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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1950)
t The News-Review, RoMburf Junior. Senior High Track Aspirants Start Turning Out Nearly 100 bo VI of Junior (nil senior high ichool will be out (or trick this sesson, according to roach Frsnk Purdy's prediction, Almost 60 trackmen turned out to day lor the first time. For Hie first two weeks, the pro gram will consist of callisthenics and alternate sprints, runs and walks, after which men will be picked for the various events, said Purdy. Four Lettermen Back Only four lettermen art back from last year's squad, which was then headed by Coach Jack Newby. Bill Van Horn, football and basketball player, will try out for the sprint events and broad jump, while Irvin StriUke and Neil Sheets will set the pace for dis tance events candidates. Norm West's basebsll candidat es will also turn out with the trackmen, getting their condition ing prior to actual baseball prac tice. Ninth graders and a few eighth f radera from junior high will prac tice alongside senior high csndid ates. Two weeks rest is in the off ing for members of the basketball teams, before they turn out. Many will Drop Out Coach Purdy aaid that although some 100 persons will bo turning Sutherlin Sets 2nd Boxing Card Sutherlin will be the scene of another boxing card the night of March 10, starting t p.m., at the American Legion nan, aaia rioya Porter, Oakland, promoter of the amateur fighta. Fighters from Sutherlin, Oak land, Coos county and perhaps Glide will be featured on the card, said Porter. He added that two boys from Sutherlin and two from Oakland will compete at Coquille March 4, They are Ted Smith, 132, and Ai vin Russell, 160, both of Sutherlin: and Alan Kendall, 112, and Eddie Prevost, 128, both of Oakland. These same boys and their Co qille opponents will fight on the Msrch 10 card at Sutherlin. mmnm We don't ust TALK Service We get it done! Maybe you've Muted to pat your washer fat for arrv tce for fear we might be alow in finishing the work. PI dont worry about that We ARE basy of nsnt, bet we make a nle te ftnlak each eerrie Job WHEN PROM ISED and a early a poo aible. Phone ao today. 4 BERGH'S Appliance Service 1200 8. Stephens Phone SOS K59 FARMERS Local claims service Is your ossur ance of fast repairs when your car is damaged. LOW RATES . . pn collision and liability cov erage gives you standard protec tion at substantial SAVINGS Liability Coveroge $5000-10,000 bodily mury. $5000 property damage. No Extra Charge for Age, Mileoge or Business Use Over 800.000 Western Motorists Insure and Save Through Farmers Standard Farm Nenaaseseable Policies. aaaBRBaaaaaaaaaaaa Farmers Insurance Exchange o , Or. Tus., Pb. 28, 1950 out, many are expected to drop out as the rigors of training begin to tell. Those who last through the unglsmorous preliminaries are ex pected to be likely candidates for actual competition, which starts next month against Sutherlin and Myrtle Creek, in a triangular meet here. A big program of track meets Is on the schedule for Indian cinder men. Purdy said he'd release a schedule in the near future. Purdy, who heads track at Rose burg for the first time this sesson, comes here well-versed in the sport, having turned out some top teams while coaching in Ohio high schools. While at Ashland high school, in Ohio, Purdy inaugurated a auccessful invitational program that drew favorable comment throughout that region. Double Tourney Play Possible NEW YORK. Feb. a UP) Three teams Bradley, Kentucky and Duquesne may shoot for a "grand slam" by playing in both the national invitation and NCAA basketball tournaments. The three of them, through spokesmen, indicated today they would be receptive to double bids, if forthcoming. At the same time Asa Bushnell, who occupies an important role in both tournaments, aaid there would be no official objection. "The two meets aren't in com petition with one another but work in complete harmony," he said. "In fact, I think we csn expect at least a couple of teams to be in both." He added that the matter would be entirely up to the authorities of the individual colleges. "Kentucky played in both last year," he added, "and I don't know of any harm that, came from it" Holy Cross, which led the Asso ciated Press poll for weeks before dropping to second, then third, el ready has accepted a bid to the MCAA and reports it is not inter ested in the invitation. The Crusa- dera are unbeaten in 24 games. Ohio State closed out its regular ca.npaign last night by beating Michigan. 69-58. It waa the Buck- eys' 11th victory in the Big Ten against one defeat. Wisconsin clinched second In the standings by licking Northwestern, 87-S3, while Indiana topped Illi nois, so-66. Kansas State stsyed In the Big Seven conference title race by humbling Colorado, 74-49. In other games Hardin Simmons trounc ed Ariiona, 57-63, and New York university edged Notre Dame, 66 63. IINKWICH APPLIIS TAMPA. Fla.. Feb. 28 -P-The latest applicant for University of Tampa'a head coaching post is r rankle Sinkwich, the former all America football player at the University of Georgia. MEN WANTED Oar bos seen la yowiajf salesmen err Hit thaw, le year w bss; fy jtr,f IWcwg plvs ktctiat" he ceawnlssloat to build yotrr ewa bemia. See Paul Krueger S3 1 Stephens Pherie III Paul H. Krueger (36 S. Stephana Phone 21v $10-10 Eaeh six months Current Ratea Plua 65.00 Nonrtcurrlng, Fas at tginnlng ef Policy Th West's Loading Auto Insuranco Carriar tui TV OfjJ Coast Training Camp SAN FERNANDO, Calif.. Feb. 2$ -. UP) Dan Stupor and Ken Lehman, two hurlers from Fort Worth, are displaying thst early season rarity control. The two looked good yesterday In a hit-starved Hollywood game between the Gilhousens and the Fitzpatxicks, won 3-2 by the for mer. EL CENTRO, Calif., Feb. 28 UP The San Francisco Seals had trouble working up a sweat yester day as recent heavy rains made their field unplayable. The morn ing workout was skipped but the Seals flopped around in the after noon for a little exercise. ANAHEIM, Calif., Feb. 2S -IIP) The Sacramento Solona slept well during the night. Mansger Red Kress put them through five hours of hard practice yesterday, includ ing a nine-inning intra-squad game. Joe Marty's aluggera handed Jim Tabor's fence-busters an 8-4 wal loping. ONTARIO. Calif.. Feb. 28 Big Max West, the league's top home run slugger, is in the San Diego csmp today and may see action at first bsse. Manager Del Baker aaid the big outfielder would be used at first until Cleveland sends the club an other first baseman. MESA, Ariz., Feb. 28 UP) The Cookie Lavagettos play the George Kellya today in an Oakland intra-squad game. Damp grounds canceled the Oaks' practice yes terday morning but they got in three hours of batting practice in the afternoon. RIVERSIDE, Calif., Feb. 2&-IJP) Dick Waible, the young right hander who quit the University of Oregon for professional baseball, is showing promise. Thst word came yesterday from Coach Art Mills of the Portland Besvers who hsndled the club's workout yesterdsy while skipper Bill Sweeney wss in Los Angeles on business. PALM SPRINGS, Calif., Feb. 28 (,P The Seattle Rainier bat smiths got a batting practice look yesterday at the fast ball of Paul Spurlock, 23 -year -old East Los Angeles Junior college hurler. Tak ing part in the stick drill were Doc. Cramer, Bill Ramsey, Frank Colman, Ray Lamanno, Dewey Wil liams and Jack Warren, FUI.I.ERTON, Calif., Feb. 28 (JP) Hnmere were Ihe bill of fare aa the Warners defeated the Good ales 3-1 in a Los Angeles intra squad tilt. All but one of the runs were scored yesterday via the four-bagger way. Elbie Fletcher and Rube Novotney hit for the winners and Nels Burbrink fo the losers. National Park Wildlifo Numbers Holding Steady WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. CP) The wildlife populations if the na tional parks fluctuate somewhat from year to year but in general the wild animals are holding their own. So reports Victor H. Cahalane, chief of the biology division of the national park service, on the basis of that agency's annual game sum mary. Among the most plentiful large animals are the wnpiti or elk now totaling some 23.500, about 1.000 more than were estimated a year ago, Cahalane said. Deer have decreased slightly, to about 2.500 white-tails, 17.000 mule deer and 2,200 black-tail deer. Other slight declines are report ed for mountain goats, now num bering about 1,100, moose, 1,550, and black beara, 1,500. Moderate increases are reported for bison, to 1,700; for bighorns, to 2,600, and for grizzly bears, to 425. Steelhead Season Ends Today; Salmon On Deck After tsdsy, local fisherman must put away thair reds and reals, salmon eggs and spinners today's the last day ef steel head season. Rett Newcemb, resident fish and game biologist, announced the season on atealhead will not reepen until May I, with trout angling also slated for that day. Salmon season opens April 15 and will last six weeks. Limits are one fish a day and no more than one fish in any week. New GRID COACH WASHINGTON, Pa., Feb. 28 The Washington and Jeffer son college football team will be coached this fall By Alured C. Ransom, former Geneva college mentor. a We've got the plugs and cables, the coils and conden sers and other electrical parte that'll give your truck effi cient ignition. For quick help on any Ignition trouble, come SIG FETT S27 N. Jackson ' 110 ''U'' 'III I'l iiM'11 Bradley Tops Basketball Poll Once More; Holy Cross Third NEW YORK, Feb. 28 UP) No. 1 In the weekly Associated Press basketball poll for the se cond straight week . . . Missouri Valley conference champion . . . a bid to the national invitation tournament next month that's Bradley university. All three honors came to the Suintet from Peoria, 111., yeater ay. First the invitation to partici pate in the big post-season extrava ganza, then the top-rating, and just to show nothing succeeds like suc cess, a 57-58 triumph over Tulsa university to clinch the MVC title. 2 And 1 Record In the poll, Bradley, which now has won 28 gamea and lost three, was accorded first plsce on the ballots of 42 of the 148 sports writ ers and sports casters who voted in College Basketball my The AworUted ?mit Willamette 69, College of Idaho 47. Llnfield 58, Whitman 55. Eastern Washington 60, Central Washington 58. New York 68, Notre Dame 83. Ohio State 69. Michigan 58. Indiana 80, Illinois 66. Wisconsin 67, Northwestern 53. Kansas State 74, Colorado 49. Dartmouth S3, Hofstra 40. Bradley 57, Tulsa 56. Depsul 73, Lawrence Tech 53. Beloit (Wia) 104, Ripon (Wis) 65. Hamline 75, St. Olaf 38. Drake 58, Creighton 55. Florida Southern 54, Howard 53. Catholic U. 61, Towson Tchrs. 47. Hardin-Simmons 57, Arizona 53. Texaa A&M 48, Southwestern U. 46. Utsh State 53, Colorado A&M 48. New Mexico 77, Arizona State (Tempo) 71. Colorado College 63, Idaho State 57. Major League Training Due (By Th AseoeUted Preset Major league baseball's 1950 spr ing training season opens tomor row and each of the 18 camp sites will house at least one "question mark." The world champion New York Yankees, for instance anxiously will be watching Joe PiMaggion. Johnny Mize and Tommy Henrich go through their paces. The questions: Has Dimaggio recovered com pletely from the heel ailment that kept him out of the lineup in his team's first 65 games last yaar? Has Mize recovered from a shoulder injury that relegated the big cat to pinch-hitting chorea only during the stretch drive? Has Henrick recuperated from a shoulder injury that caused him to plsy out the 1949 season in a corset? The St. Louis Cardinals, who like the Ysnks, train at St. Peter burg, also have a number of oues tion marks. These include first basemen Nippy Jonea and Steve Rilko, shortstop Marty Marion and third baseman Eddie Kazak. ' Jonea is recovering from a back operation. Bilko has undergone a leg operation. The Philadelphia Phillies, condi tioning st Clearwater, will center their attention on Eddie Waitkus, first baseman, shot by a deranged girl in a Chicago hotel last year. Waitkus hss been at the Phil base for some time and reports him self in shape. At Tampa, where the Cincinnati Reds will train, the No. 1 brow wrinkler is Ewell Blackwell, Lan ky sidesrm righthsnder. Blackie, who underwent a kid ney operation before the start of the 1949 season, had a bad year. Across the continent, at. Pasa dena, Calif., the Chicago White Sox are wondering about Gus Zer nial. Zernial was lesding the American league in balling unii! he broke his collarbone making a shoe string catch in Cleveland. Zernial has been working out in a gym during the off season to strengthen his back and arms. Not all the question marka in volve ailments. For instsnre. the Cleveland Indians, who boil out at Tucson, Ariz., will try to find out if Manager Lou Boudreau, second baseman Joe Gordon, third base man Ken Keltner and pitcher Bob by Feller can return to their cham pionship form of 1948. Personal Property Tax Reminder for 1950 Persons! Property declereriee farms ware Met out Ja..1, 110, with e request fer their return batere March 2, If St. Please give this your Immee'iete ettentran. Settle 110-34, OCLA 141 reeds as fell . . . "The assessor shell cease blank terms fer sock returns te be preerd ead dis tribute', but failure te receive w secure the term strati net re lieve any such pert, managing agent r officer from the bH gatio ef making any rtturn herein required ... AH returns tiled under the nrevitiea ef the sectie shall k confidential records ef the Assessor's Office. Section 110-608. OCLA 141. "Any suck sr. meneging agent r officer who shell with intent te d Msatie. refur er ne glect to make any return herein rewired and t tile it with the assets within th time teecified r ntended shell b tub kvet te e penalty ef Tan (tellers SI 0.00 per dey ef the contin uance ef such refusal er neglect ..." r ttautakeld furniture, demesne fiituret, keuteheld gdt and ef fect ectuelly In use at suck l hemes and dwellings, where net used tor business er cmmrct purposes, er exempt from ti tin nd should net h reported en this form. 8iemetie lt ee Irss to weering erol, watches, ktwelry, end similar prsnl tfects ectuelly in as. v Ths terms may b btlnd by sailing t the Assessor's office, er will be mailed tgut. Ned Dixon D.ugtas County Assessor the next-to-last poll of the sttion. This waa good for 1,214 points on the system which starts with 10 for first, nine for second and so on. In second place was the Westers conference champion, Ohio State, and in third waa Holy Cross, the sole remaining major unbeaten team in the country. Rounding out the first five were Kentucky, with a record of 22-4, fourth, and Du quesne, 22-1, fifth. But the three lesder were the only ones able to draw more than 1.000 points. Ohio State, which sports a 19-1 record for the sea son's work, collected only 10 first place votes, but it wss heavy in seconds and thirds and piled up 1,128 points. 24 Straight Holy Cross, unbeaten In their 24 starts, garnered 38 firat place votes and enough aeconda and thirds to total 1,041. Duquesne and St. John'ti both of which joined Bradley in accept ing invitations to the national invi tation tourney scheduled for Madi son Square Garden in March, drop ped from their spots of last week. Duqueane (22-1) was fourth-a week ago, while St. John's (21-4) plummeted all the way from sixth to tenth. Only one team dropped out of the first ten. That was Long Island university, (18-4) which skidded from loth ta 14th. Its place was tsken by La Salle, (18-3) which bypassed St. John's to move into ninth place. The top teams (first plsce votes in parentheses and records includ ing Saturday's gamea with point on 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 basis): Team Rec. Pts. 1. Bradley (4-2) 26 3 1,214 2. Ohio State (10) 19-3 1,128 3. Holy Crosa (36) 24-0 1,041 4. Kentucky (12) 22-4 904 5. Duquesne (61 22-1 6. U. C. L. A. (9) . 21-4 7. Western Kentucky (2) 24-5 8. N. C. State . 21-5 9. La Salle (6) 18-3 10. St. John's 51-4 Hoop Loop Won By Willamette IBr The Associated Press) Willamette clinched the north west conference basketball crown and Whitman ended up in the cir cuit celler last night. The Oregon quintet smashed out a 69-47 win over College of Idaho, eliminating the Coyotes' mathe matical chance to grab a co-hold on the crown. Whitman bowed be fore Linfield 58-55 with the victor moving up to fifth place. Sixty-one fouls were called In the rough Willamette-College of Idaho tilt. The losers had three men thumbed out of the conteat and collected 35 violations. Willa mette lost two men via the foul route, piling up 28 miscues. SOFTBALLERS ELiCT PORTLAND, Feb. 28. UP) Ralph Guynes of Oregon City was reelected to a fifth term as presi dent of the State Softball associa tion. Don January, Eugene, was reappointed director. REDS HOLD SCRAP BERLIN, Feb. 27.--The Rus sisns are detaining 31 carloads of West Berlin scrsp metal at their zonal frontier, the U.S. High com mission reported. TED ASKS . . . "WAS YOUR FORD GORED?" then bring your car here for quick, expert body and fender repairs. Guaranteed work and REASONABLE. See us first tor an estimate Phone 1116-J. TED'S AUTO BODY SERVICE 2 milae wast of oity center on Melroae Road. Phone 1316-J FIGHTS LAST NIGHT UBr The Associate Frees! By The Associated Press St Louis Ray (Sugar) Robin son. 157. New York, outpointed Jesn Wslrzak, 152, France. (10). Montreal Johnny Greco. 149, Canada, outpointed Bob Montgom ery, 142V,, Philadelphia, (10). Seattle Ike Williams, 143, Tren ton, N.J., outpointed John L. Dsvis, 137Vi, Oakland (10). San Francisco Bsby Ortiz, 135VS, Mexico City, outpointed Tote Martinet, 137 Vi, Stockton, Calif. (10). 7 Northwest Golf Tourney Dates Chosen TACOMA, Feb. 28 '.TV-Seven Washington . Oregon golf tourna ments were awarded and dates were set yesterday by the Pro fessional G o 1 f e r association's northwest section. Approximately 35 members attended the meet ing. The list of tournaments, an nounced by President Roy Moe of Spokane, included: March 27 Oregon state profes sional golfers organisation tourna ment at the Waverly Golf and Country club, Portland. 38 bole me dal play. April 24-26 Oregon open at the the Tualatin Golf and Country club. 72 hole medal nlay. May 4-5 Orympia centennial in vitational tournament at the Olym pia Golf and Country club. 54 hole medal play. May 22 Sectional PGA cham pionship and sectional qualifying rounds for the national touranment. Both to be held concurrently at Seattle with the course not yet namea. oo note medal play. May 29 Northwest aualifvine rounds ior tne national open tour nament. Qualifying to be held at the Portland Golf club. 36 hole medal play. July 16-18 Washington state open at the Bellingham Golf and Coun try club. 72 hole medal play. Aug. 21-23 Pacific northwest open at the Astoria Golf and Coun try club. 72 hole medal play. The northwest pro-amateur tour nament waa awarded to Spokane with the date and course to be nsmed later. The tournament selections were the main order of business at the meeting, which was attempted by about 35 members. Ortiz, Dado To Fight LOS ANGELES. Feb. 28, Manuel Ortiz, world bantamweight champion, will fight Harold Dade nere Marcn 7 in a lo-round non-title bout. Dade defeated Ortiz in a title match in San Francisco three veara ago and Ortiz regained the belt two months latei. Ortiz is to defend the title in April in London, where he will meet Danny O'Sullivan. W. I. L. STARTS APRIL II TACOMA, Feb. 28. UP A 151 game 1950 Western International league baseball season opens April IS with Victoria at Spokane, Yaki ma at Wenatchee, Vancouver at Tri-City, and Tacoma at Salem. The regular season ends Sept 10. Thoro'a comfort a-plenty In CMC cab. They're appointed, in the "solid comfort" passenger car manner . . . with deep, adjusta ble seats; big windshields and window for clear, wide-angle vision; protective sealing againat dust, drafts, angina heat and noise) built-in ventilation ayatem ... a doaen other feature, including; aah tray, dome light and package compartment. Under these all-ateel cab lias th firm has of truck-built enginee and chassis . . , solid power and 'strength which combine with CMC comfort to form a really solid truck! Mm. . TRUCKS care "r.i,. n,r Phono 199-R-1 SMef aVaaW ate-ea ' - I t I . . . fW mmtmm,.m, lw. I ' 1 I w,m9m Coach Aiken To Address JC Banquet Jim Aiken, University of Oregon football coach, will be the main speaker at the annual Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce sponsored basketball banquet, to be held Monday, March 13, at a place to be announced later. This was brought out by Chairman El lis Bertram at a meeting of Jay cees Monday night In the Umnqua hotel. Members of the Indian varsity basketball aquad and their fathers will be guests of the Jsycees. The banquet will be opeen to the public. A feature of the banquet will be presents I ion of two trophies; one to the most inspiring plsyer and the other to the player with the highest free-throw average dur ing the 1950 season. In addition to Jaycees and mem bers of the team and their fathers, places will be set for spproximate ly 120 (interested townsfolk. Ike Williams Pedals Along SEATTLE, eb. 28 UP) Light weight champion Ike Williams bicycled his way through most of 10 rounds lsst night, emerging from the non-title fracas with a split decision over John L. Davis of Oakland. Williams weighed 143, Davis 137. The titleholder picked up his ad vantage by his boxing skill, an educated left jab picking off the crouching Davis frequently. Most of the crowd of 4,200 fans agreed with Referee Jimmy Wil son that Davis' agressiveness hsd earned him the decision, but the two judges thought otherwise. The Oakland youngster swarmed all over Williams in the final round and rocked him with straight lefta and rights. Iff COLUMBIA SIIWIIIIS, INC. TACOMA, WASNINOTON Distributed let Roburg by Bates Candy Co. ' Solid OMCt TRUCK DIVISION Kert Kertetz, Manager YMCA Hoop Ploy St The Jaycees will oppose the Na tional Guardsmen at 7:30 p.m., Tuesdsy, in the srmory. in the first gsme of the YMCA Basketball league. In the nightcap, starting at 8:45 p. m., the Umpqua Plywood team meet the Christian church five. The public is invited to witness all of these gsmes. Attention, G. I.'s Any G. I. Interested in schooling under th G. I. Bill of Rights at th Grant Busi ness College, contact Grant Business College Ola Grant Phone 1535 R or 12S7-J A list le balng taken for the aprlng enrollment. HEATING OILS Dtaol stntl Stove Ofts Quality Oils For Evory Purpose) PROMPT METERID DELIVERIES I. A. Pearson, Distributor General Petroleum Products Phone 321 J Truck ! m Packed with Powor very m el OMCs ta eeMlhM eeejlnee le m efficient eeins I as . . . aewke wrlh Fewer. An there are rwe Diesel eeleee el teineee, netv RuggodJy Built tees lre"t ameer re rear ntt tMSC nlee are hotr) rer Die leeelwtt eerae- Handsomely Sty tod JfpSjsl SJ SitaW Easy to Handle B.ll-Isjriitfl r.oH-it. Sriicr-Msjt(. toMmlstlM arrvei swy Paction ilwMQej 4 ttrs. mmk OMCa hmm wfttt f f4MMtifr Mr. Highway 99 North )