Siuslav; Captures Sub-District Title eg fj 1 VI 1 o ONI UP, ONI TO GO Above are two varsity Indian lidt who won laurels for their Ittm in lagu pity and tournament compe tition. Though the Indians didn't win tho tournamant crown, kee Briggt, loft, and Dexter Caroy, right, playing forward and guard, ratpoctivoly, mada tho vanity hoopart look good In losing. Briggs, a junior, returns for anothar yaar of play, whila Gry, who will bo graduatad in Juna, will ba missed naxt yaar. (Staff photos). Hockey Results (Br Th AwoellJ PrsjMi W L TPTS OF OA Northern Division Ntw Wait. M 17 14 74 241 17 Soattl 47 117 tt Portland .30 U 4 44 321 Ml Ttnmi .... It 11 I 44 151 201 Vtncouvar 2 2S 4 44 ISt 221 Victoria ... If 37 S 41 1M 241 Southern Division San. Fran. 2f 21 t 47 211 11 San Dla 24 24 14 42 117 liS Las An. . 24 27 f 57 221 221 Frtsno .. IS 11 11 41 1SS 212 USED TIRES 1.00 up Sao ua for all slits of good ussd tlraa at tha lowtst prloaa. Lata modal IS, 14 and 171 neh wheal for all makaa oare. Fraa Tuba with ovary tlra purchatsd. DOYLE'S Sales t Service Highway 99 at Garden Valley Phono Ml Atlas Defeats Stojack, Looks At Coast Title Tha Great Alias bullied his way to a crick at Al Szasz'a Pacific coast junior heavyweight wrestling belt Saturday night at the armory after tending hit opponent Frtnkie Siojack through the ropes tnd onto tha floor for a kayo in tha main event. It wat a grim grind throughout. culminating in an exchange of el bow tltms, followed by Stojack's aerial flight to the floor, where he landed on his head and wis count ed out by Referee Elton Owen. Tha strong man-. Atlas, who dem onstrated the tame by bending a steel bar into a prettel during a test of atrength prior to the fight, took the Initial fall after 11 min utes with a full Nelson, but even ed tha score by toppling hit oppo nent with a Boston crab, preceed rd by a crowd- pleasing flying Dutchmen. In the early event, Andy Truman besled newcomer Carl Gray, first with an abdominal stretch, then in tha third fall, with a series of roll ing leg-ipliti. Gray took the sec ond round with a one-htlf Boston crab. Tha evening wtt marred by tha death, during the matches, of Fred rick William RiUman, 78, retired Roseburg firmer. Oregon High School Basketball Scores iRv Tho Aioorloted PrMtt Msrshfield 45. North Bend 34. Ortgon Frosh 70, Klamath Falls ZT. Grants Psst 37, Medford 34. Hood River 47. The Dallas 48. Every day someone meets disaster face to face! Frank Olson On First Five In Tournament . Four Rosiburg basketball play ers made tha all-tournament team following tha final game at senior high school Saturday night. Sius law, tournament champions, cop- pea live placet. Three teams were picked, in cluding a first, second and honor. mention five. Coaches and tourna ment officials participated in the selections. Named to the first team wit I rank Olson. Roseburg. forward Jack Pinion, Reedsport, forward r.a niggs, siuslaw, guard; Elden Nordahl, Siuslaw, guard and Merle buck, suinerun, guard. Making the second team was Lyle Hartzell, forward; Dick Fro- man, Keedsport, forward: Fred Kroush, Sutherlin, center; Dexter Garey, Roseburg, guard and Don Gillespie, Myrtle Creek, guard. Honortbly mentioned were Roy Vtn Horn, Roseburg, forward; Du nne Leggett, Reedsport, forwtrd; Kee Briggs, Roseburg, center; Chet Perry, Reedsport, guird and Dick Holt, Siuslaw, guard. Roseburg alto received the sportsmanship trophy, which wat presented to Yell Queen Pit Mean, on behalf of the ttudent body. The trophy wit awarded by Cece Hugh, Roseburg sportsman. Ed Nordahl. fiery Siuslaw guird, received the tourntment trophy on behalf of his teammates, while Frank Olson, Roseburg captain re ceived the tournament runner-up cup, for his team. Olson also received tha league trophy on behalf of the Indians and the Reedsport Braves, co-winners, with five wint and one de feat each in league play, both tea mi having defeated tha oth er once. The league trophies were ore- sented by Lawson Jewelers tnd Roseburg Jewelers both of Rose burg. Salvation Army Team Wins Fifth Straight Victory Salvttion Army continues to re main undefeated in Y-Church league play, having won ita fifth game Saturday, while maintaining a no lost record. Garnet played at Benson gym nasium Saturday put the Salvation Army five 31-26 over the First Methodists, with Lloyd Stumbo leading tha Army attack with 12 points. Faith Lutheran bowed 33-26 to First Christians and First Baptists won by default over the Presby terians, in other A division games. Tha Episcopalians defeated the First Christiana of the B division 23-20, while First Methodists won by default over First Baptist! in the same division. The A loop's high scorer wis Strickling of the First Baptist team, with 24 points. Phillips, First Methodist forward, with 14, topped B division hoopers. Lineups: A DIVISION Sal. Army (11) (24) Methodists Neavoll S F 14 McAneney Rutherford ... F Phillips Fitrgerald .... C 3 Hartin 11. Stumbo 8 .... G 1 Burnett L. Stumbo 12 G Hurd Reserves: Methodists Ander son. Hilftima Salvation 17, Metho dists 18. F. Lutheran (24) (13) F. Christian Sundberg 13 ... F 11 Church Fingerlos 4 F 3 Johnson K. Bergerson C SMcFarland D. Bergerson T G 4 Sanders R'id 2 G 6 Bruton Halftime Christian! 15, Faith 14. First Baptist (44) (14) Makeup Stone 10 F 2 Bicknell Byrd 6 F . 4 Sconce Strickling 24 .... C 16 Compton Marshall 2 G 6 R Dentins Baird 4 G . S J. Oerding nuium Baptists in, Make up u. DIVISION F. Christian (20) (21) Eoisconal Schick 4 F 10 Pinninger Kelsey F Montgomery Christensen 12 C 4 Jones Rd 2 G 2 Turner "'vans g T Haskins jonnsnn 1 R Halftime Christiana 14, Ep'v.' copal 7. Makeup (0) (27) F. Methodists Msck F Rutherford Eddy F 14 Phillips Mrl'auley C . Rind Schweppe G 4 Major Joelson G Purriy Halflime First Methodist 15, Makeup 0, Indians Bow Before Yikes In Overtime By DAN MINDOLOVICH The Siuslaw Vikings of Lane county came, aaw and conquered every Douglas county opponent they faced in the tub-district tour ntment, completed tt tenior high acnooi aaiuraty nignt. The Roseburg Indians, who got tr play in the final gam by com ing up the hard way, lost 50-47 in anomer tnruiing overtime battle, after knotting the score at 42-all on two critical free throws launch ed by Ronnie Strickling, with eight seconds remaining in tha fourth quarter, Pliymg to a capacity house, the visiting Siusliani, who were unde feated in tournament play, copped the tournament crown and earned a crack at the district title against me winner in tne coot county area. Fightinf Indiana The Roseburg aggregation con tinued to be a fighting club, even as they played most of the cham pionship game on the thort end of the tcore, trailing 18-14, 28-21 and 32-28 at tha end of the first three quarters. With less than four minutet of play remaining in the fourth quar ter, Larry Freeman fed the ball to Dale Blanck who sank it and put Roseburg on a 36-36 par with Siuslaw. The Indians went ahead two points following a one-man stand by Frank Olson, who reoeatedlv sh t the basket while recovering hit own rebounds. Finally fouled. Olson connected with a free throw. putting we inaians one point anead. Another free throw by Bill Van Horn and a field goal by Freeman ga . the Indians a two-point mar gin, but Siuslaw's shooters nam ed up and went ahead two points again. Strickling Pets Feuls btnckling't two gift shots out the game into the overtime, but the Vikings immediately ran away fror.i the Indiana by a aeven point margin, with Lyle Hartzell, who scored 10 points during the game, potting lix of them in quick suc cession. Kee Briggs, who continued to be a considerable asset under the (nurds, potted one, followed by Dale Blanck, with one minute re maining. With seven seconds left, Olson collared mother, free throw, then Briggs tank what would hive been the tying score, but enthusitstic Olson fouled out tnd Briggt' shot was nullified. Nordahl collected an additional counter from the free throw line, affr which the tournament went into the history books. Nordahl and Ed Riggs, with 13 each, and Hartzell with 10 points, figured prominently in putting bius law In the win column, while Ol son, Briggs, Dale Blanck and Dex ter Garey helped keep Roseburg in the running, with tallies of 16, 10. nine and five respectively. . Box Score: Roseburg FG FT PF T Roy Van Horn, .. 1 0 S 2 Briggt, t 4 Olson, e .- Garey, g , Strickling, Blanck Coen Drain Takes County Crown A By Defeating Glendale hue Bill Van Horn . Freeman . Mithewt Siuslaw Nordahl, f Hartzell, f Riegs, e Holt, g Strahm, g . Husko McGuire 18 11 32 47 i FG FT PF T Oregon-OSC Tilt Set For Portland Stadium PORTLAND, Feb. 27 (.PI Th Oregon-Oregon State football clas sic will be played in Portland this fall, Oregon State's athletic direc tor haa announced. The game will be played in Mult nomah stadium Nov. 25 the first time since 1938 that the teams have met in Portland. 15 20 17 50 Free throw! missed Roseburg, Blanck. 3; Briggs, 2; Olson, 5; Bill Van Horn, 3; Garey. 1. Siuslaw Nordahl, 4; Hartzell, 6: Riggs, 3; Husko, 1; Holt, 1; McGuire, 3; Strahm, 1. Halftime Siuslaw 28, Roseburg 21. Officials Wendy Kaufman and Lyle Small, both of Eugene, Colltgo Basketball (Br Th Aunclittd Preail Idaho 48, Washington 45. Oregon 45, Oregon State 46. Gonzaga 46, Washington Stat 43. Oregon Tech 67, Lassen 'e. 42. Willamette 81, Whitman 54. Southern Oregon 58, Humboldt State 55. Princeton 54, Yale 51. I-ong Island U. 87, Hart wick (8. Holy Cioss 70, Brown 45. I-oyola of Chicago 61, DePaul 47. Bradley 42. Oklahoma A&M 35. Nebraska 56, Iowa State 54. Kasnsas 76. Colorado 60. Illinois 76, Wisconsin 58. Kentucky 70, Vanderbilt 66. Notre Dame 85, Navy 59. Brigham Young 63. Utah State 35. I'tah 52, Colorado A&M 42. Wyoming 61, Denver 39. Nevada 75, St. Maryi (Calif) 67. GIVE NOW! LAST trar again tornado, floods, fir, I hurricane took their toll! Thr wer hundreda of diMistere in all! Horrible? Yl But almont at fast at diaaaUr struck, your , help wat on ita way through your Red Cm. Emergency and rehabilitation aid for 228,500 parsons I Disaster will atria again thai year . . . and your Ked Croea will b needed quickly . . . diwperauly! Give . . . so that your Red Croat can keep on helping I You, too, can help through Your RED CROSS Industrial Supply Co. 132 S. Stepheni Phone S43 PLANNING TO BUILD? SEE OUR LUMBER SPECIALS ALL GRADES Wt guarantee to save you dollors not just pennies. 2x4 and wider all separated to width. See our No. 4 before you buy No. 3. WHITE'S LUMBER 3 Miles South on Highway 99 CHAMP BUILDER Bill Chat. ham, above, is coach of th Drain Warriors, who (or the past three years have won tha coun ty championship in baskatball Chatham produces excellent football, baseball and track teams, too. (Staff photoonl. County All-Star Players Named Four Drain Warrior Dlavers wer picked for the Douglas county B league all-star team by tourna ment officials Earl Lidd and George Erickson, both of Roseburg, following the championship tourna ment at loncalla Saturday eve ning. Glendale nroduced three men far the all-star selection, Oakland cop ped two placet tnd Dayt Creek eirned one toot on the dream team. The list included John Harbour. Chandler and Allen of Glendale: Don Joslvn. Bob Cellers. J errv Cade and Bill Duncan. Drain: Brownson and Roberson. Oakland: and Gaulke, Dayt Creek. Prior to the annoncement nf th all-star selection trophies were swarded to the Drain and Glen dale teams, while a ttandine rnnm only crowd cheered the winners. enter District 4 Tourney Drain and Glendale will renre. tent the county at the district 4 tournament to be nlaved at Vnn. eatra Friday and Saturday, March ana . Gold Beach. Curry countv cham pions and Powers. Coos countv champions, will be the other par ticipants. Douglas county rates two district entries, as there are twice as many participating teams in thit county. The district winner will participate in the state B league tournament at Astoria, March 9-11. The same ball used in the Doug- Teams To Yie In District Tournament By WARREN MACK At exciting a B league cham pionship basketball game as thit county hit aver teen provided thrills for a capacity erowd at Yoncalla't new - gym Saturday night aa Drain battled from be hind to overtake Glendale and win the county crown. 28-24. Oakland maintained a ateady lead to best Dayt Creek, 41-1T, for consolation bonort. Both Drain and Glendale will represent Douglas county in the district B league fina'j to be held it V'oncalla March 3-4. In Friday night garnet, Drain will meet Gold Beach, Curry county champs, at 7:30 p.m. Glendale and Powers. champions of Coot county, will meet in the evening'i finile. Situr day night, the two winners play for the right to enter the state B finals at Astoria the following week and the two losers play for the consolation award. Although Drain . wat cited by most experts to repeat its trip to the district finals for the third straight year. Glendale's big band of Piratea nearly upset the dop estert by dominating first half play. The Dram Warriors were trailing 12-7 and 18-15 at the end of the first two quarters, but spurted into the lead early in the tecond halt. holding a 25-21 margin going into the final period. Tha final total! for both Drain 6 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Mow., Feb. 27, 1980 lat conty tornament clay, do nated by J.V. Sporting Goods ttore ot Roseburg, will be used in dis trict play. Brackets for the district tourney were drawn up by Lee Roy Han sen, chairman, in consultation with representatives of the other teams participating. A single elimination affair. Fri day night winners play Saturday ior tne aistrict championship. Gold Beach plays Drain Friday at 7:30, while Powers opposes Glen dale at 8:30. The two losers will play the 7:30 game Saturday. Hansen said Earl Ladd and George Erickson will work the dis trict tournament, too, in view of their "excellent officiating during the county finals." and Glendale represented only about half tha number of points each team hat averaged during the season. However, thii was an indication of the close checking employed by both squads. Few baskets came via tha tip-in or lay in route as both teams checked each other almost to a standstill under the backboards. Neither team was off Saturday night but' neither team was getting good chancea to run up the score. High Scorers Chckd An indication of th excellent guarding is shown in the point totals of Drain's Jerry Cade and John Harbour, big Glendale for ward. Cade was held to two points and Harbour could garner only four. Both are touted as top scor ers on two high scoring teams. Eleven points was the mo t any player could score, with Don Joslyn and Bob Cellars of Drain and Allen of Glendale dividing high scoring honors. Hill of Oakland led his team mates to an easy win over the Days Creek Wolves by potting 16 points from his forward position. Runner-up was Roberson, also of Oakland, with 11. Gaulke, Days Creek forward, came though with 8 points to top that team's scoring. Oakland Days Creek Hill 16 r ( Gaulke Brownson T F Moore Roberson 11 C 1 R. Smith G . 1 Giles 3 B. Duncan . 2 M. Smith Oakland 21, Seelev I Eitriem 2 G Gildersleeve 2 S Halftime score: Davs Creek 11. Drain Glendale Don Joslyn U T 4 Harbour Haldeman 2 F 3 Chandler Bill Duncan 2 .. C 11 Allen Cellars 11 G 1 Mouchett Cade 2 G 1 Austin Halftime score: Glendale 18, Drsin IS. Officials both games: Etrl Ladd and George Erickson, both of Roseburg. Ooak Walker Signs With Detroit Lions DETROIT, Feb. 27 LVt -The Detroit Lions announced Saturday the signing of Doak Walker, South era Methodist's heralded halfback for a three-year contract totalling an estimated $38,000. The signing of the three-time all America gave the Lions two of tha most celebrated college football players of the 1949 season. Next year Walker will team with Notre Dame'a Leon Hart, who recently signed with the Lions for approxi mately the same terms. Cincinnati pitcher Ken Raffens berger mide tix starts against the Chicago Cubs in 1949, won all six and pitched 8 complete games Important!- Amf Hems roconHy stele from Pewsll's Sporting Goods war number ' chockt rhtia checks hav hat dsitraytd. W d not hv a accural nurd f all checks received r cashed ky us within th east waak s w ik tht prtns wk cskd checks t Powell's 4 thet wk id fr purchases by check t ls contact us a the checks may be re-lssuad, I. Powell POWELL'S SPORTING GOODS 304 W. Can St. -Important!- 1950 MERCURY TOPS ALL WINNERS IN MOBILGAS GRAND CANYON RUN! --- OFFICIAL WINNIH I Four -door Mrcury Sport -, Sdan, ntrd by th Los "rXr:-.'v::v:: v iiii: :,.,: ; : .- : i ytfO? Anglt Dal linceln- ' '"- ": '- -: v :v,:.!- ;j;:s JS Mrcury Auocialion. T HI a . . . .l .J . ll l ll . Hi i in . I llli H V j r.. .? svrz V ' 4 V IV ' 1950 MERCURY WITH OVERDRIVE AMERICA'S "NO. 1 ECONOMY CAR"! Sets amazing new gas oline mileage record for gruelling 751 mile Grand Canyon run as it out performs SO other entries from America's leading car makers! YES, now lt'a effieiaVf-prortn! Pound for pound, the big new 1950 Mercury IS America's most eco nomical for! For, In th 751 Mile Mobilgu Grand Canyon Run conducted by the American Automobile Association last week. Mercury delivered grand prize winning gasoline economy over a rugged eeursa which ranged from Death Valley to 7000 foot icy moun tain passes! This remarkable economy mad possible by tha combination of Mercury's thrifty, V-type, 8-cyIinder engine end Its gas-aving "Touch-O-Matic" Overdriv came as no turprise to Mercury owners. For many Mercury owners had repeatedly re ported gasoline economy far above average expectation!. Yet thit unusual economy la only one of the many reasons why thou aands of owners are now ehoosinf Mercury. Many say it's the smarteat looking car on the road. Others claim it's the tmoothttl-ridng, motl ttmforU able, too! And all agree it's the biggni talt for th money! Drive Mercury younelf and sect You bet it's "better than ever"- lURY LOCKWOOD MOTORS Rose and Oak x.