Oklahoma Judge Stirs Ire Of West Texas TewT PHIL IRYCI Famous DHIcrd Baton Twirler Visits At Home By ROSA HEINBACH Viiitinf hit mother in the Dil Urd are thu month if Phil Bryce, internationally famous baton twirl ing champion. Bryce, holder of 18 atate and national baton twirling titlea, haa juat completed the re quirement for graduation at the University of Arizona, in Tucaoa Hia mother, Mrs. Eliiabeta Bryce, i manager of Hac'a gro cery, apecial handiwork and nove'. ty atore, located 12 milei south jt Koseburg on highway 99. The 25-year-old drum major be gan hii career in Detroit, Mich in 1937. He still haa an interest in the Bryce School of Baton and Drum Instruction in Detroit. Many of his students are drum majors, or former drum majors of some of the top colleges in the United States. These include the Universi ties of Michigan, Indiana, Cornell, Northwestern, Southern Methodist and Notre Dame. Besides his many titles, Bryce received selection as "parade drum major," to lead such famous events as the "parade of champions" down Derby hill at the Soap Box derby in Akron, Ohio, in 1947. He has also held the same position for three years with Arizona's well known "fiesta de los vaqueros"; the 200 massed bands of the "all star football game" in,Chicago and was parade commissioner of tie Michigan State fair in 1947. He was drum major of the Michi gan State college marching band in 1942. From March 1943 until the middle of 1946, be served as an aviation radioman first class, with the United States Navy. At Arizona, he became a mem ber of Sigma Chi, social fraternity. He was also president of Pi Delta Lpsilon, liberal arts fraternity. He served for two years as a member of the Inter-fraternity council. In hia senior year Bryce was selected to "Who's Who in Amer ican Colleges and Universities," and was presented the "associat ed students outstanding service award." Bryce will return to Tuc son about March 1. Canyonville Joins In Library Work Members of the Women's Civic club of Canyonville recently point ed out the progress being made on the public library. Work was de layed this winter because of the extreme cold weather. Members wish to acknowledge MABnl jMiatinni lis D F rm- ol the Alcan Lumber Co. of framing and sheeting- lumber for the building. Jack Tiber and Fred Schroeder have been doing the carpenter work. The committee has called on Principal O. J. Monger and Ron ald Krasky, coach, to furnish sons high school boys to put on sheath ing. W, I. Worrall, scoutmaster of the Canyonville Boy 'Scouts, has reported his boys are ready to as sist in this work. Albert Mault, local contractor, has volunteered to put In the doors and windows. Glenn White, local electrician. HEATILATORS for efficient, smokeless fireplaces PAGI LUMBER 4V FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 SECTION TWO Established 1173 ROSEIURG. OREGON THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1950 4550 1,1 Q J? P i . .'I T ,.? T1 ;VTI4- r FIVB HUNDRED Camp ire Clrli and heir fathers gathered at their "potsumabilities" and discover themselves, their parents the armory last Friday night for their second annual dinner and their Cod." His topic, "Discovery Unlimited," was in keeping meeting. The top picture shows the Maisasoit Camp Fir group with the national Camp Fir birthday theme for 1 949-50. On of Riverside, school and the Wohseem group of Bemon school the right are two Camp Fir Girls, Mary O'Brien and Corgnn singing the "parting song," Pictured on the left is the Rev. Kuhn, students of Ulah Rhoden's school of dance, who presntd E. Clark Robb; guest speaker, who told the audience to awaken a ballet number. (Pictures by Frodrickson Photo Leb.l will do the wiring: C. L. Anderson of Anderson Supply will supervise the roofing; Pop Green of the paint store will take charge of paint ing the building; and Elmer Fuson, local contractor, has hauled lum ber. The Riddle Sand and Gravel Co. furnished and hauled gravel for paths to the building. More volunteers will be needed as the building progresses and any one wishing to donate a few hours of labor will be greatly appreciat ed., member said, .. Anyone having shrubbery or plants to donate for beautifying the grounds are asked to notify Mrs. Olive Homme, gsrden chair man of the Women's club. RID YOUTH BOASTS BERLIN, Feb. 22 UP) Berlin's Communist youth openly boast that they intend to occupy the whole city on May 28. That is Whitsunday the day the Communists play a march of a half-millionn blue-ahirted youths in Berlin. "On Whitsunday all Berlin will New yoe can enjoy smmmI food ell veer regit'! Ivy la eiieetity la s.oon end store la eor lockers until reedy to at! It casts kut e few cents a day. Stert your food cecho today! HAMS HAM LOAF Horn cured . . . fresh from Delicious for potties or in ,mok. house. 10 to 12 lb. m,otoaf. ovtrog. Half or whole, Lb 49c Lk 53c For the Locker Beef, Veal and Pork at wholesale prices ... Or w will custom slaughter, cut and wrap your animal for your locker. Pork slow kt.rod Tueidoy. lof end Veel Monday, Toesdey end Wdnsdy ealy. U. S. Forecloses On Lustron Corp. In Housing Loan COLUMBUS, O., Feb. 22 GK The government forclosed Tuesday on its own controversial venture into mass production housing, the $37,500,000 Lustron Corp. Cleveland attorneys of the Re construction Finance corporation filed the action in U. S. district court. The action was aimed at both Lustron and its president, Carl G. Strandlund. The petition contained 11 items in the accounting, including a de mand against Lustron of $36,466. 273.01 and against Strandlund for $15,45.875. Loans to Lustron started in 1947 when people were clamoring for more housing. Congress itself provided the money Lustron bor rowed and wrote the terms of the law under which the money was borrowed. President Strandlund put up his patent rights on Hie Lustron house, $1,000 of his own money and a personal endorsement of pert of the debt as bis contribution into the man-produced house venture. Since May, 1948, when Lustron started operations here, Strandlund has produced slightly more than 2,000 houses, the RFC says. When he started operations, he had pre dicted he soon would be turning out 2,000 or so houses a month. The firm employs about 1,000. ' be ours." cried Manfred Weigand, I a member of the Communist-spon-I sored Free German Youth execu tive committee. The west sector newspaper Der Kurier said he openly threatened West Berliners. Locker Cwttwmen rwid to trine rhir eve keys. ROSEBURG MEAT CO. FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS 624 Winchester Phon 280 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Inhtritanct Will Be Given To Peace Cause BELOIT. Wis., Feb. 22.-UPIA Beloit college professor jays he's going to give away his inheritance of a life income from one-third ot a 12.000.000 trust fund. says he'll never take a penny for his own use, added he U probably give the money to the cause of in ternational peace. The $2,000,000 trust fund for Morris- and his brother and sister was provided in an order in Philadel phia orphan's court Monday dis tributing the estate of their father, who died in 1948. The 49-year-old Beloit associate professor of modern languages said he appreciated "my father's de sire, but I feel that I nave not earned the money. I have, I sup pose, a responsibility to try to help advise what shall be done with it, and I hope to do the best that I can in that respect. That's all there is to it." He said his being a member of Society of Friends (Quakers) "might help to explain my feelings."- EVEN FOX FREEZES NEW YORK, Feb. 22.-(P It's so cold that a body can't keep warm even in a fox fur, A shivering red fox crept into a Bronx apartment house Monday night, apparently seeking shelter from the 6-degree cold and wind. Residents saw the animal hud dled in a hallway corner and called police, who finally captured it aft er chasing it to the rooftops. The frightened fox was turned over to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani mals, which was as puzzled as ev erybody about where the animal came from. INSURED WASHABILITY Yes, it's guaranteed Washable . . . backed by a policy. Goes oo like breeze. Dries in 20 minutes without lap marks. Ingredients similar to synthetic rubber! 14 washable col ors! ONE finish for ANY room in the bouse. Ready Mixed! Ptint fast or slow, no marks will sbowl 1.39 1 Qt. ' 4.49 Gal. J"- I, fa j; j rftaSl- :--"-'lLg DENN-GERRETSEN CO 402 W. Oak Phon 128 St. John's Church Services Planned The program committee of St John's Lutheran church of Suther lin recently announced the series Prof. Marriott C. Morria Jr., who ot services to be presented during Lni oi wis year, i ne services win be presented at the regular Sun day morning time, 10:30 a.m. with the minister, Rev. Richard Graef, preaching a special series of ser mons on the sufferings and death of our Lord. The sermon topics and dates are listed below . Feb. 28 "The Watch" March 5 vThe Kiss" March 12 "The Look" March 18 "The Truth" March 28 "The Man" April 7 (Good Friday) "The God" Special services are also being plsnned for Palm Sunday (April 2) and Easter Sunday (April 9) al though details have not as yet been announced. The Lutherans are con structing a new church building in Sutherlin, so services will still be held at the American Legion hall for several weeks yet. Canyonville Area X-ray Canvassing Gets Underway Twenty-three volunteers attend ed a meeting Monday night at the ..-......in. u.ii .. Laiiyuuvitiv i:uiiiiuuimj ii.ii u, ir ceive final Instructions before be ginning the house-to-house canvass, to sign up all adults for a free chest X-ray. C. R. Bradford of Portland, con sultant on X-ray services, and Mrs. W. F. Amiot of Roseburg, execu t've secretary of the Douglas Coun ty Tuberculosis and Health asso ciation, explained the operation of the survey so that volunteera might inform citizena of the importance of a cheat X-ray. Volunteers began Tuesday to call on every home In the Canyonville area to sign up adults for chest X-rays. Adults will b notified by post card when to report for their X-rays. These post cards will ar rive by mail at least two days be fore the time of the survey, which is scheduled for March T in front of the Canyonville school, the hours being 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. X-ray reports are confidential Results will be mailed to each in dividual within three weeks after the aurvey. Bradford pointed out that the purpose of the survey is to locate any unknown cases ot tuberculosis so thst the Individual can be plac ed under treatment at once for his own protection and for the protec tion of hi fellow workers and fam ily who might get the disease from him. Mrs. George Binder, chairman, and Mrs. H. M. Anderson, co-chairman, said they wish to thank all the volunteers for their wholeheart ed cooperation. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Gordon Harry, Mrs. D. W, Gill, Mrs. Robert Doxsee, Mrs. Glen Shippen, Mrs. Oma Kellar, Mrs. Alvin Smith, Mrs. W. R. Jensen. Mrs. Ted Ross, Mrs. John Bing ham Jr., Mrs. John Bingham Sr., Mrs. D. Dooley, Mrs. Dan Baird, Mrs. Mae P. Taylor, Mrs. Olive Homme, Mrs. Ralph Weaver, Mra. Margaret L. Wegher, Mrs. J. A. Jelinek, Mrs. Robert Baldwin, Mrs. Clarence Crowl, Mrs. Victor Shaw, Mrs. Elmer Stanley, Mrs. H. M. Anderson and Mrs. George Binder Others hsve expressed their de sire to help but were unable to at tend the meeting. VERNON. Tex., Feb. 22 - This West Texas town of 18,00 waa la an uproar today ever re marks of federal judge at Okla homa city. Federal Judge Stephen Chandler offered convicted Oklahoma moon shiners their choice of serving three to five years In prison or moving to West Texas. George Mainard, president of the Vernon Chamber of Commerce, protested the judge's action. "We welcome residents of Okla homa to the great state ot Texas, regsrdlesa ot race," he said. "Bet w don't want to be classed a a dumping ground for Oklahoma's criminals or compared to a Siber ian exile. "W feel the great Weet Texas area haa been insulted." In an interview at Oklahoma City later the judge (labors tod oa his ruling. He pointed out that ha West Texas there is a weed for fires under Hills and the water la not usable for distilling whisky. He insisted he was not ptckiai on West Texss. Labor Unions Win Out In Concrete Co. Dispute PORTLAND, Feb. 22 (XI The NLRB has dropped it objec tion to the Salem Labor council's placing of the Valley Concrete company of Independence on its unfair list. Robert J. Wiener. National La bor Relations board officer here, said a Feb. 28 hearing on the NLRB's complaint against the AFL council had been canceled. Withdrawal of the complaint fol lowed two previous victories for the labor unions involved in the case. The company's demand for a BULL FIGHTER'S 'BONER' SAN JOSE, Costa Rica. Feb. 22 4JFi Mexican bullfighter Grego- rio Puebla was in jail today for killing a bull. Puebla delivered clean, mortal thrust on the kill. It was an artis tic finish that brought the crowd in the arena to its feet in a stand ing ovation yesterday. Then the police collared Puebla and hauled him off to jail. Bullfighting is legal in Costa Rica but the bull must not be killed. Canyonville Lions Club Supports X-ray Survey The Canyonville Lions club met at Ford's cafe north of Canyonville for their regular dinner meeting Monday night at 7:00 p.m. R. E. Olsen, president, introduc ed the guest speaker ot the eve ning, C. R. Bradford of Portland, consultant on X-ray services, in the interest of the chest X-ray sur vey which is coming to Canyonville March 7. The Lions club plans to support the search for unknown cases of tuberculosis by providing transportation, if necessary, so that our community will be 100 percent X-rayed. We want everyone to have the opportunity to visit the mobile unit and it ia the responsibility of every adult to take advantage of this service when it is brought so close to them, Olsen ssid. If transportation ia desired please contact Mrs. George Binder, com munity chairman, at Binder's cloth ing atore and she will pass the in formation on to the Lions. PIE CHAMPION CHICAGO, Feb. 22 (IP) Jacquelin Hanneman, a 17-year-old student at Ben Davis high named winner Tuesday of the 1950 national Cherry Pie Baking con test. The Indianapolis girl bested 19 other contestants in the competi tion held in the Morrison hotel's grand ballroom. Put Your Crawler Tractor to Work with a 10W COU HOLT ANCLE DOZER V 1 from f very CemiifsrefieR It't Torfoy'i BIGGEST VALUE In DOZERS Hell Doiera beve prove thetneelvee Meter bartl mesa by fcwdrotit oernore ver a period! of ye art. B1i4 c be flee' t left rift, locked in ttrolght poeiHeai with ease, Perfectlr bales 4 t 1iatat d atraia o tractor parts, Mot 14 board cwrvttvjre of blade Milt dirt ahed astd caatt H aside. Doee aaoro work with lea power. Compute with trtrvthiaig far Imtallettee and operation iHclttdtsic frill guard and top tuellt hydraulic avatars. Fullf (auaatcad by the faafcprf. Cletrsw AO-Aa Caerpmjr D-t AIIUHMmen M tMeratoHonol 1-9, Tft-f OettSM bO, tD 1045 :;)'45 Tew'. wt b Uttprnd ft HOiT ANOll DOZft di.l7 hi m sKowr mi. litorajtvr amd flcativni m this d oHiof HOiT qwipmoftf wfthawf fclifrttM. SIG FETT OMEN WORRIES IRITONS LONDON, Feb. 22. UP) Superstitious Britons were worried today because millions of wax- wings, birds usually only found in Arctic areas, have invaded this country. In the old days the arrival ot waxwinga in mild weather was re garded as an Omen of war, death or the plague. bargaining election to determine) if AFL teamsters should represent the employes wss rejected by the MLRB for lack of Jurisdiction. The MLRB ruled the company was lot engaged in interstate com mere. A lack of jurisdiction waa also cit ed in the NLRB'a request for dis missal of court action which sought In injunction against the labor council. MAKES SPEECH VISIBLE AUSTIN, Texas-f.B-A machine that can be used for speech correc tion, speech training for the deaf, foreign-language framing and tech nical research, soon will be ia use at the University of Texas. Speech sounds will be msd visi ble by the device, "sound spec trograph." It will be used chief.y by the Romance and Germanie language department tad ia phonetics experiments. The Uni versity of Texas spectrograph will be one of the few in use at U. S. educational institutions. eV S fuse that sivcli ADD ONLY WATER Cinch Cake Mix contains, everything' . . . all tha highest quality ingredients needed for your lightest, most delicious devil's fudge cake. Next time bake Cinch ... the complete cake mix. Delicious Flavors! WMItt suet OOt DIM Ofvn.1 ruooi I4CM ftAVOI our wmiw Ol "IH'M.'I Phon 11S S27 N. Jacks