14 Tkaj Netrt-Rtvlew, Rotebura, Ore. Thurt., Ftb. 23, 1950 AM For Htovlly-Trevtltd Rural Roods Asktd WASHINGTON ;P The Bureau of Public Roada nyi it it "possi ble under existing federal legisla tion" to extend government aid to tome 100,000 mile of heavily-traveled rural roada. This, the bureau said In a re port to a Senate Public Works sub committee, would permit federal aid to "practically all of the local roada" carrying 100 or more ve hicles daily, and raise to about 700,000 the total mileage which the government helpa maintain. The committee had asked for the report to guide it in a study of billa proposing that federal aid for aecondary roads be made a regu lar budget item. The bureau made no recommen dations along that line but it sug gested that local governments might have more money to spend on roada if they corrected "evi dent weaknesses" In rosd adminis tration and quit "logrolling." The board estimated that needed repairs to locally-kept county, township and other rural roada would coat approximately $7,200. 000,000 over a period of yeara. It also found that 40 percent of all local roada don't carry any more than 10 vehicles a day, and that many of the roada are "wholly non-essential." It recommended abandonment of 400,000 miles of such roads. Infant Still-Bom Aftor Actress Collapsts DETROIT, Feb. 2J.-W-Billie Worth, a musical comedy star who collapsed after the opening per formance of "Annie Get Your Gun" here Monday night, gave birth to a still born baby Tuesday night. The baby had not been expected for three and a half months. Miss Worth waa reported "com ing along nicely." Her husband, Donald Burr, who also hsd a role in her starring play, waa at he bedside. Miss Worth continued through the last act of the civic light opera company's presentation of "An nie," despite severe pains Mon day night. The play requirea a atrenuoua performance of ita atar. SIDING SHINGLES All Types Estimates Furnished Budget Time Payments DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Phone 128 Oregon Wildlife Loses In Severe Winter Surveyed While the residents of western Oregon last week were welcoming warmer weather, district game agents of the Oregon State Came commission were covering many miles daily in an attempt to deter mine what lossea occurred in tne game herds and among the game birds. The unusually deep anowa in the western aection of the state and the zero temperaturea in the north cen tral section caused lo&hea u uwai game animala and birda, but the game men wanted to know as nearly as possible just what these losses were. Aithougn feeding was carried on by both tne commission and interested individuals, some black-tailed deer and eta. were iui in western Oregon. It also waa discovered that bob white and val ley quail suffered losaea where they did not nave access to barn yards or the emregency feeding stations that had been aet up by cooperating sportsmen, farmers, and Game Commission employes. Thousanda of ducks and geese were concentrated along the Colum bit river from Umatilla county to Astoria while the snow was muted and the waterfowl did not have access to grasaea upon wuic-ii u,cy normally feed in winter. Lossea, however, in waterfowl were rela tively minor. Tell Of Fawns Heaviest Wesley Batter.,.., ..me agent for the commission iii the North Coastal district, haa confirmed the loss of 79 deer and four elk on the Trask, Wilson and Salmonberry watersheds, and he estimates that the loss of deer in that area is some what less than 10 percent of the herd. Ninety percent of the lose occurred among fawns of last year. The fawns did not have the strength to buck the deep snow drifts and many succumbed from exhaustion and exposure. Although previous attempts to aid coastal deer by providing aup plemental rations of hay and a wide variety of concentrates have all been considered failures, an at- Fothor, Daughter Reunited After False Death Newt, EUREKA, Calif. JP A re tired contractor and hia daughter, whom he had believed killed in an accident, were reunited here after 27 yeara. It waa the first time that J. B. Miller of Los ustos, Calif., had seen his daughter, Mra. Viola Sedgewick of Seattle, since leaving Colorado for Alaska. A conversa tion he overheard last summer while driving through Grand Junc tion, Colo., from the east led him to Eureka. Here he met members of the t.nnl i. a tmtmAm I--A .V.. I 11 1 J1, iuuc m, 11 .VI ... u . . I and elk in concentration areas that were accessible. High-grade, sec I ond-cutting alfalfa hay waa used I readily by elk and more reluctantly by deer. For a while it appeared that the supplemental rations may nave been of some value. However, when the the anowa melted and a search of the areaa was made in an attempt to evaluate losses, it waa found that a much higher loss oc curred in the vicinity of the feed ing stations than on aimilar ranges where hay and concentrates were not fed. This higher loss may be partially due to the fact that the weakest animala accepted the arti ficial ration most readily. Barnett family, whom he had known yeara ago In Colorado. And, in turn, they knew the whereabouts of Mra. Sedgewick. Miller aaid that, in 1925, he was advised by relativea that his two daughters had been killed in as automobile accident. He aaid he came to California from Alaska Hia other daughter, Mrs. Hazel Rosson, resides in Portland an! he haa a granddaughter about whom he learned last night re nding in Oakland, Mra. Janet Med ling. 24. "I've been living all alone, all these years," aaid Miller. "Will we have fun!" He aaid he and Mrs. Sedgewick would return to his home at Los Gatos and that the other daughter and Mrs. Medling would join them later. Benson Cubs To Feast The annual blue and gold potluck dinner Benson Cub pick No. 3'4 will be held in the dining room of the First Christian church Fridav, Feb. 24, at 1:30 p.m. All Cubs and their parents are asked to attend- Following the dinner, a program and awards will be presented, Packed with energy Freshly baked every day in Roseburg at the new bakery that good bread built Call 100 for News-Review Classified Ads ?yi . s - as low as aGi'v 1 00 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE for your old watch Your old watch is the down payment Tex Inclvded Nationally odvertised brands included. That' right . . , LAWSON'S will tokt your old watch (regardless of condition) at tht full down payment en a new watch in thii big TRADE-IN SALE. You'll receive liberal allowance for your old watch ... in soma cases up to $50.00. You'll have to hurry, though . . . this special tale ands Saturday. Don't miss the other values in Lawson's Inventory Clean-Up Sale . r nil 1 1 i 1 i " Jyn T HENNINGER'S MARTS -FOR VALUES I isH . HENNINGER'S MARTS VVRIGLEY'S GUM Spearmint, Doublemint, Juicy Fruit, Box 20't, PKG. 59c WAX PAPER Cute Rite, 125 ft. Rolls EACH 19c WALDORF TISSUE A Scort Product 4 ROLLS 25c MAYONNAISE Best Foods Full Quarts 69c PINEAPPLE Crushed, Sliced or Broken No. 2 Cam 23c FRUIT COCKTAIL Large 2l Cant 29c ORANGE JUICE 46-ox. Cant Old South 35c COLORED HENS HAMS -sr- 49c CHICKENS 35c (aBBIIa 4 to 5-lb. average BACON .-a?- 39c OYSTERS "Sf 55c KEEP YOUR CURLS IN PERFECT ORDER Keep your trim short coif in order with one of our permonents OS o bose, for just the right omount of soft curl to keep your hair lovely. Henninger's Beauty Shop Irene Clark in Charge Phone 522 Opens 8:00 A. M. Store No. 1 Jackson and Winchester SAVI 64 REG. PRICI 25 Special 1K Cigarettes Popu,or ,,an Ctn. 1.39 CL0R0X .gallons 39c ROMAN CIGARS '. . Box 50's 4,19 SCOTT TOWELS 2 for 29c HENNINGER'S MARTS GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES DA MA MAC Just right to eat, Special, lb. 15c ftDADCEDIIIT Arizona large 64 s, vini hi iwi i Sweet ond juicy, 3 for . 23c LEMONS California Sunkist, 360 size, doz. 39c rCICDY UCADTC Cello Pkg. 3 to 4 hearts, Pkg. 23c MfAILIIITr Locals, VVHLNUIJ Specially priced, lb. 19c STRAWBERRIES iTL 33c CALIFORNIA AvnrAnnc.30 for r i writs Salads, 2 for . 29c HENNINGER'S MARTS Htnninaer's Thrift Vedder's Markets ROSEIURS. STOKES Marketa Myrtle Creek and Riddle Store Ne. 1 Store No. 1 - . , . ... . Oakland and Hennlngar'a Mart Jackson and Winchester 114 . Stephens tuthtrlin Gltndale The Quaker OaH Company Offers Yea 2 Packages of QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT OR RICE for the price of 1 BRING THIS ORDER BLANK TO OUR STORI 53 ' 0ff"1 "1" '" order blank is cigned be customer and safe la made accordance with the terms of tht. offer. Customer moat par ear tales tea on Quaker Puffed Wheat or Rica received. m uaarti two aacxaea re cvsTosue. event aosse apm i. im L