' ' ' fe conscious of the- value of naitit-adls, yoyll mml 10 Ths Newi-Raview, Roscburg, Or. Tuei., Feb. 21, 1950 CLASSIFIED RA' -S 1 day W word t (Uvi " S days - day " " days " 1 I Phona .00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEAOLINE P.M. Day Befor Publication CLASSIFICATIONS BE AL fcaiATB . RENTAL8 - . I.- BU8IM.K8 OPPORTUNITY- BUILDINU MATKsllAL FOB TBADt - i . . LOANS i FINANCIAL 2 WANTED HfcLP WANTED - ,, MORA WANTED ,- ... LOST FOUND FSUIT8 VEGETABLE.. HAY (jRAIN rkliD LIVESTOCK. , POULTRY , RABBITS Phil rOB SALE MI8C ,, miscellaneous fuel . . timber sawmills. LoufiiNu egciiMi:NT MACHINEBT rOB SALS. FARM EQUIPMENT ,, TRACTOBS - - TRUCKS -I, AUTOS IMPOUNDED - INSTRUCTION FERRON AL NOTICES ,, Real Estate 1 Real Estate Specials 100 ACRES SO acres farm land, 120.000 It, umixr; iu,uuu n. pinna. barn. Wall, alec pump, no noueau e, Sua Cash. 400 ACRES, 100 acree farm land on crack. Balance pasture; 3 bedroom house; modern; wall, alee, pump. 18,- OUU, IX) w aown payment. m inn atl-wear streams. 1 houses, barn and several amall buildings. LoU of ouUlde range. No alec. Good gravel road. Only 4250. cash. 10 ACRES. Good modem one bedroom home. Good barn, chicken houae, brooder home. Good well. Elec. pump. Thla la a real nice place well lo cated. Only 6000. Easy term. UTHERLIN Needa Second Hand Store. Have Ideal location; good building Immediate poaa. 7500. Terma. NEW Modern 1 bedroom home on paved road. Nice location. $3900. 500. down. GROCERY STORE doing nice buafneee. Well located. Price Include extra large lot, Store building with living quartera and atork and equipment. A real buy for 31,000. Terma. 1 BEDROOM HOME on 100x100 lot. Nice location. Close-in. furniture Included 3500 cash. Paul Krueger, Realtor BRUCE TAYLOR SALESMAN lutherUn. Ore, Phone 8621 Opposite City Hall BUSINESS LOCATION for sale on N. Umpqua Hlway with 4 room modern older house and 120 ft. frontage on hiway. Owner has Just reduced price from 7.000 to 5.500. This la In city limit on sewer. Terma or cash. T ACRES In Camaa Valley, with full line equipment at 4 cows. Modern 6 room house, tenant houae. milk house, walkln cooler, 20x50 double deck chicken house built In 1946. Big barn, equipped blacksmith shop, complete underground Irrigation system for 40 acres with 40 sprinklers; Coqullle riv er and creek adjoint. 20 A. oats; 30 A. alfalfa etc. Owner reduces price from 30,000 to 22,000. Thla must be cash. 158 ACRES 2 mllea S. E. of Creewell on Willamette river about 100 acre bottom land. Modern new set of bidet, all built since 11)40. 7 room house, modern full basement, 8 years old; 4 good barns, sheep barn, etc. First rlas farm offered first time 32,000 only 12.000 down. BaL easy. MONROE. OREGON 30 acre hill farm with tip top bldga. Good, well-built B room modern houae; full basement. 2 good barns, S acre commercial or chard; 4 milk cows: 200 purebred While Leghorn chickens; farm equip ment, household equipment, etc. 10, 000 Insurance on buildings alone and they are not over Injured. Total price for all 10.5uo; only 3.500. do. JAMES L. PAYNE. AGENT FRED LUMM, SALESMAN Phone 1501 112 Brockway St Roaeburg WE'VE GOT A BARGAIN I I I . , and you should see It. It is located within very efy walking distance of the business d it net on paved si reel, side walks, sewers and all other city conveniences. Three bedroom, full dining room. Plaster Just recently pointed and fir floors newly sanded and finished. The arrangement ts of the older type, but II is clean, neat, well built Full basement with piped Hood furnace. bU x 1UU fool lot that Includes 3 pear trees. 2 apple and l'i cherry trees, ilf you can not figure out how 1 l, cherry trees are possible, come in and we will show you i. This de sirable home ts especially v. ell located, The owner is Jmvini the state and has priced his hum at only 79M) to assure quick sale. Reasonable terms. ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE CO. L'mpqua Hotel Lobby WOULD YOU EXCHANGE YOUR TWO BEDKOOM HOME FOR A THREE BEDROOM HOME? If you're looking for a mrj hot nt hut don t wuh to srl and buy aga m t u , wlll Interest J11, " ii'Kanafiui our ranch type. 3-bed home for something smaller. Locatrd about three miles went of clt , tins modern home with 9 10 acre hn these features: Lrge living room with cir culating fireplace. itUewble kitchen with built-ins: J bedrooms, bathroom, plenty of closets and bulll-lns, large porch, laundrv tubs. Full garotte with .Hriitinn mll (mil trees grapes, fine view, good neighborhood. House needs some paint and other , minor improvements. Purchjsed i through federal GI loan two years ago Full price .7; Will seli our equity of 2.100 or exchange for suit able smaller home. Price does not In i lifts unai nt imnravemcnts made. Home la listed with realtor. Phone 7H5-J-4 after S p. nt. to arrange private inspecuou. f"ORSALit New 3-bdroon.. furnished home, utility, den. plaster, hardwood floors, sewer, pavement, sidewalks, fnragc. Immediate possession. Terms, rade for lower Umpqua Rivar acre- age. Tel. 14.T7-Y. Home Sites Half aci or more, creek bottom, free soil, water, electricity available. Good trade school and roads. Easy terma. tndbloom. ph. 19 -3, Dlxonvilla. Real Estate 1 Curry Estate, Six Acres Two Bedroom Home, hardwood floort, fireplace, bath, leeptr. porch glasaed In, large utility room, lovely kitchen. Outdoor fireplace, shade treee and hrube. Workshop equipped with heat er, tteel work bench, elect, drill, aawa, etc. Garage. 3 large chicken houaea, 1200 hen capacity. Large brooder house with 4 elect, hovers. 8 new range houses, family orchard, beautiful view. Will sll chickens. Six ml lea out close to Country Club. Price 13,000.00. You will Ilk thla one. HERE IS A REAL VALUE A two bedroom home with large bed rooma 14x15 and 13x14, large cedar llnecloaeu, excellent plaster Job, hard wood floors, circulating fireplace, forced draft gaa furnace, Insulated complete. Heating bill for all of last year waa only 62.00. Kitchen with lots of bulJt-Ina. Large garage and breeze way, 100x84 lot. Juat off of Raved street. Thla la a very attractive omi and we will be glad to show It at any time. Price 12,000.00. IS ACRES, RIVER BOTTOM Only five mllea out on paved road, Ideal home si tea, 10 A mature walnuts, bal ance In alfalfa. Some river frontage, bus to new consolidated school, and to Roaeburg high school. If you want a good home site In a good location see us on thla. Price 16,000.00. PLATE GLASS PICTURE WINDOWS Fireplace, gaa panel heat, tile kitchen, nardwood floors, 2 bedroom home with good un-obstructed view. Lot 100x100. One mile ouL Price now 8700.00. Good terma. DANDY LITTLE RANCH 56 Acres, 36 A In crops; balance pasture. 3 a.H. nouse; twin, eieci. cnicxen house for 700, barn with 6 stanchions, brooder house, everything in ship shape. Worth looking at. Owner 111 must sell. Price 12.000.00; less for cash. Close to gutherlln. WEST SIDE NICE LOCATION 3 Bedroom, large utility room, attached garage, 73 rt. lot wun nice lawn ana snruos. nam gas ana incinni, (Came In hndy this year). Easy terms. 1500 00 down ana 00 00 per montn. issuer aci quicx, on mia one. SOME VERY NICE - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Earl & Gladys Wiley, Realtors HOTEL ROSE BLDO. NEW PH. 1388 Better Homes THREE BEDROOM RANCH-TYPE One bedroom is finianea in Knotty pine. Living, dining, kitchen, bath, and utility rooms range from medium to large In size none of the rooms are small. Has heat In every room, fire place. Windows St doors are weather stripped; rock wool Insulation In ceil ing Ac walla. Many other desirable features plus excellent Wests Ids lo cation. frnalbly priced at 13,900. F H A. terma If desired. QUALITY WORKMANSHIP la feature Item In this modern, new home. There are ft well arranged rooms; living room has fireplace. Has plenty of closet space, celling Insulated, plastered walla, and floors of hardwood oak. Surroundings and location are good. Value In good measure at 8.230. full price. F.H.A. or But G.L Terms. 4 BEDROOMS Close-in, older home In Rose school district. Has full base ment and economical wood furnace. Interior walls and floors have been re finished. Early possession. Price 7,- 6 750. ON PAVING This two year old home baa oak floors throughout, an alcove dinette off the living room, bath between bedrooms, comfortable kitchen. There la side entrance lead ing from an Inside utility room to large garage with cement drive from street. F.H.A, terms. AN EXCELLENT VIEW From this new er 2 bedroom home on the Westalde. The heating Is electric, there is a large kitchen, separate utility room, detached garage. 7,000. total price. 1,000. down. Stanley E. Short REALTOR 114 West Lane Street Phone 1002-R Sound Investments WESTS! DC LOCATION 2 bedrooms, comfortable living room, nice kitchen with ample bullt-lna, bath At shower, utility, insulated walla. Venetian blinds. itOxlO combination garage it work shop, free soil tot 124x139. A real bargain for 3250, VERY ATTRACTIVE S room home with attached garage and car port, nicely Undscaiterf aid. hardwood floors, elec tric heating and all the other con veniences required for comfortable liv ing The price la right at 8500, 1500 down. 3-ACRE POULTRY FARM 1 miles out. Ui ge 4 bed:oom home In fine con dition, inaulaied, clr. fireplace, garage, fruit & nut trees. The chicken houses are lttlx40 and 22xl0 This place Is reasonably priced at 10.600, very lib eral terms to a satisfactory purchaser. NEAR VET'S HOSPITAL, new well planned 1-bed room home, large llv., din. alcove, circulating fireplace, con venient kitchen, utility, detached ga rage, 88 I no lot, all hardwood floors, fully plastered. Price a&50., 1700. dn. MODERN a bedroom home on city sew , combination living and ditv V 1( fruit Ix-rrip This place ts almost new and tan i last long at 4?uu. Hayden H. Da Camp REALTOR 79 S. Stephens SL Phone 1T3-L Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES FROM 7990 Low, convenient Down Payment , I and bedrooms Ketell Realty Co. Office Cloverdale Park FH 1533 2153 Hollli SL LtsTTrOR $M.E7ermirWater anc tights available 3 miles south or Highway 98. t'h I4e-j-a. i Real Estate 1 Recent Listings 1 YR. OLD. well built S bedroom home, close to Falrhaven market. Pay 3, 650 down. Bat. payable at 48 00 per mo. to Include taxes. Interest and Insurance. Full price S7.950.00, or will uaae i or larger piece. LARGE GARDEN SPOT 1 BEDROOM HOME close to town on city bus line. Neat and clean. Wired for range, paved St. 6,300.00 term. hoIme with mroME GARAGE APT. with 3 yr. old, 2 bed room home: hardwood floors, well constructed 1,450.00. Make offer for down payment. TOP THIS 6.500.00 for brand new S bedroom home with fireplace, plastered, ftiroace, 6 as water heater. Vacant never been ved In. Eaay terma. DUPLEX SPECIAL WEST SIDE, ultra modern 3 yr. old. Modern In every way, plastered. Wired for range; each side rents for 65.00 per mo. 1 1 ,000 00; good terms. Let us show you thla. BELT OPERATING THIS NEW strictly modern 7 plex. is a sound Investment, showing very good returns. Four rents for SH0.00. Three rents for 65 00. Real value, on city sewer and paved St. 29,500.00. Terms. DO YOU WANT A REAL BUILT HOME? 3 large bedrooms, a kitchen that la a honey, oil heat A oak floors through out. Lot 75x100. Paved St. This home has everything. No inexpensive material la used; priced at 11,000.00. F.H A. will loan 7,100 00. We can have this built for you. Choose your paint colon. n Garden Valley. All In cultivation. Level; no bldgs. Build your own home. Close to river :i.973 00 1,223 down. BaL at 25.00 r mo. RIVER FRONTAGE 4'S ACRES In Garden Valley. Very best of soil. Family orchard. Almond, fil berts. English walnuts, 7 cherry trees, E caches, pears, grapes 4c berries. 3 edroom modern home, outbuildings. 7.000.00. 4.200 00 down; or will trade for large ranch up to 10,000.00 and pay caan. WE NEED MORE LISTINGS. We have cash buyers for certain typea of real estate. L. B. Hicks Real Estate Lobby HoWl Grind Phon. 1277-Y A SPECIAL taOO DOWN 0500 FULL PRICE This very well arranged, nearly new two bedroom home will meet all your needa. It has a large living room, modern kitch en and attached garage. The pay ments are attractive too. low er than many rente at 05 per month. Let us show you this today. It won't last long. Near Ford's and Young'a Bay. SEVEN UNIT MODERN MOTEL This fine rei mtly built motel and service si .tion Is being sac rificed to sat, ify creditors. The sale price Includes all furni ture and most of the service station equipment. 12 acres of land give more than enough frontage on Highway 99. Inves tigate thla opportunity at once. Cash price 14,300. BUILDING SITES If you contemplate building your own home In the near future, see us for some of the finest resi dential building sites available In or near Hoaeourg. ROSEBURO REALTY & INSURANCE CO L'mpqua Hotel Lobby Realtor L S Bedroom, living room, dining room, nardwood floors, kitchen, utility, oatn, fireplace, forced air furnace, large ga rage. A beautiful home on a corner lot (UxtOO. Free aoll, garden space. Priced 14.000.00. S. S Bedroom, living room, kitchen, din ette, utility, fireplace, hardwood floors. Thia la a beautiful home on a corner lot 100x100. Has Gl loan. Priced 9300.- 00. 3, An older home, but good for many years, un paveo si. ioi auxinu. j bedrooms, living room, dining room, bath, utility room and storage room. Only 6300.00. WE HAVE MANY GOOD BUYS In 1-3 4 bedroom houses. See these before you buy. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A. U. TAYLOR. Salesman 63 S. Stephen! Phon 318 Valley Real Estate Agency CLOSE IN. partly furnished older home, large lot with lots of shruhs; on sew er, paved street A sidewalks: 2 bed rooms. ;WM. Easy terms. Or would sell unfurnished for less. LARGE CORNER LOT, on sewer: beau tiful shrubs; large willow tree and fish pond in back yard. 3 bedroom home with den. dinette, large living room and dining room with wall to wall carpet Pipe furnace. Beautiful fireplace. 10.500, Terms, SUBURBAN HOME Large lot with nice lawn. 2 bedrooms; room for 2 more In unfinished upstairs, plastered; hard wood floors: nice bulltins In kitchen. Lou of closet apace. HA00. 2300. down. Valley Real Estate Agency US W. Cass St. Phon 68 ALMOST NEW I bedroom home: close In. with att garafe, llwd. floor, oil floor furnace. 900 00 Dn. Tutl price 300 00. Bal. nice Mo. Pay. Thia ta a good buy. NICE BEDROOM HOME on Calkina Rd about 3 rs. old wilh detached garage. This place has grand view Furnished for only ot!00 00, 1300 00 dn. HY DON'T YOU CHECK WITH US i If you are looking for a ranch or home. Soma real buys now. Williamson Real Estate v 1680-J 1701 N. Stephana Always Have It Surveyed Jim Daugherty, the engineer. Ph J9I-R They'll Do It Every andharumph! while tm CAN HAVE THAT PECORATDR DO OVER My OFFICE-NILE GREEN WALLS-REP LEATHER CHAlRSyELLOW SORT OF MODERNANPUUWHEN I SET BAOCREMINP ME TO SPRUCE UP THIS OFFCE-IF STAFF CAN WORK DURINS ALTERATIONS' r 1?CVES,SIR- S"f2.B6noMB IMS, tUHO FKATl'lXI SYNDICATE, 1m. WORLD K1CNTS ItEIfltO. , Real Estate 1 $375 Month Income IH.8O0 TERMS BEST INVESTMENT IN TOWN ' 8 unit, partly furnished apt. hous and 2 garasea. excellent south Pine St. lo cation, future highway business prop erty. Will take in house In trade. Owner, News-Hevlew Box 216. Cash Talks 160 ACRES, appro-. 1 million ft. timber, creek, springs, 20 acres tillable. Nice family fruit, grapes, berries, good IV room houne. 2 old barns, etc., 3000. Box 211, News-Review. 280 ACRE SHEEP ranch. Woven wire fence, cross-fenced. Plenty year-round water. Livable house, large chicken house, granary. 1 2,500; will take some trade and terms. Mrs. John Perry, Rt. 3. Roaeburg. 3 miles N. Cleve land School. A REAL BUYCnatea Addition. 2-bed7-ronrn home, plastered, attached garage, excellent location. Full price, 7325. Equity 1800 cash. iNo realtor feel fllti Ridgevlew. See owner at H40 Falrhaven Ave. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO SELL Do It now. If your price la right and Lou want action see or call Fred umm. salesman. Phone 1501. James U. Payne. 113 o5,cvy-- Hoseourg. Down Payment, $800 3 bedroom, modern home. West Rose- burg 1009 Brown Ave. FOR SALE Livable unfinished house In Winston, t acre land. Gas, water, electricity. H00 , terms. Writ News Review Box 214. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer 11 So. Main St. Ph. 017-R APPROXIMATELY 3 acres, large, mod ern, af-nearoor.i rancn-atyie name, price $4350. On highway 99. 2 mllea south Dillard. 1st house north green bridge. SMALL unfinished house, Va acre, cheap. 2 miiea soutn uniara on Hignway 99. N'aaSte(ae..a.a..aa Rentals Cloverdale Park NEW HOMES 1 Bedroom... tRS.OO per mo. 1 Bedroom..- ...110.00 Mora Ketell Realty Co. - Office Cloverdale Park Phone 1533 3133 Hollte St FOR RENT POLISHER, WAXER and scrubber All In one tool. Light enough any child can nanaie; nnger-iip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 337 S Stephens Phone 1478' MODERN two bedroom homes, five miles south Hosebure on naved road. Abundance good water, school bus to door Hot water heater, utility room. Lota of bulll-lns. These nearly new homes are ready to occupy. First turn right off Happy Valley Road, last house. Dick Stevenson. CHARMING Thla new. modern J-bed- room cottage so comfortably furnished; easy Housekeeping with its all elec tric kitchen A. M. Selby, 3V mllea east of Glide. UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS for rent Electric heat. Phone 109. or call at Court Apt, No. S, next to Falrhaven Market. TWO ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment; also 1 first floor room. Call 837-R-4 or write W. F. McMurray, P. O. Box 104, Winston. Oregon modern Housekeeping cottage's". Reasonable rates by week or month. Myrtle Grove Motel on Highway 99. 0 mllea N. of Myrtle Creek. FURNISHED CABINS. 10 nnrj 13 per week aiso mommy rates, racinc Cabins. 3 miles N. on 99. Phone 6D3-J-2 FOR RENTNew. unfurnished. 1-bed-room apt. Electricity, water and heat furnished Near Veteran's Facility. 65. month. Ph. 713-J 4 after 6;00. 2-ROOM cabin." across" from (?iub9fl Electric water heater. Butane cook ing, oil heat. Inquire Mack Hughes, same location. FOR LEASE I"-bedroom, modern home. $75. 14 miles from Roseburg. 1st house W. of Porter Creek Mill, Highway 42 Barney. PARTLY' FURNISHED, modern,"' 3-bed-room home at Winston, y. For fur ther Information, call Myrtle Creek, 453. f ROOM HOUSE-Inquire 3ndhoua "be hind Airport Inn on left hand side, or plv 819-R-3. CLEAN, furnished housekeeping apt., lisrhts and heat furnished, 50. mwth. tCl S Pine. UNFURNISHED "apt.'," 2 iwfnian(iTath" Water, lights and garbage paid Adults only. 9.15. per month. 1048 Corey Ave. FOR RENT Office space, room 3, 327 No. Main. Available March 1. Call iai, WARM SLEEPING ROOMS, with or without private bath. 100 Spruce, West Washington ROOM FOR RENT with Community kitchen, separata tables, men only. Phone13-L LIGHT HOUSEKEEPlNii3?ABINS and rooms. Weekly rates. Pleasant Motor Court. 1740 N Stephens. TRAILER SPACE FOR RFeafed shower rooms, laundry faculties. 35 Templin. CL E A N ', F IJRNISHF DTIeepingToom. prt vate entrance, 8.00 week, 30. month. (UJ 3. Pine f RUCKS FOR RENTYou drtv7Tun or anon trips nee Hive true renuii. 738 South Stephens, Phone 14JO-J TRUCKS and" trailers"-Tor "rent. Move yourself Thorn peon Sgnal Service Stephens at Washington. Ph. 795. APARTMENT 1 rooms and kitchenette. 825 Miller. FVhnISHED Sleeping rooms. 748 Short St FOR REXf Late model tVt catCaH 39o-J CLEAN, front sleeping room 14937. Time awavkm THAT OFFICE OF HAS BEEN CONE i MORE TIMES THAN COUCH t AOVIE STAR'S PANv IS HE OFF THE TO FLORIDA OR EUROPE THIS TIME ? OR IS HE JUST PLAIN OFF ? WE CANT EVEN TAKE TIME TO HAVE A BREAKCOWN" Rentals CABIN FOR RENT. Gas heat, automatic hot water, SVs mllea S. on 99. JPh. 47-J-2. 3 BEDROOM, modern home cloee to Riverside School. Inquire Wilbur Post office. COMPLETELY FURNISHED apt, Includ ing stove and refrigerator. Inquire Cottage Court, Winston. 4-ROOM AND BATH DUPLEX, 9 mllea out. Ph. )338-L. . 2-BEDROOM, modern, unfurnished house near Winston. Call 61S-L. FURNISHED ROOM for business woman, In private home. Close In. Ph. 552-J. 2-ROOM HOUSE, 3 miles other side Ten mile Grocery Store. FURNISHED 3-ROOM CABIN. Box 630, Meirose. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM aT930jOack PARTLY FURNISHED or 3 bedroom apt. HQS union Ave. EDENBOWER TRAILER COURT space for rent. Ph. 530-R -2. hap ROOMS FOR MEN, close In. 329 W Mosher. COMFORTABLE SLEEPING room; twin beds. 1164 Military. Phone 1240-L. SLEEPING ROOM for L Kitchen privi leges, sua Fowler. SLEEPING ROOM for 2. Kitchen priv ileges. 5 Fowler. FOR RENT Sleeping cabin. 348 Mill. Phone 1357-Y. ROOM with or without kitchen privil eges 430 fine APARTMENT. UNFURNISHED- X. C. Sherlock. Wlnston Section TOR RENT Trailer space. 848 MiU.-Ph. 1337-Y FU R N1SHED 2 -bed room house. Ph 389-R APT. FORRENT. Call 876-R-l. SLEEPING ROOMS. 468 Pltaer. SLEEPING ROOM 1203 N Jackson. Business Opportunity 3 Canyo Well-established garage. with good equipment, and tow car. Long term least. Call 5020, Canyonvllle. small Laundry Phone 220-R-l, 8 to 5. Loans MONEY 10 $25 50 75 100 200 300 UP TO 500 Borrow on your salary. All steadily em- filoyed men and women may qualify oday for a salary loan up to 300 whether you're In a new ob or an old one. Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excel tern security at Local Loan paid for or not. Up to 300 on your furniture, up to 500 your car. Special "Pay Day" loan. (10. 923. 50 loaned nu ray umy or ion nr. only for the actual number of days you keep the money. 25 costs lie for one week No other charges. Phone for your loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Leo Bevy, Manager 338 No. Jackson Phone 1173 Uc S-27S: M-353 Roaeburg LOANS UP TO $300 UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for or not Loans made quickly, privately tor any worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expensea Medical and Dental bills Consolidate debts Re-financing When you borrow get your money from. tna company tnai manes convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower pavments now available up to 30 months to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. SOT Pacific Building Phone 464 M-3.TT State Uo. ft 364 YOU CANT get a better farm loan than a rederal uni Bans, Laoan. v tntereet, long term 30 to 34 years, liberal prepayment privilege You have a voice tn the management. Roseburg National Farm Loan Asa n., 3U3 Medical Arts Bldg. Hatlo HIS 'VEAHWE'LL HAVEI OVER. 'THIS CELL POOEP UP A WHEN THE ST.LOUIS BROWNS WIN A PCUMAUT... MODERN! IS 600Df THIS BACK ROOM LOOKS, LIKE IT WAS DECORATED 8 J k CARRIE NATION ft ERO ROAMS WHILE THE STAFF burns Thank TO HELEN A.TINNIN, 451 ELM COURT, DENVER II, COLO. For Trade SET OF GUY LINES and butt rigging, to trade for power saw, or what have you? Lafa Judd, Umpqua, Ore gon. FURNITURE, nracticallv new. coat S23O0: trade for good trailer house or aeli at oargain. fix. iMf-i. TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE 1948 Dodge 2-ton log truck, Isaacson 4-wheel trail er and Pierce 8-wheel trailer. Not over 12.000 mileson truck. Phone 519-R4. PLASTERED 3-room home close to school, excellent neighborhood. Full price 8300. Equity 2575. Will accept car or house trailer at value. Phone 1412-J1 FOR SALE OR TRADE Nice clean 17 ft. Prairie Schooner trailer, 350. Fred Goetz Trailer Court, Garden Valley Road. Financial F. H. A. LOANS SEE: UMPQUA REALTY 113 N. Stephens Phone I53S-J Across from Post Office on Highway 99 Wanted 8 WANTED TO RENT Moving to Roseburg And I don't mean maybe Need a 2 -bed room house For wife, me, and baby Prefer house close to town, unfurnished will pay 65. per month. Residence ' will be permanent. Contact Manager, Joe Richards' Men 'a Store. Wanted BEEF, VEAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phon. 922-R.3 or 1908-R. or writ. Route 1. Roseburg Will Pay Cash WE BUY used furniture, all typea. CaU at 444 No. Jackson. Ph. 15H3-J The Bargain House WANTED! To rent a 2-tteGroom house in Roseburg. Man. wife and 3 small girls. Can give references. Write P. O. Box lta. ur call 1237-J-X. WANTED TO BUY All kinds of furnt- 1 ture. Let us bid on your houae of lurnnure. eu sim-ii a. ouw n. jicuun Street. AM INTERESTED IlBUYING EQUITY Federal Gl financed 2 or 3 bedroom home In or near city. 7,000. to 10, 000 value. Phone 126-J-2. evenings. WANT" TO BUY Ford Ferguson tractor: also attachments. Write P. O. Box 4U4. WANTED- Cast Iron. Scrap. No steel. Will pay S20. to 25. per ton. Suther llnIron Works. Sutherlln,Oregon. WANTED TO BUY Good used Ply mouth or Dodge motor. '38 to '40 model 307 S. Main. Ph. 584-Y. BRING YOUR JUNK to Bob'l Salvage Yard at 2338 N. Stephens. Ph. 199-J-3. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg Me Co . phone 280 Help Wanted 9 3 MEN NEEDED TO fill position with old line company, uener man sverase earnings. Car necessary. 230 N. Ste phens, room 203, 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. HOUSEWIVES Are you having budget trouoier wouia w. a wee oe uit an swer? Not house to houae. 3 hours afternoon or evening. Car necessary. Box 212. News-Review. WANTED-Mature women to sell Mai sonette Frocks and Hee Line rasniona. Write Box 213, News-Review. WANTED Outside salesman to aell mu sical mercnanatse ana appliances. Write P. O. Box 949. YOUNG MAN FOR BOOKKEEPING and inside sales. Retail Lumber Yara. write qualifications to P. O. Box 347. Work Wanted 10 Septic Tanks Cleaned For Best Result Call ROSEBURO SANITATION SERVICE Ph. 1294-Y FOR FREE ESTIMATE on home bulld- lng, remodelling, driving and tinisn lng floors: also rototilling; call B37-R-4, or write to W. F. McMurray, P. O. Box 104, Winston, Oregon. Income Tax Service 139 Sheridan St. ph. 968-J. or 57-F-l For -your convenience, we win am open 9 a. m. 9 p m Sundays 1 p. m. 1 p. tn. No appointment necessary. INTERIOR DECORATING and outside painting, floor sanding and finished roofing, any kind. Also contracting. Call Camaa 11, after T p. m., or before 8 a. m DENTAL" ASSISTANT Recent graduate from dental nurse's training school desire position. Frances Still. 1480 ParkAve , ph. 52798, Eugene.Oregon. WALL WASHING, Kemtonlng. janitor work, cleaning and polishing floors, window washing. 18 years experience. Phone 470, ask for Frank Hasty, Apt. 13. Douglas Hotel. INCOME TAX SERVICE. Federal and State. Accounting services. Arthur Denny. 2077 Morris St. Ph. 1710-R-S for appointment. YOUR CHILD may receive kindergarten Instruction and nursery care for as little a a 23c per hour. Ph. 1599-R-4, or 1444-R. WANTED- Falling and buckingby three experienced men. Phone 47-F-13. or wr'tR FrankIln.Tenmlle.Oregcm. CHAIN ANbCROSS cut filing. Norttw s'de Saw Shc. 1008 Pro pec t. phone 44 R. if ANTE Ironing ' in ' my ""home. 531 Fowler Street Ph. 339-J FOR A GOOD J A INT JOB. call 3 F-tT limrrn Work Wanted 10 WILL CARE FOR convalescents: new bat bias and mothers a specialty. Ph. 530-J-a. aTterations. BrFSSMAKING. ATI types. Mrg. Don W. Garrison, ' 138 in nana. none i io-j HOUSE MOVING, foundation, leveling! 14 years experience. P as B Towing. tu a. siepnena. rnons w&y TAX RETURNS, federal and state, by appointment. Accounting service eve nings. 887-R-3. WELL DRILLING. Lloyd Powell. 714 Rldgeview, or ph. lZtte-l. SAND, GRAVEL, crushed rock, loam. Delivered immefllateiyfn. jbo-k-i. Trailer towing ph S30-R-3 isoursi 919 Garden Valley Road. Lost & Found 11 LOST One hl-Une calk boot, almost new, iv, iur un icti iuui. v- tween Roseburg Lumber Co. office In Roaeburg, and Dillard. Reward, 5. Call 1017-j-i, or 4O0. Fruits & Vegetables 12 Hay, Grain & Feed 13 FOR SALE m T. bright second cut ana n a. Kennetn tonn, pn. a-r-n. HAY FOR SALE. B. B. Smith, RtT Box 880. Roseburg. GREY OATS FOR SALE Rt. 3. Box U4S, near Eigarose school. Livestock 14 Schricker's Auction SALE EVERY MONDAY LIVESTOCK AT 1 P M. FURNITURE MISCELLANEOUS 1pm. WHERE BUYER ft SELLER MEET TRY SCMRICKER'S WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT LOCATED HIGHWAY DO. I MILES NORTH OF ROSEBURG YOU MAY EXPECT A FAIR MARKET PRICE AT THIS AUCTION SCHRICKER A SONS. AUCTIONEERS ROSEBURG AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY Livestock sold by weight or head: household furn.; farm mach. For your protection we are licensed and bond ad. Livestock 1 P. M. Furniture 7PM Turn K. at Garden Valley Road Ph. 191 WANTED Fat or feeder lambs, year lings ana oreeaing ewes. James ts. Lewis, Myrtle Creek, ph. 84; or Dar rell Ray, Rt, 3, Box 3U8-B, Roseburg. Ph. 6U5-R-1. WANTED Sheep pasture to rent Dar rlll W Ray, Rt. 2. Box 398-B, Rose burg Ph 893-R-l. FOR SALE 80 breeding ewes, lambing 1st of March. Call L Inda, Oakland. 2854. FOR SALE Wenner pigs. G. A. Brown, Canyonville. Ph. 193, or ph. 485, Rosc- WANTED 30 to 50 good young white faced ewes; also feeder lambs, Ken- neth Conn. ph.6-F-ll. WANTED Sheep. Yearlings or breed ing ewes. Philippi aad Vaning. Rt 1, Box 104, or ph. 922-R-2. FOR SALE 2 bred heifers7Tarn fed. Box 407. Idleyld Rt. GOOD, YOUNG, gentle, fresh Jersey, eaay milker, box two, MeirosCj W ANTED Al 1 kinas of livestock. H. M Cox Call MO-J-4 Poultry 15 Baby Chicks NOW Is the time to order Carr'a sturdy, healthy rULLORUM CLEAN cnieks. CARR'S HATCHERY is headquarters for heavy-laying flocks. If you want the highest quality chicks, PULLORUM CLEAN chicks, call Carr's Hatchery Of Looklngglasa Ph. 18-F-S RL 4, Box 1370 City A genu Douglas Co. Flour Mill Chicks Chicks Chicks Custom hatching a specialty. Set twice eaco weex: sac ana wea r or aay old chicks, place your order now. Sexed pullets and Cockerels as well aa straight run. Priced right at Ponton Hatchery rfoseburg Quality Baby Chicks EVERY WEEK IN THE YEAR DAY OLD OR STARTED Hampshire, Parmenter Reds, Barred nocx nampsmre uoti. cornisn Hamp Cross. Barred Rock, White Rock and White Leghorns From 3 and 3 year old breeder hens. City Office Umpqua Produce Co., 401 W Oak. ph. 413. Hatchery & Breeding Farm Tipton Road. 1 mi. S. Hwy 99, ph. 1S92-R-L COMPARE AND YOU TOO WILL BUY UMPQUA CHICKS." FRYERS. 300 N. RT. pullets. Will de- nver on rnaay ana Saturday, ceo. F. Jones, Tenmile. DRESSED FRYERS for sale; 3 or mora delivered. 1608-J-2. STARTEbTHICKS. N. H. pullets. R. Cary. 2 miles E. of Dixonvllle. FRYERS FOR SALE. 3 miles out Mel rose Highway Howard Ransom Rabbits 16 WITH RABBIT MEAT A MEAL'S COMPLETE UV RB A. FOR SALE rryer rabbits. 45c Ib drest ed. Phone 47-J.J Pets 17 WANTED A good country home for 3 year old female Chesapeake Bay Re triever Well trained for hunting Ph. 1474. Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J GRA-HO COCKER KENNELS h. 430 or tz-T neg. ana pea. pupplea, at) colors Stud service. PART COCKER puppies for sale. cheapT 233 Ford St For Sale, Misc. 18 FURNITURE-AND HOUSEHOLD article for sale Some antiques. Ph. 333-J. SANITIZOR VACUUM Cleanerr55i50i Post St For Sale, Misc. 18 SPARTAN 34 3 30 - 34' . The life time trailer Hag a body wa believe will last 5 years or more. No dry roL Kit u ir it w Columbia LT 14' 3C 33 The West's Fastest Sellers and other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted. Bank contracts. Contracta to 3 years on Spartan Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer tufene. Ora. Phon. Springfield 2621 3 Miles South on in). Rt . Box 23. Eugene CLOSING OUT ALL Or OUR USED APPLIANCES IMMEDIATELY LARGE PRICE CUTS, GOOD BARGAINS 90 DAY GUARANTEE . , Today's Special ITied Universal Washer Was Now , 58.75 . , , Umpqua Valley Appliance 130 W. Oak SL Ph. 1218 Do You Need A Big Bed? We have one 82" wide, 82" long. Inner spring mattress and box spring, on Hollywood legs. MAKE US AN OFFER Jack Fariss & Son 130 N. Jackson The Season's Newest Styles in America's fine fabrics by Avon Mills. Lonsdale, Fuller. McCampell. Comal of Texas. Special McCampell Butcher linen dress. 7.45. Sanforized, washable. Contrasting embroidery on pockets. Peter Pan collar, flange shoul der, button to waist. Easily a 11.93 value. Spring colors and navy. My Large stock now on handdresses, blnlliM. mUir-tm 1 m e -, - -w, aa.nu JCMIIB, Sail forized plaid shirts, 1.79. Rose Schombel Calkins Road Box 188G Phone 339-J-S mini o jj.iii. aave ij 10 'A Looking For Bargains? Suiter has them in used furniture, itovea ..uw, piuinoing supplies, water heaters. SUITER'S TRADING POST , . , 3 miles North on 99 At end of City Bus Line River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS - We have an abundant supply. Paul Casev 857 W Mosher Phona 11T-Y FOR SALE 1 full size Magic Chef gag ii Bu uiArner ana loo gal. tank; 1 30-gal. Captain General Auto matic gas water heater, new, (190, BOX 264. ranvnnvlll. Pk Aat FOR SALE 18 ft. Marine PlywoodT-oat aimiai ireuer ana jonn sonoutboard engine. 250 cash. Ph, 3 "Gone with the Wind" lamps, one castor nuii-a; vufiB ana saucers, will sell on consignment Priscllla Darby. Dh. 2.'t9-R-2. "eCE H,0ySE TRAILER, best offer over Pa7k. Wm Pah" UmPQU lr'U" 1947 27 PEERLESS Eastern bulTTtiraiier iw VJ "'i l-u- oee ai aa aatu. Phone 1302-J N. V Tott COMPARE PRICES, then buy at HOW- Ann's U Aunit' a up in, . Ph. 192 - J-1 OPEN " R lliin a v a We8n' FOR SALE Kiln o'fy planer ends, 7.50 k. vicci, uidwooq B3.73. mixed load 96.75 Ph tat EXCELLENT BUY Blue and wine tap- waa.Mw. v.au ii Mpanmeni over Drive Inn. Hiehwav (X) Smith FOR SALE Universal Portable doubla ....nunc, reasons Die. Le FUh er. Gazley Rt.. Mvrtle CrMk Nwt1, tra'- keet, and field guK CHEST OF DRAWERS; dark oalTfinish Cloverdale. FOR SALE Apartment electric range. , -", fN, van a oou Fowler St. WALNUT FINISHED dining set wfthS i". leaves, fzxoa ex tended. Reasonable. Ph. 7ns.n..t 121609MJ(?fSBCRG "1"t-r 15Pt VERYNICE walnut dining set: large buffetg chalra. 104 W. 2nd Ave. N. ES.V,!TY IN 18 ft '4a TraileHoe; wLcon fiJnL 6.- FOR SALE 3-piece davenport set Ph. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC RANGE, almost x " rine. 18 FT. TRAILER ftOUSErsleepe 4. Bu- Une range.oll heat. Winchester Motet ortVENO. 113 N. Flint. rMrfatMrWtaalVWW Fuel 20 HEY, LOOK! If you need old growth fir cord wood. io ana i- lengths; 2" mill ends: green and dry slabwood. 16": call 192-J-l or 47-J-5 for information and free delivery. It's Dry PTT.rMrt rvni Sto-ra cr Fireplace lengths, 8 00 cord ieuverea ana put inside Call 1339 or 146-R-5. Eva, PEELER CORE: mill ends; planer ends; fireplace wood. Double loads, prompt delivery Clauda Willey, Rt L Boat g fh 15-J-3 Of 143-J-3. 1" PLANER ENDS. 8 25 unit, regular length. Roaeburg Lumber Co. Phona 468. FOR SALE Slabwood, sawdust,' planer cnu r none mi wonnson "USI s-O. Timber & Sawmills 21 Wanted Second Growth Logs CONTACT WTLBUR LUMBER CO ALMOST NEW 20 M capacity sawmUT, 200 H. P dlesel. Stumpage available or will furnish logs. Lock wood Bros., Tenmile.Oregon WANTED Small" capacity sawmtll. botfi old growth and second. Roads mostly tn. 10 miles East of Roseburg on Stra- der Road C. L.Branton. TIMBER WTANTED W MM" and up. Write R. L. Cummings, Camas Valley, Oregon. FOR SALE Sawmill, or any part. CMC. dlesel edger and other nnita. Roy Denny. 835 Winchester.