I Cemmtret Dept. Official' Loyalty Questioned WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. Senator Malone (R.-Nev.) (old the Senile he ia informed that a high commerce department official ia Manchurian-born Ruaaian who waa turned down (or citizenship three times. He propoaed that the Senate in terstate commerce committee in quire into the loyalty" of Michael J. Lee, chief of the Far Eastern di vision of the commerce depart ments office of international trade, Malone told the Senate that Lee'a real name ia Ephraim Zinovl Lib erman. He aaid he "ia the man whom the Chinese blame more tnan any oth er individual for deliberately de laying vital shipments of aviation gasoline and other auppliea to Na tionalist China until the Red hordes took over." ' E very cooJtr's delight! these new segolmu CfTSPKMIS 1( -Quart k FRENCH FRY V WIRE BASKET (or 18 LARGE SEGO MILK COUPONS and 35 and 25 i I II IIUIUIIU Bl u nivmiiium ran i , for 18 LARGE Dl S SEGO MILK COUPONS ' I I'-V - 1KIII MKIUMt Wilt NOT II SINT Y ,M A I I Please redeem coupons ol i '. 112 East Cass St. Hargis Electric Roseburg, Oregon Child Lebor Law Strengthened By New Provisions ' nOSEBURG. Feb. 22. The child labor provisions of the fair labor standards act (federal wage and hour law) were strengthened and several big loopholes were plugged by amendments to the act recently passed by Congress, it waa pointed out nere oy a representative of the wage and hour and public contracts divisions, U. S. Department of Labor, during a special broadcast oy station kknk. Madison R. Smith, investigation supervisor for the divisions in the state of uregon, said the amend menta directly prohibit the em ployment of oppressive child labor in industries engaged in interstate commerce. Previously, he pointed out, the ban applied only to firms shipping goods in interstate com-. merre. "The amendment closes a big loopnoie, ne eaid, "under which firms could escape liabilitiea by withholding goods from shipment in interstate commerce for 30 daya after they had stopped using op pressive child labor. Farm Angle Explained "Another important change con cerns employment of children to work in agriculture. The original act said children under 16 years old could not be employed when not legally required to attend school. The amendment says they can be employed on farma only outside of school hours for the school district where they are living while employed. "The amendment also permits children to be employed on farms during school vacations and on holi days, and afterschool hours. It does not interfere with the right of a parent to employ his own child on the home farm. The new provision applies only to employment on iarma coverea oy tne act. "Newspaper carriers are empteed for the first time from the child labor, minimum wage and overtime provisions if they de liver papers to consumers." He explained the hazardous oc cupations orders which prohibit children under 18 years old from being employed in certain danger ous jobs. These include, he said. working as a driver or helper on a motor, vehicle, and operating hoist ing apparatus, including freight ana passenger elevators. TO HOLD POTLUCK DINNER Rose school cub pack will hold a parent-son potluck dinner ut the Rose . school gymnasium. Friday evenine at (:30 o'clock.-Each den ia fursushing potluck Jar their own group and the bora have beeu busy preparing taoie aecorauona and a program- All parents arc aaked to be in attendance. -'Melrose Bv NETTIE WOODRUFF " Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cring left Sunday for . Portland on business and to visit. They plan to visit Mr. and Mrs. Austin Flegel while there and also to attend the Gibbs folk dancing club. Mrs Ethel. Becker ia caring for the Cring children durinif their narents absence. Mr" and Mra. Jack Foster, of Seattle, Wash., were dinner gnests at the M-. E, Jacobson home last Tuesday evenihg. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Simmons and children have moved to a home on the . Pacific highway south to reside where Simmons will be nearer his work. Mrs. Royer of Dlllard, mother of Mrs. W. F: Bonebrake, is in nen-v hospital suffering from injuries re ceived in an auto accident last Monday. Mrs. Clarson Chitwood waa sur prised and honored on her birth day anniversary when Mr. and mis. Orville Weekly entertained for her at a dinner party at their home in Weat Rose bur 8. Canasta waa play ed during the evening and others present were Chitwood, Ted Schultz, Mr. and Mra. A. C. Knife. Mr. and Mra. Otto Matthews en tertained their pinochle club Satur day evening at the U L. Chitwood home, preceded by a dessert sup per. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Chitwood, Mr. and Mra. How ard Ransome, Mr. and Mra. D. N. Busenbark, Mr.' and Mra. V. S. Woodruff and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Veens tra. " I Dillard By ROSA HEINBACH Mr. and Mra. Merritt Burt had for their dinuer guests laat Sunday at their home in Dillard, Mr. and Mra. Don Guiley from Garden Val ley. During the evening they play ed canasta. Mr. iiwi Vn 1. R liwbutnfr.. 0na fnrmarltf tt nillvl iimltmA in this locality last weekend as me guests ot nr. ana Mra. It. K. Thnmit ani4 Mr mnA Mm u..:. Selby. On-Saturday evening the Andrus', in company with Mr. and mn. rrana riocnmni, Mr. ana Mr Thnma anH Mr nA Mra Krlhv a nit H.ii.hl.r a.. went to the Winston Community ctuo oance. . Thursday and Fridav of last week tne students of the Dlllard school were given an audiometer teat of tneir Hearing by representees from the state board of eduction Salem. This was only a screening test and not conclusive, they saicf iney win conduct another test in two weeka and from that can deter mine what can be done for anv defective hearing. There are only isiree 01 tnese specialists in the state equipped to make such a test. Ten of the eiehth trade sirls assisted in giving the 'test to the younger group. Mr. and 'Mrs. Alton H. Owens entertained with a chicken dinner and party Sturday evening at their home in Dillard. The occasion waa in honor of Mrs. Owens' brother end sister-in-law. Mr. and MJre. Truett Owens and daughter, Wray anne, who are here visiting from Salem. The lace-covered table was centered with spring flowers. Cov ers were placed for Mr. and Mra. J. K. Masters, Mr. and Mrs. Dur wood Owens and daughter Janice Kay, of Roseburg, Mrs. Aubon R. COUNTRY CLUt IPRINO OANCI TO IVINT OP SATURDAY NICHT The second of a series of dinner daneea for members of the Rose burg Country club and their invited guests has been planned for Satur day night, Feb. 25. The affair will be semi-formal A turkey dinner will be served by Leo Sherman, caterer, who has arranged to have a rare fish as on of the first courses of the din ner. Norman Tauacher. club Pro is in charge of arrangements. Plana are being made to have an or cheatra furnish the music. Members are urged to make res ervationa for themselves and their invited guests aa early aa possible Tliuri., Feb. 23, f50 Taio News-Review, Retabunj, Ora. Elgorose By MRS. THEI.MA HANSON Lee Brown went to Hollywood. fCalif. recently to attend the funer al of his father. He returned Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Hanson and aona, John and Reuben, and Mra. Hanson's father, O. J. Cotton of Garden Valley, visited Sunday with Mra. Mary Haeeoo. Mr., and Mra. Leonard John, of Owena, Mr. and Mra. George Bach er and son, Bryce, the honored guests, Mr. and Mra. Truett Owens and the boat and hostess, Mr. and Mra. Alton Owena and daughter. Karen. Mr. and Mrs. Georie McDowell of Dillard entertained Mra. Mr garet Bodenner and Mra. Dorothy Mayse on Wedneaday evening for dinner. Covers were placed tor Phillip Bryce, brother of Mra. Mc Dowell .who naa recently returned from the University of Arizona, at Tucson, where he graduated with high honors, Mra. Elisabeth Bryce, mother, Mrs. Margaret Bodenner and Mra. Dorothy Mayse. the host and hostess following the dinner, the evening waa spent in playing card gamea. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zee Newman .23 Cebb St, Phone U7-R Myrtle Creek, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie John and son, Roy. , Mr. and Mra. Vera Wootea and SIHI. Mirhaal mtut Mr mmA U Andrew Hanson and son, Glen, aU tended the FFA banquet at Rose uul rrraaj evening. Conn la thai la.rfina i mineral wealth in Utah. Classified want ads hrina rnlta Phone 100. COMING SOON The sy limiC3 ) lFV" W"""wotesiforewpediii J V Alii Monday, pap". ROSEBURG ELECTRIC I 111 N. Jackson St. I The Heme of Hetpelet ' ' Head hunting is said to have continued in the Balkan peninsu lsr up to 1912. IT'S TALLER AND TASTIER -thanks to FRESH EGGS I V Nw Orono. Cak. W :;;RtaaVin oJifty . vou time . . ' effrt un". to newt- , ' ' PCkIge cuasr CMacotATl vanilla- . oeexaiK SB i jtarsau--3 i i i i Imported Mixing Spoon Sat (1.0O Volue) ONLY 3Sc with this coupon one) box top from packaga of Occldant Coko Mix ocaotNT. Ui sm, cw( rr, ismh ir4rW M J5 (cm III m4 brx taa. ftmt tut m Ike 1-4m ! f wa Urak mtmlmi ana, NAM! ; ADDSISi. OTY FRED MEYER LOWEST PRICES EVERY DAY AT FRED MEYER. PRICES GOOD THROUGH SATURDAY DEEP CUT PRICES Woodbury's Soap .... 31 6c Wrisley's Lemon Soap . 1069e Woodbury's Shave Cream . . 13c Columbia ' Peroxide, 1 6 oz. . .1 9c Wilco Spot Remover and Cleaner . ....... 14c Epsom Salt ...... 10 lbs. 33c Canasta Sets, 2 card decks, tray, . instructions, pencils . . . 1.69 9 95 Table Lamps .... .'.4.95 Keepsit Vacuum Bottle 1 6-ox. 98c " Acme Flashlight Batteries . 5c Savt 40c Regular 2.19 Certified Vitamin B Complex Now only 1.79 A mott powriul Mure l Hi Vttamifi I complex group). Aft tJiott m4 dmitf o: titioi of tli.t osMntiol viromiii. A cootulo toy will supply oil your roquiromonft ond Klp builtl roiiitonco mn4 lono your tyttom. Regular 7.49 Fred Meyer Therapeutic Formula Tho motf ooworfirl tourco of all ovsontiol vttomtM M ono copaulo. 6.99 100 tablets now Regular 1.09 Fred Meyer Ascorbic Acid, 50 mg. 100's, 89c Regulor 2.79 Fred Meyer ABCDGE Capsules, 100's 2.29 ' NUTRI-TONIC ' PERMANENT'S patented OIL Creme base makes the difference! Th kind of permanent you eel depends on Ihe wavint lotion you use. Profeuioaal Nutrl-Tonie h the only cold permsncnl with lenuine OIL Creme b , i . . can't be copwd - its poientti. No wonder beauticians all over America use Nutri-Tonie (or ptrmsnents priced up to S20 and higher. Try Nutri-Tonle yourtclf. See, (eel tne dilTtrencel MAKVUOUS tO. CHILD UN, TOO rl No wonder Nidrl-Ionie aires "Sw jr rrU ( sued toH noiwoneu one woei A f V so much toiler. Inere'i fhJe J l' nvch pofenfed OIL Creme I AVI I (vy Refill if you hove ploitie curlers fJ25 eitUXI wMk I a'M atal.Mia alauKa.fWatl.tf ari.alwl to sue roua Man at MMallMI awa ..faaw..H, at Nvtrl.Ta Hill IUIUIT, bak aathi -wira Oalra,at. -ejrveaaaei J x fi I W Sova Half Regular 50c NAYLON Lipstick Kit NOW ONLY 2 for 50c Wot Tot All popular sfiorfoa ot o tpociot Mrfloin offor to you. Handy lip ttick kits 1 plottic com (or your ourto. Tko odvonffofo of Hiit or far now. Save 24c Regular 59c NYLON HAIR BRUSH 3 for 35c loo 2 (or 1 Bargain Yankee Clover Brilliantine 2 for 50c Plus Tea Such e little teas e Wflfl ., wh.a TH draei yr keir with this p.pe- let Richard Hudnut YenkM CUr.r hrilltentlM. lur two new end save the price ef ewe. Save 75c Regular 2.10 Valua YARDLEV TOILET WATER FREE with 3 bars YARDLEY SOAP, 4 7C All For .. I-JJ Pfwt To Fred Meyer ' ANTISEPTIC 43c pt. Guard yeureelf end rear femily with Pred Meyar .ntiMptic. Min Ray Multiple Mineral 1.89 120 capsulei For tooclol inloorol tfarlcfoot iitfu THOSI WIATHIIIO BROWN SPOTS New Kind of Hand Cream Specially Mad to do itl ' ISOTEIICA h thot anmlMM ew kind ai koad eraoei lar lodlai lh. hnawe poll thot ante yaw hendi loak aid. AIM fad alhar wrloc. bl.mlihM and , nMti la e way a. ardlitary hand craaM ar latlM can. tagrat handi whltar, daarar, younger looking ajulckly otMaj wllkla Ik ' Srat taw doyk Whll. CSOTfNCA iookl .ad load Ilk. the Snail aaa-traoiy wnlihlna koad vooai, Khntl oddod iloorlnf .ctlwk Pradvcad la . loborotory tkat ko ftitdlad Ik. affect ot caimotlu ee tkla p'WMt far 25 yean. TkHMoMdi gladly pold $1.00 (er UOTttlCA. . Naw la .uontity pradiictio., n con b. Mid Iw $1.00, plot lea, . . H yau weal dearer, wklter-teatlnf hood., pet (SOrtllCA. Money back rb ! w deoi not brlnp dMlred reiorM, Pred Meyer, Inc. 711 S. W. 4th Are. Pertl.nd 4, Oregon Pleasa tend me at $2.00 for 2-ei. jar. Noma Add rest 1 I I Jars ef Esatarica areem I for TbHfUfftf 112 N. Jackaoai