. Windows, Franws and Laddtrs PAGE LUMBER ft FUEL 1(4 C. tne) Ave. . Phono 242 Mpi kM pf cn (Let?! Jjaf WNITiMyfutW SOO MCD COMBKMONOir tOW NSTAiunoN txnu L0CKW00D MOTORS Rett and Oak St. Phone 80 Elementary, My Dear Watson! It's at 1490 on your dial: Fran Warren Singing "When We're Done- Love From Me." 9:15-9:30 A.M. Thursday Muse and Music Favorite poems .radio adapted by Leroy Hiott. 10:13-10:30 A.M. Thurtdoy The Cisco Kid 'The Avalanche ond Mor bid Jones" titles tonight's odventure with Cisco and "Pancho." 7:30 - 8 P. M. Mon., Wed., Fri. What's The Name of That Song? How's vour musical mem ory? Test it with Bill Gwinn, the twin-piano teom, and "Song" contestants. 8 8:30 Tonight Claude Thornhill Presents "Wm a Holidoy." For details, tune in: 8:30-8:45 Tonight Cedric Foster An informative and authori tative news onalysis by one of the nation's top news- commenfotors. 8:45 - 9 P. M Mon., Wed., Fri. KRNR 1490 on your Dial CD I I Randall ThftrMft Mem WlM columnist for the Sacramento Union in Sacramento and Seattle. Entered radio as producer-writer in 1929. Tomorrow night, the three adventuring heroes of the "I love a Mys tery" series (10:00 - 10:15 p. m., Mon. thru fri.) travel to San Moreno ! and immediately find new adventure in the story "The Tropics Don't Call It Murder." TONIGHT: Musical utilnf fame on "What'a the Name of 'that SenajT" at I ... . Yeur ehanto to "Win a Holiday" la explained en the "Claude Thernhill" thaw at l:M .... and RCA-Vlctor Red Seal recardt take a spin en "Mutit Yeu Want" at 10: IS. Beginning Monday, February 27, and Monday thru Friday there- I after at 7 p. m., mothers, fathers and especially the children will find : mutual delight in KRNR'a new "Sleepytime Tales" . . . being beamed ' particularly to all the little Ludvigs and Iodines in the area aa a de j lightful verbal prod toward beddie-bye. Details on the new program forthcoming! NEWCOMERS TO BE HONORED AT TEA At the regular meeting of the Canyonville chamber of commerce SLABW00D in 12-16 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Prion. OSS , Don't buy a Washer 'til you've teen a MAYTAG Maytag's Gyrafoam Washing Action Does All Your Work for You Genuine Maytag construction means years of superior service. DCDU'C Appliance ULIWII J Service FRANCES CONGAR NOW AT THE SHALIMAR ROOM Frances ploys any request that wt Qive Her in her own amiable style. Not only that, she ploys a really "Hep" piano. We heard her ot Ernie Piluso's in Eugene ond now that sh is here in Roseburg, we don't want to miss her ond her excellent entertainment. Soy, make that dote for tonight ond go to the Shalt mar Room with us. Per Hie finest In feed en 4 entertainment alweyi visit the SHALIMAR ROOM 122 f. Staph.! refresh at th familiar on tho road to anywhoro jkC&lU$fif lar'e,..,l!t ' If you lovo a myitery, to do theta accomplished (cllowt pictured at right, who can b identified by their alert Mutual network liiteneri to the Monday through Friday "I Lovt a Myiteiy" aeries at (top L to R) Tony Randall, "Reggie York," and Ruttell Thorson, "Jack Packard," and (lower L to R) Carl ton E. Morte, writer and producer, and Jim Bowlei, "Doe Long." Carlton E. Morte wai born in Jen nings, La., in 1801 . . , when itiU a small boy moved with hit family to Talent, Oregon, where he grew up on a cattle ranch ... "I was a good cowboy," Morte recalls, "good enough to know when to quit," . . . Moved to Sacramento in 1917, where he finished high school . . . then entered the U. of California. Writing career began in Journalism . . . was reporter and . , . later worked on newspapers last week the group decided to sponsor a newcomer'a tea. All lad iea who have moved to Canyonville during the past year will be spe cial guests at the affair. All wo men in the city will be invited, j This will be a means of bringing : women in the community together ' to become better acquainted and to j meet new people ho have moved ! to the city. The date will be an nounced later. Reeervatlone for private Skating Parties are available at the Rainbow Skating Rink Winchester Phone 92S-R-2 1200 S. Stephana I'm Taking My Date To Hear Host of the highways rod cooler UNoct auntosmr of tmi cockou coa'mv it Ce-Cl Eettliat; Cemaeay RaMaurf O I'M. n Ceae-Cela Ciae Society and Glu&l By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER end BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Itema submitted by tele- &hone for the society page must a turned In before U o'clock Monday through Thursday ind by 10 a. m. Friday at which time the social calendar and Sat urdays society page are closed weekly. VOLUNTIIRS MIIT AT RIODLE AND OAVt CRIIK TILLER, AND DREW Monday afternoon Mra. W. F Amiot, executive secretary of the Douglas Tuberculosis and Health association, and C. R. Bradford, X-ray consultant, attended a meet' ing at two o'clock in Days Creek, which was attended by volunteer canvassers from Days Creek. Till er, and Drew. Coffee was served at the close of the meeting. Those present were Nellie Thorn' ason, Drew; Mabel Smith, Days Creek: Betty Connor, Days Creek: Sylvia Larson, Daya Creek; Lucile N. MacLean, Drew; Janice An drews. Bette Mallery, Louise Wese- man and fcva t. Poole ot liner; Ollie E. Schroeder, Nancy Knowles. Lucia Snyder, Virginia Martin and Edith Moore, Daya (reek; alar Gaulke, Ethel Worthington and Fern Brown of Canyonville; Mrs Stanley and Alice Corbett, Tiller and Ethel Norene of Days Creek Riddle canvassers met at two o'clock Friday at the home of Mrr. Earl Lindquist. Besides Mrs. Ami ot and Mr. Bradford, those present were Uldean Lindquist, Cora Bax ter, Virginia Spiering, Effie Kin cade, Margaret Ruckel. Dorothy Smith, Emma Jean Zimmerman, Ada Smith, Leatha Ryder, Mary Collins, Maggie Nichols, Thelmi Aikens, Fern Fenton, Mrs. Sitts. Mrt. Pruner, Betty Cripps, Loreru Mailland, Mrs. Wilkes and Virgin ia Bordeau. STUDENTS HONOR TEACHER AT CLOSE OF SCHOOL DAY Professor LeRoy Hanson was surprised during the last period of school, Friday afternoon, when the student body honored him on his birthday. The home economics class baked a four-tier cake, which was served with punch. Mr. Han son received a fishing reel from the students. Others present were Wilbur Briner, Ernest Warner, Jean Cullin and Alfred Waters. REGISTRATION FOR CHARTER MEMBERS OF WOMEN OF MOOSE HELD Registration for charter mem bers of women of the Moose will be held open until March 6. All i eligible women desiring to be char- ter members are urged to attend I the Monday, March 6th. meeting at eight o'clock at the Moose hall on South Stephens street. Those desiring further Information are asked to call H78-R. JUVENILE GRANGE HOLDS MEETING Ten members of the juvenile grange with patron Eldon Fisher and Leonard Madison assistant, were present at the Kellogg grange. No. 811 last week. Master Grant Madison presided over the meet ing attended by 22 members. Re freshments were served and Mas ter Darlene Madison was in charge of the juvenile grange. F. S. CLUB DATES MEETING FOR TUESDAY The F. S. Club has announced a meeting for two o'clock next Tues day at the home of Mrs. C. H. Wirkham on South Mill street. All members are cordially invited to be present. "Individualized Floors ot Beautility. INLAID LINOi rtlM Carpeting Rubber Til W Asphalt Tile rormlca Tope 6- Venetian Bllnda FREE ESTIMATES FLOOR COVERING 222 W. Oak Phone 34S 5 VALENTINE FARTY IS CHARMING AFFAIR OF MONDAY EVENING Mra. Tyler Evans, Mrs. Jack Rodgers and Mrt. Martin McCaly were hostesses to Beta Gamma and Alpha Chi members of Epsilon S.g ma Alpha at a very lovely Valen tine party at the former'! home Monday evening. Canasta, pinochle and monopoly were in play. A handkerchief show er was given Mrs. Donald Starmer, who is leaving for Alaska. Deli emus refreshments were served to Miss Ardyth Andrus, Miss Colleen Ireland, Mrs. Richard Gadway, Mrs. Craig Dishman, Mrs. Robert Reid, Mrs. Bill Benson, Mrs. Lyie Quist, Mrs. Robert Naielrod, Mra Ward Cummings Jr., Mrs. Jack Rodgers, Mrs. Don Starmer, Mra. Tyler Evans, Mrs. Martin McClay, Mrs. A. C. Knife, Mrs. Donald Caa key, Mrs. Ted Insley and Miss Barbara Lamb. DILLARD METHODIST YOUTH ENJOY VALENTINE PARTY AND BOX SOCIAL AT CHURCH The Methodist youth of the Dil lard church held a Valentine party and box social, Saturday evening, Feb. 11, at 7:30 o'clock in the church annex. The boxes were auc tioned eff by Paul Rummell and Art Gasdorf. Games were in charge of Sylvia Hill and Coleen Cole. Those attending were Dons rin- nell, Marilyn Mahoney, Wayland Gentry, Bernita Clausen, Jerry Gentry, Lynn Speckelmier, Pat Callahan, Bud Walker. Sylvia Hill, Coleen Cole, Johnny Appieton, Wesley Finnell, Wanda Wagler, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rummell and Mr. and Mra ArtSiur Gasdorf. MRS. LIZIE CROW TO BE HONORED ON FRIDAY Mrs. Lizzie Crow of Riddle. 89, who is the oldest member, will be especially honored when the Am erican Legion Auxiliary of Fallin Post 123 meets Friday night, feb. 24, at the Canyonville community hall. The occasion will be her birth day anniversary. Corsages will be presented ana there will be a birthday cake lo observe birthdaya of members whose birthdaya occurred in De cember, January and February. Refreshments will be served o the members of the Auxiliary and to the American Legion members, whose meeting night will be rn- day also. EVERGREEN GRANGE TO MEET FRIDAY Eversreen Grange has invited all Grangee to bring candidalea for initiation for the first ana serona degrees to the meeting Friday night, Feb. 24, at Vat hall. A aix- thirty o clock potiucn aupper wiu precede the meeting. Ladica are asked to bring potholders and dish towels for the display table or con tact Nell Lander. D. OF U. F. TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT ' Florence Nightingale tent No. 15. Daughters of. Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at seven thirty o'clock Friday night, Feb. 24, at the K. of P. hall. The de- oartment president. Marina lur- ran, of Albany will be present for this meeting. All members are re quested to be present. JANUR AY-FEBRUARY BIRTHDAY PARTY TO BE HELD MONDAY NIGHT i January and February birthdays will be celebrated by members of Florence Nightingale tent No. I 1.1. Dauehters of Union Veterans of the Civil War at a party Monday nieht at eight o clock at the home of Mrs. Ruth Plumer, 1162 Military street. A potlurk lunch will be serv ed. All members are urged to be present. j ROSE CUB PACK 1 POTLUCK DINNER Rose school cub pack will hold a tix-thirty o'clock dinner with the parents in the school gymn Fri day night, Feb. 24. All members and their parenta are urged to attend. RIVERSIDE ROOM MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET ON FRIDAY Riverside P.-T.A. Room Mothers club will meet at one-thirty o'clock Friday. Feb. 24, at the home of Mrs. Bruce Lattm on Alameda street with Mrs. Ken I. add, assit ing hostess. All members are re quested to be present. TURKEY SUPPER TO BE SERVED ON FRIDAY 1 A turkey supper will be served by the Tenmile Ladies club at the Tenmile Community building Fri day night, Feb. 24. Serving will begin at aix-thirty o'clock. Those attending are asked to bring their silverware and a cup. 'tt7 TJt he to tel yon Or well bust Our water heaters WiRnotcwt. mmmm i CAMP FIRI COUNCIL REVIEWS PLANS FOR ANNUAL PUBLIC MEETING Members ot the Camp Fire Coun cil reviewed plana for the forth coming annual meeting to be held Feb. 27, when they met last week at the chamber of commerce. The annual mee'ing will begin at p.m. at the Methodist church. The sponsors of Camp Fire and Bluebird graupa, guardians, and parenta are invited to this public meeting at which time activities ot the organisation and council for the past year will be reviewed. A social hour will close the evening. Mra. Ray Lehman ia in charge of decorations for the annual get-io-gether; Mrt. Ionard Gibson, invi. tationa; Mrt. Harold Hoyt and Mist Barbara Lou Kitt, program. Mra. Stanley Groshong and Mrt. O. E. Amundson, president and vice-president respectively of the Guardian's association, were intro duced aa new members of the council. In attendance were Mra. Morria Bowker, Mra. Jack Chapman, Mra. Jamea Conn, Mrs. George Erirk son, Miss Barbara Kitt, Mrs. Leon ard Gibson, Mrs. Mary Black, Mra. Harold Hoyt, Mis. Ed Tauscher, Mrs. Wm. C. Unrath, Mrs. Harry Brubaker, Mrs. Hugh Whipple, of Drain; Mrs. Stanley Groshong and Mrs. O. E. Amundson. RICE VALLEY GRANGE HOLDS REGULAR SESSION The Rice Valley grange met at the hall Tuesday evening with Mrs Emerson aa hostess. Eighteen members were in attendance. After a business session refresh ments were served to Mr. and Mrs. William Castor, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rite, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Churchill, Mr and Mrs. Glen Walker, Mr. and Mrt. Al Fonken, Mr. ami Mrt. Har ry Abbott, Kenneth LaMar, Mrs Harry Dunbar, Mra. Cecil Hartford, and Mra. Ralph Emerson. The next meeting of the grange will be at the hall Tuesday eve ning, Feb. 28. O.A.V. SOCIAL TO BE THURSDAY All members of the D.A.V. chap ter and the auxiliary of Dean Per rine Unit No. 9, are invited to a social to be given at the Del Rey cafe at Winchester Thursday night, Feb. 23, at aeven-forty-five o'clock At thia time there will be a dedica tion service of the auxiliary col ors. Any visiting colors of other organiiationa are also invited to participate in the aervice. WORLD DAY OF PRAYER TO BE ON FRIDAY World Day of Prayer will be ob served by the Roseburg Council of Churchwomen beginning at ten o'clock in the morning Friday, Feb. 24, at St. George'a Episcopal church. A aervice will also be held at seven-thirty o'clock that eve ning. Theme for the day will be "Faith of Our Times." The public is invited. PUBLIC CARD PARTY TO BE HELD FRIDAY The Eagles auxiliary will spon sor a public card party Friday night at eight o'clock at the Eagles hall. Canasta and pincohle will be in play. Prizea will be awarded and refreshemtns will be served. The public is invited. am COMING NEXT ER0NIM0 Preston Foster Andy Devine Ellen Drew 2ND THRILLER STArU'.MG JOHN HALL a a The tense daring of tha most exciting jungla drama avtr filmed! Wed., Feb. 23, H30 Th Ntwt-Rvi.w, Rbura,, Org. I CHRISTIAN CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE HOLD VALENTINE PARTY AT SUTHERLIN Thirty-one young people of the Sutherlin Christian church gather ed at the east room of the church Monday evening Feb. II, when the high school class of Ihe church en tertained with a Valentine party. The evening waa devoted lo games pertaining to Valentine's day. At the conclusion of the garnet, duets were sung by Rose Mary Hudson and Jerry Willie and Doyle Hall and Lloyd Whitford. Refreshmenta were served by Evelyn Cornish and Barbara Lowe, the committee in charge, assisted by Joan Lang, Mary Lou Hoag land and Marian Carter. The evening concluded with de votional t and hymns were sung. Barbara Woollette read the "Love" chapter of the New Testa ment, I Corinthiana 13, and also an inspirational discourse on "The Love of Christ and what it means to the world." Reverend Lloyd Whitford gave the closing prayer. Those present were Reverend and Mrt. Whitford, Mrt. Ada Ab eene, high school teacher; Pat Wil der, Freda Hoagland, Johnny Bu chanan, Doyle Hall, Evelyn Cor nish, Ronald Woollett, Fritsi Skaggs, Tommy Lowe. Billy Priest Cleo Hong, Troy Finnell, Jerry Wil lis, Rose Mary Hudson, Barbara Lowe, Marian Carter, Mary Lou Hoagland, Joan Lang, Lundy Jar vis, Geraldine Van Komen, Curtis Jarvis, Patsy Moore, Vonda Priest, Barbara Woollett, Marjie Davey, Andrie Hall, Edna Mae Carter Wayne Card, Jackie Kennedy and Milo Pope. MISSIONARY SOCIETY PROGRAM OF INTEREST AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Woman's Missionary Society ol the Baptist church were entertain ed Thursday, Feb. It at the church with the Alice Thayer circle as hostess at a one o'clock luncheon. The decorations carried out the George Washington theme. Mra. W. C. Martin of Cot's ge Grove, first vice-president of the Oregon Mission work gsve a talk on "Mission Work in Foreign Fields." She was accompanied to Roseburg by Mra. William Suthor lin. wife of the Baptist pastor .t Cottage Grove, who was a mis sionary in China, and who spoke on "Mission Work In China." Both talks were enjoyed by the audience. Mrs. Harry Hatfield, president conducted the business meeting and group singing of a hymn was en joyed. Devotions were led by Mrt Jessie Kvidera on the subject oi prayer from Luke 1. Reports on activities of all circles were heard and Ihe meeting closed with a pray er by Mrs. Maud Doughty. The next meeting will be held March 16 with the Victory Circle as hostess. Dr. George L. Nicholas Veterinarian Groduote ot -University of Pennsylvania is now located ot 804 Garden Valley Road Phone 116 mm MYSTERY SISTERS . REVEALED AT JOLLY CIRCLE CLUB MEETING Jolly Circle club members met at the home of Mra. Sallie Barker Wednesday for a potluck luncheon at 1 p.m. and during the afternoon mystery sisters were revealed and new namea drawn. Officers for the coming term were re-elected and Include: Mrt M. Manning, president; Mrt. Sall'e Barker, vice-president; Mrs. Con nie Showers, secretary-treasurer. The next meeting will be held March 1 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mra. Evelyn Simpson at which time birthday gifta will be pia tented to Misa Evelyn Bowen. Enjoying the affair were Mrl. Evelyn Warren, Mrs. Dorothy SL Peter, Mrs. Evelyn Simpson, Miti Clara Schluenz, Mra. Connie Show ers, Mrs, Ethel Sanders, Mrt. M. Mtnning, Mrt. Leora Lynn, Mrt. Elsie lsakson, Donnie and Carol, Mra. Gertrude Davis, Miss Evelyn Bowen, and the hostess and her son, Clifton, An old baby buggy can be con verted into a back-saving laundry cart. Talking About a Home? So many peopla do noth ing but talk about It! But If yrx really want to e-n your home, consult ma now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loans and Insurance Loan Rapraaenativo Equitable Savlnga 4 Loan Aaan. 112 W. Caaa Phone (13 COMING FRIDAY Raging War ... Against Power ... Hungry Cattle Kings! Now Playing fOOPKar Ifi Shews 1:30, 7 & 9 P. M. flSr mm d-V I WtrUl Gnttat tffl ,wr