I Tl Ntwt.tTlw, toMfcuri, Or.St., Feb. 2S, 1950 Hemmerling-Correll Wedding Takes is4 fw- V A f. . : X 7 1 1 . , r X Mill Alvlna Correll and Gifford Hemmerllng of Roseburg were married at ten o'clock tho evening of January 28th in the Methodlat church at Medford. Rer. Mr. Grove, pastor of tho church, per formed tho impreisive ceremony. Two largo baaketa of carnationi formed the decoration. The bride wit lovely in a brown eharkskin auit with white hat and white accutoriea. Her corsage waa Fashion Show Features Jay-C-Ette State Board Luncheon ALL READY FOR BEDTIME are three you folks, Kathy Morris, Sharon Lambeth and David Brlttell at they anodel sleepwear at the Jay-C-Ette! fashion ahew last Saturday, Paul Jenkins, Newt-Review photographer, caught the three aa they promenade between the lunch on tablet. Mothers ef the trio are respectively Mrt. Carl Morris, Mr. Bob Lambeth and Mra. Walt Brlttell. Roteburg Jay-C-Ettei were host esses at a noon luncheon and fa shion ahow at Carl'a Haven Satur day, Feb. IS honoring visiting Jay-C-Ettes, in Roteburg with their , husbands for the atate board meet ing. The guests were welcomed at the door by the club president. Mrs. Ch rlea Hart, Mra. Wayne Crooch and Mra. Mel Heggie. The luncheon tables were decorated with heath er and the programs carried out a yellow and blue theme. Daffodils and earing flowers were arranged on the coffee table by the fire- olace. Following the luncheon a atyle ahow of spring 'fashions for the younger generation was given by M 1 1 1 e r I cnuaren a oepanmem, with Mrs. Faula Anderson and Rod Nevue in charge. Average priced spring ttylea in alcpwear, bathing suits, dresses, coats, hats and playtogs were mod eled by a group of children. Tak ing part were Danny and Kenny Baker, Richard and Sherry Lam beth, Dianne, David and Judy Brit teil, Caroline Fredrirkson, Donnelle Hart, Johnny Sevy, the Coble trip lets, Kathleen Scott, Kathy Morris Mr. and Mri. Olfford Hemmerlinf two white orchids. The bride groom'! litter, Mri. Laurene Deta in, of Medford, waa matron of hon or, and wore a grey auit with an orchid cortege. Kenneth Hemmer ling of Medford waa belt man to hia brother. Othert present were tho bride's mother and litter, Mri. W. E. Cor ell of Roteburg and Mra. H. D. Yates of Sutherlin; the bride groom'! pirentt, Mri. E. C. Stovall and Floyd Hemmerling of Med ford, and Mra. Jack Bertrand, Med- and Dianne Pugh. Mrs. Clarke Taylor waa narrator for the fashion show and waa intro duced by the president, Mrs. Hart. Arrangementa for the show were in charge of Mra. Leo Sevy assisted by Mrs. LeRoy Inman, Mrs. Bob Lambeth and Mra. Duane Baker. Decorations for the luncheon were in charge of Mra. George Mcintosh and Mrs. Jamea Decker and Mrs. Don Gum made arrangemena for the luncheon. Over sixty were in attendance with 31 from out-of-town. The ladies also attended the welcome party at the Shalimar Friday evening and the banquet at Kennedy a Sat urday evening. The Naomi Scott quartet provid ed music during the luncheon and fashion show at Carl's. Members of the quartet are Mary Alice Wol ford and Naomi Scott, Beulah Roach, and Jean Marr. METHODIST LADIES AID HONORS PAST PRESIDENT The Canyonville Methodist Ladies Aid met Thurtday afternoon at the home of Mrs. L. B. Anderson and observed Mn. T. S. Weaver'a birthday. Mra. Weaver is a patt Place PlcUuo by rrodrlckion'a Photo Lab ford, litter of the bridegroom. A reception followed the cere mony at the home of the bride groom'! father, after which the couple left for Oakland and San Francisco on their honeymoon. They are now at home to their friendi at 735 Bogard atreet in Roteburg. The bride it employed aa cathier at the Roteburg Safe way ttore and the bridegroom ia attistant manager at Safeway's, having been transferred here aix month! ago from Medford. Still . THOSE COBLE TRIPLETS, Leslie Ann, Linda Jean and Lynn Sue, start for heme Saturday after participating in the Jay-C-Ette fashion shew at Carl'a Haven far vliltlno ladies at the atate board meeting. The Youngster! modeled pink, blue and yellow organdie outfits much re the delight of the audience. Mri. Leo Sevy, chairman of the fashion thaw, maneuvers' their two-tiered stroller at Paul Jenkins, Newt-Review photographer, takea their picture. They are the children of Mr. and Mrt. A. R. Coble. president of the organization. During the business meeting, pt e tided over by Mrt. Clarence Crowl, the group voted to send volunteers to the meeting held, Monday night to receive instructions on the mo bile X-ray unit survey. Mrs. Crowl, Mrs. Mae P. Taylor, Mrt. Glen Shippen, Mrs. Elmer Stanley are to work at house-to-house canvas sers. A social hour followed. Those present were Mra. T. L. Weaver, Mra. Ralph Goodell, Mrs. Emmet Moyer, Mra. D. Meyers, Mrs. FreJ Elliott, Mrs. Elmer Stanley, Mrs. Mae Taylor, Mrs. Glen Shippen. Mrs. Amy I.amm, Mra. Lillie Sharp, Mrs. Clarence Crowl and Mra. L. B. Anderson. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoo Newman (2S Cobb t Phone 387 a) BRIDAL SHOWIR HONORS . . MISI BIRNAOINI LUKE AT LINOBLOOM RESIDENCE Mra. Tom Lindbloom waa hot teaa at her homo on Calkina road at a miscellaneous shower last Tuesday evening. The affair hon ored Mita Beruadine Luke who '. become the bride of Duane Rolea in the near future. Mita Luke received many gifts. The hostess served refreshments to Mri. Bernard Jacobson, Misa Ruth Karris, Mrs. Louis Adamski, s. Iiomat Walsh, M.S. Stephen Kitt, Mra. Gertrude Lautz, Mra. Ray "ery, Mri. Chria Stauffer, Mri. Jamet Kalich, Mra. Beatrice Rhule, Mita Phyllis Pedersen, Mri. Elizabeth Oden, Mra. Glen E-ert, Misi Elaine Undem, Mra. Delmar Rolea and Mrs. Dale Rolea. JOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY HONORS TWO BOYS AT JOI BISHOP RESIDENCE Mra. Joe Bishop and Mri. Ben Un.ifinH K'-ra fWi-Vinat Jtti at M joint birthday party for their torn, Buddy Bishop on nil eigntn oinn day and Darrel Morganti on hit ninth birthday, Saturday, Feb. 18th at Mri. Biahop'l farm home at Elk ton. The afternoon wai tpent in play- In aam anil vilitinff After EiftS were opened, refresh menu were served Dy ine notiesses 10 w r tnrU Unwrv JuHv end Janice Taylor, Jerry, Jennetta and Leora Ross, Richard ana uay mcuonaia, Patricia and Donald Smith, John .4 nrin Mi-Nm rtnria Moore. Terry and Buddy Adamo, Dian and Gloria Haines, Lois Carnet, Ray and Anna Hoffman, Jeannie and Judy Monner, bioria morganu, Phyllia and Leona Mabin, Ruth Jones, Larry and Gary Joe Bishop, Pat Binder, Sandra Cook, Charles Henderer Jr., Terry ana uaviu Gates, Mra. Raymond Jones, Mra. Charlea Rosi, Mri. Russel Mow Mra Mahin Mrs. Jamea O Haines, Mn. Howard Carnet, the guests of honor, uuaay nisnop inu Darrel Morganti. MR. AND MRS. KASM ENTERTAIN AT LOVELY DINNER-PARTY SATURDAY Mr. and Mra. Ctiarlee Kash and ton, Timmy, entertained at a very lovely dinner party at their beauti ful new home toutn oi noseourg Saturday evening having at guests: Mr. and Mri. D. W. Helliwell, Mr. and Mri. C. M. McDermott, Mayor and Mri. Albert Flegel, Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Bailey. Mr. and Mra. A. G. Henningcr, Mra. O. R. Hest and Mr. and Mra. R. D. Coen. Cards and visiting were enjoyed during the evening. W.B.A. INSTALLS OFFICERS AND HAS POTLUCK LUNCHEON The Woman's Benefit association met at a notluck noon luncheon Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jo sephine Jioras, followed by a public installation of officers. A large number of members and guests enjoyed the occasion. Games were played during the social hour. The next meeting will be March 9 at two o clock at the nome ot Mrs. Magdalene Herbage, 2134 Taylor street, Cloverdale. All members are urged to, be present. ROSE SCHOOL CHILI SUPPER TO BE FRIDAY Rose school chill supper is sched uled for Friday, March 2, begin ning at 5:30 p m., at the school house and a large group of patrons is anticipated by the committees headed by Mrs. Morris Bowker. Tickets purchased for tfie dinner in February will be honored at this rescheduled tupper and others wishing to attend may secure tick- ATTENTION MOTHERS Community kindergarten now offer corg for your child by the day or hour. Phont 1599-R-4 or 1444-R O O PROGRAM ON ART HEARD . AT MU CHAPTER, BETA SIOMA PHI MEETING Mrs. James Finlay presented program on art at the meeting of Mil chapter, beta sigma rm Wed nesday evening at the home of Mra. Jack Wharton. She traced the history of art from beginning to modern time. The Uvea of Van C h, Grant Wood and Gainsbo rough were sketched briefly and reprodu tiona of famous paintings wee shown. She alto talked on famous art galleries. The chapter haa received a letter from Misa Ann Hunter of Eden burg, Scotland, a member of Beta Sigma Phi in thai city. She de scribe 1 the country, and the famed Edenburg castle. The city ia called the "festival city" since war daya a d during the summer music and drama are highlighted. Misa Hunt er aaid her chapter had adopted an orphanage and during the aum n.er the youngsters are taken on outings. Mri. Harrison Winston presided during the business - session and the chapter voted to contribute to the national cancer fund. The March 1 meeting will be held at Uij home of Mrs. Clair K. Allen at S p.m. with Mrs. Wayne Crooch and Mrs. George Crocker aa co hostesses. Att.nding were Mrs. Harrison Winston, Mrt. George Crocker, Mr.. Jack Bathrick, Mra. Chelsea Brown, a guest; Mra. Wayne Crooch, Mra. Dallen Jones, Mra. Harold Jokela, Mra. Herman Mati soff, Mrs. Henry Darby, Mrs. Frank Norton, Mra. John Killip, Mrs.. Roy Stein, Mrs. Benj. Du Fresne, Mra. Don Gum, Mrs. Gene Kent, Mrs. Kmite Kerthner, Mrs. Ca Wassom. Mrs. Jamea Finlay, Mrs. Bruce Hetrick, Mra. Edwin Wyatt and the hostess, Mrs. Whar ton. MELVIN LANGFIELD IS HONORED ON ELEVENTH BIRTHDAY, FEB. Ith Mrs. O. C. Langfield entertain ed at a very delightful party Feb ruary 19th in honor of her son, Melvin, on his eleventh birthday Mra. William C. Woods and Mitt Flossie West assisted the hottest in serving. Mr. Langfield showed a number of moving pictures and gifts were presented to the guest oi nonor. A beautifully decorated birthday rake was cut and served with love ly refreshments to the guest of hon or and Larry Busenbark, David Ir win, Billy Sherwod, David Lee Wei ker, Suzann Durnam, Beryl R, Cur rier, Jack Busenbark, Billy Kel ley, Donald Woods, Rogert Chadd. Mrt. William C. Woods and Misa Flossie West. LAZY DAISY CLUB HOLDS LUNCHEON-MEETING AT JOHN MINER RESIDENCE Lazy Daisy members enjoyed a poUuck luncheon anxd business n.eeting at the home of Mra. John Miner on Winchester street last Thursday. The club voted a contri bution to the March of Dimes fund. Mrs. Robert Russel waa introduc er1 as a new member. Those present were Mrs. Bill Weaver, Mra. Floyd otterson. Mrs Brice Robison, Mrs. Monty Glo ver, Mrs. Bert Brewer, Mrs. Mar vin DeVores, Mrs. Leo Wilkerson and the hostess. Mrs. Don Carlson will be hos tess at her home on Shenandoah avenue, March 1 at 11 a.m. DINNER HONORS VISITORS AT G. A. HANSEN HOME Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hansen en tertained with a dinner at their home east of Wilbur in honor of their house guetts. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Warren and daughter Geor gia Anne, of Promise) City, Iowa. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Doug las Warren of Roseburg, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patterson and. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Johnson of Sutherlin, Mrs. Leta Braucht of Wilbur and fit guests of honor, Mr. and Mrs. Warren and . daughter, Georgia Anne. Willis Warren is a brother of Douglaa Warren and Ms. Peterson. FAMILY REUNION HELD SUNDAY AT ELKTON The family of Mr. and Mrs. John Abraham Sr. held a reunion at the family home near Elkton Sun day. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. John Abraham Sr. and Mr. and Mra. John Abraham, Jr., and family of Elkton, Mr. and Mrs Don Abraham and children of Elk ton. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Bagley and ton, Curtis of Wichita, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Anthony and chil dren of Canyonville, and Mr. anil Mra. Herbert Busbee and son Billy, of Coos Bay. One daughter Mrs. Glen Walker of Klamath rails, was unable to attend. eta at the door. Featured during the evening hours will be Esther Geddes who will play "Music While You Wait" ' at the Hammond spinet organ. 1 The spinet is through the courtesy i of Ott-Ricketts Music store. Mem-! bers' of the Nawadah Camp Fire group at Rose school are sponsor- ing a doll display which will prove of interest. I DO YOUR APPLIANCES NEED A DOCTOR? best possible working order, replacing worn parts, if necessary. Phong today for o service mon to call and give occurnte cost estimate. BERGH'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 1200 S. Stephens Blarney Stone Will Be Shown At, Dance '4 DANCE COMMITTEE FOR ST. PATRICK'S DANCE H be sponsored es a benefit for St. Joseph's building fund, March 7, at nine o'clock at the armory pete for Paul Jenkins, Newi-Review photographer. Left to right: Mrs. H. Colin McDonald, general chairman; Mra. Nelson Howard and Mra. Bruce Carter, publicity; Mra. E. R. Fester, deceretient Father Edmund Hyland, patter ef St. Joseph'! church, and Mri. Graver Follett, ticket chairman. Missing from tho picture la Mrs. Pat O'Reilly, who waa In San Francisco arranging to borrow the portion of the Blarney Stone to be displayed at the dance. The public la cordially Invited. i ' . Social Caiendar Sum'ey, February It Penny aupper at Evergreen Grange hall. Open to public and serving will begin at 4 p.m. Members and friends of St. Paul's Lutheran church to hold noon notluck dinner in pari.li house following morning service. Monday, February 27 Yoncalla P.-T.A. leeting to fea ture Founders Day program. Cub Scuts Pack No. 408 meeting in e ening at achoolhouse. Annual Can Fire Council public meeting at 8 p.m. at Methodist church. Sponsors, parents, public and guardians invited. Peports on activities of organization for past year will be heard followed by a social hour. Flo. ence Nightingale tent No. IS, Daughters of Union Vet.rans of the Civil War to celebrate Jinuary and February birthdays at party at 8 ' 'clock affair at home of Mrs. Ru'h Plumer, 1162 Military street. Potluck refreshments. business and Professional Worn an'a club at Episcopal Guild hall with Clyde Carstens showing slides oti flower collection. Lee Marsh and daughter, Barbara, will pro vide instrumental numbers. St Teorge'i Alter G ild o! Tpis ropal church at 8 p.m. at home of Mrs. H. Stapleton. Neighbors of Woodcraft Thimble cl b to meet at 1 o'clock potluck luncheon at home of Mrs. Edith Welton, 745 Bogard. Members are aiked to remember their secret sisters at this meeting. - Pythian Sisters officers and de gree staff to practice at 8:30 p.m. at K. of P. haU. Tuesday February 28 Garden department of Roseburg Woman's club to meet at 2 p.m. at home of Mrs. Kenneth Ford in Laurelwood. Topic discussion on slips, tuberout begoniai and prun ing. Members of Woman'a club in terested in gardening are invited. Roseburg Rebekah lodge No. 41 at I O O F. hall. Social hour plan ned and all Rebekahs are invited. Badoura club. Daughters of the Nile sewing meeting at 2 p.m. at home of Mrs. Essie Koentz, S14 Eden Lane. Alpha Theta chapter. Beta Sig ma Phi at home of Mrs. Ray Puck ett at 7:30 p.m. Those planning to Hond-mode Articles Sold on Consignment. Open Mondoy end Friday 9:00 e. m. to 4:30 p. m. W.dn.ldoy 1 :00 to 8:30 p. m. or Ph. 444-J-4 for appointment. 4 lk. W. of Fairheven Melrose Rood Let us help keep your - opplionces working. Whatever their oge or condition we will promptly put them in Phono SOS bring guests are requested to con tact Mra. Puckett Rica Valley grange at grange hall. T. S. club to meet at 2 p.m. at home of Mrs. C. H. Wickham on South Mill atreet Olalfa -Ten mile Extension unit at G. : hall for all-day meeting with potltck luncheon at -Ml. P sinesa meeting and project discussion of "Basic Landscaping for Home I G.ounds" by Mn. Cortnne McTag gart Eaglet auxiliary drill team to practice at 7 p.m. at Eaglet hall. inter-se study ciuo to meet at 1 1:15 o'clock sack luncheon t home I of Mrs. W. Howard Pattison on ! East Lane stree. with Mrs. Ray i B. Hampton in charge of program. NOTICE Social itema not appearing in to day's newspaper will be used the first of the week. The remainder of the social calendar will be printed Monday. Historians say that the phenom ena of "static electricity" first was noted in 600 B.C. by Thales, Greek philosopher, when he produced' sparks by rubbing lodestone with amber. Velma's Beauty Shop Pacific Bldg. Open Nights This Diamondscope sees more than could a dozen "expert" eyes! it never guesses about quality Jewelers who have won registration in the American Gem Society are able to offer their clientele the last word in scientific instrument evaluation. By ideally ilium inaling the interior of the gem under re vealing magnification, the Diamondscope can clearly and certainly expose any flaws that would effect its value. Likewise, true lawlessness can be clearly proven. Here fact replaces guesswork about gem value! Every diamond in this-store has been evaluated for your protection by this cautious procedure which is approved by the Society. Across From Doiiglos County Bank SUNBEAM APPLIANCES Christie's Watch Shop 1(01 Walnut Phone 137J-4 Everybody lovea flowers and everybody lovea to receive them. Choose flowe. as the perfect srl? . . . choose them from us . . . always fresh ly fragrantly lovely. The phon number to re member Is 158. LILLIE'S FLOWER SHOP SIS Winchester Street Does It Better Complete Beauty Service, Phong 44f by Appointment HP.'