For Sale, Misc. 18 WALLACE STERLING. Normandl Mt tarn Dinnar knlvas. forks and SDOons: odd piacas. WiU Mil all or part Ph. fOH SALE 2000 gal. galvanized- water tank: alao a 1 It. p. Fairbanks Mors nina and pump. PHca $74. Wall T, wrifiil. HI. 3. box SJ. OR SALE 1 ft. Marina Plywood boot umpqua Bpocia, - Trailer ana ojonn mn oulboara angina. tiM caah. Pa. 34-J. 1MI TRAIT-WAY hous trailer with efiS trie refrigerator and hot water. For aaie or iraoe tor uio noaei car. too Cedar SL Ti FT BOAT with" trailer"" H motor. 630 K. Commercial. Phone 402-J after I. Combination kitchen unit; tnciudea refrigerator, range, ins ana cup board!. Floor apace SS"xa. Call 370. FOR SALE Berkeley electrte water aya- tem, A-l conamon. n. r. movox. 40 gal. Unk. Fnon 7-J-L fOR RALE O'Keefe-Meriitt caa heater, 80,000 B T.U. Phone 602 H, or call at 311 a. Pine after 4 Jo at. m. fnn 1AI.U1 ranee boiler with colli. complete. Plorenca Cole 411 K. lat Ave.. No. fon SALE Kiln Ory planer enda, H per unit; ureen aiaowooo e auxea loaa ee. to. r a. . S PIECdlnln room aet: daveno an chair. Bxl3'a rug. Call after 00, fhone Bn-B 104T HOUSE TRAILER. 10 ft., oil heat Butane cook atove. electric refrigerator. A-l throughout. iftU no. stepnena. iYEARSIZE CRIB and ma I trass. Ph. 11W-L.-A lOR SALE Oak rocker, brass trim; Iron-ton chine: bottle Caator: lovely old lam pa. Prucllla Darby. pri.13-R -I 6ne ha iXic rafter radio, iitso. Room 60. Douglas Hotel. FOR SALE Play pen. 5.S0. SIS fine. JOHNSON OUTBOARD used very little. Geo. H. Smith. Apt. 408. Hotel Roee. ELECTRIC MOTOR powered tawnmowtr, . 143. Call 1423-Y. f APAN DELUXE VUuallte-oven gaa rani,t200. B. Lartaen,Gen. Del. f'REWA'Y oilTieaUr, good condition. 04 w. uniisi. 6 A VEN O.llZ STJli nt Fuel 20 SPECIAL Double Load Planer Enda 1 INCHES AND HEAVIER, $19 Ph. 13-J-l frEELER-CORE : mill ends: planer enda; fireplace wood. Double load, prompt delivery nauae wuiey, kl l. oo- 43 Ph. 13-J -3 or 143-J -3 lPLANER ENDS. 96 2V unit, regular length. Rom burg Lumbar Co. Phone 400. FO R SALE Slabwood, aawduit, planer en as rnon jut jonnaoo - . Timber & Sawmills 21 SAW MILL CUTS SO to SS thousand fl. per day. Bottom aaw 54 Inch; top M Inch. 4 42 Inch edger. 325 hone power Jlmmle Dleael: cula IS to 30 ft.; pond holda 300 thouaand. Running now. Plenty of loga to be had. Good location. fia.TW.w, ao,uuu.w sown. L. B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby potal Grand . Ph. 1JT7-T Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO. Eft AN EXPERIENCED TIMBER MAN handle your timber. Need Hating old or aecond growth, large or amall tracts. Claude Kerr Real Estate, 3430 Foothill Drive, pnone tb-j -3. fon SALE 1 million feet aecond growth timber close to Roaeburg. One of few good show left for portable sawmill, auu. casn. box Review fOH SALE 15 M capacity sawmill. Full lengtn conveyor, aieei ena, sew edger. trim saw. 3 block carrlaie, without power. 3000, Wrlta Box 431, nuineriin. urefnn. ATTENTION SAW FILERS and logging operators. You ahould see the Br son chain saw filing device at Northaida saw snop. ALM OST NEW 20 M capacity sawmill. 300 H. P dieseL Stumpage available or will furnish logs. Lock wood Bros., Tenmlle, Oregon. WANTED Small portable sawmill to cut, after large operation. Approxi mately million ft. H. G. Brown, Elkton. Oregon. fort HIRE D-7 cat, logging, roadbulld Ing, land clearing. Hour or contract Ph. 4S-F-5. FOR-SALE American 3 saw 30 "ln7 "etf ger. B a C Welding Shop. Sutherlln, FOR SALE Sawmill, or any part CMC dleael edger and other uniU Roy Denny. 835 W Winchester. WXvf" POLES and piling delivered to otiv yard at Green. Contact ua before cutting Pugpt Timber Co of Oregon Logging Equipment 22 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Located ITklah. California. 1. D-7. M. Serlea. Dn logging winch La-plant angle dozer, lest than 1500 hours full armored 69500.00 BIT No IS Skagit double drum loader on half-track, powered by half-track White motor - 35O0 00 19.T7 INTER : ten wheel lumber truck with 1048 motor, good condition 6700.00 1046 Chev.; pick up, S speed tram mis sion 6500.00 Located at Grants Pass. Oregon. S. TD, 18. Inter.: tractor lea than 1500 hours, logging winch, at angle doters full armored (each $8500 00 1. Dual-axel logging trailer, good condi tion . 6500.00 1. Hubert electric welder, new Condi' tion, portable $750.00 Alao cut-out steam aaw mill. a Contact: Buckley Lumber Co , 9 mllea south cn highway 99- Rout 4, Box 377. Grants Pass, Oregon. Logger's Notice For Tree Insurance Comprehensive Liability on all equipment Inland Matin Insurance on all equipment Log truck Insurance See or Call Tipton & Permin Insurance Ph. 14T 114 Caas St ir PAY! TO INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE ONE NEW UNIVERSAL saw grinder, pedestal type with motor, S175. one reconditioned Hyster Model S double drum hoist with 3 speed transmission. $.W; S new 119 H. P GMC dlesela with clutch. $1975 each; ball-bearing awing cut-oft aaw up to 30" capacity, I5f Keystone Machine Worka, 1M S Stephens W43T.VINRNATi ONAL tractor, equipped wtth Isaacson drum and Isaacson hydraulic doier, completely overhauled, 15000. Phone evenings. Tfgjt 14 .LVTERNATIOffAL KB-t logging truck and trailer; low mileage: like new. Che. Tee garden. RU 1, YamhUl. Oregon OADINGTWNKEYT"fiily equlpoeidand i rwnract for k,oing. i aaa. 100 (. re. & at w per tnou- I The Smallest, Cheapest Workers Logging Equipment 22 GOOD BtrYS IN VSED EQUIPMENT FROM INTERSTATE PRICED rmM ao.WO to 614JOO TOM-, RQ8HUKU, doxer and towlna winch overhau and guaranteed. 1643 DS Caterpillar Tractor with straight doaer and towing winch overhauled ua guaranieea. 1843 M Caterpillar Tractor with straight hour since complete overhaul, ex cellent appearance and la good op- 1848 TD-18 International Trartor with straight blade and towing winch. Rollers and roller frames recondi tioned and valves ground. 1845 TD-14 International Tractor, with Isaacson winch and doser. Completely overnauiea. 1848 Model D-S16-Y Power Unit with only 1400 hours on hourmetar. This machine Is as good as new and is priced way below new price 1844 HD-14 A His Chalmers Tractor with angle dozer and winch. Priced for quicx aaie. oooa looauig ciean ma chine. New be tier lea and tune-up. Alao RD-T Caterpillar Tractor with doar ana wincn. very goon conwuoa. new up ana tune-up aauo. For the and other good buys In both new ana utea mac nines, contact saiaa utpsruntni ot Interstate Tractor and Equipment Co. Roaeburg, Ore. Phone 884 Used Logging Equipment FOR SALE OR LEASE TD-14 Isaacson blade, Care drum H.D. 14 Allls Chalmers, blad and drum. D-T Caterpillar. LeTourneau, Rear P. u. ana oour. TD-18 International, Isaacson doxer and arum. Model 8 Northwest shovel. Murphy die- Model 35, Northwest shovel Caterpillar w wuu moior, eu n. arag una Doom. yard Link-Be It shoveL 60 ft boom. Skagit, RU-S0 yarder. complete with une, diocks, etc. P lr H Model 155 A shovel, drag Una iwunii gaa niuwr. P at H Model 355-A Buda dlasel shovel front. Bucyrua-Erie Model 10-B, gas motor. shovel front 300 SOUTH PINE Ph. 1486-Y Attention Sawmill Operator! and Logging Contractors W. can aupply you with compl.u cover.,, a. noun a.y. To .rquifnt yourt.K with our pun call ml. Kaith Carur or Marl. Baaart, agenta for Northern Life Insurance Co. P. O. Box 1M KOMburf. On, INGLZ AxLEutitnt tr.d.r 11 7 ban Waldlng it Michlna Worka, ph. fD 14 CAT. armored for logging. Lata mua.i. rnon. eoa-4. noMOUTg. Farm Equipment 24 Irrigation Outfits Let u, ftgur. your Irrigation ayilema. ww price, rrompt aervtea. Umpqua Tractor Co. 129 S. PINE ST. Tractors 25 Garden Tractors Boiena Garden Tractors. M E. Rotary inters. uw prices; complete ttockju Umpqua Tractor Co. 135 S. PINE ST. rOR SALE 1948 Ford tractor plow and ht; a iso sman garaen tractor, rn, 407-R.i, or see at Rl 2, Box 334, lijii itnoamin. Trucks 26 FOR SALE BY OWNER 194s 1-ton Dodge pickup truck, waterproof ply wood covered body Three month guarantee. This truck Dractleallv tfka new tlOBS. City Drive In Market. Biiinenin. FOR SALEMO GMC Suburban Carf7 all. 4 speed trans., undercoat, Htr , ana aet rosier. Low mtleage and D excellent condition, glass. Sea at 31C w. in. Ave. Ti. '31 FORD. IS ton stake (steel bed), 4-speed trans . duals, etc. A-l ahao. reasonable. Nielsen Saw It Supply, 3 mu i oouin uiiiara, t-iignwey wj. CMC o-wheeler-logtVuck "and "trailer; rheap for cash. Vn East First Ave., No.. Roaeburg, Ore. AXLE SHArrslor'ainrTakea of truck. Ray's Tntck Shop. 3055 N Stephen Phone 4B9.J.4 Autos 27 SPECIAL 1MT fltudebaker. 1 ton, 4 epead. T50 Urea fnced to sell at M5. ird pickup, good rubber ft motor, only 3143. OTHERS TO TTHOOSE FROM 1941 Fnternational panel lft.TT Ford Crummle 1945 Diamond T. wheeler 1945 International with short log bunks, wneeier. TRUCK REPAIR - RIBUILDINO GUIBERSON DIESEL PASTS AND STARTER S HILLS SEE THEM AT SMITH MOTORS Mlway 00 N. Phone 1W-R1 For Sale 1 KMC rOFO Chb Co id. I paal. Il04g PORO 4-door aeden 1 1M0 CHEVROLET 4-door aedan 110 PONTIAC 5-oaee etuk eouD, I 1030 rORD 4-OOOr aedan North Sid Motors Phono 1000-4 1T01 M. SUphaM 27 Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere a a Special For Today 1M1 CHZVROLIT TUDOR SEDAN GOOD BUNNINO CONDI TION THROUGH AND THROUGH. GOOD BODY AND GOOD T1RM. REALLY A GOOD BUY 430.00 Special For Today 1MI FORD CUSTOM CLITB COUPS zquippM wltn radio. BMtn and whit. aid. wall tlra. V.ry low nllMf. 1(4900 1MI MERCURY CLUB COUPK Lou oc .xtraa. Slick aa a whutla. ChooM this ona and bo complculy aatufled 1345.00 1MT PONTIAC FOR DOR SEDAN Beautiful two-ton paint. Run Ju.t 19 000 mlloa. Loadad with oxtraa 13OS0O lMt KAISER FORDOR SEDAN Mew paint complete, new ... t eovara and tlraa. Ex. tra low prlco for quick aala M lt4 DESOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN. A Dlea.ur. to drlva: R a H. eotnpleuly overhauled 114A.00 IMS FORD FORDOR SEDAN. Low mileage, utcellent ,run nln, condition: on. of our manjr good buya 903.00 la FORD COUPE V.ry low Mileace on far. lory rebuilt motor. New paint MS 00 141 STUDEBAKER FORDOR SON- Thia ona fon. through com pletely by former owner. Economy plua 303.00 141 FORD COUPE New oalnt. very low milein oa rebuilt motor 300.00 1041 FORD TUDOR SEDAN New oalnt. new Urea. Clean a a hound', tooth 305.00 1040 MERCURY FORDOR SEDAN 343 00 1030 STUDEBAKER FORDOR SDN 303.00 1030 BUICK FORDOR SEDAN S09.00 1S3T FORD TUDOR SEDAN - 145.00 1034 PLYMOUTH TUDOR SEDAN 03.00 Trucks & Pickups 104 FORD STAKE RACK 104 FORD Va TON PICKUP .1700.00 .1141.00 10a STUDEBAKER ONE TON TOO 00 1047 FORD PLAT BED 1103.00 1040 FORD Vi TON PANEL' 703 00 1090 FORD SEDAN DELIVERY 309.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At LOCKWOOD MOTORS 730 S. Stephen, Ph. UOI-J Easy Terms N.llf. REASONABLY PRICED CM AC TERMS CHEVROLET. BUICK. PONTIAC CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Boao Oak . We Want Good Clean Used Cars Top price paid DOYLE S SALES A SERVICE Highway 00 Garden Valley SO. Phono 011 '41 SUPER DELUXE Ford Tudor with leaded -in trim. Has radio. outnwind heater, seat covers, excellent paint. Needs some work done. 1295. Ph. 1209-L-X after Sp. m. MORS MONET tor rour car. Casta oa the apnt Corfcrun Motors, inc., Oe Soto PlrmouUL Phooe got, 114 H. oae ui kODEL-A "Vord roadster. I new new oettery. new oraaea. oexMUie. Ph. SMI. Sutherlln Autos TT6Rb"X-ori H-rrey," WllWr. PL in Town Want Ads Autos 27 For a Better USED CAR See DILLARD'S 1041 CHEVROLET CLUB t?OUPE CI.... . Bin end loaded wtta xtraa. . . $1305.00 1041 PONTIAC SEDAN Thla car la dlo. hMt.r trunmuiga. Thla car la raally .hern. Ra dio. hMt.r and lou of other 1040 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE Cuthlon tlrM BOauttful paint Radio and hoater. 103S.OO 1040 PLYMOUTH SEDAN. 1040 PLYMOUTH COUPE. . 1041 DODGE 4-DOOR. 009.00 000.00 003.00 013.00 1041 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR. ALL THESE CARS HAVE RADIOS AND HEATERS. Comrrfercials 104T CMC 1 TON STAKE Dual roar uroa, enarp. . uu wj 1047 WHAX DODGE m TON C C Kxcellent. Itao.oo 1040 DODGE It, TON vary can, gooa ruoowr. iv.uu CURRENT SERIES DODGE 3 Too. special TQie weed. . itvo.wu THESE CARS AND TRUCKS ARE GUARANTIED USED CARS. Tarma Will Bo Arranged to Pit Your ' Naoda "Si" Dillard Motor Co. Used Car Lot North SL Roseburg Hudson Co. 70S S. STEPHENS Back On The Job? Goodl WE HAVE A VARIETY OF BARGAINS IN ECONOMICAL TH ANSFUHTAriUW AT NEW LOW PRICES: Ifl.tfl STtTDEBAKER SEDAN l;i5 FORD 3-DOOR 1K37 FORD COUPE ., ,L lt.17 FORD S-DOOR .. , 1840 HUDSON SEDAN 19.19 PONTIAC SEDAN 1940 DESOTO SEDAN , 1039 HUDSON REDAN . 1B40 HUDSON REDAN , lfl41 HUDSON SEDAN 1940 PONTIAC COUPE 1942 PONTIAC S-DOOH . . 95 on 150 no ITS 00 175.00 195 OO 323 00 . 34.100 . 3R.1 00 . 495 00 , 550 no , t5 on . B5 00 Special! JUST RECEIVED 1940 HUDSON COMMODORE eiup coupe, raaio, nesier, spotlight, overdrive, seat covers ., , - 199 00 Remember: Terms To Fit Your Income On A Car To Meet Your Needs Roseburg Hudson Co. T0I S. STEPHENS GOOD CARS PRICED TO SELL. Some terma available: 1940 OLDSMOB tl.E 4-4oor aedan. fully MutoDed ... Itraj FORD i-door aedan -.S24.l00 1937 BUICK 4-door aedan -9150 00 Inquire SOT Paclfte Bid, or phone 499 FOR SALE OlTRADfTtqulty In IS4S Hudson loor aedan. Tooo mllea, ver drtve. heater for clean, lata model ear. 115E. lstAve.No. WANTED '42 or older cluh coupe, low mileage; bo Fords. Inquire 4M PlUef FOR SALE-rl949 Red Jeepster. leaa th a n 7000 mllea, perfect condition, (1495 M Davta. Brochway. Oregon. f941-bODo-4-doorcstom aedan. very good condition. Reasonable. 1010 Ball! fnt W-VWdUTH Moor eeoW I li'H. 27 9 POINTS atl tued can you are oaaund ol when you buy from ua; K E .LEAN CARS. XTRA QUALITY. E L ,ONO TERM CREDIT. S "Where Price -4 Quality Meet" 1040 PORD CUSTOM I-DOOR A beautiful marooo. Haa o fond radio and beater. Thla car haa alwaya had extra I rod caro. real quality um4 car. 1047 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION REGAL 4 door. Thla ear la a hon.y. Com. pletely MfulptMd: ov.rdrtv. rllma- iiErr. mil nnioer. naaio, .no many eth.r 1047 CHEVROLET SPECIAL DELUXE 4- door. A clean, low mtleage. wall aqulpped car. 1047 PORD SUPER DELUXE 0-paaa rp. Radio and neater, lar qpa aiwaya had oood car THE ABOVE CARS CARRY GUARANTEES ' 1041 PLYMOUTH SPECIAL deluxe 4-door 1041 PLYMOUTH coup. 1040 CHEVROLET coup. WANT A CAR TO GET TO WORK WITH? MAKE US AN O FTC It ON THE POLLOWINO: 1034 CHEVROLET COUPE J 1037 PORD l-DOOR 1030 CHEVROLET J-DOOR 1041 PLYMOUTH I-DOOR Commercials IMt WILLYS PICKUP. With 4-whecl drlva. Thle la in. job for you fellow, la the wooda. A good, allck pickup. 1047 STUDEBAKER H TON PICKUP. Thu la extra good and o roai buy. m OUR LOT WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS POR YOUR CONVENIENCE Keel's Used Car Lot sat t. Stephana, Just south of Boa Hotel Phonea 13S or 1445-J Better Buys at Barcus o o o Today's Best Buy 1040 PACKARD 0 DeLUXE SEDAN Beautiful light blu. flnl.h. New red pla.ils aeat rovera Overdrive, elrtrom.tie rlutrh, radio, heater, and many other axtra. -Lni than 10,000 mllae. A real bargain. . 03130 1047 PLYMOUTH DeLux. Sedan F.rfart hlaex llnl.n anin like new. RAH. Mechanically excellent, 1109 IMS PACKARD 110 CLIPPER sedan. Light grey. NIC, in Urlor. B, i H. A buy. 1100 1040 OI.D8MORILE 9-DOOR 1040 motor. New paint. NIC Inurlor. Radio Ol heaur. 008 1040 KAISER REDAN Low mileage; excellent condi tion. 1400 1030 CHEVROLET I Paaa. Coup., Reconditioned motor good Urea, A H 100 1030 BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN . It it K. LI. an. avo 103S NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN. Reconditioned motor. Over drive, RAH JOB 103T CHEVROLET SEDAN. 1030 PORD V 0 SEDAN. 109 100 09 1030 CHRYSLER SEDAN. 1039 PORD V-0 SEDAN. EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer ' Highway 00 N at Garden Valley Rd. Phono 1354 1040 WILLYS CIVILIAN Jeep. V.ry food condition. rn. Z70. Impounded 28 UNLESS claim! within W hour from data of not Ira, tha following daarribml docs will b disposed of as provided In Cttv Ordinance No, f1d?n Chow ferns la Whit It Brown Tarriar fomal . Itt- Cttrht Una ntal mala City PoUc Dt. I Autos Local News Loovoo For Cormol Mrs. V. H. Perry of Rooeburg hos left for Cormel, Cslif., to visit her ion, Gene Perry. Council Mootlnf The Toostmis tress District Council meeting will be held st Csrl'o Hsven Sundoy, Mirch 5, from 11 noon to 4:15 p.m. Hero For Paul Mor gan of Medford i in Roseburg visiting her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Doty (Elva Jean Morgan) and fam ily. Circle to Moat Lilac circle No. if, Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet Monday night at 7:50 o'clock at the I. O O F. hall. A sack lunch will follow the social hour. Navy Mornere to Moot The Navy Mothers club will meet st 8 o'clock Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Cora Rogan, 1010 S. Hamilton street. Rummage Solo Alpha Chi chap ter, Epsilon Sigma Alpha, will hold 4, beginning at a. m. at the Epis r, beginning at a.m. at the Epis copal parish hall. Sole to Continue The Garden Valley Women's club opened a two day rummage sale today in the Percy Croft garage on North Jack son street. The aaie will continue through Saturday, March 4. Vitltlnf Sister Mrs. G. I. Duns gan and son, Ronnie, of Portland are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geddes and family. Mrs. Dunagan is a sister of Mrs. Geddes. Returns Homo Mrs. J. C. Hums has returned to her home on Blake ly street after a visit in Oakland, Cel., with her son .in-law and daughter.' Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Ken nedy Jr., and two children. Homos From Hospitol A. B. Cacy, who has been receiving med ical treatment at the Veterans hos pital for the last few months, is now convalescing at his home on East Oak street. Arriving Hero Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Moore ot Portland are expected to arrive in Roseburg this evening to remain over Sunday to attend the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wharton. Potluck Dlnlnor The Garden Valley Sunday school will hold a potluck dinner Sunday at the Gar den Valley Women's clubhouse, fol lowed by a movie at 2 o'clock. Everyone in the community is in vited. Loaves For Alaska Mis. John Barney and son, Michael, left Seat tie by plane this week for Anchor age, Alaska, to join Chaplain Bar ney. They formerly made their home here, at which time Rev. Mr. Barney was pastor of the First Christian church. Vlsitina From Drain Miss Edna M. Harlan and her brother, Ray Harlan, of Drain have been spend ing the last few days in Myrtle Creek visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Perry. They plan to visit over Sunday In Grants Pasa with Mrs. F. I. Perry and son, Vance. To Spend Weekend Here Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Katt and daughter and son, Peggy snd Jerry, of Port land are arriving in Roseburg to night to spend the weekend as euesta of Mrs. Katt s brouier-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Ricketts, and son, Duke, on East Lane street. Meeting To Bo Hold Douglas County P.-T.A. Council will meet at a 11:30 o clock luncheon tatur- day at the Oakland high school with Oakland members as host esses, assisted by Sutherlin mem bers. All P.-T.A. officers, chair men and members interested are invited. An executive meeting will precede the luncheon at 11 a.m. Autos 27 IBM PLYMOUTH Sdsn (or sal or trad. 20T7 N SfpHTii, rB. Personal 30 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. P O Boo 1110 Notices 31 Warning Co. "O" lMlh Inf.. Loral National Guard Unit will b firina; Marhlna Guns on Boytr Banrh cast nt Itoaa bur, Sunday, March f, 1930. TED SAYS . a a "WI AUTO Wis riri iwwi AUTO." AUTO PAINTING S0 A UP. Two tone or one Colo." In smooth, gloaming finish. Sao us firat for an estimate. Phono 131SJ. Ted's Auto Body Service 2 miles west of elty center en Molrooo ftoad. Phono 1318-J. V'J rf., Mr. 3, I9S0 The Newt-HeYlew, Roooiburf , Ore. 1 1 I Loovoo For Home Mrs. Walter Gordon (Eva Rice) haa left for her home in Los Angeles, follow i ing an extended visit in Roseburg j with her mother, Mrs. M. F. Rice, on East Cass street. Mr. Gordn j plants to meet her thia week in San Francisco and accompany her home. To Celebrote Sundoy Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wharton have in. vited relatives and friends to at tend their golden wedding celebra tion to be observed Sunday, March S, at their home at 203 Chadwick street from 2 to S o'clock in the afternoon and from T to 10 o'clock in the evening. Returns from Suroka George M. Lawson haa returned to his home in Roseburg, following a trip to Eureka, Calif,, to attend to busi ness. The Lawsons have as guests this week, Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa Caen of Conception, Mo., who are looking for a location in the west to make their home permanently. Queen Candidate Donna Mears, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Car rico of Roseburg, is one of the varsity queen candidatea at Wil lamette university, Salem, in the annual contest for varsity queen to rule over the Lettermen'g ball, March 11. Miss Mears, a, fresh man at Willamette, waa recently initiated into Pi Beta Phi sorority. Club to Meet Junior Woman'a club will meet at a 7 o'clock pot luck supper Monday night at the Eaglea hall. Miss Muriel Mitchell, Roseburg Public Library librarian, will be guest speaker on new books, social hour of cards to follow. A silver offering will be taken to pur chase books for the club's shelf at the library. Flay To Be Given Miss Helen Casey will present the one-act com edy. "The Personal Maid," assist ed by Miss Alice Ueland, Mrs. Wal ter Fisher and Mrs. Earl Plummer Tuesday at the Roaeburg Woman'a club 1:30 o'clock meeting at the Methodist church parlora Special music will also be presented. P.-T.A. to Moot Riverside P.. T.A. will nominate new officers at a meeting Monday night at 8 o' clock at the schoolhouse. Camp Fire, Bluebird and Cub scout groups, sponsored by the P.-T.A., will present a program and serve refreshments. Camp Fire girls will have charge of the nursery ac commodating parenta bringing chil-! dren to the meeting. I Stop Here Mr. and Mrs. Carl SleinmeU and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Steinmetz have returned to their homes in Eugene, fallowing a stop In Roseburg to visit Mr. snd Mrs. George Wharton and daughter, Jo Ann, enroute north from a vaca-1 tion trip to Arizona and southern California points. Carl and Joe ; Steinmetz are brothers of Mrs, Wharton. Experiments In color television go bark In the laboratory as far as 1KZ8. 00 YOU KNOW . . . thai the eaueoe of about 90 ot all ailment, may bo corrected b Pinal and IntMtlnal treatment, with prup.r di.t Or. M. C. Caaoel CHIROPRACTIC PBYalCIAN SOI S Caaa Tel. 1401 DOORS $0,95 lo $33.00 PAGE LUMBER 1 FUEL 1(4 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phono 242 SLABWOOD In 12-1 6 ond 24 in. lengths . OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phono S8 DIESEI STOVE FUEL BURNER OILS Distributors of Shell Oil Since 1926 Try Our Oil Service DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 128 402 W. Oak St. DISSTON-MERCURY CHAIN SAWS One and Two-Man Units Certified Sales and Service Also Axt Wedgei Sltdcjes Handle Hard Hats and Hat Bands Seals Sticks, Tapes, Etc. Dealer for Cos Chipper Chains and Edwards Wire Rope For Rent 12 H. P. Sewt by the day er week CARL J. PEETZ 920 L Itefihent VFW Nominates Year's Officers Nomination of officers was held Tuesday by Roseburg's Veterans of Foreign Wara members. Nomina, tiona will remain open until March 14 when elections will be held. Named to take over Kenneth H. Miller'a position as post command' er for the year 19S0-S1 waa A. E. Williams, Dillard sawmill worker and World War II veteran. Sine coming to Douglas county a year ago from Sweet Home, he has been active in veterana work throughout the county, having served as V.F.W. adjutant, and hospital chairman. At Sweet Home Williams served ss commander of the Mili tary Order of the Cooties and now ia a member of the state's grand council. Other nominations included Wal lace Cox, aenior vice-commander; Roy E. Hebard, Paul Erno, junior vice commander; Charlea Glade, quartermaster, James Pollard, chaplain and Durwood Owens, trus tee. T. F. Holmes, district V.F.W. commander, reported progress of the proposed state bonus, which, if adopted by the people, would grant Oregon World War II vet erana a bonus of S10 a month or domestic service snd SIS a month for overseaa service with maxi mum of $600 for any individual case. He explained that slate vet erans affaire leaders declare the proposed constitutional amendment "ia not in reality a bonus in the sense of a 'hand-out ; it ia in effect the adjustment in pay for the vet erans of Oregon who served ia World War II." Entertaining motion pictures were presented by Sid Fredrkkssn snd s potluck dinner wss served by Isdies of the auxiliary. News-Review want ads bring results. Phone 100. Or. George L. Nicholas Votorinorion Gradual, of University ot Ponnsylvonle is tow located ot 804 Garden Valley Read Phone 116 moDEuru FURNITURE CO. I PBaBBBBBBBBBBBaa Phone 279 I leu-.:-. S34S. See at lOOg Medrone, ph. NX