Judges 12 The News-Review, Rowburg, CLASSIFIED RATES 1 day per word days " . a days . 4 days " " . days " - mo. Phon 100 CLASSIFltD AOVERTISINO OiAOLINI I P.M. Day Bsfor, Publication CLASSIFICATIONS SEAL Ilk.ATS ... J Rr.NTAL m inks ori-nRTi NiiI ni'lLDINO MAIES1AL FOB TKADE LOANS -, FINANCIAL - WANTF-U u.l' iwAMTrh WOHK WANTUD - LOST rOl'NO muiT VtoeTABl.il HAY, GRAIN FE-O LIVESTOCK i rOI'l.TRT BABBITS FETS IOI "Al l MISC. MinC-IXANIOLS Frr.L TIMBER SAWMILLS 1,0(.,N0 EUI IPMENT MAI UINCRT rnB SALS . FASM equipment TRAI TORS TRIU'KS , AITOS . IMPOUNDED i INSTRUCTION ., PERSONAL ., NOTICES ., Real Estate 1 S bedroom onnniini. sid. snxino ik. lot. rinuh It pour- ....oim fl t i liL Pv.d St. MW.r Cloao to Bom achooL Plow luting, fjww-ww. a" BEDROOM furnlahad horn.. Bat idU wuhr. Gas r.n. All furnlturo go. J lot. ch 90x100 In rull.rtoa school dtitncu fffiou. fi'Bu. w. I BEDROOM Siod.ni horn. Hardwood floor. Wli-d lor rn.. EloM. w.t.r hour) 1 scrs M00. Small down W rn.nL FHA. WTLL LOAN Ml M an thil 1 Bxlroom horn, on W-t Sida. Fur uoi wld lor rano. oo,w I YB. OLD HOME clooa to r.lrh. l m.rk.t. Bedroom,. Oar'!., town. Mc. utllltp room. Vl.w tot 7. Good tari-a. 1 YB OLD HOME In FulUrton Khool dlatricL 1 blrootni. N..t cl.n. mod.rn. V our iUW Ol tosn; SUW.OOi TWO H ACRE Lot. on Mulholl.nd Driv., plu. KM lumbw. ISMI.00 MCh. Cbup noust- U ACRE LOTS on Dwr CrMk. Tr HU SW0.00. Uv T.rnu. WE HAVE 4 LOTS on South Iithon St Sutubl. for .p.rtm.nt houM or bulla boniM on thn. Look th,m ovw. t l ACRE Blk oul,ld. of city limit, si 2O0.0O. .T00 00 down. Lms for cm- 1 ACRES on DMT Ci-! rood ,rd ll: a bwlroom. mod.rn horn.. I m old. Wlrl for r.n,.. pl.,l.d. Bom. furnltur. son. Ownr uklns I l lj" But w.nl. to HU quick MU0.u0. V S00.00 down. 10 ACRES on Lltll. lv.r; W0 ft Nlrj c.bln. Good loll; furnUhod. Good pl.r. to build cablnl. 4400.00j V down. SS ACRES T mil- W-t of Rowburf. 4 room horn. nd b.tl B.rn. cblri, n houM; 100 cblckuia HMO. -000. down. 138 ACRES S bodroom modrra horn. S9 .era. In cult. 00 acrM In crop. BOO; down or will Hli homo and 40 SCtM lor ISoOOOO. -m Arnrs on North tTmocni. rlw, 1 mil. fronl.s. All f.ncl 115 00 por acre R.y tornw. SOT ACRE RANCH. 1 n.w horn... lino nq. ru um puiv. .uc umut Tarm, BEAD THIS 14S Arr-k, SO to whMt and oala. a crMka. 5 room horn.. Pl.ntjr out bldfa. N.w brood.r houaM. 700 turk.y .g in inruoawr. r.rsiuon and attachments I14.0U0. V. down. L. B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Hotel Grand Phone UTT-Y Valley Real Estate Agency STOCK RANCH SOB acros of nlre onn paature: 30 acrea In cultivation; well watered: 1 houses, S mile road front al, suitable to subdivide. Just one mile from Myrtle Creek. Hurry on tills one. f lU.wu, terms. POSSIBLE BUSINESS LOCATION on Hifhway Ml; 4 bedroom homa, about a acres or grnuna; ressoneuiy t !' Only tieoo. down. per month on Da lance, foeuu. iuu price. NICE S BEDROOM HOME. thro yars out Hardwood floors wired for elec tric ranee. Close to school. Haa apart ment Which should rent for enouah to make pavmcnts. 73x100 foot lot, all fenced We believe this la a food hnw for S747.V ILasv terms. a Arnra frontino on NORTH 1'MP- Ol A wt m maler. 3 bedroom home, torv modern: naved road, beaulttully landscaped yard. A real buy at tuua Valley Real Estate Agency 11S W. Cass St. Phone MC Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES from rrtwo Low. Convenient Dowa Payment S and S bedrooms Ketell Realty Co. Offica Cloverdsie Psrk Ph. 15U 3153 HoUls It. roe sale, owner lee vine town, must aell Immediately One of Cloverdala park a choice I nomes. i nrce nea ronma. flreplaca, larfe exienilea tivmi room, Venetian blind., completely floored at tic, larfe corner lot. food dratnae. newly planted snruoDery, oeauuiui view, rnona Surveys MapsPlans Parry C Armatronf Civil Enalnear I I So. Main St Ph I1T-R dMAlX irn?inlihrd houne7" i acre. rheaD 3l mllea south Uiliard on Hihway of opportunity Ore. Wed., Mor. 1. 1950 Real Estate 1 HAPPY VALLEY ROAD 8 lem. new 3 bedroom homa, well constructed, many ou islanding feature. 388G0. 31 ,000 down. TO BE BOLD AT BUILDING COST New I bedroom horn. V acre fro nil near Diilard. Modern, wtll con structed. $300 to Siooo dowa to Or oa Stat Vat. $). LOOKING FOR A BUSINESS? New Cafe, S year 1mm. Highway location, new bidg and equipment. Fin 34 hour a day set up. Only $3,000. TRADE Ranch valued at 38.0O0. for house la Iowa. OUR BEST BUY tt Act rivar bottom soil, new S bed hoorn home. Modernistic kitchen and bath, dinett, spacious living room with pktur window, beautiful fire place. Caa wall furnace, hardwood floors, attached garage, utility room, elac. water heater. Shake exterior, (utters and down spouts. Good sub urban location. 17900. Caa be well fi nanced. Bruc V. Gilley Real Estate X3M N. Stephana Ph. US-T-1 Offica on HI way M North Looking For Modest Prices? Nlos homas surround this S bedroom sumirbaa place. 11 is weu wm, plastered, haa hardwood and tile floors, srace. end concrete walk. $8330 with iiauo down. G. L Mt. $1100 cash will buy 33 acre on food roao wnn a rooms ana pain. not confuse this with BATH. No Inflation In this new 3 B. R . cloee- in homa. Haa aiicnen, amine, uinny, storage room, and car port Quiet neighborhood. 3aS0. Terms. Did you aver sea mahogany trim In a f ZKUO nomer we nave one iwsi nar highway, shopping center and bus Hne. It has one bedroom, at tached garage and Is neatly arranged. Mahogany bar and wardrobe with matching trim throughout. It's nearly gardening time. Perhaps this 3' acrea IS wnai you ere wwriih for. Freo, well-drained soli. Large five-room house that lacks bathroom futures. 34B00 full price. Sea us for suburban lota and acre age, wa nave soma 01 we mceet. C. S. Briggs & Co. 113 W. Cass Phong 314 j YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE YOU If you buy this charming coun try place. The completely mod ern and lovely home has four bedrooms, large living room with a comfortable fireplace. Oil furnace, gas water heater, nice kitchen and full basement. Private water system, chicken house where you can ralsa your own eggs, and double garage. TS acrea of beautiful land 10 to IS acrea tillable. Small bam for your kid's horse, 20 minutes drive from town, and a million dollar view of the Main Umpqua. The house alone would bring 15. 0i)0 In town. Duo to change of occupation, owner will sacrifice this for considerably less. Also vary easy terms available ATTENTION INVESTORS!! Largo profitable business In Roseburg doing over 9100,000 volume during 1340. Excellent net. Will amount to 3tO-WA,000 deal. Some terms available to right person. Only bona-flde buyers need apply. Na telephone lnlormatlpn givaa. ROSEBURG REALTY ft INSURANCE CO. Realtor TJmpqua Hotel Lobby WEST SIDE New home not quite complete. Owner win iintsn in one weea. a oea room, large closets, living room with view window, kitchen and bath with show er, large lot. 7,7.1 terms. M0 down Da lance can ne arranged wnn owner, S BED ROOM HOME (NEW) Nicely arranged kitchen tile drain boards, large living room with big view window, hardwood floors, at tached garage 36 X 11, price $0,300, $l,uuu down, naianca arrangeo, TS ACRE RANCH 30 tillable, reel pastura and hill: modern 3 bed rom ranch type home; 3-car f:arge. Has an older IVs-story house n rear. Barn and milk sheds, family orchard. Was a grade "A dairy but owner had to aell out due to 111 health. One and one half miles to store, school bus stops at iron i aoor. Price $17,300- Earl & Gladys Wiley Real Estate ' Roaa Hol.1 Phono 19M Reward A rlear deed and guaranteed title will be given to the first person purchas ing the DeOnbbelaera property on the Lurry Estata road. Large lovely home, fruit, berries, and 3 acres of wonderful free soli. Gra cious living and real deep down con tentment ran be yours for OH so little. Toul price; $18,000. Terms can be had. C. S. Briggs & Co. rHONE 814 113 W. CASS ST. P. S The big ruh are running la the back yard. P. S. No. 3 Call us. and wa will bo happy to drive you out P. 8 No. 3 Verv nice small town house would be considered la a trade. i"PSAl.E or tradeTor Roseburg prop erty. Modern 7 room house In Port land, rull basement, completely fur nished Carafe. Wonderful location, near school and college. Acroaa street from beautiful park. Price $73n. V. K. Holcomb iKelloggiOakland.jOregon Attention Builders Large corner lot for sale. Fronting on old highwav. south of town. 10.000 ft of lumber lncluded.P.l 378-R-L CRANBERRY FARM 30 acre. 4 acrea cranberries. They produced to 8 ton acre. Sprinkler Irrigation, modern home, out -build In as, SIB.ihhv Consider trade. F. U. Rouse, Bandon. Oregon. Home Sites Half acre or more, creek bottom, free solt. water, electricity available. Good grade school and roads. Ea.y terms. Llndbloom. ph. 13-F-S. Dtxonvtlle. fOR "SALE 1 acre; 30x33 unfinished house rood well Insulated fruit houaa. S miles from town on Harden Vallev Road. School and store wllhin walk tne distance. Phone 441-R-l. fOn SAlJt 170 A- 300,000 MSG lietrec. a room noues. wuw Diilard. Pn, 314-J. Real Estate 1 TOR SALE House la food location. Fur- lln. Oregon. Writ Box 231. Newa- Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty, the engineer. Ph. 307-R 4-ROOM HOUSE, 'i acre lot, 3 miles north noseourg, w own, r will conaider ca r. Reasonable notes. rail owner. aaS-R-4. APPROXIMATELY 3 acres. Urge, mod- ern. 2-bedroom rancn-siyie noma, pr.-. $4.) V). On highway M. 3 mllea south Diilard. 1st house north green br;dge LOTS FOR SALE. Terms. Water and lights avaiiaoie. a muea eouu w Highway 30. Ph. 14S-J-3. Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES SS9.00 par mo. 410.00 Mors Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale park Phone 1U3 3133 Uollis St "FOR" RENT POLISHER, WAXER and scrubber All ta one loot. lignt enougn mar kuum can handle: finger-Up control F & W Floor Covering Co. 377 S Stephens Phono 14TS-R UNPURN1SHED APARTMENTS for rent. Electric neat, rnona iiw, or can Court Apt. No. S. next to Falrhaven namei. f BEDROOM modern cotUge, unrur- nished except tor on neeivr. miw. Emll Haa 1 mile a of Sutherltn, Ph. fURNISHED CABINS. $10 and fl3 per week. Also monthly rates. Pacific Cabins. 3W mllea N. oa 3S. Phona OBS-J-X REW i-bedroom. unfurnished apt.' near Vet's Facility; refrigerator, euve. ana all utilities furnished. $63. month. Call 713-J-4 after 0 p. m. SMALL 3-room. furnished house for rent, s.w monin. iiuv Minoow mm, or nhona 42S-R-X-4. Desirable furnisked housekeeping room wltn gisssea porcn. inquire rear aoartment. 128 Flint. RONT OFFICE SPACE, heated: new building near pnsiomce, ovenwRuig highway. Call 428-Y- or room 3. SBEDROOM house at Winchester. Ar thur Jtlelmann. I mne nuria oi nroca- CbMFORTABLE ROOM, close In, for rent. S3 tw per weea. uemiemen pre ferred. Ph. 48-L or 370. fOR RENT 5-room, furnished house: 4 months freo rent for insiae repair. Kit. S. Kane. Ph. I04i MODERN, furnished apts. for'"rent by week or montn. neasonaoio rates, vvv tage Court, Winston. OR BENT 5f flee space, room 5, 327 No. Mala. Available atarcn i v.au lfll. WA RM SLEEPING bSOMS, with or without private nam. iw aprace. West Washington. Trailer space for rent: heated snower rooms, launary saciuuee. mo TemDtln. TRUCK S FOIt RENT You drive, long or short trips. Bee Hive iruca reniai, TM South Stephens. Phone 1430-J. TRUCKS and-trsllcrs for rent. Move iourseiK. inompson aignai ovrvice. tephena at Washington. Ph. 70S. SLEEPING ROOM and garage for gentle man. Ph. 30-R. FURNISHED sleeping rooms. 74S hort iROOM ANrt BAffl5Urax, 3 milts nut Ph. KIM-La. COMFORT A B-JTsTEEPINQ room; twin beds. ll4 Military, ynone fOn "hSNT Sleeping cabin. 543 Mill. Phone 13S7-Y. jn.EEPlNG CABIN lor 3 men. 437 PtUor St - ROOM with or without kitchen ' prtvU- eaes 430 N. Fine. JtPARfMENT, TJNFURNfiSHEa A. C, Sherlock, Winston Section. FDR RKNT Trailer space. 343 M11L Ph. I.U7-Y. f6k BENT Light housekeeping cabins. by tne weea. jioeeiana auio voun. 3-RO)M, furnished apt. Phone 330-J. a-ROOMHOUSE. 323 Miller. Ph. 860-R. NICE. CLEAN Sleeolng room. 243 Booth. CLEANTfront sleeping roomTPh. 1493-j. SlaEFPfNq ROOM. 1303 N. Jackson. Business Opportunity 3 Canyonville Wrll-r.lahll.hrd far.,.. WHh food equipment, and tow car. Long term !. Oil 9020, Canyonville cTSfHlNO AND VAR1KT?-Slor. for tunltr for coupl. In srowlns communi ty, lnqulro Win. ton Clolhtag and V.- Hrly. Building Material 4 Going To Build? WE NOW HAVE Trim-Set Windows Installed In 8 minutes " mt lt" Sheet Rock Insulated Siding , Kitchen Cabinets Rock Wool Insulation TUeboard Garage Door (Aluminum) - Roofing (all types! Montgomery Ward & Co, Phono 33 Loans MONEY 810 $39 fM 378 3103 330A 3300 UP TO $300 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em piovea men ana wwwn may Inris. tnr a aalarv loan UP to S.KX) whether you re la a new ob or an old one Borrow on your car or furniture. Your lurnmire or suwiri"i ,--- Irni recurlty at Local Loan -paid for or nov i p id w -, up to 3300 ca your car. Special "Pay Pay loans. $10. S2. 3!0 loaned nil ray tsmj ' only for the actual number ol days you seep wm mt' 333 eoets 13 for on weak. No other c bargee. Phona far your loaa LOCAL LOAN CO. Lao Svy, Manasw M No. Jarkaoa Prion. I ITS Ua. S-Tll MS-Boaaburs -need rip They'll Do It Every SUZETTE R3P6IRPLE A CREPE OKI AW DINNER PART WHEN SHE MAKES LIKE A MARTYR ON HER DIET- aw, cut it in-.1 Wno.thahk you- I PIET OR NO PIET-f WHEN I MAKE UP V VOUVE 60T TO EAT MV TO CO A V ew MORE THAN THAT! THIN6,I STICK C'MON"TAKE JUST TO ITSieH ) YOU JSk ONE MORE UTTLE SO AHEAP" I'LL ( fSAUSAeE'-y-l JUST WATCH-" For Trade EQUITY In three room house and two acrea for 3330. or wtll take furniture as part. Eugene Hurd. Bosebuxg, Gen. uei. TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE 1948 Dodge 3-ton log truck, Isaacson 4-wheel trail er and Pierce 3-wheel trailer. Not over 13,000 mllea on truck. Phona 810-B4. Loans LOANS ' UP TO $300 On your Signature. Fumltura or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not.) Loans made quickly, privately for any worth while purpose such as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental Mil Consolidate debts Re-flnanclng When you borrow gt your money tom the company that makes convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now available up to 30 months to repay. CALKINS : FINANCE CO. SOT Psclflo Building phona 48 M-337 State Lie S-304 WANTED TO Borrow $1 500. on 4 room nousa ana 3'i scree land, win pay good rate of Interest Write News Review Hox 227. Financial F. H. A. LOANS SZI: UMPQUA REALTY 112 N Btenhens Phone 1535-J Across from Post Offica oa Highway 30 Wanted 8 Wanted BEIT, VXAL AND PORK Fred Boyer IMS-It. 1. Xo.burs Will Pay CaslT WE BUY used furniture, all types. call at 44 no. season, rn. The Bargain House Sl N C.I.E MAN wan ts board "and room In private noma. References u necessary, Conuct Carl Turner, Roseburg Print ing Co. WANTtn fo BitVXaII hinds of furnl- ture. Let us bid oa your house of furniture. Call 803-R at SU0 N. Jackson Street WANTTr-Cat Iron. Scran No steel. Will pay $20. to $23. per ton, Suthor- ii n iron worfts, sutnerun, Oregon. WANTED Shepherd Dog, somewhat trained for sheep. Arb Stearns, Oak land. Ore. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN desires L, IE Room. Box 2 c o News-Review. iRlNQYOUR JUNK to Bob's Salvage Yard at 2338 N. Stephens. Ph. l9-J-i. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Mes Co.. phone 3A0 WANTE& Man to board and room. Ifi- 703-J -3. Help Wanted 9 Car Hop, And Fountain Girls WANTED AT The Drive Inn 1 mils South en 33 EXPERT CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH v MECHANIC NEEDED .fa other Mad apply Rose Motor Co. Ph. 08 Ross and Lena THffklRBY-CO. oToseburg can use 3 salesmen for Douglas County For full information, call wed. or Tburs. 430-Jak for Mr. Lsrsen. f MCX to sriX Broad Coveran"! pttat and Swrgtcal Expense plan. Leads and appointments furnished Car nec essary Write Box 2.MNewi-Revlew. WE HAVE" office Jobs' for men and wo men. Contaet Rneehur Business Col lege Employment Agency. 113 N. Sta- urging Time a .. CAN HANS Help Wanted 9 Men & Women READ CAREFULLY Thursday and Friday, March 9 and 3 at 10 a. m. and T p. m. ONLY I want to talk with 28 men and women who are ambitious In securing a position that will give them the opportunity of making money. It doesn't matter what your past work has been. All we ask la that you be willing to study and ieam as we teach you our work. It will be necessary that you be will ing to get along on $75. to $85. per week for the first 4 to 6 weeks while learning. You must be able to furnish the name of 3 people who will vouch for your honesty and Integrity and be bondable. We prefer men and women who are married, or who have some MannnaiKlltlv. I would like to talk with people who know a good tning wnen tney see . If you are honest and of good char acter, a willing worker and neat in appearance, coma to the Bosa Hotel, room 304. Interviews at designated times only. No phone calls. WANTED Woman to help wlth house- wora. urop penny posicaru to dos 332, News-Review. Work Wanted 10 Montgomery Ward Repair Service Guaranteed repair an radios. wa-ht.ig machines, vacuum cleaners ana nouto hold appliances. Graduate Radio Technician, Trained for .competent repair oi Mouscnoia Ap pliances. a . ... Montgomery Ward Ph. 95 Chain, Cross Cut, And Hand Saw Filing Biggs Filing Shop, scrass allay from ureynouna bus ucpok Income Tax Service Federal and State Reasonable Bates Phona 3o-J-3 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Best Basulta Call ROSEBURG SANITATION SERVICS Ph. 1294 -Y OLIVER'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE MODERN VACUUM EQUIPMENT. " PH. 461-K-3. Income Tax Service 133 Sheridan St., ph. 008-J. or S7-F-3. Tor your convenience, wa win oa open 8 a. m. - 8 p. m. Sundays 1 p. m. 7 p m. No appointment necessary. INTERIOR DECORATING and outside painting, floor sanding ana nnisnea rooiing. any Kino, aiw wnusniui, Call Camas 11. after T p. m., or before 8 a. m. WALL WASHING, Kemtonlng. janitor wora, cleaning ana pousning iioors, window washing. 18 years experience. Phone 470. ask for Frank Hasty, Apt 15. Doualas Holel. INCOME TA$rSERVlCE. Federal "and Ktata Arrmtniinf services. Annur Denny. 2027 Morris St Ph. 1710-R-S for appointment GENERAL FARM work wanted. 23 yra. of age, marnea, no cnuaren. n. i. Mills Rt. 1, Box 10, Oakland, Oregon. Ph. 310. PIANO TUNING and renalrlnc In and about Koeeourg, ay nodi, uroan, ine blind piano tuner. Call OU and Kick ells. llltW. YOUR CHILD mav reoelve"'klnderaarten in tract ion ana nursery care ror as little as 23e par nour. rn law-a-a. or 1444R CET DELOR1AS 'help you with your sewing problems, ueioriss sewing Shop, ao.17 iv. stepnens. rn. zzu-n-s. WANTED Falling and rtuchlng by three experiences men. t-none si-s -ia. oi write R. Franklin. Tenmlle, Oregon. ALTERATIONS. DRESSMAKING. A 1 1 types. Mra. Don W Garrtvw 138 nana t-none i zw. WELT7DRliXlNGnjoyd Powell. 714 Hid review, or pn. i-me-t-. W ANTED Ironing la my home. 53 Fowler Street Ph. 530-J TRAILER TOWING-Ph 530-R-3 (Sours) 918 Garden Valley Road. FOR A COO-STPALVT JOB. call 3-F-4L Lost & Found ' 11 LOST On ht-Un calk boot, almost new, sit 10. for the left foot. Be tween Roseburg Lumber Co. office in Roseburg, and Diilard. Reward. $3. Call lfU7-J-l. or na. COST Ladies "Targe opal ring at Teeco station on . atepnens at rn, i-&. Rrwartl Fruits & Vegetables 12 CUTHVRT and Newburg raspberry plants. 4c each; Bo leen berry plants, 5c each. Ph.ltX-J-l MARSHALL STRAWBERRY plants, 3c each Ph. WW1 Hay, Grain & Feed 13 GOOD QUALITY ALFALFA HAY. Rum- m.ll. DilUrd. FOR SALE BalW alfalfa ttav. JsmM ft. Ltwu, pa. Si, styrtx Croak. P MM-MH'PEUCIOUSi, IRMA" NOW LEt ME TASTE THE BEANS AGAIN" f0 SAY JUST ANOTHER . BASH OP VINESAR... . t. I'LL SEE IF THE " WIENlE AREONE- evRLMtCp, fto w&i By Jimmy Hatlo But let flash back b.p. (before pwnejOJ SHE CALLS IT TA5TE-TE5TIN6"BUT she -EATS EN0U6H FOR TWO LONGSHOREMEN" Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOR SALE Bearded Club wheat, ex cellent tor seen, ae za per nunorca. Oscar Weeks, Myrtle Creak. Phona Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction SALE rvTRY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P M rURNTTURI U1SCEI-LANEOUS T P.B. WHERE BUYER SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER'S WITH YOUR NEXT .UNalUNMEN r LOCATED HIGHWAY M. S M-LES NORTH Or ROSEBURO YOU MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET SCHRICKER SONS. AUCTIONEERS 8PECIAJU-MONDAY, MAR. 0 SPECIAL At Schricker's Auction its King at 11:30 A. M., selling lor a nours oeiore go ing on livestock. 50 single folding cots and 50 mattresses white enamel Butane fas range about 60 cu. ft 3-floor G. E. refrigerator cooler 3 barrels dishes silverwear alumi num kettles pots and pans 14 win dows electric wiring garbage can wash basins electric switch boxes 3 folding tables and benches grubbing hoes rakes axes- pevees brush hoos 312 ft. wooden 4" pip 100 ft. 14" Ivan lied pipe hand meat sllcei-oil umlng unit with blower--tollete hnuis enolln unit ventilator. REMENTBER All miscellaneous consign ments, large or small, we cnarge w commlsvlon. Big stock sola starts at 200 p. m. ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Livestock sold by weight or head: nousenoia rum.; iarm mien for your protection wa are licensed and bond- Livestock IP, K Furniture T P. If. Turn K. at Garden Valley Road Ph. 101 WANTED Some heavy hogs and butch- er hogs. Also have an order for up to 500 head of feeder pigs to go to Hono lulu. If suitable, no test Is necessary here. Sea or call Andy, at 191. WANTED Fat or feeder lambs, yeai lings and Breeding ewes. James Lewis, Myrtle Creek, ph. 84; or Dar- rell Ray, Rt 3, Box 308-B, Roseburg. Fh. 693-R-l. WANTED Sheep. Yearlings "or breed- lng ewes. Phillppl end Banning. Rt 1, Box164. or ph. B22-R-3. WEANER PIGS for sate. M. L. Schubert. Rt 4. box 813. Looktngglaaa. WANTED All klnoa of livestock. H. M. Cox. Call 00O-J-4 Poultry 15 Baby Chicks HOW Is th time to order Cstr's sturdy, heatthv PULLORUM CLEAN chicks. CARR'S HATCHERY is headquarters for heavy-laying flocks. If you want the highest quality chicks. PULLORUM CLEAN chicks, call Carr's Hatchery Of Looklngglsss Ph. 13-F-3 Bt 4, Box 1370 City Agents Douglas Co. Flour MiU Quality Baby Chicks EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAB DAY OLD OR STARTED Hsmpa hires. Parmenter Rede, Barred Rock - Hampshire Cross. Comlsh Hsmp Cross. Barred Rock. White Rock and White Leghorns. From 3 and 3 ear old breeder hens. City Offica Umpqua Produce Co.. 401 W Oak, ph, 411 Hatchery Breeding Farm Tipton Road. 1 ml. S. Hwy 88, ph. 15P3-R-L "COMPASS AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS." Chicks Chicks Chicks Custom hatching a specialty. Bel twice era week: sat ana a ror aay old chicks, place your order now. Sexed pullets and Cockerels as well as straight run. Priced right at Ponton Hatchery 1443 Harvard Ave, Jloeeburg STARTE6 CttlCKS. N H pullets. R. Csry. 2 miles E, of Dlvonvtlle. Robbiis 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLXTI U.V.B.SLA. Pets 17 GOLDEN COCKER 3 mcnth old famai, pedigreed. Wondarful children pet $13. Pa, 8-F-13- classified 'ads!' Pets 17 Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J dRA-Hd COCKER KENNELS. Ph. or U)I H.S. f. 1 " rolora Stud wrvlc. For Sale. Misc. 18 SPARTAN 34 - SS 30 34 The life time trailer Has a body w believe will last SO years or mora. No dry rot Kit it - ir ii' - Columbia ur 14' so - tr 33" The West's Fastest Sellers and other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers. trade-Ins accepted. Bank contracts. Contracts to S years oa Spartans Earl E. Smith N W. Largest Dealer Eugene. Ore. Phono Springfield 3821 3 Miles South on M. Rt 4. Box 22, Eugene 140 gal. electric hot water tank. 1 new Curtis air compressor, IV h p. 1 battery charger. 3 tap and die sets. Tune up testers. Brake bleeders and hundreds of me chanic's tools. On dlsplayat 120 S. Kan St. Ph. 1452-11. WESTERN HOLLY gas range. Zenith 8 ft refrigerator with 80 lb. freezing unit; washing machine. 4-piece bed room suite with lnnerspring mattress and springs, 3 table lampa, gas heater, 25.000 BTU. table with 0 chairs, din ing tableand4cairs. Ph. 381-R-X-l. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOB GARDENS AND LAWNS Wo have an abundant supply. Paul Casey 337 W. Mosher Phona 117-Y FOR SALE Electric Jacuzzi shaUow well pump, 860. First house north of uenerai we, highway 08. FOR SALE 100 gal. and 75 gal. pres sure tanks; 2 H. C. Little conversion oil burners with equipment for hot water use; l no vacancy neon sign. Roseland Auto Court FOR SALE 2000 gal. galvanized water tank; also a 3 h. p. Fairbanks Morse engine and pump. Price $73. Walter F. Wright, Rt. 2, Box 239. FOR SALE 18 ft. Marine" Plywood' bout Umpqua Special Trailer and John son outboard engine. $250 cash. Ph. C4-J. 1048 TRAILWAY house trailer with elec tric refrigerator and hot water. For sale or trade for lata modal car. 1S34 Cedar St. COMBINATION KITCHEN unit; Includes refrigerator, range, sink and cup boards. Floor space 28"x4B". Call 270. BASSINETTE, complete, 85; Bauer pot tery, iu; lace curtains, sue; glassware, china, pictures, radio, lamps. Ph. 533-J. FOR SALE Berkeley electric water sys tem. A-l condition. H. P. motor. ogai. tana, siaa. rnon-j-a. FOR SALE b'Keefe-Merrttt gas heater, 80,000 B T.U. Phone 002-R, or call at 318 S. Pine after 4:30 p. m. FOR SALE 1 range boiler with colls, complete. Florence Cole, 418 E. 1st Ave.. No. FOR SALE Kiln Ory planer ends, 37.M per unit; Green slab wood $3.73. mixed load an. 79. pa. 907. ROSE TAPESTRY covered daveno and chair, practically new. CaU 1341-L-X alter a. p. TRAILER, factory built, sleepe 4; ,eav ing town, bargain for cash. Phona 82S-R-4. Compare prices, then buy at now- ARD'S HARDWARE, Winston. Oregon. rn, ivz-j-i. uctN sunuaio. GARAGE EQUIPMENT and tools. 120 S. Kane.Phone1432-R. ELECTRIC MOTOR powered lawnmowsr, 35. CaU 1423-Y. TAPAN DELUXE Visua lite-oven gas range. $200. B. Larssen. Gen. DeL pREWAY oil heater, good condition. 004 W.LanoSt. FOR SALE Washburn piano. Call 148 inesinut FOR SALE 3000 watt light plant Ph. 313. Canyonville, Oregon. ffOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE, almost new. See at 130 N. Pine DAVENO. 113 N. Flint Fuel 20 SPECIAL Doubt. Load Planar Ends S INCHES AND HEAVIER. $lt Ph. 15-J-J HEY, LOOK! If you need old growth fir cordwood. 18" and 24" lengths: 2" mill ends: green and dry slsbwood. 18"; call J92-J-1 or 47-J-3 for InformatloQ and free delivery. It's Dry PILING ENDS Stove or Fireplace lengths. 38 00 cord Delivered and put Inside Call 1333 or 148-R-3, Eva PEELER CORE: mill ends; planar ends; fireplace wood. Double loads, prompt delivery. Claud Willey, Rt L Box 43 Ph. 15-J -3 or 1 43-J-X 1" PLANER ENDS. $6 25 unit, reguar length. Roseburg Lumber Ca Phona 468. FOR &ALE Slabwood. sawdust, planer enaa rnons ju. jonnaon Buei ca. Timber & Sawmills 21 SAW MILL CUTS 30 to 25 thousand ft. per day. Bottom saw 34 inch; top 38 inch. 4 x 42 Inch edger. 225 horse power Jlmml Diesel; ruts 12 to 20 ft; pond holds 3O0 thousand. Running now. Plenty of logs to be had. Good wcauon. a 1 a. 1 w. uu, ..uud(w down. L. B. Micks Real Estate Lobby Hotel Grand Ph. 137T-Y Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO. FOR SALE 1 million feet second growth timber close to Ttrphttr- on, of few good shows left for portable wmii.. cuo. -vox is news- W ANTED Sawmill bv M vm ntsh crew and all expenses and saw for 38 50 per M. ft . 25 M ft. cap. or ;7 a nine mora. Henry Com ba. Rt. 4. Box 1083. FOR SALE 15000 8 ft sswmTlir top and bottom ssws. new rimin 3 w edger. nond With new rrhsiti ... HOT cat Timber for 3 yn. run. new set-up For particulars Ph. 1337-Y. fon SALE 13 M capacity MWTnllLruil length conveyor, steel end. 3 saw edger. trim saw. 3 b1vii carriage, without power $300a Writ Box !, ALMOST NEW " n.t . ITT 300 P dieeel. Stumpage available JJZ n - laocawood Bros., Tenmil. Oregon. fOR HIRE D-T cat. iogglng. roan build- 'ana cieann. Hour or contract WANTED Timber to IoT M.vT equipment exceid rrwks Contact John F. Summer, Hosklna, Oregon. Timber & Sawmills TIMBER I am in Oregon from Duluth. Minnesota, to sell timber in Douglas County, Or. Bids for Timber to be sold will be re ceived oy me on or -v , 1950 on three separate tracts described below. Address bids to ma until March Sib. as follows: C. Henry Gordon Quince Creek Motel Star Route. G lends le, Oregon After March 3th. please send bids to ma addresseo io .. ----, Duluth, Minn The undersigned re servea the ri$ht to reject any ot all bld ITEM I SWf. Of NWf, N't of 8Wt4. SWV, ol GW't, aeciion our sw..,,K ...... ty-two '32j South of Rang Five (Si, West of the WlllametM Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon. The timber on this 180 acre tract approximates in excess of Five Million feet of Old Growth Douglas Fir including a small percentage of Second Growth and haa a scattering of Sugar Pine and Cedar. Because o? the fine percentage of Peeler timber, this tract is vary desira abla. rrrsr Government Lots One 1. Two It) and Township Thirty-two, South of Rang Five t West of the Willamette Mer idian. Douglas County. Oregon. Tha above description contains 152.83 acrea and has a stand of timber In excess oi approximately ltfa million feet Government Lot Four fit. W4 of MWH. H W V OI OW , oar-, null " jr-aa (34). Township Thtrty-two 132. Souths of Range Five ii West of the Wil lamette ncnuiaii, uvuaH vou-. The above description con Ulna 160.08 Please Inspect timber and make bid on eacn l-em oeavrt-aaw a-w, C. Henry Gordon, Owner Qulnes Creek Motel. Star Route FOR SAL American 3 saw 30 In. ed- Ser. B t- we tain g oaopw auumuni ire. . FOR SALE Sawmill, or any part G.M.C. dies! edger and other units. Roy Denny. 833 WlnchesUr. WANT- POLES and piling delivered ta our yard st Green. Contact us before cutting. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. Logging Equipment 22 Logger's Notice For Tree Insurance Comprehensive Liability on all equipment Inland Marin Insuranc on all aqulpmant Log truck Insuranc See or Call Tipton & Permin Insurance Ph. 1487 214 Cass St IT PAYS TO INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE Attention Sawmill Operators and Logging Contractors W can supply you with complete industrial coverage 24 hours a dsy. To acquaint yourself with our plan call S03, Keith Carter or Maria Basart, agents for Northern Life Insurance Co. P. O. Box 330 Roseburg, Ore. pedestal type with motor, $175; on reconditioned Hyster Model S double drum hoist with 3 speed transmission. 3450; 3 new 165 H. P. CMC dies Is with clutch. $1973 each; hall -bearing awing cut-off aaw up to 30" capacity. 3150. Keystone Machine Works, 133 3. Stephens. 1848 INTERNATIONAL KB -8 logging truck and trailer; low mileage; like new. Chas. Teegarden. Rt 1, Yamhill, Oregon. LOADING DONKEY, fully equipped, and contract for loading, at 3.50 per thou- sand. 2O0S. Plna.Ph.1486-Y. FOR SALE 2300 ft of 910 haul back, practically new, cheap. Ph. 3477. Oakland. flNGLE AXLE logging trailer, $173. Wnl bert Welding & Machine Works, pit 432: GOOD SET of lumber rolls, for sale. Ore Gaylor. Glide. fD 14 CAT, armored for logging. Lata model. Phone 833-J, Roseburg. Machinery For Sale 23 FOR SALE No. 11 dlesel patrol blsd 'grader, good running condition, 80 rubber, $1850 cash. Phone 4C0-R-4, Roeeburg. Carl P. Tallon, 3341 N. Stephens. Farm Equipment 24 Irrigation Outfits Lt ua nru,a your Irrlsatlon syatams. Low prlcM. Prompt Mrvlea. 1 Umpqua Tractor Co. 119 S. PINS ST. 1 FORD PEROUSON tractor. 1 13-lnrK plow. 1 7-ft. chisel, hyraulic jack, power pulley, and 1 spring tooth har row. All of these like new. 3800. cash. Complete. Ralph Kartlnger. 3 miles W. ofOsltltnd on Greens Vallev Road. Tractors 25' Garden .Tractors Bol.n. Garden Tractor.. M. I. Rotary Tillra. Low PrlcM, eompl.ta itocki. Umpqua Tractor Co. IIS S. PINE ST. Trucks 26 FOR SALE BY OWNER1940 1-toa Dodg pickup truck, waterproof ply wood covered body Three month guarantee. This truck practically tike new $1003. City Drive In Market. Sutherlin. FOFTSALB 1949 GMC Suburban Carry sil. 4 speed trans., undercoat. Htr., and defroster Low mileage and in excellent condition. $1803. Sea at 318 W. 1st Ave. N. J5TFORD. t ton stake (steel bf", 4-(peed trans , duals, etc. A-l shape, reasonable Nielsen Saw ft Supply. 3 miles SouthDillard. Highway 38. FOR SALE BY OWNER lMO FoidpaneT. -cylinder. 2 front seats, top condi tion. Call "Red" Green. B87-R-3. AXI.t-SHArTS for all mikia of true. I Ravs Troth Stop, 3033 H Stephana. Phone 40O-J-4.