Judges of opportunity need no uqing tfo readl .classified ads! 10 The Newt-Review, Rosebiirg, Ore. Thurs., Mar. 2, 1950 CLASSIFIED RATES t dar daya 1 daya 4 dara par word daya 1 DM. Phona 100 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEADLINE I P.M. Day Safer. Publication CLASSIFICATIONS FAL UTAH 1 ItNTAL Bl'RINKAS OPPORTtTNITT , BMLDINO MATERIAL FOB TRADE LOAN! . i 1 1 i HELP WANTED ,- , WORK WANTKD LOUT FOUND FBI IT VEGETABLES HAT, OR A IN FEED Live STOCK. , POI'LTRY RAHBiTS riT I-. FOR f ALE MlffC. . .. MIK( KLLANEOU9 wvr.i, TIMBER SAWMILL! LOt.CilNO Etall'lHMENT MACHINERY FOR SALE FARM EQUIPMENT ,. TRACTORS ., TRCCKS AUTOS IMPOt'NDFD INHTRI'CTION PERSONAL NOTICES Real Estate 1 t BEDROOM unfinished horns on Wt Side 50x100 ft. lot. Finish it our Mlf 93950 00. Good Unm t BEDROOM HOME on South Main tit. Paved St.. sewer Close to Rose school. New listing. 95900.00; 93500 down. S BEDROOM furnished horn. Bendtx washer. Gas range. All furniture goes. S lota each 50x.no in Fuller ton school district. $3750. 11750. down. t BEDROOM modern horns Hardwood floors. Wired for rang. Elect water heeler I acre 95500. ftroau aown pay ment. F.H.A. WILL LOAN 94IW0OO on this 1 Bedroom noma on wesi diusj. m us nscs; wired (or range, 06500 00. 2 YR. OLD HOME eleW to Fairhsven market. S Bedrooms. Garage, lawn. Nlra utility room. View lot 5ou75. Good terms. 1 YR. OLD HOME In Fullerton school district, J bedrooms. Neat Si clean, modern. Use your slat GI loan. 54500 00. TWO H ACRE Lot on Mulholland Drive, plus soma lumber. 9950.00 each. ineep enouan. H ACRE LOTS ob Deer Crosk. Free sou fSM.oo. easy Terms. WE HAVE 4 LOTS on South Jackson St dutiable for apartment house or build homes on them. Look them over. 1 13 ACRE Blk outside of city limits 91200.00, 9300.00 down. Less tor cash. tiled trees. S ACRES on Deer Creek; good garden sou; ii oearoom, moaern noma. in. old. Wired for range, plastered. Some furniture goes, uwner taxing Dig inaa. But wants to sell quick 95B50.UO. 9V OUO.OO down. 10 ACRES on Little River; 6M ft Nice cabin. Good soil; furnished. Good piaca to build cabins. 94400 00; down. 29 ACRES T miles West of Ttoseburg. 4 room home and bath. Barn, chick en house; 100 chickens 94W50. OiWOQ. down. 133 ACRES 3 bedroom modern home. fl!t acres In cult 50 scree in crops 912.- 50; i down or will sail home and 40 acres lor 9500.00. 3000 ACRES on North Umpqua river. 1 mile frontage. All fenced $1500 per acre. sy terms. 307 ACRE RANCH. 3 new homea. 1100 Sq. FU Good place for dairy 912.500 00. Terms. BEAD THIS 14B Acres. 90 seeded to wheat and Data. 3 creeks, 5 room home. Plenty out bldga. New brooder noures. TOO turkey eggs in lnrunaior. Ferguson and attachments 914,000. V aown. L B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Hotel Qrand Phona 1277-t HAPPY VALLEY ROAD acres. new3 bedroom home, well constructed, msny outstanding features. 98000. 91.00U aown. TO BE SOLD AT BUILDING COST New 3 bedroom home. S acre free soil near Dillard. Modern, well con structed. Ioo to tiouo down to Ore gon Stale Vet. 949&0. LOOKING FOR A !M 'SIN ESS? New Cafe. 5 year lease. Highway location, new bldg and equipment Fin 34 hour a day set up. Only 95,000. TRADE Ranch valued at 9,000. hou in town. OUB BEST BUY la Acre river bottom soil, new 3 bed hoom home. Modernistic kitchen and bath, dinette, spacious living room wiih picture window, beaut ilul fire- riare. lias w all furnace, hardwood loors, attached garage, utility room, elec. water heater. Shake exterior, guliers and down spouts. Good sub urban location. 97500. Can be well fi nanced. Bruce V. Gilley Real Estate 3359 N. Stephens Ph. 199-J-3 Of lice on Hlway 99 North Cloverdale Park MT HOMES moM trwo Low, C onv.nl. nt Down Paymant S and 3 badrooma Ketell Realty Co. Offic Cloverdale Park 1533 S153 Ho Ills St t Only $2800 Takes over O. L loan on 3 bedroom, modern home: hardwood floors, at tached garage Very good location on West Sid. Only 1 year out Call 1160-J. Home Sites Half acre or more, creek bottom, free soil, wster, electricity available. Good trade school and roads. Easy terms, ind bloom, ph. 19-r -5. Dtxonvtll. Real Estate 1 9Uj A. and (nod 4-room house. Insu lated. Furniibed complete including new gas range, elec. refrigerator and circulating oil heater. Double garage wiin overneaa aoors. onc. iioor. Pou l try hou and some chick ens. Garden. Strawberries and' frutt trees A dandy small place 8 mile out on a good road! Full price only 900000 with gituuOOO bal. on easy terms. Will seu without fitrnltura. S A. all cult , and 9-room. 1 B modern house, Urge garage. 34x30 poultry house. Fruit room and other buildings. Well and pressure pump. Close to school and store. We think you will like this. Full price only eojw.uu, auuu.uu aown. 2Mj A. In Garden Valley and a new S-room house with attached garage. This Is a fin new home. Insulated. OH floor furnace. Table top elec. water heater. Steel kitchen cabinets. Finest of soil. Plenty of water. Good location on Garden Valley road. Can fet F H A. ull pries. New IB R. home on the west side. Lot AO x 100. This is one of the finest. Stucco and plaster finish. Nice large rooms, uas wau rurnace. fireplace. Bendix washer. One block to bus and store. 3 blocks to school. Ex eel lent neighborhood. Will consider trade ror all-purpose ranch. Full price Almost new 1 bedroom house on corner lot. Grand view. Houit has an ex cellent floor plan. The rooms are large and so well arranged. Gas wall furnsce. Fireplace. Herd wood floors. You will like the breakfast nook, also the tile drain In the handy cheerful kitchen. We think you will like this. Full price only 98750.00. Term. til A. ranch on Hwy 80 north. This u a natural for a dairy set up. Approx. 40 A. In crops, t good bams. Poultry house. Msrh. shed and other build ings. Dandy 4-bed room home In ex- eeljent condition and very comfortable. Highway at the door. miles from town. New gas range and elec. re frigerator included. Don't mlsa this. Can give good term. Full price sjooo ua William A. Oerdlng REALTOR INflURER LOANS 134 West Cass St Phone 311 Looking For Modest Prices? Nice homes surround this 9 bedroom suburban place. It la well built, all plastered, naa hardwood and tile floors, a rage, ana concrete wau 1500 down. G. L Mlg. 91100 cash will uy 33 acre on good road with 3 rooms snd a path. (Do no contuse uus with bath. No Inflation In this new B. R-. close in home. Haa kitchen, dining, utility, storage room, and car port. Quiet neighborhood. 96850. Terms. Did you ever see mahogany trim In a eatmau nomer we nave one located near highway, shopping center and bus line. It has one bedroom, al tar bed garage and la neatly arranged. Mahogany bar and wardrobe with matching trim throughout. It's nearly gardening time. Perhaps this 3t acres is what you are looking for. Free, well-drained soil. Large five-room house that lacks bathroom fixtures. 94500 full price. See us for suburban lots and acre ages. Wa have soma of the nicest . C. S. Briggs & Co. 113 W. Cass Phona 914 Y0UB KIDS WILL LOVS YOU If you buy this rhsrmlng coun try plsce. The completely mod ern and lovely home haa four bedrooms, large living room with a comfortable fireplace. Oil furnace, gas water heater, nice kitchen and full basement. Private water system, chicken house where you can raise your own eggs, and double garage. 79 acres of beautiful land 10 to 19 acres tillable. Small bam for your kid's horse, 30 minutes drive from town, and a million dollar view of the Main Umpqua. The house alone would bring 915. 000 in town. Due to change of occupation, owner will sacrifice this for considerably less. Also very easy terms available. ATTENTION INVESTORS!) Large profitable business In Roar burg doing over 9100.000 Volume during 1949. Excellent net. Will amount to 920-925,000 deal. Some terms available to right person. Only bona -fide buyers need apply. No telephone information given. BOSEBURO REALTY ft INSURANCE CO. Realtor Umpqua Hotel Lobby Valley Real Estate Agency The Clumpner home near Gild on the North Umpqua River With enough ground to keep a man busy Is for sal at the bargain price ot 98500. This Is the placa for a person that wants a nice garden spot and can keep a few chickens. Almost an acre of ground, good trailer house, small caoin. 2 cnicken houses. We th that 922m is an attractive price, only hnay UUWII. An older home on M 1 100 lot. on sewer, haa three bedrooms, large living room and dining room. 92000 down, 9tW50 uu price. 4 Bedroom home, has furnace, large . n. vr. iioors. wired for range. viiit m years 01a, plastered, full in sulation, yard is fenced, only 92000 uuwn. iu.juw iuu price. Valley Real Estate Agency 11a w. caai SU Phona ae WEST SIDE New home not quite romptete. Owner win iinun in one week. 2 bed rooms. mms I'losris, living room with view window, kitchen and halh with show er. Isrge lot. 47.750 terms. iio down balance csn be arranged with owner. S BED ROOM HOME (NEW! Nicely arranged kitchen tile drain ooaros, laifje living room with big wiw wimmw, narawooo floors, at tathed garage tH x u, price 9S.5O0, 91.0U0 down, balance arranged, T5 ACRE RANCH 90 tillable, rest pasture and hfll: modem 9 bed room ranch tp home; 3-car R erase. Has an older l-atory house rear Ham and milk sheds, famllv orchard. Haa a grade "A" dairy but owner had to sell out due to ill health. One and on half miles to tore. School bua stops at front door. Prlc 91TJ0D. Earl & Gladys Wiley Real Estate Moeo HoUI Phona 13S9 For aal. owner leaving town, must sell immediately, uni or Ltoveraale Park a choicest homes. Three bed rooms, fireplace, large extended living room. Venetian blinds, completely floored at tic, large comer hil. good drainage, newly planted shrubbery, beautiful View. Phona 1S91-M-4. Real Estate 1 Live Listings SPECIAL 30 ACRES All tillable and on a good county road within a few minutes drive of noeeourg. in com pletely modern house consists of 1 rooms, all as neat and clean as i Din Private Dresaure water system, fruit trees, good fences snd best of an tne low price or M.auu wiin oniy 9U50 down; 950 month or leas on balance. 4 BEDROOMS A substantial newer T room, modern home and garage near Youngs Bay Lumber Cp. Ft would be difficult to duplicate this property for the price oi 9500. TTI.E fireplace, drsln boards, and shower are featured in in is new a oearoom home. The large living room lbx24i ha wall to wall carpeting. Has big garage it lot Price 91-500. Low down payment to Oregon alula Vet. Stanley E. Short Ph. 1003-R SEEHISBEFOREYOU BUYTfifish the house yourself and save! House not quit finished floor furnsce, 350 gal. gas tank, good well, elec. pump, 1 acre fruit orchard. 92000. Location. Winston. Turn left 1000 ft. south of Edward's Auto Court. Road runs Into property. FOR SALE or trad for Rose burg prop erly, aaooern i room nous in ron lend. Full basement, completely fur nished. Garaae. Wonderful location. near school and college. Across street from besutlful park. Price 97500. V. K. Holcomb iKclloggi Oakland. Oregon. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer 911 So. Main St. Ph. 817-R UNFINISHED 3- room house and lot, S. E. City Limits: city water and electricity. 91 BOO cash, or 92000 with 91000 down, balance terms. Call after 5:30 p. m. Phone 1447-L. Attention Builders Large corner lot for sale. Fronting on old nignway, south of town. 10.000 fL of lumber Included. Ph. B76-R-1. FOR SALE 1 acre; 30x33 unfinished nous gooa wen insulated fruit house. S miles from town on Garden Vslley Road. School and store within walking distance. Phone 441-R-2. IP ANYONE IS INTERESTED In buy lng a house, take advantage of my email equity; no down payment. Ph. 1U54-J-3. FOR SALE House In good location. Fur nished if desired. Easy terms. Suther lin, Oregon. Writ Box 331, News Review. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherly. the engineer. Ph 3S7-B ROOM HOUSE, acre lot, 3 mile nnrtn Hose our g. 9Z400. seoo down. will consider csr. Reasonable notes Call owner. S05-R-4. Approximately s acres, large, mod- em. 2 -bedroom ranch-style home, price eaH3u. un nignway w. a miles soutn uii.atra. iBinouae nortn green bridge. LOTS FOR SALE. Terms. Water and lights available. 9 mllea south on HlKhway tW Ph 149-J-3. SMALL unfinished house. acre, cheap. di's mnea sou in uuiara on mgnway 99. tORkKUZiM A. 200,600 m81T"m 1 letrac. 5 room house. 9 mllea from uiuara. Pn, J14-J. Rentals CIHCBR & By the month in your own r u . i .u 1 uuiiic ui uj me uuur in our sewing t0Om-:MlL, c. I SINGER SEWING CENTER H 204 N. JackM Ph. 73 Cloverdale Park NIW HOMES .. arts 00 par mo. $10 00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Offlra Clowd.!. Park Phona 1UI 1193 Hollla It. TOR RENT POLISHER. WAXES and scrobbefw All In on tooL Light enough any child can nanoie; finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. STT 8 Stephens Phona 1 47 s-ft AMAZING ThU new 4 room cottage on n. umpqua. completely turnuned, living room: S bedrooms with large closets: bathroom has full-sited tub; 1 extra closets in hall: ALL ELECTRIC kitchen. A. M. Selby, 3 miles east or uiiae. COMPLITTELY-PURNIS1IED SDartments" Including oil and electric stoves and refrigerator; washing facilities: new and clean. IS blocks from City Bus. -an 1 aiier 3 p. m. TRAILER FOR RENT, furnished, one Mock west, two north from Eden bower Urocary. over hill. Inquire large Imitation brick house. 1969 Eden Lne. Mrs. Oldfteld. 1 BEDROOM modern cottage, unfur- niihed except for oil heater. Mrs. Emit HalL 1 mil S. of SutherUn, Ph. afciHg fURNISHFD-CABINS, glO and 91S per wrm fij montniy raiea raciiic Cabins. 3S anile N. on BS. Phone 0M3-J-1. NEW I -bedroom. unfVirnls apt. near and all utilities furnished. 9o5. month. Call iij-j-e anera p. m. fOR RENT 1 modern." fiilaiedapt by week or month. ' mile south of Winston M. J. E. Wheeler Apia. 1 ROOM, semi-modem, furnished house, 910 a week. IkKia Eden Lane. Phone SMALL 3 -room, " furnished house for rent, kw mvin. lino Hainoow Lane, or phone 43A-H-X-4. 6rSIHAHI-E PURN1SHED houaelTeeping room wiin giassed pore a. inquire rear apartment. 1 29 Flint. FRONT" OFFtcfe SPACfTTieated: new bu tiding near postofflce, overlooking highway. Call tUS-Y- or room 3. J-BEDROOM house at Winchester. Ar thur Bletmann, 1 mil North of Brock way C0Mf6rTABT.sTR00M. close In. for rent. 93 on per week. Gentlemen pre ferred Ph 49-L or 270. fOR RENT 9-room, furnished 'house: 4 months free rem for inside repairs. IIOS S Kane. Ph. 1041-R. MODERN, furnished apts for rnl by week or month. Reasonable rates. Cot tage Court. Winston. ce. room 4. 337 March L Call Main. AvaiUbU 181. WARISLEEPINtJOOMS. without private hath 109 West Washington. Trailer space ToRKrtTTiated shower rooms, laundry facilities. US Tempnn fRUCKSf51TTirNT You drlv. long or short trips Re Hive truck rental. 739 South Stephens. Phona 1439W. I TheyTl Do It Every Time . By Jimmy Hatlo iiiiiMni,.,, Wf THe 6REEM-EyEP508QWTy7' TUCYP 6lVg TMElg 6YE- eN6A6IMENT J f -ii. rS 6CXN6 TO WORK CM W TEETH TO HWE A RW6? LET Y- YOUR BOV- GRENADINE -6MNS HE" ) "WCK HALF THAT 7 SEE-IT'S afiSr FRIEND CEI?TAlNLy jllN6 THE 6LASSy rf SIZE". ' LOVELV..0 Yj7 HAS 6000 TASTE " STARE"6ET IT? JJL a I J SSSfS"- A BUS STONE WOULDN'T -jr ""n . 7 "N tSTi, W NP-4fMM! PIP yOO '( WfTH MORE KH0CXS Y DMSte 070PPIT J I TRVCUmNfi 6LASS ) V. THAN A 6lN- A P1H"qE coti. m. na rtTT;T, h, eotia a ST LOUIS MO, Rentals TRUCKS and trailers for rant Move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington, pn. 785. FURNISHED sleeping rooms. 749 Short St. frlOdftf AND BATH DUPLXtf, 9 miles out. Ph. 1 35B-U COMFORTABLE S LEE PIN CI room: t' beds. 1164 Military. Phone 134S-L. fOR' SENTSleepLng cabin. 549 Mill fnone i.ut-t. SLEEPING CABIN for 3 men. 437 PlUer BOOM' with or without kitchen ' prtvQ- eges 430 N. Pine. AP A HTM EN P, UNFURNISHED. Winston Section. XT Sherlock. FOR RENT Trailer space. 549 MILL Pit IJ37-T FbR RENT Light housekeeping cabins, oy tne week. Roseiana Auto court. 3ROOMCABlN, furnished. Ph. 5M-J-4. 3-ROOM. furnUhed apt Phone 1550-J. 3-ROOM HOUSE. 825 Miller. Ph 800-B. CbEAN. front' sleeping room Ph. 14U3-JT Business Opportunity 3 CLOTH I NO AND VARIETY Store for sale located in Winston, uood oppor tunity for couDle in erowlne communi ty. Inquire Winston Clothing and Va riety. Building Material 4 Going To Build? WK NOW HAVI H" t" Sha.1 Rock Inaulatad lldtnf Kltch.a Cablnata Kock Wool Inaulatloa Tllaboard Garaga Door. (Aluminum) Roofing (all trpaa) Montgomery Ward & Co. Phona as Loans MONEY 910 93S 950 979 9100 9300 9300 UP TO 9500 Borrow on your salary. All steadily m ilojed men and women may qualify odsy for a salary loan up to 9300 whether you're in a new lob or an old one. Borrow en your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not Vp to 9300 on your furniture, up to 9500 "ti your car. Special "Pay Day- loans, 910. 39, 950 loaned tilt "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for th actual number of days you keep th money. 939 costs 19c for on weak. No other charges. Phono for your loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lao Savy. Manafar 33 No. Jaokaoa Phona 1173 LM. a-!T9l M-3S3 0Mbarf LOANS UP TO $300 On your Signature. Furnltura or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile paid for or notl Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental Mil Consolidate debt Re-financing When you borrow get your money from ins company inat maaee convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 90 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT Pactft Building Phona 409 M-33T State Lie. S-S94 rANTCD TO Borrow 91500. on 4 room house and 3 acres land. Will pay good rate of Interest. Writs News Revtew Bo 337. For Trade EQUITY In three room house and two acres for 9350. or will take furniture as part. Eugene Hurd. Rose burg. Can. uei. TRADE P0R REAL ESTATE 1949 Dodge 2-ton log truck. Isaacson 4-wheel trsll- r snd Pierce 9-wheel trsfler. Not over 13.000 miles on truck. Phona 918-R4. Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY " lit M. Stephens Phona 1539-J Across from Post Office on Highway SO NEED 95.000 BUSINESS loan: well se cured. 1 interest. Box 933. News- Review. Wanted 8 Wanted BUT. VIAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phona f22-R-l 190S-R, OI Bo.. burg KOI' I. Will Pay Cash The Bargain House SlNG Lit MAN wsnts board and room In on tact Carl Turner. Rosebura Print ing i-O. WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furnl tur. Lt us bid on your nous of furniture. Call 903-R at 909 N. Jackson Street. ATTE NTION TIMBER FALLERS. Wan ed to buy worn out Mall chisel chains. rnone bsh. W ANTED Cast Iron. Scrap. No steeL win pay S.W. 10 wa, per ton. au mer lin iron worm, sutneriin, uregon. WANTED Shepherd Dog, eomewhit trained ror sneep. atd steams, uax land. Ore. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN desires L. H. Room. Box 230 c o News-Review. WANTED Ride to Salt Lake City, UtalT wees: of Marcn a. t-au ivw-i. BRING YOUR JUNK to Bob's Cslvaga Yard at 3339 N. Stephens. Ph. 190-J-3. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Rose burg wee' to., pnona zuu WANTED Man to board and room. Ph. 703-J -3. Help Wanted 9 Men & Women READ CAREFULLY Thursday and Friday, March S and 3 at 10 a. m. and ? p. m. ONLY I want to talk with 29 men and women who are ambitious in securing a position that will alva them the ODDortunity of making money. It doesn't matter whst your past work hss been. Ail we ask Is that you be willing to study and learn as we teach ybu our work. It will be necessary that you be will ing to get along oh 975. to 9S5. per week far the first 4 to 9 weeks while learning. You must be bl to furnish the nsme of 3 people who will vouch for your honesty and Integrity and be bondable. We prefer men and women who are married, or who have some responsibility. would like to talk with people who know a good thing when they see it. If you are honest and of good char acter, a willing worker and neat In appearance, come to the Rose Hotel. room .). interviews at Designated times only. No phona calls. Car Hop And Fountain Girls WANTED AT The Driva Inn 1 mile South on 90 EXPERT CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH MECHANIC NEEDED No other need apply Rose Motor Co. Ph. 09 Bosa and Lane iM ENT6SELL Broad Coverage Hos pital arlfJ Surgical Expense plan. Leads and appointments furnished. Car nec essary. Write Box 130.Ncws-Review. WE HAVS offic Jobs for men and wo men. Contact Rose burg Business Col leg Employment Agency. 119 N. Ste phens. Ph. 1505-B- WANTED Woman to help with "house work. Drop penny postcard to Box 133. News-Review Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Beat Results Call ROSKBURO SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 12P4-Y Income tax Service 139 Sherrdan St. ph 989-J. or For your convenience, w will be open 9 a m. - 9 p m. Sundays l p. as.- T p m. No appointment necessary INTERIOR DECOR ATINQ and outT3e painting, floor sanding and finished rooftna. any kind. Also contracting. Call Camas It, after I p. ax. or bafor I s, a. Work Wanted 10 Montgomery Ward Repair Service Guaranteed repair on radios, washing macnines, vacuum cissners and house hold appliances. Graduate Bsdlo Technician, Trained for competent repair of Household Ap- piianrea. Montgomery Ward Ph. 95 Income Tax Service Federal and State Reasonable Rates Phono 336-J-3 OLIVER'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE MODERN VACUUM EQUIPMENT. PH. 49I-R-J. WALL WASHING, Kamtontng.anitor worx, cleaning ano polishing floors, window washing. 15 years experience. Phone 470, ask for Frank Hasty, Apt. io, uousiaa noiei. INCOME TAX SERVICE. Federal and State. Accounting services. Arthur Denny. 3027 Morris St. Ph. 1710-B-8 for sppointmenc GENERAL FARM work wanted. 35 yrs. of age. married, no children. R. L. Ainu. mi. i, box i, uaxiana, Oregon. PIANO TUNING and repairing In and about Roeeburg, by Robt. Urban, The oiina pisno tuner, call Ott and Rick etts. 1U0-J. YOUR CHILD may receive kindergarten Instruction and nursery car for as little as 25e par hour. Ph. 1999-B-4, or 1444. tET" DELORIAS help you with "your sewing problems. Delorlas' Sewing ancp, aivoa n, aiepnens. rn. xw-h-3. WANTED Falling and oucklng by three experienced men. Phone 47-F-12. or writ K. rranXlln. Tenmll. Oregon. ALTERATIONS. DRESSMAKING. A 11 types. Mrs. Don W Garrlaon. 129 N Kane. Phona 1729-J my home. WELL DRILLING. Lloyd Powell. 714 mageview, or pn. izao-ia. WANTED Ironing In mv home. "531 Fowler Street Ph 538 -J fR A ILE RTOWING. Ph. 530-fc-S I'SoursI Bis uarden Valley Road. FOR A GOOD PAINT JOB. caU Lost & Found 11 WILL THE PERSON that broke In my nouse and toox my oiacx cocxer puppy Tuesday night, pleasa come and get tne aog nouse. too, as it is too nice not to be used. 313 E. 1st Ave. No. LOST On bi-llne calk boot, almost new. sue 10. for the left foot Be tween Roseburg Lumber to. office in Rose burg, and Dillard. Reward, 95. Call 1B17-J-1. or sea. LOST Black shoulder strap purse be tween Court House and Ward s. Please return papers to Martha Finney, Glide. Fruits & Vegetables 12 CUTHURT and Newburg raspberry plants, 4c each: Bolsenberry plants, 5c each. Ph. 1609-J-l. MARSHALL STRAWBERRY Plants, eacn. rn. loutw-x. Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOR SALE Bearded Club wheat, ex cellent for seed. s 35 per nundreu. Oscar Weeks. Myrtle Creek. Phone 28. GOOD QUALITY ALFALFA HAY. Ruov mell.DUlanL FOR SALE Bsled "alfslfaha: . James E. Lewis, ph. as. Myrtle creek. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction IAL1 rVFRT WONDAT LIVESTOCK AT 1 P 11. rVRNTTURt j HISCUXANIOUS T , BL WHIRR BUYCR SELLIR HUT TRY RCIITUCKIR-S WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATTO HIGHWAY aa. I MILES NORTH Or ROSEBURG YOO MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKXT FHU-Y AT TH1 AUCTION , acHRicKxa at soxs. auctioneer: ROSEBURG AUCTION (ALES EVERT FRIDAY Urntork aoM b7 awltNl a. Iwad; boiuvhoM fura.: larm mark. Par your protacUo. ar. ar. Ucanaad and bond, ad. Lhraalock 1 P at Purnlmra T P aL TMrm 1. at Carda. Tallap Road Livestock 14 SPECIALMONDAY. MAR. 9 SPECIAL At Schricker's Auction starting at 11:30 .rn. as., sailing for 3 nours oefore go ing on livestock, so single foioini cots and 50 mattresses white enamel Butane gas ranxe about 90 cu. ft 9-door G. E. refrigerator cooler 3 barrels dishes silver wear alumi num kettles pots and pans 14 win dows electric wiring garbage can wash basins electric switch boxes 3 folding tables snd benches grubbing hoes raaas axes pavees brush nooKs 311 ft wooden 4" Dine- 100 ft. 1 U eelvanlzed pip hand meat sllcer oil urnlng unit with blower toilets nouse coo line unit ventilator. REMEMBER All miscellaneous consign ments, larae or small, wa charge 10 commission. Big stock sale starts at 300 p. m. W ANTE D Some heavy hogi and butch- er hogs. Also have an order for up to 500 head of feeder pigs to go to Hono lulu, ii Buivaoie, no lesi is necessary here. Sea or call Andy, at 191. WANTED Fat or feeder lambs, year lings and breading ewes. Jsmes K. Lewis. Myrtle Creek, ph. 94; or Dar reU Ray. Ku 9. Box 3H9-B, Roseburg. Ph U-R-1. WANTED Sheep. Yearlings or breed- mg awe, fninppt and Uanning. kl i, BOX IDS, OT DO. Hi-H-2. ftEANElTFlGS for sal. MTTSchuberi ni , dox sis, ixxtxtngguss. RANTED All kinds of Uvea toe k. a M. Cml CaU fiWO-sJ-4. Poultry 15 Baby Chiclet NOW Is the time to order Carrs sturdy. neaitny ruu.UHUM cljcan chicks. CARR'S HATCHERY Is headquarters for heavy-laying flocks. If you want the highest quality chicks, PULLORUM CLEAN chicks, call . Carr's Hatchery Of Looklngglaag Ph. 19 F-3 Rt 4. Bos 1370 City Agent Douglas Co. Quality Baby Chicks VERY WEEK IN THE YEAB DAY OLD OR STARTED Hamps hires. Parmentar Reds, Barred nocx nampsnira cross. Cornish Hamp Cross. Barred Rock. White Rock and White Leghorns. From 2 and 3 year old breeder hens. City Office Umpqua Produce Co., 401 W Osk. ph. 415. Hatchery a Breeding Farm Tipton Road. 1 mi. S. Hwy 90. ph 1502-R-L "COMPARE AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS- Chicks Chicks Chicks ustom hatching a specialty. Set twl each week: Sat and Wed. For day old chicks, placa your order now. Sexed pullets and Cockerels as well as straight run. priced right at Ponton Hatchery 1440 Harvard Ave., , rfossburg Phono 109 ' STARTED CHICKS. N H. pullets. Csry, 2 miles E. of Dlxonville. Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE Pets 17 Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J ORA-HO COCKER KENNELS PIl w or isa-T Res. and pad. pupplaa, colon. Stud sarvtca. For Sale. Misc. 18 SPARTAN r tr r sr The life time trailer Haa a bodr wa ballava will lait so raara or mora. No dry rot Kit u - tr si- tr - sr Columbia If 14' 20 tr tr The West's Fastest Sellers and other Trailers of Ouailtv Also osed trailers, trade-ins accepted. nanx contracts. Contracts to 3 years on Spartans Earl E. Smith N W. Largest Dealer Eugene. Or. Phone Springfield 2031 j asiiee south on B0, Rt. 4. Box 32, Eugene SIGNS of Every Description SINCE 1913 IkMCtT:. (r j PUT CDUTtt IkPACT.T. f bia.Bi., 2a km a 4mf. Hufham Signs 411 N. Jacko Pr. 1S5-R River Loam Delivered GOOD POR GARDEN! AND LAWNS Wa RaT. an abundant aupplp. Paul Casey B W Roitot Phona .t WALLACE STERLING. Nonnandla pat. tern, Dtnoar kntvM. fork, and .poona; odd plMaa. Will aU all ar part. Ph. lo-J-x. POR SALE Elartric Jacuzzi .hallow 'II pump, ana Flrn houM north of Ceneral Welding Shop. 3lt mil south i bigtiway Si. H I Fortune. FOR SALE 100 gal. and 75 gat. ' prea- sure tanks: 3 H. C. Little conversion 3 H I oil burners with equipment for hog water use; i na vacancy neon stga. Rose Land Auto Court. FOR SALE 3000 gat galvanlreT tank: also a 2 h. n. Fairbanks Mora engine and pump. Price 975. Walter F. Wright, Rt. 3, Box 230. FOR SALE 19 ft Marine Plywood Nm Umpqua Special Trailer and John son outboard engine. $250 cosh. Pa. I iMilLUUHUT Waf..7J IILJ I RrriWmTrcnSrj? For Sole. Misc. 18 1949 TRAILWAY house trailer with elec tric refrigerator and hot water. For aal or trade for lata modal car. 1934 Cedar St. 14 FT. BOAT with trailer, I H P. motor. 630 E. Commercial. 4U2-J after & COMBINATION KITCHEN unit: Includes) refrigerator, range, sink and cup boards. Floorepace 39"x49J. Call70. BASSINETTE, complete. 95; Bauer pot tery. 910; lac curtains, 50c; glassware, china, pictures, radio, lamps. Ph. 933-J. FOR" SALE Berkeley electric wster sys tem, A-l condition. t H. P. motor, 40gal.Unk,9125, Phona4T-J-a. FOR SALE O Keefe-Merritt gas heater, 90,000 BT.U. Phone 002-R, or call at 319 S. Pine after 4:30 p. m. FOR SALE 1 range "boiler with coils, complete. Florence Cole, 419 E, 1st Ave. ,NO; ' FOR SALE Klin dry planer ends, 97.50 per unit; Green alabwood 99 75. tnlxed load$6 75 Ph. 307 ROSE TAPESTRY covVred daveno and chair, practically new. Call 1341-L-X after 9. p.m COMPARE PRICES, then buy at HOWi ARD'S HARDWARE. Winston, Oregon. Ph 19a-J-LOPEN SUNDAYS ONE HAU4CRAFTER RADIO, 117 50, Room so, uougias novel. FOR SALE Play pen. 95.50. 911 S. Pine. JOHNSON OUTBOARD used very little. ceo. H. smith. Apt, sue, noiei nose. ELECTRIC MOTOR powered lawnmower, 945. CaU 1423-Y. TAPAN DELUXE Vlsualit-oven gaa ranee. 9300. B. Larssen. tien. uet. PREWAY oil heater, good condition. 904 W. Lane St. W FOR SALE 3000 watt light plant P lis, ianyonviiie. uregon. BAVENO 113 N. Flint. Fuel 20 SPECIAL Double Load Planar Ends S INCHES AND HEAVIER, 10 PEELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends; fireplace delivery fireplace wood. Double loads, prompt ciauoo wuiey, nt u oom 15-J-3 or 143-J-3. 1" PLANER ENDS. 9625 unit, regular length. KoscDurg Lumber co. f nona 468. FOR SALE Slabwood, ' sawdust, planar pnona zui Johnson "uai wo. Timber & Sawmills 21 SAW MILL CUTS 20 to 25 thousand ft. per day. Bottom saw 54 Inch: top 39 inch. 4 X 42 Inch edger. 225 horso power Jlmml Diesel: cuts 12 to 30 ft.; pond holds 300 thousand. Running now. Plenty of logs to be had. GooJ location. 915,750.00, 95,000 00 down. L. B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Hotel Grand Ph. 12TT-Y 9425 BUYS A SAWMILL with 59" In serted tooth saw. 36" headblocks, now ered by 9 cylinder car motor, re cently overhauled. Cuts 9-13' lengths, all on two skids, 9 (t. wide, csn bo hauled away on a 2-ton long wheel base truck. Duke Road, Sutherlin, Box 106, west of Airport Wanted Second Growth Logs contact wilbur lumber lp Let an experienced timber mai? hsndle your Umber. Need listings old or second growth, large or sm J W trscts. Clauds Kerr Beal Estate. Ph, K 76-J-3. ' FOR SALE 1 million feet second growth timber close to Roseburg On of few good shows left for porta bl sawmill. 94300. cash. Box 229 Nsws Revlew. FOR SALE 15 M capacity sawmill. Full length conveyor, steel end. 3 saw edger, trim saw, 3 block carriage, without power. 93000, Write Box 421, Su therlln, Oregon. ATTENTION SAW" FILERS and logging operators. You should see the Bryson chain saw filing device at Northside , Saw Shop. ALMOST NEW 20 M capacity sawmill. avuv n. r oiirsMBs. oiunipigi avaiiaOM or will furnish logs. Lock wood Bros., Tenmile. Oregon. fOR HIRE D-T cat, logging, roadbulld- ma, una clearing. Hour or contract Ph. 45-F 5. FOR SALE American 3 saw 30 In. ed ger. a at t, weiaing snop. Sutneriin. FOR SALE Sawmill, or any part. G at C. dies! edger and other tuuts. Roy Denny. 935 Winchester wNTOLES and piling delivered to our jaru mi tureen. ionict us oefora cutting Pugt. Timber Co of Oregon. Logging Equipment 22 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Located Uklsh. California. l. u-7. M. series. Dn logging winch. La-plant angle dozer, less than 1500 hours full armored ... 90500.00 BU No. 15 Skagit double drum loader on oau-iraca, powered oy Half-track White motor 93500.00 1937 INTER.: ten wheal lumber truck wim una motor, good condition 9700.00 1946 Chev.; pick up, 8 speed trammts- . 9500.00 sion Located at Grants Pass, Oregon X TD, 19. Inter.: tractors less thsn 1500 hours, logging winch, at angle d oxers full armored (each) 98500.00 1. Dual-ax! logging trailer, good condl- souo.oo L Hobart electric -welder, new condl- sV tion, portable , 9150.00 f Also cut-out steam saw milL Contact: Buckley Lumber Co.. 9 mllea soum on nignway 9. Rout 4, Box 277, Grants Pass, Oregon. Logger's Notice For Tree Insurance Comprehensive Liability on ell equipment Inland Marino Intursnce on all equipment Log truck Insurance Set or Call Tipton & Permln Insurance Ph. 1497 xi4 Case St. IT PAYS TO INSURE Df SURE INSURANCE ONE NEW UNIVERSAL saw grinder, pedestal type with motor. 9173; one reconditioned Hyster Model S double drum hoist with j speed trsrismtsston. 9450; I new 1S5 H P CMC dlesel with dutch. 91B73 each: hall-bearing I1 S"" Mw P to 3D capacity, 9150 Keystone Machine Work s 139 1945 TD 14 INTER NATtbNALlrartOT equipped with Uaaraa-in rimm .nat Iaacson hydraulic dorer. completely overruled, 95000. Phona evenings. 149 INTERNATIONAL KB-9 logging nd trailer: low mileage: like new. Chaa. Teegarden. RC 1, Yamhill. Oregon. COADlaNQONKFV. full, equipped-Tn contract for loading, at 3 50 per tnou sand. 300 8 Plne.JPh. 14M-Y. IRLE-4500 ft. of 9lg"TuTiilbaI. twtJcnllF new, cheap. Ph. 3477.