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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1950)
Hospital Shows For Veterans Continue Despite Fold-Up Of USO Frt., Fab. 24, 1930 THo Nv-Rvlw, Rosebura, Or. II By WARREN MACK U S O. h folded but the show muit 10 on. Sound trite to most of ui, but to patients in more than 100 veteran bospitali throushout the nation thii news is good news. Earlier th' week. Veterans Hos pital Camp shows offered the first of the 1950 entertainment series by presenting to patients of the Rose burg Veterans hospital the produc tion, "Breezing Along." In all, the touring troupe gave three local per formances during its one-day stop i in HoseDurg. H. K Minsky, business manager for the group, said "VHCS" would not go out of existence, nor would hospitalized ex-Gls find themselv s without top-notch, traveling enter tainers because of the untimely death of United Service organiza tions. This body, known to us all as U S O., formerly paid the bills for veterans entertainment troupes. But suddenly, U.S.O. found itself unable to carry on financially. Veterans Hospital Camp shows, a subsidiary group, went ahead with plans for the 1950 season and only recently received encourage ment from the theatrical and movie industries. Minsky said his bosses ' had met with representatives of the two Industries and had been told not to worry for the remainder of 1950. The boys would still get tkeir entertainment. And good entertainment it is, judging from the show which ap peared here. Fourteen entertain ers, all talented and experienced persons, made up the group. A total of five acts ("all standard; this is no training ground for vaudeville") plus a musical combo were pre sented, ranging from a sany pro fessor of magic to a comedy dance team. Although "Breezing Along" and the other eight teams now on the road may get some compensation from movies and the theater, many of the bills will continue to be paid bv contributions of the public. In dividual performers are paid a flat salary from which they must pay everything except transportation expenses. ' Three weeks from ow, another troupe will play the Roseburg Veterans hospital; three weeks after that, still another show will be staged. Each unit tours a 28.000 mile circuit of veterans hospitals in 43 states, providing free, profes sional entertainment. I3A ICIZ TV IT fi !WTAI? j mi nm v-W Kir 4 ,rl ' J 3 1 ''.'! : i- ( I , . " 1 ; VA . ' I i 1 ....L-2siaaJ VETS cNi'kKTAlNfcu wheelchair patient in left foreground of photo at left, enjoys the show as Vicki Denas, at mike, tings e love song to Roseburg Veterans hospital patients during a recent one-day stopover here. In photo at right, H. K. Minsky, combina tion manager-cnaperone-wardrobe mistress, congra.u.aiei oie performance of Billy Duke, left, who heads a four-piece combo. The f4-person troupe is sponsored by Veterans Hospital Camp shows throughout the nation. (Staff photos.) Appointments For Chest X-ray Will Ease Task While not entirely necessary, ap pointments for chest X-rays are desirable when the mobile unit visits Douglas county next week, according to an announcement from the local Tuberculosis and Health association office. The appointment system makes it easier for the X-ray unit offi cials to schedule their work and also prevents unnecessary delays for the individuals. However, all persons will be cared for in the DIESEI STOVE FUEL BURNER OILS Distributors of Shall Oil Sine 1926 Try Our Oil Service DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 128 402 W. Oak St. shortest time possible whether or not they have an appointment. Group visitations are especially desirable, but appointments should be made to avoid waiting. Groups of men or groups of worn ' are pre ferred to mixed groups, since they must be segregated as they enter the X-ray unit trailer. Two units will open in the county Monday: At the high school in Drain, starting at t a. m., and con tinuing to 5 p.m., and at the Pres byterian church in Roseburg be tween the same hours. The unit re mains at Drain until Wednesday, when it goes on to Oakland. The unit at Roseburg will be here Mon day and Tuesday only, and go then to Yoncalla and thence to Sutherlin. While Glendale and Myrtle Creek will be missed in the unit's visit at this time, and only a brief stay is scheduled at Roseburg, addi tional dates, to complete the inten sified county coverage, will be scheduled sometime this summer. This annual search for unknown Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store cases of tuberculosis Is sponsored! jointly by the stale and county Tuberculosis and Health associa tions, the Oregon state board of health and county health depart ment. This is part of a three-year program to have at least 80 per cent of the adult population X-rayed. Charge Of Reds In State) Dept. Headed For Probe WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. OP) Democratic Senate leaders wound up today with even more authority than they had asked to investigate charges by Senator McCarthy (P Wis) that a Communist spy ring has been operating in the State department. Republicans succeeded in gettin the Democrats to accept several additions to the original inquiry resolution. These addition would give the inquiry group considerably more power.- McCarthy touched off the Inquiry by a series of speeches at Repub lican meetings across the country, charging that card-carrying Com munist party workers are employ ed in the State department. A new power saw will cut 12 inch tree branches 15 feet above the ground. I -r- r-f - -- - - - - a t'rr.e po'lsrdl . , -Sitcrnly 'i MOTHERS IS is Cartoon Sto'p has a Serious Message Khui rvmrn fl lll II If - 11 I 1 I I V I .kt ia i v in II 1 el I ' I . t i u . l ' . hatiC OP-rW I""" I HUKms-w I I DARArrir '.V 11 1' 1 ") 1 .r-rTsm r w 316 U . Jr f I 111 I .a. r Io . Vhav.' tWr mm iB,'' and A r . '. h.v. aiieady put oM, - - '-"tiff -yy?s-yy Roseburg Dairy rich milk in the Gable Top Container YOU'RE SURE IT'S PURE IN Iso half-way measures in protecting the milk you drink! Not only do we carefully pasteurize our fine, rich milk, but we make doubly sure you get it in perfect condition by "packaging it untouched by human hands, in containers that are formed, sterilized, filled and beat-sealed all in SECONDS . . . right in our dairy! We do not use any pre formed containers which must stand in storage or be handled while awaiting use. The Pure-Pak container is as pure as the milk it contains. The Cable Top prevents stacking soiled bottoms of other containers on the pouring opening of your container. Pure-Pak containers are filled through the top and not through the pouring opening. You are the first to break the sea! covering the protected pouring lip. Look for that Gable Top to make sure it's PURE! "Si Pwra.eoli centolnri or flveran ta by Oood HowMkmf. PASTEURIZED 4. Hosebdairg Poiiry Phone 53 We Invite You to Inspect Our Plant at Any Time Food Prices Drop, Other Needs Rise To Record Tops WASHINGTON, Feb. 24. 0W -Consumer prices declined 2.S per cent during 1949 and at the start of this year were four per cent under their postwar peak, the Commerce department reported. While food prices had fallen farthest from their crest, they con tinued to be "high in relation to those for other commodities when compared with the prewar situa tion in either 1939 or 1926," the de partment said. Clothing prices to the consumer took the biggest proportional de cline, 7.3 per cent, in 1949, but were off only 7.11 per cent from their postwar highs, by department calculation. House furnishing concentrated practically all of their postwai price decline (.7 per cent into 1949. The department noted that con sumer prices rose to new highs in other respects rent moving up 2.9 per cent; fuel, electricity and re frigeration 14 per cent, and other costs, classed as "miscellaneous,'' up 1 per cent. Food costs to the consumer, while down 9 per cent from their postwar high, were off only 3 8 per cent in 1949 although "prices of food at the farm" slumped IS per cent. The spread In the drops In prices at the farm and to the consumer were held by department analysis, however, to be "approximately in line." "Changes in retail prices normal ly follow farm prices only after a lag, and the amplitude of variation is usually smaller because of the sluggishness of distribution and processing costs," they said. While consumer prices went down only about 2 per cent last year, they got a break on improvements in quality and in the increased availability of less expensive items, the analysts said. . Fatally Wounded Man Suspects "Ku Kluxers" PELL CITY, Ala., Feb. 2-UP An unmasked gang shot a white storekeeper to death at his home I Wednesday night just after he told a son: "I think the Ku Kluxers are aft-1 er me." j The victim, 39-year-old Charlie Hurst, fell fatally wounded as he ; snatched a rifle from a son and fired three shots at his assailants. The son, Howard Hurst, 19, was wounded in the hip. , The younger Hurst told officers I he was sure his father's shots struck someone in the car. "I don't j see how he could have missed," ' he commented. Young Hurst, a cotton mill work-! er, said he knew of no motive for the attack. I Values are going fast in immm ANNUAL INVENTORY CLEAN-UP SALE FRHnCISCHD fflflRe specials! Apple Pattern I A Pi M OrivtfratW) nubcm Were b mI Mw Hi stete tlse ta Meek et terns hm H" to 1014". While they lest, 4-piece piece setttacjs, wtth the V4" dinner plates, reev ktMOS $224 IVY t The dinaerplate also Is kelM ekanted hen Vi" t 101V. Wkil. emetlties Imt, 4-alece state eattiaas, with the Vi" dinner pletat, regular $4.05 $224 New yon can have K-siec stniter set far ehr $9W CORONADO PATTERN The flnie nettems In niaronn, yanow, blue, cerel and fray ntln In CORONADO natter will be discontinued frem eur wereksnse steck. They will still ke aveileble by lattery tritt. 4-piece place setting, raen lerS2.40 $120 40 OFF ON ALL ODD PIECES Sugars, Creamers, Gravy Boats, Etc. v:-.-i t Frosted Glasses tction of Color. Bottd for MoiMn Sat of 6 Sat of 24 $100 - $295 Costume Jewelry Wide Salaetiort . !. ' , " Vi price (Plus Ten) Grab Hag Values to $10 and one diamond worth much more Man's Waterproof WRIST WATCH Rat. $29" $ O) 17-Jawal Movement Luminous Dial 0) Swaap Second Hand 19" PtlM Tex r i i i i i i Radiator Service Repairing Cleaning Recoring Boil Outs HANSEN MOTOR CO. Oak A Stephens Phone 444 I i i i Nationally Advertised TOOLASTEil Regular $23.45 Value W5 Pay $1 Down SI a Waak ; YOU GET A 25-PIECE SET AC-DC P.w.r TmI riaitic Chatt Felt SuttiDf Wheal 9 Steal Drillinf Burr Rubber f.U.k. ' inn Wheel Akratioe Grine ina Wheel 0 Abrativa Cut tint Wheel A brail re Cent Wheel J Mandrels Use the Teelmerter set tn Sew, tnareve. Drill, Send end Can S Abrasive Discs Steel Sew 9 Screwdriver at Wrench 9 Drettinf Stnne 9 ICctleN 9 J Sriitle Brushes Grind, Palish, Smeetk, 1 " " I mm L I