Glendale Wins South League Title Drain, Glide Meet In North Tonight Pirates Score 70 To 44 Win in Final Play Riddle Team Edges Out Stubborn Canyonville 39-36 For Consolation The south half county B league basketball championship wis de cided in a breeze last night aa Glendale's towering squad ran over, through and around hapless Days Creek to the tune ol 70-44 The final games, played on Rid dle's floor, were anti-claimax to the close Thursday night games Riddle playea some of its worst basketball of the season, barely eking out a 39-36 win over stub born Canyonville and the Glen-dale-Days Creek affair was strict ly "no contest" in the last half Glendale's win automatically acts the Pirates up for a crack at the winner of tonight's Drain-Glide con test and the right to claim the Douglas county B league crown Days Creek will meet the loser of the north half game for the county consolation award. The county , playoffs are scheduled for Feb. 24 at Yoncalla's new gymnasium. Height, fast passes and a tight zone defense told the story of the championship game, with Glen dale's big front line controlling re bounds and making nigh unto im possible Days Creek's attempts to penetrate through to scoring terri tory. Big John Harbour again came . through as top point maker for the red-clad Glendale Pirates. His 22 point total set him up as high man for the entire evening, followed by teammates Earl Allen and Bill Chandler with 18 and 17 points each. Allen, Glendale's beanpole center, shined aa the best big man on the floor, operating smoothly from beside the key and under both backboards. Gaulke, forward for the Days Creek Wolves, carried most of the scoring burden by racking up 1J points, all but five in the last half. Friday night's opener betw3e'.i Riddle and Canyonville provided few thrills until the closing min utes. Opening cautiously at the be ginning of both halves, the two teams missed both long and set shots with amazing persistence Wyatt Hendricks, Riddle's big guard, broke the ice two minutes after the game started by casting off from the foul line. The Irish lead increased to 10-4 at the end of the first quarter but Canyonvihe narrowed it to 17-16 at the half. Canyonville'i Tigers went out in front momentarily early in the third quarter when Armstrong stole the ball and dribbled in for a lay in. However, nearly four minutes were scoreless up to that time Davis, substitute forward for the Irish, cut this short by tossing in two quick ones to givt Riddle a one-point lead at the end of the third period. From there on, the lead lengthened to 11 points before the final three-point margin. Topping first game scorers was Hendricks, with 14. Covey, Can yonville center, garnered ten points for the Tigers. Lineups: Glendale (70) Harbour 22 Chandler 17 Allen 18 Mouchett 8 (44) Days Creek . F 19 Gaulke . F 7 Moore . C 1 R. Smith G 5 Duncan . 1 Giles Cooper Reserves: For Glendale Austin 5, Miller, Van Valkenburg, Worley, Lasson, Miller; for Days Creek J. N. BOOR PITTIT SMALL BOAT PAINTS Including Racing Bottom Finishes 924 Gdn. Valley Rd. Ph. 530-J-1 Johnson 8ea Horse Dearer LEARN FREE! G. I. Flight Training Is Available To Any Veteran Who Hot Over 90 Days of Service Previous to July 1, 1948. Training it given only in new modern fast airplanes. Enroll now before your eligibility eipiret. ALSO Round trip charter trips ta all paintt Save Time and Money Try our U-Fly Service and Sove up ta Vi on your trip We Invite your Inquiries en all your flight problem. Freight up ta 1200 lbs. taken for Immediate ahlpmant anywhere. GREEN FLYING SERVICE Cessna DeoMrt Inquire at airport any time for mere detail Information. Roeeburg Airport . Phone 122 5-J Roseburg, Ore. Sat., Feb. II, 1950 The Newt-Review, Roteburg, Or. 3 i o moxm o i Wrestlers And Black Bear To Vie In Big Battle Royal This will be (opt among exhibitionists and in showmanship four leading professional wrestlers and Canadian black beer competing in e "battle royal" for $200 purse or the equiva lent in berries and fresh salmon. The mat show, scheduled at the Roteburg Armory arena Set. urdey night, is certain to attract capacity crowd, and maybe a record-breaking attendance. It's never been attempted before. Gut, the 440-pound wrestling beer, will vie in the free-for-all against such talented metmen es Al Sxati, coast junior heavy weight champion; Peave Katonen, Finnish veteran; Tony Ross, the fistic-minded Ohio villian, and Ted Bell, the sensational New Jer sey stylist. There will be two metches to follow, the second and third competitors in one one-fall bout, and then the two finalists men or bear. A one-fell opener, starting at 8:30 p. m., will match Andy Truman, of the Border Patrol, against Billy Fox, talented matman and owner end treinor of Gus. Elton Owen will referee the entire program. M. Smith 9, Blomgren. Halftime Glendale 37, Days Creek 21. Officials Ray Brown and Joe Toman, both Roseburg. Riddle (It) (3e) Canyonville Buckley 9 F 9 Armstrong Mann 2 F 7 Shippen Zifka 2 C 10 Covey Hendricks 14 .... G ....... Burwell Haverly 2 G Cloud Reserves: For Riddle Davis 8, Bushnell 2, Vaughn, Rigsby, Strode; for Canyonville Hoffee 3, Shuey 1, Simmons, Wheeler. Halftime Riddle 17, Canyon ville 16. Officials Brown and Toman. Myrtl e Creek Jayv ees Yictors Myrtle Creek jayvees posted a 24-12 win over Sutherlin jayvees in a preliminary to the varsity tilt last night at senior high school. Scoring was fairly evenly dis tributed, with the exception of Myrtle Creek's guard "Sarg" Sar gent, wno racked up 10 points. Coach Orrin Hill threw in eight re serve players and Frosty Loghry matched him man for man. The Viking jayvees were ahead 12-7 at the half. Lineups: Sutherlin JV 11 24 Myrtle Creek JV Danchock 5 F 2 Chaney Babb 1 F 1 Scarbrough Smith .. C 1 Smith Churchman G 4 Komp Fennel 2 G 10 Sargent Reserves: tor sutnerli n Thompson 4, Moe, Nichols, Barnes, bnyard, Howard, Hethcock, Lesen ger: for Myrtle Creek Bangs 1, Phillips, Rice, Hadley 1, Jones, Bo zarth 1, Rutter 1. Cavaner. Halftime Myrtle Creek 12, Sutherlin 7. Officials Gibson and Eddy. Kahut Loses Decision To California's Payne PORTLAND, Feb. UP) Jol tin' Joe Kahut, the fighting farmer from Woodburn, lost the jar in his jolts last night as he dropped a split decision to Rusty Payne, San Diego, Calif., in the 10-round main event of a fight card. One judge saw it as a draw. The second judge and t'.ie referee gave the nod to Payne. There were no knockdowns Kahut, at 189, had an eight pound weight advantage. Preliminary results included: Chuck Lyons, 159. Portland, scored a third round TKO over Dave Ball 1S7, Bakersfield, Calif.; Joey Orte ga, 132, Portland, outpinted Buddy Gilman, 130, Seattle (6), and Jose Ochea, 191, Boise, Idaho, Kayoed Tommy de Mers, 183, Sandpoiiit, icuno, in tne second. , TO FLY! Roseburg To Yie With Springfield In Mat Contests Roseburg hosts Springfield in an afternoon of wrestling and an even ing of boxing Moiay, to repay a recent Roseburg sojourn to Spring lield's gymnasium, where the Rose burg boxers won 45-3S and the Roseburg wrestlers lost 34-14. Cece Sherwood's grapplers hit the mats against their opponents promptly at 3:30 p.m. Monday, at senior high school, while the boxers clash at junior high school, start ing 7:30 the same evening. Springfield is expected to pro vide plenty of mat power, and Rose' burg will especially feet the loss of Dennis Hayden, who recently broke his arm while wrestling at Grants Pass. Hayden was defeat ed by a 9-4 decision at Springfield. Dut the maneuverable matman has shown considerable improvement more recently, and was looked on by Sherwood as a mainstay on the team. In the evening, Roseburg punch ers, under the watchful eye of Coach Ray Brown, are given a edge over the visiting boxers and the program should be fraught with action and dazzling ring perform ances. Roseburg more ' recently beat Reedsport in a fistic display at the coast city club, downing their opponents 23-8. All but two Roseburg men won their matches, in the six-fight team program. Roseburg's Archie My ers, 143, dropped his match to Don Reaves, 147 and Claren Hooper, 154, drew with Reedsport't Chet Perry, ISO. A single exhibition tile, featuring Allen Winters, 192, of Roseburg, and Frank Jackson. 192, Siuslaw, produced the only KO of the even ing. Jackson did it in 30 seconds of the first round with a right to the jaw. Other fights produced the follow ing Roseburg victories, by deci sion: , Mike Keeney, 108, over Roy Madaras, 104; Bob Helton, 111, over Don Dodge, 110; Virgil Beamer. 119, over John Smith, 125; Loren Johnson, 146, over Gene Weise. 147. Red Green is listed to referee the boxing matches Monday; Joe Toman will referee the wrestlers Ralph Voeller will be one of the Judges at the fights. ' FIGHTS LAST NIGHT (Br The Associated Press) NEW YORK Ike Williams. 141. Trenton. N. J. knocked out Sonnv feoy West, 138, Washington, D. C, a non-utiej. WEST PALM BEACH. Fla.-Ed-die Compo, 129, New Haven, out pointed Pete Noka, 12914, De troit, 10. HOLLYWOOD, Calif. Freddie Herman, 14m, Los Angeles, stopped Baby Ray Jones, 142V, Philadelphia, 9. PORTLAND, Ore. Rusty Payne, 181, San Diego, outpointed Joe Kahut, 1S9, Woodburn, Ore., 10. SAN DIEGO, Calif. Chick Musgrove, 16m, San Diego, out pointed Bert Mendoza, 167, San Bernardino, 10. Hockey Results Portland 4, Vancouver 2. SIDING SHINGLES All Types Estimates Furnished Budget Time Payments DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 40?, W. Ook Phone 128 Glide Defeats Yoncalla For Playoff Chance The Glide basketball five fought their way into the north half Doug las county B league finals at Drain last night by handing Yoncalla a 48-39 loss. Drain, which drew a bye in second round action, will meet Glide tonight for' the north half crown and the role as opponent for Glendale, south half champ. In the preliminary game, Oak land ran past Elkton, 48-25, for the right to meet Yoncalla for the con solation award. Yoncalla bested the Oakland crew, 30-25, in the opening round of play Thursday. In one of the roughest contest played in the north this season, height counted most for Glide as Yoncallaa big men were waved to the bench on personal fouls. In all, 43 personals were called, Yoncalla being charged with 23 personals and Glide with 20. Three players from each squad were banished. Glide looked good in its first tourney appearance, with the team ball-handling singled out for hon ors, as well as the smooth-working guards who shined on fast breaks. Eaton and Helms, who scored 11 and 12 points, respectively, were sparkplugs of the winning Glide crew. High man for Glide was the forward, Harvey, with 14 points. Rust, Yoncalla tenter, dropped 15 through the hoop for team honors. The first game featured a last half scoring spree between two Oakland bovs, with Hill, forward, and Rice, rangy center, dropping in 22 and 20 points, accounting for all but six of their team'a winning total. Cheever scored 7 for Elkton. The Elkton cause was hampered by personal fouls, with three first stringers lost via the foul route. . Tonight's final round will see Drain and Glide gain top billing for the championship and Yoncalla and Oakland tangling in the opening game for consolation award. Contrary to practice in the south half of the county, entry into the final county championship games need not include both Drain and Glide, ranked first and second after tonight's play. The third place squad, decided tonight in the Yon-calla-Oakland game, may chal lenge the loser of the Drain-Glide contest to decide which will meet ways (,reex. runner-up in the south. Glide (48) (Ml Yoncalla Beudry Harvey, 14 . Helms, 11 .. Eaton, 12 .... Finnie, 9 ..... - F F Wise F B. Meti ... C 15, Rust ... G 8, E. Wise .... G .... 6, Loyd Reserves: ror untie snrum 2, Dave Wells, Esterbrok, Don Wells. Muinn; for Yoncalla Gordon 1, i-ssweu i, un, vesi, MUgnes. Oakland (41) 1 (25) Elkton Hi", 22 F 7, Cheever orownson, a .... r 5, Beckley Rice, 20 . C 3, J. Hershb'ger Roberson, 1 .. G . . . 4. Henderer Seeley,2 G 3 C. Hershb'ger neserves: ror uaKland Bagby, Eittrium, Huuki, Gildersleeve; for Elkton Binder, Otto, Scott 3, Hi ley, Cook. Officials Earl Todd and Milt Harris, both of Roseburg. College Basketball (Bjr The Associated Pressl Lewis & Clark 59, Linfield 56. College of Idaho 66. Whitman 51. Oregon Tech 55, Oregon Educa tion 46. Montata State University 75, Gonzaga 68. Washington Frosh 55, Washing ton State Frosh 35. Oregon Frosh 57, Portland Uni versity Frosh 46. Utah 56, Brigham Young 42. Denver 45, Wyoming 33. Utah State 49, Colorado A & M 36. Beloit 75. St. Mary's (Calif) 65 Santa Clara 76, St. Francis (Bkn) 64. Midwest Kansas 59, Missouri 52. Michigan State 68, Wayne (Mich) 44. Kansas State 80, Iowa State 58. Southwest Arkansas 52, Texas Christian 42 South Louisiana State 68, Miss State 58 South Carolina 49, Wake Forest 43. North Carolina 58. Duke 55. Richmond 81, Davidson 60. The Citadel 54. North Georgia 43. East Holy Cross 70, Rhode Island State 62. (overtime). Fordham 70, St. Johns (Bkn) 64. (overtime.). SIONEO BY INDIANS CLEVELAND, Feb. 18 -iff) Pitcher Mike Garcia, who won 14 and lost five last season, today was added to the number of Cleveland Indians who have signed for the 1950 season. Braves Beat Indians For League Tieup Reedsport Wins 52-43 To Give Roseburtj Its First League Defeat The Roseburg Indians lost their first league game this season last night on Reedsport's new 275,000 gym floor by a 52-43 score, after battling to within two points of tieing up the game shortly after the fourth quarter got under way. Reedsport will share the Doug las division championship, with Roseburg and a trophy will be presented to each team, but the Indiana won the toss that decided the seeding in tournament play, which starts here Tuesday, Feb 21. Roseburg will draw a bye the opening night. Myrtle Creek plays Siuslaw starting 7:30 and Suther lin and Reedsport battle it out starting at 8:30. The Braves took a quirk lead, held it 11-9 at the quarter mark. Jack Pinion, Brave guard, kept the winners in the ballgame with a game total of 22 points." The speedy three-sport star athlete was the keystone in the Reedsport of fense. Behind 31-26 at the three-quarter mark, the Indians suddenly started hitting, closed the gap to a 32-30 Reedsport lead inside two minutes But Roseburg's ace center and backboard man Frank Olson drop ped out on fouls. The Indians lot control ol the boards ana tne Dau time went back to Reedsport. Roy Van Horn did a superb Job defensively. He wasn't bad offen sively either, coacn Jack NewDy related. Van Horn checked the us ually high-scoring Don Leggett right out of the ballgame, in the meantime, racked up 10 points Kee Briggs and Van Horn did good work with Olson under the baskets while Ronnie Strickling was high man on the Indian club with 13 points. Larry Freeman, who is home sick with acute tonsilitis, was miss ed from the lineup. He was taken ill Tuesday, and isn t out of bed yet, Coach Newby said. Newby re Dorts Freeman is getting better. however, and hopes he's back in school in time tor tournament ac lion. Reedsport re i r i r S 1 2 11 Jackson, ( Leggett, f . Froman, e Pinion, g -Perry, g ... Dodd, a .... Rose, ,. 10 5 2 19 14 24 52 Rosoburg FG FT PF TP R. Van Horn, f .. Briggs, f Olson, e , i Strickling, g Garey, g Blanck, a Coen, a B. Van Horn, a Mathews, a Sconce, a 14 15 23 43 Halftime Roseburg 17, Reeds port 26. Officials Kielblock and Shaw, both from Coos Bay. Oregon High School Basketball Scores By The Assorleted Preesl Ashland 48, Medford 43. Marshfield 65, Coquille 46. North Bend 35, Myrtle Point 30. Grants Pass 73, Illinois Valley 30. Seaside 43, Astoria 33. La Grande 61, Hood River 50. Lebanon 45, Toledo 30. Oregon City 66, West Linn 51. Redmond 39, Bums 34. McMinnville 45, Forest Grove 44 Corvallis 44, Sweet Home 37. Baker 45, Pendleton 40. Gresham 37, Milwaukie 34. (Two overtimes). Salem 73, Springfield 38 Elmira 44, Cottage Grove 40. Milton-Freewater 54, The Dalles. Willamette 34, St. Mary'a 31. (Both Eugene). Bend 59, Albany 20. Portland Schools Central Catholic 55, Columbia Prep 29. Roosevelt 65, Grant 53. Jefferson 50, Cleveland 46. Franklin 40, Washington 34. Lincoln 37, Benson 28. Champion Ike Williams Breezes Past Sonny Boy NEW YORK. Feb. 18 OP) T.iffhtweiffht fhsmn fit Williams breezed to an eight round knock-I out last night at Madison Square Garden over a 20-year-old Wash ington "sub" named Sonny Boy West. Williams tent West sprawling In 43 seconds of the eighth for his 10 straight win. No title was at stake. Ike weighed 141 and West 138. Sonny Boy subbed for the ail ing Bernard Docusen, ill with the flu. HARVARD NAMES COACH CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Feb IS P Edward E. ("Hooks") Mylin, who recently quit as New Yrok university coach, will be the next football coach at Harvard, The Crimson, undergraduate daily, said today. INCOME TAX i SERVICE i I Ftdtral State I Lj. W. William J Room 207, Douglas Ce. ank Mldg. Afttrnoone Only Phone 7J J Sutherlin Bulldogs Win Over Myrtle Creek 40-24 To Gain Number 3 Spot The Sutherlin Bulldogs assured themselves of number three spot in the Douglas division league and a similar spot in the sub-district tournament, to be played here starting Tuesday, Feb. 21, by de feating Myrtle Creek 40-24 last night at the Roseburg high school gym- . Myrtle Creek, Roseburg Teams Place In Money Seventeen bowlers from Rose burg and two from Myrtle Creek, plus two Roseburg teama and one Myrtle Creek team placed "in the money," at the Oregon State bowl ing Association ninth annual cham pionship tournament which ended Jan. 28, at Portland. Arlo Jacklin was the only Rose burg man to finish with a "first.'' He did it in the Class B tingles, with scorers of 189, 223 and 236 for a series total of 648. For this he received the state champion ship torphy. Jacklin also finished second in the Class B. all-events, with scorers of 545, 551 and 648, for a total of 1744. Jacklin had the added distinction of beating out the class A singles champion by an eight-pin margin Class A bowlers are considered the best in the business. The only other person to place in the top three positions was Carl Beach, who copped third place in the Class C all-events, with scores of 503, 540 and 586, for a total of 1629. How they finished and scores fol low: Class B five man Olympia Sup ply, 7th, 2628; Umpqua Valley Hardware, 16th, 2589. Class C five Man Jones In surance Agency, Myrtle Creek 15th, 2418. Class A doubles Verdun Bou cock, 551, and Homer Aultman. 578, 19th. 1129. Class B doubles Ernie Finger los, 541, and Gus Spakousky, 530, 33rd, 1071. Class C doubles Herbert Hainz, 542, and Arthur Myers, 516. 14th, 1058; Dick Meek, 503, and Harold Taylor, 530, 24th, 1033. Class A singles Bill Teaney 46th, 587; Earl Sargent, 53rd 579; Homer Aultman, 54th, 579. Class B singles Arlo Jacklin, 1st, 648: Roy Hanford, 8th, 605; Root, 59th, 559. Class singles Carl Beach, 3th 586: Glen Wellman, 13th, 567; Ar thur Myers. 39th. 541: Lem Bitner. Myrtle Creek, 49th 537; KoDert Jones. Myrtle Creek, 51st, 534 Class A all-events - Homer Aultman, 17th, 1705. Class B all-events Arlo Jack' lin. 2nd. 1744. Class C all-events Carl Beach, 3rd, 1629; Arthur Myers, 20th la 66. Roseburg Papoose Teams Wind Up Against Ashland Roseburg Papooses end their home game aeries tonight at jun ior high school with a three-gar. e series against Asniana teventn, eighth and ninth graders. Al Hoffman's seventh grade hoop ers start the evening with a game at (. Eddy Wyatt't eighth graders take it from there and Hod Turn er't ninth grade Papooses wind up the evening starting at I o clock. AMATEUR TROPHY NEW YORK. Feb. 18 Richard T. (Dick) Button. 19-year- od figure skating champion Irom Englewood. N.J., tomorrow will re ceive the James E. Sullivan me morial trophy for being voted the nation t outstanding amateur atn lete for 1949. The presentation will be made by Albert F. Whetle, pres ident ot the National Amateur Atn letic union, at the New York Ath letic club. TV CAMERAS DO TRICKS NEW YORK-lW The television camera, heart of which is an elec tron tube, is beginning to develope tricks that out-trick the movie cam eras. For instance, it can take one- half an image while a companion camera supplies the other half, thus putting two Imagea on the screen at (lie same time. Also it can make it look like a person can walk through a solid wnll, and accomplish numerous other seeming impossibilities. MULES BURN TO DEATH ATLANTA, Feb. 18 lpy Be tween 350 and 400 mules were burn ed to death early today in a fire that gutted ttie building occupied by the National Stockyards Com mission company. 1 HAVE YOUR I j Ji CHECKED and save a life . . . . . . maybe yours! HANSEN MOTOR CO. Oak A Staphona Phono 440 i ! I I LJ I I aasium. The Vikings took a one-point lead a free throw by forward Gary Bur nett, out mat eoaea uieir scor ing in the first quarter. The Bull dogs were up 8-1 when the first period ended, Tom Rice, Viking center, and Merle Buck, Bulldog forward, both seniors, fought it out for high scoring honors, wound up even, with 11 each. The Vikings connected eight out of 21 timet at the free throw line, while Sutherlin made four out of 10. Rice came to life in the second quarter, dropped in two gift shots ana a iieia goal, wnicn accounted for nearly half of Myrtle Creek's points that period, but Sutherlin topped the Vikings, to lead 18-10 at the halftime. The steamed-up Bulldogs tourted ahead after the half and clinched their victory bid by upping their third period total to 28, while hold ing the Vikings to three points. The fourth was more of the aame, with Sutherlin dishing it up and Myrtle Creek lagging behind. The box: Sutherlin FG FT PF TP Buck, f Willis. ( Krouth, e West, g .. Holgale. I Wilcox, a Erickson, a U rimes, a binaen, a Wahl, a Burnett, f Wilder. f Rice, c Gillespie, J Williams, g McDaniel, t ... Thorp, a ... bcarorougn, a Smith, a Komp, t Halftime Sutherlin Creek 10. Officials L'le Eddy, Hoot Gibson, Sutherlin. S 1 S 11 10 12 4 2 1 10 i o a 2 10 12 10 12 2 0 14 0 0 2 0 0 0 10 3 13 7 IS 4 18 40 Mryrle Crook KG FT PF TP 0 111 0 0 0 2 4 1 2 11 111S 0 0 0 0 0 I S S 10 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 2 S 1 "t 24 IS Myrtle , Roteburg; Oregon Blamed For Its Shortage Of Teachers PORTLAND, Feb. 18. --Oregon has only itself to blame for the shortage of teachera in grade schools, the national president of the At L Teachers union ma nere. John Eklund. Denver, comment ed that the "dual system of teacher Chinese Red Leaders On Way Back Home MOSCOW, Feb. 18- Chinese Communist leader Mao Tze-tung and Premier-Foreign Minister Chou En-lai were headed back to their homeland today after a two-month visit in the Soviet capital. Behind them was the lignature of the 30-year Soviet-Chinese treaty of friendship which was declared in Moscow to have allied the "two greatest countries in the world " Before departing from Motcow'i Yiroslav railway itation last night. Mao said over a microphone: "it is plain to all that the solidarity between the great Chinese and So viet peoples, sealed by the treaty. Is permanent, indestructible and firm." RANCHER KILLED KLAMATH FALLS. Feb. !- Jerry Cornelius Murphy, 60, pro minent Klamatn county rancher. was killed yesterday in a pickup truck that overturned on the old Merrill highway. Hit ton, Daneil, 15, who wat driving, was not in jured. MAKING THE BEST OF TMt sm W awr voem Ofo, m4 soon eete .!' o M The com probleei that Iter Ms eloolk his wWow lf M ho oblo.4 10 set eto kwkiM at o VMS. Sim IMo of Coo... twibms hear- enterprise wW be pvrckmd troo Ms widow by senior oetployeee ot o fleure set eurlnf Ms MeMM. PLANNED LIFE INSURANCE BRINGS PEACI OP MIND Without obligation, let ma tell you how the facilities of the SUN UFI ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA can best meet your articular needs In way that will fH your peckerbeolt. DON FORBES Representative SUN LIFE OF CANADA e DOUGLAS COUNTY STATE IANK hone 1737 Roe.1 ttS-n Cougars Win; Idaho Vandals Beat Oregon The A moc 1 ted Preesl The largest crowd of the season 12,000 partisan fans aaw the Wash ington State college Cougars In crease their Northern Division Pa cific Coast conference basketball lead to game and a half last night. The Cougart went in front early at 5-4, stretched their margin al high at 14 points a few timet, tag ged at the three-quarter mark, then rallied to score a 54-4 victory over the University of Washington Huskies in Seattle. Idle Oregon State college moved into second place ahead of the once dominant Huskies who must come back against the Cougart to night or kilt their title hopes good bye. In the division'i other contest, the pesky University of Idaho Van dals shoved the University of Ore gon Ducks into the cellar with 53-47 decision on the Ducks' own floor at Eugene. At Eugene, Idaho led most ot the contest, but got a late-eecond-half tea re before the two-minute rule assisted in putting a wingclip on the Ducks. The merry Vandali had rolled to a 27-18 half-time lead. Then the Webfoota ranged in on the target and managed to tie it up at 40-all with nine minutes left. Bob Pritchett, Idaho forward who led the Vandali with IS points, southpawed one from outside the key to start Idaho toward a 48-43 lead going into the last SVi min utes. Oregon's guard Jack Keller bag ged three points to narrow it ta 48-46, then milted a free throw in the last two minutes and Ore gon lost the ball. Idaho kept pos session and flipped in five straight foul ahots. Oregon's Will Urban topped the scorers with 18 counters. The same teams play out their series tonight at Seattle and Eu gene. LOS ANGELES, Feb. IS M" California meets UCLA and USC entertains Stanford tonight in a pair ot basketball soirees which portend further disaster for the Bay area quintets if there'! any resemblance to what went on here last night. The Bruins, now leading the Pa cific Coast conference Southern Di vision race with a ( and 1 record, registered their 25th straight vic tory on the home floor last night by dumping Stanford, 69 to 59. At the Pan-Pacific auditorium, meanwhile, USC'a Trojans aveng ed themselves of a humiliating up set last week by smothering Cali fornia, 61 to 34. training" is a "relic ot the dark ages." You are restricting yourselves and penalizing your children by not being able to draw teachera from the best qualitfied graduates from all institution! of higher education," he uid. In the Oregon system, gride school teachers are trained at three colleges of education; high school teachers at Oregon State college and the University of Oregon. Lklund said all teachers should get at least four yean of broad academic training, plui some spe cialized courses in teaching. The dual system makes a ttudent choose between elementary and high school teaching before he knows which he preferi or it belt fitted for, Eklund added. SERVICE PROMPT, EFFICIENT Men's, Women's Children's ... Alterations Remodeling Open Daily 9-5 Mr. Lortne Ashman Valley Tailors 12t N. Jaekton (Over Rexall Drug) Wwififf 4av.;4