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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1950)
Windows, Frames and Ladders PAGE LUMBER t FUEL 1(4 I. 2nd Ave. S. Phono 143 1 V.f 3 II 5 til JLiLUfc- OUR FUEL OIL HEATS EACH LITTLE MOOtC, AMD DOES MOT ROB VOUR POOCETBOOK Quality fuel til ot rle M prices eed to veluc. Aad thet's what ye. . weys get when yy phoee lllf. Elementary, My Dear WatsonI It's at 1490 on your dial: Hopalong Cassidy New to the Sunday line-up! Adventure with one of the West's greatest heroes . . 1:00-1:30 P. M. SUNDAY Adventures of The Falcon Starring Les Damon in "The Lose ot the jock ot r-iearts. 4:00 - 4:30 P. M. SUNDAY Sleepytime Tales Bedtime stories for the chil dren! Starts Mondoy night! 7:00-7:15 P. M. MON. THRU FRI. Basketball Third in the series of Pacific Coast Conference games. Oregon vs. O. S. C! 8:00 P. M. TO CON CLUSION TONIGHT Northwest Barber shop Ballad Contest Featuring leading quar tets from all the Pacific Northwest plus the music of the winning group! 8:30- 9 P.M. SUNDAY Chicago Theater of the Air Presenting: Jerome Kern s musical comedy, "The Cat ond the Fiddle." 10:30 -11:30 P.M. SUNDAY KRNR 1490 a yoor Dial Wtrlfl Cm JMf Nwrt aaaeaei aaaeaei leeei meeeei i mi i in Hi l J m null - - - GRADE CHILDREN'S PRO CRAM The accompanying scanai ara typical of the pro gram presented by children of tha fourth, fifth and sixth grades Wednesday at tha Sanson grada school gymnasium. Tha program, mostly musical, with a number of folk dancas, was diractad by R. Cloyd Riffa, vocal music suparvisor, with tha assistance of tha principals and taachars of Rivarsida, Fullerton, Rosa and Sanson schools.! Pictures by Paul Jenkins.) Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store America's ntwtst EATING HABIT Is coming to Roseburg soon at The Drive-Inn Hallway Sooth "Individualized Floor, of Beautility." INLAID LINOLtUH it Carpeting Rubber III Asphalt Til o .ormlca Top Venetian Bllnda FREE ESTIMATES FLOOJ COVERING 223 W. Oak Phone 348 Classified want adi bring results. Phone 100. Personal Property Assessment Return Forms 1 Due in Assessor's Office on or before March 2nd NED DIXON County Assessor Myrtlewood Treasure House Home of the S-dL 2v Hamburger! jL OPENS SUNDAY! (February 26) 9 to 9 Daily (Except Monday) Drive Out to The Myrtlewood Treasure House This Week! ic Fountain Service v ir Myrtlewood Sandwiches Gifts ic Home Made Pie and Ice Cream Myrtlewood Treasure House Hwn rK Atomic Kuirtburfr Winttoo (Com Jsjnct)) t li(fkwT. (Af Ht fvsMfi ad1 wnahe "Wmn4 T") i Q o i 1 KRNR 1490 on Your DUI Mutual Broadcasting System BEMAINrNO BOtlBS TODAY 1:00 Man On The Farm. MBS. 1:90 Man On Tha Street. Voica Of Tha Army. 2:00 It's Requested. ,1:00 Mac A tester Radio SlngrfMBS. 3:30 Melody Mountain Boys. 4:00 John Plynn. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. 4:30 Bandstand U.S.A. MBS. 5:00 True Or False. MRS. 5:30 Baker Oven MBS. 6:00 Jack Foatac Orch. 6:15 Music. 6:25 John B. Kennedy. UBS. 6:30 World of SporU. 6:45 Nation Guard Show 7:00 Meet The Pre. MBS. 7:30 Happy Valley Cowboys. MBS. 8:00 O.S.C. Oregon. 6:30 Wrestling Match. 10:30 Music. 11:00 McPherson In Person. 11:25 News Nightcap, 11:30 Sign Off. INDAT, FEnSUABr M. in ft SflO Back To God Hour. MBS. 6 30 Voice of Prophecy. MRS. . 6 (W Radio Bible Class - MBS. 0 .to Lutheran Hour. MBS. 10:00 News. MBS. 1015 Songs Of Cheer Comfort MBS 10:30 Garden Talks. 10:45 Moments of Devotion. U.oo Church Services. 12:00 Oman Concert. 12:15 Horn of Hymns MBS. 12:JO Master Radio Canaries. MBS 12:45 National News. 1:00 B-Bex-B Riders. MBS. 1:30 Martin Kane. MBS. 2 00 The Shadow. MBS 2:30 Tru Detective Mysteries. -MBS. 3:00 Ray Block Show. 3:30 Nick Carter. MRS. 4:00 The Falcon. MBS. 4:30 Family Theater. MBS. 6 00 Laymen's Hour. MBS. 3:30 Romance And Music. 6:00 Enchanted Hour. MBS. 6:30 World Of SporU. 6:45 Oberlin Radio Artist MBS. 7:00 Music Of The Masters. 7:30 Roy Rogers Show. MBS. BOO Twenty Questions. MBS t:'M N. W. Barbershop Ballad. Contest. MBS. 6:00 News. MBS. 915 Memorable Music. 9:30 Old Fashioned Revival Hour. 10 :30 Chicago Theatre. MBS. 11:30 News Nightcap. 11:35 Sign Off. MONO AT, FEBRUABT ST, 1IM oo Musical Clock. 6.10 News. 35 Farm Fair. 6 45 Rite aV Shine. MBS. 7:00 Hemingway MBS 715 Breakfast Gang MBS. 730 Off The Record. 7 45 Local News. 7 SO March time 6:00 Favorite Hymns. 8:15 Bob Poole. MBS. K ' ' . 8 30 Bible Institute. MBS. . 6:00 Modern Home. 0:15 Book Of Bargjfni. 9:30 Man About Town. 9:45 Heatters Mall bag. MBS. . 10 OO News MBS. 10:15 Gospel Sinter. MBS. 10:30 Say It with Music. 10:45 Jack Holt. 11:00 Ladies Fair. MBS. 11:30 Quen For A Day. MBS. 12 OO World News. 12:15 Sons Of Pioneer. 12 30 Johnny Mercer Show. 12:50 Local News. 12:55 Market Reports. 1:00 Man On The Street 1:15 Novatim. 1:30 Ladles First MBS. 2 00 Phone Fun. , 2:30 It Requested. - 3:15 School Show. 3:30 Navy Band. 1.45 Andre' Kostelanetz. MBS. 4:00 Fulton Lewis. Jr MBS. 4:15 Hemingway MBS. 4 30 Homemaker't Club. . 4:45 News MBS. 5 00 Top Tune. 5 30 Tom Mix. MBS. :0O Music At Six. FRANCES CONGAR NOW AT THE SHALIMAR ROOM Froncet ployt ony requett thof we givt her In her own amiable ttyle. t4o onlv that, he ploys a reolly "Hep" piono. We heard her ot Emie Piluso's in Eugene ond now that the it hare In Roteburg, we don't wont to mitt her ond her excellent entertainment. Say, moke that dote for tonight ond go to tha Sholimor Room with ua. Per the finest fe feed -ed eeterteiweiewt elways vh the SHALIMAR ROOM 122 S. Steekeas n'n'n u WWii TONIGHT: Senator Joseph R. McCarthy (R), of Wisconsin, who has charged in public addresses that card-bearing Communists are still In government employ,' will hold the press conference on the air during "Meet the Proas" (7:00-7:30 p. m.). Studio session with Lou Franco and nil "Happy Valley Cowboys" (7:304:00 p. m.) and another Pacific Coast conference basketball game between Ore gon and 0. S. C, beginning at S:00 p. m. SUNDAY) Den Lee's "Heraler Caiild," series farmerly aired en Thurtdaye will move te Sundays In the 1:00 e 1:J0 p. m. time slot effective tomorrow. SHI Beyd, star of the "Heaelenf Cassidy" series, prizes an unusual letter he received from a young fen. The youngster asked the cowboy ster to end eleng an Imprint el "Honelenf Ceesldy's beet In a ce ment block, oe that ho could start a wosttrn-type Orewman's Chinese forecourt In his own backyard. Beyd plans to do It If he can figure out weya and meene to mall a block of cementl ... Robert Stack will portray the pert of a young American cepteln In the drome of "The Spy" for the "Family , Theater" broadcast In commemoration ef George Weshlng. ten's birthday (4:M-S:gg p. m.). Stege and screen ster Faye moreen will bo the guest panelist for "Twenty Questions" -(l:0M: p. m.). For the second successive year, Mutual-Don Lee will broadcast the music of the winning male quartet In the annual All-Northwest Bar bershop Ballad contest. The program will originate from Forest drove, Oregon. This Is the fourth annual event,- and features leading quartets from all the Pacific Northwest (Sunday, 8:S0-:00 p. m.). Jerome Kern's tausical comedy, "The Cat and the Fiddle," will be aired for the first time by tha "Chicago Theater" Sunday night at 10:30. Lyric soprano Nancy Carr and baritone Bruce Foote will be co-atarred in the leading rolea. Col. Robert M. HcCormick, editor, publisher and world historian, will bo heard speaking from Europe and Asia during the next five "Chicago Theater" broadcasts. On February 2S, Col. McCormick's Intermission discussion of a timely topic will originate from Madrid, one of his first stops in his tour of the Middle East and Asia (Sunday, 10:30-11:30 p. m ). MONDAY) After .thet little men or little gel In the family has had his er her busy dey . . . you cen send 'em off to bed In a heppy end contented frame of mind after' they've heard KftNR's new "Sleepytime Tales" slated to begin Monday night, " end Monday thru Friday thereafter (7:00-7:15 p. m.). Azalea By ILA QUIRKE Mr. and Mra. Jim Morgan visit ed friends and relatives at Asalea during the week. , Mr. and Mrs. Ed McBee of Si ingfield visited friends here, in cluding the Ed, Leland and Rollin Johns families recently. The Mc- Bees formerly lived in Azalea. Miss Peggie Sandersen entertain ed 14 of her friends at her home Saturday on her 12th birthdity. G mea were played ana reiresn ments were served. Medford were Mr. and Mra. E. O. A'ama of Redmond. Adama, in tUm mmmA km . in . mi Padmniiil and Malin, claima to have come up ,ith an answer to the permanent i .tun. frraaa fltiMtinn in the form of a new type clover. CM;. Di..hmn it A..1. tiaa PA. htmmA n hia hnini "miifh Imnrnv- ed" following treatment since last August at the Koseburg veterans hospital. Mrs. Romtvedt. teacher for Aia- 1 school 127, headed an intereat- in, W..hinfftnn hirthriav DroBTam at the school this week. D-J-V tTa-rl amtjirtainMl 11 nf his playmatea Saturday at hia 11th birthday party. An aiiernoon enow and party at Grants Pass was the treat for hia guests. Interest of this community In S:1S Mutual KewaKaL MBS. a:30 World Of Sport. . 8:49 Tex Bcn.ka. 55 Bill Henry. MVS. 7:00 Blcpytlm. TalM. T:1S Chuckwagon Jamboree. 1 30 Claco Kid MBS. 1:00 Lt CMrn Do It. SfBE. I 30 You Nam. It. I C.drle rotter. MBS t:0o N.w. MBS. :I9 Ml Nelahbor. 30 Scandinavian Melody Tune, e M rultM. Lewla. Jr. MRS 10:001 Love A Myitery, MBS. in-ill Mini. Vnu Want. 10:43 McPh.rKm In Peraon. . U:Z5 New. Nigntcap. 11:30 Sign Off. ' $ SAVE $ WHY FAY MORE Office hours: g a. m. to S p. m. Sundaya, 1 p. m. to 7 p. m. Ne Appointment Neoeaaary INCOME TAX SERVICE 13 Sherlden Phone Stg-J or S7-F-2 I'm Taking My Date To Hear young peoples' activities Is shown by the Ore-Mo Stfe college schol a p sponsored by Azalea grange which waa awarded Mary Lee Rust a year ago. Miaa Rust also won a INSURANCE LIFE AUTO FIRE Stata Farm Mutual Insurance O. L. ROSS P. O. Box 489 Phona 288 116 W. Case Over Douglaa County Bank Today and Sunday LASH laRUE In "PIONEER JUSTICE" 2nd Wtitsra Smilty Burntttt in "FIGHTING FRONTIERSMAN" TOMORROW AND MONDAY! WANTED iN SjJ ENDS Sat., Fab. 25, 1950 Tha 4-H trip to Chicago this year. Mrs. Charlea Duaey gar lunch e at her homo Saturday for the benefit of a college scholarship waa enjoyed by number of Cow Creek frlka. Rice Hill By MRS. CECIL HARTFORD Mr. and Mra. James Eden of Rice Valley entertained at dinner Sunday the following guesti: Mr. and Mra. Floyd McMiehaid and ch idren; James and William Wol ford: Ms. and Mra. Roy Brant; Bill Benner of Yoncalla, and Mra. Alice Lowman, daughter Elda and so - Cecil of Elmira. Mra. Bob Craw'ord spent last weekend at Coos Bay aa represen tative of the Yoncalla Business and "rofea onal Women's club for th meeting of the state executive board of Business and Professional Women. Mr. and Mra. Jamea Eden of Rice Valley entertained at a lovely par ty at their home Tuesday night Refreshments were served to Mr. STARTS ' Broadway's Sr.ash Hit n ir if ii i'v inwf Frrrrr 1 1 I -fj A ' I ' L ...Togotfioc far V Sj ' V the tkftt time In J ... T (y T their preerhMt ("y J Jf rwlee by fg- 2nd Feature NSW 'riNO a LAUREL Laugh , "The Tonight: "Gtronime" & "Zamba" VERA RALSTON PHILIP HUK WMSX MM HINDI TONIGHT: Errol Flynn in "MONTANA" Naws - ltavUw, toMburj, Ore. . and Mrs. Vernon Patrich and ehfl dren; Mr. and Mra. Arney Bjork and daughter; Mr. and Mra. Bob Sheete; Mr. and Mra. Wilford Vian and son; Mrs. Allen Lancaster; John Lewey; Mr. and Mra. Charles Vian and the host and hostess Mr. and Mra. Eden and children. Mr. and Mra. Phil Huntington visited last weekend with relatives in Corvallia. Their grandson, Da vid Blomquist, returned with them to spend the week on tha Hunting ton rarch. SLABWOOD In 12-16 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone gSS ' TOMORROW! IAN HURTIK awraoaucmo J Uoeea MacMATNf , & HARDY Riot! Chimp' DORN OLIVER HARDY MM I WIIIUB KGI IMS 11