Men., Feb. 20, 1930 Tht Ntws-Rtvitw, Roseburg, Or. Society and GluLi By LOTUS KNICHT PORTER and BETTY ALLEN NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele- pnone ior me society page must be turned In before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at which lime the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. MISSIONARY SOCIETY HAS MEETING FRIDAY The Missionary Society of the First Christian Church met Fn dsy evening in the Friendship rou.n. A spirited discussion as to ways and methods of improvement fol lowed by the business meeting, was led by the regular president, Mrs. Fay Clark. After the usual reports were given the announce ment and invitation was read for the state wide convention to be held the weekend of Feb. 17 in the Mallory Avenue Christian church in Portland. Disscussion of possi ble representation was made. A new penny-jar was initiated find filled This means supplies funds for local needs, i Mrs. Bryce Robison conducted very inspiring devotionals, usinj the 37th Psalm. Mrs. Ackert presented the pro gram study on Japan, emphasizing locational word study, including some early Christian church study of that country. Mrs. John Hodson presented Missionaries, particulaly the Martin Clarks who were w!l know to several. Mrs. Fay Clark read excerpts from the Christian Church in japan by C. M Yocum Mrs. Bryce Robison spoke on the early church thought. The following ladies were in at tendance; Mesdames, Leon a Cays, Althea Amon, Sally Leep, V e I dean Bridgess, Valetta Taylor, Es telle Harmon, Amy Richardson, Edith S. Ackert, Pearl Anderson, Emma Beckley, Betty Robison, Eva Hester, Antoinette Crenshaw, Fay Clark. The next meeting is to be a potluck dinner with most of the program around the table. The de votionals, business meeting and remainder of program will be held in the Friendship room after a re cess. We invite all our friends to enioy this evening with us, March 10th '50, 6:30 p.m. TENMILE LADIES CLUB TO MEET AT POTLUCK The Tenmile Ladies club will meet at a noon potluck luncheon at the Tenmile church Wednesday. All members are requested to be present. facte jhiptoier Grand breakfast main duhl Hera's the "power" of corn. Tastes powerfully good! Crisp, sweet, fresh! Your bar gain in goodness Kellogg'a Corn Flakes. . MOTHER KNOWS A BEST I M QjJ 4J0ME r llii $vrfiaMt I EVERGREEN GRANGE INVITED CANDIDATES TO JOIN IN INITIATION George Buttler was installed as stewsrd at the Evergreen grange meeting Friday, Feb. 10 with 100 percent attendance of officers. A ballot was taken on three applica tions for membership and Master Rubie Bloom presented the past master's pin to Charles McCord At the Feb. 24th meeting all granges in the county are invited to bring their candidates for the initiation to be held that night The first and second degrees will be exemplified. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches or cookies Jessie Thomas, lecturer, present ed a program relating to Valen tine's day. A valentine game was played first with all members par ticipating. Several piano selections were played by Stanley Harriman and a game with Garnet Folms bee assisting and a reading by Olivia Lander. A potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. will precede the next meeting, Feb. 24 and members are urged to bring pot holders and dish tow els for the display table or con tact Mell Lander. Refreshments were In chsrge of Mr. and Mrs. William Heinbach, Mr. and Mrs. John Lander, Jr.. and Jessie Thomas. VALENTINE PARTY IS INTERESTING AFFAIR A lovely Valentine party was sponsored Tuesday evening by the Youth Temperance Council at the home of the counsellors, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marsh, in Looking glass. Clever games had been ar ranged by the committee in charge which included the Misses Winifred Willisms, Lorraine Jacoby, Lois Swift and Don Harmer and Ken neth Swift. Group singing was also enjoyed with Miss JoAnn Voorhies at the piano. Refreshments were served from a beautifully appointed lace cover ed table which was lighted by tali tapers and centered with a Valen tine motiff. Mrs. Walter Munger and Mrs. Arthur Marsh poured and Mrs. George Marsh served the cakes. Present for the occasion were: the Misses Dolores Doyle. Shirley Anderson, June Meyers, JoAnn Voohies, Lorraine Jacoby, Winifred Williams and Kenneth Swift, Victor Munger, Neal Meyer, Jr.. Don Harmer, Melvin Green, Carl Ellenwood, Duane Harmer, Harvey Buckle, Mrs. Walter Mung er, Mrs. J. C. Williams, Mrs. Mary Smith, Mrs. beorge Marsn and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marsh. GARDEN CLUB HAS FINE MEETING The Camas Valley Garden Club held it's regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H L. Smith. Mr. Smith had a garden ency clopedia for the occasion. Mrs. Boyle had attended a Le gion Auxiliary meeting and report ed a great need by the Legion for baby layettes. After the meeting a lovely lunch eon was served to Mrs. Bob Wheel er, Mrs. Marion Banks. Mrs. Guy Moore, Mrs. Dave Thrush, Mrs. Harry Boyle, Mrs. Josephine Jep peson, Mrs. Edith Booth, Mrs. Sara Cole. Mrs. Mary Smith and Wel- com Combs. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. James Combs on Tuesday March 7th. Everyone is asked to bring what information thev have on the planting and cul ture of the camillia. There will al so be an auxiliary baby shower. Anyone wishing to join the club is asked to attend, MR. AND MRS. McKAY ENTERTAIN AT DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKay entertained at a lovely Sunday dinner in honor of the birthday of j their daughter Mrs. Lverett Phil ! lips of Eugene. Other guests er. ; joying the affair were Mrs. D. P. I McKay of Wilbur, Mr. Everett Phil i lips and daughter Margaret EUen I of Eugene and Mrs. Lerhran of I Eugene. buyers look for the Imperial silver label that says tht finest in wallpapers. Guaranteed to with stand room txpoturt without fad ing and to clean satisfactorily whtn instructions art followed. FURNISHINGS I Parents Honored WeToMaChick Camp Fire Girls at Winston honored their mothers and lathers at a meeting at the Community hall recently. The par ty theme was "aircraft" and the ?ames followed this thought. Re reshments were prepared and served by the girls. Attending the party were Mr and Mrs. Cecil Callahan, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stonebraker, Elmer Hunter, W. Schell, O E. Amund sen, Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Tedrick, Mr. Fisher, Mrs. Pruilt and Mrs. Buttler, the guardians, Mrs. Amundsen and Mrs. Hunter. Officers elected recently were Susanna Fisher, president; Sonnie Tedrick, vice president: Marlene Pruilt. secretary; Carol Dowdy, treasurer; and Pat Callahan, scribe. Saturday the girls cooked their menus of foreign dishes at Karen Amundsen's home. They worked in groups of five and prepared three complete menus. Later outside games were played. St. Valentine Featured The Apadenska Camp Fire Group met Thursday evening at the home of their leader, Mrs. Lila McKean, in Dillard. The occasion was their Valentine Party at which time they exchanged Valentines and played games. A short talk was made on their plans for the Father and Daughter banquet held on Friday night February 17. at the Roseburg Ar mory. Refreshments were served by Mrs. McKean to the following members: Betty Ann Anderson, Dorothy Davis, Gail Gray, Bonnie Wells, Marvel Covey, Opal Colvan. Lois Fosback, Ina Lee Heinbach and their leader, Mrs. McKean. Busy Schedule Planned Joan Swopes was elected presi dent of Shutanka Camp Fire group at a recent meeting. Kathryn Jen nie will serve as vice president; Blanche Nichols a sargeant at arms. Plans were made for the Father Daqghter banquet held at the arm ory Friday, Feb. 17 and songs prac ticed for the pageant to be held in March. The girls have parts for a skit to be presented to the Riverside P-T. A. in March. The group de cided to hold their meetings Fri day afternoons rather then Satur dy morning. Carol Kinch, Chloe Hancock and Joan Swopes were in charge of rne nursery at Riverside P-T. A. Monday night. The girl com pleted their favors for the Father Dughter banquet. Attending were Joan Swopes, Carol Kinch, Chloe Hancock, Blanche Nichols, Pearl Mclntyre, Gayle Groshong, Dorothy Fowler. Sharon Goodman, Mrs. S. L. Gro shong, Hieir guardian and Mrs. C. tuned, assistant guardian. VALENTINE MOTIF ' CARRIED OUT AT CLUB PARTY TUESDAY The Valentine motif was carried out Tuesday when Mrs. Meryl Wahl entertained the Tillicum Bridge club at her home east of Sutherlin. at a delightful one-thirty salad- luncheon, Ihe small tables were centered with bouquets of small sprigs of pussy willows with a lovely bouquet of red and white carnations placed on the piano. Covers were placed for: Mrs Noreen Perrault, Mrs. Ruth Man ning, Mrs. Emma Carr, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mrs. Olga Bielman, Mrs. Mabel Randall, Mrs. Eloise Lam oreaux. Miss Mary Alice Randall, Mrs. Mary Barker and the hostess, Mrs. Wahl. Auction bridge was In play with Mrs. Groshong winning high score; Mrs. Slack, second high; Mrs. Per rault, low, and Mrs, Groshong, the traveling goose. Mrs. Emma Carr will be the next hostess and the party will be held at her daughter s, Mrs. N'adine Stearns, in Oakland. ELK STEAK DINNER IS DELIGHTFUL AFFAIR Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brown and daughter Arlen of Wilbur en tertained at a delightful elk ateac dinner at their home in Wilbur in honor of Mrs. Thelma Champan of Tacoma who is spending a few days here visiting. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. George Short, Mr and Mrs. Albert Brown and daugh ter of Days Creek, Mr. and Mrs Harold McKay, Dell McKay of Roseburg, Mary Ellen McKay of Portland and Mrs. Thelma Chap man of Tacoma. i ! Give Your Motor' A Tune-Up 1 We'll really give your 1 motor a scientific tune- Drive in now and l prevent serious trouble. HANSEN MOTOR CO. I 1 Oak 4 Stephens Phone. 44" j f mm mm mm mm mm sli SCHOLARSHIP LOAN TEA TO Bl EVENT OF .UESOAY AFTERNOON The Roseburg Woman's club a- Ml tfhilii-shin kin fund tea and guest day affair will be an event of Tuesday at one-thirty o'clock at the Methodist church parlors Mrs. Edwin U. Young win oe pro gram chairman and will introduce Mrs. Clauds Kesner of Sutherlin as guest speaker. Mrs. Kesner wi!l tead excerpts from the play, "Har riet," -which dramatises the lile of Harriet Beecher Stowe. The play starred Helen Hayes in 1943. 11 ... l'AanA ,a an nMial1v ft. lightful speaker and every mem ber is urged to invite guests ana enjoy the occasion. Special music is being arranged. The tea table will carry out the theme of Panama. Proceeds of the silver tea will go to the scholar ship loan fund. Mrs. Horace C. Berg and Mrs. L. G. Towhy are co-chairmen of the hostess commit tee. Mrs. J. M. Boyles, president, will be in charge of the meeting. JUNIOR DIVISION TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The Junior Division of the First Christian church will meet at eight o'clock Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Don Keed, 325 w First street, with Mrs. Leona.-d Tyler and Mrs. Chet Hamm, as sisting hostess. The program will be in charge of Mrs. Clifford Bax ter. All members are urged to be present. AUXILIARY TO MEET AT POTLUCK DINNER Umnaua Unit. America Legion auxiliary will meet at a six o'clock potluck dinner Wednesday evening at the Legion home at 118 S. Kane street. All auxiliary members are urged to attend and are asked to bring their table service and a hot vegetable dish or a salad. Mrs. Rose Dauber, president, will con duct the meeting. Com. in I Ask about all -.wiui .inMi. i 1 1 iu.h Aluminum m u miiw mnnnmw m,mw tunnel f " "m'''mBmilM s ' " I loC' a B.autv and AutomatiT" II I lAS-TZm fiWX Special Zty J " Deluxe In every woy with many --01 els5F features you'd expect to find only 20S0SX -"taf on other ranges at much higher wHfc C.. I M5" prices... Cook -Matter Oven Clock g" lZ2 j 0f Control, Full-Width Storage drawer, tsS5 S19Q.H . . maaatsta Thermlzef Deep -Well Cooker, Ap- I Caiendai Friday February 14 ' World Day of Prayer by Rose burg Council of Church Women at St. George's Episcopal church. Theme for day will be "Faith of Our Times." World Day of Prayer to be ob served by Women's Society of Christian Service of Lookingglass with meeting at church at 2 p. m. Busy Bachelor 4 H Sewing club. Evergreen Grange invites all granges to bring candidates for ini tiation to hall for first and second degrees. Ladies are asked to bring sandwiches or cookies. Potluck din ner to precede meeting at 6:30 p. m. and members urged to bring potholders and dish towels for dis play table or contact Nell Lander. Eagles auxiliary public card par ty at 8 p. m. at Eagles hall. Canas ta and pinochle to be in play. Prizes and refreshments. Rose school cub oack potluck dinner with parents in school gym at 6:30 p. m. Saturday February IS Home Extension county commit tee members at home of Mrs. A. J. Standley at Edenbower at 1 p. m. Kiversdale Grange social night at p. m. at hall for grange mem bers and invited guests. catholic ladies rummage sale in basement of rectory from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday February 2 Penny supper at Evergreen jiri yo,irr.r,':a.oc IffT sJ . j t ii i H 1 1 m: rr s s geBo pHonce Outlet, ond many others. th. now Frigidalr. Electric Range for 19501 Umpqua Valley Appliamice BIRTHDAY CLUB HAS ENJOYABLE MEETING The 1-1 birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Sally Nannen in Can yonville Tuesday evening. The eve ning hours were spent visiting and making recordings. Mrs. Nannen was presented with a year's sub scription to the Reader's Digest, a gift from the club. Refreshments were served by 'he hostesses, Mrs. V. R. Kelsey and Mrs. George Binder o the guests Mrs. D. W. Gill, Mrs. Ted Ross, Mrs. Gordon Harry, Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. Sally Nannen, Mrs Dayton Bailey and Mrs. H. M. An derson. The March meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Binder. LAZY DAISY CLUB HOLDS VALENTINE DINNER, SOCIAL NIGHT AT GRANGE HALL I.sty Daisy club members held a Valentine party Saturday even ing at Evergreen grange hall with a 6 o'clock potluck dinner follow ed by cards, dancing and games Pictures of the group were taken and a Valentine box was distribut ed. Those enjoying the evening weio Mr. and Mrs. John Miner, Mr. and Mrs. Monty Glover, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weaver, Mr. and Mrs Elmer Lyda, Mr. and Mrs. Loo Wilkerson, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bre wer, Mr. and Mrs, Brice Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pittam and children and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell. MEETING OF MU CHAPTER ANNOUNCED Mu chapter, Beta Sigma Phi will meet Wednesday night at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. R. Wharton, 802 East Douglas street All members are asked to be present. Grsnge hall open to public. Serving will begin at 4 p. m. AMERICAN LEGION AND AUXILIARY TO HOLD INITIATIONN TUESDAY NIGHT The American Legion and auxi liary will hold initiation Tuesday night at eight o'clock at the Rose burg County club. All those desir ing transportation are requested to meet at the Hotel Umpqua at seven-thirty o'clock. ARTS AND CRAFTS CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Arts and Crafts club will meet Tuesday night at eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. D. L. Taylor. 1310 West Second avenue, with Miss Amy Robinson, co-hostess The program will be in charge of Mrs. Jack West. All members aie urged to be present ROOM MOTHERS CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY The Riverside P -T. A. Room Mo thers club will meet at a 1:30 o' clock session Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Bruce La (tin with Mrs. Kenneth Ladd. co-hostess. All members are urged to be present. ROSEBURG WRITERS CLUB TO MEET WEDNESDAY NIGHT The Roeburg Writers club will meet at eight o'clock Wednesday evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. George E. Houck on S o J t h Stephens street. All persons inter ested are invited. DINNER GUESTS ARE ENTERTAINED SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard and daughter Vicky of Roseburg had as dinner guests last Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sands of Wilbur. $5000.00 Polio insurance for eoch member of family. $9.00 onnuolly. lysines Men's Assurance C. E. V. Lincoln, Agt. Ph. 938-J-4 . . Fattest cooking In Frtgidairo history 1" You'll be la the clouds with oy, too, when you see them. They're new and II now. Faster cooking, better looking., .and with dosens of advantages not found m other ranges! And you'll find, m tht wide Frigldairt lint, a model Ideally suited to your needs. NEW Full-width Fluorescent Lama that brilliantly lights the whole cooking toe NEW higher bock-panel, odds greater beauty, protects waifs NEW smarter styling by world-famoat Raymond loewy NEW 6-60 Time-Signal bars two speeds - for accurate liming From 1 to 60 minutes NEW switch knobs art out m Front, oaty-to-roach, eosy-to-reod. No need to stoop or bond NEW storage drawers move smoothly, quietly on triple Nylon rollers Frigldairt Model RM-75 (shewn loft) hat Double Ovens '349" '30975 Convenient Terms toffNTrMKAFRIWA'R- NEW "THRIFTY - A completely new kind of tltc trie range big In every woy. The thrifty giant oven cooks more W.C.T.U. ANNOUNCES MEETING FOR WEDNESDAY Roseburg W.C.T.U. will meet at two o'clock Wednesday in the Friendship room at the First Chris tian church. The program will be in commemoration of Frances Wil lard. Special music is being ar ranged. The Friendship quilt will be on display. Members and friends interested art invited. Britons Threw Puns BRADFORD, England. (.V) Conservative Thomas Boyce running against Laborite Maurice Webb for the central Brandford House of Commons seat. Webb calls Boyce "The Boyce In he Wilderness.'' Boyce calls Webb "The Tangled Webb of Socialism." People who don't like puns can vote for C. S. Sarsby, a Liberal. 1444,444.44 BID PORTLAND. UP) Low bid on construc'.ion of the Olympia Covington 230 KV transmission line was submitted by Smith Bros., Vancouver, Wash., at $444,444.44, Bonneville Power administration reported. Sea slugs swim In the water or crawl on the ocean floor. CERAMIC CLASSES For Beginners Phone 669-RX-5 Ethel Olson r Model EM-6J with Single Ovta and Warming Drawer 30" RANGE The giant oven goes CLEAR ACROSS! Compact, Thrifty Amailngly low Priced , . . only 30 In. widtl food with no more current, hat adjustable, sliding shelve with outomanc stops. 120 W. Oak Phone 1218 PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME