f ' i II II J '"HIM II M.11M m 1 I f Ml- jr Aj A L dL MARYLA JONAS, pianitt, will appear in concert Thursday at 8:15 p. m. en the stage of the Junior High auditorium. Mist Jonas appaaranc will ba tha third in a series of artist pra santations by tha Roiebwrg Community Concart association. Sixty percent of the general adult population need glasses, but only 30 percent are using them, says the Driving Research Laboratory of Iowa State College. Elementary, My Dear Watsonl . It's at 1490 ' on your dial: The Breakfast Gang A tuneful, mirthful session with Mel Venter ond the Breakfast Gang each morning: 7:15 A.M. Mon. thru Sat. Say It With Music Latest record releases spun for you by Bob McCarl . . . from a new location! 10:30-10:45 A. M Mon.thru Fri. Bill Henry An up to - the - minute news - capsule with one of the nation's top news-cast ers! , 6:55 -7 P. M Mon. thru Fri. What's The Name of That Song? Test your musical memory with Bill Gwinn, Bob Bence "ind the twin-piano teom. . 8 - 8:30 Tonight Clyde Beatty Show The world's greatest wild animal trainer in a new se ries of breathtaking odven rure stories! 8 8:30 P. M. Thursday KRNR 1490 on your Dial 1 'H"s Graft XajMMf Afohwr UMjjimUiir Nash Produces Smaller Auto DETROIT, Mar. 1. UP Nash has its new smaller atomobile in production. Output volume isn't very large. It probably 'Won't be for several weeks. However, the car isn't to be introduced publicly until some 'time in April. By that time all Nash dealers will have been sam pled with the new lower priced vehicle. The new vehicle should not be confused with tha experimental model Nash has been showing about the country, Nash hasn't yet disclosed whether that car with a low horsepower foreign-built en gine, ever will reach the assembly lines. Nash hasn't given out details of the new car just put in production. It is understood, though, to be a two-d o o r sedan on a 100-inch wheelbase. Seating three passen gers in the front seat and two in the rear the new unit will use Nash's integral body-and-f r a m e constrction. A six cylinder, 82 horsepower engine is being used. Barring some wholly unlorseen change in plans, Nash will become the first car maker to intoduce a new type of smaller car. Kaiser Frazer has been showing its new smaller vehicle at the Chicago au to show. It, too, has a 100-inch wheelbase. But the new K-F car isn't sched uled to go into production until late in June. PHONE 100 between 6:15 and 7 p. m., if you hove not received your News Review. Ask for Harold Mobley Don't miss the values in MODERN FURNITURE'S Mattress Sale Regular 39.50 first quality mattresses reduced to close out . Udui:llhrtui:l; rani J V U LS J Famous Pianist To Be Heard At Jr. High School - Itaryla Jonas, tha famous Polish pianist who has been nationally hailed aa one of tha most sensation al keyboard artists to come up in a long time, will appear in recital in Roseburg on tha Rose burg Junior high school auditorium Thursday, March 2, at 1:15 p.m. She is cur rently embarked on her fourth transcontinental tour of tha United States and Canada. Mist Jonas' program will include the Handel Passacaglia in G minor, Mozart's Sonata in A major K. 331, the Sonata Op. 27 No. 2 by Bett hoven, waltzes by Schubert. At has been custom from the beginning, the whole second half of the pro gram will be devoted to the music of Chopin. Now embarked on the tremendous project of putting on wax for Columbia records the en tire output of Chopin's mazurkas, nocturnes and impromptus. Miss Jonas will feature selections from these categories. Maryla Jonas went through tha hardship of more than seven months in a Nazi concentration camp after the invasion of Poland, finally made her way out under the greatest difficulties to Rio Da Janeiro, where she arrived broken in mind and spirit, refusing to touch the piano for more than a year and a half. It' was Artur Rubin stein, her compatriot, who coaxed her back to her career. In Feb ruary, 1946, completely unknown and unheralded, she gave her first Carnegie hall recital. She. was hail ed by the press and ber second recital was completely sold out. Today, Miss Jonas is reaping the rewards of what she calls "terrific will power, good luck, and keeping faith." Oregon Highway Storm Damage Below Record SALEM. Mar. 1. UP) Storm damage to Oregon's highways dur ing the past winter was far less than the record S2.600.000 damage to the highways in the previous winter, siaie nignway engineer n. H. Baldock reports. Baldock said it would take an other month before he has the final figure on this winter's damage. ' He said the deep snow in Jan uary insulated the roads against severe frost damage. Extra crews will be put to work April 1 to repair the road damage. These include 10 patching crews and five oiling crews. "Maintenance of the highways comes first," he said. "As quickly as it is feasible, we put out crews to repair the storm damage to roads, first to make the highways safe and also to prevent further damage." Baldock aaid he, would leave for Washington, D. C. March 8 to appear at congressional hearings on the federal highway appropria tion bill. He will be one of 10 members of the executive committee of the National Asssociation of State highway officials to testify. The bill would give the states $570,000,000 for two years, com pared with (460,000,000 in the past two years. HEATILAT0RS for efficient, tmokelaaa fireplaces PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 1(4 E. 2nd Ave. . Phone 242 32.88 Refresh. ..add zest Jtkw if fifibr mty WH lit tomt tUtf. . aoms we Mimosnv or it. coca-cola company it Coca-Cola Bottling Company of Roseburg O I'M. Tk. Cm CiMl "The Clyde Beatty Show" debuts on KRNR and tha Mutual-Don Lea network Thursday, March 2, from 1:00 I SO p. m., PST. The broadcast series will ba produced by Walter White Jr., president of Commodore Productions, and scripted by Gibson Fox and Herb Pur dum. ' Clyde early, me wsrWi foremast wild animal trainer, fait tha urge ta train animal at an early age, far while still In his teens, Clyde would put tha farm animals through their paces. He lived In Chllllcethe, Ohia, which was clesa enough ta Cincinnati far him ta sneak aff ta sea me circus when It played there. At 1 ha ran away ta lain ma circus. His parents dragged him back heme. At II, ha made his escape far feed. Pram cleaning cages, Clyde werked his way up ta becamlng me most competent man with wild animals. One day Clyde's mother came ta tha circus ta see her sen's act. Mrs. atty fainted dead an me spat when she sew me abject danger her sen . walked Into twice, a day, and never saw her sen perform again.. When Ringling Bros, "went broke," Beatty, with Jess Adkina and Jack Terrell, started their own circus which you tea today. Clyde earned $40,000 hit first years a part owner. He has since become sole owner of tha "Clyde Beatty Circus." Thus, from tha humble begin nings of a run-away boy, Clyde Beatty has emblazoned his name into one of tha brightest lights in show business. Recognized at the world's greatest wild animal trainer, Clyde has. also been starred in many feature motion pictures. Now he adds radio to hit army accomplish ments and, if hit previous experience is any yardstick, he's certain to win thousands of new fans by substituting his pistol and whip for a microphone. . '. TONIGHT: "Whet's the Name of that Sengr" with Bill Gwinn, Bob Bence and tha twiniitne team tl:M l:J p. m.) , . . "Cedric Paster" with his newt-cemmentary at 1:45 ... and tha further adventures of Jack, Reggie and Dec en "I Leva a Mystery" (10:01 . 10:1$ p. m.). Observations Of Philosopher On Human Vagaries By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK -CK Pitch-penny observations by a pavement plato: It it hard to see the atari when your feet are tired. empty neaaa are iuii ox more dreams than, empty bellies. Most folks wouldn't mind a teen ager's blowing hit own horn to much if it weren't on a jalopy and they weren't crossing the street. The difference between a golf course and a cemetery is that in a cemetery they put monuments over the liars. Many people who wouldn't be caught dead wearing glasses don't mind making spectacles Xf them selves. , This it tcience in our timet: one scientist discovers a way to make concrete out of ordinary dirt and a few chemicals. Then some other scientists take some more chemi cals and figure out a bomb that will turn concrete buildings back into dirt again. Nothing keeps a man hat-in-hand longer than a woman trying on a new bonnet. " What plagues most of us about President Truman's goal of a $12, 000 average annual income by the year 2,000 is: "Can a fellow spend all that money in a wheelchair?" Matrimony just a feminine gamble for bigger steaks. A miser it a man who, when told he it drawing his last breath holds it. A spendthrift in the same predicament tries to breath out twice. Criticism, like beauty, only goes skin-deep but it't a thinner skin. Nothing opens a man's eyes quicker than falling in love blind ly. You measure a life like you do a tennis game by (the net result Medical definition of a gay old dog: "Chronic ,puppy love compli cated by arteno-tclerosis." The fact there are two sexes in marriage doesn't cause as much trouble as the fact there are two egos. ; When you don't have common sense, the only thing left to face life with it courage. Honeymoon quarrels are just to the hour hospitality to oasy, to wolcomo lov .at first slight. If dead men did tell tales, more live heroes would ba explaining than bragging. The only real security it a clear conscience and the liberty to obey God. A bum it a guy who gets as many chances aa a cigaret lighter to show what be can do and still won't work. The nerve of tome people is what makes ut all so nervous. If you marry an angel, don't be surprised if she insists she's a guardian angel. Many a man who wants to change the world can't change a $5 biU. Washington Debt Limit On Agenda Of Supreme Court OLYMPIA-WP) The long await ed supreme court test on whether Washington can sink further in the quicksands of debt has been sched uled for March 22. The suit to define the boundaries of the ttate't $400,000 constitution al debt limit wat filed with the high court by Atty. Gen. Smith Troy. Chief Justice George B. Simpson ordered a March 22 hearing be fore the full nine judge panel. The state cannot determine its fu ture financial policy until the court decides whether the $400,000 debt limit applies solely to the key gen eral fund. r The contention has been advanc ed that although the general fund is deep in the red, the state still it solvent because it hat large bal ance! in other funds. Troy asked a writ of mandate against State Auditor Cliff Yelle and State Treasurer Tom Martin. In ordering the hearing. Judge Simpson directed Yelle and Martin to snow cause why the writ should not be granted. The attorney general seeks to compel the auditor to cancel 19 warrants (checks) on grounds that the general fund it more than $400, 000 overdrawn, and consequently they are void. Troy also wishes to bar Martin from transferring $675, 000 from the general to the school fund until any warrants issued be fore the transfer have been paid. This would determine if transfers to special funds have precedence over warrants. At iti present rste of spending, the state is exceeding revenues by approximstely $2,500,000 a month. Troy will be represented at the hearing by Richard Thorgrimson of Seattle, whom he named special assistant attorney general. Thor grimson't law firm it legal counsel for the state bankers association, whose members have agreed to ac cept the interest bearing warrants if they are ruled legal. Asst. Atty. Gen. Lyle Iverson will represent Yelle and Martin. JTODAY START Dana Andrews Richard Conte Tyrone Power Dorothy Lamour World Suicide Wecpon Seen In Hydrogen Bomb A top atomic scientist aava tha hydrogen bomb could ba rigged to create a death cloud capable of killing all the humans in the world. Or. Leo Szilard, biophysicist at the University of Chicago, and three other atomic authorities agreed that such a bomb could ba turned into a world suicide weapon capable of wiping out friend and foe alike. The scientists taw the H-bomb at creating a cloud of radioactive dust which carried everywhere by ine winas wouia poison ine air, set tle to earth and slowly but surely use ine me ot every man, wom an and child. The scientists, at a University of Chicago round table, raised this question: What would happen in event of war if the enemy, faced with de- teat, would threaten to let loose a hydrogen bomb with all the terrible potentialities of world suicide? The scientists didn't have an an swer. The implication was that it was up to the diplomats to tee that such a situation never comes to pass. In the face of such a gigantic issue today's immediate develop ments seemed somewhat insignifi cant. But the diplomats had re ports on their desks from over the world like these: The Soviet union has underlined her growing stature as a sea power by creating a separate navy minis try. The Soviet army and navy had been unified four years ago. The new move waa designed to give impetus to a program which calls for building up to 1,000 sub marines and at least three mod ern battleships. Young Americans Urged To Delve Into Politics DELAWARE, O., Mar. 1. CP) Republican national chairman Guy G. Gabrielson has called on young Americans to become politicians. "You can only understand poli tics by being in politics." he told students at Ohio vVesleyan univer sity. "Regardless of party affil iations, your duty is to take part in pontics, nowever small, ne said. Gabrielson came here to narti- cipate in the school's political "re cruitment" campaign. It is spon sored by the school's institute of practical politics. The university is a pioneer in granting college credit for students participation in political campaigns. Democrats enlisted about 100 students last week to work in the 1950 election campaigns. Republi cans took their turn this week to sign up volunteers. Gabrielson noted what he term ed an admission that the Demo cratic party's back may be broken in its e.mnaiffn In ripfeat th. r. reelectiun bid of Sen. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohio). He put it this way: "It is my conviction that you people in Ohio will bitterly resent any 'invading hordes' crossing your state line to interfere in any degree with an election that must, and will, be decided by the oeODle of Ohio." riiicen percent oi arivers are responsible for 80 percent of acci dents, research studies report. America's newest EATING HABIT . is coming to Roseburg soon at The Drive-Inn Hiihw.y South SAVE A Gallon on Gas Town Pump Service I Week N. f City 'Market Special Truck Rates V COMPANION FEATURE Wed., Mar. I. ItSO lit Newt-Review, Rotaburf , Ore. . . S KRNR 14t0 on Youp Dial ' Mutual Broadcasting System 4 : IS Hmiiigwy. J. 4 JO Guoti Star. 4:45 Now. MBS, 5 00 Top tuna. S 30 Tom Mi. MB. OO Muil l Six. 14 Mututl NtwintL-MBS. 30 Work! or Sport. 45 Tex Bcntk. 13 Bill Henry. MBS. T:w siMpyuiruj sism. T: 15 Chuck wafon Jamb V 30 Ctaco Kta. MBS. OO Nam of that Sor JO Claude TnOrnhlll. 45 Cadrio Potter. MBS. 900 Ne we. MBS. 15 HI Neighbor. 30 Scandinavian Melody Urn. 45 Vulton La wit, Jr. MBS 10 001 Love A Mvttary. MB,i. 10:15 Muaic you Want. 10:45 MrPheraoa In Pertom. 11:25 News N Lsntcap. U:30 Sign Off. roua - ... i THIBSDAT. MABCH S, 1IM 8:00 Mu ileal Clock. ;iO Newa. 35 rarm Fair. :45 Rlao ShltM. MBS. T:00 Hemingway. MBS. 7:15 Braakfatt Gang. MBS. 7:45 Local Newt. 7:50 Marchtlme. 00 ravoiit Hymni . 15 Bob Pool. MBS 30 Haven oi Rett. MBS. :00 Modem Home. 15 r ran Warren. 3D Man About Town. :45 Heattar a MaUbag. MBS. 10 00 Newa. MBS. 10:15 Muaa t Mualc. 10.3O Say It With Muaie. 10:45 Jack Holt - 11 AO Ladiae r air. MBS. 11 30 Quean For A Day. MBS. 13 00 World Newa. 12:15 Bona Of The Ploniera. 12:30 Johnny Maroar. 12.50 Local Newa. 12 55 Market Reporta. 1:00 Man On The Straei, l:i5 Luten to Latbart. 1 30 Hawaiian Harmonlaa. 1 45 Driver'a Playhouea. 2 OO Phone Pun. 30 It 'a ReouMtad. 3 15 School Show. J30W.CTU 3 45 Andre Koa tela net. MBS. 4.00 Fulton Lewi. Jr. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. 4 30 Bahtnd Tha Story. MBS. 4:45 Concert Miniature. 5 00 Straight Arrow.-MBS. 5 30 B-Bar-B Rldere. MBS. :00 Mutic At Six. :10 Mutual Ntwtreel. MBS. 30 World of Sports. 45 Tex Beneka. :55 Bill Henry. MBS. 7:00 Sleepy time Talea. 7:15 Muaic You Remembtr. 7:30 Lynn Murray Show. :0O Clyde Beatty Show. MBS 8:30 Sporta For All MBS. 55 S porta Page. MBS. 00 Newa. MBS. :15 Songe of Our Time. 8:30 Francis Congar. ft 45 Fulton Lewit. Jr. MBS 10:001 Love A My.tery. MBS. 10:15 Mutic you warn. 10:43 Mcrnereon in - 11:25 Newa Nightcap. 11:30 Sign Off. School Clubs Target Of Suit In Portland PORTLAND. Mar. 1 UP) The Portland school board's ban on inter-school clubs was challeng ed Tuesday In a circuit court suit. The school board regulation lim its student membership in socisl clubs to one-school organizations. Tuesday's suit, filed by students . . . Actual Weather Teata Prove Red Brand Fence Quality. Your neighbors who hav compared fence life in their own fenc line found that RED BRAND lasts longer. Those extra year of livestock protection mean valuable time and money saved. When you need fence buy ... RED BRAND Tim Tented FENCE ; . . You 11 get THE BEST tough 1GavuneaJed,H copper-bearing tteel that withstands weather for extra year . . . tight knots that wont slip . . . miform, stock-tight con. struction. Just look for "the feaea with the toy wir painled red." FENCE and FENCE SUPPLIES for EVERY NEED. Buy Where You Share In The Earnlnga Douglas County Farm Bureau Cooperative Exchange Phone 98 ROSEBURG, OREGON Located W. Washington PURPLE HEART" ilS "JOHNNY APOLLO" and parents, is on behalf of four chibs whosa members coma from various schools. Paul Sayer snd C. 0. Fenlason; members of the ps rents' group, said the ban Is an invasion of tha rights of students and parents. ' School Sunt. Paul A. Rfehmus aaid he had not seen details of the complaint but said the school board had agreed present members of inter-school societies may continue membership until they graduate. ' . Reservations for private Skating Parties are available at tha Rainbow Skating Rink Wineheeter Prion 526-R -2 "Individualized Floors of Beautility." INLAID tlNOLSUH Crpatln a BubDar ni. Arch. It Til. rormle To. VMIu Blind. FREE KtTIMATEt (illlTJWsTil FLOO. COVERING 23 W. Qak Phone 348 COMING FRIDAY For This One! IT WTIX MAKE YOUR HEART HIDE HIGH WITH HAPPINESS! Ota fill Now MakeWaq 'WILL HA DIKIOHV IWAi ftl Dim ANDRIWS U ! Maria TOREN I yilili J facruei