Baseball Greatest Of Games, Sportsyvriter Gregory Tells Booster-Player Banqueteers Nearly ISO Peewee and American Legion junior baseball boosters hoard L. H. I Bill) Gregory, Portland Oregonian (ports columnist,. describe baseball as tha "greetett game aar davisad by man,", last night at a Peewee basaball benefit banquet In tha junior high school auditorium. The devout disciple of the base ball same related numerous anec dotes that he had picked up over the years of his sports reporting, following his unexpected initiation into the Paul Bunyans, who bellow ed their way into tha banquet room, flourishing their out-sized falling axes. , Gregory was introduced by Del McKay for Mayor Al Flegel, who it on his vacation. A telegram of welcome from Flegel to Gregory was read by McKay, during the latter's introductory remarks, aft er which he was presented with a key to the city. The Oregonian sportswriter de scribed baseball as a combination of a one-man game and a team game. The pitcher is alone, but he must pitch in a pattern that will permit his teammates to help him win the game, said Gregory. Junior Legion "Saved Came" - He lauded the Junior Legion baseball program as "probably having saved" the game some 25 years ago, when boys were tend ing to "break away" from the sport. Today, however, Gregory esti mated nearly two-thirds of the big leaguers are ex-junior legion base ball players. . Gregory praised Roseburg's Pee wee and Junior Legion program of last year, under the "excellent di rection" of Barney Koch, who is coach at Tigard nigh school "Baseball is a character build er," said tha dean of Northwest sportswriters, adding that boys who Elay baseball "rarely get into trou le" with the law. Rulea Discussed The game of baseball Is basical ly tha same as when first invent ed, said Gregory, and ho deplores attempts to change the rules. Ha cited tha intentional walk as a specific instance. "Why throw four balls?" the uninformed ask, ac cording to Gregory. "Let tha pitch er just motion -the batter to first." Gregory explained there is a pos sibility that tha batter may "get a hold of one," and thereby change the complexion of the, which Wha. your faucet Gives yon tha sJa How can yea tH Which one is the eWp7 reason is sufficient to keep tha In tentional walk "as is." He cited another ruling, men tioned in the book for the first time this year, in which Gregory vers it is permissible to pitch one "bean ball" during a game. The deliberate bean ball has been ruled out for some time, by mutual con tent of all concerned. . He explained that according to the wording of the rule book on that subject, tha umpire may cau tion the pitcher against commit ting the same infraction twice, pro vided tne umpire I eels tne Dean ball" was deliberate. According to Gregory's interpre tation of the rule, if a pitcher is cited a second time, the umpire may feel free to retire him from the game. The guest speaker told how through the years tha distance from pitcher's box to home plate has increased from 45 feet to SO, then finally in 1892 to tha present M feet inches. i Odd Incidents Told Relating one of his many anec dotes, Gregory tola now a certain former big league pitcher hurled an entire game in Washington re cently, then comDlained it was a tiresome venture, Greg said it took an up-and-coming youngster, Dick Sinovic, only a few practice throws over the same distance to decide something was wrong. A tape measure waa brought out and at was found the man who bad laid out the diamond had misread the plan and made the distance M feet, instead of sixty feet six inches. Relating another humorous inci dent. Greg told of Wilbert Robin. son, one-time catcher on the Brook lyn "Daffy" Dodgers team, who wanted to out-do the man who caught a ball thrown off the top of tne waanington monument. Robinson was going to catch one thrown from a plane. Came the day and the plane roared over the field, dropping its carlo. Robinson reached, it slipped past his glova bounced off his chest. The blow winded him. He felt his chest, and hia hand came away wet and sticky. Robinson screamed he had been mortally wounded, but upon closer examination, it turned out the pilot bad played a joke on him and dropped a grapefruit instead. OSC Coach Warns Oh Commercialism Threat EVERTT, Feb. 24 (. One of the new additions to Northwest coaching ranks, Oregon State's Kid Taylor, flashed a verbal cau tion signal last night on the threat ot commercialism to athletics. The Beaver grid mentor termed the belief that a boy can play setter tor money tnan tor love ot the game just "malarkey," and added: "Before we start bidding for high school boys wim large salaries we must think of what we are doing to them. Do we want to make them athletic bums with erephan tiasis of tha head, or do we want them to become men of poise and dignity?" Taylor was top speaker at the city's "man of the year in sports" dinner Honoring jack westland, amateur goner and Everett bust nessman. Over a 30-year SDan Westland la a three-time winner of the state amateur, member of the 1932 and 1934 Walker cup teams, a one-time western ooen titlist and runnerUp in 1931 to Francis Ouimet OrvooH High School loskttbal Scorts i By Tha AMartatad pf n Eugene S3, University (Eugene) 8. Clatskanle 36, Knappa-Svenson Maupin 41, Corbett 35. Wheeler 37, Nestucca 26. SL Mary's (The Dalles) 59. Mo- sier 55. District li Tournament Alaea 41, Pleasant Hill 28. Brownsville 43, Sileti 25. ' Pelk County B Tournament Falls City 42, Monmouth 37. Perrydale 53. Valseti 47. Morrow-Umatilla S, Tournament Helix 48, Lexington 28. Pilot Rock 29, Umatilla II. Athena 39. lone 28. Echo 65, Weston 35. Homis Wagner, 76 Today, Not Quitting Base-ball CARNEGIE. Pa.. Feb. 24.-4.FV Birthday number 76 caught ud with baseball's Mr. Shortstop today, but to bandy legged, indestructible Honua Wagner the word retire is just another term for xoing to bed. "I won't quit baseball until it quits me," he declared. A flock of birthday cards rained in on the veteran Pittsburgh Pirate coach. His gifts included a 25-pound turkey from oil millionaire Mike Benedura. 'How about that." marveled Honus. "All those people remem bering me. Why, I don't know most of the people who sent me cards." Honua is recovering from a mus cular hip spasm that had him hos pitalized for awhile. Y-Ckurch League Gomes Slated DIVISION Ipiscepal First Methodist First Baptist First Christian A DIVISION Salvation Army First Baptist .... First Christian . First Methodist , Faith Lutheran . Presbyterian L Pet. I.OOO 1 .500 I .ISO I .15 1 l.KM t J50 t .500 2 .500 3 .ISO More fishing fun with MERCURY Mercury It tha Only Motor With : Full-Jeweled Power Yea're la tar happier rhhiaf timas whan yea have o aaw MERCURY meter with Fait. Jeweled Fewer. Full-Jeweled Power it exclusive with MER CURY ... It ceaiittt of ti-frictiaa toarinos en tha wearing surfaces at the at- Full-Jeweled Fewer gives yea easier starts; saieataer, "tare ff leant eeeratiea; mere slower trailing speeds, ad laager meter life. Tha MERCURY liaa Is loaded with ether tameus features that have aaea tatted and epareved by iperHmaa throughout the aetiea. W IS aaed. Cema la leea and sea the ties line at MERCURY meters ea display m eur (parting goods deeeitmeat. You'll Had the right MERCURY tar your fiihiag here. J.S h. p. COMET with full reverie.. S a. p. SUPER FIVE with full reverse . 7.S a. p. ROCKET , 150.76 181.28 198.03 290.26 10 h. p. LIGHTNING CONVENIENT TERMS LIBERAL TRADE-INS lay Year MERCURY New . . . Hove It Paid Far ' Wnaa Salman Seeiea Opaaa April IS. UMPQUA VALLEY MORI LIGHT FOR ELK LOGAN. Utah (JP A rancher in Wyoming's Star valley hung a lighted lantern in his stock yard in the belief it would keep elk away from his haystack. E. Von Al- men said he looked out late at night to see if the light was still burning. It was moving around the stock yard. "I discovered" he said, "that an elk bull had the lighted lentern hanging from one of his antlers and . was showing the . elk cows where the best hay was." Y -church league play ends Satur day for the A division, but the Bs continue another week, after which playoffs will commence. Games Saturday, to be played at Bensop school gymnasium, will pit undefeated Salvation Army, A divi sion leaders, against First Metho dist, who have two wins and two losses behind them. In the other A game. First Bap tists, who lost last week for the first time, oppose the Presbyte rians, uoin games start at 1:30 p.m. Faith Lutheran plays First Chris tian at 3:30 p.m. Undefeated Episcopalians of the a division play the Urst christian five, and First Methodists oppose the First Baptists, immediately fol lowing the A games. Members of the Indian varsity basketball team will officiate. Last week, Frank Olson, Roy Van Horn and Mickey corn omciated. Both divisions will participate in Suit Yourself at Joe Richards mmmammm aVISI MUU. WW Vf aerial a iwnny aowiiswsi - SaVHIaaaaaaaaaaTjaaaafj- lassieaasiliiiiiieio iTMilwflIM' fiifiitniiiiiiiiif irnnf " " "'"" "t 7S. - ... . ,i - t 1 mmm int.. aaaU. ' PI fl " fT ' - I f o n n tj till s if y I a--- - ! ' Cottqo laskttbal lOy Tna Aaaoclalaa Praia) Eastern Oregon 72, Vanport 6. Pacifier Lutheran 71, Western Washington 55. Central Washington TO. British Colmbia 51. Southern Idaho S5, Northwest Na- zareno 53. Bosktrball, VollaybaH lid lays To Jr. High Gym. Interested boys of the community will participate in basketball and volleyball at the junior high school gymnasium Saturday morning from 0-11:30 a.m. . The program, sponsored jointly by the Roseburg YMCA and Ki wanis club, is under the direction of Chuck Allen and Marlen Yoder. a YtChurch tournament to be held at senior high school, Saturday night, March 18. Two Teems Vying For Cowling Lead Industrial Bawling Iionut Ump. VaUey Hdw. Vets Hospital League W L 16 S 16 S IS 11 12 . 12 11 11 10 14 JO 14 16 Jovin Brake Supply Elks 326 Jones Insurance F. O. E. B. P. O. E. Indufstrial league bowling con tinued to sea two top teams vying for tha lead, with Donut Bar and Umpqua Valley Hardware each defeating their opponents Wednes dsy night in the Roseburg alley. Dick Yundt topped the single game scorers with i 236 tally, while Chuck Fingerloa latched on to the high series tab with an even 600. Both bowl for Umpqua Valley. Wednesday night results put r. O. E. over B. P. O. E. 3-0; Umpqua Hardware over Elks 326, 3-0; Veterans hospital over Jones Insurance ot Myrtle Creek, 3-0, 1 'V I J w i r ir ,r it ja ATwdjrBneBock is comuG! t ; . awn Distributed by Wostom Distributing Company Frl., Fob. 24, 130 TKt Nowa-Rerlow, R bvirt. Org, 7 and Donut Bar over Jovin Brake Supply, 2-1. Chariot, lothoro la Top Shapo For Tuesday's Bout BUFFALO, N. Y.. Feb. 24-Gl Eiiard Charles and Freddie Bo shore "these men are ready for the fight of their Uvea." That waa tha conclusion yesterday of Dr. Louis A. Kaiser, who examined Charles and Beshoro five days be fore their Tuesday bout m which Charles' NBA world's heavyweight crow will bo at stake. Chariot weighed Mm, but hlg handlers laid be would get down around IRS before the official weigh-ing-in Tuesday noon. Beshoro seal, ed 184 and expects to go into the 15-rond acuffle at that figure. Myrtlewood Treasure House Home of the X$ A Atomic ; Hcmburgsr! 5 OPENS SUNDAY! (February 26) 9 to 9 Daily (Except Monday) Drive Out to The , Myrtlewood Treasure House This Week! ic Fountain Sorvico Myrtttwood Sandwiches Gifts if Homo Mado Pio and leo Cream iMyrtlswood Treasure House MaoVe of 'fce AOannC Hfjpjb4ll0OF Wiostao (Ceea JaacHea) oo the hifhwey. (At the graaa ead white "Retted Taps") Great new performance With Chevrolet's Advanced LOAD-MASTER '105" Engino Never before such power. Never before such value. It's the big new Load-Master 105-b.p. engine-built to carry Chevrolet' trucks even further ahead in user preference. Here it heavy-duty power rugged, dependable, efficient the kind that speeds up schedules, completes more deliveries, cuts total trip time. The famous Thrift-Master engine boasts new brawn 'tool A husky 92 horsepower, it sets new standards of perform ance with economy for the light- and medium-duty truck field. With these two great valve-in-head engines, Chevrolet advance-design trucks give you more performance, more features, more of everything that matters to you. All this and the lowest list prices in the field as well! Come in and see them. Whichever you need the Load Master "105" or the Thrift-Muter Engine-remember this: Chevrolet now offers you the most powtrful trucks In Its history I Saves You Tim on rh Nifs e Saves You Tim on rho Cerowoy ' Saves you Money all tha Way Performance Leaders Payioad Leaders Popularity' Leaders Price Leaders ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS HHIamisemi AAotor Co. A Hiai Owaad and Operated 202 N. JACKSON Oak and Stephens Phone 446 PHONE 71