The Smallest, Cheapest Workers Poultry 15 Chicki Chicks Chicks Cu.tom hatching apeelt. Set twice each nth Sal and Wad For gay old ehlrka, plare your order new Sued pullala and Corkarela aa well aa weight run. Priced rlM at Ponton Hatchery law aarvard Ave . oaeburs Phone laa Poultry m.n larkad, extreme! dry fluffy planar havlnga. l'c par lb A. O. Hulbart, 430 Garden Valley Road. PRY-PS. 300 N. H pullata. Will da- llvar on Friday and Saturday. Geo. F. Jonca. Tenmllo. STARTED CHICKS N H pullata. f Cary. 1 mtlea 1. of Plaonvllle. Fryers for sale s n-.ii out Mtl reaa Highway Howard Ranaom. Rabbits 16 WTTH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLITR U.V.R.B A. FOR SALE Fryer rabblta, 4Sc lb., drat ad. Phona -J- Pets 17 Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J MAUO Cib WttfUtU Ph. fa or 453-V Rag. and pod. pupptee. all color. Stud .rvic fiOLDErFcOCKER S month olTfemale, Jedlgreed. Wonderful chtldren'a pat 19. Ph. 9-F-ll. For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN t- - ar - so - m The life time trailer Haa a body wa helleve will Hit as jean or mora. No dry roL Kit ta- ir sr ar sr Columbia ir 14 m - ar 33- The WMt'i Fastest Seller and other Trallcra of Quality Also used trailer, trsde-tns accepted. Bank contract. Contract to S year oa Sparta na Earl E. Smith N W. Largest Dealer Eugene, Or. Phona Springfield 3631 3 Mile South on 09. Rt 4. Box 33. Eugeno CLOSING OUT ALL OF OUR USED APPLIANCES IMMEDIATELY LARGS PRICE OUTS. GOOD BARGAINS M DAY GUARANTEE e e e Today's Special Used Table Model Armstrong Ironer Wai Now Umpqua Vallay Appliance 130 W. OU St Electric Range Hotpotnt Apt. alee not new, but 1st data condition; all new plate. Priced low for quick Ml, 15 00. See Mr. Bate at Arbucklc s Shoe Store. River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS W hav an abundant supply. Paul Casey 157 W. Mother Phone 11T-V FOR QUICK SALE Med. springs and mattress, used on year, good cendi- ' tlon, (29 00. Alio dining room set, walnut ftntah, 4 chair and table, good condition, W.OO. Ph. 11.47-L, or cal at28Ann Ave.. NeboVlita. f"OR SALE for gi.i5. 3 rmi. complete ly furniihed. Sleep 4. All aluminum Eattern built 37 ft. trailer. 11100. down MO. mo. This ad will not appear after Tuesday. N. V. Totton, Mill. Ph. 90Z-J. FOR SALE at sacrifice Springfield iu per aportster 30-ofl. Wlnchestter M-70 370 standard model with weaver. K-4 rope; both new. Carroll Thomas. lVi miles South Myrtle Creek on0S. SEDUCED PRICES on coau and shoes: dresses 7Sc and tl.OO; G. E. flat top Ironer. Special prlcea Friday and Sat- - urday. New Horn Exchange, 147 Sher man. DEER RIFLES, Rem. HI In 300 cel. - model 70 Win. 370, Savage 330-3000. Wine heater carbine 33 apeciaL Marlin 30-30. Powell Sporting Goods, 306 West CassSt. FOR SALE 37 -ft. Schulz Luxury Liner trailer home. Our equity for 4300. Nebo Trailer Court. Highway M. N. John Davidson. Call after 4 p. m. FOR SALE -16 ft. Marine PiywoodTJbat Umpqua Special Trailer and John son outboard engine, 2-0 cash. Ph. n.w. FOR SALE Fertilizer for your flower beds, SI per sack. Richard Woods. Box 340. Id lev id Rt. 14 mile out N. Umpqua Highway. SINGLE MAPLE bed. complete with spring and Sealy mattress, practically new. Also Lov seat, bed combination, like new. Call 1739-R-L FACTOR YB IT iLT trailer house. 16 ft., butane range, oil heat, sleeps 4, for cneap. wincnesier iwo.ei. NEW KIRBY and Electrlux vacuum cleaner, both In good condition. 947 S. Stephens. FOR-SALE Lower kitchen cabinets am! double sink with fixtures. Price $40. Call 4M-J. BirLK SALMON EGGS, steclhead rods. reels and lines, Powells Sporting Goods. 306 West Case St. TRAllJ-RTfactory built, jleeps 4: leav- Ing town, bargain for cash. Phone M6-R-4. COMPARETRICTS. then buy at UoW ARD'S HARDWARE. Winston. Oregon. Ph. 193-J-l OPEN SUNDAYS. f SaL E KM n flry planer ends, it per unit: Green slabwood 65 7. mixed load M 75 ph 307 . NAVY&LUE"Welsh baby buggy. Good condition. Reeeonahle Phon 7U-Y ANTIQUE MAPLE Rocker 315.00. Stu dentUmpjl.00. Phon933-J. BltHCHAIR M.oorursery Rhyme Lin olumJ00. Phone S33-J. fOR SALE 30no wait light plantPh. 315. CanyonvUle. Oregon ' 24-ft Prairie Schooner, reasonable. 43 Tempi in St. hon 1321R-X. OPEN END STEEL BARRELS for in cinerator, tl 00. Phon85S-J-4. 3a M OSS Bt RG-T cpea ter. fl I' PnT KotttY W It iH tt Trailer Hi Will consider trad. Phone laTe-RX LARGE-3-wheet trller"for sal cheap. tan i.w-r-i. RotPoivT ELtcTRtC "IFanSe, almost MisceV loneous 19 Modern 5 Piece Dance Band for hlro With or without voroliat. Dick Martin, ph. 11U. Drain, Oregon. Fuel 20 SPECIAL Double Load Planar Inda S INCHES AND HEAVIER, 110 I Ph. 1S-J-S HEY, LOOK! II you newt old growth fir cord wood. 16" and 34" lengths; 3" mill ands; fren and dry slabwood, 16"; call M-J-l or 47-J- (or information and fr delivery. It's Dry PILING ENDS Stov or Fireplace lengths, M no cord Delivered and put Inside Call 133 or 144-R-a, Eva. FEELER 'CORE: nolll-ends; planer en3i": fi rep lac wood. Double loads, prompt delivery Claud WUIey. Rt L Boa 43 Ph- 15-J -3 or Ii3-J-1 I" PLANER ENDS, go 3a unit, regular length. Roeeburg Lumbar C. Poon 46.. i fO RSAL.S lab wood , sawdust, planer ends Phone 307 Johnson -uel Jo. Timber & Sawmills 21 Portable Steel Mill Diesel power, with tmn M Inch saw. Vertical edger. Also TD 14 eat. armor ed for logging. Lata modal. Ph. 433 -J, noeeourg. Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WILBUR LUMBER CO FO RESALE 13000 ft. sawmill, top and bottom saws, new carriage. 3 saw edger, pond with new cchaln saw. HD7 cat. Timber for 3 yrs. run, new "huPrprt,cul,r,Tn' lMTlY' FOR SALE IS M capacity sawmill Full length conveyor, ateel end, 3 saw edger, trim saw, 3 block carriage, without power. 13000. Writ Box 431, Sutherlin, Oregon. TIMBER WANTED 3 Mltf or more. Drain. Oakland. Sutherlin district pre ferred. Geo. Barthelamy. Rt 3, Box 403-J. Rbug- ALMOST NEW 30 M capacity sawmill, 300 H. P. diesel. Stum pa i available or will furnish logs. Lock wood Bros., Ten m I le, Oregon. WANTED Small capacity sawmill, both old growth and second. Roads mostly in. 10 miles East of Roseburg oa ..tra der Road. C. L. Branton. FOR SALE American 3 saw 30 in. d ger. B t C Welding Shop. Sutherlin, FORhTrE--D-T cat: logging, roadbulld Ing, land clearing. Hour or contract Phone 826-J-3. FOR SALE Sawmill." or any" part G.MC. dlel edger and other units. Roy Denny. 333 Winchester. WANfPOL.ES-end piling delivered to our yard at Green. Contact u before cutting. Puget Timber Co. of Oregon. Logging Equipment 22 Logger's Notice .... .For Tree Insurance Comprehensive Liability on all equipment i Inland Marina Insurance en all equipment Log truck Insurant or Call Tipton & Permin Insurance Ph. 14CT S14 Cata St IT PAYS TO INSURE IN SURE INSURANCE Attention Sawmill Operators and Logging Contractors- W can supply you with complete industrial coverage 34 hour a day. To acquaint yourself with our plan call 003, Keith Carter or Merl Basirt, agents for Northern Life Insurance Co. Roseburg, Or. ONE NEW UNIVERSAL saw grinder, pedestal type with motor. 9175; one reconditioned Hyster Model 8 double drum hoist with 3 speed transmission, $40; 3 new 14.1 H. P. GMC diesel with clutch. 31975 each; ball-bearing swing cut-off saw up to 30" capacity, 3150. Keystone Machine Works, 136 S. Stephens. FOR SALE 13 HP Dies ton Chatn saw Used very J'.tle. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Wra, F. Hansen. 646 S. Commercial. FOR-SALE 3300 ft of 31 haulbacT. 8 radically new, cheap, Ph. 3477, a k land. Tingle Axle logging tratierTSm. woT- bert Welding At Muchina Works, ph. 4J3. GOOD SET of lumber' rolls, for sal. Ora Caylor. Glide. TD 14 CAT. armoredfor"logging."Lat model. Phone s.'U-J, Roseburg. Machinery For Sale 23 FOR SALE No. 11 diesel patrol blade grader, good running rendition, 90 rubber. 31WM) cash. Phone 400-R-4, Roseburg. Carl P. Tallon. 3341 N. Stephens. Farm Equipment 24 Irrigation Outfits 4 tie ftruro ytur Irrliatlnn ayat tiow pricea. Prompt aervtea. Umpqua Tractor Co. 123 S. PINE ST. t &R1 ALE Case Dirkun hav 'baler in very good condition; also Maaaey Har- j rt R rt. grain ariii usen two season. Gordon Hughe. Rt 3, Box 3A3, Rosa burg. Oregon. Tractors 25 Garden Tractors Bolena Garden Trartora. f t. Rotary Tulare. Low prteao; completa etoeka. Umpqua Tractor Co. 1 29 A. PINE ST. Tractors 25 FOR SALE Model TD It International tractor, like new. only S30 hours, quipped with Isaerson angle doser and Carco winch. Priced low to sell. May be seen at Farm at Industrial Equipment Co.. Highway 34), N. No phone Inquiries, pleas. ' fOR SAEe Good" Fordson tractor. Writ Box 338 News-Review. . fOR SALE Fordson tractor with-saw, cheap. Phona 173-Y. Trucks 26 FOR SALE BY OWNER 146 1-ton Dodge pickup truck, waterproof Olr wood revered body Three month guarantee. This truck practically nk new 61003. City Drtv In Market. sutherlin. FOR SALE 1040GMCTuburban Carry -all. 4 speed trans., undercoat, Htr.. and defroster Low mileage and In excellent condition, 31,303. See at 313 W. 1st. Ave. N. FORSALlT BY OWNER lttt FordTpaneT. -cylinder, 3 front seats, top condi tion. Call "Red " Gren. S7 R-5 AXI.ESHAFTS tor aU make of truck. Ray s Truck Shop. 3003 N Stephens. Phone 46 -J -4 Autos 27 Integrity Through all the years ' we have faithfully . served our customers, - putting each cus t o m e r ' s satisfction above everything else! No wonder, then, that' we are known for our integrity! We'd like you to come in today i IMS CHRYSLER, RAH Ml .00 IMS CHRYSLER Sedan. RAH 843 00 141 CHRYSLER Club Coupa, It A H 1P41 FORD Club Coupa, RAH IMS FORD Club Coupa 49 00 475 00 S90.00 349.00 4M00 100.00 309.00 190 00 1M0 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. aadan IMS PLYMOUTH Sedan. RAH ISM PLYMOUTH 1-dr. Sedan 1M0 CHEVROLET Convertible, H 193S BU1CK, RAH Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DESOTO Plymouth HEADQUARTERS S30 A Stephen, We'll he her TOMORROW to Back up what wa aay and do TODAY!" Roseburg Hudson Co. TOS S. Stephana Guaranteed Offerings In Used Cars SPECIAL VALUES IN LOW-PRICE FIELD BARGAINS Ot ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION Roseburg Hudson Co. Remember: Terms To Fit Your Income On A Car To Meet Your Needs. REASONABLY PRICED OMAC TERMS CHEVROLET. BUICK. PONTIAC. CADILLAC TRADE IMS Hansen's USED CAR CENTER Avrmmzt pLura r- on Oak in Town ..Want Ads Autos 27 Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere Today's Special THIS SPACE RESERVED POB BARGAIN HUNTERS 1S41 FORD V. T. PICKUP. JUST THE TH1NO FOR RUNABOUT ON THE FARM. PLENTY OF SERV ICE LEFT. ONLY 41900 WATCH THIS SPACE FOR MORE 141 MERCURY CLUB COUPE One of our ehotre cere, for quirk turn over we are , prlcln It WO.00 below the book. 139.00 14T PONTIAC FORDOR SEDAN Want .omelhlna that you'll be proud to drive? See thia today. Absolutely suranteed. 139.00 14T KAISER FORDOR SEDAN coma on you barfain hunt trra. Thle la 1L Don't Walt SM.OO IMS FORD COUPE Good ear for that mm'i Job, or you guyt who Ilka to be alone. 9.00 41 STI1DEBAKER FORDOR SE DAN: Glowing repaint Job. Safe- S checked through and rough. Drive thla one today 1 I I U0.00 1M1 FORD COUPE: Only a few mile, on a fac tory rebuilt motor. All new upholatery. Really a beaut SM.OO 1M1 OLDSMOBILE REDANETTE 3-tone paint, good running condition throughout .... 489.00 1M0 PACKARD FORDOR SEDAN O. K. Through and through. Good rubber and paint 309.00 1040 BUICK FORDOR SEDAN New. heavy-duty rubber all around. New aaat covora, good paint 409.00 CHECK THESE FOR OOOD DEPENDABLE TRANSPORTATION 1H0 FORD Tudor Sedan SM.OO 13 FORD Tudor Sadaa SM.00 13 CHEVROLET Fordon Sedan Sal 1S3T FORD Tudor Sedan 349.00 M3T CHEVROLET Tudor Sedan 109.00 1139 PLYMOUTH Tudor Sedan . M OO Trucks & Pickups 1M FORD Stake Rack 143 STUDEBAKER 1-T 14T FORD Flat Bad 119.00 TM.00 119.00 79.00 14 FORD I4j T PANEL. . U3I FORD SEDAN Delivery. . 39.00 13) FORD H-T Pickup 19.00 You Pay Less For Used Cars At L0CKW00D 0 MOTORS 730 Stephen Phona 1 131 -J Easy Terms We Want Good Clean Used Cars Top prleea paid DOYLE'S SALES SERVICE Highway 00 A Garden Valley Rd. Ptione 611 GOOD CARS PRICED TO SELL. Some terms available; 140 OLDSMORILE a-door sedan. fullv eoulooed 317 S On 1910 FORD a -door eedan . 324S no 1637 BUICK 4-door aadan si an on Inquir SOT Pacift Bldg.. or phona 4e FOR SALE 1040 CHIEFTAIN Delux Pontiac S passenger coupe: will take clean '41 or '46 car In trad. Ken Ellison, ph. 1076-Y. TRADE 1041 Ford 3-door. exceptionally clean inrougnout. as pan payment on late model car. No dealers. Box 316 News Review. MORE MONEY for vour car Cash on the spot Corkrum Motors. Inc. De- Soto Plymouth. Phona 400, 114 Ros St. 40 CHEV CONV. 0 months old. 4300 miles, for 300. leas than original total cost. Will also consider trade-in. 3181 Rest Ave. 10.10 OLDS. 4 door sedan. Fully equipped New paint. Excellent rubber Only 340. 431 Row St. or Ph. 1333 R FOR SALE A-l shsp. 1040 Plymouth aoor. 719 m. zoa Ave. n., m any time. fOH KAt-K-Tir trsrla for crick uo. Chevrolet sedan, goocj snap, szaa. mm Lituistn, uuiara. urtion. '49'Of,DR''''TrfnorTe4anrradlorKea'tT, 3673 Call at Safeway Meat Dept be- iween a p. m CARF6RiALE-'3TT6NTtAC Sedan, 43 motor, R H, food transporta tion. CII1S3S-L lOR SALE-1040 Red iipslerTT than 7000 mile, perfect contlltlon, . M. Davis, Brorkway. Oregon. I0'LYMOUtH Sedan'for 1 or trad. 2037 N. Stephens. Ph. 330-R-3. fOti SALE OR- TRADE My equity in 140 K a ster. Ph. lioa-n. m main 1010 PLYMOtiYH 3-door sedan. ft"V ff. 3343. Re at lorrS Madrnne. ph. 303. jrf0RD.Cioyi Urvy,ilWr. Pit inm-R.g. 3 pees anger Chav. verdriva. rado. 27 Better Buys at Barcus Today's Best Buy IMS PACKARD DeLUXE bedan. Beautiful light blue flnlah. New red pla.tlc eet eovara. Overdrive, electromatle elutrh, radio, heater, and many . ether eztre.. Leu than 19.000 anllae. A real bargain, r 3190 HMS KAISER. RAH. low mileage, lent condttlon , . IMS PACKARD 110 CLIPPER sedon. Light gray. Nice in terior. R A H A buy. 1 1M0 OLDSMOBILE 1 DOOR 148 motor. New paint. Nte interior. Radio A neater. . 1M3 OLDSMOBILE 8P.DAN Hydramatle, reconditioned mo tor. RAH. New Urea; new paint IMS KAISER SEDAN Low mileage; exccllem condi tion. ... 1 140 DeSOTO SEDAN RAH Good Urea, only .- 133 CHEVROLET S Pau. Coupe. Reconditioned motor, I nod Urea. RAH 13) NASH AMBASSADOR SEDAN. Reconditioned motor, over drive, RAH 1(3T FORD V-g 3-door Sadaav 1US CHRYSLER SEDAN. 131 FORD V- SEDAN. 1MT FORD V-S PICKUP Excellent condition, over drive. EASY TERMS LIBERAL TRADES BARCUS Your Packard Dealer Highway M H. at Gardes Vallay Rd. Phona 1394 Ve Sell Dependable Used Cars and some that will run 14 JEEPSTER law mtleego. overdrive, radio and heater, very clean. 14 FORD I-door. nico ear for the highway 1990 1M CHEVROLET Aero. dark gray, raoio and neater . 1MT CHEVROLET 4-door, neater . 190 a-cyl. Stktlm Wagon Demon- atrator . 1M1 DODGE, ' rlnga , 1M1 OLDSMOBILE Club Coupa 1M1 PLYMOUTH 4-door 1M1 STUDEBAKER Club Coupe 140 OLDSMOBILE 4-door 490 13 STUDEBAKER Coupa . !.T FORD 1-door IMS CHRYSLER 131 FORD, new paint . 339 . 130 . 179 1M1 PLYMOUTH Panel Riverside Motors 1640 No, Stephana Roseburg, Or. Personal 30 EARN EXTRA DOLLARS t t t Selling latest greeting cards, stationery wraps. frars ior iM-Brnia greet ing cards and many others filled from our Heat He stock. Make up to She per box Seattle Card Mart, ins Bell vue, North Seattle, Washington. ATcTffiSUCf AffoHTMoTJl. P. 6 Notices 31 I will not be responslhl for any debts. except mose mat, are contracted nv myself. Clyde L. Dubell, Oak ridge, Oregon. f" am not responsible for any ' dha oiher than my own from this data en. C. A. Tiller, Oakland. I' VOUR PAPER) HAS NOT AP.p,iveo ev :is p. m. PHONE 100 INCOME TAX E SERVICE al ttats I W. William J Raem 207, Osufllss C Bank Bldg. Aft.rnssns Only Phon. 73 J Autos LEGAL IN TBS CISC I' IT COfRT OF TBI 0TATE OF OREGON IN ANB FOB DOUGLAS COUNTY RONNIE CLARK. Plaintiff, vs. WAL TER H. CLARK, Defendant TO: Walter H. Clark, th above- named defendant: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear ana iiuwir ine compiaini men again! you in th above entitled court and cause within four week of the data of the first publication of this summon, and for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, a succinct statement of which t as fol lows; For a decree divorcing plaintiff from defendant absolutely, restoring to minim ner xormer name 01 Bonnie larr, and tor general relief. Dated of first nublication: February 35, 10M. RAY B. COMPTON Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Addreaa; Roaveburg, Oregon NOT1CB OF FINAL BEARING NOTICE HEREBY la given that March i, 1030, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock . M . In the County Court Room at the Court Hous in Roseburg, Douglas County. Oregon, hav been fixed as the lim and place for hearing ob jections. If any there be. to th Final Account filed by the undersigned Ex-tutH- In lha arwwa antltltx. Court- DATXu and first Dublithed this Bat Executrix of the Estat of hi a. n rum, aecaaaasL, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE or seal rsorgRTT Notiea la hereby eiven that the under signed administrator of the estate of ueorge Vivian Knapp, oeceasea, win on and after the 30th day of March. 1030, at me iw office or urcuu. Ltona Neuner. limnoui Savin it Loan Build ing, noseourg, uougias fjouniy, 'jregon, riroceed to sell at private sale for cash n hand all the He hi. title and Interest of the estate of George Vivian Knapp, deceased, in ana to lite following scribed real property: ia iwo tzi ana inre u, niorK Four )4. Umpqua Addition, City f Readsport, Douglas County. Oregon. Robert T. Risk el. Administrator of th Estate of George Vivian Knapp, NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the undersigned by Order of th County Court of th Stat of Oregon (or Doug las County haa been appointed Admini strator with th Will-Annexed of th Estat of James F. Boyd, Deceased. All persons having claims a gains th estate of James F. Boyd, Deceased, are hereby notified to present the same, verified aa required by law, at the law offices of Thomas C. Hartflel, 330 North Stephen Street, Roseburg, Oregon, with in six month from th data of this nolle Dated, Febraurr 13. 10M ROY O. YOUNG Administrator with th Will Annexed ok th Estat of Jama F. Boyd, Deceased. NOTICE OF BALE OF REAL PROPERTY Ne. 63-41T IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MULTNOMAH Department of Probate IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIAN SHIP of RAY D, CROWE, Incompetent Notice to hereby given that th un dersigned Guardian of th Estate of Ray D. Crow, Incompetent, by virtue of an Order of Sale issued out of the Circuit Court of th Slat of Oregon, (or th County of Multnomah, duly mad and entered on the 14th day of February, 1030, In the above entitled estate licensing tha Guardian to sell the hereinafter described real property belonging to the said Incompetent will offer for sale and sell from and after the 30th day of March, 1030, at private sale, for cash, or upon auch terms as may be approved by th Court at The First National Bank of Portland, Main n ranch Triiat nsnsrlmsnl . Ash it Stark Streets, In the City of Port- ( land, Multnomah county, Oregon, an tha following described real property situated in Douglas County Oregon, to-wit: Undivided One Half (t. Interest In West one half iWl of North east One Quarter (W) of Sec tion Thirty One 1.11 1 Township Twenty Seven 3Ti Sovith Rang T West, W.M.. Douglas County Oregon; Undivided On Half fUjl Interest in West One Hslf tl of South west on quarter W of Section Six (6 Township Twenty Eight tM, south. R. Seven ifi West W.M., Douglas County, Oregon t Undivided On Half (HI interest In Northwest one quarter (Vei of North West one-qusrter 1 V of Section Seven (7i Township Twenty Eight 1361 South R. Seven IT) West WM., Douglas County Oregon; Undivided One Half (SI Interest in Northeast one-quarter ( l) of North east one-quarter iWi of Sec tion Twelve ilJt Township Twenty Eight I3flt South R. Eight (3i Weet WM.. Douila. County. Oreaon: The tie will be made aubjecf to tha confirmation by the ebove entitled court. Data o( llrat publlcaUoa Feb. Itth, 1.V) Del of U,t publication March 11th, 190. C. X. BOLLENBACK Attorney for Guardian Falling Building. Portland, Oregon The Flrat National Bank of Portland Br: LAWRENCE L CLARK Truat Officer NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the I undersigned has been by an order of the County Court of tha State of Oregon for Douglas County, duly ap- i pointed Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of Bern hard Babeltn, De ceased. All person having claims against th estat of Bernhard Sabelln. De ceased, are hereby notified to present j th same, verified aa required by lew, to the undersigned Executrix at tha law offices of Winston A Dim irk, 4os Pacific Building, in Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, within six months from ; the dst of this notice. Dated and first published thla 11th , day of Feb., 1050. CATHERINE HIGG1NROTHAM Executrix of the Estate of Bern hard Sabelln, Deceased. a Dr. George L. Nicholas Vtrinarion Graduat of Univtriity of Penntylvonls it now located at 804 Garden Vallty Roae Phone 116 Ambulance Service 7 i,' a-f -" Cliapei of the foAeA PHONE 600 Set., Fee. IS, ItSO TKe NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claim against the estate of Charles W. Harris. Deceased, now pending In t;he County Court of Douglas County. Oregon, are hereby notified to present th same, verified as required by law, to the undersigned at th office of Geddee Felker, Attorneys. Roseburg. Oregon, within six months from th date hereof, Dated and first pumunea inu aain day of February. 1030. C. CECIL HARRIS Administrator of the Estat of Chart W. Harris, Deceased. NOTICE OF SALS Case N. IttM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DOUGLAS, S1G FETT, Plaintiff, vs BYRON CREEK LUMBER COMPANY, an Oragon Corporation, , Defendant. NOTICE II HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of a writ of execution duly Issued out of th above court com manding me to sell the hereinafter described real property to satisfy the claim of the plaintiff on the said lands In th sum of Seven Hundred and 10looth Dollars I0TOO.10I, together with Interest thereon at the rate of six -i per cent per annum from the 11th day of August, 1040, I will offer (or sal to th highest bidder lor cash at the main front entrance of the court house in Rnaeburg. Oregon, on Mon day, th 30th day of March. 1030. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., all th right title and Interest which the said defendant had on April 30. 1040. haa had at any time since the said date, or now haa In or to the fol lowing described reel estate, to-wltl The BWH, the SEW of th NWW. and the NWM, of th SEW of Sec tion 33, and the NEV of Section 3a, all In Township 30 South. Rang T West W. M.. Douglas County. Oreaon. gon. Ice to Not! al iven that I will place the purchaser of tha said property at the a'd sale In the Immedlete posaesalon thereof subject te confirmation by tha above court. DATED and first published this tlth day el February, 1030. O. T. Carter Sheriff of Douglas County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL BEARING NOTICE HEREBY to given that March S, 1030, at tha hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., In the County Court Room at tha Court House In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, have been fixed aa the time and place for hearing objec tion, if any there be, to th Final Account filed by th undersigned Ad ministrator in th above entitled Court. DATED and first published this 4th day of February, 10AO. ADOl.Pt DOER NER Administrator of the Estat of Mary McCullum, deceased. DO V0U KNOW . . . thai the cause of about ts at all ailments may be corrected by plnal and Intestinal treatment wtta proper diet Dr. M. C. Catstl CBIBOPBACTIO FEYSICIAJI 34)1 B Cass Tel 1401 SIDING SHINGLES s All Types V Estimates Furnished Budget Time Payments DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Personal Property Tax Reminder for 1950 formal Pope try dsclsraftM raraaa wars aenr strr Jss. 1, ItSS, wtrk a re.ueet far rhalr rahini aafars Margk 1, 110. rlawa giv rhh) y.ur lataM.'iara atfaRrlaa. tactioa 1 10-14, OCLA 141 raadi faliaw . . . "Th. awiMf hall gaMa .lank farm far well returns fa pa araaaraa1 and 41s tflbut.4, pat fallura fa racalva ar sacurs th farm shall aa ra liava any such aarsan, ntanaflni a.ant ar affigar tha ahlf fatiaa af ntaklnf any return herein re.uira4 ... All raturns flll u4w tha pravition af tha .action shall aa .afi4enrll racaras af tha Atsassar's OHIca." tactiaa 11 (01, OCLA 141. "Any each pima, manainf a. ar .trier wha shall with Intent ta avaa. taiaHaa, r(ur ar aa fl.ct ta nt.k. any return herein raaairaw an4 ta HI. ft with tha assassar within tha rim. apacifl.4 ar as aiMaeM shall ha ah ot ta a aanalty af Ten D-.ll.ra 110.00 pt day f tha aaatia aanca af each refusal ar im. Let ..." HouMhelW farnitur, aWnwstl. fliturM, hus.hM aWs and af. facts actually in asa as such In hamas and dwelling!, whara aat ssd far husin'm ar camnwrclal purpaMta, ar. exempt frans taia tl.n and shauld net ha raaarted aa this farm. Iiamatlaa alsa aa llea ta wcarlnf apaa7!, watchae, aw.lry, and similar aananal ff.cta actually la us., Theae farms may ha .hwlnad hy calling at Mis Amsanr's affica, ar trill aa atailad apaa Ned Dixon Dtiiglai Ceunty Aiseiter Call Roseburg Funeral Horn Oak and Kant Sts. Newt - Review, fceeefcuff. Pro. 11 ft Htd very (Mat im CONSTRUCTION Cell Gt4Jwnef K Pfc6 U1I.M AR types ol wwrfc exse $5000.00 telie rwjrorve for aoch fitmbtr f ftjmily. $.00 0vulry. ttaintes Mm'i AiMiresu Cs. 1 V. Llnooln, Agt. Ph. 93 8-J -4 DOORS $.9S te $33.00 . PA6I LUMBER 6 FUEL 14 I. tnd Avs. S. . 143 WflMTOQO Sy 0irxrts , I "Ifa. 'W-AgB. ta. -ft 4-BMa. a Lockwood Motors , Rose and Oak Phone 80 Classified wsnt ids bring rasulti Phons 100. Phone 121 An Ambulance! Day or Night PHONE 600 Re I w a . t 4 trained drivers fully capoblo of giving cartful first aid treatment. Each driver cer tified by Red Cross and Stat Industrial Ac cident Comm. new sec at ln w. nn. heater. Call T3S-L after 3-30 p- m.