6 Th. Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore- Wed., Mar. 1, 1950 Holy Cross Quintet Continues Winning College Basketball iBr Tlw AiMclatad Prf Portland 91. Lewis it Clark 73. Eastern Oregon 61, College of Idaho 60. Southern Oregon 62, Oregon Coll. S3. San Jose Stats 66, College of Pacific 41. Denver SO, Regit 45. Idaho Slate 52, Colorado Mines 41. Siena 52, Scranton 40. Niagara at Colgate, cancelled, tnow. St. Louil 69, Marquette 44. South Dakota 53, Morningnide 39. Arkaruaa 45, Texaa Christian 39. Arizona 72, Texaa Tech 65. New Mexico A M 69, Arizona State (Tempe) 56. K. J. Bowlers Lead League K. J. Lunch continue! to hold way in the City bowling league, although Kennedy's Dutch Mill keg lcrs threw a scare into the lead ers by beating them three times straight Monday night at the Rose burg alleys. Paul Yundt helped make the Lunch crew look good by bowling , 242 high game of the evening. Chuck Kingerlos, Olympia Supply bowler, beat the field in high ser ies kegling with a 169-215-228612 aggregation. City league results: Active club over Umpqua Chiefs, 2-1; Dutch Mill over K. J. Lunch, 3-0; Olym pia Supply over Roseburg Jewel ers, 2-1 and Gilkesons Station over Roseburg Lumber, 3-0. Eugene Form Club Set SALT LAKE CITY, March 1. i!P General Manager Claude Eng berg said Tuesday the Salt Lake City Beea have arranged a work Ing agreement with Euscne, Ore., of the Far West baseball league. Eugene will serve at farm club for the Beet. The Pioneer league is class C; the Far West circuit it class D. ' BUCKtYIS INVITED CHICAGO, March 1. F Ohio State's Buckeyes, 1950 Big Ten basketball champions, Tues day were selected by the selection commute eto represent district 4 in the NCAA eastern playoffs at Madison Square Garden, New York, March 23 and 25. SAVE A Gallon on Gas Town Pump Service 1 kletk N. ef City Market Special Truck Ratal in Mobilgas Grand Canyon Economy Run.. mmm wins ma i Studebaker land Cruiser with overdrive wins Class B Award -averaging 24.887. miles per gallon of gasoline and making 55.6855 ton miles per gallon! Studebaker Champion with overdrive proved most economical among all cars regardless of price-class or size ! It averaged 26.551 miles per gallon of gas This means that Studebaker established two of the best records in the toughest stock car run in America -proof again that Studebaker is your most economical buy ! AND LOOK AT THISt Here ore the gat mileage figures made In this contast by the 4 largest selling lowest prlca cars: ",s ' gaucn Sredobeker Chomplee wrH overdrive 76.551 tort with overdrive 73.37a CerC ; .' Cart I?) OH Valparaiso Victim Of Crusaders 'By Th AMorialvd Prowl There seems to be no slopping tne Holy cross crusaders. The nation's lone unbeaten ma jor college basketbsll team made it 25 straight for the season 28 in a row. including a carryover of three from last year by wallop ing Valparaiso, 84-52, at Worcester, Mass. last night. Displaying again the sharp form that pushed them to the top of the Associated Press national poll a month ago they now are third Bob Cousy ft Co. had little trouble with the midwestems. Cousy got 24 points on 10 field goalt and four free throws. Princeton's surprising Tigers, meantime, assured themselves at least a tie for the Eastern "Ivy" league crown by handing Harvard a 65-48 trouncing at Boston Gar den. The Tigera now have won nine straight league games and if Col umbia loses tonight to Pennsylvan ia they will "back into" the title. The Southwest conference finish ed in a tie between Baylor and Arkansas. Baylor eliminated South ern Methodist from a previous tri ple tie, 70-61, and Arkansas licked Texas Christian, 45-39. There will be no playoff for the conference title. Sherman White, Long Island's 8:07 Divot man. tossed in 63 mints high for the season as the Black- hirds whipped John Marshall, 119 82. Seton Hall surprised with a se cond half scoring spree that upset Georgetown (DC) 77-65. Charley Share, of Bowling Green, set a new Ohio individual one sea son scoring mark of 556 points as the Falcont whipped Oklahoma City, 64-44. In other garnet St. Ixule wallop ed Marquette. 69-44: Chicaio Lov- ola took Western Michigan. 61-57; Cincinnati humbled Miami Ohio) 82-46; Arizona humbled Texas Tech, 72-65; Texas nipped Texas A & M 53-52; and San Francisco licked St. Maryt (Calif) 49-35. Boxers Schedule Cavemen Session Ray Brown't boxers take on Mel Ingram'! Cavemen Saturday, March 4, In a fistic session at Grants Past high school, starting 7:30 p.m. Sixteen boys will travel to the Caveman city, in hopes of making it two in a row over Ingram'a box ing crew. In a boxing card at junior high the night of Jan. 26, Ray Brown'a boxers . whomped the visitors 49-19. The local boxers wind ud the season against Medford't Black Tornado organization at Junior nign on March 10. This is the first time Roseburg ever clashed with Medford in boxing, as this it the first time Medford ever had a box ing team at least, in recent his tory. Next year, Brown't boxen will travel to Medford, for matchet there, as per agreement. It It estimated there are a quar er of a million gasoline service statinna in the United States. REDUCED PRICES on all new 1950 Studebokers save you '86 to '141 Short Ik Ifvetoofcor'i ittmil 04 tk. Woof of ttofl'.boa.r'a oltHino pooh pf.o'ii..l Drlv. Amirlti'l mot! eitllnctlv. If ttt fatNrt lllnf car I UoOokakw Milwyl KEEL MOTOR CO. Matmen Will Enter K-Falls District Meet Cece Sherwood'! matmen travel to Klamath Fills to participate In the. firat district meet ever for wrestling, Friday and Saturday nignu. Because of the Increased num ber of schools throughout Oregon that are turning out wrestling teama, it hat become necetsary to hold district eliminations so that the Oregon State College wrrt ling, arena can handle the antici- fiated number of mat delegates rom Oregon high schools. The state has been divided into four wrestling districts. Spring field, Roseburg, Grants Pass. Kla math Falls, Burna and Bend are included in this area. The meet will feature 12 weight classifications, with schools allow ed to bring two men for each weight class. Roseburg will take 11 men, as there it a vacancy in the 121 pound class on the local team. Those slated to travel, with Sher wood, to Klamath Falls this week end include Warren Nicholson, 96; Mine Keeney, 104; Bill Morgan. 113; Marvin Sigfridson, 128; Bill Palmer, 133; John Gaffney. 139: Norman Smith, 146; Jim St. Onge, 155: Dick St. Onee. 166: Chet Row or Tom Vance, 176 and Glen Sco- field, heavy weight. only uiose wrestlers who place in the district meet will narti- cipate in the atate tournament. The high school tea mi having the most number of winners, will have an edge at capturing the stile mat toga. 'Hotstove League' Ends; Big League Teams In Training By The Associated Press The "hotstove lei sue" ended to day at major league baseball clubt began tpring training in Florida, Arizona and California. The first lesgue games will not be played until next month, but millions of fans immediately start ed following the camp doinga of both veterans and rookies. The fant recalled with enthus iasm the exciting 1949 pennant races when both the American and National league flags were decided on the last day of the aeason. The world champion New York Yankees and the National league pennant winner, the Brooklyn Dod gers, both will train in Florida where Commissioner A. B. Chan- der asserted yesterday that 1950 would be the "greatest season baseball has ever had." "I am happy to aay that things are reasonably quiet just now in the administrative end of base ball." the commissioner said at West Palm Reach, Fla. were he visited Connie Msck, venerable manager of the Philadelphia Ath letics. "I've never made predictions on the penntnt races, but I'll predict this will be our biggest year. Nev er have we approached a aeason with fewer major problem! to be solved." Ten nil Coach Extends Call For Raqueteers Among the harbinger! of tpring In the sport world Is the game of tennis, and Coach Al Hoffman, tennia mentor, haa lasued a call for a new crop of raqueteers. A meeting of tennia candidates la scheduled for Thursday at the high school. Regular practice and conditioning will start the follow ing Monday. Six letlermen will be back from last year'a tennis team. Included is three-year letterman Ronnie Strickling and one-year letlermen Gordon Conley, Larry Henninger, Norman Queen and Dirk Jacobson. I J "if MYRTLI CREEK CRAD SCORES OSC forward Bud Shirtcliff (34) tcorat a two-pointer for the Rookt in a recent game against Oregon City hoopers played at the new Gill coliseum. The Rooks eema out en top 42-31. Shirtcliff, who starred In all tportt in various town teems, scored four paints for OSC, in the abova pictured game, which wet snapped by Red Newlend, freshman at OSC, and formar Rssaburg high school student. 60 Trackmen Start Session Of Calisthenics Over 60 candidates were on tan for the opening day of track prac tice Tuesdsy at the Finlay field oval. Among those who were pre sent Included members of Norm West s varsity baseball team, also out tor tne tirst time Tuesdsy Both the trackmen and baseball boys will continue a two-week ses sion of ealismentics and alternate walka and runs. letlim in shsoe for the track and baseball season. Larry Palmer, aprinter, wat on tap as was Neil Sheets and Ed Stritske. distance men. Bill Van Horn, the other track letterman. will take a two-week rest, follow ing hit hitch with the basketball team. The number of track prospects expected to be on hand will be boosted with the termination of wrestling and, boxing and follow ing a two-week rest for basketball playera who anticipate bertha on the cinder team. Coach Frank Purdy said he would follow a policy of turning away no man from the track team. Those who can atand the pace that will be set are welcome to "come out," aaid Purdy. Purdy, who vowed to. make Rose burg a respected cinder center, said only a rigorous program of preliminary body and wind build ing appears to be the way to do it. Every man who "stick! it out" will have an opportunity to com pete, were Purdy'i words; either on the varsity or junior varsity team. Practice will continue each even ing of school starting at 4 p.m. The rosefish, or ocean perch, gives birth to live young. Personal Property Tax Reminder for 1950 PtrMftdl Property tfecleretteii formt were tent out Jem. 1, It 30, with request ft Hufr return before Mured 2, If JO. "leese five thti yeer .miitee'iete etteftHen. fectlM 1 10-14f, OCLA 1M1 reerft ei follow, . , , "The eutuer Hall hum blank form for such return! te he pre e tee eee" elit tributJ, but failure t receive er secure the ferm ihelt net re lieve eny tuch perte, ineneeinf eftnt er efficer frem the eH tetiee ef melon eny return herein required ... All retumi file! under the erevttie ef the tectien ihell be cer.fie'eMiel recess f the AtaeMer'i Office." Sect. 11 0-401, OCLA If 41. "Any tuch vert., meneeine eecnt er efficer whe the II with Intent te eveue texetien, refu; er ne fleet te meke eny return herein reauireel end re file It with the Mewer within the time specified er e eitended shell be sub ject te e eenelry ef Ten Dollars $10.00 per der ef the contin uance ef such refusel er net lect M HeuseheU furniture, Jemestie fixtures, heuseheld feeds end ef fects ectuelly In ute such In ha mas end dwellinftv where net mod far busineae er commercial purposes, ere exempt frem rexe Hen end should not be reported en this form. Ixamptfon else ep lias to weertnf epperel, wntchee, Jewelry, end similer pdraenel effects ectuelly In use. These forms may be ebtelned by eelHnf et the Assessor's, effke, or will be moiled upon request. Ned Dixon Duglai County Atsatsor Ye ' V1 I 7 v :? A FIGHTS LAST NIGHT IBr Th. AMorlatd Proast Milwaukee Terry Young. 138, New York, outpointed Bob Sand berg, 134', Rockford, 111. 10. Los Angeles Luther Rtwlings, 136, Chicago, outpointed Tommy Cambelr. 13814, Rock Island, 111. 10. Portland, Ore. Don Rogers, 135. Portlsnd, Ore. stopped Jack Leslie, 135, Flint, Mich. 10. Honolulu Frankie Fernendea. 143, Honolulu, outpointed M i 1 o Savage, 151, Seattle, 10. Hardrock Loses California Bout SAN JOSI, Calif., March 1 (t Lloyd Marshall, 173', Sacramento, Calif., ring vet eran, scored e technical knock out ever Hardrock Cordon, til, Roseburg, in the sixth round of their scheduled 10-round fight last night. - The referee stopped the bout after a hard right to the jaw aent Cordon wobbling In bad shape. It wat a fairly even bout to that point. Portland Beaver Fielders Start Drills In Training RIVERSIDE, March 1. (.? The Portland Beavers infieldert and outfielder! started drills at their training camp today after Manager Bill Sweeney put his bat tery men through their final day of excluaive practice yesterday. An exhibition game scheduled for todsy with Sscramento here has been canceled. The Beavers have added an. exhibition game with Sacramento here March 17. (4 V. at Myrtle Creak high school and 30 Baseball Players Out For Exercise Coach Norm West counted some 30 heads, who anticipate becom ing members of the Indian varsity baseball team, Tuesday during callisthenics and conditioning drills, ing drills. The current baseball crop includ es a number of boys back from last year. They will work out with Frank Purdy'a trackmen for the next two weeks, after which baseball fundamentals, including infield, outfield and batting prac tice will commence. West revealed positions are wide open for all newcomers. Games will be played against Medford. Grants Psss, Myrtle Creek and Sutherlin, but no contests have yet been scheduled. The weather will be a big factor in the playing of garnet, aaid West, who added that in thia area, base ball garnet are alwaya scheduled on a tentative basis, in view of the unpredictability of the weather. Back from last year are pitchers Tom Johnson. Mickey Coen, Claren Hooper. Bob Sullivan: catcher John Rauschert; infieldert Glen Sco field. Buddy Mathews, Dexter Car ey. Frank Olson, Lloyd Stumbo; and outfielders Barry Kenny, Chet Rowe, Norm Smith and Gene Hen ry. Robinson Delayed By Film HOLLYWOOD. March 1. (.W Hollywood has hold of Jsckie Rob inson and the stellar second base man won't report .0 the Brooklyn Dodgers camp in Florida until Friday. Robinson wired Brsnch Rickey yesterday that production of the movie. "The Jackie Robinson Story," haa been delayed. Robin son leavea here Thursday night for the camp. Oregon High School Basketball Scores (By The Associated Prms wt Home S3. Lebanon BO. Seitde 33. Tillamook 27. Hillsboro 41, T1frtl 30 St. Mary's (XufetMt) IT, Wtllamctta flujemot 3.1. Euiemo 4T. Cottago Oravo 1 . Taft 04, Waldport 30 Al PoMlaad Jofferaoo 37, Lincoln 43 Rowvelt 71, Franklin 30. Clwaland 31. Waehtnftotl 30. Grant 4S, Bneon 30. Authorized Sales and Service Agency Remington Rand - Adding Machinat Kardax Systomt Filing Equipment P.rt.bl. Typewriter Printing Calculator Commercial Typewriter Safa-Cabinort Lina-A-Tima Duplicating Supplia lookkteping Machine Carbon Paper & Ribbon T. Kae. Your Office W..I.C.II Phon. South Stephens Frankie Stojack, Great Atlas Return To Armory Saturday Three great wrestling matches, including a return engagement be tween Frankie Stojack and The Great Atlas, will be ataged at the Roseburg armory Saturday. Match maker Elton Owen classes the show at one of the really great talent programs of the season and he anticipates the first capacity at tendance in tome time. There it considerable pressure on the headliner in which Rose- Jaycee, Umpqua Hoopers Still Leading League The Jayceet and Umpqua Ply wood hoopers continued to lead the YMCA basketball league, with four wint and one loat each, after down ing their respective opponents Tuesday night at the Roseburg armory. Jayceet potted a 41-22 victory over the eeller-dwelling guard five, while Plywood downed the Chris tian church ensemble, 22-. Harrison, National Guard center, posted the biggest score of the evening, accumulating 12 pointa for hit team. Peters Jaycee for ward, waa second highest with 10, while S. Walley, Sid Moon and Bus Travia, tied for third, with eight points each. Lineups: Nat. Guard (tt) (41) Jaycees McFarland 2 F S Travia Weacott 7 F 10 Peters Harrison 12 ... C ' t Moon Krogel 1 G Crooch Parsons G 2 Yoder ' Reserves: For Jayceet Ward 2, Endicott 2, Parsons 2, Dodson S Halftimet Jaycees 20, National Guard 7. Officials Klienfeldt and Marr. Urn Plyw'd (22) . () C. Church Long 2 F 4 Boucock C. Walley . T Jonea Benson C 5 Thomas Matthews 8 G Marr S. Walley S ..... G Baxter Reserves: Umpqua Plywood Beran, Langenberg, McBride, Rich ardson; for Christian church Klienfeldt, Miles, Irwin Half time' Umpqua Plywood 9, Christian church 6. Officials Crooch and Parsons. Turneso, Stranahan Set For British Tournament NEW YORK, March 1. VP) Willie Turnesa and Frank Strana han, both former championa, will lead Uncle Sam's assault on the British amateur golf tournament this year. A half-dozen Americans, includ ing crooner Bing Crosby, have sig nified intentions of competing at the historic Royal and Ancient club of St. Andrews May 22-27. Turnesa, who won the British crown in 1947 between a couple of U. S. amateur triumphs, an nounced thia would be his only foreign venture in 1950 The rest of the time, he said will be con centrated on U.S. even's, particu larly the open. Hockey Results my Th. AMorlBtwl PrMtt Fresno 2, San Francisco 0. Vancouver 2, Victoria 0. TODAY... taste Bite IDeinhard and D&L STATIONERS Vie lewie burg fant believe Slojack should have a chance to regain his laurels. The so-called Mr. America, who haa an amaiing exhibition of feata of strength during the show, defeated Stojack with a full-nelson in 2( minutes of the first fall. Stojack won the second with a giant awing and a crab hold, but in untangling the matmen, the mid dle right rope was broken. There was not sufficient time to have the rope repaired and that resulted in Stojack's defeat. The former WSC athlete clamped on an air plane spin, but stumbled over the rope and went hurtling into tha ringside. Stojack wat dazed and Alias remained on the ring apron to get the decision when Stojack failed to regain the ring within 20 seconds. Sloiick claimed that the match should have been stopped, and both Owen and the commission agreed and that's the reason the two matmen will meet again. Owen ssid that the muscle man from Hollywood has promised to give another exhibition but only one of hit tricks during Saturday'i ahow. Andy Truman, the great Texan on leave from the Border Patrol, will meet Pierre La Belle, French Canadian atyliit, in a three-fall semi-final bout. Ted Bell, the sen sational Jersey City star, will meet Karl Gray of Milwaukee in the one fall opener. Douglas county fans are warned to make early ringside teat reser vations at Powell's. Don Rogers Wins Bout Over Leslie By TKO PORTLAND, March 1. UP) Hard-punching Don Rogers, 135, Portland, won a 10th round T.K.O. over Jack Leslie, 135, Flint, Mich., in their main-event acrap here last night. Rogers, who floored Leslie for a nine-count in the fourth canto, opened a cut over the Michigan battler's eye in the final round and the referee halted the bout. Preliminaries: Sammy Galvan, 133, Fresno, Calif., T.K.o'd Frisco Baracao, 135, Portland, 5; Bobby Schaeffer, 154, Eugene, knocked out Bud Abney, 153, Salem, 4; Dean Abney, 159, Salem, decisioned Al Cliff, 1S3, Portlatd, 4; Tommy de Mers, 182. Sand Point, Idaho, knocked out Pat Murphy, 198, Shelton, 1. Boswell Mineral Baths Chiropractic Physiotherapy Clinic Lady Attendants 1 Mile S. of Drain, Oregon YOU'll LOOK IITTIR IN vailoH'9 rmllUSStS "Tho tfest't. Largest Selling Trousers" ASK YOUR OIAIH 173 Y 443 N. Jackson Phone 129