Easter Seal Sale To Aid Crippled Folks Scheduled The annual Easter Seal Sale sponiored by the Society for Crip- piea unuaren ana Adults, iu get underway in Douglas county March (, it waa announced today by Mr. Arthur Clarke, chairman. The aale fundi will benefit many necessary hospitals and schools which care for handicapped per sons, Mrs. Clarke said. Among the organizations spon sored by the SCCA is the Eugene children's hospital school, which helps through therapy work to fit crippled youngsters for normal life in a public school. Children .afflicted with all types of disorders are. treated. Information on the child's back ground is gathered, and then they are trained accordingly for the type of life they will probably lead, in city or country. The Eugene school now has 30 pupils, which have been given aptitude tests by the psy chology department of the Univer sity of Oregon. One of the main therapy devices used at the school is making and manipulating puppets. The boys and girls build their own fairy uue characters and then present plays. This strengthens the muscles in their hands and, sometimes, they forget to hang onto the special rail ing around the "stage" because of the intense interest and excite ment When they learn they no longer are entirely dependent on supports, they gain confidence rap idly. You are invited to go and see the good your pennies and dimes are doing in just this one school, the local chairman said. "Then we are sure you will support the Eas ter Seal Sale." Elementary, My Dear Watsonl It's at 1490 I on your dial: Straight Arrow - Today: Steve Adams and Packy turn up some con demning evidence during the story titled "Skin Deep." . 5-5:30 P. M Tue. and Thurs. Sleepytime Tales Key kiddies! Don't miss a one of these delightful bed' time stories each night: 7-7:15 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. The Clyde Beatty Show Tonight's first adventure with Clyde Beatty entitled Danger Unrehearsed!" 8:30 Tonight Sports For All This week's panel guests Golf pro Jack Redmond and novelist James H. Bond. 8:30 8:55 Tonight Fulton Lewis, Jr. ' lop flight news-commenta tor heard twice daily! 4-4:15 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. 9:45-10 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. KRNR 1490 m your Dial I WmV Cntm ejMMf rVehur E) .Glenn Hardy , celebrates his 16th year as the voice of Mutual Don Lee's "Alka-Seltxer Newspaper of the Air" (Sunday through Friday, 10:00 a. m. and :00 p. in.) during the month of March, 1960 a record for continuous sponsorship for any Pacific roast news caster. It was back in 1934 that the program announcer Fred Shields first said: : "And now here's your Alka-Seltzer newscaster, Glenn Hardy." Fred doesn't consult the script any longer in turning the mike over to Glenn. He doesn't have to. Since that initial broadcast, Shields has made that same introduction more than 11,000 times. Recently the newscast had the distinction t breaking into the top ten of the regionally Hooperated shows a noted first in Pacific coast radio. The broadpasta are scripted by veteran writers Will Ragan and Wilfred Brown, the latter of Camas Valley, Oregon. Inautwral of "Queen for a Day's" new "Telephone Queen" en Monday's broadcast resulted In the winning of coveted Cin derella title by ene of the very persons for whom It Is in tended shut-In. New device ef permitting participation by these at hem waa Initiated when Mrs. Viola Motherland,, worthy widow end mother, ef Park Ridge, III., was elected by , ., the audience en the basis ef her letter that told a very moving ' , ; stery. 'Burned out" of her heme four years age In a fir that .. , ' also 'resulted in the death ef her husband, Mrs. Motherland unselfishly asked for clothing far her 1l-year-ld daughter. : The requested new epperel was intended for her graduation and to help her find employment when she graduates from 1 high school soon. Now both will not only get new clothes, but they will be given free trip t Hollywood, along with ether fabulous gifts. TONIGHT: When the world's greatest wild animal trainer, Clyde Beatty, allows himself to be dragged around the arena by a lion, few of the circus-goers realize it isn't all part of the act Actually it's "Danger Unrehearsed" as dramatized on KHJ-Don Lee's inaugural broadcast of "The Clyde Beatty Show" (8:00-8:30 p. m.). Golf pro Jack Redmond and novelist James H. Bond will be the guest experts on the panel of the "Sports for All" hot-stove session, joining regulars in answering listener-submitted questions (8:30-8:55 p. m.). Bill Slater emcees. KRNR 1490 en Your Dial Mutual Broadcasting System BBMAININO HOUBB TODAY 4:0O rulton Uivll, Jr. MBS. 4:15-Heminaay. MBS. 4:30 Behind The Story MBS. 4:45 Concert Miniature. S:0O Stratcht Arrow. MBS. 5:30 B-Bar-B Rldera. MBS. :0O Mutlc At SI 6:15 Mutual Newtreel. MBS. S:30 World of Sporta. 6:45 Tex Beneke. 4 55 Bill Henry. MBS. 7:00 SIMpyUme Talea. America's newest, EATING HABIT ' i coming to .'. Rostburg soon .- v - at The Drive-Inn Highway 99 South PATTERSON'S enriched eV 1.1- ervefyffiw,ti enriched bread at every mea PATTERSON'S, th bread that helps balance your diet, helps balanc your budget, too! Penny for penny, it gives you more ef the things your body needs more generously than any ether food you eat at every meal. Sa eat mere bread . . . eat it for energy . . . eat it for economy ... eat it for finer taste. ' L0 E) T3D D ?: 15 Mutlc You Remember. 7:30 Lynn Murray Show. 8:00 Clyde Beatty Show MBS. 8:30 Sport For AH.' MBS. 8:33 Sport Pf. MB8. 9:00 Newt. MBS. 0:15 Song of Our Time. 9:30 Franclg Congar. 9:45 rulton Uwli, Jr. MBS 10:001 Lova A Mystery. MBS. 10:13 Music You Want. 10:45 McPhcrson In Panott. 11:25 New Ntfhtcap. 11:30 Sign Off. FRIDAY, MARCH S, UM :00 Mutlcal Clock. ' 6:30 New. 6:35 Farm Fair. 6:45 Rita tV Shin. MBS. 7:00 Hemingway. MBS. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. MBS. 7:30 Off the Record. 7:45 Local New. 7:50 March time. 6:00 Favorite Hymn.. 1:15 Bob Poole. MBS. 8:30 Bible Institute Hour. MBS. 9:00 Modern Horn. 9:15 Book Of BargaJna. 9:30 Man About Town. 8:45 Heatter's M II bag. MBS. 10:00 News. MBS. 10:15 Gospel Singer. MBS. 10:30 Say It With Music. 10:45 Jack Holt. Q 11:00 Ladle Fair. MBS. 11:30 Queen For A Day. MBS. 12:00 World Newt. 12:15 Sons of The Pioneer. 13:30 Johnny Mercer Show'. 12:50 Local News. 12:55 Market Report. 1:00 Man On The treat 1:15 Novatlme. 1:30 Ladies Flrat MBS. 2:00 Phone Fun. 2:30 It' Requested. 3.15 School Show, 3:30 Milt Herth Trio. '"t bread gives you more energy for less money than any Cinnamon toast is a dtlicious way to enjoy it. Freshly Baked Every Day in the New Bakery That Good Bread Built Listen to "Sleepy Time Tales" . . . KRNR ... 7 :00 p. m. Monday thru Friday CANYONVILLE BOY SCOUTS Above are members of Troop 125, Cenyonville, headed by Scout master W. I. Worrell, Douglas county deputy sheriff, who posed for Worrall following a- Sun day service in the Canyonvill Methodist church during Boy Scout week. Reverend Ernie Taylor, pastor, conducted the service. Canyonvill Boy Scouts pictured include: Andy Worrall, senior patrol leader! Bob Springttead, senior patrol leader; Bill Hoff, patrol leeder; Arthur Kipr, junior assistant scoutmaster; Maynard Hoff, patrol leader;' Bill Reece, Cherles Pickett,'. Allan Anderson, Bobby Strehri, David Jensen, Walter Carlend, Bill Cox,, Dennis Lewis, Jimmy Taber and Larry Bailey. , ' '. . -i.'!..' ' " i 5:45 Andra Koetalanett MBS. 4:00 rulton Lowla, Jr. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBa. . 4:30 Hero'a To Votorana. 4:45 Newi MBS. 8:00 Top Tunoa. 5 30 Tom Mix. MBS. 6:00 Maslc Garden. . S:1S Mutual Newarcel. MBS. S:30 World 0( Sporta. 8:45 Tex Beneke. 0:55 Bill Henry. MBS. - 7:00 Sleepytlm. Tale.. " 7:15 Chuckwagon Jamboree. . - ' 7:30 Clico Ktd. MBS. S:00 Romrs : In Mu.le. ' S:30 Sportbca.t. . 45 Cedrlc Foster. MBS. B:0O New.. MBS. 0:15 HI Neighbor. 9:30 Scandinavian Melodv Tlmo. 0:4.1 Fulton Lewie, Jr. MBS. 10:00 I Love A Myntery. MBS. 10:15 Music You Want. 10:45 McPhereon In Peraon. 11:25 Newa Nijhtc.p. 11:30 Sign Off. ,JalF'4la?Ja7-Ti W4 V nlKs ' ncw ' -! v I I) f- W o I) J a n Educator Denies Flying Disc Tale - SEATTLE, March 2.-UPW1 did not, at any time, cay I knew any thing about the flying discs or ever expected to." , The above is a direct quote from Mrs. Pearl Wanamaker, state su perintendent of public instruction. It was delivered emphatically and in her best let's-have-no-more-of-this-talk manner. , , Mrs. Wanamaker is now in At lantic City, N. J., attending' an educators' meeting but she was cornered in a telephone booth there bv a Seattle newsDaoer to verify or dispel a report making the other basic food . rounds concerning- her and her knowledge of flying disc. The rumor was roughly as fol lows: - . . - During a class at the University of Washington, Mrs. Wanamaker said she knew, for a fact, the gov ernment has in custody three man like creatures taken from the wreckage of a flying disc which crashed a few weeks ago near Everett (or Bellingham or on Vashon Island just pick any old SROt). , '; ' "Nuts," l. a good one-word sunt' hary of Mrs. Wsnamaker'a rrsc tjon to the tale. Here's the straight dope. During the course of an off-the- record address to a email group at the university last Thursday. I cited the flying discs aa an exam ple of 'something new.'" Mrs. Wanamaker explained. "I used them as an illustration of trends in public thinking in that they illus trate an ability or desire on the public's part to believe in the new and the unprecedented. -" ''But I did not, at any time, say I knew anything about the flying discs or ever expected to. As far as I'm concerned, I was just using a figure of speech." , That should take care of that. NEW r.CNT CONTROL HIAD PORTLAND, March 2. UP) Robert E. Lowe, rent control staff member the paat four years, has been named area rent director. The area includes Oregon and Tomorrow! HAILE WAY FOR THIS OHC t. LON McCALUSTEE tea-art Mas tWU IstMs TONIGHT: "SWORD Thura., Mer. 2, 1950 The Nomination For Congress Sought Dy David C. Shaw . David C. Shaw, above, attorney practicing at Gold Beach and Eu gene, today announced his candi dacy for Congress in the fourth Oregon district. He will seek the Democratic nomination to oppose Representative Harris Ellsworth. Th 42-year-old attorney is a for mer assistant general counsel for the National Labor Relations board in Washington, D.C. He headed a branch of the famed Office of Stra tegic Services (OSS) during World War II. Now a partner of Collier H. But fington in th firm of Buifington and Shaw at Gold Beach, Shaw practiced law at Eugene and taught at the University of Oregon law school after resigning from govern ment service in 1M7. He is the own er of a small sheep ranch in Curry county. Born In a amall town in Ohio, Shaw worked his way through Har vard college and Harvard law school. Ha played on th varsity football aquad at Harvard college, where he graduated with honors, and earned part of his law school tuition by coaching and playing professional football. ' . Trvman Pro ram Backed A lifelong Democrat, he has nev er before been a candiat for pub lic office. He is known aa an able debater and public speaker. In filing his candidacy, Shaw pledged "sincere and energetic support for th program of Presi dent Truman and the Democratic party." "Oregon needs congressmen who will work with th national admin istrationnot against it if w are to meet our urgent need for elec tric power, equalisation of freight rates for farm and forest products, low - cost housing, schools and jobs," he said. Shaw specifically declared his support for the administration's farm price support program, the Columbia Valley administration, repeal of th Taft-Hartley act and equalisation of railroad freight rates. Five Negroes Found Slain; Widow Of One Held CAIRO. Ga.. March 1 UP) Five Negroes, two men and three children, were found alain in ad joining houses early Wednesday. . Jim Turner, 76, Baptist preacher, and three Turner children, J. T. Turner, Jr., 8, Jlmmie Lauw, 10, and Bobbie Joe, , were lying on beds in the Turner home. Turner had been stabbed near the heart eight timea with an ice pick. The children s throats had been cut. John Harvey Arline, SO, also a Baptist preacher, was found shot to death In the adjoining house. Deputy sheriff H. L. Lunsford said Hattie Mae Turner, S2, wife of Jim Turner, was being held for investigation. Former Governor HaH Out For State Senate PORTLAND. Msrch 1 (PI John H. Hall, wno Decam gover nor because he was speaker of the house, said Wednesday he would seek a seat in the State Senate. Hall will enter the Republican oartv orimary for th joint district of Multnomah, Clackamas and Co lumbia counties. Irving Rand is th incumbent. In the 1947 plane crash that killed Gov. EarLSnell, Secretary of State Robert S. Farrell Jr , and Senate President MarhsaU Cor nea, Hall was elevated sine th speakership waa next in line. southwest Washington. He succeeds K. uaryi mi nee, who resigned. The new director waa formerly in hotel manage ment at Yakima. 1l villi. roar oeart nde higk witk luppinm! IN THI DESERT' Newt - Review, Rewburg, Ore. ' S Two Newspapers At Oreoee City In Merger OREGON CITY, Ore., March 1 UPt Merger of the Oregon City Enterprise and the Banner-Courier of this city was announced yester day. Th first issue of the Enterprise Courier appeared today. Walter W. R. May, publisher of the Enterprise, and E. P. Kaen, publisher of the Banner - Courier, were announced as co-publishers of th new paper. It will publish five daya a week, the notice aaid, and will com off th presses in mid evening. Mr. May will be editor-in-chief ot th new publication, with J. H. Van Winkle, formerly of the Ban. ner-Courier, aa editor. Timely Arrival Of Nurse Ralks Attempted Holdup . PORTLAND, March 2 UP) An attempted holdup ot the Doug las Food store and flower ahoy was thwarted Tuesday night by th timely arrival of a nurse. An armed man was holding a gun on Mrs. Edna Jorgensen, a clerk, when Mary C. Riebling, a hospital nurse, walked in. The man turned his gun on Miss Reibling. Mrs. Jorgensen immediately screamed and fled out the front door. The gunman, frightened, ran away. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY COMING SUNDAY lioro ssioois ABSAIA ATT OH JOHN MOYT CO-FEATURE Maria Montez Rod Cameron "PIRATES OF MONTEREY" NOW PLAYING Dana Andrews Richard Conte Purple Heart" ana) Tyrone Power Dorothy lamour . JOHNNY APOLLO" fcv? AND ,'1 ! . ' I dpMM4 nMKaWfi ' m 'tsawsaV' In y.(E& A aryaa fwt FraaWio H