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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1950)
n.NR.vl.W,Mbur,,Qrrl., Feb. 24, 1S0, .ciwhai, Society and Gluhi By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE ' Social Itemt tubmltted by tele phone tor the lodety page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the fractal calendar and Sat urdays aoclety page are closed weekly. WINSTON HOMf IXTINSION UNIT HOLDS MUTING The first meeting of the Winston Home Extension Unit held at the Winston Community hall, Wednes day afternoon was reported to be successful by the newly elected f .resident. Mrs. A. D. Fox. Thirty adies were present with good rep resentation from the Winston and Dillsrd communities. Mrs. Corrine McTsggert, Douglas County Home Extension Agent, of Roseburg was in charge. Election of officers was conduct ed with Mrs. A. D. Fox elected chairman, Mrs. Eleanor Shigley, vice-chairman and Mrs. Bonnie At well, secretary-treasurer. Various committees will be elected at a later date. Mrs. McTaggert's schedule was full for some time and she explain ed that she was unable to name the exact date of the next meeting However, she said, it would be announced in the near future when she or some other representative could assist with the meeting. The next topic to be studied is "Home Canning in the Deep Freeser." Give your children MUSIC and ell their Uvea they'll thank you. Let us place fine Baldwin or Wurlltzer Plans In your home this week. it Convenient terms OH and RICKETTS Corner Jackson and Casi St. BEVY AND SO CLUE IS ENTERTAINED Mrs. Naomi Riggs entertained the Sew and So club of Sutherlin Wednesday at a one-forty-five o' clock dessert-luncheon at her home on East Dean Avenue. The Valen tine motif was carried out with a centerpiece of red and white car nations flsnked with tall white to pers and favors of Valentine candv boxea at each place. Covera were placed for: Mrs. Lochia Thompson, Mrs. Meryl Wahl, Mrs. Jrma Cornish, Mrs. Juanita Holgale, Mrs. Mary Ber ker, Mrs. Florence Cook, Mrs. Mil dred Culver, Mrs. Ruth Bunch, Mrs. Grace Woods, Mrs. Ella Sparks and the hostess, Mrs. Riggt- The afternoon was pleasantly spent In sewing and visiting. Mrs Juanita Holgate presented the host ess with a very lovely hostess gift. MR AND MRS. BARKER ENTIRTAIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs, Harry Barker en tertained the Sutherlin Undue club at a charming seven o'clock dessert-supper at their spacioua home on East Fourth Avenue Sunday eve ning. The linen-covered table was centered with a beautiful center piece of daffodils and blue ins. Covers were placed for: Mr. ard Mrs. Harry Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Rolstan Bridges, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wahl, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyal Stearns, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Hol gate and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Barker. Contract bridge was In play dur Ing the evening with Lloyal Steams and Mrs. Harry Stearns, winning high score; Harry Barker and Mrs. Holgate, second high. RRBfKAH LODGE TO tffRT TUESDAY NIGHT Roseburg Rebekah lodge No. 141, will meet Tuesday night at seven thirty o'clock at the I.O.O.F. hall, a social hour will follow. Members and visiting members are invited. For ops" en OralnboardS See Phil Durnom Linoleum Leyinf and Venetian Blind 20 S. Main 1336-J Mrs. Hugh Warner and Mrs. Phil Huntington were hostesses to the Yoncslla Women's Study club at the Huntington home, south of town Thursday afternoon. A 1:15 o'clock luncheon was serv ed to 21 members and a guest, Mrs. H. Clarke of Alix, Alberta, Canada. During the business meeting the group discussed the success of the Hed Letter Day tea held recently. The collection netted S42.15 which is to be given to the Doenbecker hospital and Scholarship Loan fund. Mrs. Jean Cowan, who Is re cruiting helpers for canvasing the community in arranging for the County Tuberculosis X-Ray mobile unit, in a short talk she urged co operation in getting all adults to have chest X-rays. Date of Mo bile unit to Yoncslla will be an nounced when all arrangements are completed. Mr. Fred Reeves. Chaplain, open ed the meeting with a prayer for peace. Mrs. Don Atkinson read on ar ticle on "community Ambassadors to Europe," which told of a new movement In the east. Service clubs send high school students to live in the homes of the people in European countries. Their obli gations are two. Tell them about America, and tell people in Amer ica how they live in Europe. The object Is to promote International understanding and peace. Mrs. Cabaniss read a short edi torial which urged patience among nations in resolving the problems which beset peace. Mrs. Dare Kingery In a talk on peace, said in part "February is the month when we pay tribute to Geroge Washington, the Father of our Country, and to Abraham Lin coln, who gave his life, "That not a man shall be a slave", in a fitting time for each one of us to reaffirm our Allegiance to the Flag and to highly resolve to do our duty as citizens." Members in attendance at the meeting were Mrs. Cabiness, Mrs. Harvey Cockersm, Mrs. LeRoy Hanson, Mrs. Houser, Mrs. John Kruse. Mrs. Latham, Mrs. Fred Ker, Mrs. Metz, Mrs. Lloyd Pinks ton, Mrs. Fred Reeves. Mrs. Edgsr Richards, Mrs. J. N. Sparks. Mrs. Earl Strong, Mrs. Harold Turpin, Mrs. Dan Wright, Mrs. Wayne Rice, Mrs. Don Atkinson, Mrs. Guy Pay, Mrs. Hugh Warner, and Mrs. Phil Huntington, and guest, Mrs. Clarke. The next meeting March 2nd will be held at the home of Mrs. Raphael Wise in Scotts Valley. MR. AND MRS. REX WALKER ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Rev. and Mrs. F. E. Crook of Eugene, Mr, and Mrs. Frsnk t'har lot and Mr. Baldian of Roseburg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Walker Sunday. A social hour of music and visiting followed the dinner. Now you con ot overnight wrvlc m your p Koto fin nh in g, ot CLARK'S STUDIO, 105 S. Jnckson. Netd ony nlorging, copying or framing? Oork't con do it for you In a (iffy, turning your favorite snapshot, into artittle tctnei fit for an ort go. "Dry. Adjustable bracken) to hold ony size glass frames will hong your ort securely on the wall, too. P. $.: Cork's will make those oversize prints that ore nearly postcard size, too, from ony negative. Go In today ond ask about It. MILLIR'S RADIO RICORD SHOP, Unttoln In Mil ler's Deportment Store. It's three-speed table com bine t ion. The record cheng er Is automatic, ei course end has tone-control. The radio Is dandy sii-tube set thet will give yeu good service and meny hours of enjoyment. Whet's hot In records, this weok7 Well, there's "It Isn't Fair," by Sammy Kay, "Enjoy Your self," by Guy Lomberdo, end "Copper Canyon," sort of Buttons 'n Bows ditty sung by Use Kirk. That'll hoop your recordchenaor busy for whilal Hear them this week, et Miller's Radio Racord Shop. Thtre's e brand Raw Sails la Admiral ree'les, et Say, Little Mother, that doll-baby of yours needs e more complete wardrobe thort It had when It arrivtd. Where can you find doll clothes for the poor child? Why, at YOUNG'S DOLL 1 TOY SHOPPI, where there Is e big selec tion of hand-made doll clothes at very reasonable prices. If you're careful with your ollowonce, you con get your dolly a new dress every month. They come In slies to fit 12-Inch to 16-Inch dolls. There Is a coot, bonnet, ond purse mode to match of yellow wool, with bright floral embroidery. That'll doll up the dolly that's 14 inches toll. And there is on adorable milled sunsuit ond matching ruffled bonnet of heaven-blue broodcloth, trimmed with white rlckrack. That's a 15-inch size. Young's Doll 4 Toy Shoppe has all metol Ironing boards, too, (or the little homemoker. Their sturdy merol leas ore well-broced ond fold flat for easy storoge. Believe It or not, there is a pad ond cover to fit, Included In the low price of $3 08. The. little mother can keep her doll's clothes neatly Ironed, now. Take htr In this week to select the things she needs for doll housekeeping, ot Young's Doll & Toy Shoppe, 104 S. Mam. Yeur wetck looks arena' with a Speiael bend, espe cially one ef the new designs shewn In the wineew et ASHCfUFT JEWELERS, 10a S. Jackse. The "Sir Galahad" h) e sittsg link eifMniie bracelet, matched in the ladles' strict ky the "Rhumb." It's as dressy at a bracelet, and with the watch went aa the inside af the writt milady can weer It with the matt fermel cattume. Other ladies' watchbend dcsiaa ere the "Golden Chard," a rape-effect, end "Golden Harvest," with wheat-heeds framing the Welch, lath are lovely far general wear. Another dressy style It the "Lead In, Ledy," a Iratton bracelet. In yellow gold set with colored stones. The emethyst-tet bracelet would he e delightful birthday present far your leading ledy, this month. See them new. lUVERNE'S. 124 N. Jacks.,, he. ,1.,., knitted ef nylon string. In nevy, white, and beige. Very smart with year glevet and shoes the same color. Are yeu re ton suede, end Luveme't has It In pink, grey, red, beige, green, black, end brawn. Than there is double woven cotton In black, white, end nevy, smartly styled re weer with dressier suits. And te complete your ac. canaries, there are new strew hats in navy, black, white, blae, end trotting pink. It's chie te metch up year accessories, hot matched te slaves, purse match ed te sheas. That way, yea eran't "all hands and feel" with year slaves end shoes the seme color. Are yea e glove-loser Then Luveme't hat ust the gadget you need a gold motel glove holder thet chains your gloves te your purse. Holders either clip ar snep on your gloves. And the carved designs are as graceful es Jewelry with your costume. Are you a hobbyist? Well, If you oren't you will be when you see the un finished chino ot LESTER'S GIPT AND MODEL SHOP. Ther. ore cigarette boxes In Chinese modern ond Victorian designs, uit waiting for the right colors to bring them to life. There ore beautifully detailed figurines like the Dutch Kissers, the Russian Dancers, and a complete Cowboy Orchestra. Les ter's has the china-gloie points for finishing oil of them In colors to compli ment your own decorating scheme. You'll wont the five basic colors of red, blue, white, black, ond yellow, ond you'll be delighted ot the low price: lie per bottle. You'll need the colorless liquid glare, only 35c per bottle, and several brushes in assorted sizes from 10c on up. You con mix your points to the exact shade you wont In the cops of the bottles. And you use so little point foe eoch figurine that it lasts ond lasts. Start now, ond you'l' hove your Chrismos presents all finished before the rest of ut even begin our shopping. Letter's, at 337 N. Jackson, is your hobby heodquorters. Suck e lerge variety af home-mode ice creem Ire seldom find eke ICR CRIAMIRY serves year I favorite Never lust the way yea like ft. They high- I peck it. tee. In generous pints, everts, gollons er holt-gallons, fee yeur ewe eerviag. New thet spring I hi en its wey to the Umpquo "esm. yaa'll find it t I refreshing te stop et the Ice Creamery In mid-attar-tseea tor sodas, milk shakes, end benane splits. And I only mtideetally to rest your weary feet. Who gats I Ike PREE quart ef ice creem, this week? Well, Dei- I tiny decrees tket It goes te Robert W. (ellews, of I 11310 W. 2nd Street. Pick up e quart at yeur fa- verrte flavor any day this week, absolutely free. I You'll have yeur choice ef Whit House, Butter ' I Pca, Black Walnut, Buttertcotck, New York Salad, Orange Sherbet, and Ike eld stendbys, Va- I ills. Chocolate, end Strewberry. Clip the coupe ' end take It te the Ice Creemery, SIB N. Jecksenj Per even-frtsh, home-baked breed, it's CLEO't QUALITY BAKERY every time. On Mondays, they Woke America Rye. On Tuesdeyt, It's geod eld-feih-ktned Sort Rising Breed. Wednesdays, they bake Rus sian Rye. Love thet Seurdougk Pronck Breed? Ye eee get wkele leaves er rolls with tket delicious herd cruet every Thursdey, at Clee's. On Prldays, they have Amercen Rye egein, end en Seturdeys Ike mei fea ture is Ckeese Breed. Every dey, ef course, they have sliced white end wkole wheal, fresk from their ewa evens. And from now tkreugk Lent, they wiN have Hot Crete Buns every dey, Cleo's Quality Bakery, et 114 N, Jackson, kes tke finest fresk poked goads at most reesoneble prices. Get yeur weekend supply new. . .f. i V 1 v 33 In Hj- LJ RIVERSIDE LUNCH PROGRAM Three full time and" two pert time cooks prepare lunches for 330 children et Riverside school throughout the winter months. Shown ebove ere (left to right) Clynette Groonquiif, Orpha Moore, Oma Brent, Annalee Ledd end Annie Nielsen, preparing te serve a typical school noon lunch. As In the cese ef the ether schools ef Roseburg district I, this tt pert ef the federel school lunch program, under the super- I vision ef Mrs. May Mathews. (Picture-by Paul Jenkins.) PaRIWIlL PARTY I OBLIGHTPUL APPAIR A lovely farewell party and hand kerchief shower honoring Mrs John Lee and her daughter Miss Dolly was sponsored on Sunday evening at the school house by Mrs. Milton Vance, president of the P.-T.A., and Mrs. Charles Green. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses to the guests who in cluded: Mrs. Cliff Boling, Mrs. Elige Ollivant, Mrs. Forbes, Sr., airs. Forbes, Jr., and small daugh ter, Mrs. Pete Wright, Mrs. Kibb ler, Mrs. Ralph Wylie, Mrs. Jack Mathis. Mrs. Cliff Harner, Mrs. Ivan Harner, Mrs. Kessler, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Billy Elliott, Mrs. Lou ise Houck and daughters, Mrs. Vance. Sr., Mrs. Gateman, Mrs Jim Williams, Mrs. Clarence Nay, Mrs. Matt Doyle and daughter. Miss Delores, Mrs. Raymond Bu ell, Mrs. Esther Harbaugh an1 Mrs. Roy Buell all of Lookingglass and Mrs. Lee's sisters, Clara Lee and Mrs. Miller of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Lee and family, who have resided in the valley for several years, have recently sold their property consisting of a five acre tract with a large new resi dence built by the Lees during their stay in Lookingglass. The family left on Wednesdsy for their former home in New Mexico. During her stay here Mrs. Lee helped with the school lunch program. The best wishes of a host of friends go with the family. Umpqua Riding Academy Open Saturday and Sunday Special Spring Rates Heroes By Appointment Pken leli-R East Douglos St. and Romp Rood 0-1 4 WM V IB QVt SUTHfRLIN REBEKAH LODGI HAS MEETING A meeting was held by Sutherlin Rebekah Lodge Thursday evening at the American Legion hall un der the supervision of Mrs. Eunice Beck, Noble Grand. Roll call found all officers pre sent except one and Mrs. Betty Ray, was appointed to fill the va cancy. A very pretty and Impressive ceremony was put on when the charter was draped in memory of Mrs. Blanche Merritt, who pass ed away at her home at Coos Bay recently. Miss Luella Pleuard was asked to stand by the Good of the Order, chairman, Mrs. Olga Bielman. and a very nice poem was read to her. on the good work she toad done during her term of office as noble grand. She received a acrap book containing all clippings of various meetings of the lodge during her term and pictures of her officers. Under the good ot the order, Mrs. Bielman had several members of the lodge demonstrate the working into a lodge by a member and also working into a lodge from another jurisdiction, which proved instructive. The noble grand, vice-grand, past noble grand and the chaplin, were appointed as the visiting commit tee. The next meeting will be held Thursday night, March 2 and will be obligation night. The refresh ment committee appointed for March included Mrs. Lucille Chsse, Mrs. Helmie Burns, Mrs. Bertha Barge and Mrs. Mildred Rietmann. Members present were: Mrs. Grace Wood, Mrs. Emma Van denberg, Mrs. Juanita Atterbury, Mrs. Doris Steinbach, Mrs. Meryl Wahl, Mrs. Nellie Petterson, Mrs. Anns Hall, Mrs .Belle Cook. Mrs. Marjorie Sheets. Mrs. Hazel Green, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Lucille Chase, Mrs. Mary Barker. Mrs. Jusnita Holgate, Mrs. Ethelyne Freemen. Mrs. Eunice Beck, Miss I.uella Pleuard, Mrs. Cora Allen, Mrs. Worster, Mrs. Velma Braun inger, Mrs. Olga Bielman, Mrs. Ella Wegner, Mrs. Mabel Ross, Mrs. Bertha Barge, Mrs. Lenor DO YOU KNOW . . . thet the eeume af about sss af ell ailments me be corrected bv plnal and Intestinal traatmeate with proper diet. Dr. M. C. Caaael cniaoraACTio rarsiciAM Stl E- Cue Tel. US Horn, Mrs. Betty Ray, Mrs. Mag gie Frsncis, Miss Ethel Manning. Mrs. Ruth Manning, Mrs. Maude Culver and Mrs. Kay Simmons. VV.C.T.U. HAS FINE PROGRAM AND MEETING WEDNESDAY Roseburg W.C.T.U. commemor ated the great temperance work er, Frances Willsrd at a program and meeting Wednesday at the First Christian church. Mrs. R.D. Knigge, president, opened the pro gram with group singing and pray er, followed by the devotions by Mrs. R. L. Dunn, John 4: B-14. Mrs. Edith Ackert had charge of the program and was assisted by a number of members. Mrs. Fred L. Southwick present ed a fine report on the L.T.L. and gave the life atory of Frances Wil lard, who became one of the most noted of teachers, a fine lecturer and a world president ot the W.C. T.U. Her ststue in the hall of fame in Washington is tha only woman's to be exhibited there. Dick Hosxins ssng, "Were You There," and "Thanks be to God accompanied by Norma Cox. World Day of Prayer was announced. Members were notified of the i timer school course in nsreotie education being offered at Lewis and Clark college this summer for teachers with Ph. D. degrees and who desire to obtain credits from the course. The Federation ot Church Women recom: .2nd this summer school course. Those in terested must apply directly to the college to register for the course. The tea table was decorated in thj George Washington motif. Mrs. Clsrk Smith and Mrs. Albert Fray had charge of the refreshments. The next meeting will be in the form of a tea March 22 at two o'clock at the Christian church. All civic orgsnitationa and Mis sionary society groups are invited. VALENTINE PARTY FOLLOWS LODGE MEETING Bertha Rebekah Lodge No. 188 of Canyonville met at the I.O.O.F. hall Tuesday night. Mrs. Alice Wheeler, noble grand, and Mra Bertha Green, vice grand, were in the chairs. After a short business meeting a Valentine party was enjoyed by 24 members. Refreshments were served by the committee, Mrs. Minola Stanley, Mrs. Thelma Fairfield, Mrs. Bertha Green and Mrs. Beulsh Msult. MRS. FRANK TRUE ENTERTAINS WEDNESDAY Mrs. Frank True was hostess Wednesday evening, February 15th when she entertained a group of her friends with a Stanley party. The demonstrator, Mr. James Rob erts of Roseburg, led the group of ladies in a group of games after which refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mesdames Sid Mason, Oscar Amundson, A. D. Fox, Connie Nelson, Roy Fisher, Frank Dunlap, also Mr. James Roberta and Mrs. Frank True. MRS. PRUDIN IS HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB WEDNESDAY Mrs. Charles M. Pruden enter tained her bridge club Wednesday afternoon at her home north of Canyonville. High score prises went to Mrs. E. E. Church and Mrs. Robert Jones. Refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Ted Shirtcliff, Mra. Ted Rice. Mrs. Rudolph Mickel son, and Mrs. Robert Jones ot Myr tle Creek, Mrs. C. G. Strewn. Mrs John Bingham Sr. and Mrs. E. . Church of Canyonville. MAGIC Watch for our at! Monday's paper. ROSEBURG ELECTRlt 131 N. Jackson Horpolnt St. Tke WATCH BANDS ... for men and women in all styles ond to fit any wrist watches. See our window today! It Pays To Buy From lilicraft eweieri Where Your Dollar Has Mora Cents SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 25TH SlCAKE MIX lADD ONLY WATW FRISKIE DOG FOOD Tall cant 2 25c Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 29c Wa Have Fine Selection ef Ferry's Garden Seeds Come in and take Yeur Choice FINK SALMON tall cans 39c MILK ALL BRANDS TALL CANS 2 ' 23 C HUNT'S HOT SAUCE can 5c KELLOGG'S Corn Flakes -oz-"a 16c IDA DELL CREAM CORN 2 cans 25c HUNT'S PEACHES no. v cans 19c 1 w,.r Fresh Fruits Vegetables TUNA FISH Leree Cans Sis QUALITY MEATS GROUND Round Steak lb. 69c Hera's luy Center Cat Pork Roasts lb. 39c Fancy T-BoneSteaklb.75c Boneless (Na Watte) HAMS "insci lb. 73c Fresh, Crisp , Carrots 2 nchh 15c Avocados 2 29c CHINESE Lettuce 11c Those Ara Choice Fruit Bananas . 15c GLrectical SAVK 64 RIO. PRICE H Special 19 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS r