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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1950)
fe sdiis If "EEbo vdm of 17' ads. pn. IB profit! 41 10 The Newt-Review, RoKburf, Ore Sot., Feb. 25, 19S0 CLASSIFIED RATES ' 1 dsy por word. 1 dy " a days " " 4 dan days I me. Phon. 100 CLASSIFIED ADVIRTISINO DiAOLINI I P.M. Day or Puollcsilsr. CLASSIFICATIONS REAL ESTATE RENTAL .... BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY . BI1ILDINO MATERIAL POR TBADB , LOANS FINANCIAL ,., WANTED HELP WANTED WOU WANTED , ... LOST A POUND rIIH VEGETABLE! BAT. OBAIN FEED LIVESTOCK POt'LTBY . BABBITS FITS FOB BALE MISC. -MISCELLANEOUS FUEL - TIMBEB SAWMILLS LOClGINfl Egi)llMENT MACHINIST FOB SALE . FABM EQUIPMENT TBACTOBS TBCCKS .. AUTOS IMPOUNDED INSTRUCTION , PERSONAL ,, NOTICES Real Estate 1 Fiet Realty & Insurance A rttoorfu! Areolae and hrft plate i;mm wtndowi are a few of the eetures of this lovalr bom. There are Um tftose gooa iooains; oea fiAM Th kiif-rn la tvrtituLmrlT at tractive with lie breakfast bar and mart easy to clean tlla. This two badroom noma la conveniently lo catad oa a larae cornar lot and It Is on tha but Una. Here la a noma with tha many faaturaa you Ilka for only ff.700 W1U ctonvenient tern. , Sea tt today! Do yoa Ilka file yard, fflowan, ahraba, Kilo and weeping willow outdoor lnf wlU toon ba enjoyable attain. W want you to to thu ihraa bed room homa with ita party room In tha full baaamanL Hara Ifl a com fortabla horn for that growtnf lly with Ma two badroom down stair! and a large roomy ona up stairs Just tha right site for Jr. Tha neighborhood la daflnltaty flna and, eonvanlant to school, too. Tha price 11.SO0 U rlghO Saa It today, It a a nlea homa for a family and wall worth tha money. We would Uka to hava a listing on a ona story, thraa badroom homa. Cloa In and nlea district. Wa hava a buyer lor tola typa ol property. Fies Realty & Insurance (Formerly Plas A Clute Realty! 408 Wast Cass Street Phone 15Xf Valley Real Estate Agency STOCK RANCH 308 acres of nice oven pasture: 30 acres in cultivation; wall watered; a nouses, v mi it roan inini- age, suitable to subdivide. Just ona mile from Myrtle Creek. Hurry on this one, 110.000; terms. FOMIBLB BUSINESS LOCATION on Highway M; 4 bedroom home, about j acres or ground; reasons oiy cioee in Only aiaou. down. 840. per month on oa lane a. saeuu, iuu price. NICS I BEDROOM HOME, three years oia. narawooa hoots wireu ror eiec trie i-nM. Clnaa to school. Haa a Dart irant which should rant for enough to make payments. 73x100 foot lot, all fenced Wa believe this it a good ouy got aisva. esy terms. t ACRES FRONTING ON NORTH UMP QUA, boating water. X bedroom home. very modern; pavea roaa, oeauiiniuy landscaped yard. A real buy at tuoo. Valley Real Estate Agency 111 W. Csu St Phone N S000 OR .000 ACRE RANCH, all fenced at cross fenced, 1 mile of river front age. No bldgs. It tnllee from Rnae burg. glB 00 per aero. 0,000.00 down. 121 ACHE RANCH. 330 acres In culti vation, bat. In pasture; 130 acres In Harry Vetch and Oats. 4 bed room completely furnished home. Also 3 room modern horns. Year 'round creek. Owner said machinery alone roat whtn new. a great large barns, lots of out bktgs , all In A-l condi tion Good dairy or cattle ranch. terma. S07 ACRE RANCH, with two brand new a bed room modern homes, coat gg 300 each to build. Large barn, 100 acres in cultivation. Year 'round creek., One homa furnished. 1100 sc.. ft, each, fctt .300.00. POR MORE DETAILS SRB L B. Hicks. Real Estate Lobby Hotel Grand Phono llTT-Y W?ltfCrV'OlTEXCHANC.E YOUR TWO BEDROOM HOME TOR A THREE BEDROOM HOME If you're looktng for a larger home hut don't with to sell and buy again this will Interest you. We will consider exchanging our ranch type. 3-bedroom home for something smaller. Located about three miles west of city, this modern home with S 10 acre has these features: Large living room with cir culating fireplace, alreable k itchen with bum-Ins; 3 bedrooms, bathroom. p'anty of closets and built-in., large porch, laundry tuba. Pull garage with woratnop aaamon, smau trim irees, era ms. fine view, aood neiahborhood. House needs some paint and other minor Improvements. Purchased through federal ill loan turo years ago. lull price 0,7:10. Will sell our equity of 2.100 or exchange for suit able smaller home. Price does not In clude cost of Improvements made. Home Is listed wllh realtor. Phone 7M-J-4 after 3 p. m. to arrange private inapecuon. CALAPOOIA BOTTOM LAND SS acre or it, plus anotner 00 acres ut plow land, plus M acres of Dartly Umbered pasture 'even several acres of the pasture can he til led i, 173 acres total. Good sound .arm house, a bed rooms and full bath, plus the upstairs. Good large barn, all floored, granary, 300 hen slsa chicken house, brooder house, double garage, big wood shed, elec. pressure pump on very good well and plenty of fsmllv fruit. My '40 yield per acre of grstn was about the county's highest. All thia for the price of soma 60 acre places, and it's not bach in the hills. Only I miles west of Oakland on tha Green Valley roaa. n. tt. nor man. for sale, owner leaving town, must sell immeataieiy. ime oi cioverdait lsrx a Choicest homes. Three bad rooms, fireplace, large e tended living room. Venetian oiinos. completely iintireo at tic, large corner M. good drainage, newly planted shrubbery, beautiful View. Phono 18S1-R-4. , Surveys Maps Plans Perry C- Armstrong Civil Engineer 11 So. Mala St Ph. gi7 R Real Estate 1 Curry Estate, Six Acres Two Badroom Homa, hardwood floors, fireplace, bath, sleeping porch gLsaaed in iAr utility room, lovely kitchen. nnli1i-r flrnnt-M. r-da trca and ahruba. Workshop equipped with heal- ar, steel wom Dencn, eieci. arm. e , tr Carasa. 1 Larae chick an bouaaa. 1300 ban capacity. Largs brooder bouse with 4 elect, hovers. new range hnLu-M. family orchard, beautiful view. Will sell chickens. Six miles out close to Country Club, Price fia.uw.w. You will Ilka this ona. KERB IS A UAL VALUB A tfM k-1rrvu homa with larM bed- rooms 119 ana ijxi, writ Una closets, excellent piaster too, narv- WOOQ ZIOOrS, Circulating lir-Vi-wsj, forced draft gas furnace. Insulated complete. Heating bill for all of last year was only 63.00. Kitchen with iota or duiii-uu. mm s-e breezawa. IOUxM lot. Just off of Saved street. This is a very attractive imi and wa will be glad to show It at any time. Price 38 ACRES, RIVER BOTTOM Only five miles out on pavad road, tdeal noma sites. io A mature wauiuie, oa- a nee in a liana, tomi nwmr innwn. bus to new consolidated school, and to Rom burg high school. If you want a good homo site in a gooa location saa us on this. Price 810,000.00. FLATS GLASS PICTURE WINDOWS riPMlipa aaa nan at haat. tlla kitchen. narawooa iioors. -Mtaroocn name who good un-obetructed view, .uux.uu. One mile out. Price now fOTOO.oo. DANDY LTXTL-I RANCH M Acres. St A In crops; balance pasture. S B.R. house; bath, elect, chicken houee for 700, barn with a stanchion, brooder house, everything In ship shape. Worth looking at Owner III must sell. Price 113,000,00; less for cash. Close to Sutherlln. WEST SIDENICE LOCATION t Bedroom, targe utility room, attached garage, 73 ft. lot with nice lawn and anrubs. notn gaa ana eiecuviijr. Came In handy this year). Easy terms. 91300.00 down and SoO.OO per month. Better act tjuica on uua one. SOMS VERY NICE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Earl & Gladys Wiley. Realtors HOTEL ROSE BLDO. NEW PH. ISM Lehmans For the Better Homes NEW WEST SIDE HOME HAf four nlea bedrooms, full base ment. Is very near high school and grade school. Fire place with hard wood floors, nicely arranged with handy kitchen. If you are Interested In a fine homa see this one. Full prlca ail. 900, with 3,000 down to tha ngnt party. LOVELY HOME AT WINSTON Two largo convenient bedrooms, tiled oatn, uining room, very cumionBuii living room, full utility, haa nearly half acre of ground, cement floor garage. School bus service, Ona of the better type homes. Full price B-ow.uu wun ewiu.uu sown. BRAND NEW EAST R08EBURO Two large bed rooms with tha newest In closet construction, full, roomy kitchen, tiled floors, baked tlla drain Doaras, lire piece, waii-io-wau ruga. Fiaatered inrougnout Toaays m bono buy, 06300, with terms. EAST LANE STREET Ona of the finer older homes In this better district. Price haa just been drastically reduced. A complete home with park like bark yard, full base ment. arge party room. 1 nree oeo roomi, large dining room, fireplace. uniy fiiWi wiui terma. NEAR THE COURT HOUSE Yea, so near you can toss 0 atone right into tha yard of this home. It has the largest and nicest lot, or lots I should say, as there are throe of them. Older type homa that la close to tha business district that we believe It to ba an Investment as well as a home. Has full furnace with air-duct to each room; full base ment, second floor with 4 bath. Four rooms up with full bath. Ideal aa apartment set up. Full prlca f 1000, wun Ssuju sown, Lehmans Real Estate Phone T23-J 414 North Jackson Sound Investments WKATSIDE LOCATION I bedrooms. comfortable living room, nice kitchen with ample but It-Ins, bath at shower. Utility, insulated walls, Venetian blinds. 30x30 combination garage A work shop, free soil lot l4xl2. A real bargain lor suae. VB-RY ATTRACTIVE S room homa with atiarnea garage ana car port, nicely landscaped yard, hardwood floors, elec tric neaiing ana all the other con venlencea required for comfortable liv ing. Tha price is right at $adoo. giaoo oown. 3-ACRE POULTRY FARM 1 tnllee out, large 4-bed room home In fine con dition, insulated, dr. fireplace, garage, fruit At nut trees. The chicken houeee are 30x40 and 22x1 AO This place Is reasonably priced at IlO.lttM, very lib eral terms to a satisfactory purchaser. NEAR VET'S HOSPITAL, new well planned 2-bed rot) m home, largo llv din. alcove, cltvulattng fireplace, con venient kitchen, utility, detached ga rage, sit x mo lot, all hardwood floors, fully plastered. Prlca $oftM.. $1700. MODERN 1 bedroom home on city sew er, large combination living and din ing room, 00x140 lot with fruit and berrtee This place Is almost new and can i tan long at avuu. Ha yd en H. De Camp REALTOR 744 S. Stephana St Phono 173 Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES FROM $7800 Low. convenient Down Payment t and S bed rooms Ketell Realty Co. Of flea Cloverdale Park Ph. 1333 S133 HollU St Real Estatt 1 Recent Listings I VR. OLD. well built 2 bedroom homo, clnaa to Fair feu van market. Pa7 32.- aao down, Ba). payable at p-S.oo per mo. to Include taxes. Interest and Insurance. Full price fTJ30.00, or will vraue zor larger piace. LARGE OARDEN SPOT a WEnftrVMf WOm elnaa to town city bus lino. Neat and clean. Wired lor range, pavea aijw.w wma. HOME WITH INCOME RARAflE APT. with a vr. old. I bed room home; hardwood floors, well eons true tad FT.idO.OO. Make offer for down payment, TOP THIS 93.900 00 for brand new a bedroom homo Wltn fireplace, piasverea, rurnace, Cu water heater. Vacant. never been vad In. Easy terms. DUPLEX SPECIAL WEST SIDE, ultra modem S yrs. old. Mndam in evarv wav. Dlaatered. Wired for range; each side rents for ao3-00 per mo. ii.wuwt; gooa wins. us show you this. SELF OPERATING THIS NEW etrictly modern T phrx. Is a sound invesuneni. snowins; very gooa returns. Four rents for 300.00. Three rents for pas 00. Real value, on city sewer and pavad St, $20,300.00. Terms. DO YOU WANT A REAL BUILT HOME? S largo bedrooms, a kitchen that Is a honey, oil neat at oaa hoots inrou sn out Lot 73x100. Pavad St This home has everything. No inexpensive malarial to used; priced at $6,000.00. F.H A. will loan 17.100 00. We can hava this built for you. Cbooae your paint colors. 10 ACRES In Garden Vat ley. All In cultivation. levei; no bldgs. Bui id your own nome. Close to river 33.073 00 3123 down. BaL at aaa.00 per mo. RIVER FRONTAGE 4V. ACRES In Garden Valley. Very best or sou. rami!? orcnaro. Aimona, iit berU, EnglUh walnuu, 7 cherry trees, peaches, pears, grapes A berries. 2 bedroom modern home, outbuildings. $7,000.00. $4,200 00 down; or will trade for large ranch up to $10,000.00 and pay cash. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS. Wa hava cash buyers for certain typos of real aetata. L B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby Hotol Grand Phono 1277-Y Sample Listings 1 .000 Good terms aro being offered on this new, g bedroom, rancn-type home by the owner-builder. An ex cellent opportunity for anyone de siring a home of this type In a real country setting. Full prlca $0,900.00. 11.1M OR LESS DOWN Partly furnish ad one bedroom home near Vets. All modern with larae electric water heat er, fireplace, and garage. Immadlata possession. ince asuu. 11.000 DOWN To Durchase this mod em e-room oungaiow in souui nose burg. It's aa attractive aa can ba and haa a particularly nice kitchen and dining room. Haa attached garage, a well landscaped front yard and lots of garden space. Value la good mea sure for t5,750. MAKE AN OFFER Owner leaving Roee- ourg ana aesiree eariy aaie or ma nice room homa. This newer home has been given tha best of care. Wall-to-wall carpets. Individual heaU in a of each room, and recent In terior decorating - adds to the li ability. SEE THIR ONE SOON. Stanley E. Short REALTOR 114 West Lane Street Phono 1002-R 1. S Bedroom, living room, dining room. narawooa floors, Kiicnen, uuuiy, oain, fireplace, forced air furnace, large ga rage. A beautiful homa on a corner lot 84x100. Free toll, garden space. Priced $14,000.00. 8. fl Bedroom, living room, kitchen, din ette, uumy, fireplace, narawooa floors. This Is a beautiful home on a corner lot 100x100. Haa Gl loan. Priced $8400.- 3. An older homo, but good for many years, un pavea bl oi suxiou. a bedrooms, living room, dining room, bath, utility room and storage room. only aoano.oo. WE HAVE MANY GOOD BUYS In 18-4 bedroom houses. See these before you buy. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A. U. TAYLOR. Salesman M S. Stephana Phono SH NEW 3 B. R. almost com Dieted. This Is really a nice home; large lot with an. garage, unty auwu an., owner will carry baL 1 R HOME on Calklna Road. Tha setting of this home gives you an excellent view over the valley; fur nished for only 8O800. $1800 dn. WE HAVE soma real good buys right now on nomea ana rancnes. Williamson Real Estate Phono 108O-J 1701 N. Stephens Special 90 ACRES near Roseburg. Ideal for subdivision or tha New Housing Proj ect No hills to move. Good roaa. Good Drainage. NOT BLACK MUD. 80 good orchard soil. City water. Electricity. Build where excavating isn't- half tha cost Paul H. Krueger, Realtor See A. V. Taylor Salesman 830 S. Stephana St Phone 218 16 R SALE Approximately .0 acres on paved highway; equipped with electric pressure system, 4 -room house, double 5 rage, small barn live creek, 30 pro ucing pedigreed rabbi U and new hutches, large garden spot and some timber. Full price, 8300a Write Elmer Boyer. R rock way, Oregon. FOR SALE -New 3-bedroom, rnisKed home, utility, den. plaster hardwood floors, sewer, pavement, sidewalks, garage Immediate possession. Terms. Trade for lower Umpqua Rlror acre age. TeL 1437 Y SM A L-CTun finished house. 'acreTchea p. 2t miles aouth Dillard Hlghway ThcyTl Do It Every TllE WAyMRSTREMCWINI TOLD HEKIRy IT WOULD BE A UTTLE 6ET- TOGETHER FOR A FEW IhiTttwE PALS- rUnC7,RCWvHI IsJ sS1 "'haw ,&7A and pAy off some of zT7Z Tnll f -rZ OUR SOCIAL OBU6ATIONS- JVS j&z? I H la HERESTWEUST-OrJLy JJ-tr f I 01 ll. Real Estate 1 TOUR KIDS WILL LOVE YOU If you buy this charming coun try place. The completely mod ern and lovely home haa four bedrooms, large living room with a comfortable fireplace. Oil furnace, gas water heater, nice kitchen and full basement. Private water system, chicken house where you can raise your own eggs, and double garage. 70 acres of beautiful land 10 to 18 acres tillable. Small barn for your kid's horse, 3D minutes drive from town, and a million dollar view of tha Main Umpqua. The ' house alone would bring $15, . 000 in town. Due to change of occupation, owner will sacrifice this for considerably less. Also vary easy terms available. ATTENTION INVESTORS!! Large profitable burin ecs In Roseburg doing over S 100,000 volume during 1040. Excellent net. Will amount to $20-23,000 deal. Some terms available to right person. Only bona -fide buyers need apply. No telephone Information given. ROSEBURO REALTY A INSURANCE CO. Realtor Umpqua Hotel Lobby A REAL LITTLE FARM. 86 acres most all In cultivation, 30 acres seeded Ksture. family orchard, walnuts, fli rts, and a fine garden plot. A good house, bath, and elec. New chicken house 20 x 50. Barn, garage and wood shed. 110,500. Located 10 miles from Roseburg. A GOOD INCOME. S lots with parking for 8 trailers, and a 8-room house, bath and utility, elec., city water. AH within walking distance of busi ness center. A good Income from this. $10,000. Good terms. WE HAVE Stock Ranches, business op portunities, city property and lota. TIMBER and Saw Mills. Bring us your listings- wo neea tnem, ana win try to please you. Geo. W. Dimmlck, Agency IN N. Jackaon St Phono M Home Sites Half acre or more, creek bottom, free soil, water, electricity available. Good trade school and roads. Easy terms. lndbloom. ph. 18-F-3. Dixonville. fRADE EQUITY In 3-bedroom, modern houe In Roseburg for equity In house In Cottage Grove. Black Butte Rt, Box 113, Cottage Grove, ph. 463-J-3-X. CRANBERRY FARM 30 acre. 4 scree cranberries. They produced to 8 ton acre. Sprinkler Irrigation, modern home, out-bulldings, 816,000. Consider trade. F. G. Rouse. Bandon. Oregon. Down Payment, $800 t bedroom, modern homo. West Roee- Durg. itxaj nrown Ave. foil SALE OR TRADE Modern, bedroom home. West side, for farm or ranch, preferably on river. Phono 1132-Y X APPROXIMATELY 1 acres. Urge, mod- ern. i-oearoom rancn-styie noma, price 84930. On hlghwejr 80. 3 miles south Dillard. 1st house north green bridge. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty. tha engineer. Ph. 387-R 14 LOTS for sale, 8230 and up. 3 3-bed- room houses, 10 down, balance on contract H mile west of Winston, on Highway 43. Phone 1300-R-l. COTS FOR SALE. Terms. Water-and ngnts available. 3 miles eouta Highway 88. Ph, 146-J-3. Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES ...863.00 per mo. ...810.00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. Office Clovordale Park Phono 1333 3133 HolUfl tt POR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber A 11 In one toot Light enough any child can handle; finger-tip controL F 4 W Floor Covering Co. 337 S Stephens Phono 1478-R FOR SALE OR "R ENT 3-apartment house, close tn. sawdust burner. 3 kitchens. 3 hatha. To see phono 303 or call at 440 N. Jackson. Ask for C. RMobley. ROOMS FOR RENT at reasonable prices. Nice, clean, comfortable rooms, by night, week or month. The C reason Haiel. 730 N. Jackson St, Roseburg. Oregon. i BEDRCrSM modern- cottage, " unftir nished except for oil heater. Mrs. Emu Halt 1 mils S. of Sutherlln, Ph. 3688. POR RENT New. unfurnished. Ibed- rocen apt. Electricity, water ana neat furnished Near Veteran s racillty. Sen. month. Prv 713-J-4 after 8 oo fJOOMSt?0 00. w1 1 hboa rf870 00 pef month. Furnished apt. 3 roorna Lewie E- Jonas. Rt 1. Just E. of Miller's Lane. tRAILERdliSEwith all modern sc- commodations and utilities. Private shower and toilet and wash room. Cross to cltycenter. Call 180-R. Unfurnished apartments" for rent Electric heat Phone 108. or call at Court Apt No. 8, next to ralrhaven Market TWO ROOM VPrTATKs apartment: also I first floor room. Call S37-R-4 or write W F. McMurray, P. a Box 104. Winston, Oregon. fiODERNTrOUSEKESPlNO COTTAftK-l Reasonable rates by week or month. Myrtle Grove Motel on Highway 88. mil so N. ol Myrtlo Crook. Time a,aa Rentals S ROOM HOUSE, partly furnished, for rent S miles east of Kelley's Koroer. Rt 1, Box 848-E. K. Ttsslmio. MODERN HOUSE. 10 miles out. Urge chicken house. $35 month. Write Box aaa. News-Hevlew. FURNISHED CABINS. $10 and $13 per week Also monthly rates Pacific Cabins. IV mllea N. on 88 Phone aus-j 3. 2-ROOM cabin, across from Club 90. Electric water heater. Butane cook ing, oil heat. Inquire Mack Hughes, same location. PARTLY" TURN ISHED.' modern l-bedf-room home at Winston, $63. For fur ther Information, call Myrtle Creek, 4323. MODERN, furnished apte. for rent by week or month. Reasonable rates. Cot tago Court. Wlnaton. NICE 2 Bedroom homT In city. Im medlate possession. $63 mo. Phone 102-R-3. FOR RENT OR LEASE 3-room , modern house. 1st house west of Porter Creek Mlll.highway 43 Barney. ROOM FOR RENT, for man. close In. $20 per month. 803 N. Jackson, ph. CLE A N, furnished housekeeping apt., lights and heat furnished, $30. month. 823 S. Pine. UNFURNISHED apt, 3 rooms and bath. Water, lights and garbage paid. Adults only. 8,13. per month. 1048 Corey Ave. FOR RENT Office space, room S. 337 No. Main. Available March L Call 181. WARM SLEEPING ROOMS, with or without private bath. 100 Spruce. WcstWashlngton. Light housekeeping cabins and rooms. Weekly ratea. Pleasant Motor -Court. 1740N. Stephens. TRAILER SPACE FOR RENTTTieated shower rooms, laundry facilities. 833 Tern pun. fRUCKS FOR RENT You drive, long or short trips Bee Hive truck rental. 736 South Stephens. Phone I43fl-J. CABIrTFOR RENT. Gas heat, automatic hot water. 0V miles S. on 88. Ph. 47-J-3. . COMPLETELY FURNISHED apt, lnclud- ing stove ana refrigerator, inquire Cottago Court. Winston. TRUCKS and trailers for rent Move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Stephens at Washington. Ph. 783. PARTLY FURNISHED 2 or 3 bedroom apt 1103 Union Ave. fRAirr.RS "furnished. 1862 Eden Lane. Ph. BBO-J-l. FURNISHED apt. for employed couple. References required. Call 1080-J. FURNISHED sleeping rooms. 748 Short si. APARTMENT New 2-rooms and bath. Phone895-J-X-3. ROOMS FOR RENT, for 1 and 2 people; kitcnen privileges, job rowier. FURNISHED 3 -room apt In town. Clean, for couple only. Ph. 1550-J. WIOOM " ANlT BATHDUPlJtX. 8 miles out Ph. 1338-L. COMFORTABLE SLEEPING room; twin beds, 1164 Military, pnone laso-u fOR RiNT Sleeping cabin. Phone 1337-Y. OUSETRAILER TO COUPLE. Midget Trailer ' court, ion unestnutt. ROOM-with or without kitchen privtl- egea 430 H. Ptne. APARTMENT, UNTURN1SHBD. A. C Sherlock. Wh-too auction. fOH RENT Trsllr ipse- MS Mia fS. 1337-Y. APT or rent. 45 I. Can. APfTrOR RENT. l Millar, ph, S80-R. NICE. CLEAN Sloping room. MS Booth. SLEEPINO ROOM. 857 W. Mosh.r. SLEEPING ROOMS. 68Pltter. CLEAN, front steeping room. Ph. 1 3-J. Sl.gFPING ROOM IS03 N m J.cfcwtn HOUSE TRAlWR Phon. 715-j- Business Opportunity 3 S Clesnlng-Presslng shopa with plant $12,500.00. Half down. Welding A Truck service $8.300 00. 83 ooo.oo down. Service Sta. Groceries cabins Pkg. beer 818.000 00. 810 000 00 down. Other Springfield Businesses. A. M. (Doc ' Williams P. O. Box 354 Springfield.' Oregon DISTRIBUTOR WATTED for Roseburg and vicinity. Must be established or will consider high grade salesman who wants to establish profitable business to sell and distribute a fast selling long profit staple f"od Item to grocers, fountaina. taverns. Small Investment merchandise required. Boat 223, News-Review. Canyonvllle Well-established garage. with good equipment, and tow car. Long term lease. CaU 5020, Cany -O villa. 6iSYRtBUTOR OPERATOR WANTEl? for Roseburg and vicinity to handle new popular 10c vending KLEENEX machine. Every place of business a spot act now. Too good to last. It's new . it 's a money -maker. Sma 11 In vestment Box 333. News-Review. Building Material 4 Going To Build? WX NOW HA VI - Trim-Set Window. hnauJM la S mlnutMi S" H" Iheet Hock Itultd mint Kltchm CbliM- Rock Wool InauUtloa Ttlebou. Garar TXtors (Ahimlnum) Rooflaf (all tnmi Montgomery Ward i Co. Pimm By Jimmy Hatlo Comes the night op the part and papa rnds she's invttep everv. BCy THIS SIDE OP THE SULF STREAM- Building Material 4 1400 PUMICE BLOCKS, 8x0x18. 34c each. Phono 1300-R-L For Trcde NEW ONE bedroom house with new 6ss range and oil heater. Lot good usiness site. WlU take good house trailer aa part m miles south saynie -.reca on sw. t-arroii i nomaa. TRADE rOR REAL ESTATE 1848 Dodge 3-ton log truck, Isaacson 4-wheel trsil or and Pierce 8-wheel trailer. Not over 12.000 mllea on truck. Phone 81B-R4. EQUITY IN 1843 Hudson for sale or will trade for truck or what have you. E. Douglas, Rt. 1, Box I39X Loans MONEY $10 $33 $00 $78 8100 $300 $300 UP TO 8300 Borrow on your saury. All steadily em ployed men and women may qualify today for a salary loan up to $300 whether you're In a new Job or an old ona. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid ror or not Up to 8300 oa your furniture, up to 8300 -n your car. Special "Pay Day" loans, $10. 92 830 loaned 'till "Pay Day" or longer Pay only for the actual number of days you keep the money. $33 costs 18c for one week No other eharges. Phone for your loan LOCAL LOAN CO. lo S..7. Manager S3S No. Jackaoa Pbon. 1171 S-273 M-333 ROMbUrf LOANS ' UP TO $300 On your Signature, Furniture or Livestock. UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not! Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental Mlla Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from tha company that makes convenient w oorrow ana convenient io repay Lower paymenta now available up so au roonu-s to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT Psdfle Building Phone 468 M-33T Slate Lie, 8-384 WANTED TO Borrow $1 300. on 4 room nouse ana a acres land, will pay good rate of Interest Write News Review Box 337. Financial F. H. A. LOANS UMPQUA REALTY 118 N. Stephens Phone 1 533-J Across from Post Office on ULghway 80 Wanted 8 Wanted BUT, VXAL AND FORK Fred Boyer Phon. sa-R or 1MS-R. or writ Rout, l, no?ourg Will Pay Casfi Wt BIT w- fdrnltur., .11 troea. Call at 444 N JacluoB. Ph. UU-1 The Bargain House ftANtl'D TO Birr All klnda of fuml tur. rt u. btd on rour doum of furniture. Call 403-Jt at SOS N Jackaor. Street. MOTHIR AND CHILD desperately r. 1 sw aa. ant. CaU 104S-J before HI- WANTEUCa iron. Scrap. No rteeL WU1 pay 12a to S3S. per ten. SnttMM tin Iron Work.. SuthTltB. OresxMl ANTID TO RtT Good ed Prr mouth. or Drtdse motor. 3S to 'SB JOT S. MalB. PS. SS4-Y. 8 9 BEDROOM MODERN unfurnished bouse. Near school and bus Una. Will pay 8J8. per mo. call jop-j-a. SflDDLl AGED COUPLE wish t or 3 room unfurnished cottage on west side. Reasonable rent Ph. 380-J-3 WANTED Sheoard og, somewhai trained for sheep. Arb Stearns, Oak land, Ore. ELDERLY GENTLEMAN desires L. K. Room. Box 338 CO News-Review. WANTED A tieed Rototlller. Contact Geo. Wlshart. 1838 Mulholland Diivo. B"R1N3 YOUR JUNK to Bob's Calvags Yard at Kua w, Btepnans. rn. liaw-. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg seai iwO.. pnone aev Help Wanted 9 Experienced Furniture Salesman WANTED Carstens hava an . opening for an experienced sales man for floor work. PERMANENT POSITION Ask for Mr. Car stens between S and 4 p. nv Carstens Furniture Co. 117 W. CASS ST. Men Wanted 30 TO 43 Hive you been out of work? No lay off here, uur men work year-arouna. t need hard work ins men for selllna a nationally known product If you want una joo you must do wining to 101 low Instructions, have a car for local work and the will to get ahead. We train you. No Investment or experience necessary. Ask for Mr. Larson at Ump qua noiei, i:w snarp. Car Hop And Fountain Girls WANTED AT The Drive Inn 1 mile South on 88 SALESMEN WANTED MALE ONLY SPECIALTY SALESMEN Permanent 87,300 810.000 Income Re-teat Busineea An opportunity to build a business of your own mat win grow year to year. No Investment Exclusive line. Exclusive territory. No Jobbers. No sidelines. Sold only by exclusive sales men direct to businessmen. High com- nus. Ago 30-33. Must own car. If you nave an anility to sen ana me arive to earn a five xigure income, write personal details to U. O. COLSON .UAirAiti, faris, in. dalesmen Wante- We need S men for this outstandlnr of- ier. tou must oa neat appearing, am bitious at have a car that you can use for local work. We train you. No investment, rnis is not a get-rtcn-quicK deal, but a real opportunity for the ngm man. iet us talk to you. aii Monday 8:30 for a personal Interview, Phone 430-J, Mr. Howerd. WANTED Orchestra to play every Saturday night at rrescaerns oarn. western music preferred. Sea V. Preschern. Wanted Experienced Shoe Salesman None other need apply. Contact Clark at Miller's Dept. Store. WE HAVE office jobs for trfen and wo men. L.omacT Koseourg Business col lege Employment Agency. 113 N. Ste- pnens. rn. ims-h. EXPERIENCED SALES WOMAN, for Ladles Ready To Wear Store. Write for appointment Box 317, News-He vlew. WANTED IMMEDIATELY fa Hers and buckers, by Nyberg Lbr. Co. for Oi ls ia urn oer. Work Wanted 10 Montgomery Ward Repair Service 1 Guaranteed repair on radios, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and house hold appliances. Graduate Radio Technician. Trained for competent repair of Household Appliance-, Montgomery Ward Ph. 95 Chain, Cross Cut, And Hand Saw Filing Xlggs Piling Shop, across alley from Greyhound Bus Depot Income Tax Service Federal and State Xsasonable Bates Phono 338-J-3 VETERAN. MARRIED, now llvln. In aceire. pcrmaneni poelllM In Roeeburg. Two year. coll.,. train ing Experienced In and whole aal. selling, rn.reh.ndl.lng. offle. and .tor. operating procedure Can fur nith raference. L. T. Cvenger. 3S13 Harrtoon St.. Mllwaukle. Oregon. Septic Tanks Cleaned For Bert Results Call ROSEBURO SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 12P4-Y rOR FREE ESTIMATE on home build. ' -lng. remodelling, diielng and flnlih Ing floors; ateo rotoUlllng; rail B37-R-S, or writ, to W. r. McMurrar. I. O Boa 104. Winston. Oregon. fffCOMX TAX SERVlEt. re-nl ani Stat.. Arroontlng mi ihn Aftsmr Denny, mn Moms St. Ph. ITlS-R-i for Wonted Work Wanted 10 OLIVER'S SEPTIC TANK SERVICE MODERN VACUUM EQUIPMENT. PH. 481 -R -3. Income Tax Service ; 138 Sheridan St, ph. 88-J. or 87-P-3. Par your convenience, wo will bo open lih'lp m Sundays 1 p. as. 1 p. m. No appointment necessary. LADY-WITH SMALL SON "years old wishes housekeeping Job In homo with board, room and salary. Write News-Review Box 231, or phono 747-J-X-X INTERIOR DECORATING and outside painting, floor sanding and finished roofing, any kind. Also contracting. Call Camas 11, after 7 p tn., or before 8 a m ' WALL WASHING, Kern toning. Janitor work, cleaning and polishing floors window washing. 18 years experience. Phone 470. ask for Frank Hasty, Apt 13. Douglas Hotel. CenERAL FARM work wsnted. H yrs. of age. married, no children. R. L. Mills. Rt 1, Box 10, Oakland. Oregon. Ph. 31 48. PIANO TUNING and repairing In and about Roseburg. by Robt. Urban, The blind piano tuner. Call Ott and Rlck etts. 111B-J. 50URCHILD may receive kindergarten Instruction and nursery care for a little as 33c per hour. Ph. 1SPS-B-4, or 1444-R. EST DELORIAS help you with your win. nrahm. Deloriaa' Sewlna Shop, 3037 N. Stephens Ph. X30-R-3. EXPERIENCED WOMAN Wants hputa work. 3 days a week. Write Bof 330, News-Review. WANTED Garden plowing and disking of all kinds, vn. 7a-K. rranx -.aims, 304 Chestnut. WANTE D Failing and bucking by three experienced men. Phone 47-F-18. or write R. Frank :in. Tenmlle. Oregon. WILL CARE FOR convalescents; new babies and mothers a specialty. Ph. 530- J -4 BOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveltng. 14 years experience. P V B Towing. 743 8 Stephens. Phone 83S TAX RETURNS, federal and state." by appointment. Accounting service eve nings. 1774-J. ALTE RATIONS. DRESSMAKINQ ATI types. Mis. Don W Garrison, 13S N Kane. Phone 1723-J WANTED Ironing In my home. 3L Fowler Street Ph. 3383 &AY CARE for children, any age. Phono 887-R-3. ,, TRAILER TOWING Ph S30-B-3 Sours. 813 Garden Valley Road. WILL DRlLLINGrXloyd Powell, ?T4 Ridgevtew. or ph 1388-L. 1RON1NG AND PLAIN SEWING IN my home. 303 8. Mill. FOR A GOOD PAINT JOB, call I-P-fiT Lost & Found 11 LOST One hl-llne calk boot sLmost new, size 10. for the left foot Be tween Roseburg Lumber Co. office In Roseburg, and Dillard. Reward, 83. Call 1817-J-l, or 463. Fruits & Vegetables 12 MARSHAL-. STRAWBERRY plants, 38 each. Ph. 1609-J-2. Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOR SALE 3 tons of clean baled alfalfa hay. All or part. 838 ton. H. De Camp. Rt 1, Box ISO. Phone 33-F-X FOR SALE Baled hay mixed cheat, rye grass. Huron W. Clough, Canyon vlHa.P hone82. fOR SALE Bs led alfalfa hay. James E. Ltwli, ph. 84, Myrtle Create. HAY FOR SALE. B. B. Smith, lt Box run, Roseburg. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction ALE EVT-RY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P at rURNITURC MISCELLANEOUS Tp WHERE BUYER J, SELLER MEET TRY SCHRICKER'S WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATED HIGHWAY 09, , MILES NORTH OF ROSEBURO YOU MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION 8CHR1CKER t SONS. AUCTIONEERS ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Livestock sold by weight or head; nousenoia turn.; iarm mscn. For your protection we are licensed and bond ed. Livestock 1 P. M. Furniture TFM. Turn E. at Garden Valley Soad Ph. 181 BENTER FARMS. Pioneer breeders-of neg. Hoisteins in Oregon. A visit to our farm will convince you of our outstanding herd for type and pro duction. Creswell, Oregon, Rt 1, Box WANTED Fat or feeder ' lambs', "year ""H ana oreeamg ewes. James . Lewis. Myrtle Creek, ph. 84; or Dar reU Ray. Rt 3. Box 308-B. Roseburg. Ph. 693-R-L WANTED Sheep pasture to rent Dar nu w nay, nt box -VS-IS, xoso burg. Ph. 5-R-l. fOR SALE Wearier pigs. G. A. Brown, v.njuuuii, -a. iv, or pa. seo, nose burg WANTED Sheep. Yearlings or breed- ma ewes, rninppi ana uanning. Rt 1 Box 184, or ph. 833-R-3. WEANEB TIGS' for sale. M. L. Schubert Rt 4, box 613. Looklngglass. GOOD FRESH JERSEY, large calf. Box emu, raeirose. WEANER PIGS for sale. Rt 1. box 368; "ni" oi ivesiey s iomer. WANTED All klnoa of livestock. H. IL Poultry 15 Baby Chicks NOW Is the rim. to order Care's sturdy. ri.vnt.a I.UAN cniCKS. CARR'S HATCHERY Is for hesvy-laylng flock. If you want the highest quality chicks, PULLORL'M CLEAN Chick,, CSU Carr'i Hatchery Of Looking. La. n. 1H I Rt 4, Box 117 Clty Agents riouglas Ca Flour MID Qualify Baby Chicks , EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR DAT OLD OR STARTED BampsfUraa. Parmcnter Reds. Barred Rock Hampshire Croea Cornlsh Bamp Cross, Barred Rock, White Bock and White Lelwinta Proas S and 3 year old breeder hens. City Of lice Umpqua Produce Co . 401 W Oak. ph. 419. Batchery 8V Breeding Farm Tipton Rood. 1 ml S. Hw y 88. ph 1383-B-L "COMPARl AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS"