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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1950)
I 10 The News-Review, Rostbure, Or. Mon., Ftb. 27, 1950 Society and Glubi By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER end BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social I term submitted b, "tele- Ehone (or the tociety page must turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Saturday'! society page are closed weekly. BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS MISS JIANII GODFRIY Mrs. Jean Godfrey and M r f. Glen Godfrey were co-hostesies at a birthday party in honor of Mrs. Jean Godfreys daughter, Jean- TAKl YOU Tsr 12L "SAVINGS! Penney's month end clean-up meant big savings for you in every department! Cam In tomorrow and take ad vantage of these drastic price reductions. But don't be disappointed ... shop early! Women's Dept. Savings for You COTTON UNION SUITS Stock up now on these firtt quality garments! It s o great rf V buy and a terrific saver for you. Sizes 38 to 50 for P BLACK s :eer gowns You'll be amazed ot the beauty of these aownt. Beautifully etO trimmed ond well tailored. It's a saver! Sizes 32 to 40 RAYON JERSEY SLIPS It's a beauty and one you'd expect to pay much more for! It's ng. figure flattering and well-mode. A budget price for you! OOC CUSHION SETS These ore a must for the kitchen dinette set. Plastic covered an. they meon easy cleaning ond good comfort. Yellow, green, red.. OOC 100 ALL WOOL BLANKETS All first quality ... not a second or Irregular blanket In the group! 4 lbs. of soft wool, size 72 x 90. They're J", guaranteed! Buy and p Balcony Buys With Savings! CHENILLE ROBES These ore sturdily made ond thick napped. The colors of J MM yellow, white, blue ond melon ore lovely. Sizes 12 to IS... rw. FEATURE VALUES COTTON DRESSES VALUE-PRICED! COTTON AND RAYON BLOUSES Take advantage of this grea'l buy! blouses ire full cut et and especially well made. Cotton and rayon. Sizes 32 to 38 ' ADORABLE GIRLS' DRESSES Back by popular demand! These odorable dresses are budget priced. The colors are gay ond charming. Sizes 4 to 6x. Similar .s in sizes 7 to 12 are only 1.50! J I Men's Dept. Savings for You WATER REPELLENT COATS This saver comes to you olong with spring rains when It's really &t needed! Double backed ond sturdy. It's o must tor you! 36 to 46. r" BOY'S FLANNELETTE PAJAMAS Worm and soft, the colors oie fast to washing. This is a terrific d saver for you. Buy ond save tomorrow. Sites 2 to 6 BOY'S AWARD SWEATERS This is o lOOli wool gorm.nt. Hard knit, long wearing ond the ctO little fellows love them! It's a budget saver. Sizes 4 to 10 . ? Shoe Dept. Dollar Stretchers CHILDREN'S PULLOVER BOOTS Cotton fleeced lined, live gum rubtr. wiih on instep strop, B ft they're tops for wear! Sues 8! z to 2' j pAl3U PUDDLER BOOTS Keep those feet dry! These well mod. rubber boots hove a 1 f red steerhead design. Sues 8 to 12. Save! . pl.9U le on her 11th birthday anniver sary at the home of Mr and Mrs. Jean Godfrey in Wilbur this week. The afternoon w.-s spent in play ing games. Guests Included Eliza ' beth, Marie and Virginia Shirley, S' rlane Watkins, Carol Everett, Dolly Ann and Kenneth Nicholas, Mrs. 'argie Brown and daughter Sharon, Mrs. Everett Brown and children James, Patricia, Betty, Gerrv, Eddie and Linda, Mrs. Daisy Godfrey, George, Bob Don God frey and the honor guest Jeanie Godrey. Refreshment were serv ed by the hostesses. PENNEY'S MONTH END CLE'NUP! Starts Tomorrow Morning fUHO This If Penney't month end clean-up feature item and what a taver for you! These wash dresses art full cut, wash fast, and the stripes, floral patterns, and polka dot pattern! ore exciting. You'll find your six In this wide array of practical dresses. 12 to 18. 1.44 MISCILLANEOUS SHOWIR HONORS ROBERTA SCOTT AT SUTHIRLIN ORANGI HALL Miss Roberta Scott whose en gagement to Gerald Hebard was recently announced was compli mented with a miscellamous show. Friday evening, February 17th at the grange ball, west of buther lin. Hostesses were Miss Doris Beamer. Mra. Beatrice Beamer. Mra. Viola Scott, Mrs. Betty Sump and Mrs. Wm. lienbard. . The hall was decorated in yel low and white. The service table waa placed at one side of the roo . and waa centered witn a three tiered cake topped with a r.iniature bride and groom. After the guest of honor bad opened her gifts dancing was en joyed until a late hour. Refreshments were served t o Miss Roberta Scott, guest of honor and her fiance Gerald Hebard, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Montgomery, Mrs. Marjorie Wedikin, Mrs. Robert Grabb, Mr. and Mra Charles Be. rini. Mrs. Margaret Dubas, Mr and Mrs. Felix Bottichio, Mra. Floyd Engle, Mrs. Ivar Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hose, Mrs Velma Brauninger. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wahl, Mrs. Merle Loomis, Miss Barbara Brauninger, Mra. Fay Smith, B. M. Beamer, J. B. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. George Al mond. Miss Bessie Jane Beamer, Miss II a Almond, Mrs. William He bard, Lynn Butler, Mrs. Pat Lie singer, Miss Joan Wingler, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hebard, Miss Max ine Wingler, Mrs. Gurney, Red Co!e, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Misa Donna Hebard. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones, Mr. and Mra. Cecil Liesing er, Clifton Hebard, Miss Jean Gray, and the hostesses Miss Beamer, Mrs. Beamer, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Stamp and Mrs. Hebard. Also aending gifta were : Grand ma Hebard, Mr. and Mrs. Black, I " nd Mrs. Earl Lining, Mr. and Mr . Roy Pfaender, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Atterbury, Mrs. Cora Allen, Sir. and Mrs. T. B. llol comb and Mrs. Howard Stacey. VALENTINE DECORATIONS FEATURE CLUB MEETING Miss Bernardine Princen enter ta ted the Twelve and Won club at a Valentine luncheon recently. The Valentine motif was carried out with heart-decorated candles. In the center of the table waa a bouqet of daffodils and pussywil lows. Miss Princen was assisted in serving by her mother, Mrs. Eugene Princen, Miss Barbara Ir ving and Mrs. Fred Ritzman. During the business meeting plans were made for a St. Patrick's polluck no-hostess luncheon, March 17 at the home of Mrs. N. E. Richardson. Games were enjoyed during the remainder of the after noon with Mrs. Recla winning the guest prize: Mrs. N. E. Richardson high and Mrs. William Peifer sec ond. Attending were Mrs. Recla, Miss B- bars Irving, Mrs. Fred Ritz man, Mrs. Wm. Peifer, Mra. N. E. Richardson, Mrs. O. F. Rich man and Mrs. Eugene Princen and the lustesa. Th.- next meeting will be March IT at the home of Mrs. N. E. Rich ardson, 528 South Main stdeet. BIRTHDAY DINNER HONORS RIDHLE RESIDENT AT KENNETH BUSHEV HOME Mrs. Lizzie Crow of Riddle, known to her many friends in the community as "Mortier Crow" was honored on her 89th birthday bun day, Feb. 19 at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Kenneth Bushey. The affair also celebrated the birthdays of two other guests, Mrs Crow's daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bud Crow and Bertha Blundell, the lat ter also of Riddle. The honored guest wore an or chid from Mrs. John Blessing. This is the fifth year she has received and worn an orchid from Mra. Blessing on her birthday. Songs and conversations were recorded 'allowing dinner. Enjoying the affair were Mother Crow, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Crow, Mr. and Mrs. George Blanc, Mr. and Mrs. John Blessing, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meredith, Mrs. A. O. Spear, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Aspey and daughter. Miss Bertha Mae; Mrs. Pollard and daughter Dianne and the host and hostess, Mr. and Sirs. Bi shey and daughter, Sandra. FORSYTHE GUILD HAS INTERESTING MEETING AT HOME OF MISS CAROTHERS Forsythe Guild of the First Pres byterian church met Thursday evening at the home of Miss Verna Car liers with Mrs Dorothy Spen C" as co hostess. Following a dessert-supper, the business meeting as helu with Vera Fredrickson and Reba Hartley later present ing the cevotions and Orlena Slat- y presenting the program re port. Those present were Bessie Seim ers. Mrs. W. M. Campbell, Flor ence Lozier, V - Fredrickson, Getrude Rast, Reba Harlty, Lena ' ttery, Elizabeth Randall, Elnor Sherk, Luella Cunningham, I n a Famsworth, Luella Whitehead and tht two host es. he March meeting will be held in the basement of the church. SJTHERLIN COUPLE HOLDS DINNER AND CARD PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bird were host and hostess at a six-thirty o'clock dinner recently at their home on East Third Avenue at Sutherlin. Covers were placed for: Mr. and ' s. Alva Manning, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Flory and daughter, Sand ra., J. H. Flory, Harriet and Ter easea Bird and the host and hostess and playing cards. The evening waa spent in visiting nd plahing cards. Social (Calendar Wednesday, March 1 Past Noble Grand club of Suther lin Rebekah lodge. No. 218 at home of Mrs. Cora Allen. . Rebekah staff practice at 7:30 p.m. at I. O O F. hall. All officers and staff members asked to be present. Bellview club at home of Betty Zuck with Beth Boyer and Car men Bennett aa co-hostesses. Meet ing time, 2 p.m. Melrose Friendly Hour club at home of Mrs. Vera Thompson with Mrs. Hazel Bly as co-hostess. Meeting to begin at 1 p.m. with roll cau on -r lowers ' and Mra. Nor mi Fenn to present program. Roseburg Art and Embroidery club at home ot Mrs. Susan Bow man en Calkins road. Jolly Circle club at home of Mrs. Evelyn Simpson at 2 p.m. Group will present birthday gifts to Miss cveiyn do wen. Oregon chapter. No. 57. O.E.S. Canyonville to meet at 8 p.m. at hall for initiation. Dorothy Cox, worthy matron. Refreshmetns in charge of Zola Weaver and Lois DeWald. Members and visiting members invited. Mu chapter. Beta Sic ma Phi at home of Mra. Clair K. Allen with Mrs. Wayne Crooch and Mrs. George Crocker aa co-hostesses. Alpha Iota chanter. Beta Siema Phi to meet at 8 n.m. at home of Mra. Sidney Domenico. Closed meeting. Thursday, March 2 Srwrial ttlMtintr nf PIh Guardians and Blue Bird leaders with regional director. Miss Ann Armstrong. Mid-week Bible class at St. Paill'l l.llthr.M fhttrnh 4a mu at 2 p.m. or parish hall with Mrs. Carger and Mrs. Walter Syl wester aa hostess. Virtnrv fir,-!,, nt Virat nnti. church at home of Otie Harris, 1U02 uarden Valley road with Rosa Hparn rn.hntia. Uuiim, to begin at 2 p.m. Helen Hunt circle of First Bap tist church to meet at 2 p.m. at home Of Mrs. Calvin RoirH KYihl. tiagen apartments. Garden Valley Women's club at clubhouse with Mrs: Clifford Hess and Mra. H. Rlair .Tnhnuvn a. hnm. tesses. Women of Country club to meet at 12 o'clock luncheon at clubhouse. f'nnlrart KriHt nlnv at 1 n t. Those desiring transportation are asara io cau mrs. naroia E. sen- meer, 6M-J. OI.IIa RllRV Ktpnrar. Miih Ia ma. at noon potfuck luncheon at home oi mrs. nernice ranter. Elgarose Comfort club at 1 p.m. at home of Mrs. Connie Showers. No-hostess affair and all members and friends are Invited. Women's Society of Christian Service of DHIard at the home of Mrs. Vivian Burgess. Lazy Daisy club at home of Mrs. Don Carlson at 11 a.m. Residence on Shenandoah avenue. Dorcas society of Seventh Daa Adventist church at W. V. Hard home. Winchester Extension unit at home of Lorraine Lewis with Jes se Wonch as assistant hostess. County agent to discuss "Family Business and the Law." All urged to attend and bring sack lunch. Coffee and dessert will be served. Roseburg Community Concert as- FUf JRNITURE CO. m I i Don't Wait REFRIGERATE! New end Used Refrigerators ot 6a.ain Prices Termi to Suit' BUFFET DINNER HELD AT HOLCOMB HOMB Mr. sod Mrs. Charles Holcomb served a delicious buffet supper at their home in Wilbur. Guests who were members of the Sunday School class of the Nazarene church in noseourg in. clud . Mr. and Mrs. Victor Peter- Si . of roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. Artman of Roseburg, Mr. and Mra. J cobs of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Daig of Roseburg, Mrs. Forrest Hill of Roseburg and the hostesses e-s Agnes ana vaiva. OREGON CHAPTER TO HOLD INITIATION Oregon chapter. No. 57, O.E.S. will meet at the hall in Canyon ville Wednesday night at 8 o'clock initiation. Dorothy Cox, worthy matron, will preside. Refresh' L.ents are in charge of Zola Wea- ver and Lois DeWald. Members and visiting members are invited. sociation to present Maryla Jonaa, pianist, in concert at 8:15 p. m. at Junior high school auditorium. Friday, March I Rose school chili . dinner. Open to public and tickets purchased for Feb. I dinner will be honored Others available at door.- Serving to begin at 5:30 p.m. Three Links club of Can yonville at home of Mrs. Minola Stanley with Mrs. Gladys Cloud co hostess. United Workers class of First Christian church to meet at 2 p m. at the home of Mra. Paul M. Bias- die, 408 Rowe street. Riversdale Grange to meet at 8:15 p.m. at hall. Losing team of pest hunt contest to entertain win ning team following grange meet ing. Chapter BI. P.E.O. Sisterhood at home of Mrs. H. N. Jacobson. 935 Chappian street at 2 p.m. with Mrs. cmuy joynson co-nosiess. Rummage aale sponsored by Woman's Society of First Presby terian church in the church base ment for two daya. Articles may be left at the church or call 144-L or 535-Y. Friendship club o meet at 8 o. m. at home of Grace Helvey, 1737 Rainbow Lane, one and a half miles on Melrose road. All Pythian Sisters invited. Semon high school Tri - Hi - Y will present style and talent show at 8 p.m. at Junior high school auditorium. Misa Kittie Aldred is general chairman. Saturday. March 4 Catholic ladies rummase sale in basement of rectory on East Oak street from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 5 Mr. and Mrs. Charlea W. Whar. ton invite relatives snd friends to their golden wedding celebration from 2 to 5 in afternoon and from 7 to 10 p.m. -at their home, 203 Chadwick street. March 13 Riversdale Grange invites ouhlie to smorgasbord at ( p.m. at hall, followed by cards. March 17 Public invited to Catholic bene fit St. Patrick's dance at 9 p.m. at armory. Proceeds to go to St Joseph's building fund. You watch men, women, children being carried from a burning bunding ... or Yon are riding across country . . . and sud denly you are in a strange hospital . . . crowded with the maimed and dying victims of a wreck A surgeon is performing a major operation on your own small child . . . racing against heart beats that grow fainter with each passing second. What is needed most . . : needed quickly . . . needed desperately? Blood. But, many times, there isn't enough blood available to everyone, everywhere, who needs MRS. JOB DAMB IS COM " LIME NT EO AT PINK AND BLUB SHOWER PARTY A pink and blue shower was given in honor of Mrs. Joe Dame Wednesday evening at the borne of Mrs. Duane Wilson, who waa hoe te.s. A large stork and bassinet was used as the "theme" for the decorations. The lace-covered table waa beautiful with a sheet cake decorated in pink and a center piece of potted hyacinths. Appropriate gamea were played. I ovely gifta were presented to Mrs. Dame from the hostess and Mra. Bob Merditb, Mrs. Arthur Kobernik, Mrs. Dick Landis, Mrs. Eldridge Kobernik, Mrs. Harold Augustus, Mrs. Ed Feldtman, Lois Kiss, Rose Swartz, Connie Augustus, Betty Brannon and Teresa Murphy. ANNUAL FATHER-SON BANQUET TO BE HELD BY SUTHERLIN P.-T.A. T Sutherlin P.-T.A. has set the date of Saturday, March 11, for the annual father-son banquet to be held from aeven to eight-thirty o'clock at the High school. A musi cal program will be presented by the men and boys. All men of S' herlin are invited to bring their sons, or borrow a son ' the oc cssion, and enjoy the banquet and program. Tickets are on sale at Holgate's Gift shop and at the si' ol or may be purchased from the P.-T.A. sales chairman. SUTHERLIN GROUP PLANS STUDY OF HAND PAINTING i"he Tryiten club met Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs. Katherine Mardin on East Fourth Avenue in Sutherlin. The evening was spent in hand painting on some pictures, visit ir " and discussing plana for the new work. It was decided to con tinue classes in ceramics at Myr-tl- Creek each week. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Mardin served refreshments to: M.S. Neoma Avery, Mrs. Myrtle Owens, Mrs. Helen Brown, Mrs. Bonnie Bennett, Mrs. Lola Reh walt and Mrs. Juanita Atterbury. SO AND SO CLUB HOLDS TUE DAY MEETIK The Tuesday "So and So" club met last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Wagler of Brockway. The ladies brought their sewing and enjoyed a luncheon at noon. Those present were Mrs. Milford Lutle, Mrs. Arthur Kobernik, Mrs. E. O. Nickeson. Mrs. Joe Dame. Mrs. Eldridge Kobernick and the hostess, Mrs. Wagler. MU CHAPTER TO MEET WEDNESDAY EVENING Mu chapter. Beta Sigma Phi will me ' Wednesday evening at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Clair K. Allen on Watson street with Mrs. Wayne Crooch and Mrs. George Crocker as hostesses. All 'embers are urged to be preser. CHAPTER TO MEET AT OMENICO HOME Alpha Iota chapter. Bets Sigma Phi will meet at eight o'clock W'ed- i sda 'fiht at the home of Mrs. Sidney Domenico. This will be a closed meeting. All members are asked to be present. You, too, can help throu Your RED CROSS Local To Practice The Eagles auxil iary drill team will practice at T p. m. Tuesday at the tagles hall. Grange te Meet Rice Valley Grange will meet Tuesday night at the haU. Visiting Here Mrs. W. F. Poor man of Salem is spending a few days in Roseburg visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Sewell. To Meet Tuesday F. S. club will meet at 2 o'clock Tuesday at the home of Mrs. C. H. Wickham on South Mill street. Te Practice Pythian sisters f ficers snd degree staff are asked to practice tonight, Feb. 27, at 8:30 p. m. at K. of P. hall. Spend Day In Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Grant Osborn and Mrs. A. B. Taylor of Roseburg spent Wednes day in Eugene on business. Back From Portland Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cooper returned to their home in Laurelwood Friday, fol lowing a stay in Portland since Wednesday on business. Badoura Club Badoura club. Daughters of the Nile, will hold a sewing meeting at 2 o'clock Tues day at the home of Mrs. Essie Koentz, 914 Eden Lane. A 1-Day Meeting Olalla-Ten- mile Extension unit will hold an all- day meeting with a potluck lunch eon at noon Tuesday t the Olalla hall. Mrs. Corinne McTaggart will present the topic, "Basic Land scaping for Home Grounds." All women of the community are invited. ART AND EMBROIDERY ' . CLUB TO HOLD MEETING 1 Roeburg Art and Embroidery club will meet Wednesday after noon at the home of Mrs. J. W. Bowman on the Calkins road. All members are cordially invited be present. JOLLY CIRCLE CLUB TO HOLD MEETING Jolly Circle club will meet at the home of Mrs. Evelyn Simp soi 7'ednesday afte.-noon, at which time birthday gifts will be present to Miss Evelyn Bowen. All mem bers are urged to be present. BELLVIEW CLUB TO MEET ON WEDNESDAY Bellview club will meet at 2 o' clock Wednesday at the home of Betty Zuck with Beth Boyer nd Cirmen Bennett co-hostesses. All members are urged to be present. FRIENDLY HOUR CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY Melrose Friendly Hour club will meet Wednesday at one o'clock at home of Mrs. Vera Thompson with Mrs. Ha- ' Bly as co-hostcss. Roll call will be on "Flo-, ers." Mrs. Norma Fenn will present th; program. All members are urg ed to be present. it That is why the goal of your Red Cross is to help make blood available to everyone, every where, who needs it, More than thirty regional Red Cross Blood Programs now supply hospitals in areas having a total of more than 40,000,000 population. But there are nearly four times that many peo ple in this country. We want to do more . . a to help more people . . . but we can't do it without your help. Won't you give it? Money as well as blood is needed. The dollars you give now to your Red Cross can help save a life. And .... who knows . time be your own! '9hJ News ' Te Meet Monday - St. George s Altar Guild of the Episcopal church will meet tonight, Feb. 27, at the home of Mra. H. H. Staple ton on Chadwick street. Discharged From Hospital A. U Hethcock left Friday for his home in Sutherlin, following his discharge from Mercy hospital, where he re cently underwent an eye operation. Vacationing Mayor and Mrs. Al bert Flegel of Roseburg left Jus week for Medford. where they boarded the plane for Palm Springs, Calif., to enjoy e vaca tion. Reported Improving Bob Demp sey, Melrose route, is reported get ting along nicely at Mercy hospital, where he has been a patient the last 12 days receiving treatment for burns suffered in an accident. Chapter Meeting Alpha Theta chapter. Beta Sigma Phi at home of Mrs. Rav Puckett at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. Those planning to bring guests are asueu to nouiy nr. Puckett Brother-in-Law Dies Mrs. Joe Blosser received word Friday tell ing of the death of her brothec-in-law, Qincey Blosser, who died this week at his home in Concords, Kan. He waa a brother of thflate Joe Blosser of this city. 4 Lodge te Meet Roseburg Re bekah lodge No. 41, will meet at 7:30 o ciock Tuesday ght at tne I. O. O. F. hall. A social hour will follow the lodge leeting. Members and visiting members are invited. Study Club to Meet Inter-Se Study club will meet at a 1:15 o'clock fjck luncheor Tuesday at the home of Mrs. W. Howard Pat tison on East Lane street Mrs. R. 3. Hampton will present the pro gram. Initiates La Vern Marsters, son of L. L. Marsters of Roseburg, was initiated into Phi Eta Sigma fra ternity at Oregon State college this week. The society is the highest scholastic honorary for freshmen men. La Vern is majoring in elec trical engineery. He had a 3.50 point average out of a possible 4.00 average for scholastic stand ing. America's newest EATING HABIT is coming to Roseburg soon at The Drive-Inn Highway 99 South , that life may some GIVE NOW! V This message sponsored by ROSEBURG LUMBER Pemey's AT Hju BERGH'S ttT 1200 S. Stephens 4 2nd Ave. etna Sixth St. Phone 46S