2 . Th Nw-IUv!w, Rowburj, Ort.Tui., Feb. 28, 1950 keseburcj's Rosy Future Stressed ly C. C. Crew (Continued Irom page One) ing off rapidly," Crow said, "it It climbing in an equal or greater footage hera in Oregon. Ha cited figurea from the eta tiacal department of Ui Weat Coast Lumbermen'! association and the United Statea Forest aervice to aubaiantiete Oregon'a claim aa the biggest lumber producer of any atate n thia country. Baa of the nation's lumbering activity haa moved from Washing ton to th Columbia river area- then aouth to central and southern Oregon and northern California, be aaid. Output Gains Shewn While most sections which for merly produced the majority of the nation's lumber are auffering a decline, Crow cited the follow ing production figurea, in board feet, pertinent to th industry: County 1925 IMS Lane 215, 004, MO 1,311.000,000 Devglae .. 41X1,000 7M,0O0,OM Jacks . e,00O,0 503,000,000 Linn 20,243,000 4(4,000,000 Although Douglas cam out sec ond beat in total output, Crow aaid thia county's increase of 010 per cent over 1925 represented th greatest growth of all. Of the nation'a standing virgin Umber, Douglaa county la rated top 70,243,0(10.000 board feet or 27 percent of th atate'a Douglaa fir stand. Thia county, together with tju. Linn. Coos. Jackson. Jose phin and Curry counties, holds 7a percent oi in state a umocr, n said "You must keep in mind that th lumber industry is a payroll indus try," Crow declared, "and more than fifty percent of the cost of pro ducing lumber goes into payrolls this effect every businessman." Ha said wages in the industry had increased bv 2S percent, making it one of the heat paid large indus tries in the country. "You folks should b very happy," Crow told his audience. "Of the 1,675 fir aawmilla in the Northwest, Oregon has 1.263 and i these are gradually shifting aouth." I Crow was introduced to the audi ence by Clem Howard, Sutherlin I banker, who also introduced eev- 'eral out-of-town guests represent ing lumber and timber products companiea. Two-Hour Show Of Magic Slated At Junior High A two-hour show of magic and comedy by Mitchell Cain and his assistants la slated for the junior high school auditorium Wednesday, March 1, at 7:30 p.m. Among the featurea of the ahow are a padlocked box escape, a "guillotine" act involving a person in the audience and the floating in spare of a hypnotized lady. The show will benefit the stu dent body general fund, and the public ia invited to attend. Mickty Finn In Mtot Bolt Traps Leopard (Continued from pg On) back to Lincoln park too, the only home he had known ainc being brought here a week ago from the junglea of India. He had been free ainre 1 p m Saturday when he leaped from a bar less pit, 18 feet deep and scam pered away while onlookers stood frozen with terror. Groggy frm Meat But an empty atomach and per haps a yearning for the mat he left behind prompted th fugitive to return the same way h left of hia own accord. Th leopard waa found groggy by park employee and a game ranger aa h waa slinking slleily toward th bait placed near hia pit. Frazier aaid the leopard appear ed to be in good condition after ita three days of freedom. It waa wet from the rain which fell before midnight. Thia factor, plus the meat and an urge to be cloae to ita mate, probably compelled th leopard to return through th guarded too area to the pit. Cool Strike Situation Shows No Improvement (Continued from peg One) White House Aide Says He's Not 'Lettish' Now (Continued from page One) Don't miss the values in MODERN FURNITURE'S Mattress Sale First quality mattresses reduced to only . 32.88 12-Ymf OufntM r , r iww i Tuttle, daughter of a Republican, Charlea Tuttle, whom President Hoover appointed aa a U.S. dis trict attonrye. The "relative ' mentioned by McCarthy aa one with financial interest in the Daily Worker was a well-to-do great aunt, Mri. Caro line Lloyd Strobell. A one time Socialist, she became a member of the Communist par ty and waa one of three women who became "owners" of the Daily Worker after it waa oatensibly di vorced from th Communist par ty. . Lloyd, Harvard graduate, en tered government service with the resettlement administration in 1935. He once belonged to the Wash ington book shop but got out when he discovered it waa a Communist-front outfit. He went to Europe in 1945 with the Harriman economic mission and realized that Communisn was trying to block European recovery. In 1846 he helped form Ameri cana for Democratic Action which forbida membership to Communists. Get More For Your Old WATCH at LA WSON'S Irade-ln Sale ; $275 WimKfr 1 $2705 it tfismm 17 Jawelt Watch price Ho not include 10 federal tax. Available with natal tea" Manly S3373, YOUR OLD WATCH IS THE DOWN PAYMENT Now't the time trade-in your watch .... LAWSON'S are aivina libarol trade-in allowance (up to $50.00 in erne cases). Your aid watch It tha down poymnt . . . cema in new and save. Men's AGATE & ONYX RINGS Vln t StO.OO 8 2 17 Jewels $5228 LAY-AWAY FOR GRADUATION shortage felt even mor acutely. More and more industries were closing down. Schools were closing. Even some hospitals were having trouble finding enough fuel to keep patient warm. It ia againat the background of thia picture that government at torneys presented their contempt caae in federal court her to Judge Richmond B. Keech. The government contends the United Worker union ia guilty of both civil and criminal contempt because the miners have disobeyed the court'a Feb. 11 back-to-work order. The strike haa continued in defiance of the order. Threat Of Fin Futil A possible multi-million dollar fine againat the U.MW, whose treas ury ia estimated at between $13, 000,000 and S20.000.000, is the only weapon the government haa at the moment to try to get the minera back. But will they return even after a fine? Their mood, aa reflected in comments from the coal fields, is they won't go back until they get a new work contract. They may be ready to forfeit their whole union treasury. President Truman so far haa re frained from taking up the sugges tion, earlier expressed by some congressmen, that the administra tion aeek seizure powers so the government can operate the coal minea. That would make the minera federal employes. But would they feel any differently then? Lewia Set iaampl In the two earlier contempt caaea, Lewia himself refused to obey the court. -Federal Judge T. Alan Golda- borough levied the two prior fines against mm and the union. The UMW is again charged with two kinda of contempt, civil and criminal. So in event of conviction, the union ia bound to be stuck by a fine. A civil contempt action is design ed to obtain obedience of a dis obeyed order. So if higher courts, on appeal, ruled that Judge Keech a strike-end order is illegal because the Taft-Hartley act's emergency provisions are illegal, trie civil contempt fin could be set aside. But the criminal contempt ac tion ia designed to be a punishment for flouting the court'a instructiona to vindicate the authority of the court. A criminal contempt convic tion ia considered hardly likely to be overturned by a higher court, even if the injunction were even tually found void. Picketing the few scattered non union minea still operating con tinued in the coal fields. Violence flared at a number of these. State police in Ohio were ordered to pro tect truck caravana carrying coal to meet emergency needs. Local News Potato Price Support Policy Voted ly Sonata (Continue from peg One) Valuation "Low" Not Favored By Planners , (Continued from page One) at the meeting and no opposition wss heard. Also recommended to the city council was a petition from the First Conservative Baptist church that their newly purchased lot north and adjacent to the present city limits be included within the city. The lot in question ia near Beulah addition, one of the areas recently annexed to the city. Pro posed street improvements of Haw thorne drive waa also given plan ning commission approval aa was the final platting of Pippindale sub division, a part of lot ( in Boggs Orchard tracta. The commission moved to con tart the diatrict attorney'a office in regard to aale of lota within the city planning area (six mile radiua of Roaeburg) which have not been platted. Th aale of auch lota ia in violation of state law. Dercas Circle t Meat Dorcas circle of Faiih Lutheran church will meet at 1:30 o'clock Thurs day, March 2, at the home of Mrs. Conrad Quitt, 1313 W. First street. Leave en Vacation Mr. and Mra. Duan Buell of Roseburg left Mon day for southern Arizona to enjoy a two weeks' vacation. Mr. Buell ia employed at the Si Dillard Motor company. Visiting Hera Mrs. Charles Fox (formerly Vivian Orcutt) of Port land ia in Roseburg visiting her parents. Attorney and Mra. A. N. Orcult, on North Jackson street. Returning Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sedell are returning to their home in Roseburg tomorrow, following a few days in Portland on busineas. To Meet March 2 Daya Creek- Canyonville Home Extension unit will meet March 2 at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mra. Walter Jen sen in Canyonville. The topic will be "Family Business in Law." Sawing Club t Meet American Legion auxiliary sewing club will meet Friday, March 3, in the eve ning at the home of Mra. Betty Moore, 428 Pitzer street. All auxil iary members are asked to attend to assist with the child welfare sewing. Heme From Hospital Mra. Chriaa Backman returned to her ',iome in Sutnerlin Monday, follow ing her discharge from Mercy hos pital Monday, where aha recently underwent a major operation. She was taken home by Mra. William C. Woods of Roseburg. Returns to Hospital Richard M( Clintock, aon of Mr. and Mra. L. E. McCiintock of Roseburg, re-entered Mercy hospital Monday to spend several weeks receiving fur ther medical treatment for an in jured leg, suffered two months ago in an accident in the Medical arts elevator. revolved around various proposals for preventing Irish potato aur pluaea in th future. . Aa aent to the House, th bill provides that: 1. Price supports for 1950 Irish potatoes will be cut off in the ab sence of marketing quotas. 2. Price aupporta for 1951 Iriah potatoes will be cut off in th ab aenc of marketing quotas. The quota system ia the more rigid of the two and would apply uniformly ovr th country. Mar keting agreements, on the other hand, may vary between potatj growing regiona. Democratic lead er Lucas (HI.) and othera contend ed during the debate that auch agreement would not prevent sur plusea. . Th Send killed, 43-31, pro posal to ban Iriah potato imports when a surplus exists in the United Statea. School Representatives Set Football Planning Session Representatives of local schools will go to Myrtle Point Wednesday night for a meeting to plan next fal'a football aeason, George Erick aon, Roseburg senior high school principal, announced today. Prin cipals and coaches from the var ious schools will meet at 7 p. m. at the Myrtle Point high school building. Students at senior high under went smallpox and diphtheria im munization Tuesday, provided par ents granted permission for the shots. The preventntive work waa carried out through the county health office. Fines Imposed On Two Drunken Drivers Two persons pleaded guilty to drunk driving charges in munici pal court today. Judge Ira B. Riddle aaid Robert Louis Roberts, 54, Roseburg, ar rested by city police on a private complaint following an accident, waa fined $150 and aentenced to 30 daya in the city jail, th jail sen tence to be suspended upon pay ment of the fine. The accident in volved the car of Robert N. Camer on, Roaeburg, th complaint atated. Lyle Allen Davis, 28, Roaeburg, pleaded guilty to the same charge and waa given a aimilar fin of $150 and aentenced to 30 days, the aentence to be auspended upon pay ment of the fine, aaid the judge. He waa committed in lieu of pay ment. The drivera licenaea of both were revoked for one year. Christian Church In Pittsburgh Burns PITTSBURGH, Feb. 28 -Oft Fire destroyed the Central Chris tian church and damaged or threat ened other major structures last night in the Bellefield district. . Fire Chief William H. Davis plac ed total loss at $200,000. Of this, he said, $175,000 was to th church. The church was a two-story stone and brick building and formerly housed the Beveridge-Webster mu sic academy. The church, at 134 Dithridge street, waa an L-shaped structure. It included the old building, occu pied by the church 30 years, and a new $60,000 annex, scheduled to have been dedicated in three weeks. FORFEITS BAIL Erby Young, 39, Roseburg, charged with drunkennesa and dia orderly conduct, forfeited $30 bail by his failure to appear in munici pal court today in answer to the charge, reported Judge Ira B. Riddle. DOWN GOES RUBLE MOSCOW, Feb. 28-(Pi The So viet Union in sweepii.g price re ductions tonight aet a new rate for the ruble four rublea to the dollar instead of 5 30. Carpenters Union Gets $30,000 Building Permit Application for a building permit for a $.10,000 atructure to house the Carpenters and Joinera union. Lo cal 1,961, waa announced today by City Inspector Charles Boniols, The structure, to be built on th corner of Roberts and Cobb atreeta. will be a one-atory and basement affair and will be of wood construction. Over-all mea surements for the proposed build ing are 75x34 feet. It is to be built on two lota measuring 75x&0 feet. Th Carpenters and Joinera un ion now haa officra in the Pacific building. Do You Have METAL TROUBLE? a call to Roseburg Welding and Machine Works Will Soon Have It Repaired Twt complttc aursida Portable Weld in a. Rift. - W era aquippad for arty kind of )ob aquipment in our .hep! Larhat S ha par Millirtf MacKina Planar Hoik 200-ra Pratt Fuel Oil Tanks on Hand and Mod to Order Guarantee Warhmamhip at Fair Prica. Roseburg Welding and Machine Works We specialise In lagging and acwmtll equipment repair. , ust leek at thia list ef ! Sty (hiad Cauety Ceurt Hauae) SO N. Mai Clifford 0. Calliiis and frank M. Kant, Pras. ,The Weather U. S. Wather luraau Offlo naurg, Oregen Mestly claudy tdey and Wednes day. Occasional ahewera Wednea- Highest temp. ny Feb. 7 Lawest temp, tar any Fab. I Higheet temp, yesterday SI Lewest temp, last J4 hrs 31 Precipitation last 14 hrs. . ... .10 Precipitation from Feb. 1 .... J.W Prcipitatin tram Sept. 1 ... li.iS Deficiency tram Feb. I 1.M WOMAN JAILED Pearl Mildred Roberts. 48. Rose u... ,Mtti hv eitv nnlie A a charge of drunkenness and carry ing a eonceaiecj weapon, pieaoea guilty to both count in juatic , A - u rfwir1ft JllHsn A . .1 CUUIl 11.. - J , --. w. Geddea. She waa fined S40 on both counts, ana nas oeen commuted is the county jail in lieu of payment Salt Lake City, which lies near the Wasatch mountains, haa an ele vation of 4,330 feet. GOP Women In Reedsport For Meet With Local Unit Mrs. George T. Gerlinger, Port land, atate president of the Council of Oregon Republican Women, and Mrs. Krieda Peterson, Dallas, slate district chairman of the Council, and Helen Morgan met informally with women of the Lower Umpqua unit at the home of Mra. Cecil Bennett, Reedsport, Feb. 26 en route to acheduled meetings with units at Coquille and Coos Bay, March 1 and 2. Mrs. Peterson discussed the need for. an alert Republican voting forge for an understanding of CVA and the Hoover commission report, which she termed a blueprint of thia country'a future. She pointed out the duty of women units to aee that all persons in precincts have opportunity to register and vote, urged new and capable election board members and suggested non partisan instruction meetings with the county clerk. Truman's Kin Would Save Him From "Abductors" LONG BEACH, Calif., Feb. 28 P Rolland Truman, attorney, a third cousin of President Truman, says he believes "cousin Harry haa been kidnaped by leftwingers." To remedy the situation, he's de cided to run for Congresa he aaya "When elected I ahall utilize all my effort to rescue the President from his abductors," he said. "I feel that cousin Harry is being held prisoner by advisers who lean to Socialistic philosophies of gov ernment." Truman, 37, ia a Democrat but will aeek two party nomination against the Democratic incumbent, Clyde Doyle. Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phono 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store Woothorstrip Mechanic Art) you an experienced1 Weather strip Mechanic . . . Wauld you like to go into business lor your Mil' selling and installing Weather trip KorC Wool Insula lion, melal Storm ftash and Scroom . . Absolutely na Investment, wa carry II account! . . Term IS te M months, Company Ins u rod ft rune plan . . . Exclusive territory . . . Mechanical Sales en the Job as sistance . . . Local Advertising . . . Write fivlna full former experience, age. marital atatua, phone, address, to Branch Manager, Chemberlia Cam pa ay a America 122 S. W. Stark St, Pertland S, Oragow Soles Representative National Manufacturer nf building specialty lines . . . established over SO yean with Factory Branch in Portland . , . Desires local repre sentative ... No investment, every thing furnished . . . Exclusive ter ritory . . . Loral and National Advertising; . . . Wonderful oppor tunity to establish own permanent buit none . . . State fully former experience, age. csr. phone, address, how lone resident, to Box 234. tiffin to . 1 if On th vrag. U.S. fa.rm.erf gt $4 In added crop return often much more for every $1 invested In super phosphate. . To maintain phosphorus the mort readily depleted of the three basic ejrowinej elements apply Simplot Red Diamond Superphosphate! Simplot Red Diamond means big ger, better quality crops, more profits. Get your supply NOW ... at BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchangt ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Tracks ... jHf AJ. SEE - MEET - HEAR William Stroh OF LOS ANGELES Stimulating Sermons INSPIRING MUSIC Every Night 7:30 P.M. March 1-12 first flUtltodLst Church elaln ute Lan St. Roeeburf DON'T MISS THE VALUES IN THIS BIG SALE 1 M I I I ! f I ij