27 For a Better USED CAR See DILLARD'S 1MI CHEVROLIT CLUB Coil?! Clean mm m at eitei loaded with extras. - flSBS.06 1947 FONT! AC SlffAI Thts ear is really (harp. Ra dio, liester and leu of other trimminse. - 1365 0 MM PLYMOUTH CLUB COUFE Cushion tire beautiful eeinl. Baste and heater, 102S 00 M4i PLYMOUTH SEDAN. IHt PLYMOUTH COUPS BW.00 MS 00 05 00 1M1 DODGE 4-DOOR. , SMI PLYMOUTH 4-DOOB. AUi THESE CARS HAVE RADIOS AND WATERS, Commercials 1H1 OMC I TOK STAKE Sual rar tiree, sharp. 11 143 00 IHT WHAX DODGE Its TOM C C. Excellent. t? M '144 DODGE 1H TOW Vary clean, food rubber, ... 1295 00 CURRENT SERIES DODGE 1 Tail. Special Thu Week, . 1798 00 THESE CARS AND TRUCKS ARE GUARANTEED USED CARS Terms Wilt Be Arranged te fit Your Need! "Si" Dillard Motor Co. Used Car Lot .North Stephens St Confidence To build customer eon fidsnce requires hon est dealing of a high order. For yean we have given superlative value in every Ued Car. That's why buyers seeking a c o n o m -ical transportation put their fullest con fidence in us. May we show you these fine Guaranteed Used 'ears? Corkrum Motors, Inc. DESOTO Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 130 I. Steahene frier, SSS-f "We'll be Here TOMORROW e Back up what wa say am So TODAY," limeoeizia sum f REASONABLY PRICED CMAC TERMS CKTVROLET, BUICK, POKT1AC, CADILLAC TRADE-INS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Kom Oak -TO BALI IMI CHIfTFTAIH 0!x ! PrmtUx & pautngtr coup will Ukt . tln 41 or ems in tra). Ken is CH-evsotir nouns jE7ai . Autos 0 SM. 1341 ft. Stesilteria. Shop end Save With Classified Ads Autos 27 Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere . Today's Special THIS SPACE RESERVED EOR BARGAIN HUNTERS IMI EORD h T PICKUP, TOST TUB THING FOR RUNABOUT ON THE FARM, PLENTY Or SERV ICS LEFT, ONLY $1SS 30 WATCH THIS SPACE FOB MOSS IMS MERCURY CLUB COUPE One et our etieica ears For quich tunt over wa are aririn It SAO 30 below the booh. . S13SSM 1S47 PONTIAC FORDOB SEDAN West something that you'll be orcud to drive? See this today, Absolute!? surantaed. 1363 OO 187 KAISER FORDOR REDAN, Coma on you bargain huntw ten. This si 1 Don't Wait 1!!!! . 5 00 194 FORD COUPE XGood car for tha! aalps miii'l job. or vsu sruyl who like to be alone. 80S 00 a STUDEBAKEB FORDOR SE DAN: Glowing repaint Sob Safe ty checked through and through. Drive this one today I 1 I SS0.00 1S41 FORD COUPE: Only e few miles en a fac tory rebuilt motor. Ail new upholstery. Really . beaut. 559.03 1641 OLDSMOBIME SEDANETTE 3-TONE oeint. good running condition throughout. 4! 00 1H0 PACKARD FORDOR SEDAN O. K. Through and throuah. Good rubbmr and paint. 36$ 33 1940 BUICK FORDOR SEDAN New, heevy-dut? rubber all ground. New seet covers. good paint. CHECK THESE FOR GOOD DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION 1H0 FORD Tudor Sedaa SM S US FORD Tudor Sedan 965 00 1636 CHEVROLET fordoit Sedan 309.00 163? FORD Tudor Sedan 349.00 163T CHEVROLET Tudor Sedaa US W 163S PLYMOUTH Tudor Sedan . 69.00 Trucks & Pickups 1646 FORD Silks Reek 164 STUDEBAKER 1-T 1641 FORD Flat Bee) 1799 00 moo 1163.00 T0900 164 FOBD T PANEL, . 1636 FORD SEDAN Delivery. SMOD 1636 FOBD H-T Pickup 109.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D MOTORS 750 s. Stephens Piter 11S1-I Easy Terms We Want Good Clean Used Cars Top prieee peid ' DOYLE S SALES S SERVICE Highway 66 it Garden Valley ltd. Phone gil OOOD CARS PRICED TO SELL, Soma tarma available: 1640 OLDSMORILE 4-door sadan, fully eouioped a-r?, nn lira FORD 101 sedan SJ4S no 163? BUICK 4 -door sedea .1130 00 Inquire 307 Pseifie Bids , or phone esg 1941 Suielc 4-DOOR idstn, SiuSOiS (Htial mUtt, t- ewner cer, uood mndnicm tsreughmM. R V H Ca'l HWM-J nr It 608 W. Omk St. Termi sr smth. mt!e, ipotlM, 3H31. 2341 S. Sshim TRADE 1S41 Ford a-astr( mxepatmmrty rieen tfsrnuffsmit, - part p y m n i eit let m ridel cr. Ha dlft. Box SiSt Nw-Rev(ew. WORE MONEY for tout car. Cub on is tpa Corn rum Mflfon, U Snts Plymouth. Phon 40i. 114 N Rob St M CHEV, COSV. i mrmlhi nM, 4500 miles inr JWO. Irtt then inflnil tmel met. Will also ssnstaer trade-is. 513 s Ret Ave. 41 BUICK sedea, reeTthirp, ruru par feet. KM 2241 X. Steohens. t$M 5LDS. 4 deer ies, Fally 3iippd- niw paint, txceuen i russer. uniy w 4.11 Bowe St or Ph. I32S B, PACKABD CONVTRTIRLbT tlS" Gonts t-p enei ntw mm or nvrnui, redis, Se et W, Oak. Ph 1M J 142 DODGE 4 -door cuftrrm Htltit, ''ry Knod condition. Beaaonablc. 1010 Bear St. Pl.YMOtTH nmse, rteen. reel p-tl. 4m 2341 N. Stephem. GOOD. CLEAN 41 F"rrd Tudor w-dan. 4A tb Beus sr rtfTil oti Broccoli Lan. l CHWRdTSn fSidor, flset In tAwn. fZU. 2241 IV Siepneru. FOB SALS Or trd far pickup, cnevrom Kian, eons srtepe. d. h Clauuen, Dillard. Oregon rOB SALE 1 94 Brf eeotter. leat than 7000 miles, perfect ondiflfpn, Jkt Davis, Brock wmv. Or ion. 3 STtrDrBAKEB SEDA?. H7f fd H ronti Uas Harre Wubur. Fs. lecj-s 27 Better Buys at 1 Barcus Today's Best luy ItU PACKARD CeLUXE SEDAN Beautiful light blue fmlsh. New red plastic seat covers Overdrive, electrostatic eiutrh, radio, heater, end many other extras- Less than 1 3 O0 miles, A reel bargain, . S2130 l4T PLYMOUTH DiLgse Sedan Psrfact biark finish shines like new. 111. Mechanically " ssceflent, ,.. , 1115 164 PACKARD 110 CLIPPER Sedan Light grey, Nice In terior B it it A buy. 12SS 1640 OLDSMOBtLB 3-DOOR . 134S motor. New aatnt. Nice Interior, Sadie as heater, S63 1666 KAISER SEDAN Low mileage; excellent condi tion. . 1409 1636 CHEVROLET S Pees. Coupe, Reconditioned m o i e r, good Urea, B e - 161 ItM BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN X 4 H Clean. 369 1636 NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN, Reconditioned no tar. Over drive, 14 1 , 609 163? CHEVROLET SEDAN, 1635 FORD V- SEDAN, 1636 CHRYSLER SEDAN. 1636 FORD V-g SEDAN. 169 too 69 EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Hun ay (6 N at Sardaa ViUtl IUt Phong 1394 HlBv'ROLtlt tudor, new Urea, 6 -341 N. Stephens, f4gWlLLYS CIVILIAN Jeep, Very good condition. Ph. 370. CHIVR6T.ETT"OI'PE. BAH, excel- lent cooditieo,g55S.2241 NStenhens, FOR SALE 1641 Chev, Club coupe. Or trsde for later car, Ph, iiSS-Y "3t"CHE'ROLXT coupe, looks fine. Solid bodytgIS.224t N.Saheos. I0I PLYMOUTH Seden for sale or trade. 2037 N. Stephens, Ph. 330-R-S. HI FORD PICKUP, 90 bucks. UifU Siepherw, 1W PLYMOUTH 3-door sedan, B A, t S249. See et 1005 Madrons, ph. 583. Personal 30 EARN EXTRA DOLLARS SelHof latest frseMsj eards, steUonanr wraps, etc. Orders for Daeehla greet ing card end mtny otNers filled from our Seattle stoclc. Make up ts boe per box. Seattle Card Mart. 10S Balle vus, North Seattle, Wa.hinrton. alc! i hcjlics-an rnvrnv III Notices 31 CABS Or THANKS We. the family of the Late C Bred Wolske vinh to express our ilncere thanki end appreciation to our many friends who were so kind to ui during our reeent bereavement, and also for the seautifiil floral offerings. Mrs. Bsbert ,M. Johnson and family tumnli H. Wolsk t will not fee responsIM for any debu, fxcfpt those (hat art contracted by myself. Clde I DubeU, Oalcridia, Oregon. i am not reaposiifil for mny debta ether than my own from this date on. C A. Tiller, Oakland. LEGAL Scaled bids will be received br A B, Coillfr. Clere: at School District office, Rnsesyr., Oregon, until Monday, Marrh (h. 1950. . o'e.oeli P. M. for the Soseoifra H!fe School, Arts Building inr scrooi utstnc so. . ooygias oun tv, Bosebyre. O rutin and will then and there he opened! end publicly read aloud. Bids received after the time fixed for opening will not he considered. ir'ians, specification ana form or con tract documents may be examined or obtained et the office of Freeman, Hay- UO V Tllfl, Asaoc. ArrM, B. W, Third Avenue, Portland, Oregon, upon m deposit of I.J W, which will be refunded upon the return of the plena and speel- can on a wttnm a reesonaoie nme. Attention u railed to Bidders Prt- ualificatlon, Section S-1UJ to SS-10S inclusive, Oregon Compiled Laws Anno tated, which must be filed with Clerk 10 dava before date for oDenlne of bids and for which forms may be obtained at the office of the Architects. No srsoosals will be considered un less accompanied by a certified check. easnier a cnecic or ms sans iwitfi autnor frcd surety company as surety made payable to the Owner m en a mount of not les Ihen 5" of the amount of the bid. Surety bond tor bonds i will be re- sulred 1ft accordance witb the term a of the contract documents. The School District No 4. Don rial County, Or t ton reserve the right to re ject any or ell bids and to waive in formalities. No bidder may withdraw his hid after the hour set for the open in t thereof or before award of the eoi..rert, unlets !d award is defaj ed or a period ex ceeding 3d days. rirst FuBucatios rsoruary m. iu. Second Publication March t, ISSo Third Bubilcation March 1. IBS. A, S COLIUIEII, Ctera Croft Class Conceltrd The rgulsrl ichHuled YMCA crsft clsi will not b held this wesk, announced Rev, W. A, lHac Arthur, director f ths program, Rev. MacArthur added that start ing next week, March ? t 7:30 p.m.. the craft class will move to the industrial arts room of the junior high school for leather-craft work is the month of March, Chuck Allen, junior high industrial arts teacher, will conduct the classes. The industrial arts rooms are lo cated in the quonset hut in back of the junior high school MORALS CHAROI FACED fiotcoe Samuel Brown, 55, Lorm Lake, was lodged in the county jail upon failure to post $2,500 bail on a charge of contributing to the delinquence of s minor, said Sheriff O. T, "Bud" Csrter. Brow was arrested In Reed sport Monday and arrsimecl in the Jus- lies court of Judge Fred Wright. Autos Improvement In Dairy Industry Of Oregon Noted Wiihin the psst four years, 2 000 Oregon milk producers fcava quali fied (or tits grade A market and milk processors have invcsied an estimated additional M million dot lara in buildings and equipment, Thil modernization of producing and processing facilities, together with s greater emphasis on qual ity and service, is evidence that the dairy industry ol Oregon is discharging snd wM continue to discharge its public obligations in a manner which will add to tha well being of the public. Such is the present overall pic ture of Oregon's dairy industry as seen through the eyes of the state department of agriculture, Kenn eth E. Cart, assistant chief of the division of foods and dairies, told the recent meeting of the Oregon Dairy Manufacturers association, Carl is in charge of enforcement of the state's diary laws. On the quality side, he pointed to facts and figures from the de partment's laboratory work to show the improvements which pro ducers snd processors have made. Last year, 82,1 percent of all milk samples analyzed from l.DJT licen sed grade A producers complied with the standard bacteria require ment and 93 J percent of grade A raw milk for pasteurization com plied with the sediment standards. Ninety-three producers were re moved from the market last year for exceeding bacterial standards, 2o for violating premise sanitation requirements and IS for exceeding sediment standards, Vietatiens Paw Only S 8 percent of the Grade A pasteurized bottled milk and cream samples violated the but terfats tandard;lS ,S percent were above the permissible bacteria al lowance; 25 6 percent contained coliform organisms; and 14.5 per cent were improperly pasteurized. About half the bacterial violations and all the improper pasteurization occurred in August and September. In the manufacturing milk field, only 4 4 percent of the SS.T41 cans of milk examined were condemned as unfit for human consumption a 50 percent decrease in the tub standard milk found in IMS, A like decrease over 194$ was recorded on the sediment tests, Hie quality of farm separated cream was about the same in 19-19 aa in IMS; M percent of the 8,233 cans graded in 1S49 was No, 1 or premium grade cream and only I.J percent was rejected. In the manufacturing field, all cheese samples labeled as pasteur ized were found in compliance in this respect. But six samples con tained less than SO percent fat in the dry matter. Enforcement of the 184 ice cream and ice milk standards of bacteria , weight and butterfat is still in the pioneering stage. Of the first fl( samples of these products, 7,2 percent were short on butterfat and 23.7 percent was too high on bacteria count, Butter Labeling Changes Cited To Oregon Industry Oregon butter manufacture anrl distributors are being informed of i the labeling changes necessary be cause of the recent circuit court I ruling that the butter grading law 1 was unconstitutional, according to ; O. K, Seals, chief of the division of i foods and dairies, state department of agriculture. j "Consumers should not feel alarmed because of this change since it will not affect in the least any of the sanitary requirements," continued Beals. "Manufacturers i strive to maintain a uniform fla vor, body and texture which were the principal factors used in deter-; mining the grade so consumers ma y still purchase by brand the butter; that suits their taste." Dairy organizations asked the 1W8 legislature to repeal the but ter grading law but the bill failed in the Senate after passing the House. In asking for the repeal, : the dairy industry pointed out that the compulsory determination of grades by taste is unreliable and unenforceable since it Is an eitab-: lished fact that even expert grad-: era vary widely at times in their, opinions on the same sample of but- ( ter. Another reason given was that manufacturers could still use the volnutary federal grading service when selling to distant markets, which protects the seller where grade is s competitive factor. It may be emphasized that the Hate grade has been compulsory, the; federal voluntary, ; New Instructions Listed 1 It should be pointed out, how ever, that in 1WT when the grad ing law was passed Oregon was a butter exporting state and the edu cational work on grading done by , the Oregon State college dairy de-: partment and the department of, agriculture following its passage did much to improve the quality of i butter produced in Oregon at thatj time and aided in its sale in distant i markets. Butter manufacturers ind dis- tributors are now being instructed that; . j 1, Butter may now be sold with- i out a labeled grade designation, ; 2, The Oregon consumer grade emblem must be removed from la-, bels, j J, If a grade label or statement : of grade (other than labels which , designate a federal grade) appears 1 on butter wrappers or containers, i then s statement must also be ; made that it is the seller's own pri- j vate grade and this statement must ' appear on each panel that carries : the grade label. Department ap proval is required for this type of label, 5 4. Labels must continue to bear (he name snd address of the manu facturer, packer or distributor and the net weight; and the butter ; shall continue to contain not less than 80 percent milk fat, I VASRANTS JAILED Donald LeRoy Nottnagel, 21. and Elbert Leon Smith, It, both of Chowehilla, Calif,, charged with va grancy, were each sentenced to serve 19 days in the county jail, when they appeared in justice court Monrlay, Juris A, . Geddes reported. Vita! Statistics Marrlaas License! lutlueal 8WIN0EI.HUVINEN Theo dora Gordon Swmgei and Elsis Mas Huvinen, both of Bandon. NORMS-tlNTON FUymond Donald .Norm and Wanda Lou Un ion, both of Sutherlm, PAVNE-WAGONEB David fca. thaniel Payne and Violet Adeliet Wagoner, both of Rosebnrg, PARRISH CARTLR George Donald Parrlsh and Beuns Eiimi Carter, both of Rote burl. Divorce lulls Piled BOWMAN Mirgone va, Loren Bowman, Married Sept, 21. 194e, at Hutchinson, Kansas, Plaintiff charges cruel and inhuman treat ment, asks (or property settle ment. BERCH Arthur J, vs Elda M Berch, Married July It, 1940, at Wenatehee, Wn, Plaintiff charges desertion, will grant defendant eui tody of one minor child and )S0 per month support money, subject to reasonable visitation, paiciMCT posTTiittio Three more persons names were added to the list filing for nomina tion to tha office of precinct com mitteeman, at the county clerk' office Monday, They include Ernest 8, Pruner, Riddle; Horace 5, Corbett, Tiller; and Mrs, Thomas C. Hartfiel, Win chester, all Republicans, Roseburg, Oregon Garden Valley Movie Slated Using what are probably tha tint Umt-compretsed colored movie of ths photosynthesis of a leaf, peaeher-aeieniirt Dr. Irwin A, Moon reveals new secrets of nature in his sound film, "The God of Creation," to be shown March J, at 1 p m. t Garden Valley Sunday rchool, Sunday school will be at the reg ular lima with a potluck dinner at IJ;J0, The film, produced in the Los Angeles branch of Moody Bible in ttitute, has already been shows to more than two million people. - In the first sequence of "The Cod of Creation," apacs and its gaiasies of stars are explored through the telescopea of ML Wil son observatory. Then, in sharp contrast to the immensities of the univers, the wonders of the every day world are portrayed. In this part of the film, plants grow and buds blossom in a few seconds by the time-compressing photo tech nique. Close-up shots of a cater pillar wiggling into a butterfly are also ahown, for the third part of his film, Dr. Moon permits the audience to examine tha minute perfection of the microscopic world, Sunlight falls on leaves, manufacturing plant food in tha process of photo synthesis Through photomicrogra phy, millions of persmeeea are seen swimming to a drop of wa t ., FULL YEAR'S SUPPLY OF TIDE Tuts., F, , 1930 Ths News-Hsvlw, K.tt.rf, Q-t, 11 Haalfh-Wtlfara PKt Dtmandtd By IWA KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. W-fm Jfealth and welfare commitments are being sought by the C10 Inter national Woodworkers in negotia tions with the lumber industry here toward new contracts, Reportedly no request for a wage increase has been brought up. The CIO, in lt) contracts, wants company-paid tI,HW life insurance policies plus H.toa insurance against dismemberment or acci dental death : full hospital, medical and surgical coverage; tW week tor 2C weeks sick leave pay and six paid holidays year CIO contracts in the lumbar in dustry expire March 11. Lebanon Nat Growar. To Quit Nwtkwtif Asm, LEBANON, Feb, Zt -im The Lebanon nut growers wHl withdraw front the Northwest nut growers and cancel fts marketing agree men! on July 1. The growers co-op here voted to take the action in protest against the Northwest Nut Growers action in taking operations out of the local plant, The Salem nut growers had vot ed to withdraw from the North west group earlier. Kenneth Walters, manager-aecre-tary of the Lebanon Nut Growers, said the decision would give more Included at no extra cost with purchase of any M-W Washer ...This Week Only! Htirryl luy yotw super-vofcrs-pffead M-W now ccd get o Ml year't Kjpiy of farrovi TIDE, m weinday miracle tudi, for regular price of (he woihv own I Com hand so tha complataly-naw Una of M-W washers how Wards saves you at mh as $30 on estnooroUe qwollry eHiawttors , , , bvry no and to ever re t 60 packages overage f-mily'i ywrly swppjyl NEW ECONOMY WASHIR WITH FAMOUS LOVELL WRINGS!! S !k Capocifyf ls-pr-e; yt you gel foil, sJBeJei waihtf-g ocKont Urll wringer has pressure release, tmi-bolloon reJIls and .dfwttabla fabric pretwra, A bwyl Wirh AutomesHc Deal Pump 84,9 5 M-W STANDARD WASHIR WITH SUPER-WASHING SWIRLATORI 9 to, Oapofryf Eitta faeturai ot (ewstr price Kon-tangiicia 6 -van Swhfater waihes clothes cleaner, faster, tewed wrtBfs w J-ta, balloon nsfc, 1 8 '-h jolt, to baa line, a Wrrtt AulorrKil-k; Drain Pump, , , 1 04,95 M-W SUPREMI SEMI-AUTOMATIC WRING-A-MATIC WRINGERI if flafc. ts Ico lg 10 fb, capocrhy washer with aurary euro yti priced to sawe you $30 or motel Wricg-A-MeHc, tfops wrtr-ger with tug so cMtesl Tlnve r shuts 0 wash! 4 With AtrtorTKrffc Drofn Pvrwp, ,,,,,,,, ,,tl41, 95 ONLY 5 DOWN ON TIRMS, 5 A MONTH with up to 24 monlhi to pcy. work to tha local plant, ft will coo -ttoue aa a cooperative, finding to own market outletau Ttr le-esf. fine To Counttr Br Industry SEATTLE, Feb. 20 Ttlll la unhappy art the Wast Coast Lumbermen's associatiM u glad, So there. H, V, Simpson, Portland, execu tive vice president of (be Wast Coast group, says he has teamed! that the Texas Lumber Manufac turers association haa launched s campaign boosting the us of Texas-grown yellow pine to counteract encroachment of the Douglas fir industry in the south, , That, added Simpson, "is the highest compliment that could ta paid our national promouca at forts," THAPHC NNI L I VI 1 0 Louis Alan MeCting, a, Granli Pass, charged wilh improper U cense pities on a motor vehicle, was fined $10 in justice court Mon day. Mlowing Wa arraignment in Justice court, t a id judge A, i. Ged dei, BAB CONDUCT CHARCIB Ralph Boyd Gilien, 25, Roseourg, eharaid Sunday with disorder conduct, was released upon posing ISO bail, following his arrest oy state police, Sheriff O. T, "Bud Carter reported, Phone f S 79 95 99" 13495 - Wi