Homttowit Attendance At OSC Hoop Gamts Upptd CORVALLIS, March I VP) Oregon state college'! basketball aeam played before more home town rooieri this year than ever before, athletic director Roy (Spec) Keene said yesterday. The H-fsme home aeaaoaf drew S7.481 fans. It was attributable largely to the new 10,200-seat gill coliseum which replaced a I, MO capacity court. LOGGERS ATTENTION We have the Mewing mschiaes far sale Price1 riflhtt 2 Skagit IU-1J5' with 200 h. . Cummins, Lines end Sled. 2 Woihingren ISO's with ISO h. p. end 200 h. p. Cummins with Tereue Ceeverter end Tereue Meiter. Sled end Lines. 2 Sk.jit lU IS's with Sled end Lines. J Skagit BU-30's with Slid end Lines. Coast Cable Co. West Springfield Junction Phono 7-3363 Eugene, Oregon jam. . ATwdyfineBocik IS COMING! MtwEo ov sWHiHiMt aghmmsttv wc. vokanc Distributed by Western Distributing Company Friday Folly. Friatay ft fctra nJ again Jack Forfit ana Son art brlnainf you tavifijt n halpful itami for your homo. Shop Foriis' Friday Folly! and you or atiurod of ftttinf tha moit utaful itomt for your homo at tha Itott amount of monoy. This wotk wa hava two itomi thot you ara sura to want . . htra thoy ara! Drlva out meka your ttloetion Friday Nifht bttwaon 6 and p. m. FRIDAY FOLLY SPECIALS! Galvanized Clothes Line Heavy ... 50 Foot Lengths Keg. Price Folly Price 39 c .9c. for 50 ft. for 50 ft. Limit ISO fast te Cuitemer. A Requested Repeat Decorated Bread Box Gaily decereted of red end white enomal. Lift-up lid. Regularly 1.19 . Folly Special 58c I Folly Prices I Effective Friday night ii Green Stamps with every I I purchase at w i . A n 1 1 1 1 jrrom TO T r "'j Store No. 2 j 1 STORE HOURS Open Every Night 'til 8 P. M. ( Friday Night 'til 9 P. M. For Your Shopping Convenience J X Kluver Radio Service open 'til for your convenience. aw Store No. 2 Next to Wolly't Phone 137 Id 1 ,1 r TTr" ' a. A w' VI ts THE TITCH' Two Yankee rookiea from the West Coast, Jackie Jensen (left) and Al Martin (right), art um "pitch" on spring training from fellow West OoaMer Joe Dt Magglo aa the world champion Yanks began - their training (or the 1060 baseball race ta St, Petersburg, Fla. Major Provisions Of City Building Code Given In Detail By Inspector C.H.Boniols City Inspector C. H. Boniols, in answer to many questions being asked about the building code and permits for new construction, has prepared a statement covering most of the Important phases of the city ordinance. Permits are required, he said, for all new buildings, additions and repairs costing 120 or more. In all cases, if changes are to be made to structural parts of a building, such as removing partitions, en larging windows and doors or dis turbing any of the outside walls, permits are required. They are also required for all plumbing and electrical wiring, whether the work is done by a contractor or the owner. When work for which a permit is required is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining a permit, the fees shall be doubled. To obtain a permit the applicant shall first file an application in writing on a form furnished by the city for that purpose. He is to describe the land by block, lot, tract and street ad dress, show the use of all parts of a building, state the valuation of the proposed work, and give such other information as reasonably may be required by the building inspector. In regard to location of build ings on the lot, all new buildings shall be IS feet from the street, four feet from the side of the property line, and 10 feet from the rear property line. Garages being built on the rear of a lot may be on the property line if there is a one-hour fire resistant wall on the side of adjacent property, if no windows are placed on the adjacent side, and if the garage is not more than 400 square feet. All buildings shall be on continuous cement foundations, with 18 inches clesr ance between the bottom joist and surface, or ground beneath, and with a cross ventilation. Headers for doors and windows shall be on edge. Firestops shall be provided and angle bracing must be installed. If more than SO percent of the value of an existing building is re paired or altered in a 12-month pe riod, the building ahall be made to conform to the requirements of a new building. If 25 to 50 per cent of value is repaired in a 12-month period, only the new additions shall conform to the new building re quirements. If less than 25 percent of the new part, it must conform with new building requirements, but may be built of the same ma terial of which the old building is constructed. ' Chimney Rule Important All buildings using oil, wood or solid fuel of any kind must have an approved chimney, constructed of masonry, with a flue liner of clay or terracotta, and must extend from the ground to six inches above the peak of the roof. Where gas is used, vents shall be constructed of unglazed clay tile of not lesa than one-half inch in thickness. Connections of such pipes shall be by sleeves or flanges, well ce- Who Pays? I OUR PROPERTY is ex posed to loss by fire, wind storm and other perils. Who will stand the loss when the property is dam aged or destroyed? You will unless you have adequate insurance to pay for restoring or re placing the loss. Insure NOW with this Hartford oge.icy. R. 0. YOUNG Phono 417 205 W. Cost St. Koseburf mented, shall be securely fixed to buildings and shall be three fourths inch away from combus tible material. Transit material may be used also. Every vent shall extend above the roof sufrace and mast have an approved hood or cap. All gas hot water heaters must be vented. Boniols called attention to provi sions of the ordinance setting penal ties of either fines or imprisonment for violations. He said he is avail able at the city hall from 8:30 to 10 m. and from S to 5 p. m. to an swer any questions or to help the people with their building problems. Congress Chat HARRIS ELLSWORTH, M. C. rourtn District, Oregon 81 clubs and their guests recently. The explanation of the otherwise mysterious number designstlon of the groups is that members elected to Congress for the first time gen erally band together in an organi zation which meets for dinner oc casionally. The groups take as their names, the numbers of the Con gresses in which they came in as new members. These are essen tially social groups but serve a very useful purpose in getting members better acquainted with one another. It is customary to have speakers of outstanding im portance at these dinner meetings, with questions on an "off the rec ord" basis following the speech. I hsve found attendance at 78-club meetings to be very beneficial to my work as a congressman. ... Apparently what big-government addicts seem to consider a minor item of S90.000.000 hss been mis placed by the Commodity Credit corporation. It was publicly stated recently by General Accounting Office officials that the CCC is not actually "short" some $366,000,000 (more than a third of a billion) as intimated by Senator Williams of Delaware last year. No, it turns out that only $90,000,000 was written off by CCC as "interdepartmental I bookkeeping!" Civilian Voice Bomb Warfare Planning Urged WASHINGTON, March J. A congressional committee de mands that the United Statea re view its plans for waging aerial atomic warfare, especially against big cities. The House Armed Services com mittee said the review must be made by the nation's top civilian leadership not the military high command. In a blistering 30,000-word report on ita hearings last fall into the so-called "admiral's revolt" against unification policies, the committee: 1. Noted testimony by Gen. Omar Bradley that he and tha oth er members of the joint chiefs of staff "in the absence of any guides from their civilian supervisors" have had to "assume" what this country's national objectives are. I. Declared that if thia la so "then assuredly the secretary of defense should initiate action in the National Security council to obtain a firm statement of princi. plea upon which the joint chiefs of staff may rely." The National Security council Is composed of the President, vice president, secretaries of state and defense and the head of tha Na tional Security Resources board. The committee reviewed Navy contentions that present military strategy calls for immediate retal iatory bombing of enemy citiea in event of an attack on the t'nilrd States. "The issue ... is assuredly not academic," the report aaid. "Nei ther is the decision one which should be haphazardly reached or left solely to military leaders to resolve." Frl., Mor. 3, 1 MO The Newi-Revlew, Roieburf, Ore. 7 The National Geographic Society says the average elevation of Tibet is greater than that of Mt. Whit ney, highest point in the U.S. Four-fifths of the water this coun try uses cornea from streams and lakes. WeUi provide tha other W percent. INCOME TAX E SERVICE al State I W. William t J Room 207, Douglas Co. Stank Bldg. Aftarnoona Only Phone 783 J For the benefit of those who wor ried because some of us voted to do away with the phony "21-day irL... Lii' -......I away wan ine pnony n-aay ' . fi '" JKS I rule" . few week, .gPo and charged daily during each session of Con gress and sent to each House mem ber. It is known as the Calendar of the House of Representatives. It lists tne Dills reported by commit tees and tells the history and status of each. The back page of the Calendar each day reports the ."Status of Majpr Bills Second Ses sion." Up to now it is a blank page wiih one minor exception. The House did on February 9th pass an urgent deficiency appropriation bill. Otherwise no maior bills have been reported and no major bills have been acted upon by the House with the session nearly one-third gone. The other evening I heard the President refer to the 80th (Re publican controlled) Congress as a do-nothing Congress. So long as his own 81st Congress has such an amazingly poor record literally no record at all aa compared with the constructive record of the 80th I should thmk he would talk about something else. Thanks to the generosity of H. B. Murphy of the Pinnacle Packing company of Medford, many mem bers of the House of Representa tives now know of the surpassing excellence of Rogue River Valley pears. Du Cornice pears were dis tributed to members attending a dinner combining the 78, 79, 80 and us with being "resctionary," "anti liberal," etc., I take pleasure in pointing out that the so-called 21 day rule which so many people were deceived into believing was a means of breaking a Rules com mittee bottleneck, was proven on the record to be a meaningless failure for that purpose. On the other hand, the regular Calendar Wednesday rule which was adopted nearly 40 years ago for . e same purpose, and which really works, was used to smash the Rules com mittee block sgainst FEPC legis lation. The bill came to the floor under Calendar Wednesday pro ceedings and was passed. Forward Leon Blevins' 28 points against West Virginia university was the University of Arizona bas ketbsll team's single game high for 1948-49. The hospital reported the boy suffered head and chest injuries, Far Hie vary best hi CONSTRUCTION Coll Goodenough tune U2S-R-1 All types of work dee 2 3 5 V mean's beauty and protection too TzW&aJd DIAMOND RINGS are REGISTERED-INSURED It is gratiyiog (and reassuring) to know that the Princess Dismond yon buy from m has been selected by men with a lifetime of experience in the skilled profentie-n of inspect. ing and certifying precions gems. It is REGISTERED and INSURED (or your protection It Poy to Buy From sdlicraft jewelers The Little Store With the Big Brandt Give your children MUSIC end all their Uvea they'll thank you. Let ua place a line Baldwin or Wurlitzer Piano In your home thta week. it Convenient terms 0TT and RICKETTS Corner Jackson and Cage Sis. FOR... SERVICE... EXPERIENCE . . . CO-OPERATION . . . Investigate the services offered by your "Home owned, Home-operated" bank. Money left on deposit with us remains In DOUGLAS COUN TY. All facilities available for your individual needs. Douglas County State Bank Member, Federal Dposlt Insurance Corp. -yctt ten sititymszlfl ATI l - j 1 (11 Jtogufaf) your own hot water with Powlor Iconomy Tomporaturo Control Hot water lows from your faucet at just the tempera ture you desire! Not only automatic, the Fowler Econ omy Temperature Control is adjustable. Mow handy Just to turn the dial to any temperature, raoging from ibou! 12S to 17Sa, depending upoa your special demsnd for hot wster. Per haps s heay washday, coupled with a round of showers would call for a peak-hot supplyt Again lower tempera tures would suit other .seeds. Wster is sparkling clean too, for the fowler water heater is glass-lined double coated with porcelaio to protect the watef from tank rust. The "black heat" elements and S-way insulation pro. vide low operating cost sod a long. life wster heaters It' ao wonder Fowler U V FOWLER hacked by a 20-yeat 'jfsHT-ril teolacenieot guarantee! Lm,r. uritfl I'll n , m I . vthikk iumick uraes yow rowwi No down payment on Fowler at MODERN FURNITURI 222 W. Oak Phono 34 Soft as a Kittonl I CUSTOM-SUIT-TAIIORED SHUTS J t.rin, Juilliardj ...ana It's WASH ABU I This fabric makes love to your sWn t It's Juilliard Featberoy . . the combed yarn, featherweight corduroy with 21 tiny rib to the inch. Vat dyed for color fastness to laundering and sua. Featured in the famous Stradivari Shirt , . . made with all the custom details of needlework, styling, and collar balance. Now la the new, longer length . . with individualized fit la collar tod sleeve length! 'AS nst M SKILUD HANDt CAN MAKT $9.95 Celet Wine Palm OrMI Stn Blua Com Yrilow Men's Store 120 N. Jackson 1