12 Ths Newa-Revlew, Rosoburg , Ore. Frl., Feb. 14, 1950 Oregon's Road Building On Permanent Oasis Marked By Pro-And-Con Voting Results By RALPH WATSON Oregon took Its first decislvo itep to lift 1U feet out of t ' winter's mud nd summer's dutt in November 1910, when it adopt ed constitutional amendment, by an affirmative majority of 18,369 votes, granting the power to coun ties of the state to issue bonds for the construction of permanent roads. Two years later, at the general election in November 1912, the 144,113 voters who went to the polls put on their big show. That wss the year they handled 30 pro- TEO SAYS . . . "Wl AUTO PAINT YOUR AUTO." 9 AUTO PAINTING 150 UP. Two ten op en color In smooth, gleaming finish. See ua first for an estimate. Phone 111 (-J. Ted't Auto Body Service t mile west ef olty eenter en Melrose Read. Phon 1S1S-J. posed constitutional amendments ringing all the way from woman suffrage to abolition of the state senate, together with 30 proposed measures running all the way from fixing the 8-hour day on public works, passed by 16,430 votes, to the abolition of capital punish ment, which lstter wss turned down by a majority of 19.607 votes. They voted, by sn sffirmstivo msjority of 16,005, to issue state bond" up !0 two percent of the assessed valuation of the state for the construction of permanent state roads. At the ssme time they put a two percent limitation on the power of counties to bond them selves for county roads, that by a majority of 13,400 votes Voters Start Balking Thst done, the voters started voting "no." They swatted a p.t posed initiative bill giving coun ties unlimited power to issue bonds for rosds, by a negative majority of 24,913. They turned down a bill initiated by the State Grange put ting road construction snd bond issuance in the hsnds of the coun ty courts by a negative majority of T,lu4 votes, and they heaved out a second Grsnge bill creating a state highway department consist ing mainly of a S3,600-a-year state highway engineer and a $12,000 an nual budget The department was to function in an advisory caps- city to county courts who were to hsve control of road construction in their respective counties. That one hsd a 59,974 negative majority U 1 IAKE A WONDERFUL BACK J lllllllllllllllll IiIiw.m.'umii' I WIPEE. OZ FE f TO1 if 'M " A V STOUT PEOPLE "JrS S ' 1,1 11' 1 1 11111 I tVTj t. M. Ml U. t. 91 Off. m WHY MOTHERS GS i OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams Tax Immunity For Co-Ops Is Upheld At Hearing WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. UP) A spokesman for co-ops said Fri day that actual figures disprove the contentions of private business men thst tax-free co-ops are mena cing other forces of enterprise. Ksrl D. Loos, speaking for the co-operatives, told the House Ways snd Mean committee: 1. Plugging of the so-called loop hole in the present co-op income tax structure would yield the govern ment very little additional tax revenue. . ' 2. Farmer co-ops present no seri ous threat to other efficiently operated businesses. 1. Congress should not enact any tax legislation that would tend to weaken the rights of farmers to do business cooperatively. Businessmen witnesses told the committee that co-ops reorej-.u a Sl,000,000,000-a-year leak in federal tax revenues, and Congress should la- coops just like sny other t s. Loos said "the best available fl(, ... ...tow that the federal government, at the outside, would gain less thau (20,000,00 a year by elimination of the present income tax exemption granted farmer co operatives." Loos spoke for the National Coun cil of Farmer Cooperatives,. the Na tional Milk Producers federstion and the National Federation of urain Cooperatives. Rio Da Janeiro Ftsrivd Counts 23 Dtad, 3.844 Hurt DIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 24. (IP) This fun-loving city counted 23 dead and 3,844 injured today as the noise and hoopla of a four-day carnival ended with Ash Wednes day. Five suicides, eight persons bit ten by snakes, bashings and bus and automobile accidents caused some of the deaths. An 11-year-old boy accidentally killed bis mother with gun left on a table by a party reveler. Seven butchers went swimming On was killed and three we. USIFUL LONOIVITY SEASIDE, Feb. 24 t& Mrs. Josephine Melton, who is 94, walks four blocks each day to help her daughter with the latter' house work. ... But she doesn't think that's very unusual. Her mother lived to be no grandfather Wll a healthy 104 when he was killed by a train. lnniVtv "FftlllMir God's teachings," said Mrs. Melton. and don i amy out wounded when a man in an army uniform took potshots at them for no apparent reason. DRY PLANER END MILL WOOD in50 Per Load NOW AVAILABLE DENN-GERRETSON CO. 402 W. Oak Phon OLD HraiMrrAGEaw Kentuchf WAistey -A Blend tlMilTIMI A eut RINTVCKT layout! TWja?x Tt I II All 10 86 PS00F a 30 $em60 Jk pt. O 45 qt. A Gentleman's .Whiskey from Kentucky National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. 6S Grain Neutral Spirits piled up against it They plowed under by a 44,693 negative major ity another initiative bill propos ing to set up a "State Road Board." consisting of the governor, secre tary of stat and state treasurer, who should sppoint a state high way commissioner, at $3,600 an nually, the department to be financ ed by bonds issued at the rate of $1 million annually. The countiea were to get two-thirds of the funds raised by bonds after deducting the $12,000 allocation to the depart ment, which was to hsve absolute supervision of the expenditure of the remaining one-third, this to be divided equally between the first and second Congressionsl districts; the first district at that time be ing approximately all of Oregon west of the Cascsdes, the second district all of Eastern Oregon. To wind up the dsy's work the voters registered a 16.599 negative majority against another propos- PRUDENTIAL LIFE Insurance HORACE C. BERG peelal Agent 111 West Oak Offlee 712J Res. 171 J ed Initiative measure giving un limited authority to bond countiea by popular initiative vote for the purpose of raising funds for road construction to be expended by the county courts. All of these various proposed amendments and measures were initiated by different groups, t'ie only ones whose parentage was indicated in the voters pamphlet being the grsnge amendment ana bill. As a final twist the voters' ap- oroval of the 8-hour day for all public worka was destined to have a very material effect in upping the costs or roaa construction throughout the state. Thia brings the preview up to the legislative session of 1913 and its statute setting up the state highway commission with Gover nor West, Secretary Olcott and Treasurer Ksy in command and Maior Bowlby aa the first state highway engineer as field general ot tha baby stat nignway pro gram. FAMED SWANS SLAIN BEND. tJP) Five swans from Bend's famed mirror pond have been Killed, stale police said It was the first mass shooting of swans in this area The birds were found beside the HaaaWMMHHpsMfliMsa a. aWa H 4M Mttllr " In .aa-asssseaaj f i gWl TdmWL. Vlr-lnla. mmMm HERE ARE THE SIMPLE RULES TO WIN 1. Tfca aVawlflf of Hi mwIv eonilruftotf Htoltlm Natl Shawn aaava is mo) ua amlfe.1 at numbwi, f busy fifth awav, m44 all al lha Mima ka ia that ttrawlrtf al Haaklas Hall anJ ton) ywr , right " "wntBor cotnaivra hi irteli. Nvmkari ranaa hmm t ta t . The mtm mm anas ar taras km tha Vowiaf . Tha taot af tha a's ara cwrvJ m4 aaaa. Tha artawa af tha s mtm itratahh mm aatenbees mm4m t 4M aa'if nil aaaciiy waas aaJi 1. This pwtil ratMlrM aa'Ha mmi ahlll. wwaawiaaf aach awaar staaais aJat wm4 mvti aa Ja4l aesjrtjiir, rot aiaaaaia, I, , ar f mtm ta aviM. I S aits I al t, total It. m4 la Pva thavsart. tttraa his nek aexJ tlftyalna. la athat ) umpif m44 atKh awmatt aa H aeta 4 abaa ma ama m m tiatia aatumn. Tftat'a ail HMa ta ta n, kwl Hkm a fraai asany ottsar tmtmmt II h M tt aaty M It laahs. 9. Uitl an! axewrmy aa nacattar. This It taatatt i sltill awt If yaw hava tha aatierx ta try It, rwth yf aswar prmaly m4 ya raay win $300 00 In cash mt an aitra $50.00 H yaa ara aramat. Tha thine ta 4m rifht aaw If ta fat yawt Bal aewi aoaar anaj wart laawasii. taiy, ThH rwsh yaar iwwaf at ma. 4. Till rTisi ar aMttiiMlf4i atftsj tha tImmm taelH iv. Jatafalaad ay Ida hast aaswar ta a Ha-araaaai awtira a Bwiiiat aal ta scaaJ tjf In wanatm ml awttwfBatital thitl. la tha tla-Waahaf awtifa ar psjiiIm m -.m aa aatasiary ta aaM arta4a wsr af llfaras tallawlrte a cratswartl I'ia aNl ta ararralsia tha laraatt tatal. la tha first Ha-braahar awnla. tha path anil thty a-raar mmmtnmmm w mmmwn ara rmMsary. 19 cantata aara aa rah ara. la aasa thM a Nil Haa attar tha faav Ma -Wa ah at aviils tat tha lint ansa ar any of (ha attaar avlaaa. aVatka arttas 0I mm mm4. f. Af mm Haw la this taaUst af sain rin (Jm. ha any rkiraa. lina'as ar asaavt ta yrta. Thla taatast ss taa. flaasl aniy ta aarsatw livistaf hi tha Caatlaaatal Uaitaaj Stataa mnd Canada. a. asrara U mtmmt an mm allalWa ta Wta mm mm tastiftarfcaa' mm ar hfara A aril If, ItSO. If yaa ara aVclaraai tha ftrsl prlta winmmr. Ml arsJar ta wla tha I30 0O ft arawatnass yaar paswar ivl mm ataiisx wifttia flva 4mr fram tha Hata ya raaa this mmmwm tsiaal. m hurry, sanal yaar snw taa'ay. Hr It Wtmal mw tatclrtsitiiic ctNttait mt skill whMi glvM ymm rtt appartwnlfy to win $300.00 In caxli plus mi Ktr $30.00 imr w-tMnprnu. $350.00 to th first prin wltmttr fMtJ ttivr Is nothing fr ym to vy awta) norhlnfl to Mil. Thmrm Is it kllgtiNoii whptiMVtM- mm yttjr part. Thar ara no tricks HlwsltMis YtMi mfly tM all f th ntimkprs s shown within th ttrawlnf of thp nov' constrvctoal Napkins Hall ahawn sava. Thar ara m nnas r nm In tha aVawlrtfl shown o'jcvt. NMfcars mnf fnm 1 to t, m m44 nil af tha nwmhars. Than rush yar smswar nt arte. COULD YOU USE '300.00 RIGHT NOW? (PIUS $10.00 IXT1A fOS PROatTTNISI) H r M.IS M. tUt SI. tmk aria, mi m M m tmm Dim. Imn imi imr mtmm H M mlfk. Wla lm) ariw la aai. mm mwSI. la m fwlM md rm HN malv. XX) 00 k m, atoa Mn ISO.00 mm mt mmm) ki mrflnf mm hIiHn. Him la blf 4 arin W 1100.00, M mrlm tt IS0.00, Imr, mtm 1 SU.OO, m a (It trtrn ml 110.00., m mmm mmtm ' IMO 00 t ilO OO aw trinwt W m mH rml m taaaay S.aasja)ahar thato Is tjalhlaa ts Iwy ar asH. SEND NO MONEY UT RUSH ANSW1R NOW TO OUAlirT IOI MOMerNiis Mm ana la a"''. la m mmHmmHm m mm m. mi .infcu. A SIRVICI MIMORIAL TO A GREAT AMERICAN taa Ciiajwawwaalth af VlrplaNi to twafca aaislhla a MarHal to halp paraataota tha Waals atW aaaaar f. Wataftatv i. i. Phillips to Its fraalaaal, mt 01. t. llafHto, oatohllahatt Mnsry 12. IS4S), ptapiaas taot mtm halp of lha Aa laahjslHal TrasWaaa Carvtar, whMl wiN mrntp thmiaSs off af I talry liwaa la ata a ao oWo to ottaot asaro talry shasr saaasaili at ft tm ha ttmmrmm off fractal UwinilaaJlna, kaoam a 'ISIIIft To April ll, IMO, Wfk a ia anl mt h m. partoal ta atifry. saaa yaar Ummnmmr twi am la Ma. aa w.wiy W) Saafca? T. Waafci ataa SlflSplMa MaawfMA Harm. Na awr H mihi. rm will aa mhm Mm ipanlaawp. V mm aa la aata Irm m SI. .w.n whw mm mrn mAm mm la S4.000.OS la ftaia. m .tiaaa M aa aaat mm waaa mm ! k mj. aiMS. m al. I wM ka iMto la 0t $750.00 was w.a la ewr Dacambr lit, l4 ceett ty Mrs. Off Bwtike, Serke ley, Celifwei. .nailia at aa Maa Imm S.0S wUl ka malnl IMai aM Itnil hi mrmm M aria a iMO.00 ariaa la Ikla aaalaaa. Tm in. Ia taa la Sa HaM aaw k) la iwak mm mmm m i la a TO EVERYONE WHO SUBMITS AN ANSWER al ariaa af 1I.000.0S aha V .000 00 tat nm plum, a Mai al 14.000.00 a la aaak. to mmrrm, mt mm mmm sf yaa awairot yoa taa taaaaotsjfsaty ai . n IMtr al mmmt I4.000.0S a la aaak. S. J. Phillips, Dept. 831 Booker Washington Birthpls, Ya. highway west of here and appar ently had been tossed from a car. Sgt. Hirtzel said. Two men have been assigned to investigate. Last summer there were some 20 swsns in the flock. They ranged widely over central Oregon but their home was Mirror Pond. The floclf was built up from a pair of swsns obtaind by the city some 20 years ago. Undercover Agent Of FBI Exposes Red Activities WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. UP) A Pittsburgh insurance salesmsn Tuesday reeled off from a Congres sional committee's witness chair the namea of dozens of people h ssid he learned were Reds while ha worked for years as a govern ment undercover agent in the Com munist party. Matthew Cvetic, 41, told the House unAmericsn Activites com mittee that: (1) He wormed hia way into the party after being approached by a government agency in 1941 to do undercover work and later aupplied reports to the FBI on Communist activities. (2) He was recurited into the party by an Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, with an Andy Novak help ing with the application. (3) At tha time he actually joi.v ed, in 1943, he was working for the United States employment ser vice in Pittsburgh. He said that one Communist, Sidney Horwitz waa a senior interviewer in the agency. He named a Dorthy Sloan and Pauline Roth Jacobs as other Communists in the government sgency. (4) The Communist party "en lineered" the 1944 convention of the American Slav Congress. Cve tic became a member of the Con gress' executive board. He wss assigned to csrry the Communist party line into the Congress by Max Weiss, Dolly Gainor and Pete Karpa. (5) He helped organize a Com-1 munist cell in 1945-46 at the Cru-1 cible Steel company on 30th street in Pittsburgh. At one time the top 1 membership m the cell wss atxmt 22. Among the leadera were Joseph Robinson and Zygmund Pascowski (6) He first was assigned to the Tom Paine professional branch of i the Communist party in fittsDurgn. J Before the hearing, Frank S . Tavenner, Jr., committee counsel, j told reporters that Cvetic at timea 1 worked closely with Steve Nelson Nelson has been identified by the committee aa the Communist lead er for Western Pennsylvania. j Classified want ads bring results Phone 100. How to find a FORTUNE in your home! Yoil or richer than you think! An inventory will show what BIG invjtmnt you hav in horn furnishings and personal affects. Ask today for frea Hartford Inventory Booklet and than protect your Investment with adequate insurance through R. 0. YOUNG Phon 417 20S W. Cast St. Rosaburg NO DOWN PAYMENT ON APEX AT MODERN FURNITURE The Only Automatic Washer wirn rne raTenrea i l a IXClUSIVf I New cleanilog prlncipl.-th. grealcic im provement in washing line, th. agitator! aiXClVIIVtt Wattaai fatter than any other automatic washer! IXClKliVf t Usa less hot water, saves on soap! IXC1UIIVII Apex Safy Lid lets you safely add mora clothes to your wash at any 'tinil a IXCIUJIVII Gear-Less Mech-anism-oo gears to wear outl a IXCIUSIVII New Apex balanc ing principle eliminates bolt ing downl IXC1U1IVII Look-in top. lighted interior! aw ts- L" f-''? W a c44Ji, 9 mG2 1 13a WASHES CLEANER RINSES BETTER SPIN-DRIES... and does what no other , washer can do.. pex 'vASII ASIATIC Only 3 Mov'uig Parts 5-YEAR GUARANTEE ON THE DRIVE TRANSMISSION! Only APEX has the (rtm$4Skef Graattst Improvtment in Washing sines tha Agitator This sensational new cleansing principle gets clothes CLEAN by flushing sudsy geysers up THROUGH and THROUGH tha tumbling, turning clothes. Safe for all washable fabrics less fabric wear, clothes last longar! Finest rinsing ever known, fast, efficient spin-drying. Amaxing fluffing action it come in for demonstration! Three different 1095 7QQ95 ?1Q95 models to choose . . . LmfM L7J y I 7 NO DOWN PAYMENT Free Delivery Liberal Trade-Ins 222 W. Oak Phon 348