1 . TJta Nw-Kiw, IUBarf Or. Thure., Fab. 23, 1950 Lwfc. HiM OwiMft SM Nmtw AgrMirttrtt (Continued from page One) while the piu were under federil centre!. The eeiitire questioa wn brought ia casually during a session of a Senate judiciary committee where wui:am Green, president of we Americas Federation of Labor, u the witneu. Greea told the aetutora he feels aura the minera would go back to work if the government teiied the coal pita. He added that he Is "not sure" the time for aeiiing haa arrived, but that he hid read in the news papers that "the aituation ia criti cal ia aome placei." Creea waa before the commit tee to oppoae a bill that would make labor uniona aubject to the anti-tniat lawa. Lewie Spume CenceMlene Although there waa no confirma tion (rum the operator, it waa un derstood several of them agreed to grant Lewie a "package" of con- cessions totaling M centa per day per man. Lewia waa known to be holding out for more than that. Hii baiie demands, granted by nearly 2.000 smaller companiee mining 45,000.000 tone of coal, are for a M-cent daily pay increase above the present scale of $14.05 and a lS-cent boost in the welfare fund royalty on each too of coal, now 20 cents a ton. If Lewie succeeds in obtaining a new agreement with hia hoped-for pay and welfare fund gains he would be making an important eon tract stride for the miners. How ever, the National Coal association, representing empioyera, estimatea that the average soft coal miner lost about $1,200 in pay last year because of strikes and the three day work week Imposed b Lewia. Lewis haa said that the coal com panics which screed to his new con tract have added on 23'4 centa to the cost of their ton of coal. The major operators, with whom he is bargaining under court order, in sisted it would amount to much more than that. They say they would agree to continue the old con- .j ...... , WEIGHT CONSCIOUS? H you're counting calories. .don't guess.. be SURE with delicious JltlltfwaoJ. Baad AmOXIWATflV 44 CAtOftlSS as IT SHAM suet Lontfy, SltnHr SHEUET WINTEIS tn "SOUTH SEA SINNEK." A UM varaat.tnterna tlanal Pletura. FRCI...In4 If "Hollyoa Dial anfl Caloric Chart" writa Elaaner Oay Sot 1017 Hollywoeal. Calif. MWjaaNpaiiiitn. ism iiMiiiiUi;-iwua o o o I A r 1 ACTIVI CLUi'l OUISTS Sidney I.eikea and Vie Lewia were guests of the Roseburg Ac tive club et the weekly breakfast meeting Thursday morning at the Miaiimar. Lowell Alter bury announced a di rector's meeting for Tuesday at 7:30 p at. in the office of Jim Oak ley. He urged the attendance of all members, aa aome important business 1 up for consideration. HEADS NAVAL GROUP Comm. K. A. Ayers, assistant district director of Novel Re serve for the 13th Novel dis trict, will head group ef three ranking officers who will con duct commissioning ceremonies of the locel Novel Reserve heed quartan tonight et t p. m. The eHeir will be held et the locel unit s quonset hut et the feir- grounds. Bate aaxtasrnJr FOR YOU WILLIAMS IAKERY tract until July 1, 19S1, but without any increases. Violence Continues State police and roving pickets, meanwhile played a grim game of "hide-and-go-seek" today while non-union minera carried guns to enforce their right to work during the soft coal strike. Western Pennsylvania's ice- coated highways were patrolled by state policemen on the alert lor new outbreaks such aa occurred sporadically yesterday. Peace officers in other soft coal- producing states, including West Virginia, also feared new violence. Three diggers were beaten yes terday at a strip (surface) mine near Clearfield, Pa. The men who inflicted the beatings promised to return in full strengih today. A 200-man caravan also struck two mines near Pittsburgh and five truck drivers were forced to dump their loads of coal. Sledge hammers were used to wreck coal mine equipment at two strip mine near Ligonier, Pa., and coal was dumped at a big loading platform near Murraysville, Pa. Many non-union miners continued to day to carry shotguns, revolvers end tear gas bombs for proection as they worked despite the current strike of the United Mine Workers. In west Virginia, peare officera cracked down on 34 pickets ar rested earlier in the week on charges of conspiracy. Fourteen Nicholas county men were held in Atomic Paoca Parity Idaej Is FrowMdJ Or (Continued from peg One) chairman. McMahon has advocated that the United Slatea undertake a $60,000,000,000 program of foreign aid, including benefits to Russia, aa a bold effort to obtain aa early international agreement for control of atomic energy. Durham specified that he was expressing a personal opinion. Nev ertheless, what ha aaid closely par allels the known opinion held by top State department officials and possibly by Mr. Truman himself This view ia that there ia no prospect now that Russia and the Western powera could agree oa a system of armament controls and international inspection of atomic plants, including H-bomb factories. They therefor ar convinced that a conference would result in failure and that this might increase the dangers of war in th world by building up a sense of despair and hopelessness among people ev erywhere. Opposite View lapressod The idea that the chancea for agreement at this time ar a 1 must non-existent was challenged yester day by a former official of the American embassy in Moscow. Brig. Gen. Russell E. Randall, retired air force officer who waa an attache ia Moscow from Sep tember, 194S to July, 1949, said he believes the chancea for an under standing with th Russians now ar getting better than they have ever been since th cold war start ed Randall declared that the H-bomb is a force which the Russians "can ecognue and fear" because of its devastating possibilities. Me urge.1 that the united Mates tana tne initiative in calling a peace con ference to be held in Moscow with Britain and Russia and possibly other nations. Carl Jeske rolled the fifth highest triplicate in bowling history recent triplicate in bowling history recent. ly when ha acored 24T. 247, 247 741 in Milwaukee. $1,000 bail each for the grand jury in April. Nineteen other men and women were ordered to appear for a hearing before a magistrate Saturday. In Kentucky, the Knox county grand jury continued its probe of nisrurnsncea at two mines near Barboursville. . MP mm in your dfshpan or double your money bade Trend, th icientisU lay, has the finest 'grease-stripping' action ever develop!. It gets right under the grease on dishes, poti and pans-strips it o(T like magic. Prove it yourself. Buy trend today. ATI " -TK genu6 ' 1 erv MILPER THAN PURE 50AP Patch testa, mad n women'a akin, show that TREND is milder for your skin thin th purest soap. And why not? Trend ia neutral. Imagine a dishwash ing suds that cuts grease faster than any soap mad... jet actually Nadirs yostr Aanda.' ' tk bleach r t rolvA-S-'""'''- FEPC 111 Survivts lu Without Tooth (Continued from paie One) southern civil rights opponents had filibustered relentlessly against an anti-job discrimination measure with enforcement teeth, backed by President Truman'e foreea. Th House waa ready for th fi nal vote at J 20 a. m. when a techni cality forced it to quit, putting off the showdown until sometime after noon. Supporters of the administration bill found little to their liking ia the substitute measure bearing the nam of Rep. McConnell (R-Pa.) Southern Democrat who don't want any kind of FEPC measure indicated they would vote to recom mit th McConnell bill. Thev ex pected Strom Republican support and maybe soma northern Demo cratic support, as well. The bill would create a five- member federal commission to co operate with atate and local agen cies in voluntarily curbing Job dis crimination against negroes or .other minorities. I The commission would hav power to investigate and recom mendbut it eouidn t issue cease and desist orders and get them en forced through federal court in junctions, aa under the administra tion bill. The Dixie members had tried sine aooa Tuesday to block House action on any kind of bill. They forced repeated time-consuming roll call votea and tried aeveral time to tore adjournment But administration Democrats and a suable irouo of Republicans. taking note of their political plat form promises, made clear they were willing to ait it out all night and again today if necessary to wear down th southerners. As it finally emerged, the Mc Connell substitute in effect declares that Congress doesn't approve of discrimination in employment but won't do anything harsh to pre vent it. The bill saya H ia the policy of the United Statea to eliminate dis crimination in employment oppor tunities because of race, creed or color. The Rous added physical disabilities, and political affilia tions to this listing, and tossed in a provision that employment of any member of the so-called mi nority groups shall create a pre sumption of ack of discrimination. It also voted to deny any pro tection of the bill to Communists or persona belonging to Communist fronts. Other amendments would relieve aa employer from the necessity of hiring a minority group worker who couldn't prove hia Qualifications: discourage job discrimination be cause of sex, and exempt the Atomic Energy commission and its contractors from th bill's provisions. RIO PICKETS ROUTED BRUSSELS, Feb. 23.-44t-.Thre hundred gendarmes, carrying funs and tear gas bombs, drove 100 picketing Communists away from the Belgian ministry of defense today. The pickets, shouting, "we want peace," were protesting the presence of Gen. Charlea T. Lan ds rn, U. S. military assistance chief for belgium. Tht Weather U. . Weather Bureau Offlo Resefeuri, Oregon Cloudy with llht rain today, a, nlfht and Friday. LitH chant m tempereture. Hifhest tern, any F. 7t Lowest tern, far any Fob. 1 Hifhest temp, yesterday .. 17 Lowest temp, lait M he a. 45 FrecipHetien last 24 hrs. M Precipltetien from Feb. 1 114 Freciaitetied from Sept. 1 ..14. Deficiency from Feb. 1 1.44 COCOA MAKINO SHOWN How to make cocoa was demon strated by Marjorie Bowker and Judy Grecian at a meeting of th Helping Hand, 4-H cooking club, Friday, Feb. IT. The meeting waa held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Roark. Leaders were Pat Roark and Joan Richman. The club is sched uled to meet again today (Thursday). m II MBh. A. .:: !! jjj ftlHwnflr .i r ,l t,: i; i ,.. . i i'i ". ,i wi in M . if ?i,l"r ! ! ii P W M';. T!l'!,l:i. 1 ,:! ''I I' "i 'IPC'S "Jfi jTW Mil. .Ml UJilil l it 1. 1 .i.i.i j j i -n i II i""""'"" ' m I 9$ Bill i t v6isw h y f DAIRY PRODUCTS BAKERY GOODS SPECIALS For FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 end 25 Oh f th alms ef Bed A White la U nuke ahoppiag eaeter for the eeewnaaer. That la why we try t previa yam with alt year food need ander ene rf. When yea ah at Red White, yea will rind til year food aeeda at prtee that win 4 llrht yea. Get the Red A Whit habit today! f VEGETABLES AFRESH FRUITS AFRESH MEATS GROCERIES specials For FRIDAY & SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14 amd IS RED & WHITE COFFEE 1 Lb. ilk 75' $1w HLHSHIT Dainties TOt-Fke;. IFsr 37' forChc9lte-7hw GERJER'J Baby Foods fajasaaafeSHi aaa BfaBkaaaaBBBaBI wtlVPFaaTaSl ISJ 0tn)aBaVaal 3 FOR 25c GERJEK'I MEATS SV3jaat4l aW Ck9p-i 2 FOR waVI aaaaaW HAS A OAtDIN VIOITABLIS COUPONS Him no. m can" 2 for 35c WITH COlTOff NO. t CAN 2 for 39c wrm cotTPON sjnTae4440 RED 4 WHTTC FANCY . . . SSttVC Cut Beans IU. 301 Com 1 Fee 43c NBC Shredded Wheat 1 For 33c RED ft WHITE FANCY ... 3 SIEVE PEAS 37c No. 303 Can.. ..IFejr 33c Chinese Foods NO. I CAN 1 FOR 35c NO. t CAN 35c Na I CAN 1 FOR 37c 59c Wesson Oi HKIS QUARTS 32' 57' Bring us your Snowdrift Coupon 3;' 77l 1 WHITE CREAMY SNOWDRIFT! wh j IT'S EM01SOKIZE0 , J COUpOO j