10 The Nws-Rvlw, Roseburg, 0r Wad., Feb. 22, 1950 9-Inch Stirling Candlestick Holders Reg. $36.00 $1995 STOREWIDE SALE STARTS TOMORROW MORNING All itt mi xcpt Fair Trod merchandise or Included 1 in th sal. PIom examine all merchandise carefully at tha tim of purchase bcaut w can allow no ro fundi or exchanges. Widt Selection STERLING BABY CUPS 13 off Smll ill Uw tfcrliiis Cd1 ttick Holders, A$0 Im. 7.10 "T llff if z ' FOSTORIA STEMWARE Clouout en famous Butter cup pattern. Rtg. $1.80 pr tm. 95c item rah Lawton't famous GRAB BAG will bt back this ytar bigger and btrttr than vtr. Thtra will b a diamond ring includtd. Comt tarly! DIAMONDS AH diamonds art reduced now the amount of the federal excise tax. 20 . COMPACTS Reg. $4.00 $195 PILSNER GLASSES Reg. 75c Each 49c Thiii alio Include 10-oz. ham1-paintd glanei In Dei art Rse, Apple and Ivy pat tern! to match your Fran ciican Wave. Covered, ilvrrlat . .VEGETABLE DISHES Value to $45.00 $2995. Sterling Individual Salt & Pepper Shakers Six lhakert gift-boxed. Reg. $9.60 $450 Birthstone RINGS 20 off Agate ringi $95 A up kwmA DnveinitoiTV .Clean 'Ip Sail . ODD PIECES OF SILVERPLATE We've accumulated many oddi and endi in lilver plote. They are all now draitically reduced to clear. 10c each During the year, we accumulate oddi and ndi and other merchandii which w are not able to sell becauia of price. Before we buy our new Spring stock, we disregard prica and get rid of the merchandita in this huge sale. This policy allows ui to offer the people of Douglai Coun ty the newest and fineit merchandise at all timti. . ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX Items Are Limited, Shop Early. FROSTED GLASSES Selection of Colors. Boxed for Mailing. Set of 6 Set of 24 $100 $295 COSTUME JEWELRY Wide Selection . 40 off ELASTIC BATTER BOWLS Only four left. Reg. 95 39c FRANCISCAN WARE CL0SE0UT The glaze patterns In ma roon, yellow, blue, coral and grey satin in CORO NADO pattern will ba dis continued from our ware- ,house stock. They will JfzJltiii availablo by fac tory oraer. -piece piac setting, regular $2.40 IW5 $120 40 OFF ON ALL ODD PIECES Sugars, Creamers,' Gravy Boats, Etc. APPLE PATTERN rnvr ioit, t-piocv plates, rgular $4.05 Franciscan War Is changing tha dinnerplate size, in open stock patterns from 9i" to 10'l". While .1 I . A l - ..u!... ...:L iL. Ol '' J: i n.y tan, v-,ibv nninaif wiin in w 2 uinnii $29 IVY PATTERN The dinnerplate size Is being changed from 9V4" to lOVi". While quantities last, 4-pic place set tings, with the 9Vi" dinner plates, regular $4.05 $29 POWDER BOXES Blm Reg. $5.00 35n BEAUTIFUL Rocksharpe Crystal Your Choiee of Four Patterns. Reg. $1.25 per Stem. 49c stem SIMULATED PEARLS Available in ana, two or three strands. Reg. $1.95 per strand. $100 strand Friendship Tea and Demitossa CUPS AND SAUCERS Many varied patterns reduced at least 50 . Values to $5.00. $195 Odds and Ends In Odds and Ends In Glassware Copper & Vases, candlestick I Bronze I holders, dishes and - Dishes, trays, candle- others. (Hck holders and many others. Vi price 13 off Wedgewood Pottery Your choice of throe oof. AT' , .. : ffl y-- rcrni: cam, mm hh JLi- one1 Patricia. S2-eie Mt, r.fgl.r SIS.Ot. $1795 mm anB(9Jaw - m t ja EARRINGS ' Volue's to $10.00. $100 5 PIECE SILVERPLATE TEA SET A handsom set drastically reduced. Regular $279 $225 . l l TBBzabu. u m Open An Account Lay-Away for Gifts A ihmII 'petit .wtN y-4tmy mmy gift for ireeoetio. Mother's Doy, Porker's Dy or . voe'e'iot. Men' Costume Jewelry 13 off Sterling 6-Inch COMPOTE DISH Reg. $9.60 $495 Reg. $7.20 3-inch $ 50 COMPOTE Ladies' 14-K Gold WATCHES Reg. $100.00 $4950 Silverplated Gravy Boats Reg. $16.50 $995 -.. Silverplated TEA SETS Reg. $16.00 $ft95 TEAPOT !14' TRAY Reg. $15.00 Sft95 SUGARS &CREAMERS7 Sterling Rimmed Coaster & Ash Tray Goblet size coaster or ash tray. Reg. $2.95. $179 Sonnenberg FIGURINES Values to $6.95 $195 1 Hi n I