til' 133033 ?J We don't just TALK Service We get it done! . Maybe you're Imitated to . pot your wither in for Mrr ice for fear we might bt ilow : in dniihinr the work. Please .;' doat worry about that. We ARE buay of course, but wa : Biake a rule to finish each service job WHEN PROM-. ISEO and aa early at pos sible. Phone us today. BERGH'S Appliance Service 1200 S. Stephens Phone SOS Elementary, My Dear Watson! It's at 1490 on your dial: Queen for a Day Tomorrow: I he . program elects a "Prince for a Day," on George Washington's Birthday . . . originating from Walt Disney s theater! 11:30 12 A.M. Man. thru Fri. World of Sports Up - to - the - minute sports news gathered from the wires of Associated Press ond local sources with sportscaster Hank Henry 6:30-6:45 P.M. Mon. thru Sun. Down Harmony Lane New show featuring songs of yesteryear sung by the Knickerbocker rour. 7:30-7:45 Tonight Behind the Mayor's Desk A review of Park Commis sion activities ond plans by Percy Croft, Park Commis sion Chairman. 7:45-8 Tonight Harris Ellsworth From Washington a re port from Oregon's Con gressman Ellsworth. 9:30-9:45 Tonight The Portland Story The City of the Year" speaks out on the NotioncH Brotherhood Week theme.. 11-11 :30 Tonight KRNR 1490 m your Dial 1 Cnweaf fsjmrf AWsenr Of E)QJE) Twenty-eight and one-half million women radio listeners with tele phonei in their homes will provide, in part, the pool of candidates for Mutual-Don Lee'i "Queen for a bay" week-div Cinderella honora. starting this week. It will no longer ue necessary io oe in annual Hol lywood itudioi at broadcast time to be a "Queen" contestant The lady's telephone will make her one. auu u nvw emcee aca dbucj will operate the plan: He will in vite those wishing to compete for Queen honors from their homes send a postcard with their name, "Queen and Bailey address and telephone, and telling why they wish to be "Queen for a Day." From this group of cards be will make his pre-broadcast telephone calls. The woman called will be told her conversation is being recorded, and will be asked exactly the same questions she would hear were she standing before the microphone. The record will then be entered as a "contestant" on the show, along with the "live" candidates, and will be given the same "Queen" program treatment accorded the In-person contestants. In the event the "telephone con testant" is voted "Queen for a Day," she will be brought to Holly wood for all the regal honors the program bestows. She will also have her "Queen" wish granted (Weekdays, 11:30 - 12 noon). TONICHT: New show at 7:30 . . . "Down Harmony Lane" ... featuring old, well-remembered songs, sung by the pepu lar Knickerbocker Four. Park commission chairman Percy Croft discusses past activities and proposed plans of the commission during "Behind the Mayer's Desk" at 7:45 . . . . Hear Harris Ellsworth in a transcribed interview from Washing ton at t:30 ... (Charming shot of Mrs. Ellsworth arriving at Bess Truman's alphabetical tea . . . under "t" for "Ells worth" in this week's "Life" magasine . . . .) From the studies ef KPOJ, Portland, the city that was named "The City of the Year" for Its outstanding contributions to bettering human relations, comes "The Portland Story" (11:00 11:30 p. m.). COlWMtl MWIellS, INC. Distributed in Roseburg has the lowest priced Victrola Combination you can buy... and it has the new RCA Victor 45 rpm System ftow enjoy the new RCA Victor 43 rpm System in the smartest table-model radio-phonograph aver. You'll be amazed at the compactness of this set only 12 inches wide, leaa than 8 inches high. You'll marvel at ita hand. - some maroon plastic cabinet and glorious "Golden Throat" tone system. And you'll be delighted at its prico withia range of any budgrt. Come in and see RCA Victor's 9Y51 today. AC 1A--T.U.l.1.tl.l.Mt Yours for $93 v Ulllj u a. ,v .. W . etc I to I mwt i nam n TACOMA. WASHINOTON by Bates Candy Co. Convenient tudfet Tflrmt H Dsir4 Daily Newspapers Circulation Now At Record High PHILADELPHIA CP) VI or than two out of every three per sons in the United States spend some time daily reading a newspa per according to N. W. Ayer ft Son's directory of newspapers and periodicals. The agency drew its conclusion after announcing that daily news paper circulation has reached aa all-time high. The directory report ed a combined circulation of Si, 271,000 and figures that the aver age copy of a newspaper is read by more than one person. Other statistics listed by the di rectory included: The nation's 392 morning papers have a combined circulation of 20,151,000, an increase of more than six per cent since the end of the war. The 1.498 evening papers have t circulation of 30,911,000, a gain of slightly less than six per cent. Four all-day newspapers, pub lishing around the clock, have a circulation of 1,209,000, slightly less than a year ago. Circulation of Sunday nepers has fallen off slightly to 44,730,000 but still is 12 per cent above the dis tribution four years ago. The num ber of Sunday papers has increas ed from 553 to 577 in the last year. A total of 20.666 newspapers and periodicals are published in the United States. During 1949, 307 new publications were started and 402 suspended operations. In the weekly field. 100 new pa pers were added in 1949, bringing the total to 9,774. Washington State Tax Ruling Made WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 -UP The Supreme Court Monday let stand a decision that the Washing ton state business and occupation tax may not be applied to goods delivered across state lines. The state appealed to the high tribunal from decisions by the Washington state supreme court that the tax imposed an uncon stitutional burden on interstate commerce. But the tribunal re fused to review the case. The state court findings were given in suits filed by the Colum bia Steel company, of San Fran cisco, and by the Weyerhaeuser Sales company, which has sales offices in Washington state. Columbia makes wholesale sales of iron and steel products in Wash ington state. Weyerhaeuser object ed to rhe taxation of receipts on sales of timber delivered from Oregon and Idaho to buyers in Washington state. The tax was levied on gross re ceipts of all business houses for the "privilege of doing business" in the state. The rate and mea sure for calculating it varied for different business activities. Other Court Actions In another case involving war rants, the tribunal held, ( to 2, that a home owner may refuse See and Hear NEPHI Ann dc Melodist of Bird Song: Known as "The Bird Man" at the Junior High School Tomorrow Night--8:00 P. M. it Educational ' Entertaining Extraordinary Mr. Combs is recognized as the fort most expert on bird calls, habits and lore in Oregon. He can give more than 240 bird songs including call notes, conversa tion notes and warning notes. Bring your children to this interesting and informative program. Adults 60c, Children & Students 25c (Prices fad tei) Sponsored by the Roseburg Rod & Gun Club ,'1)1 .3na mi i i S t: Mi"S-: - A .KEY TO THE CITY Ralph Rohweder, national vice-president of Junior Chambers of Commerce from Chicago, is shown accept ing the key to the city from Roseburg's Mayor Al Flegel in ceremonies held during the state Jaycee board meeting Satur day noon. In foreground are Don Forbes, Roseburg Junior first citixen, and Bruce Kelly of Portland, state Jaycee president. (Staff photo) to admit a city health inspector unless he has court approval for a search. The case involved Mrs. Geraldine Little, who was fined $25 in municipal court here on a charge of interfering with a pub lic health officer. On other matters, the court yes terday: 1. bet aside, B to 1, a deporta tion order against a Chinese sea man on grounds thst the Immi gration service used a short-cut law rather than one that would have caused the government more trouble and expense. The seaman, Wong Yank Sung, has been living here. 2. Held, S to 3, that even though : alien is unwilling because of religious views to serve in the American army as a non-combatant he still is entitled to citizen ship. The case involved German- born Martin Ludwig Cohnstaedt, a teacher at Sterling (has) col lece. 3. Kejected, 7 to l, tne claim ot a condemned Georgia prisoner, George W. Solesbee, that he should have been granted a court hearing on his sanity instead of a finding by three doctors appointed by the eovernor. soiesnee is under sen tence to die in rhe electric chan ter killing a salesman. Classified want ads bring results Phone 100. Saturday, Feb. 25 LAST DAY of tke) &iJ CLoM-Owt Safe At Jack Fariss & Son's 130 M. Jeeks 'f KRNR 1490 on Your Oial Mutual Broadcasting System Efc'MAININQ HOCKS TODAT 4-00 Fulton Lewis. Jr MBS. 4:1.V Hemingway- MBS. 4 30 Behind Th Story. MBS. 4 Concert Miniature 5 OO Straight Arrow MRS. 5 30 B Bar B Rider. MBS. . 6 UO Music At Six. 6:1 Mutual Newireel. -MBS. 6:30 World Of Sports. 6:4.1 Tex Reneke Show, 055 Bill Henry. MBS, 7 OO Three-Quarter Time. T15 Mualc You Remember. 1.M Down Harmony Lane 7:44 Behind the Mayor Desk. S.oo Romance and Music. 6 30 J ov in Jamboree. 9 OO News MBS. 9. is Song Of Our Tim. 9:30 Congressman Ellsworth 9 4ft Fulton Lewis, Jr. MRS 10:001 Love A Mvstery. MBS. 10:1S Music You Want. 10 4(V McPherfton In Person. 11 : 25 News Summary. U. JO Sign Off. WEDNESDAY. KriHttAEr 31, 1M e oo Mu.tcat Clock. 30 Newa. ..15 rarm Fair. 8.(5 Riae Ac Shine. MRS. 7 OO Hemingway. MBS 715 Break fa t Gang. MBS. T;30 Off The Record. 7:45 Local Newa. t:M- March time ;00 Favorite Hymni, 0 15 Bob Poole. MBS. H.TO-Blble Imtltuie Hour. MBS. ' OO Modern Horn. B. 15 Book Of Bargain. 9.10 Man About Town. fr.45 Header a Mai 1 bag . MBS. 10 OO Newt. MBS. 10:15 Go pel Singer MBS. 10:30 Say It With Muaic. 10 45 Jack Holt. 11:00 Ladtea Fair MBS. 11 .TO Queen Tor A Day. MBS. U OO World Newa. 12:15 Sona Of The Pioneer. 12:'M Johnny Mercer Show. 12:50 Local Newi. 12:35 Market Report. 1:00 Man On The Street 1:15 Keyboard Korner 1 :io Ladtea Firs. MBS. 2 00 Phone run. 1 .10 It Requested. 3 1.1 School Show. 3 io Wage St Houp Amendment 3 45 Andre Koatelaneli -MBS. 4:00 Fulton Lewi Jr. MBS. 4:15 Hemingway. MBS. 4.10 Babe Ruth glory. 4.45 Newa. MBS. 5 (X) Top Tune. 8 :io Tom Mix MBS. 6:0 Mualc At Six. 4 15 Mutual New (tree). MBS. M World Of Sport. 45 Tex Beneka. 6.35 Bill Henry. MBS. 7 OO Three-Quarter Time. 7:tS Chuck wagntt Jamboree. 7::iO Cisco Kid. MBS 800 Name Of That Song MBS. 6 30 Claude Thomhlll - , 8 45 Cedrtc Fouler. MBS. a 00 Newa MBS . 0 15 HI Neighbor. fi 30 Scandinavian Melody Time. 9 45 Fulton Lewi. Jr. MRS in no I Love A Mvterjr. MBS. 10 15 Mule You Want 10 45 MrPhenton In Person. It 2 Newa Summery 11 00 The Portland Story MBS. 11 .TO Newa Summary. 11:35 Sign Off. BUSINESSMEN'S JAUNT PORTLAND fP) Oregon' flying businessmen are heading into the great blue yonder again this time for a cabana in Ha vana. About S5 private planes, carry ing about 270 Oregonians and a few friends from negihboring states, take off Feb. 25 on their 8lh annual ar tour. Past trips have taken them to Alaska, Mex ico and to Portland, Me. This will be the first involving an over 'he water jump, from Key West, Fla., to Havana. CHURCH HISTORY LECTURE UNIVERSITY OK OREGON. Eu gene. (Special.) Pr. Matthew Spinka, Waldo, professor of church history at Hartford Theologies! seminary, Hartford, Conn., will be a special guest lecturer at the two day conference of the Pacific coast division of the American Society of Church History on the univer sity campus. The conference will open March 7. NOW! Admission This Attraction Only First Run Price Adults 65e Students 50e Children ".Oe (incl. fed. tax) Shows Nightly 7:00 9:C0 P.M. Tui., Feb. 21, 1950 Th Legislator Hits Road Funds Use SALT LAKE CITY -IJPt Ralph T. Moore, Oregon itate legislator said Saturday in many casei high way money "ii not being apent ef ficiently." He told a western interstate con ference on highway policy: "It is very important that the states get their money's worth in biithway construction. Efficient spending means it is easier to get more money from the taxpayer for roads if more is essential." Moore, presiding officer at thr conference, told the SO delegates the field is "wide open" for im provement of highway administra tion, particularly at the county and small city level. The legislators and highway offi cials from 13 states agreed, how ever, that a uniform highway tax "is not desirable or necessary due to the fact that the economies in the states vary." They did vote, however, to use the San Francisco headquarters of STEEL COPPER BRASS ALUMINUM HEAVY HARDWARE fall FA 9111 Send for WA DEMO USE CO). ZXF wm J STARTS r. n w 6 VI lYU'UIIP .su i liruiiaiimi s ShT Sow! OW BWOKtT Muntf k) ItOKMO (HKTCSl ti4 OncM kj nam himm ' uwvtii HTtmnoui nauai COMING SOON "MONTANA" Steffi Mb Nwt - Rtvltw, RoMburf, Or. S Budget Bureau Opposes Marine Tax Concessions WASHINGTON jB The Budget bureau has gont on record against proposals to grant tax concessions and more liberal subsidies to & Merchant Marine. Such a move, the bureau said, would not be in accord with Presi dent's program at this time. In views were expressed in a letter which Senator Magnuson (D-Wash gave to a senate commerce com mittee studying the proposals. The bureau said the legislation raised questions of policy which are being considered by the fed eral agencies affected. Magnuson, a supporter of the legislation, com mented that it will be up to Con gfess to decide the policy. Backing for the measures came from ship owners and the CIO Ship building Workers union. the Council of State Governments as a clearing house 'or highway in formation during state legislative sessions. Til 1 1' .rllllll.SHSJ TODAY Rodio Record Shop