuu. TRADE Ranch valuad at 94,000. for no use in town. OUB BEST BUY t Acre river bottom soil, new 1 bed' hoom home. Modemlatlo kitchen and bath, dinette, spacious living room with picture window, beautiful fire place. ias wail furnace, nsrnwooa Iioor, aiuicnea ajarase, uuuit room, elec. water heater. Shake exterior. gutter and down spouts. Good sub urban location. 97900. Can be waU fi nanced. Bruce V. Gilley Real Estate S3M N. Stephens Ph. ISS-J-I Olflce on HI way SS North GARDEN VALLEY SPECIAL TSxllO LOT, N,w 1 BEDROOM HOME Combination tub and .how.r, table top wat.r heater, hardwood floor, and other outstanding feature, make this an exceptionally food buy. SUMO down to Oregon State veteran or other raaponaioie party. Total price aiuuu. BRUCE V. U1LLEY REAL ESTATE S1SS N. Stephen. Ph. 19S-J-1 Office on Hlw.y ss North Clover-ale Park NEW HOMES rsoM STS00 Low. convenient Dowa Payment t and t bedroom, Ketell Realty Co. Office Clovardate Park Ph. ISM SIS3 Hollla It Only $2800 Takee ovar G. L loan on S bedroom, modern homo: hardwood floors, at tached garage. Very good location on West Side, Only S year old. CaU 0R SALtCentrtil Oregon Irrigated ranch. W acrea about 70 cultivated. 9 room modem nouse, garage, snop. triPlnr shed, brooder, calf shed. Utility ahed, barn with 14 stanchions, hog house. Tractor, combine, full line machinery. On milk, mall, school but Rt. Price ytz.iiv. some urais, n7 Be ey, Rt. lRxiaa. Bend. Oregon. Home Sites Half acre or more, creek bottom, free soil, water, electricity available. Good trad school and roada Easy term, tndbtoom, ph.l-F-3, Dlxonvlll. fOR SALfr J aeraa In Broadmora Addi tion, new barn, and partly fenced, price. 9JOO0., with term. K. R. Sut ton, W9 S- Ma'n. ton SALS--room. unfinished houaa and two lota; will furnish material to finith, 9lno. with terma, M. B. Button, 939 . Main. of oppoy Eiiv Real Estate 1 Henry C. Kelley Back In The Saddle Again Sold my Insurance Business to Sey mour and Bailey, mora tlma (or Realty Bualneaa, mora Sales of Farma, Ranch, liomea and Bualnaaa Prop arty. Exclusive fa la On Mas Ranch TO Acre Farm and Pssture Land, 3 Mllea S. W. of Butnerun Large noa orn homo with tub bath, other Ranch bulldtngi, fruit, berrlee. shade tree. A real place for a family. Owner leaving elate, will Include some farm machinery and stock for uaco with 34000 down. Immediate poeeeaslon, and will tell furniture if desired. Nice SmaU Ranch 79 Aeraa with 40 acrea bottom farm una, moaern six room noma ana other farm bulldlnga. Ample water from drilled well with electric pump. Juat 3V mile east of Sutherlin. on black top road. Priced at 912000 with half down. Money Maker Apartments Eight roorna divided Into S modern rfpart- menta. 1 wo iuii oaina mommy in coma 9100 per month plue residence. V aero good Boil Priced for quick Bale at 9&00, must have 94000 caah. Good reeldrnc In Sutherlin, neat five room modern with gaa aerv.ee. ga rage. 143 ISO foot lot. About seven blocks from center of Sutherlin priced at 90000 with 93000 cash, bai. 979 month. Small Roma Bargain: Three room home lour au loot Mia. run price faw with 91000 down. 9TB NEED MORE EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS Henry C. Kelley, Realtor In Bank Building Center Of Sutherlin, Oregon on Highway 00 Juat 12 mllea North of Rom burg. Open Sunday. tH A. and good 4-room house. Insu la tea. rurnisnea complete inciuaing new gas range, elec. refrigerator and circulating oil beater. Double garage with overhead doors. Cone, floor. Poultry house and some chicken. Garden. Strawberrie and fruit tree. A dandy small place 4 mllea out on a gooa roaa. ruu price oniy 9A3OO.O0 with $2000.00 baC on easy terms. Will aell without furniture. A. all cult., and a 8-room. I B. R. moaern nouse, large garage. xju poultry nouie. rruit room ana otner bulldlnga. Well and pressure pump. Close to achool and store. We think you wilt like thla. FuU price only Suoo.oo, 923O0-00 down. ' JUj A. la Garden Valley and new 9-room nouse wnn aiiacnea garage. Thla la a fine new home. Insulated. Oil floor furnace. Table top elec. water heater. Steel kitchen cabinet. Finest of soil Plenty of water. Good location on Garden Vallev road. Can get F.H.A. or BUtl OX loan. 912,400.00 iu u price. New 3 B. R. home on the weat aide. Lot 80x100. This la one of the finest. Stucco and plaster finish. Nice large rooms. Gea wall furnace. Fireplace. Bendlx washer. One block to bus and store. 3 blocks to school. Ex cellent neighborhood. Will consider trade for all-purpose ranch. Full price 914,300-00. Almost new I bedroom house on corner lot. Grand view. House ha an ex cellent floor plan. The room are large and so well arranged. Gaa wall furnace. Fireplace. Hardwood floor. You will Ilk the breakfast nook, also the tile drain In the handy cheerful kitchen. We think you wlU like thla. FuU price only 99780 00. Terma. 113 A. ranch oa Hwy. 19 north. This la a natural tor a aairy set up. Apprnx. 40 A. In crooa. 3 food barns. Poultry house. Mach. shed and other build ings. Dandy 4-bedroom home In ex cellent condition and very comfortable. Highway at the door. 1". mile from town, New gas rang and elec. re frigerator Included. Don't mis thla. Can give good term. FuU price William A, Oerding REALTOR INSURER LOANS 134 West Caaa St ' Phone 313 Valley Real Estate Agency The Clumpner home near Glide on the North Umpqua River with enough ground to keep a man busy Is for sale at the bargain price of 88500. Thla la the place for a person that want a nice garden spot and can keep a few chickens. Almost an acre of ground, good trailer house, small cabin. 3 chicken house. We think that 932M u aa attractive price, only 9800 down. An older home on 80 x loo lot. on sewer, has three bedrooms, Urge living room and dining room. 92000 down, 90030 fuU price. 4 Bedroom home, has furnace, large lot, H. W. floors, wired for range, only 3 years old, plastered, full in rulatlon, yard is fenced, only 93000 down, 910,800 fuU price. Valley Real Estate Agency 113 W. Caaa St Phone 939 I ACRES all In cultivation; 4-room house, bath. elec. A small building for utility, barn, chicken house, good well ll miles out 14000, reasonable down payment It ACRES with amall house, elec. good W. so, 9J3O0 00. ' SEVERAL good stock ranch, aome equippea. aiso wttn stoca. CITY PROPERTY. Vacant lota, also 1 NEW 9 B R house, attached garage. u. i. or r. it a. appraisal. A dandy little home. 98390.00. 9 ACRES, most all In cultivation 3 B R home, bath, elec. gas range, oil heater, floor covering, nice and clean. 9M30 00, 83000 down. Geo. W. Dimmick., Agency l N. Jackson Phone 484 For tale, owner leaving town, must aell immediately, une of lloveraale Par a rhntcl home. Three bed rooms, li replace, large extended living room, Venetian blihda, completely floored at Itc, large corner lot, good drainage, newly planted shrubbery, beautiful vtaw. Phone 16SI-R-4. Surveys Maps Plans Parry C. Armstrong Civil Engineer 911 So. Main St. Ph BIT R "-ROOM "MOt'SE. S acre tot, 9 mllea north Rneeburg. 93400. pwt down, or wlU consider car Reasonable note. Call owner. 493-R-4. Real Estate 1 Live Listings SPECIAL 30 ACRES All tillable and on a good county road within a few minute drive of Rose burg The com pletely modern house consist of 9 rooms, all aa neat and clean aa a fin, Private pressure water system, ruit tree, good fence and beat of all tha low price of 94.300 with only 9M down, 9M month or lesa oa balance. 4 BEDROOMS A substantial newer T room, modern home and garage near Young Bay Lumber Co. It would be difficult to duplicate thla property for the price of 98.300. TILE fireplace, drain boards, and shower are laaturea in in is new a neoroom home. The large living room Httx24 has wall to wall carpeting. Ha big garage t lot Price 9A.3O0. Low down payment to Oregon State Vet ATTRACTIVE VALUE Newer Winches ter home surrounded by treae. lawn, hedge. The two badrooma are large with extra closet apace. No dark room dua to the many window. There la a detached garage, over half acre of ground with dandy berry patch. F H A. approved to aell at 83790, 9U90 down, payment appro-. 940 per mo., Including 'axes and Insurance. WHY RENT when you can buy two room house mew i with large carport for 9180 down and 990 per month. IMj blocks above S. Main St In the ten nunarea diock. souu tot. unmeat ate Stanley E. Short BUSINF.SS LOCATION for aale on N. Umpqua Hiway with 4 room modern older house and 130 ft frontage on hlway. Owner has Juat reduced price from 97.000 to 98.500. Thla Is In city umiia on sewer, i enna or caaa. 97 ACRES In Camaa Valley, with full line equipment at 4 cow. Modern - room house, tenants house, milk house, walk-In cooler, 30x30 double deck chicken house built la 1048. Big barn, equipped blacksmith shop, complete underground irrigation system for 40 acrea with 40 sprinklers; Coqullla riv er and creek adjoins. 30 A, oats; 30 A. alfalfa etc. Owner reduce price from 930.000 to 922,000. This must be 159 ACRES 3 mllea S. 1. of Creewell on Willamette river about 100 acrea bottom land. Modern new set of bldgs. all built since 1040. T room house, modern full basement, 8 years old; 4 good barn, sheep barn, etc. First class farm offered first time 933,000 oniy 913,000 down. Dak easy. MONROE. OREGON 30 acre hill farm with tip top bldgs. Good, well-built S-room modern house; full basement 3 good barns. 9 acre commercial or chard; 4 milk cows; 300 purebred White Leghorn chickens: farm equip ment, household equipment, etc. 910, 000 Insurance on buildings alone and they are not over Insured. Total price for aU 910.300; only 93,300 dn. JAMES L. PAYNE. AGENT FRED LUMM, SALESMAN Phone 1501 111 Brock way St Rose burg WE HAVE one of the nicest 3 B. R. home that cannot be duplicated for 113.000.00. Full price 90900 00, dn. pay. 1000.00, It please us to ahow thia home. 3 BEDROOM NOME on N. Winchester St. In city with 3 room cottage. Rents for 940 per month. 93.OOO.OO dn., full price 98000.00. j 11 ACRES bottom land on river with nice 3 B. R. home and out buildings. Garden Valley Diet Will trade for home la town. WE HAVE aome very fine buy, both la ranch and suburban now. Williamson Real Estate Phone 16S0-J 1701 N. Stephana SEE TH I SB EFOR E Y&UBU Y! FinTsh the house yourself and save! House not quite finished floor furnace, 330 gal. gas tank, good well, elec. pump, 1 acre fruit orchard. 92H00, Location, Winston. Turn left 1000 ft. south of Edward's Auto Court, Road run Into property. fbR SALE or trad for Rose burg "pro p erty. Modern T room house in Port land. Full basement, completely fur nished. Garage. Wonderful location, near school and college. Across street from beautiful park. Price 97500. V K. Holcomb i Kellogg, Oakland. Oregon. Attention Builders Large corner lot for aale. Fronting on old highway, eouth of town. 10.000 ft of lumber included.Ph. 878-R-l. FOR SALE t acre: 30x33 unfinished house good well insulated fruit house. 9 mile from town on Garden Valley Road. School and store within walking dliUnct. Phone 441-R-3. LOTS FOR SALE with nice river view, south of Kennedy's Dutch MtlL 94O0, up, terms. See me there Saturday. Jim Pollard. Rt 3, Box 100-A, Rose burg Phon 1845-J-3. UNFINISHED 3-room house and lot, S. E. City Limits; city water and electricity. 91800 cash, or 92000 with 31000 down, balance term. CaU after 5 ;i0 p m.Phone 1447-L fOR SALE 3-room"house. attached' ga rage, acre pears, house finished with S " wall board, wired for range. Low down payment, easy term. A. F. Suksdorf. Winston. FOR SALE 93.300 0O 9 room house and 18 A. ground. Hot and cold water, Butane equipment and some furniture. Title Insurance. W. F. Wilcox, Days Creek. 14 LOTS "for sale. 9350. and up. 3 3-bedroom house, 10 down, balance on contract. S mile west of Winston, on Highway 43. Ph. 1590 R-l. FOR SALE 10' acre farm, good" "sandy loam soil. Joining river. Orchard and walnuts. Rt. 3, Box 324, Garden Val ley, down Rlversdale Road l tnl. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED lnbuy Ing a house, take advantage of my small equity; no down payment. Ph. 1634-J-X Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty. the engineer. Ph. 391-R APPROXIMATELY 3 acrea, large, mod ern. 1-bed room ranch-style home, price 94130 On highway 08. 3 mllea south t)U lard. 1st house north green bridge. LOTS FOR SALE. Term. Wafer and It hie available. 3 mllea south on Highway M Ph 148-J-3 SMALL unfinished houe, H acre, cheap 21! mllea sou in Uillara on Highway an. For.aL1 iJo a. 3oo.oodM"s 0, as Cletrer. S room houee. 4 mile from Dtllard Ph .11 4-J Rentals I ROOM, eeml-modern. rurnl.hed houaa, Sio a week. 1903 Eden Lane. Phona sna-J-1 4 ROOM ANDATfO)0PLESrs miles out rn i.ue-u FOR RENT Sleeping cabin. S4S Mia Phone ISST-Y SVr.EPINO CABIN lor 1 men. irTPltiec St. ROOM 'with or wllhouTtltchen priTuV ., w N Pine APARfMENT7TNrURS!SHED. A. C Stvertock. Winston Section. fOR RENfTral!erTpacar U M11L Pt ISST-Y f RcMABirTrruTitiisarnbo-. fTlJCArtrT-ont sleeping woOtL MaS-l. rt'R.NISHED APARTMENT. Ph. lloa-Y. need no They'll Do It Every 3ULLCARP TIPS TWO BITS FOR A DIME CUP OF JAVA, ANP A BUCK ON A TWO POLLAR FOPPER BILL Rentals citlGtR By the month in your own ll home or by the hour in our Isewinff room o . et. o. f 0 , wnm glM0U SINGER SEWING CINTZR P 204 N. Jockvon Ph. .l Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES S05.00 per ma -410.00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park Phone U33 3153 Hollla St off;. RHODEN BLDG. 330 N. STEPHENS See L. A. Rhoden. eo Lowell', 114 N. Jackaoa FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber-All In one tool. Light enough any child can handle, finger-Up control. P & W Floor Covering Co. 337 8. Stephana Phone 1478-R AMAZING Thla new 4-room cottage oti m, umpqua. completely lurnianea, living room: 3 bedrooms with large closets; bathroom haa full-sited tub; 3 extra closets In hall; ALL ELECTRIC kitchen. A. M. Selby, 3V mllea eaat of Glide. FOR RENT SALE LEASE Room house. 3 block from Rose School. Immediate possession. Rent, 879 per month, partly furnished. Mar Ian Lala, Umpqua Hotel. ROOMS FOR RENT AT if a son able prices. Nice, clean, comfortable rooms; by night, week, or month. The Creason Hotel, 730 N. Jackson St., Roaeburg, Oregon. Completely furnished apartment. including oil and electric stove and refrigerator; washing facilities; new and clean. 14 block from City Bus. Call43-Y after 3 p. m. TRAILEr""FOR RENT, furnished, one block west, two north from Eden bower Grocery, over MIL Inquire Urge Imitation brick house. 1063 Eden Lane. Mrs. Otdfleld. FURNISHED CABINS. 310 and 81 J per week Also monthly rates. Pacific Cabins, 3 mile N on BS. Phoaa fWS-J 3 fiEW 1 -bedroom, unfurnished apt near Vet's Facility; refrigerator, stove, and all utilities furnished. $3. month. Call nj-j- aner e p. m. BOARD, room, laundry and good care to elderly man in modem country home. 379 per month. Write Box 333, News-Review. itODERN, J-bed room apt. untarnished. Garden spot and utl title furnished 8M) a month. 313 mil post, 3 mile S.of DHIard. FOR RENT 1 modern, tarnished apt by week or month. ' mil south of Winston 30. JE. Wheeler Apt. FRONT" OFFICE SPACE, heated; new building near po toff ice. overlooking highway. Call 638-Y- or room X BEDROOM house at Winchester. Ar thur Rieimann, 1 mile North of Brock way COMFORTABLE ROOM, close In. for rent. 33 00 per week. Gentlemen pre ferred. P1V48-L or 370. fiODERNTtarntahed aptsforrnt "by week or month. Reasonable rate. Cot tage Court. Winston. fRUCKS and trailer for rent Move yourself. Thompson Signal Service Stephen at Washington. Ph. T3 fOR RENT Office space, room o,337 No. Main. Available March 1. Call 181. WARM-"SLEEPING ROOMS-with or without private bath. 100 Spruce. West Washington. TRAILERSPACEF6RRENT: heated shower rooms, laundry fecial tie. 8J3 Tempi in. TRUCKS FOR RENT-You drive, long or short trip. Bee Hive truck rental, 738 South8tphen. Phone 143tVj. ROOM FOR RENT, with community kitchen, separate table; men only. Phone 13-L Clea N. furntohed sleeping room; private entrance. m mi weex. B3J SO. fine. SMALL HOUSEKEEPING apt., private at 1 1 1 iiffpri iiuo i nion ive. fcOOMS FOR MEN. close in. J3B W. Moaher. flKNACa. kEATED ROOMS for gen tlemen. 4M S. Jackson. Phone 1143-L. f ROOM APT., tarnuhed, private facili ties rnone 3-T. Business Opportunity 3 FOR SALE OR LEASE! 40-S9 foot brick building locsted on a comer In a nearby thriv ing agricultural and sawmill ran ter Suitable for drug store, grocery, furniture, cafe, or al most any type bustnee. A fin buatnee location or Investment opportunity. Investigate U now! Fuil price 38,01 o with aome tariax. Lease 1123 per month. SOSEBURO REALTY aV INSURANCE CO. Realtor tTmpqua Hotel LobbF 3UT OH! MOW HE 8EEFS ANP , 1 ANP ElfiHT CENTSf I SAVE j I TEWS AT THE POOR CASHIER V ,A MXI TWO-TEN! WHERE'S M ) I OVER TWO CENTS DIFFERENCE 0 VlllCHANSE?CALU THE MANA6ER j IN HS CHANGE . iQ&J& -M e ypgingtoreadl Time - r .sou- I THANK yOU Business Opportunity 3 INDUSTRIAL SITE Ideal re manufacturing or amall milling setup. Dock 'and 8 to 0 car spur. City water. Long term lease can be arranged. ROSEBURG REALTY aV INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby tfEOTHINO AND VARIETY Store for aale located in Winston. Good oppor tunity for couple in growing communi ty. Inquire Winston Clothing and Va riety. Building Material 4 Going To Build? WE NOW HAVE V H" Sheet Rock Insulated Siding Kitchen Cabinet, Rock Wool Insulation Ttleboard Garage Doors (Aluminum) Roofing (aU typee) Montgomery Ward & Co. For Trade 3 BEDROOkFHOUSE on large lot (free soil) in Roseourg; axenange iot a bedroom house In Eugene. Write P.O. Box 329. Eugene. TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE 1948 Dodge 2-ton log truck, Isaacson e-wneei trail er and Pierce 8-wheel trailer. Not over 12.000 miles on truck. Phone 919-R4. Loans MONEY 10 33 3M 3TS 3100 $300 3300 UP TO 3900 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em- ?noyea men ana women may quality oday for a salary loan up to $300 whether you're in a new Job or an old one. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not. Up to 3300 on your furniture, up to 3900 oa your car. Special "Pay Day" loans. 10, 329, 390 loaned uu "fay uay - or longer, ray only for the actual number of daya you keep the money. 333 costs 18c tor one week. No other charge. Phone for your loan. LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Sevy, Manager 333 No. Jackson Phone 1173 Lie. S-373; M-393 Roseburg LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature, Furniture or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not) Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expense Medical and Dental bille Consolidat debt Re-financing When yon borrow get your money from the company that makea convenient to borrow and convenient to repay. Lower payment now available up to 30 montha to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT Perlfle KulMlng Phona 40S M-S3T Slat. Lie. I SM Financial F. H. A. LOANS UMPQUA REALTY M Btephena Phone 18JS-J aa from Peat Office ee Highway 83 x no s l ij-vv a, ,r 2UE&V 1T.V V -a.BV Li BMr I iX By Jimmy Hatlo THIN KlOTWIhli 7, l li'l ' vr I I, I V TOOPLE-OO' Financial WANTED TO BORROW 33900., payable 850. per month, 8 interest E. fL Sut ton, DJ9 a. Main. NEED 33,000 BUSINESS loan: wall se cured, 1 Interest Box 333, News Review. Wanted 8 Wanted BED P. VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona S23-R-3 or 190S-K, or writs Kouie i. noeeours Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, aU typee. Cell at 444 No. Jackaoa. Ph. 1303-J The Bargain House WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furni ture. Let u bid on your house of furniture. Call 803-R at 800 N- Jackson St reet . WANTED-Cast Iron. Scrap. No steel. Will pay 820. to 323. per ton Suthar Un Iron Work. Sutherlin, Oregon. WANTED Shepherd Dog, somewhat trained for sheep, Arb Stearns, Oak land. Ore. Attention timber tallers. WanT- ed to buy worn out Mall chisel chain. rnone b4-h. WANTED Ride to Salt Lake City, Utah', weekof March S. Call 1CH9-J. BRING YOUR JUNK to Bob' Salvage Yard at2333 N. Stephens. Ph. 133-J-3. WANTED TO BUY Hide. Roseburg Meat Co., phone 380. Help Wanted 9 Car Hop And Fountain Girls WANTED AT The Drive Inn t mile South on 00 EXPERT CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH MECHANIC NEEDED No other need apply Rose Motor Co. Ph. 38 Roae end Lane WANTED: Good steady salesman with some knowledge of building, to rep resent a distributor In the Roseburg area. This product la nationally ad vertised, la manufactured by a na tionally known company, la In great demand and can be sold on price alona. Lead will be tarnished. Earn ings will easily exceed 88.000.00 per year. Must have a car and furnish reference. Our employee know of this ad. For immediate reply write Box No. 334, New-Rv.ew. Waitress Wanted Umpqua Hotel APPLY HEAD WAITRESS HOUSEWIVES Are you hsvinj budget trouble? Would 340 a week solve this problem? Not house to house, car necessary. Writ Box 212, News-Review. givljignamand address. WANTED Someone to take care" child and light housework. 7:00 to 2:00; Monday, Thursday Friday. Saturday. State wages. Box 218. News-Review. WOMAN- WANTED Local survey work. Unmarried woman preferred. 330 N. Stephens. Room 303. 9:00 a. m. to 1100 a. m. 3 MEN TO SELL Broad Coverage Hos pital and Surgical Expense plan. Leads and appointments furnished. Car nec eAry . Write Bo 3.T0.New-Rvlew. WEHAVEofflc Job for men and wo men. Contact Roseburg Business Col lege Employment Agency. 113 N. Ste phen. Ph. 1933-R. Work Wanted 10 Montgomery Ward Repair Service Guaranteed repair on radio, washing machine, vacuum cleaners and honse bold appliance. Graduate Radio Technician. Trained for competent repair of Household Ap pliance. Montgomery Ward Ph. 95 Income Tax Service rederal and State Keaeonabte Rataa Phone 3S-J 1 OLIVER'S ST.PTTC TANK SERVTCB MODERN VACUUM EQUIPMENT. PR !--. ptANd Tuning' and TUNING and repairing la ana) l Roeebwrg. bp Root. Urban. The piano tuner. Call Ott and Rta- lliaj. ehoert blind elta. classified ads? Work Wanted 10 . Septic Tanks Cleaned Far Heat keeulta Call SOSEBURO SANITATION ST. P. VICE Ph. 1JS4-Y Income Tax Service US Snerldaa St.. ph. SSS-J. or n-T X wot roue convenience, wo wiu oo open t a m . - 9 p no Sundays 1 p. as.' 7 a m. No appointment neceaaary SfTERIOR DECORATING and outalde painting, floor .ending and Untitled roofing, any kind. Alio contracting. Call Camaa 11, after T p. m., or before gam. WALL WASHiNaTkom toning, ianilor work, cleanlns and pollening floor,, window waahing IS year, experience. Phone 470, a.K for Prank Ha. 17, ApL 13. Douslaa Hotel. INCOME TAX SERVICE. Federal and Stata Accounting aervlcea. Arthur Denny, SKTI Morria St. Ph. 1710-R S lor appointment YOUR-CHILD may receive alnderaarten Inatructlon and nursery care for aa Utile aa 210 per hour. Ph. IMS-lt-i, or leW-R. ALTT.RATIONSTTlRrsSatAKINCr ATI type, Mrs Don W Garrlaon. ISS N Kane Phona 17SS-J WANTED Tailoring, dreeamaklng. and alteratlona. Prancao B. Currln. 410 S Pine. Pa. 949-R. EXPERIENCED HYSTER and carrier driver wanta work. Max Allen, eo Geo. Hart. Boa 43, Winston. WASHING AND IRONING In my home. Cabin 3. Laurence Ceblna. Dlllerd. fiONINQ AND PLAIN Sewing In my home. S03 s. Mill. WELL DRILLING. Uoyd Powell, 714 Rldgevlew, or ph. 12SS-L WANTED Ironlnl la my home. S31 Powler Street Ph. SSSs) TRAILER TOWING-Ph 530-R-l Sours! SIS Garden Valley Road. FOR A GOOD PAINT" IOB. call 7 PL Lost & Found 11 WILL THE PERSON that broke in my bousa and took my black Cocker puppy Tuesday night, pleaae come and get the dog house, too. as It la too nice not to be used. 313 E, 1st Ave. No. LOST Black shoulder strap purse be tween Court House and Ward s. Please return paper to Martha Finney, Glide. Fruits & Vegetables 12 CUTHURT and New burg raspberry plants, 4c each: Bolsenberry plants, 3c each. Ph. 160B-J-1. Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOR SALE Bearded Club wheat, ex cellent for seed. 34.23 per hundred. Oscar Week. Myrtle Creek. Phone FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. James t Lewis, ph. 34, Myrtle Creek. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction SALE EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P M. FURNITURE MISCELLANEOUS f p am. WHERE BUYER SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER'S WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATED HIGHWAY 99. 3 MILES NORTH OF ROSEBURG YOU MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET FHXUK AT THIS AUCTiUN SCHRICKER St SONS. AUCTIONEERS SPECIAL MONDAY, MAR. 3 SPECIAL At Schricker'a Auction starting at 11:30 A. at.. Belling for 3 hour before go ing on livestock. 30 single folding cots and 50 mattresses whit enamel Butane gaa range about bo cu. n. 3-door G. E. refrigerator cooler 3 barrels dishes silverwear alumi num kettle pot and pans 14 win dowselectric wiring aarbage can- wash basins electric switch boxes 3 folding tables and benches grubbing hoes rakes axes pevees brush hooks 312 ft. wooden 4" pipe loo ft 1" Ealvanlzed pipe hand meat allcer oil urnlng unit with blower toilet house cooling unit ventilator. REMEMBER All miscellaneous consign ments, large or small, we char 10 commission. Big slock sale start at 300 p- m. ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Livestock sold by weight or head; household fum.; farm mach. For your protection we are licensed end bond- Livestock 1 P. H. Furniture T P M. Turn E. at Garden Valley Road Ph. 181 WANTED Some heavy hogs and butch er hogs Also have an order for up to 900 head of feeder pigs to go to Hono lulu. If suitable, no teat la necessary here. See or call Andy, at 191. WANTED Fat or feeder lambs, year lings and breeding awes. James E. Lewis, Myrtle Creek, ph. 84; or Dar rell Ray. Rt 3, Box 3B8-B, Roaeburg. Ph 693-R-l. WANTED Sheep. Yearlings or breed ing ewes. Phillppl and Banning. Rt 2. ix) a idoj. or pa. Vefet-n-a. 2 YEAR HEREFORD and Jersey bull. Olna Hsthawsy. Umpqua. WANTED All klnoa of Uveatock. R M. (.OX (jail 9BO-J-4. FOR SALE 3 milk goats, fresh soon. Ein Stinner, Melrose. Jit. 3. Box 940. FOR SALE Springer hlfeiPhT" F-3 Poultry 15 Quality Baby Chicks St Run New Hampshire $18. per hundred White Leghorn 18. per hundred Parmenter Red 18. per hundred White Rocks 18. per hundred Comlsh-Hamp Cross IS. per hundred V Cornish-Hamp Croaa 13 per hundred Umpqua Hatchery City Office 401 W. Oak St Hatchery ar Breeding Farm 1 ML S., Hwy. 80, Tipton Road "COMPARE AND TOP TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS." Chicks Chicks Chicks Cuetofn tiatrhing a specialty Set twice eacn wee a: ml a no wed ror da old chicks, place your order now Sexed pullet and Cocker- a well as etraight run. Prices right a Ponton Hatchary Poultry 15 Baby Chicks NOW la the time to order Cs it's sturdy, healthy PULLORl'M CLEAN chicks. CARR'S HATCHERY 1 headquarter for heavy-laying flock. If you want the highest quality chick. PULLORL'M CLEAN chick, call Carr's Hatchery Of Looklngglas Ph. 18-F 3 Rt 4. Box 137S City Agents Douglas Co. Flour Mill StARTE6CHICKS N R pullet. R. Cary. 3 mllea E. of Dixonvllle Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE U V R B A. Pets 17 FOR SALE German Short hair Pointer pupa, 3 months old, eligible for regis try, all-purpose gun dogs, gentle, but not shy. These pup will be old enough to hunt this fall. Geo. W. , Johnson. Rt 3, Box 1883, ph. 37-F-13, evenings. " FOR-SALEPedTgreed. Golden orange. Toy Pomeranian, female, 3 year old. Ph. Sutherlin 3330. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J OR A -HO COCKER KENNELS PhTlM or 433-Y Reg and pad. puppies, ail color. Stud aervlce. WWrfM'M'sirfMe'aea4 For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN M' 2S' 30 34' The life time trailer Has a body wa believe will last SS yeare or more. No dry rot . Kit ir is1 sr jr S3' Columbia U 14 30' 33 33 The West's Fastest Sellers and ether Trailers of Quality Also used trailer, trade-ins accepted. Bank contract Contracts to 3 years on Spartang Earl E. Smith N. W. Largest Dealer 4793 So. 99 Ph 7-3631 3 mi. So. on Hwy. 99 Eugene, Oregon SIGNS of Every Description SINCE 1913 PUT GREAUR IMPACT... (f la yew e-verfriiftg wttK titjm mode fS with tperhling "Scelchlrte" 8fd J Hu thorn Signs 438 N. Jackson Ph. 355-R River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS W have an abundant auppiy. Paul Casey 837 W Moaher ' Phone IIT-Y FOR SALE 1 No. 3 DeLaval electrle separator with stand. New condition save 13. Umpqua Produce Co., 401 W. OakSt. i WALLACE STERLING, Normandle pat tern. Dinner knives, forks and spoons; odd piece. Will sell all or pari. Ph. 1093-J-X. FOR SALE 18 ft. Marin Plywood boot Umpqua Special Trailer and John son outboard engine. 3230 cash. Ph. 834-J, 1948 TRAIL WAY house trailer with elec tric refrigerator and hot water. For sale or trade for lata model car. 1334 Cedar St FOR SALE A Wurtltzer piano, one year old. in excellent condition. Ph. 899-J-3. after 8:00 p. m. COMPARE PRICES-then buy at-HO W ARDS HARDWARE. Winston, Oregon. JPh 192-J-l OPEN SUNDAYS 14 TT. BOAT with trailer. 5 rf P". motor. 6.to E. Commercial. Phone 402-1 after 3. COMBINATION KITCHEN unit: IncludM refrigerator, range, sink and cup- board Floor space 2Bx4a". Call 270. FOR SALE Berkeley electric water sys tem, A-l condition. H. P. motor, 40 gal.tank. 3125. Phone 47-J-2. FOR SALE O'Keefe-Merritt gaa" heater, 80.000 BT.U. Phone 602-R. or call st318 S.Plne after 30 p. m. FOR SALE Kiln dry planer ends, 37 W per unit: Green la h wood 33 73. mixed load $ 75 Ph 307 3 PIECE dining room set: daveno n3 chair, 9x13 rug. Call after 8:00. Phone 984-R. 1947 HOUSE TRAILER, 18 ft., oil heat. Butane cook stove, electric refrigerator. A-l throughout. 1643 No. Stephens. LIVING ROOM suite and bedroom suite, new. tor sale. Ph. 1783-J. CEDAR POSTS for Tale. 2cahTLafe Judd, Umpqua. Oregon. "YEAR SIZX CRIB and mattrcea. Ph. 1156-L-X. FOR SALEOak rocTer, brasa trim; Ironstone china: 8 bottle Castor: lovely oldjamps. Priscllla Darby, ph. 239-R-3 6NE HALlTCRAFTER RADIO, 317.30, Room 80. Douglas Hotel. JOHNSON OUTBOARD used very little. Geo. H Smith. Apt. 408. Hotel Ro . TAPAN DELUXE Vlsualfte-oven gas range. 3200 B. LarMn.Gen. Det PnrwAY oil heater, good condition. 804 W lne St. DAVENO 113 H. Flint Fuel 20 SPECIAL Double Load Planer End, S INCHES AND HEAVIER, SIS Ph. IJ-J-1 fTtCtn CORE mill ends; planer end,: firepleca wood. Double mada, prompt deUvery Claude Wlllev. RL L Boat Ph 1VJ-3 or I4.VJ-1 1 PLANER ENiDSrSiM unit, reluiir lensth. Roeeburs Lumber Co. Phona eas. fR BaLX Slabwood. aewduat. planer aweav Plwaaa sot Jahneoa ran ca.