Canint Breed HOEJZONTAL 1.7 Depicted bread of dot 13 Interstice ' 14 Unkeeled 15 Rodent 16 Onagers II Orsan of ; hearing It Greet (ab.) 20 Broad piece of ! Speaker 1 Rot flu by exposure 4 Accomplish (Notes to Guido's scale ( Headstrong 7 Algonquian Indian I Hopi' kiln t Lieutenant I eiotn '81 Chinese unit t 10 Prevaricate I oi weignt 22 Eternities 25 Great Lake - 27 College cheer 28 Membranous I pouch 11 Kind of type 12 Weird 17 Symbol (or selenium 23 Country 24 Article of 29 Palm lily AO Symbol (or tin 111 Not (prefix) , 112 And (Latin) ?3 Decay i Fiber knots 16 Plays on ( words Q7 Type of cheese 130 While 140 Bird's ClU (45 Beholdl AS Follower At Helper 4a Animal's foot 80 Chemical i substances 2 Marked with lines 84 Rogues SS A regular coUie Is than this -breed VERTICAL 1 Boat with -flat bottom clothing FUNNY BUSINESS "My husband's Idea Junior's in the middle of LI'L ABNER ALLEY OOP Twepp: NOW. IVE TE-MACHINED CO? BCK iv picas: x SATISFIED. f BLONDIE - ' -'' -.- v ... . - " 'J! HP'" . IF "'Jlliliiilili'llipiliP PAGWCX20--I HEATO E i' " (WHAT VVAS IT ?) i. AN AWFUL NOSE DOWN- ; 0 C. ""srsT ( STAl(?S-GO DOWN AND "FF.L - il - J., frT WAS JUST) S (-oh.'-vjhut Aa-rvaOHfjr ) f- mury.'r er V. ,-Q tn e vr wv-6ar ) V tTHOoONlK IS.T-AH S nfr ur on whut &m(Q PLAVM'Wir M. -"SPV M MOHAICOJTHT nj. IM TO A PULP fO'TtVO HOUNDS - KINDA FGHTTI? U A J ' IT Vf Utf A CAT r-JJt A 11,11 I. SJ f atSah inn, pofr mow iwut J vcr.?-n-nopesn r t lf MOOS -'j2fx-L l I " V TP" Y ssTrLEornama-I y y FRECKLES AND HIS 7 TUAT ENOOC5M.' II I This 0weS "K I I V bouoh. A-1 Aniwr to Previous Punle 25 Hebrew ascetic Raved Awkward Mouth roof Aches Grass-cutter Fish Token of disapproval 42 Hypothetical structural unit 43 Leas 44 Malaysian canoe 47 Greek letter 49 Chum 31 Type measure 53 Symbol for thallium F P I4 P h I FTH'F"F7" 3 Jt tW ar-ifcf 'ill gg- J jj r -1 r I " 5T 1 1" " ' " T ' 55 5T ET 5J 3 T By Hershbartjer always yelling for a drink the night!" FRIENDS TS. TSK .' 'YOU YOUM6 OENTLEMEN WILL HAVE, TO IMPROVE -OR RESPIl?TORY EFFICIENCY IF YOU WISH1& JOW MY FOHIW COMlJ& DIAMOND AGoetOATtON S -Me. LewwN. Il I . i-j "W-jv i i i f rTaWH 1 " 1 I r'"T J CT0 fc-oo. m. . - mt i- u v T7rVi MODEST 3Xv vuki IEET okav. if you WONT GO TApy WITH M, HOW ABOUT GOING SEMI -STEADY? FROM NINE TO FIVE Just e minute! Will you ask the got those !i IflBPtis UTT'" 1 bHAOYSlOe IS ENURING A CONTENDER V J ;:';4farT I IN THE VALLEY JUNIOR SOFTBALL LtAGUe-- J ;' V'li X ;i' "ijyj mi i i a srvres evjiu ti rrsTi Ayi v i se I ih :. . a i MAIDENS By Jo Fischer that lady next to you where stunning shoes - By Chic Young By Al Capp By Merrill Blosser By V. T. HAMLIN THI'TO" SAM CHARCIO PORTLAND, Feb. 24 (.P-Two California mra were held in Jail under $3,000 bail each today in the theft of e safe from the Covey It Drive service Feb. 17. Charged with burblary not in a dwelling were Arthur G. Sheppsrd, 37, HydesviUe, Calif., and Bert Overman, 36, Carlotta, Calif. The safe was recovered near Yakima, Wash. Detectives picked up the two men last night when they turned up here for a car, reunified to one of the men, in a repair ga rage. Rfllltv dfftrtn ilmoert inaiantly B aur to uk,. Iffl ysomiess RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service. Suther lin. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. Free pickup and delivery. PLUMBING For That Repair Job. Call S97. Pete Crumett, Plumbing. W. M. Sandall Co, Hiway 99 N. Phone 1117 R. Joe M. Johnson, plumbing end repair, w. uougias au rn. 389J. Ace Plumbing' Co., 1S Garden Valley Kd , bus. pnone u-im Res. phone 149-R-3. Kler-Crooeh Plumbing Co. 316 MilL Phone 1242K. Harris Plumbing k Heating Co 80S South Stephens, fa. loo. Coen Supply Co. Phone 12L Terp'e Plumbing. Phone 733-R. HEATING R, Rltzman Heating Co, hot wa ter and steam, oil Durners. nuo Brown. Phone 1066-J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE Washing Machine service. Roy and Kustvs Appliance nepair. 510 N. Jackaon. Ph. 1003-R. J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine Service, iih w. uimmtr cial Avenue. Phone 1015-R. ELECTRICIANS Ace Electric. Phone 1743-J. FLOOR COVERING - F. W. Floor Covering. 327 S. siepnens. rim nio-n, Philip M. Durnam. 920 S. Main. Phone 13JO-J. Fl-OORS LAID, sanded and Finished. Don Carlson, fa. 102R-3. FLOORS sanded and finished. Leslie Pfaff, Ph. 1S73-K. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Equipment Co.. 220 N. Main. Glenn rt. layior. rn. i.--ru SALVAGE Bob's Salvage Yard; Used trucks. 2338 N Sienhens. Ph laa-j-a. Orchard Trailer Park Summr om ttt rfvdf. Hal feirtidfl tfatjt. R. G. LAMBETH Construction and Remodeling Kesiaemiai ana wmimrugi . Any size job tiros Rt. Box 91 S Phone 1444-R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Millyards. Driveways, Ktatons Floors, Sidewalks ' Custom Blading Office: 634 & Main ftlaphoni SVl-R Fr CctlmatM Bill LASsuer DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Tvpm Cmnl Work Bldcwalki. drivvwavi. floor Pllon 4I-R-1 Phon lSS-l-t ESTIMATES GIVEN UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counterj, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phone 1567-L 2040 N. Stephens Roseburg, Ore. TRUCKS TOR RENT You drive or we drive) Call 1S3B Adair's Parking Lot Main end Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. Harry Crldgts Crcnded Master OfDiclecfics san francisco', Feb. 24. m Harry Bridges was portrayed Wednesday by the government as "a master of Communist dialec tics" and by his own defense coun sel as "a master of trade union ism and of humanitarian princi ple!." These descriptions were ex chaxned as the Auilrlian -born head of the CIO Longshore union completed seven days on the wit ness stand at his federal court trial on perjury charges. He is charged with lying when he testi fied at his IMS naturalization hear ing . that he had never been member of the Communist party. The government finished its cross-examination of Bridges Tues day. Bridges poured an estimated ISO, 000 words into the record during five days of cross-examination by special Prosecutor F. Joseph Dono-hue. PLASTERING BUNDY & SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY 615 N. Jackson St., Roneburg, Ore. Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHAOES DRAPES SCREENS Ftm Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shovels Traxcavator Bulldojer Dragline Backhoe-Crane Compressor Trucks Logging Roads Built and Rocked Mill Ponds Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltes Company P. O. Box 952 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 134&J Residence -Phone 930-R-2 Get Those PROPANE AND I BUTANE bottles refilled, at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also, Healem, Hot Plates and Supplies Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate "lellvery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol Blade. Back Hoe, For Hire. Roads built and rocked by hour or contract. 2340. N. Stephen! ' Ph. 499 R-4 INLAID LINOLEUM Soles and installation of all types of fir covering F & W Floor Covering Co. rh. 14TS-R 327 S. Stephens Painting PAJNHNO AN. DECOCATINO CONTPACIOwSl Contractors AMEBtCA Commercial and Home , Decorating All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Ca. 906 S. Stephens Phone 964-J Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable serv'-e KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S Stephens Ph. 1261 -R HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio, Refrlgra'.lon, Household Appliance Service 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E. Case St. Phone S44 MOTOR, BLOCK A HEAD REPAIR All WorK Guaranteed FRED LUMM S S atvoMna, aatrjr. Orr Fhcm 75.VL Km Ph 4.13-4 The Answer to Craoked Head and Blocks. F.I.. fell. 34, IMP The He denied repeatedly that he had ever been a Communist. "In seven days on the stand." Donohue said, "Bridges gave t fine demonstration that he is master of Communist dialectics." To which chief Defense Lawyer Vincent Hallinan retorted: ' "Mr. Bridges has shown him self to be a master of trade union ism and of humanitarian prici ples. If that's Marxism, let them make the most of it." In beginning the re-direct testi mony, Hallinan sought to estblish that Bridges policies which the government contends were Communist-dictatedwere actually his own views, his union's views or official CIO policy. In that connection. Bridges test ified that an "anti-Red baiting" re solution nassed at a union conven tion in 1947 was not accepted un animously. Besides, he said, he, as chairman, later reopened consider ation of the resolution to enable op ponents to get unanimous adop tion of an amendment stating that the resolution and an accom AUTHORIZED Guaranteed Appliance Repairs MAYTAG N0RGE Seles and Service . Bergh's Applianct Marra, Martat AaaHasiM mm4 amlHaa rlatkaa Oryars ItM Saatb t).abaa arvlrlaa All BJahaa Vaabtrfl Fkatsa aM Baaakarf. Oraca FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Veur Heatinq Center Ph. S41 SM E. let HI hatha, showers, counter tope, store fronts, etc. Beautiful colore, lasting service not a substitute. Chrome hound shower doors, slid ing tub doors, non-stln, ceramic floors. Residential and Industrial installation. P. O. Box 1281 Ph.' 1606-J-5 Byron Powtll H & H Machine Repair Welding, milling, lathe turning. 2 4 4 eyole engine rapalr. Experimental maohln work. -' ' Farm machinery repaired Aerese Hiway tt from Nielsen's Phone 292-R R. I. Halkrafr, Machinist Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar St Phone 1349-L, CEMENT CONTRACTING ED PUCHt ' All iTttaa at aaaartia ward aai rialBBilC- Thraa rr lcallr la aalaaaa fraa Katlmalva r. Mastea MleVJ ' DARBY AND FOSTER Excovating Contractors Shale rock for immediate delivery.' Shovels, dragline, trucks, bull dozers, compressors (or hire by , contract or hour. , Phone (or (ree estimates. Forest Service Road, west of Landis Iron Works. ' Phones 1152 R or 763-J. THE KIRBY COMPANY OF ROSEBURG 113 West 1st Ave., North Phone 450-J SALES 4 SERVICE CONTRACT PAINTING Paper hanging PAINTINO AM DECOCAIWO flTDATiriCS noma V lufmri weceraring v ytf, JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 626-T Furniturt & Rug Cleaning Upholsttring Restyline, remedellnt, repairs. Slip covers. EXPERT FURNITURE CLEANERS 1W5 Umpque Ave. Ph. tSS-Y Free Pickup Free Estimates ALWAYS HAVE IT ESTIMATED! Phone 1131 or Write S. R. Hayes, Contraotor A Builder Rt. 1, Boa 24-A, Rostburg "IT PAYS TO SEI HAYES" Nowe - fteview, Reieburf, Ore. U panying speech by Bridget were not intended to be an endorsement ' of the philosophy of the Communist party, or of any political party. A method has he lvj,lnnH to "X-Rsv" Iocs to lUlffrmina hum best to use them. - MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE OF BACKACHES Ai we) gat older, trtrvu gtnfn, jvffe xertioa, xeMivc rauktB.r or xpaauri t colel mtitM filowt dnwi kidney funo tirni. This may bid Ma ay folk to cotv plain of aaccmc hackacoa, toaa oi a and arsr. heradachca and diiunaa. Getting ub Bichta or frqunt paaM may rawult from minor bladdar Irritations du to eo)d. dampnaaa or dietary Indisaralloai, If yuur ditcumfurU are due to thae auaaa, don't wait, try Iaa't PUb. a mild diuratia. Uaad auccoufully by millkma for ovar 4Q yaara. While tliaaa aymptomi may (tea) otaarwiee occur, it'a amatinff hnw may Umaa Doan's riva happy ralicf twlp tba la Mllaa of ktdaay tube and fltrera ivitkk otrt waala. Oat loaa a Ftiai todtvyl DU FRESNE ELECTRIC Electrioal Wiring and Service. Commercial Refrigeration ' ' Service. ' Ph. 104 Emergency Ph. 290-R 304 No. Main St. PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICltNT , DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner. Case nrl Sheridan Phone 943 1 Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames Mill end 'tosher Phone 1242-J CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 1730 Tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edgere,' Belt 4 Disc Sanders. Cnn-rete Mixers, Power Trowels, Concrete Vibra, tors. Wheel Barrows, Lighting "Mints. Paln( Strnsu Outfits, Skit aws. Drills, Air Comnressnrs, lack Hammers ind Hvdraullo rks. Call us. We may have Just what you need. Osbun Electric 4 Equip. Co. M7 S. Stephens f Phone ttlW-R , H. T. REBER Building Contractor AtM (tintfll eh atuesa uarf car mall lob Fraa aatlmataa. MILROIE 4 SHENANDOAH Fhona iftt-R.1 TRUCKS FOR RENT You . Drive Move Yourself Save -Leig or Sh.-t Trips ' Beo Hivt Truck Rental 736 S. Stephens Phone 1436-J HENRY H. MILLER Excavating 4 Road Building Contractor 140S Willow St. Phone 3SS-J We sell shale bar run, river rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer, fcoom. Air Compressor, Crane, ragline, Dump Trucks by hour or contract I ee estimates. Call 432 For Your Stttl Supply Wa stock all sixes Shafting 18" to including 5-1516" In diameter turned and polished. All flat steel plate 116" to A In. cludlns 3" thick. All fish plate steel " to A including 2"xl2". Any size bronze from solid to 10" diameter. All size Dodge Anti-Friction bearings. The Oldest and Most Reliable Machine Shop In Roseburg. Give Us A Call 432 WOLBERT WELDING t MACHINE WORKS 2nd Ave. S. 4 Fowler Roseburg, Oregon if Yeur Papar Has NOT ARRIVED By 4:15 P. M. Tirana 100