The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, February 18, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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    i The Niwt-Rltw, Rose-burg, Ort-Sot., ' Fb. ' II, 19S0
Harding Valentine
A CHARMING VALf NTINI BRIOCI LUNCHEON wai 9lv.11 Frid.r th. Hotl Umpqut by Mm.
J. A. Harding, which llm Paul Jtnklni, Nwi-Rvitw phatvjrtphtr, Irak plcfurti af tha fuaitt
aatad at tha colorful dacararad aarvinf labial. In tha lowtr phatatraph li tha hoitan, Mrs. J. A.
Harding, Mr. I. B. Riddla, Mri. Ray Ballawt and Milt Naaml Scan.
At one of tha most charming
Valentine bridge-luncheon parties.
Mrs. J. A. Harding entertained a
large number of guests at a one
o'clock luncheon in the attractive
Civic club room ot the Hotel Ump
qua Friday afternoon.
Red carnations floating in bubble
bowls centered the Valentine dec
orated luncheon tables, while tall
red candles and red carnations and
ferns were used about the room.
Guests Invited to enjoy the oc
casion with Mrs. Harding were:
Mrs. Arthur Sautter of Bismarck,
N.D.. Mrs. Walter Gordon, Mrs
P. Peterson, Mrs. L. Humphrey of
Los Angeles; Mrs. Charles Beguhl
of Oakland, Calif., out - of town
guests, Kenneth Bailey, Mrs.
Harold Schmeer, Mrs. A. A. Wil
der, Mrs. Charles W. Wharton
Mrs. Velle Broadway, Mrs. J. F
Barker. Mrs. L. W. Josse, Mrs.
W. F. Chapman, Mrs. Edgar Lewis
Mrs. H. H. Stapleton, Mrs. H O.
Pargeter. Mrs. H. H. Hildeburn,
Mrs. George Wharton, Mrs. J. R
Wharton, Mrs. Fred I-ockwood,
Mrs. Fred Schwarti, Mrs. J. H.
Booth. Mrs. W. F. Amiot, Mrs
Paul Jenkins. Mrs. J. E. Sawyers.
Mrs. S. L. Kidder. Mis. P. T. Bu
bar. Mrs. C. B. Wade. Mrs. Ivan
Pickens. Mrs. A. B. Collier, Mr
J. B. Jonie.
Is Charming Affair
- v ,'"V"' V ?
, mm
Mrs. Horace C. Berg, Mrs. John
H. Robinson, Mrs. L. E. McClin
tock, Mrs. Kenneth W. Kinney,
Mrs. J. L. Haskins. Mrs. Roy Bel
lows, Mrs. O. M. Berrie, Mrs. Ches
ter Morgan, Mrs. E. O. Rickli,
Mrs. E. R. Walton, Mrs. Arthur
Clarke, Mrs. Emily Judd, Mrs. M.
F. Rice. Mrs. D. W. Helliwel1.
Mrs. Albert Micelli, Mrs. Edward
B. Rowe, Mrs. L. W. Metiger,
Mrs. E. R. Metiger, Mrs. S. J
Shoemaker, Mrs. Fred Hamilton.
Mrs. Harry S. Black. Mra. R L.
Whipple. Mrs. I. B. Riddle, Mrs.
W. F. Harris. Mrs. H T. Hansen,
Mrs. H. C. Darby, Mrs. G. W.
Marshall, Mrs. John Young, Mrs.
I 1
Arthur W. Bsum, Mrs. Irvin Brunn.
Mrs. Dexter Rice, Mrs. William
Lassiter, Mrs. Charles C. Cring,
Mrs. M. Hazel Dixon, Mrs. T. B
Virden, Mrs. Douglas Waite. Mrs
R. D. Coen. Mrs. H. C. Church.
Mrs. M. B. Green, Mrs. Carl Lund
gren. Miss Rosa B. Parrott, Miss
Helen Casey, Miss Naomi Scott and
Mrs. Frederick J. Porter.
Mrs. Harding was assisted bv
Mrs. Paul Jenkins and Miss Helen
High score for the afternoon's
contract bridge play was won by
Mrs. M. B. Green with Mrs
Charles W. Wharton winning ec
ong high core. The canasta prize
was won by Mrs. E. R. Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pargeter
were surprised Saturday evening
by members of Alpha Chapter of
Sigma Eta Tau and their husbands
Saturday evening at a housewarm
ing for their new home at Mel
rose. The group presented the Par
geters with a gift.
Potluck dinner was followed by
visiting and Canasta. Honoring
the Pargeters were Mrs. and Mrs.
Jack Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Ostrander, Mr. and Mrs. C. S.
Collins. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dunn, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Cnrath, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Fred Schwartx entertained
her bridge club at a charming one
o'clock luncheon at her lovely
home Wednesday. Mrs. Irvin Brunn
and Mrs. (tester Morgan were
guests. Members enjoying the oc
casion with Mrs. Schwarti were
Mrs. George Wharton. Mrs. M. C.
Bowker, Mrs. John H. Robinson.
Mrs. P. K. DeShields, Mrs. Phil
Strader. Mrs. H. Bruffie, Mrs.
George Churchill, Mrs. Bevins and
Mrs. Robert Franks.
High score was won by Mrs.
Bruffie with Mrs. Robinson winning
second and Mrs. DeShields, thinf
The guest prize was won by Mrs.
i c
if fet.l
& : ? Kit. '
Mrs. S. K. McGsugher entertain
ed at charming pink and blue
ahower party Wednesday evening
at her home in compliment to Mrs
Franklin Young. White hyacinths
centered the beautifully appointed
Uble. Pink and blue baby shoe fa
vors were used and bouquets of
acacia and daffodils were used
about the rooms.
Lovely gifts were presented to
Mrs. Young from: Mrs. John Din
gley, Mrs. Don Forbes, Mrs. Don
ald Metzger. Mrs. Harold Backen,
Mrs. Roy Hanford, Mrs. Vance
Shugart, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mra
Don Guiley, Mrs. Al Franklin, Mrs
Stanley Short. Mrs. Millard Mon
roe, Mrs. Rex Gardner of Portland
and the hostess, Mrs. McGaughey.
High scores for the pinochle play
were won by Mrs. Don Guiley and
Mrs. Millard Monroe. Canasta
prizes went to Mrs. Harold Backen
and Mrs. Al Franklin. Following
the social hour Mrs. McGaughey
served lovely refreshments.
Badoura club, Daughters of the
Nile held a delightful costume Val
entine party Tuesday night at
seven-thirty o'clock dessert-supper
at the home of Mrs. A. J. Younif
with Mrs. Bert Wells and Mrs
R. B. Rhodes assisting hostesses.
The Vslentine motif was prettily
carried out in the decorations.
Covers were placed for Mra
Sullivan and Miss Celia Bieck,
guests, and Mrs. Lyle Marsters,
Mrs. W. H. Carter, Mrs. C. E.
Wimberly Sr., Mrs. Roy Entler.
Mrs. Cliff Thornton, Mrs. Bernard
Young, Mrs. L. L. Powers, Mrs
Elliott Perkins, Mrs. Earl M
Bleile, Mrs. T. B. Virden. Mrs. M.
B. Green, Mrs. John Throne. Mrs
S. A. Warg, Mrs. A. J. Ellison,
Mrs. Edward B. Row, Mrs. Roy
Bellows, Mrs. Essie Koentz and
the three hostesses.
The next meeting will be Feb.
28, at two o'clock at the home of
Mra. Essie Koentz, 914 Eden Lane.
Members will spend the afternoon
sewing for the Shrine hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Solnicka
were honored on their ailver wed
ding anniversary Friday, Feb. 10
with a surprise party arranged by
their family. Mrs. Dean Bartlctt,
daughter of the Solnickas played
the 'Anniversary Song" on Ibe
electric organ followed by singing,
organ selections and playlettes all
recorded on the record player.
One apecial feature was Bohe
mian dances and songs presented
by their house guest, Miss Josie
Solnicka who recently arrived in
Roseburg from Czechoslovakia.
The occasion also honored the
birrhday of Mrs. Solnick's brother-in-law,
William K. Burt of Rose
burg. Refreshments were served
at the close of the evening and in
cluded a decorated cake from her
sister, Mrs. Florence Burt.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. C. Heinbach, Jr., and son;
Roger Dean and daughter, Mary
Helen: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bart
lett, Mr. and Mrs. Al Morris and
daughter, Berdine, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. K. Burt and children, Judy,
Linda and Terry, Miss Josie Sol
nicka and the honored guests, Mr.
and Mrs. Solnicka.
Mrs. L. E. McClintock entertain
ed her bridge club at a charming
one o'clock luncheon at her attrac
tive home in West Moreland Tues
day afternoon. Lenten roses and
tulips formed the decorations.
Covers were placed for Miss Na
omi Scott, a guest. Mrs. C. B.
Wade, Mrs. Ivan Pickens, Miss
Helen Casey, Mrs. Chester Mor
gan, Mrs. D. B. Bubar, Mrs. Clair
K. Allen and the hostess, Mrs.
High score for the contract
bridge play was won by Mrs. Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Helweg en
tertained at a charming seven o'
clock dinner party at their lovely
home in Laurelwood Friday eve
ning haveing as guests: Mr. and
Mrs. Harold E. Schmeer, Mr. and
Mrs. L. E. McClintock and Mr.
and Mrs. O. M. Berrie. An azalea
plant graced the serving table.
Contract bridge was in play dur
ing the social hours with Mrs.
Schmeer winning high score.
Fidelia Ids . .
Here and There
Beautiful girls, gowns and deco
rations formed a not soon-to-be
forgotten background for the
crowning of the queen of Beta Sig
ma Phi Sweetheart ball last Sat
urday at the country club.
Al McBee, master of ceremonies,
placed the silver and red hearted
crown nn the brunette head of Vi
Welker, candidate from Alpha
Iota chapter, at the stroke of 11.
Wearing a blue chiffon, strapless
evening gown Queen Vi was as
charming as any Valentine queen
as she received an arm bouquet
of red rosebuds.
Maurine Darby wearing a red
satin off-the ahoulder formal:
Irene Tozier in a green one-strapped
formal and Lela Rennie a
white gown, each received a red
rosebud corsage from MC Mc
Bee. The co-chairman, Vi Boucock
and Gerry Ohman, have received
scores of phone calls compliment
ing the sorority on the lavish deco
rations, which have continued in
use this week at the clubhouse
for other social events.
Popular man at the ball was
Verdun Boucock who is moving
about with the aid ot crutches af
ter injuring his foot while playing
An evidence of corsages proved
the Roseburg men have their heart
in the right p'ace.
Mary Ann Barker and her com
mittee worked long and hard on
the decorations but compliments
have a way of repaying hard work.
Episcopal Rites Wed Roseburg Couple
Marriage vows were read by
the Rev. Alford S. Tyson, rector
of St. George's Episcopal church
Saturday, Feb. 4 at 1 p.m. for Miss
Joan Davis, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Orval Davis and Cletus Kro
gel, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. B.
Mr. Davis gave but daughter in
marriage. She wore navy tailleur
wrth navy accessories and a white
blouse and carried 1 white orchid
with satin streamers on a white
prayer book.
The bride was attended by Donna
Flindt as maid of honor. She se
lected a rose dress with aqua neck
scarf and browa accessories and a
white carnation coraage.
Best man for the bridegroom
was Donald G. Krogel.
The bride's mother wore a black
suit with rose accessories and a
corsage of pink rosebuds. The
bridegroom's mother wore a beige
crepe dress with brown accesso
ries and pink carnations.
Following the wedding a recep
tion was held at the home of the
bride's parents. The bride's table
was decorated with the wedding
cake and white chrysanthemums
Assisting during the reception
hours were Mrs. C. V. Montgomery
Lela Rhoades, Dolorea Rhoades,
Dena Walsh and Mary Demens.
For traveling the bride topped
her wedding suit with a white coat
and her wedding corsage. After
an auto tour of Oregon, Washing
ton and California they have re
turned to Roseburg and are making
their home on the Melrose road,
route 3, Box 373.
Both are graduates of Roseburg
high school and the bride is em
ployed at Calkins Finance com
pany. Mr. Krogel Is associated in
the South End Fuel company.
Out-of-town visitors at the wed
ding included Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Sindt of Portland and Elsie Mr
Comas of Estacada.
One of the largest affairs of the
coming week will be the annual
scholarship loan fund tea and guest
day of the Roseburg Woman's club
at one-thirty o'clock at the Metho
dist church parlors. Members nd
guests are invited to enjoy the oc
casion. Mrs. Edwin G. Young, program
chairman, has secured Mrs. Claude
Kesncr of Sutherlin aa the guest
speaker. Mrs. Kesner is well
known here and is a most interest
ing and charming speaker. She
will read excerpts from the play.
"Harriet," which is a dramatiza
tion of the life of Harriet Beechcr
Stowe. The play, "Harriet," stsr
red Helen Hayes in 1943. Special
music is also being arranged.
The tea table will feature Pans
ma. Proceeds of the silver tea will
go to the scholarship loan fund
Mrs. Horace C. Berg and Mrs L.
G. Twohy are co-chairmen of the
tea committee.
One of the season's most delight
ful entertainment activities was
the Valentine dance given for the
patients of the Veterans Hospital
on Monday evening, February 13.
The dance was held in the Recre
ation Building at the hospital and
was sponsored by Veterans of
Foreign Wars Auxiliary. About
fifty women attended to help the
veterans enjoy dancing to the
music of the Melody Mountain
The Valentine motif was used as
the decorating background. Large
hearts were placed on the stage,
dozens of hearts were pinned to the
auditorium curtains, and red and
white paper streamers hung from
the balcony in very decorative de
signs. Refreshments served during In
termissions consisted of gayly dec
orated cakes with red hearts
Members of the V. F. W. Cooties,
attired in their brightly colored
red and white uniforms, served
donuts and coffee throughout the
entire evening of dancing. The
serving table was decorated with
a red and white paper arrange
ment using an airplane for the
Job's Daughters were honored
with a surprise birthday party at
the Oakland Masonic hall, recent
ly, the occasion of the bethel's first
Dixie Willis, honored queen, was
presented with many gifts for the
bethel. Mr. and Mrs. William Crow
ell, presented the bethel, a crystal
punch bowl on behalf of the East
ern Star. A robe cabinet was given
by the Masons. A gift of three
stioe bags was made by Ella
Sparks, guardian of paraphernalia.
Entertainment for the evening
included a 'Salutation of Welcome"
by Evelyn Frotscher; solo, 'Al
ways" by Susan Steams: piano
selection, 'Beautiful Ohio." by Mr.
Austin; several songs by the Rover
boys; two numbers, 'The Anniver
sary Song" and 'Dear Hearts and
Gentle People" by Carol and Dot
A skit was presented by the fol
lowing Eastern Star members:
Mrs. Naomi Riggs. Mrs. Ruth
Bridges. Mrs. Meryl Wahl, Mrs.
Lochie Thompson, Mrs. Msry Bark
er. Mrs. Irma Cornish, Mrs. Jua
mta Holgate, Mrs. Aria McCall and
Mrs. Eleanor Dorman.
A three-tiered birthday cake was
Mrs. Robert Caley entertained
the Helping Hands club of Eden
bower Thursday afternoon with a
short business meeting in charge ot
Mrs. Cecil Harris, president.
The afternoon was spent at gam
es and sewing and plans made for
the next meeting to be held Feb.
1 23 at 1:30 at the home of Mrs.
Rietmann on Calkins road.
Refreshments were served to
Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Hum
phrey, guests; and Mrs. Niday,
Mrs. Jamison, Mrs. Price, Mrs.
Phillips. Miss Buttler, Mrs. Felt.
Mrs. McCall. Mrs. Harris and
daughter, Mrs. Rietman. and
daughter. Mrs. Marvin and daugh
I ter, and Betty Kay Schore.
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Ivan Pickens entertained
the Christmas' club at a charming
seven o'clock supper party at her
attractive home on Fowler street
Monday evening. White tapers
lighted the prettily appointed ta
ble. Covers were placed for Mrs.
Arthur Sauter of Bismarck, N.D.,
Mrs. Paul Helweg, Mrs. R. D. Coen
and Mrs. Maurice L. Hallmark,
guests, and Mrs. C. B. Wade, Mrs.
Kenneth Quine. Mrs. D. B. Bubar,
Mrs. O. M. Berrie. Mrs. R. D.
Bridges and the hostess, Mrs. Pick
ens. Visiting end sewing were enjoyed
during the socisl hours.
President Of Gold
Mrs. Olive Clarke
Gold Star Mothers Inc. officers
for the coming year were installed
at a public ceremony held Friday
evening. Feb. 3 at the armory.
The state department president,
Magdalene Butler of North Bend
was installing officer and Elma
Johnson of Empire, installing ser
geant at arms, and Martha Wells,
installing chaplain.
Olive Clarke will be president;
Viola Cheek installed pro-tern for
Ethel Ashcraft as vice-president;
Joy Miller, second vice-president:
Alice Harrison, protem for Everal
Johnson as chaplain; Iva Van Nov,
treasurer; Mary Lou Newhouse,
sergeant at arms: Myrtle Walker,
historian; Minnie Noyer and Alice
Harrison, color bearers.
The Roseburg chapter presented
Martha Wells, who acted as install
ing chaplain, with a past presi
dent's pin. Mrs. Wells thsnked all
the officers, state, local and na
tional for their assistance during
her term of office. Special thanks
were extended to those who made
it possible for the local organiza
tion to receive their colors.
Introduced were W. M. Mills,
commander of I'mpqua post 11,
American Legion; Letha Garev,
volunteer American Legion auxil
iary worker; T. F. Homes, district
commander of Patrick W. Kelly
post 2fi. Kenneth H. Miller.
V.F.W. commander of post 2468;
k fix
1 1
Plctura bjr TradrlrkMa't Photo La
Cletus Kroeol .
Twenty one members attended
Rebekah lodge Tuesday Right and
honored Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Haines snd Mr. and Mrs. Gait
Madison, newly weds, with a mis
cellaneous shower and potluck din
ner. ,
Mr. and Mrs. L W. Pittem and
children entertained at a six O'
clock dinner Monday, Feb. 13 hon
oring Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wittroe.
and children, Margie. Carol and
Kenny. The event celebrated th
birthday of Mrs. Wittrock.
Star Mothers
Pletura By HUMr-Hodomo
Martha Wells, president of V.F.W.
auxiliary 2468.
Mrs. Wells introduced the visit,
ing color guards from the V.F.W.
suxiliary. They were Mrs. Wm. A.
Hsrt. Mrs. John H. Sharp. Mrs.
T. F. Homes and Mrs. Florence
Boy Scout troop lesder. With
McCauley, gave a brief talk. Pres
ent from his troop in full uniform
to honor the Gold Star Mother
were Marvin Sconce, Richard Bick
nell. Arnold Stewart, Keith Wal
lace. John McCauley, Leonard
Mrs. Walter Fredrickson, repre
senting the Rebekah lodge, plaved
the piano and Conrad Quist, I.O.
O.F. representative, was also ia
Fuller Johnson gave a brief talk
on the need for volunteer workers
at the Veterans hospital and urg
ed the members to get acquainted
with the activities of the hospital.
Special music wss enjoved
throughout the program and the
floor work in charge of. Elma Joha
son, was presented in a compli
mentary manner, the ladies wear
ing formal gowns. -
The closing ceremony featured
the forming of a star and Mr.
Nelson sang 'The Lord s Prayer."
Benediction was given by Mrs.
Wayne McCaulley. Visiting V.F.W.
colors were, tarried by Mrs. Cecil
L. Hayes.